300LEADERSPROTEST JIM CROW SCHOOL BILLS JOB* : MBt M ” j , J r fk 1 A \j f% i j I 3&JJE '1 i i|y§ gji " i ...^ ftlllip ■ * 1 *w Sfi ,V * *i«»*niai Luther Hndges sh-uvn with pari #f cHiian? ?,i-mp which visited him ■ ! the < a pi lot n;i Tuesday afternoon to tell him of their opposition to legislation which would decent rainy thf. stateV school system. Chief executiv- showed kern concern. ! CONTEST STANDINGS ! ; y,on ■ A >:)ta ’.o the CAROLINIAN'S Tig j } rubs■'•rini :e,n ■ ■■.■ntA' '-'i aril are r< minded to' I ! ~, ihA- ve!v ■ in not later than noon on \ I lursrtav. ivh.nh 1 in order that their j „ h« included in the standings ; 1 which will h- put dished mst week Hun> j j )- jj'jy . * you don’t want *t> r» '.-it out 1 I | § * I t Lt&d raiuf o 4*a a« » Pf ■nj ■■' f% |j4#i ijiul 1 ii fk it*' rrrnm IfOuG us uiip Tp \-.V X Uf.il B \RM> • ,i••]:••' oi r-l-/-. »: from oil ; , parts of the state converted on the . ;no Fnocei■••-•■ n Committee' the end f iu Hous6 hot? only *v«y> they i, any eifort r>if;rr *n i-sr 'f i"- • r*•*<•.*>is. hill, f-oM them uni rney were against any ITjO'vP •• b■' .. t i school die - h• ni '•' ■• rc'Ct tha • the te&isisi ture i>dm </nyy m ohov fears TF* ffrsf *rrHc>r« of Uj* del r r>ivuip t a mu itn fo h v H' •U n £ «h r g»> v ptn or t e • n v- ha<f adoptrd a i*pini *.4' humor and that of Ohi r 4 r;- . |-f.; • •. ?: rj *v , ;:ri ttt i 1 \} l f* whehc ruiidfr *4 vn'srMinn w>.ih an orf* (m Ute ia • ' f,t U eiti/ -of the *'•'-'*■*l tt/\ sp: i ,i\ i> ot fdi r Os ina en’iup th>; t went in to sec the irovm-uor v.a., -lyi-d a special n; v. .;r.i v. . ;;c;.k on. Members of this -nr-’inb":: wore W. J. K r dy. hi Csro:.;ra Mutual 1 ■ Ip.surii-rce Company, l). B. b ..rrjii. Ourhum leader; F< fieri!iOii sr-ii'f i *c;udh M H irr Thop ■ .-or.. Du; >•. tin lawyer: J. H. Wliecicr. Mrs. Alice Hanui- C 3-. Ki;:su.i- ctvic leader 'Dr. G. D C..;' - ;. t _---,j:rt Mailer M the M. t 0!..,, j. r S;c• ait. Dumw:atic ir. tr Committee; L £. Austin limes: Ale x Riv ei a. I’ ’ .bu:2h Com icr C-'irresnonde' l ’ f;h ;v - Klent, Rs *'■ ■ eetaiion and /uex.tr.d'. B *ies. CAROLINIAN. T'e i-rnor praised the er-.emst'*-. ■ -, r r(s verv intelli tCOVONLfcD OS' PAGE 13. No Public Funds For Private | . Schools, Gov. Hod ?e$ Asserts t'm -.l- „ .. ... . . . £mpnafc)c opposition to a pro pi'c-aJ io keep public school segre gation through 'he use of public funds to support private schools, was vo.cad by Gov. Luther Hodges la si week. Un{ ‘- L ‘ i( - U. 8, Supreme Court hM act'd further on the school segregation issue, ssid the Gover- ROr > the plan proposed bv Rep. am Wonhiti;.rf.oß of put County, u. ■ unnecessary and untimely." A>. ras he and chairmen of f’ legislature's committees on education were concerned, the 1 rope nl •came out of the blue." ir - ! aide's Chief Executive told newm.-n. Bills already presented to the legislature to revise public st: 001 laws and provide for de centralize rdmir. ;,-.ration, he said a;e sufficient for the present.” Wants Utif.rcndum Worthington, whose county has s heavy Negro population, propos ed a referendum at the inert, ern. eral election which would permit the people to vote on the matter, but the Governor said that he was sine that the House and Sen yt, ate education committee had gone *» into ali aspects of the desegresia '■ non i:.sue. Leadjpg legislator! joined Gov. 1: idstes in calling the Worthtog fpo.