PAGE TWELVE VISWPOIKT * «.** *fc!*«g '*£? y *»> <* ♦* Jcom*s x 3vines /las A rnand Mia A well known ''•Tyra < ■'- wcat-r of SvjUi Cu-oliim the president >f c>. e of the prv nl.r . ,H- ;:■: . . .' ni ly prais* .1 re .irir.g Gov. rnor Ja sues F. Byi - •« f th? I date ir a v.-’.i a i« vc,..;. The praise was for the yrr.r-u im prove: f.nh :., So. I.h ' av.■>•• linn’s h•• > pr. 1 ■'. ■■•'■• ... c .:...• .. ' v ~.r '' ’ T lot tnmy hind words h iv , been t; ’h South ("aw Mia ■ r ! y Negro, r ■ and hi and who ly hr. ■*.,»•. That: So.;th O-r; hn J u; !• r the leadership ot U>: rcs cad act about to improve; vt dlv the rhv’-ica' v' tnetto public . 1 >' >’ oa i >ct Thnf . B; v *"*: ;• enough to read til oanhv l ing on the ■■. ■ a ! i - • ’ : • enough in he; state '?.n vinee tin. pooh ib : h v had !■• I! e; ■: ? t-■ do -••■ mm mi ? 1 *trti * | ** IJIw'LAiW-A’i* A %*&&& •**&& ‘M* Wbrt h-.pjwi-s He lav. s t late Hr Urn- .-. I spi/it wf the law? The Conetjtutjon of He: State of Nuith O quires that the Grove! A-- serablv, after each ? ,: ■ cenmai outsitc, tw:, ..... -v the r.i< mbt-s ■ ‘ ’ turn as indicate u by- hen • in the {r-.pc'ifi-*; -.; ; rrniM tion of t aunt" .;. ( • h th.e for repo.. 1 s ■ ; i in the lower bran, a ■' Hie ccumie". i This is T1 • b census was in ’ r 1 • ■■■ two sesiotis of the lenu.lature have failed V u r c,i *■■ - titutional roar ' an i cording to iha v v b vrv it would appiar ■:if.-u;a ' the 19' (> e ■ ■' any a tea iu Ur T n T! > SHrit: Os Claris dk —• *4* ,;... Mur s*&,■ . £*yuk'. Ufr V*• ' Mfc llVli* M.t &» Th■ Nor.;-. C ■.<■:■!!.-. ( : in ch of Churches at »•.•• ’■ ■ he hi o! C.or the many other Hjarch < vend or. s and ... South which havt " • nounceinents the >t since- last May by a, a.pi by .-> yesolusion ;;upp< ■' o tot end of racial :agiTga'. ■... a m j"-u. he schools. “Now that tlu 5b.; Court has s;-oho 1 lution reads in pari that the churdu- - r - ; -.; sented in the rc-vm - the decision c-t do- coon the law of the field and t . . A Word We art sorrv .about it - ' f urahy. but v - |Vc-1 that ’ \ our duty to p; •. bony, ti - ' bad iuv ’ *.o ‘hi r... Moscow. Berlin, Chic a a other civics somewhat too Jar north of Rat -. : < , .-. they have not heard it. Dr Cesare EmhiaxL. of the University of Chic yd load i lute of Nuclear Studies, fe< • S lieves as a result of his starches that a new gu,<: :.i ege is coming, and that tin above named and many oth; ■ cities and the territory sur rounding them will be under a thousand feet of ice witina THE CAROLINIAN Published by the Cc wchmaa Pub!’r-hing Company, 518 E. Martin Street, Raleigh., N. C. Entered as Second C -..3 Mad or, April S, 1940, at the Post Office at Raleigh, Worth Carolina, under the Act of March 1 §79. Subscription Rates: Six Months $£.75 ... One Year $4.50 Payable in Advance—Address all communications and male all checks and money or ders payable to THE CAROLiNI/. Interstate 'United Newspapers, Iwc., M 2 Fifth Avenue, N. X. 11 N V Natterml Adv«*rM?.teff Fepre'-’n tetiv*. This newspaper is not responsible for hie return 01 unsolicited news, pkiure*, or advertising copy unless r.odessary postage accornpa. tin. wi y, P. K. JERVAY. Publisher Alexander Barnes .Advertising & Promotion \ Chess. Jones News & Circulation ' E. R. Swain Plant Superintendent ! J. G. Washington Foreman, Mechanical Department i Mrs. A. M. Hinton . . - Office Manager i (hdpta expressed in .published in this newspaper are not necessarily those of the pah ! I'ioxiJau. !ferr. rr- —————- —— VlliOß. cm 2 that ih'hl early, a! c . t Ae “rqu.d” part of t!i.e “separate but equal” formula is ”i h ,-ord. But whether or n o i■ ' ■ r'.: ;. ’ret S. Curclia. ’a ».fi'ort.