PAGE SIXTEEN “Overshim ips Dcsegreg'xtion?” «S». ■ »««■ - -- I *l sjj' > '<l*l. *if„„ fs •»!•!*»«» oil a: i ...i us r ost - war Baois C 1 A .*’*•--• ■ ..<•*» *■ fA -5-i* L 4Rk **. 8 6’l ,‘f A! f. .. * MUn.(L •^t^SiutoOlUlHOiaiS J*OC» / Yo\> ■• . ■•: ; ex'.ue fj »s-,,.«n..v;;**e:ujy fLA ••> hi .< i IP if: ■■'*•>; ' Xl’ ■ ?- M I 'I ■'! we li' 1 c' the i JlSfßi'/i' OlH ■■■lY. ~ ■ ■'! 3 IliMH’vl '■ ". is ■.■■■ '■ ink ■s)# raw "em-t h>:■ echoed bvii'.luHvif ,v , e i. ■; a &'w>. pi.-. . :■ o* ' , fermifai.'H'e x■' ■ hid conch: ■< ; roijftgS mid sAi' Tii-y c*X ;■ itf.c. •it j uuujiuws In i) me r.-EcoL of : ifesb and T. \n pctrt.uwtsr, s. •«• . >-• -t. •<• « ‘fNWTK? rv’.ri on t’ ■ t i> msmmmmm mmsmm t, ' -"■“i , . :f| E : Ui- /.p. A - i • - 3* <ik «lif t •" : *' ;:\ i I ros c:aT '.' £$ 1 y.;» oi-i Hi’ « to Ewrnn T* WMBBR *'■ V.M. - -w v.-'i .v |•B* Y£ A K ayARANTEC t s | mumr*' m. ■•■■■■?. • «*.«-•. *-> mwtsbs. .. «»»«».t T-r: ’• or C vnr -Jer! ! 4 ' Tyi>s ’• -• •■•■• ■~r 'Pin * I'HES | r. n<»«t T- ••• :‘~4?r vv>s j y I vv*^v>-:>s'«.vse<>s‘ ••■•• •-. >'» ialWl»HW.> H»l !««lll»WH MHO T ]| • --wfKWSsss,' wdw v:- . .’ dh«rjtv: iwv .. .•■^amamn-- >—iwiow'Wtn nmiriwwwe . .••• | 1 Wn Bk- *.*'■■• . ; r •' Wa S?l! Mew ond H t C: ■■■:■■, \ i 4 cfßd t || T. A •* Z:A'f Imdfe'i cr fob. $ f S i» S.. f : S| S£?:\KsCE @ PARTS Y-- HTt, FHOJfS OS VW f £.**■s?* 4? *: i fMf I C:> i :.■ ’ iTi « L V T'<. ‘a. &W iW # %#tfl » iIS Rj.’f-h" "■■: Ov V .y # f. ieiisaj: moav €*us * 4 S7 VS? ■■•'. *' \tti yr> e/Oi, jsaifPaH:ft{'iaK S * - ..iL c iJL;« . -> TiV :■ EHSi 0 WMAWNrtMX4fIR#-.'\r ~ .vsm-SWC mtwy , - It'Tr^'-TrTrirf ! 7V~Vil*W>~fll'lf —'~tltTr.T».ifi<*~'rfr>ni*aii;ii)nti‘g>ft'n'’''r^‘l‘ , yiSf : -"--' vt.'tnMr-uuMXi&msvHmxt \ Ci r .v3 ft Distillers Company W-EW YORK CSTY iMMMuttEv.DEr- .• Y 86. S MOOf, 44* C R-A‘*s”HWflUDi ftPHtITX , “ * ; *Ms> vas. ctiuL-vd by Esy ’Wi! i *!■■»•. M'u, cib thts J,ij- Cfi»s edi.**a ■ -f.n ewittittee, were cr'.nfK* Si.t'■:<>! K. D. John- Scb/Ksi. Sul.-t, C G. K,-*st; Supt. L F. Tn:'M° ; •• ••' r . 1 iiS;i ihe gafl'.c> "■. \w i <■ f, t tries C. t’-:r roil and Or. Amos T, A. !•' v'-.s, a native of ncarhs PineiejM, (who lived with hi? irruti'.nothtr and walked 3 and a ha if miles to school in h*i t<* avoid walking four !<:ii •* < i sch«»U later having i v> take a years preparatory work in order to entn col lege; «*a« Is of whoev rt led the shortage ill qualiiverf teachern ill a ii.'ui ar ? y in white 1 sehoofv and the overtj.helm ing number of '•». r liahles'* n ow ( i' ; iemeut ir; i schools White texeltcra have j leaenoi. <!«; «pr a Vcr» ,; . sertrd. that »?.«' no lung er voßiniamia the 'or«aviate' it otirf did, h> ad.'Mlion to the r«'«or salary stale olfli h-ss joh-M.rHrity tm) vctlr-mr i«t ! h.*K«!«i»> I'omriarccl ■»ith in- ! dtwtry. fnut «'!<!.< VS iy ONOVIGS i y\ .:iv yher S.