NEW r ' -.Mr. ,'• ■ ?- r *..> '4 . r* v/ ■■:’. * •• £ p :>/ i . r ••n PF'IV-TiNT -One of the heart warm)*;# exawpb • >.. *-i;'.*'.• a; orntitw sot 3'.ns:land'A Princess Margaret «.vs exhibited !> . :;i(z *•:>•; 'n ! ; r:‘ tc in the Bahar»;ss. Meg received .7 .;' > ■ . :-.r iw ?v, • •■ f ■ f mm LHjtfa Rrorah;* m t right ) at the ■• ;--r-r ■ ♦.<-.«• »t .. Ri jjj} during a tour The blind rtudmts rained ap :• S' - v-f'T'swi&hi?, ri h\ ,Mi •.• r’ the Iwy, u hie I* opera, ie* the f: <•■.»•. • New'iprres Photo) filler Mnvifi “Kin?” t iiiy f ll# iiifiSg * ? ft If f$ B L 111 f :, ITI Bull City WPf! t ■ e§ll y siii Hi IJf If CU* Ueaf n Found »Jurnea To Death The eharr-fgd body of Thomas ■ -r;- ; . ;■ '■ of r; ablindOTigd f ’>e possibility of foul plav sheriff's depuites, who have j questioned Willie .Davis, 51, .V-gr© night watchman at the o?*f R.vs Pack in sr Company's s'attgh i erhouse just bejond the Buckeye Oil Company. ! Also cpse-si toned was Howard's v. ife, Mrs. Lily Howard. 52. who said that her husband of ten stayed away from home for long periods of time when he was on a drinking spree. A long crack found ;r. Howard's.' skull might have been the result of the heat. Coroner Marshall Bennett pointed out but there is a possible*.y that it wis caused by a blow. A small room, formerly used as a shower stall, Melded Howard's burned remains. Invest tea tine officers bav» (C-ONJTNCEB ON PAGE 2. Local NAACP Head Blasts Desegregation Opponents Opponent.- of desegregation re ceived a tongue-lashing this week from Isaac B. Horton, president of the Raleigh branch NAACP. who joined Kelly Alexander of Ciiaj lotte. state president of the NAA CP, m calling lor the repeal of ail segregation laws in the state. Horton, a f r.nior theological student at Shaw University, and the son of the Rev Avery .Horton of 508 Patterson Lane, was referring specifically ■to a statement issued by the Rev. $, R. Johnson, Salisbury min ister. last week. The minister, in objectir-o io Mr. Alexander's demand for a repeal nf all segregation lews, including tne one against racial imermar- MMM—~ Registration Begins Mar. 26 The registration books of the city of Raleigh will be open for registration on March 26 and April 3. Every person whose name is not on she books should decide that the books will not dose Without their name being on it. This is a duty that jcu owe yonr your family your city amt your nation—-TO REGISTER AND VOTE A voteless people is a defenseless people. A our vote may deride whtihei we will have a smooth running city government or one -hg-t win have no regard for the rights of all the people. Elected officials ale your servants, They owe you the proper discharge of meir office. You can only demand this when you have exercised your right to vote. endM lii& -sftFtj&OTi on IH?* •Last Adv endure of a King. ’ Mr, Watkins is reported to have died at the wheel of his antomohile about Sun day night, after be had taken h friend home. The well known Durham figure is known to have hern In fail ing health, hut h > death came as a. shock to the city. He came to Durham more than road show and from that time on gave up his antics with tricks :;r. Hr *.v *he builder of the old i ap-eah ash owner. It was under his : • loader,-:!.? that tire Midnight. Rambles were introduced to Dur-1 He later is believed to have had interest in a chain of ibi-atir* in North Carolina and Virginia, lit* also special' iz<?d sn show aig pictures in the schools of North Carolina, He would attend national e* * ••ntx and take pictures and show them to audiences thru «ut the state. During the second World War he operated the Democratic Club and if was there tbsi nr decid'd to enter poll tier-. He was elected a magistrate some years ago and .is believed to have been holding such an office when he died He was a factor ir> the frj»te>Tai ICONTENTED ON PAGE 2i