- Were too little, they were certainly ton late. Hr* himself cot seeded that wl««t he started should Imve been started at ’east . . e, • ■-'! j Byrn« ' . \v. '' Tio{ '/ iif ci iyy r. exou • : &£% el'h rts> to amend in a to ’ . for f ..•)• or more, e•. 1 in 3 case brought originally in a South Or-dina coufU.., ruts 1 that til* 1 :, h Aim ’’r-. ut banned re [■ uatene e-, ;n puc-he wi’eri (■■[(} :i tv' *,r. r.hy«*,Cf-:i • t :• 1; is h . tc r r-sume area;; ve u >-'. . r e- r**vy % .{ >A iv « [|. .« ... .-i {(0- , -/ vi'.’:'; fel r ' '^ i *«', V. fiCf thns bfConi-’-s t iv;.p*'C-" . ; • TA'V’Uy.- .h-'v'f a W ';£l deav.of Cr £u3K r as hi tHe ■SVw*' f ‘ ' ■ an N t-rart-v) public: ,■ ....... / I\ /f'TTTiC- WCi'} ITV : V'*' r'l'.— :Ti : . ■ ■•:••• receive inclusive' cwxihKrzh ip 1' . \ :»■ ;t j' "A: -j’;,,' l a any c ; Ts resolutions arc* not bind jng on any constituent body or atrv member of any one vi tilt-:-.: non/thvkss. tin j ro nouncetmnt should have a salutary < fftv in the ciirertior; of erecting the proper atm ci pher? iu winch the 1 Hmific- Ihf next 10,000 years. As a humanitarian vw hope the warning in these s will b* token up and cir culiiUd and reornlcd v. idely. so that the p;ople affected, adequately warned, may have the opportunity - pack up and move- south tv fore it is too late. There has been a g- ncral impression among laymen, shared by many of the less careful scientists in the fit. Id of meteorology, that the cli mate of the temperate zones has recently been g; tting war mer, with hotter summers that the South Carolina Nc gr;- ((rtor rei'ened to above is uot uituware of tht . nes ‘itt '.iTgy, which failed It is a.. O.,rt t?o»i"i'!'=* mj3umpuon tnat he knows that Governor Byrnes was the fil’d governor to launch. •a movement of implacable resistance to the Supreme (■ i - ••; ■ ■ .... -.7 ;•> '' ion came. He must, know that Mr Byrnes promoted the ft- daii of the South Caro* lira ’ gislaturr. permitting the abolition of the public schools in the « : vi ot of the “wrong" d rhnoti by the Court and when the decision did come, used fire f?r< fit prestige to los ;.rr in hi- mvn state and else where t.hsfiane-r and nullifica* tion cf the unanißiC'US verdict of t!v High Court: of which hr- was on- •*• a member. The least the South Caro* l':s;.-i . d'.:.--f‘or might have done ws to k cep quift. c, T\ > f rour? ti iv.jvf] vva:s n\uch sl-.wer, m\d in ordff that the p-f.-op!c • have a- t*. th< «....i-t p ,’-c-at<--d for hers*if, a* the beginning and aftf r .. [a- i vvhii-'h j, - iiry ccur-.ti-os was justice,i is Jong ‘..ssh Opt rcprvserd • f. .- seventy-five tbuv ;.i:id It means that th> wviv.’d H a U’bar. ■>•: .vile in the eda'r,. not simply of Ivor cv.n aretty. but. c-i the bay c;.a CiUTOCt This n-ituation. hIH jaw LK) £& ‘ %Om I .* > of ccmpulsory 10 " A segrega* or, in North Caro lina': ; ' bile v.;},oolc may be gin sm-.i '.’ontinut. The n*'-xt step for the Council to take wou*d pro bah’- have to clo with the non-vc kintfiry separation of the icu's as to io'livid'ini eh arches and congregations. The Supreme Court will not sj;-: ak and h. 3 no right te» rciook on tod topic. The churches themselves ha v t that prc.ldeut ait to them r. ’v-.,. the spirit of Christ sh.ould apply there also, even more so, and more directly. and milder winters, on the -■ whole. Well we have news for them too, again from Dr, Eniiliani. So the ad bettor > order some more coal, or' oil, or whatever they use to beat t fiver humble abort’s the eminent doctor reported at a t '< cent seminar of the Ameri can Meteorological Society 1 that the earth is really gett ing colder. To prove it he cited that the tetriru rature 1 of this planet’s oceans has dropped about 14 degrees s just in tlie last 30,000,000 years, s Hie Saras Determination Would Qet 01 . h?L .... ' '/ . -, , ; * ■-;. .w ; -«« •.'