-tid ft ".v iVtl tv - tv i «>!• vhen queried atony the Over- j 1 ahi'.i’dtineo r-f race ioachti’S re- ; f-j.r- v«- y-v. -t®’’ -'V? 11 " ' -prea- | ■ LiJair t: v,. : .'. v Oil trail eCOn'U/iv 1. - j j and >?£bh " It wna sho-vn that j ■-.he coltwed hhth rate had ad i vanned porct-nl d«rtr,t' ;i; period KrjO-r.l ■ . i’r\- ’Ob-'-to , I !';■• ’•. -i por,!-' The v. hi f v rr'r'th : j rate ■ ;rie;• ■ •• d ds i ■■ct. -t ■ t.‘V«.T tiiv -e* p* • '- •-:• j ind li( ,iu c ■ dvS ! rche-oi i- vv ie. a' .-. ... a .. . 1 ; wilt :ft ■*' t ’*',«■ ju ' «"i, . i tti-ueteri 82 m'-. rv i ; school jd.vvt. valie'Ui-ee , u .. Seitinc at case those who anticipated > w«r-l on ■ ‘ -•'<•- eatioll. i d.m'i.ii -oil V W - . I j< the present over - :ro\\ <ied .‘(e;-■- over--'- Viv. i tin !if ;! he . v;! VI l»e fi V M v.u v-av-v. tot the futwr*'. Tiiat wav, d .ml.- n' n.-‘' ! in -v v ...... nr, UOfiOjr t>n; BIPP-fJRg. ! A ;<•■ ; ..'tkin ./n 1 - r- .• d .ulo m | -;ng t!>:; ieyu: -rt tlu> t-.V.i - it y. t.h n f %i*k «.!it SV.fVi.- ‘ V<’:v tO t'.F. 'il' '?>' •- '•'■ - " vert* nf'f * •..■ ?; vyo vTCiVi-v : • i ! oi '.''ip, .1-, 1- d "Cho**!;' .*:»» tin I ! i i 5 S' 1- ** ' ' the. ti'V.-nv-.M gvw}/ fi '•> > ?i::. -y FSASAFSA j Add a Dvn. B . clroom Or to Your Hoaud Wo baiW M : ew llmiics; *fld K«*p;tir and Ms si Otd Ones. ! Call Us For Any Job Large Os SkusM Re&Htettltal or i.offiraefetol Piop^rtf :mmum 129 E. Hargett St. Raleigh PHONE J-0956 __ TTIK CAROLIN TAN New Pastor Os Rush Me me r ial AMEZ Here Was Once An Elder t> •' Wri <• La•• h'n.? j iiuf'.f'il t :hn jir»sta.a!<- »f Ur- Hash | Mwiirf 1 n--:K< CV,■ n.,i on Pc- Tl.'v C. F'u- riv et;-; , 1 "• .1 ■ •• i" rv. .' 1. ■ • nr. i iirM’.d- itw» e»v,,.v>i ; . M 1 ! y :fo fA > w.y^ ; t> >i. ,v ': r 3 ■ " ‘ " ’ $ - j mmhi in v. iv it r-.n-.ON if, he n t r*:-r -Giiu: Fid (■r fee ; i yeet.v JUfi. •'• of will h IrUt t ;k'3 :A\ *p f?s U'*-:■■■. Jjtit«. N u »V •.; ■ t. ISJ.s flgi.i.l r- ; . ' > tNiS-s *s ’■lit T.’A pro -s;mt in the Winnieii*t?alt-m ji.j .; y ‘ » A'i *' i^r-\.y y . \i.- A UiiTiu 1 CtdU ;.U.ii. S. (* . ajsd LivCiN.-pi: So.rv, N C. H<- ; • r.uiry v-i ]•> to..- i •• ,:*t M/':» Et'pr Mi'T! vVCii'P'-.*. 'X flit; . p vs K. Sjvn.’i"» U •••. Vo'-k, SUoy Sy^onj OidUy.y: ahu y s »\ ; r-•>'.»> hvXir-’u. z* •• : •• 1 ' • < -;>r»oro-iU*:••*' *1 t Ui fio« of RjU‘i>*h : Rv • Cvirson ftxys ‘1 ?'hn ■ < fUat BaSeJgb vp.r y pl'ttgTv- Oiv.. jfl' l '-' j>p* j>i«* v- s.s s ieini abn vr* '/• • "N. • v ’ ’ .OP sbuwi . C ' {>•«•; . -a;.. <‘lC» 000 ; .> v Ihv . ' . . -U ' f : t i f)< :'i v;i j" ■■ ? Yf-', 2.RW ,r>'?vv : t*-- • Ip■•*■.: ,'T* a 'ncc'iedi a:0TO v/itb i : %m u-dPon. in fH v/ i>>' I iik.A up. .SiL*- Su-.-fimic^dent t«kv- w ;?vy I.c* tin 1-he j r 'b ? ; g. YVHYf-. ::.4 ;i was so fiTf • down th-« .laudni at .? rr-t. Tbr n.S- i -.j.