-a: 'T-rerna- ere.” Spokea the N. c. Education 4s composiid of 24,000 cihcT-; in a letter to Gov. ieclared; j The Carolinian VOLUME 11 r .\- ''WWy*-- ; ;. y \ (:t:< HtARIKG Til ' "is DAV v f£> » «*ti. u in: • .* .• t jycrh« ;.c j ‘•fOKffotf h**r fin three cr:cs >»f p«*riuf rosny ovum . • '• f>n young , of 5 . Mr* tv.uti i* si;>t» ri i • h • > *■ jvr.dmdnarv fctfarifn: ;> r* tiie b'O chu-TRc Tltursd i • jf% a « R Sf %*■ -SB jRIt ?Rm A L- fe «; ft * \T3rC P.>h;v. w ’< . %# l»C« 4w Hw i > ' - BriP* I sSI SfTJOOf. l’l..VN'>. I.XPANV-i-'W aKICrINVILLh - ■ .i insuecror. is set tiiia vet eir on rlif- ec tierai contract of tdo -.i-w •-'.•'tdiuons to the South Greenv.'lle Nr., ro bicnoo: Tlie new wnm w;;i (-•:••,.in >;:•. classrooms, a nxlc.r-via. iitch*’*.;.. auditorium nnci lib •;• *.■ 'in*- new facility is expected to pw:? ! <t.. for use at the opening of th> b b semester of next" v< u, KEYNOTES AT AI.MY MATED Mb' Julia At. Y Oilii::. l ;,Vf graduate of Shaw U niversity with a major In Home f ro nfimier. who rcctuflv return. •*fl from a European four of .several lountm-v, was the ftuest speaker VAed v morn in* at Greenleaf Chapel at Shaw. The youns tad* a,, attainted the student- and far ultv members with tier travels fbrotigh an illustrated lecture, ■“he also showed picture stm of many countries. ts is s ('ONTINUED ON PAG! U “Let not the red hr mu;: of an unknown follow up decis ion or the T. 8. Supreme Court be drawn across the path of present progress lead ing to a promising future An attempt to do so is now evi dent and ft fear will become even more evident before the A\sembiy adjourns.' As of June 30. J 954. the stnte' of North Carolina valued its white Riverside inn Gun Battle Brings Iniuries To Three Located on Poole Hoad, about i six miles east of the city River- f side Inn. which has made news 1 on other occasions, cropped up ir. t the news Sunday morning when; t it was the scene of a gun battle.! c in which two brothers were fired j. upon. I Jcs.se B. Joyner and William P. c Joyner, of Caty. Route 1, are said * to have caused a disturbance at the inn. about. 9:30 Saturday; s night. The proprietor;. Henry c Goodson and Charlie Watkins, did r not like the conduct being dis- s played by the, irate brothers, who c are said to have accosted an un- J identified person. t l The brothers are reported u> I ';. ; V ; A:'-. V'>. ; -. r A-; Vb.'■ ■,• ' ' ;' v mM'-V'C ,Sl ’i 'EY'VE : ... v'"'. V . .V :\ \ V y/V '•■ V.'/yELi-V ,y . '^V s . b .., Verdict Near In Suit For 100 G’s t p K jc^tyriQ T; a nmiSM.W P ( - sub; .a v ; r s = r'Ufcd o* '(V,. '[ . hp- r tIV a.L'iiv.' tv?. Ki ccnu r.d the • Fo u t.l: ;-:.rn H• 1 v;>i y ny. n*f nx ! I? ?V»t’ IJj“V ) 1 Jf'-vci'j y i?T*y ‘J'ljjt vtoyi home bv -i-u-clftt? F. I>on pi l» f * •. r; 1 : f p \ r r< v-cji.-r 1* ■ j during <i j ; i'abbif' >tt tnc > Sc< j Kc-iciue te-itiHf‘d Mrit, Ij-l ri d ! df'UK-d : b;.-tc .* Dv DrtVifi W A I;.'*'.-, a psyclua- F■sni n ‘ ons V ireme n Instead Os f ops AiREf.N-ROHO YV h < n someone i- f: ! .t ill' ’ you over (he head a-d shouidera with an a\c yr.u w -.