■ .'i.■ ■ .•- -U- .*• • o --• tp'i i , i : ‘ 'Mfc. i ,'<■'/ . ,4’ - -"A / V f. . ,7 " -j-y / A.- ; AT//«i .. ‘ * * ' ■ . f i > S | « v *t PATy '& « Mb “*- Trr ninit fsa^: C 0, Ha!li i -arlo^ , s ~ f-m*^ I m r ?*f *7? p rf%»- 'fe.-1^,,.|-;' OP Art. i i | T ,'| P ill Ad I \ <v .: pr: >t* tiven ro ri •>* v u> •_.* nupui;j&od io bv v '•• •’ iii rI c u. Ay-b of xv-.rid po.!.it -a. As a mytu.r of foct a*- no ; :•. J aidny iicetn not to b*: too slr'-r*. ci ■•• to rif/j ?i h /on t:.bout \v Tim h>** Xii .a-I. i rs sri Q. U'o-Ae in U;o lO'crVan. \ Oo you jU2>t »go c«.. v’]a »*.;d \ ,ie tbr Don't‘br s:ilK l s rwe isoidy'nnv has r.-> choice, but d » tm; duly in Vote ,;j f.-i Vii: of •■•■ ~ c)! p slate, not that it v;iU atnfie ih« —S'.. IM AHZAD— With Olive A. Ada mV? YORK. (GLOBAL) A group of weH-meaJiing people were aiseussjng current social problems the other n,: and it; wasn’t lona before the whole em phasis whs laid on young people and their seemingly destructive ness and lack of ambition It »vms that the tik>m innocent trouble with today’.* k’ds, and somehow the kids are always to blame. Some people say there is no stirh thief. piverpie dchn guc-ncy—only parent delinquency, Thai I .'; a nice catch phrase-, but the fact of the matter is that both are naught it; the middle. The i«rse;:t genera ti on is given a good going Over, and their pa rents aU*tg v-itb them, for their lack of control. But patents and children these days have many outside forces working Rgninrit them. The home Is no longer an isolated unit. Many strange: 3 en ter the homo via vanous com* mmnfj’icn media, some of tbe;n are fictional, some real. Koch one has seme effect on the child’s sense of values, his outlook and altitudes But more Important, so many of them give emphasis to the "various forces in oar day that make tor tension. If our children show little de sire to apply themselves t<> their work, let’s remember that we have been working awfully hkcrt nt ‘getting out of work 1. ■■ - these past tew years, seeking top pay for little accomplishment. We set quite a pace for the kids to follow when * try I" ’ sr, ‘ : ' v ' !,w much wc can get away with with out paying the piper—how many days off we can got, how much sick leave and vacation we _ c&n pile up .so we can spend it lolling about doing nothing. What kid wouldn’t get ideas from such an example? We deplore wanton '.testruction and vandalism and certainly no one would argue that it is not a distressing problem. But, perhaps from the viewpoint of the "hood lums” involved, what is a school THE CAROLINIAN s). if, hte k * Aiff. i-r <t. e?. i "vr-, cr.j'i m.-ki; i.bc v:.'Uo;:' ih.jf jt ij extremely ra?•» i'.'i a roau to step down voi untar'Ev ffoaj Vat- position ol *ju.; iso&s ;«»d t-sataiat u H-f' i , ;f' : i - f ! j:i :\ k ,tl CorTtt' : idO >',:;.i - r' 1 • v■ M;u- ;;.KOt his a .. i*. 1, ai-.u'v •«•<;• wouldn't bet a dime on old Fat t..y., art-pinK hi, u--.v .tub tj tv ’1 an mx monu <* ii'. i .il li >e ;:rm Tv c spent at ous men v;iu> didn't exactiy *■ '• ■ whet s. ■ > '.'.ere doing. 