-cr' j :•• v.t?r '-:fZO ' Na"- 7 f. I'.bxUd ? .f, i '-s ', c it ; * Vi . . j Hpi* aiiA'At from 'ct’n- >l. s3l nx-A tj ,- v . y . ;•»■ : i • ;.n rh^ y« Gfii. w?s ‘iH.V'f:' &.! ■•' -O’- *• -Wv- 1 ' ibcri; eh Vvbnc. keener i.ui , ITlt)|r -' t^a , | Ci TuMTiltr 5 BIG SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK ’ A4 Biiick C ni-iry n • iera. R. - die. Hci-'tr. V.' .•< watt i;; tires. Custom upliri'siwsy. 10.80© laiiep Sold and .s®pp» - I Him W Oar-olina Buiefe. a2585 'i»3 Buiek Roadmasitta* 4-Dr. Sedan. Air tfOiia&iQuituL Power steering, Power j brakes. Radio, Heater. White wall tires. Sent cov ers. Sold and serviced by ' us. 21,000 rtuies. Like new. i $2395 J *sl Cadillac 4 ‘62” 4-Dr Sedan. Has Raicio, Heater and Seat covers. This te an m- ,: tra clean car, Onir SI6OO ’i>2 Buiefe Super Riviera 3-Dc. X Sedan, Radio. Heater, Scut covets. A beautiful car. $1195 »0 Dr Soto 2-Dr. Sedan. P«4§y equipped. Bmte'a. clean. $895 V CAROLINA | BUICK CO. ; 431 Payette-vilie St. i Di»J S-4'.SP IV. ... h with iha- ".'rfv, .v; Ficsi-i! y Elder rt the I \V|.iMot|.«syl.. m ■.* IMF. 'fedrife.*. He ‘■>.'•o u.'s‘orate.-i at nil., ivl'. re lie runained fui B built, up the liHun* t--. r r:;j son !,0 to W, Gm-utp Qiiniij, .mu fjiii.arcs, where I.k . * rji ■ : i i - f Vv.*vc | -«m * i i! ... ' Aty.; '\h£d<i&o ‘ .s f> carbon fee » vi’. v cooperative kkmio as;.; -<■ ;i ~> aiixiiiiin to put over To program of the ■ ‘ •••■■•■ i ’. mi, id pe ,* ,!r tOi v; m a r ehurrh. (m*si s» :iH: \ id.jiras prole. Rev. C-'H' mi w;;r appuiritc-d to : 1,11 ‘* -«• . • -i 11( v iin«* ii r>v ti t; Li'amy Bj&hAn thn C« yU LA North i .-Af* >i . •: vj i Y;; j< ; ;T: C*i;. A life if,'. 1 : a .vi-LEveL n* I<3 Roicuo;. •>;.• !■ > ho n J;U ur.'-m'ai in Ketnni: ,i riipvt ;nrte*l to .no. e fibaree t-.r ih o'iv-v ,vrw>;r. of :.h<? ;vv;.”t >U O I 5 5 • rifit <i t H<):•• . l ! Mf7Of i;i] the most UnAtir •?, . f’ti'iov fnr pr«'f<il4UMns j.i? Cnt/ '-liri.i. Cora yields have • as ranch an» one bw.^h^l f<L- two jKJUrHiP of murcxgeii HJifllJ Cl* . ’ ' ” WWM.tWW——■ TmTtWffn^l, I WHmi.i.iHnW' ll ' .. . I I ni^n / % v z' \ m jump i j ® r^^Vt-u i? sis SrS 1 A, r «n* ba.,y s'- ■: •■'<•:•'. tor ‘ v hafcfc % b« an.*-' s> t. • v a st he's \ kr«ft» fhcm you are To keep y.ace wife hi*- \ TO* pwrid or-- ■-. "V, v. iOuVe grown pretty lost ia other ways around \ vp^* fm \ 7 ;. the feous*. One, te parfaiht. ecßs for special atiMr "V^ Mao to pr««e»i and future peso-. The cad* ar« 4 to 1 ''*•*••—. —-*''''’ tbs* ELECfmCAL-,Y your homv Is "too Bk? for Its SwltdMNk* Vv .*3 ye ■ ; -: ras t*a* bui . the original wiring was probahh* i»--«. -*: ed to &artdh» Mgfatsag or-d <* few etecirk- appVcmewb But Mis* luaior. your us* of *fec- Mfilty bo* "Tiimf-■*ri ' tremendously! LOW th® same vriringr nwat handle non s*<* o score of o c*-or and minor appUaoas*. Your needs have for outgrown the fee oapctfbv oi she v- og to serve your modem way of Ui». Such overloaded or!ret waste year aareaf eul crppSasKi* eJßdwocy Jn!