FSDFS ' i'i ! oa-'vrn jrj (>x ‘"i' ■ ; ! .. :■■■'>: I* n m tnf.' i .he v.u-;..irrium ic , «/j’Tj txt ! *’ TPg {l*►> TiCi-h 1 •‘•I *»‘C* d ih< budget ,1, / *' l,* | w \ p { ,)■! ■ . oxford i , n, Pr*. 9 . J L>. Broad , * Vf'i "p- ■) o VAy. r>!.nn: Miss Euico " ■’ f”' >id«boro. ■ i Wiloughby, "Wilson; ■ .Fort. Wilson, Mrs. Stauntonsburg; r. Snow Kill, Mrs, ' ■ - i/4,rji: Miss Deteefl or.. Mifis SalMe C. ‘ lames Grant.. • Elizabeth Rich v• tv .Mans Florenee . ■.■ if ' :r Mr. Mows 4' y <• MuyavjHe; Mrs. Mar- . re Plymouth; Mrs. fctvqe City', Mr. Ja*. I. * Mrs. Pattie , E* >'• i‘d; Mrs. Joan Lewis, O-- < 's. M-irune 1.. Reave, • Asa ■ - rnusia Mar Dixon, . '■.Or Nettie Smith. Greer! Fiev Oeorue Williams. " . i. .. .. y&, Jcrtxi Hall, Scot i ti. v. i.) * > { rfu.vr?.i'o ■ or.* u " o*l h j?pv i di'll-flf l i’-'P j j . POISON I if’'. Vs rl count V jjr’i 11. It'S - '■/(!;'t l;f vi jO 000 to her stetement. she was Cives- 1 tinned, at length, bv Officer Bow ers. She said that she stuck to her story that Mrs Scott did not' perform any operation on her. but that Officer Bower's insisted on ] putfteT words into her' mouth. She i further stated that Bowers save 1 tier a cigar tte and threatened to j hold he r as a mate’la] witness and 1 even said that, lie would bring i charges aga«:si her for withhold- < ins; valuable information. She fi nally so id that the officer wrote I somethin;' on a piece of paper and ; told her to ■sign it, but she refws- ’ ed i She told the reporter that she ; told the Investigating officers that < Mrs. Scott was, not responsible for, < her .mishap, /the stated t.hai she i had a fi«nt wi te her uncle and 1 that he ni* her m the stomach, i Iff ¥ IT* ¥ f f*s ]T| A r*': If 3 |\ 9 | i -a ,i"4 £& Wfi’s UVI iU\/L 1 % ’\J _• .y*-: IIIM 3w - - ,J# i ***■ - * |« *, _ 8 fuj iya n. V)<* MART At ito nr, v nn,i?y hill - Sur.dr- - r- mu «. , { .. .. , r ..1 - ;5 1 t,., j’Vi'i '! '.l «j n »i JV , f: »• vr \l i\! t » iv 1 Kv chi'if'-c of ; c .ro usi ! : ■ ?•: •••-' i * U] • .; V !• T "5 C Tr .. {,•.■• *,i ( r-’ i ... , 1 ... m§ y ' "its.' popular member of the s. ■.■••r r;.ue. and active in .forruuunily expects to enter Howard Ussj versftv after si;e roniplete- ;>rc scrilud y.ni-U a* I'errv. i TEACHER 9frs. Cbloc- Ellis Holt, a graduate of Shaw Uni versity and a teacher ii; tip sixth grade. B division. High School. Mrs. Holt is a stalwart in her profession and a leader in community affairs She is married to (he Rev. D. \V. Holt who is also » graduate of Shaw University. Due to the blow given her, by her uncle, she had to be carried to St. Agnes Hospital.