11 j.».i"- ;u >u' A i.c , ii;»i. butifcvci* did cric oi then* admit his own k;~ inmtuicaie on now desk or two I : a broken, w t w or uvu, when adults sre Winding • effort destroy whole cities at one blow? These kids didn’t exactly pick a good time lo get themselves hot n Our parents! may not have had tiie advam;i;;e3 offered by om convenient way of file, but SENTENCE SEROUS By REV FRANK. CLARENCE LOWRY For ANP I. My. what a lift in a time like this, when the world is in despair 10 hear a child answer the telephone and say, “mother can't talk to van now. she's in her room of PRAYER.’* 2, What earthly interest could hr as grave as this vital act -her household to save, by breaching a blessing of holy air upon what might have been a home of despair? Precious children ex posed to such heavenly spirit, have only choice bles sing's vouched safe to Inherit, and ail who follow this im i ailing course, will escape the tiunt of tun's remorse. 4. Thus parents can chart the turblent .seas that appear too rough lor feeble knees, and steer their tender barks safely on, until life's storms reveal ♦•Jarir h Haste empfei. 8. These are Master Sea men on Sea or dry dock, who nave learned to weather every storm and stbwrb every shock who can 1u:- cr hla own soul, and closed doors unlock. t. Fra. is that key every parent ran wield, im plemented with spiritual ac eonutermente, the sword and the shield, and providing home-life with u magic calm, supe: induced by heaven’s heating balm. /, Yes. it is the balm for the Rodo would react; ic- iht uutßde woi ]d now tkat old oiare. 'i ho r*:• t ha: bee■»m o<• v1 . /.u>t or-i.v .put'ei'.' j?jrider;U-u. FO •• . I , o-. t . t/ «Jou:> emt' I coo Id use .: Vt!r v .i; rrlf * :tn ? r u -,, •*> .. *U*S Os Jet eTiid-r..-- ' ..:'T 'Bah *ar:in> (inldhooi how if) what* the profound r;ui;o *t;«d TV commenkit-oi’s have to vk-t-Arrow ~ an rr; : . .r Red world poliCioai strat- v. <nono of them know any nr about it then you or I. and t'har. Soviet- Russia is likely to keep on being » : act ! y what it ii un til the 'Communist regirm is brougiit to an cud oy fore*- ii ora outride R:. :or revolu tion inside it. or a combination of bctii, or the Red . c rid : r * tin* non-R-d ivorld commb double murder on each other. id least they thought they knew where we w«v heeded. Ti:..-y were sure they knew right fro:n wrong and they were sure they know what to teach us. But we are frankiy no; sure o any of this, and it is, therefore, no won der that our children are just a little mixed up. heartaches and peace for strife, and gives strength foi ail, from ; the tree of life. H “Mother is at Prayer," i What a glorious gift for 1 others to share . . . What, a I mighty power our > nvi Nation 1 could be. if b.v this source we f would yield to set our own ’ hearts free. 9. But hounded by the niftMnsares of internal daily strife, vt i.lh ':, >te acting as a. bayonet and deception as it Is mi knife , , . the outlook hi impromisiasr arts! hope, a closed door; lust still there, is a choice—there is one way more, 10. Yea. that tender little voice that echoes along the way. seems again to whisper arid then dearly to say . . . “Mo ther can't talk to you now, she's talrhuT tunc out tn pray. ’ 11. Tills does something to the weary passer-by, and quic kens Ms faith, he cannot deny; for a new ray at light dis places the gloom, and suddenly terror fades to give PEACE her coveted room. 12. This is all that choice work, of prayer , . , and of this great heritage every child should share; it can come quickly and lift our despair, when more children can say. "Mother can’t come now, she’s having prayer ~. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, PEIS!?? I . ? ARY El. 1955 Gordon Hancock *s I \} ji. *». .mi ’f 1.1 ANmm'M nirr rta:> t lit: \ r i * ( cdi; The poiiuJmi-.m - 6ty V. h.v hi.: wnft L::;] "ieepS ainl bonruls,” arm whet is more. t*Otlnuy is bsih::! hone, about it. in .spite at the much t - nbi u* it. Today ts !<. crMihfdtd 1!.: t tb< />• ur< • ';rt. i■ it‘u.i of ue uu l we rvv inci'v,■ ■].;■>'< pi: !*v: nve ol s.oW.t)t){f a year. This m-h-tn; that wit.hiu eight eern e by lOf.'t, then-* will b„: no fewer than '• m 1)1. S” Iftiii ‘d States, and this fact Vmt fosoe IntpoftKTit to,;'.cations.. As a. serious student of eco noiiiics tuts writ-- 1 j.- det dy concerned with' the piob.'cm.- o' tile ectiii iiiuc ii; -. a." .lu v wd.l affect the NeK: - br<s ms n m.’t'.e, :- tv !<roup. There i; or - (.hnig of i vhl;:'; -ve may be deed nice, ,* ■<-. is not tin . Tji rt pet't Sht) Ol t moi- )W will ' I'jUrieo nnd >;■. ur tUltO ilim .vie:. O': *\> n»« too wi.: !,. » r'.'unauve cor - bo -hi in tbv kwolv ?it f 1.7 e Writ'.•■: . ,: V . >J ' n• .• \vc *'. { UMrpt/id ar ply th- *r r ‘ f .‘• * id pk.v,pks fit a “f. Jt TVji iOO’? i'< !'• '• v-|. were pmt. Mruj the re.|Y£i (U the OjsJ i.miy tioH'sr as a i»«s».r*s oi i ■ ><■ ■ ...o■ 1 ; and Utter we tUisii the »S■ tr 1- lint Os .»• e*.. Wherein hi -j Wi p' .-reii f.> v.uo , ~i. Sfotsdi i;v after a t tuT! ir, r wrt'&v ami ' .•■(! : i' tee. ti::. vtill ttier v - added th<* doctrine of Vot*'- f. cm . ... Sirs Iriwo uts dovei,>pvcl iJ) ihi: e 1 :r -.- room at Vire.huts l flu -i «« lit} years. s' roi : :>or 0i I'iKStiky * ■ •/,»' '* { t_J J Uii \ 'Ol : •" >HO 'i iit Vi'- .j V ('ip ii ! i '■ < •. i amofc ilnw: v> ho .npviJ iK J iv 2il* l&p *Sf 6 | g#,|» ,f«s,« s. f f &* 1 &Pm U■ • /•' fU? 8 « fe ti- Httw H? t<«4sii JUvm «>• are a/oaua to irr fiimui-J cekbfuikrn of Nc.-.-:,o History W»- -k -u.-d of l- L" C ter ('hor famous Emgsit rpauon Dt y Cole- IjT 'JiiiOti. j b&xe lii',J>;%- fn fttmeti that Dr. \\ 1 .Um/o ea large part of his life endeavoring =•> set its '.Ne ur.y: ;the y .. ■.r, ~ r mu own race ax wtif as the fefcinry of otii>-r races. Hv could have lived on ‘he flow ery bed of i.rsse. At flit- least lie could have t;c( n the head of the Bcmtrttr.vrd of History in seme of our tare? Wl* tutsans of higher education. I air, informed that tb- salai > for such a' the forc-foitif, in sufficient to maintain a fami ly in a fair degree of com fort. But. I haw been told Uj n h- ; d : . • erty tar She cause of the As sociation for the Study of Nt Rio History and Life. X have said «g>un and again that a race Shat does cot ki <>v: its past cannot have a bright hope for its future. Them with no hope lor the future, time race w.U put fori a no sijreuu uous efforts lor live iutm’!'. A race that has but Iftth mow* it.-t. •• ui .its wiii r.i.t uo confidence in or respect, .or . - self. Also I have pounou out again and again that it i.-. my considered opinion that one of our (Negroes) greatest, obsU .... , Knw«r IMULAMI' -w*-*** ■ -*•» '. ''SMALIIOjSLNESSI V * » legislation desired by major ity of Congress can be bodied up tn committee amt run “r inn e opportunity of raidiitg final ■ verdict on the jfPSP? *«• l * * * .fyf-', . h) • •«- s santaj Jarl ses- %<• ; r sion Leo ate kj|, ; rcsoltiii- n to ■»: give # committee . . • ; % tus to Senate ti’.W Small Business c7 wmK arst? Coramitteo got * Ireewkr treat snent" even though 50 senators had already expressed theoi selves in lava* in writing. * e *• All through session, resolution was kept front a. vote by Senator Jsaner’s rales committee, * » 4! Resolution has train been in troduced by Son. Euward Thy a (Rep. Minn.) co-sponsoved by 55 Senator*. >•• UI :V -iPi-'l :i «n of i. ••• ; iin.;ip ! ' pr.