riage. wrote that -Negroes by the thousands" resented this demand. NOT QUALIFIED TO SPEAK In his statement, Horton said in part: “The Raleigh Branch of the NAACP does not. feel that the Rev Mr. Johnson is qualified to speak 'he sentiments oJ thousands of Negroes. We take the position that. Mr. Johnson's views, whatever they may be. are his own and cannot be construed as the think ing of the Negro populace. “The Reverend Mr. Johnson dors not officially represent any : organization of Negroes dedicated to complete emancipation of the Negro. "The Raleigh Branch of the THE : n - wak. V;jr • I VOLUME H ji Cify Welcomes Nation » Morticians "k 'h ★ ★ ★ ★ *★★★*★ ★★★★★★ * * * x ■& * * %1 . Hoid Unwed Mother For h Tl , m f ■; ’ :, y I /a . M ' ' I !!§s* |n| k&V Vs a > H h -map x*&Ad&. awfcSft* -\. w fefcS' | _ l Say Woman Threw! T% ? T7 nr« * oo a3/ r rom Ira i n j CHARLOTTE A 22-year-old unwed mother. Miss Mary Mas '- <>o,l of Oovereo-. ’s Island. N. Y. ss held her* on a charge c. : truant. her oev.-born baby from a- movin? train. Accordin',: to P'-lmont police. • yrhoo! children told them • ;;ai Uie; saw the body thrown from a train wxtwlnw The battered body was four:-! on the tracks The wornsn. police s&y, told them thstt ilie k-iby .!>"’? through a rest room if? KILLS BABY, 3 OTHERS BURNED ROPER- -Fire, wbich started in the kitchen of a. one-story frame! , house, took the life of a six* month-old bn by and caused, sen-: ous hum- to two other children, end a woman here Saturday after ; noon. Dcu6. is Lind wood Earl Wilkins,! son of Mr and Mrs, LeEoy Wil kms and .arandson of Mrs, Fred Simmons. M ; *s rfmrmons was bad i iy burned Bhout t-he face and body reacn me uriaiii and two of her children, Ann. 9 and Sis, 13. who were burned before being rescued. The fire, of unknown* origin completely destroyed the dwelling ; but Hopei firemen kept it f?ox*i spreading' to the woods near by. and also saved a smoke house. Free Prizes Galore Await Throngs At 3rd .Food Show The third annual Food Show and Homemakers Exposition.: sponsored by the CAROLINIAN .is .vrhnduled to get underway in the basement- and auxiliary auditor ium of the First Baptist Church. Wednesday si 2 P. M The promoters of the show are now predicting that this will be the be: ever held and estimate that there will be many more NAACP joins with Mr Kelly fKel ly Alexander*. Stare president of the NAACP. in lus advocacy of re -1 CON TIN LED ON FACE 2) TWO POLICEMEN NOT GUILTY IN i ALLEGED BRIBE Raleigh police officers Sam Ciaikton and T. T Street were in Wake Superior Court Tuesday morning to testify against a de fendant who claims the officers tried to make him “pay off.” Both men were ordered by Judge Clawson Williams to pay fines totaling S4O each and costs Monday after they failed to appear as witnesses in the vase. The judge order ed the fines void, however, af ter the officers explained that they had been in court but were told that the case would not be vailed on Monday. James McAlister, the defendant, who lives on Smith field Street. Is charged with reckless driving and attempting to bribe an officer. The bribery charge was lev ied against him after he com (CONTINUED ON PAGE Z) ( ‘ *■ •fc 4H ■ * &'?■&.*■?.4 r - - f / ****%&" *l»Bi>iiiwimi—»i iii—iiiiWHl sewer pipe. W. J McljCu-. G.'iioy County! coroner, »as<l the: uuf baby a sy-devctopp<i sever -pound bey. had been borr aitve When she north -bound tra in ar« ' rived here M : -os Magwobd was! takes; off and taker, to Goor ,3a .;narit*n Hospital. She told pUlce * th"’ phe had not expected the 1 baby unt-U raid-April. She said; '■hat she vent to a rest room where • she biacked o>i : and vas not 9- ■ ware She didn’t report the inct-' ■debit, she said, because she was too dazed Sa? .Frank Carpeni'-T of the Bf-lmoru police, said that Mips Msgwood had char end with murder. She said that .she v •» re