- She .said that part of the incident happened while she was in the ambulant* and the other, was' performed by doctors at, the local hospital. Mrs. Douglas has two children. Her husband lost his life overseas some years ago. She says that she will not sign any statement end that- she would seek the advice of a lawyer before talking to the officers again. While the reporter was talking with her, the word came that she was wanted at heatiqu&rterb for further question- IBfi. i J** Jd -d ("V 5 IVCY • J* \ r /' I 1 Cit'd V* F‘ itler iit« leatla i r.v:J;> vA ' • %tki* c nureti, tiiss u k " RlDiilCr’K hOSBft 12* ' time thf- grimy pr ■'■ ; ' Fletcher.. Be.v. VV J > yr-. Mm. Victoria patfd, wa> he id. K. 4 . pressed the VinVr, Smith, known shown, yud is Smith’s. mother; Mr. a;>V Speari Lu/.d Iri I v .i eC or y 11 1 c&+ SDSAƑ ’fl • '■% ,$ | * \; r iPytyAYfi* : «* j ' ->, *-*'.*&l a •*> ' -uer’sDay , \1 ’ vs; ' '-- *" ~ -i " < sn \ v i| | ' "'TON *. y 0;-’ ‘ i- t »■ Hpigp ||P tl§lft!il§ vK;ff;; •X’i* - J ■ i || §!•- • . ?■? • ' vy * * v ,'*«.*{ if- v ‘ . &?*$&&& >'A^T>s■ ;&s?%<& - , . .;•• r , v .>a„. i ’.a . «. «t\. r. ,■*'*.* ■«*- W»-WMIHi A> /.if* ~ , /; ■ ■...;'; » '-J'-l m/W l I ■•; .. 1 / ’ - ’ ■Tr.ir rirr-m ■ nfinmrniirtT"—Timir rrrrr-itirmrfimrrnmniiiiiiiniMHiiiiM—i HD MEN... v.'e can i'il you and ; ■ v ase you in ... ;.l ITS - TOPCOATS :l HATS ri ~j»*Mw«rTir ■nann.ninmnmarnrrrnmmi jj THING CO. | ?: 5 £.. MARTIN ST. ,ujikv>»'. mt. - tri-n-i-ii"n>r.»Ti»iTTimr>mii~ir»innT«»»rir>»wifPiimimiiiiMiTiirr i m i ir>i/.-iic»l recite! given by Fin'! St. Cbmlian Church un do.,■ in.! or'ft ion of Ernest Mas ■■ ■ d ■ highly successful ; nod .njoyeil hy all ! ‘v, Dnrmnn F Avery. Gates v:!l -, ;!■.■( a graduate >f Shaw l : V 'U'Pvs Ir ) ir>i , I■ St.ir »-nnon Sunday night to the ■ ■ Everyone's glad to vs !■'•• a P. PsdiM v. <>Ji and on ( !hi: jo’!, irr • pJte of a broken arm. '‘'a flier - Son Weekend At "G ¥ .O* #*n 11 •. College H* \T - Th.e program for f rimJino. Co!!, i>o's third 1 "i.i'iWeekend was . i,: 1 d< - !:■ ; mgbl by ■ " - «dl. pr- siti-nt of the 1 t ’> v H’onsorma group " ' The f. Si, v ad i} r * '»■* " ■ \ »;:*! »?v: *♦•* <•*« o: Sunday r.fU»rnoon ; : M P'b-" :>■■!. in Duke Au abtvfi#'- r - t/n * 'if v- - ■' • ... •> : i. p* » «'f *hi< year's pro* "' ! •(; father* with ’«• d»'.« tornor nv’ iv.im : W,d he ■" v t, t v '<■; n 'V! a- s rr , t \ motion p:c . Vi; C. Mttden;, f:fe is schfr - s;/i ivercation • ■;! ?t no p, • , r,r Mom". It -i, . ‘id produced at. N.C.C. I v■ s, ;T ; , i A i- Divis v!in the .... . 1a :d m has i!i, vyii n.'isium ", : i !>. - }fi v.- Sock ~ dru-rt-story. N. C. ' i ■ ' v Elder i* : I V* •: ta.-'iC* An - ■ : i B‘ iti'sie .Watkin. 1 , rtf' Par . .