— *tmjt r;-* '--* ' • •■• -g* or Hpposar cfrcuM-brea«er«. To insure your comfort and safety yc« can add te your present wiring mod emit® it Why not find ouf soon if your borne CHECK TtOUB HOME FOR » „ 4 t . _ ~. . these sots of has grown ton Bio for :ot Switches ? J«s: „ mAmmAW. wmmGi caif. your ete' mniracter dieted kt YffL LOW PAGES rs pW fc :,V oryo-™- *• 558^,^06.-^ #**siL eel GHS.-L offtar No ob&aottkm. . . , * rf** r I jsy.. - &- kSstoßD&m hke to-iffe** w.; ; f AI jfey ym' Mbs, an. ddw *c» Swat. ■ - rs.' <■ «4mq dopitanep® !"“ lf see opewnifnlE. /''^''jy, ll ffißWilfclti!?Bba. '."■‘ti! I .’ t •eKMi’ir-i'.' (CAROLINA POWER &Us HT COMPANY) , » - Name NCC Choir Director iPrexy Os State Association j - :s-.. ; „a wHi a. ! di.-.iiio <•. th< chnu -v Nn ih | Caroit’.- Co;i:'i<', m,n ■<cet> ■ ••.ri * ;>rt (,) the North C»r-->- I Jina 'react ors' Ass«)Ci: ( ti.7n. j j Hil) vettl pi'estd"* at. the AsphcL i I atlorrs annuas r'«ti .-•■il or Music j i which v hi he held a N € CoJ- ! lege on Friday April 28 ‘ ■lli .. ' £.*.-. .wfiaa- k>. j '"r t -a . v«* .l*?* : *a .* ■.■ i s, ; m ■**, - Ki ; i: j SAM.; • i Vj'. tfitx | Oi.ixo- Officers *'ri rohittiiip fi> : Hit* at arc-r, :■-< m , r ;; - '■l J.,. tf.M , t ; . : li.i H .- :■ S. :■ »: ~•„•■ ( ... ■' ; ' Hieh Scti .->l, '.v.. ■ ru»- ' ;, -o r,,!',.,. .vp on ~tKf ’vc h ■■ r- CoiviYi;,) . and M *• NlTJii h : i:.;:,;Oi. nr<') r of :. r> 1 !•„ .\ :•) C., • ’\l .; !C eAwatan-r. -jvr .A- "* >wnw--»«r •*••■>«- >^e>w»i<fat»wi i n»»< I'M M1IIx«* Mfslai - in.staHin<r Repairing Knot.- a-un* si Ih, I «.!£?■** tr..*! '; M *' j WEEK ENDING SATURDAY FRHK'tMRY 195^ , 'Vi-richers’ Atv..-:,hi * - a l * ■•■-- : «ai>isred wr-or :al y agi. Miw i Ten S 3 Ctagg< i. Hillside Ni.rii Sch'* >' O-.i- of the highlight* of ihr [ April ?h festival iv.iil bo the pre ; sentalion at cho'-jscs which re nt ived lutinps of !, JI and IIJ n I tilt* Tli.-trji. l Elimi&atiOb Co*i- I to-o --| N- 1 hoios the A B daßren from Tuil.-.d'Coilep'* am ij,.. M.A f'o: . Columbia I't.ivo .-uiy. He : i>jc>tu i-'rv- servo '■ •*« chsinrinn of . tiv inir-ii; at i'alrr -r Memo: oi' Tnrtmue at Setaiia, and I has had considerable experience l m I in I | I ‘ IV -r. i i I I f i -. . *. » * 1 <' ■■'vn t- .. ... . ,- r I 1 - * BL£HO£O WHISKEY 3 M Proof, Hraio irH- i ( i-i cUni ehm'Oii ei.«d -r j He i. a veteran of Vo-id Win I If. i i QT.IESTION: What - the fees' way to handle shallots <hot go tr j seed s-apidlv? ANSWER: 'When I h r * r I plants begirt 1» make seed vinMt.* it is best to so fluoti?-.h and rid the reed *>talks owi in U;.i. ivnj you can hat. c better hulbs for planting next fall. j New-born pigs need 5-cme addi j tiona! heat during M. ■ f,-rt fa r j days ri their hv.-s. They don't ai

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