-tslce c 4 the j.jew/fi -• ..Outy D-..!ar is . ii, Ji ■■■ t b::t/!in- anc !•> < TdC Ral i? , , . 'M ot r.: - ettf-i >'■ ■, ... chile”e. i .i..'eilte, 5s ( ..'ha - :vHC"ih: , it - thf \. •.•••'■ beitis. h« irsi by a to.:iher vfce I.? try in.? to i v.-bife iti;,..-,?, Sic fa trOv'-hi". viiiu >u,i fiuirountilnj: le-n. |*m! >: ii'vU, n teacher ' S .if ?:i>,. , is oa -■ »•:»!*» sMiut >ili r ■'eaHs< i(«»i:,)!eM< ' w'lich I >* fuiil'UX l! 'y-j-.ili n.E'ihiib'Usn^".” He |g scKflig fi»rth U.e »: ns« v.hHHiiv: til Kegrw': ill on greiiud i"H>or of i T..• at-ick nri:nk‘i and iis eff-'r* at'!:. Ifee more i ;a<3y ITo fcastor fiiick’.; .slant, the more «iit-rti.!g! h i iii Ci-u.'ie - t <«- ■ 17, - <1;-,, ' -- ii i;,’ i :tm ■ v-d t'-uit ■s-v ; ■ ■:! |)t :■!, ; try aml get It; ami 1 !s::t a-,, : ; r>: ’ ' : ot Ivin-.* tt he stock bstving *:i ■ r! ■■ .• v. iSI ntm t« the .\e*»o - «: iomorr tw. day ..nd rids hi - . •, k pref ' rad ■ ’ci oomsrton >in«-k it: <~kh bi:: ml E)cc ■ 1 h - : V :: < ' . ' Ull ;i none 'lihoy tiiAn tlioss who da . ■;;:■■■ :. -y , i-ti'i ii* -.S 'li »’ . : : : .tccA ■‘iniyuM.. .m. ■ ; n t ■ is dion;> i ' ii fvv';?:oUt! a r f-<1 by Proi. Cli4<‘k Si) U - u/* so r.ic.* \. 5 P ~!•.• t) >V ,Sjlf, h| - E V;; v.;-.. hr.g. W'Ci ■ 1 ' .. or Se-'./ .-i v. 0‘ v-.- . . ; >.; . * ■:V: . I . groes. Yvs I hhvc even hes-rd C-i'-yre trc.caf/J t, '' ; vuch f*'/ SiOi.e-, it, .'A ■,_- 'ii ■ Icr Negroes hr:- no bn-unc:-:! ic-ach:.::- tii-m. Bis teachings .most certainly will lnfluehct.* the I'H./’fiei/iiitioii of N'jaroes lad; of cc-nfidi.nce in and re* ;.pect for their race. Many of as seem to think that ear li is lory began in the Americas and r nst especially whs?' ni# ti?..* Utilis'd State* of America. We swern to know but little and care less about our Krh ;ns IssteLymind. Over ia-'H>d of years other races have fought- costly van. for the right to c- pioit Africa, On the other hand, »»nnv «?f i:.s look upon Africa Vi Ui nn and scorn. Many of us < simw a spirit of lirnia «»• disgust when we hear the word Afriea. Thank heaven for the foregoing is rset true of all American N>- groes. But the fact remain* 'it is tiue of far too many. Let's increase our confidence Itt and respect for ou race toy study uig the noble and grand history of our past, net only in ilit Americas bul In Africa ■ also. And again three loud cheers to the lit? and works of Pr. Carter G Woodson. * * * Senators: Etlward Thye, 1 ofca Kjrsrkman, Gordon Allot!, Prank Barrett, 1. Beall, George Render, Francis, Ciii.c. Dn.iis Chavs 1 .-., Norris Cotton, Drive- Daniel, James Duff, JXeury IHvoi shale, Sam Ervin. Wallet George. Bar ry Gold water, Theodore Gs c-.-a, Thomas Hennings, Lister Miff, Hubert Hum /a;.<->>, Irving Ives, Usury Jackson, OUn Johnston, FiStes Kffauver John Kennedy, Robert Kerr. Thomas Kuehei, iVUUuni Longer, Herbert Leh man, Russell i.nnjy, Warren Mag* i-n iiiio, George, Mike Mansfield. Ed Martin, Thomi.s Martin. John McClellan, Patrick McNamara, K :tr! Mnrdt, John Pastore. Frederick Payne. / Levcrett Sfylionstall, Andrew .'ichoeppcl, W. A-ri-i- - itm, Mar- • jK Karei Chase Smith, Stuart by mington, Arthur Watkins, Her man Welker, Alexander Wiley, MUton Voung, Wlllinwv Purtt-’i, James Murray, Earle Ci.'rents, Paul Douglas, Wayne ?.t- .»»d George Smathers. * * *

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