“.i help fast, no matter from which e.iarter it may <:ome. At icayf that was the think - i«g of \fis- Minnie Eire. Ji). of ’57 VI . ’»<•( a.ii.i h Street, who was fined SlO and costs and given a 30-day suspend ed sentence in Atuniespab- County < ouri for turning in a false lire alarm. V T Free testified that a neighbor. Lonnie Casey. 44, was hitting her with an ax.’, so "! ran to the fne alarm box to cet help and get it last Judge .(amt’s P VY r*!fp. Jr. rave ( a-.e> 18 months on C'i in •, for assault with a deadly weapon • school plants at $3lB million and; these of Negroes at S7? million. 1 Meanwhile, in Washington Sen-; a for Ives . 11. NY > indicated that! he may propose an anti-segrega- I tion amendment to federal school j aid legislation. Committee Repub-; : beans were : aid to be considering | an amendment to the school bill j to limit aid to those states which’ have systems ' in accordance with"; the Supreme Court segregation! ban. have left the place, bin not like, McArthur, they did not hesitate; Jons and after about three hours, j they returned Upon their return, i they opened fire on the operators; of the place, from their car. Co-; proprietor Goodson. is said to ha ve j been outside the building and re- | coned a bullet, in his back from, a blast fired from the Joyner car. i On hearing the blast. Watkins., still on the inside, picked up a,! carbine and started firing at the; car. in which the brothers were | sea ted. According to investigating j off’cen-;. Watkins did a good job.; Jesse is reported to have been shot i twice in the left check and once (CONTINUED ON PAGE ID ■ | . g> .. .! ' ? I ’ %WfhP- 'PWiW r - Mb M,:V. f ~M r jPk. - V-‘M-v A;■ .b ; 'v S? iM I iw^' V : L b'b'M;;: ' P •& '"'HI ' fef -TA’ '" - , % e I :L,x M 1 »>?* -ifif ? >-r " :% .-A . John H, IVhfeh*r. pr<-?.b*e&i of the and Farmers Bank of Dot ham, and spokesman lor as Jie addressed joint cdacatinn com mitice of I 'RVsi. ".are- at .Uah- igb. Staff Fhtttos —By Chas. R. Jones RALEIGH, !L C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2d, ms tMj'oliruiV, Aionionai rT<.- :pi‘a.. .tsyr, V.et rhe fact v.M Bnenccr «••»: beaten by j ■■•. .hhe. bisis could T,»v< . -'is AV ‘ eiVso'Vi.vai ". I’C. f . ’ CONI J .i'll) ON P.-YGI- 11 srj i//| | r-n ft wumftN KILLED. 3 DTTNN• Monroe MitcliP;!. 2d, a eh iiiiUi entiYloyee of Fort Bra a ma (if ihe I«tal jr.Ltake of d..-•*•»- <ardint. ?. stop sum on highway 210. about 10:30 Saturday night it. a point two miles south of Liliingron. and the result is that he languishing m the Harnett Count v Mm. Elizabeth James .- dead. Emesl James is hospil bai v-ith severe rntei nal iniune>. Annie Baugh is exhibiting sears anti (Vaiiuld B:uio> think-- he i k> after bemg treated fo>. i.-.c.:a;. a - all hapTirned wiiet) J me- t. alletted to ‘nave rammed hi.- 1950 Hudson Jet. with the power it implies and at an imifasonabk specd into a 1951 Ford sedan driv en by James and occupied by bit; v.uff and the other uijuied per i sons, named above. Mrs. James was riding in the (CONTINUED ON PAGE 11) j ' i j f ' t,'*' i’lW -\ Jt {'Q&f J,{£ flsSwn* 1 v * fjr. • ■> < \ -«**** i I ■ -g --| I' WRECK VICTIM TO HOSPITAL—-Robert Sheppard and his son, Richard, lift accident casualty into ■ ambulance following Saturday night crash on the read to F airport, just outside of Oxford. «J --■ rRFEJfSBORM P; --Jd*rt« r! two oolieees. a city cnumilrriar. and a liaU cks-rv ministirs a;-- among 87 witnesses subpeens.