■ D 1.. Williams and ‘ vi. ■ all rt Fayette ■ .h.rr.es Et;>dce F, • gusor. ■v O. .rne <»/ T.iSUin’ton. ' Pv-.v, H, C' Vi Mrs W nir’Kion; Attor •! . ■ . .i: Wa.-pinfiton. .0 ; "'V. !■ i. NVw Fork -v : ’ Kvvi i.ri Clark Brown, v-:t i W. C. Baker . rp Mb,:th Brown '■ - r P' ! st f-r* U>u Tuesday TTv/'H'f:,' v.'?U be .held as ■ : F. b. 22. weather >?? THE SB K Darts is very ill -V iruiie. Pa ; 1 ' ■hr .husband, ; D' vis re former ; * • iMkjnimafiT ■' ! - reached Warren- V- ami Mis. Allen: > r k City are the j c* baby daugb- i ’-! own is a former War- ! 1 •*-' - "i :r. ;1 Mrs. Brown is the ! ■ " - l.’-'.n Chavis of New : ' " •'‘worm Lone, island, • -a r shi '-.vied her a son-in-law, Mr. and • - Dams. .:>••• D-“w of Hamlet was -a-i-st of the Davis ; -: (T FOR THE WEEK ..a -.a- ci,n..'-.si not in the it ■- wn go but m High Point Kk" ts With Mrs. S, P, Hud- ■ HIGH POINT Tim ■■ vim ;h grade of Fair vie .• tury School enter!--t in 1 be graders of the ivotm. ;.i Btre< t. .-sivi 'Alfred J. Griffin S-d'u■. ■: 11 . pre-Valentine party, rritl.-.: f b. 11, at, the Mar McLeod IT upr YWCA. The valentine motif of . .„ and ' white was carried out. m Hu dec<»- ratlons. Among ttie adalt-, pr- mU i share the party with trie 'hc;i 1/ ' graders were • Miss M T. u-'.'tvt*. principal. Fairview fT'on.-rit cry School; Mr O. F. H'ld- ri. y . .- eipal, Leonard Street S-thcol: M.... A. L .Jones, and Miss Elan CVu , seventh grade teachers nr the Leonard St,teel. and Alfred i , ' i ; fin School;', respect; -Ty J. • Brawner. air! M ■, Joh.rnn <. ,;> per. parents repp. ..mint t.hc !v .n class: Mrs. !, E, FiOWt find a l . M. H. Block >• >rv i,.i^ teachers at Vuirview; and Mr-.. r n jp-.rr-v, IV m-irV )<>r at ;-vhnol ... t - jr' y.-'’L • • .. v. . year-old senior nr !.h« Willipm Penn High School 1;;:- hr, « a.mm - as a first alternate car >ida*, fov midshipman at, the Uni: cri • <•- Naval Academy at Annapolis. Md He received word of his aj'itoin*- ment by telephone ft'-in the lice of Sen W. Ecr m Washington D. C. ux< ttly Park - I rr is one oi nire;’ ’.e or pointroents made by Sen . . the State Be i-, min'd' f '■! ' r Crown and S*'cpi-i Hot,, < . business nmiot of '0 o ol paper, and war. a mem l ; he football team last yevtr. He ; son of Mr. and '\frs WilM ;n Ch e'e Parker of 1107 Dowrun; Mi. Waiter I ' Thomas Ervin Moovr. par. no? m Moores' Funeral Horru i;,k< • new quarters in a mlriir ■■ • 739 E. Waslringtot: Stre*.:i in latter resides The student hod.v and faculty of the William Penn Hrgo ,'■■■■': "-"'i are enthusiastic over the recently donated 4 door 1955 m<.