-d |i>r i>u 'rial of NT C Websv'r. former A&T College bursar which got underway her* Tuesday in Guilford Superior Court. The tna: of Webster, an five count- of embessrlement of more ! than 59.100 from the .state-sup ported in- 1 Air a n expected to tak» all of tr.-i week and may e>- ' tend into next week. Tha defen . danl entered nleas of innocent to . it ONTIM ff> ON PAGE is Faces 7 ( hargCN, All Spell Heath i TARBORO With the am--- of - Eddie Lee Leonard, 21, local i- - Lee behove that they hgva ■a "prowler’ scare that has plagued j this community during « two-yeas t period. Leonard was held without bond pending a preliminary hearing on two counts of rape and live counts of first, degree burglary. Both crimes carry maximum penalties of death, (CONTINUED ON PAGE 11 S ■ ijHi ■ .inMp i 'jgsr.wf- i i | »ijf*p.,ifßjti v .' ji.';m i', Ji.,r,ij,fwjpriigyi^i •JBMifiireEi'... jse^^^s Fart of |»;‘.W - ,oo.'t *s sn»* ■■!:■:> ropr* '-:*-ni,j (h\« «. « f• r{.tT* #'; Part* of the r-tale co«'. wd nn JlakiisU : >l* : ■■■>■ hiw;- Kvcw .•»! sheir •.(>,-••. M-.-.a to bills . !.*•>'ti :,i by pui iin% :- : :>s>remo ( « v,rl «*<•»,•, ?n ~; -•? . _j - g . * ROBERT I . n. ?-VI A Lale Coolest Cn tries C* 1 ® * bpur Caroimiai! K ice The second «> • f ) • ...> - more ttav.n $3,0001>0 vy. ;ii >ii prizes. From the way late '-ntr-j' -. are coming in there a-n mo’e Uirr 100 contestant:-: The mar -. u mt-r - of the paper said '' -i-. week tha it bids fair to bc-.m-. the most suc cessful contest <■-• ■ meed in k state. Entries art f> ■ m mots of the »s?€ OOOKfNG StiiiOdi, | (.-ibnz :sl! B- M lrt t 0 j : •!( »v..ek:, p”->rr f.;. r m USO r',,-::. | :• t’;?■•' anniw; rAK*OUNIAK ; S ! '- '\v ] Ifdnait-iiidj's | . • ' ■ - '■'' ’■ ! ' ’ ■■' ; ;: 0 / v re 1 >•:.?-i xn 1( r-OisX ch-Ji'H. ■»l' - ■■ til.- m ...»»;... - ■,,,. -« , ... •«-. ,s**&§ jtfCu-a® vi‘V.-;-; : ' y ; « 4. • X ' ;Jf V. •p| ■,'■ 3 ." "J Tfe '1 ITC* 4-V v'rtTlSfrV Wr.A ***#&-<&± ••■• -•■ -•• &**?&&■ y j&, x'"i :% o •»>•/'•*/ -C' •?. *;£ *>■ F:> _ | f | *r* rv»* ■•'4 s**s■ t> "V '■ ■ ■ ff ' w jj. ' •» <••• •» *wi-. w /a »v CH ->,■>. ?. id • ■ , * V ’' * . ' 1 . ; r*< ■ , ' : ' s ' : ' McLean, the ttwiira, jspr»n< fly told ;n --. ■;, ’ '' :7li : •* vv<; 1 I by FkrtVtT.s <0 •--omi to ;■ ' ■•■ •• '-'•*¥ '-'■ * (;i ;>••■’>t ft ;iv gnll. r ? u Ihr l *"'V. ’• ;.:t ' :> - .• ip-jari n! 'that - !tJ di„g ; a jr.r. v, i: . not 'ip: ii n; : ' .Fk -.v r '<; .n»nd. The .- ! charged J '“'‘ '. J '‘ ’ ! v : ; ’'- r Vi - raped br ftvre and '>■«* ■ - ' • v/jii three tiir.j-s ou February 16. i is tcKcdulMl ut sp {K*;;r to i'tis Court Xhursdav , »' <!•<■. « •*•• to an-nw thp t'fKi rFr*. U". c 1 . counties. ? fie vvVi • ••••■: -". £v..a*:u.:rcd rc wfco v fj.;id ilia 1 > try for the. i. ! ■<■ u« lat-t u> R n-cber that the In-i . May; >•; Deep Freez er; 11 if .V O] H ))! ,i yT;i VT j Washing Machine wbik tH» third )>I •• if 3 Zor’.Ui Tpl<? vision ftfit. Ali conteslanM wui receive 15 per; cem comnu.vlon on ali money . turned in. “iy l ' !.; r relative stardA . ull be printed in tin; j'.r.u*' of March 5. at which terse the contestants Will know how much steam snev ; will have to put on to top one of the pand those who ha? i not. started in full force, will know what they have to do to pull up. The management would like to warn the contestants 5 hat they ■ should not wait until the last- two week:- of the campaign to win. Entries this week were: Prof. J. W. Mask. Hamlet; Dr. H. L. Bry ant. * 'erdoen; Mr Sheridan East- • crling, Kiierbee; Mr. Charles In • gram. Boeing barn. Mrs. Amy Fo.s- : . ter. pinehursi; Mr Martha- Flerd Greensboro; Mr. Charles Crtiiro itn Wnr-ton-Soiem: Rev. J. A. i Belton. Gastonia. Rev. C. T. Thar irir.-'ton, Henderson Mrs. Evelyn 'Adams. Gastonia; Air. C M. Pal mer. Durham; Mrs.. P&rthama Pratt, Durham; Mrs. Sarah GaI (CONTINiJEIJ ON PAGE Hi N.C. Stale To V/elcome Ag. Agents Despite Protest ; Negro farm find home agents i wilt attend a three-week course ■ for extension workers at North j Carolina State College, despite the objection of Trustee John W. ; Clark, Dr. Carey H. Bostmn, chan j ccilcr, made clear last week i Clark, a textile manufacturer of ! Greensboro and Preuklirmile. in ■ 'a letter to Sen. John H. Kerr of I Warrenton, said that admitting': i the N:. tiroes to the courses was an i effort to drive r.n "opening wedge” \ for racial integration. ‘■Once they set this crowd hanging . round the college,” the letter purportedly set forth, “they expect to bring | in the younger generation to the v K lims courses at the col lege. then call for the aiiroit tiiacc o! every Negro who wishes to eonv to the Farm . < and Home Week which is held at the college every summer.” : up « ■.-leased ipst aiay as i UMw.ul V. md. btsyinsMßijut, posted a H.'ONTINrOI f)N (’ ,Cy ,j. Racing Car ffiffc* Thrpp 11 ii j u i-, liw 4* in Guilford KEBNERSVILLE • * r Bice missed a sharp curve and was call ed out by death, while Bobby F. Pennington failed to t■ :e the proper shot off rhe backboard of ihc speed that the car in which '.hey v/ew riding, at a reported 100 mil' per hour and he. along with William A Mitchell it, dead. The trio died as the result of what was termed "Gstifferd iCONTtVt'EI> ON PAGE 11s ‘Other Woman- Said Basis of Shooting DUNN—That old story about the eternal triangle landed Van. McLean m the Harnett County tail, early Monday morning and ills wife in the local hospital as the result of gun shot wounds in the stomach of the mother of his 12 children, and his sort. Joe, face a charge of shielding his father, ti ONTINUM) OK PAGE 11) Action Explained Said Chancellor Coman: "The course which Negroes may attend is merely a refresher tvaining pe riod for county .farm and home agents who are regularly employ ed ay the North Carolina Agri cultural Extension Service. They are a type of post -gvaduto work not giver, by A&T College. •‘Housing and meals would he provided off the campus and the participation of these agents on the State College campus would be on a purely professional basis, • This r. commendation was dis cussed fully by the executive com mittee in the governor’s office on Fob. 14 and those members pres ent. with the exception of Mr. Clark, approved this pioposal.” A meeting of the full board is scheduled for Feb, 28.

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