>dt ’ r ~ by a local car dealer P v uur: Frank Bright a g adu-J'. A&T College Grt-c-usi-. ■ ■ been assigned by tiy :'>"■! m.d-.r.c force to serv-’ a dnvnv.. leiby': m for the class For the pas! several v Vs • dental trailer lias beer, r (b tfs, Schoool as a ;a rt Os in: < •• v health educat son s>.: vie" : r schoo!‘- Dr. George S;’nk:i> < ;n ’ de- 1- ■6 at this sclicxil. Puren*', ito follow their children -, tie: mi health needs The trailer will ; •» next to the Fairvit w S',, Sehc» ’ Mr. P. P, Bnrfords' bniv: b class at the Leonard Su s Sehoo! gave a colorful assemhi.’ ;■ '-m on Friday. Feb. 11 On Saturday Feb 5s h the members of the l••• POPLAR SPRINGS ■— h ia : services wore held at the i C ! Springs Christian Chu: - ! morning, February 6 a; IPHO A wonderful sermon wn.< o', iw - by the jia-aor, Kw -I. V.’ bright, who took as his ,t .est, i “Lei Us Cross Over To Tie ! Other Sid-e ” The senior choir w;> o of music with i.ho , n.e o-m >■■ 1 serving On Sunday afternoon. Fere ua.-v EEHC m\ I KENTUCKY P BOURBON I; s2*4o PINT $3-80 4-5 Qt. ii Mur - it»i mi*i iismiin stir**?, • mfiwn PAGE ELEVEN evenin,. I . . T vV ad - d( il, a, nu ,i '.. •-a . • tuh pave a. vo! mupv- '’!•',! or' the hook, "lit By Sura Jenkins Tim o- - • -i i,c!d at the horns ' vp ,i McCul lout.i; , i, I- 1 ' • pi. a .' -. m auemiance m .- -.i, . Clara McC'.ll, ■ ;id < Lady Carter, ' i' l L A, rneli Uiake. La. .- Kar n.-; and <../:• . . n is menu was Ketved i.v P • The Mi'Uy'G'f Alliatil^e me: X:;Li: ■. m - 10 at -.he, hoim •-■ nt. Mrs. .S;: all Flip./ : , Bass n cl i L. • x 'ercisee. After the i-'i -T: session, the yet., ;id the lKauti''ul r ' table and rvin-, , ■ ■ -iiickcn dilutes . >■ ••vere' Mc/I:;/ 1 ' ' »i,cs ■ - •on Bv . i AHieR Foard, r .-. Bim- Hlf:!l S <•■ ' ■-’•■,l-i'PS •r.-tpare* that- M; a . v .v'.ii prefer!', r, v- t '• at JOT to the i • C/i ft-- School i * j P. M Ail : fend. T; ts- C • Club of ’ \ i h met, j's-b. p iV'-pjo '• • s '! - Helen Lev/ ■ :' HR . Ti •<- < lu : Cor rif-p.v v. ' rncm beis " " - ,:b. At, Pv ■ ting iov.'i . E. Med''., i B Sh.tv,,. i ■ P :)1. B. Misriiu. 1. ‘ 'ij.i.r.'ion, Tlu- : :."."V'-tup f-ampp,,, • A MCA Will !I Dt. iJ v, v ' •■.",! Fi de. c, it., was ip : p: roun der'k lev. "in-lay, F-L ! ; - , fiK.nal AMK Ci.-isP P t'Lp.ni. : ; Fn d..y ! Lvp~ i.,.-: C: port. Sam,dv ,p ooks Apt . Me , ' ve of ( ’ r-' ‘ • . > nyp i»d ;,i t ■ r 20 Mrs, In ■ •. n.vgh- Ur- smtf >: : m her Mis. M2 1 .:- '• . Tins city, feu; Bur- Icy of b ;•• v : ,< tVrifiG: I:. 01 V Y., Mrs. Mar : • ■ a • hon f.t i ■ .•. 11 Cl. ia;--o o/ und On.* ft on .. :' • .■: -Vo- jrj 11; f ■ (> ;e in H o rn . ? ■‘•var- l;cid v o-m;,';,/, ;• u? ro,e -j; ' - Mrs. Fi - :.:■■■ J,. D c , v r V O week ■ THE CABOIJ N 1.-' f f)f O JT. y vi • . pH- ■ and my tow*