farr to Fart Jay at Or en- Istend after v-sitrng relatives in Ailtorr Alabama. Subscription Drive Enters Home Stretch The interest m the statewide contest that has been going or) since February 30 for the more than $5 ,000 00'worth of prizes that will be given away by the CARO LINIAN is really mounting. Contestants are calling upon their prospects will: much vigor, in the hope that they can finish in the top three. Mrs. Lillian Wat persons in at tendance than previ ous years. Demonstrations will be given by experts of the Carolina Power and Light Company who will feature the latest in electric cooking. Electric appliance dealers, rep resenting the latest in appliances will display their products. There ! > . y ito ■ :,-■■/ 'j, - J »' OFT TO tfNH 'A iV'-id.-rs I!sc African Methodist Episcopal church are pictured at New York’s International airport, shortly bv.ofe departing on a Pan American clipper l'cr Africa. They are Rest to right 1: Dr. A. f bt-ster ( kirk, executive secretary-treasurer of missions, and Mrs. K. Bailey Nicholas. First Lady of the First Episco pal district, v. ho hid farewell So Mrs. Alma Folk. .Mrs. and Bishop H. Thomas I'rimrn, resident bishop of the Louisiana and Mississippi districts; mid Rev. Robert M Stevens, dean of Campbell college, Jackson, Miss. They ded.ica.tetf the bow Monrovia college tit Africa. (News-press i'k&U>) RALEIGH, N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MARCH son, Smstbfierd. just can't believe that her people will let her down. She is banking on going down to , tii6 wire with plenty to sp&rg. In Durham, things arc begin ning to happen. Mrs. Pamha Pratt' says that she has been collecting in installments and knows that she will be in the run nine . C. M iCONIWIia) ON PAGE 21 vffl be two aessions daily. The afternoon session will, be visited by home economic classes and teachers from the high schools to and around Raleigh. Those who have notified the ' management of their intention to be present are from Johnston County Training School, Smith- . ,4. . & V M- , , f J | ' ! .•Mf : S/u ! CHARGES RAPE Sadie Mae McLean, above, ciaitns that Robert f„ Flowers. Ra - Jeigb tire to February. Flowers vas bound over under a ,*CO< l bead Monday in City Court. i'Sw story this page.) Slate Group i Clf** ||j| i ~— | The Colored Tuurral D; .;t;o>- I and Moif'ciurs A;m c;.:v. :oe c 3 i North Carotin?, Inc headed by ;O. H. ’-T> 1v- ].;■ . •;-, J ; . >< .host to tiie Executive Boa’i! of j the National Negro Fimer *! Dt rectors A..'.socifu;oii : ’.n - here ,-r;- day, M -r-iay end Tu- iriay. The meeting will get mjd-jnrt*:- at the Mac« .v ruci B&ptid Church. Sunday, 7-.30 p.i t. with Pur-tv j. Brown. Gree*',-. boro pen. *i<fs.ig. Tbi* y: ! < ha a >■ .bia stag and r: ui { run? yrt V- /rom President Moms C. V/ L, .-.innt gomerv, A I*., Charles Crook. Chi cago, EL. T H Hawes C:yyy ; 111 . and TvT-v. Albert a MVFr;) ;■ . Jiden.t. Is.dies’ Auxiliary. Detroit, i Michigan. j The Rev Paul TT. .fohrron v ii! I deliver a sertnoneUe. Howard ! Durr, rhaplam, will lead the d?- I votlons. Wilbur Sanders vnl! --mg a f and the Martin St re. iOh y; • will rend- r the musk:. Registration Moo da v Registration will iter place m West Campus, Shew Univc-syr. Monday morning, 5.30 ter sion will be called to orria at, 9:30 ; a .a;. by C. H. Moms, tv: ■; ; B. Wheeler svi wpir-onv- n ■■■ «„ ora. W. j, Kennedy. No, •■? lina Mutual, w.-i! ~■ v,\, n ' ! ICON TINTED ON FA- A field; Cooper Training: &< tool, Clayton; Nash Trsicmß, Nash ville, Spaulding High. Sr; Hope. Perry High. Gr-thesamne and Franklin County Training of Franklin Cqur-y and Loth'.burg, other school" M>-; r . -- hern (COSTTNUEO ON PAGE 2) lerSeS^ RAPING GIRL By STAFF WRITER In a. surprise move in City Couri Monday morning. audit Mac. McLean. 16 who accused Robert L. Flowers of Raleigh of raping her on the night of February 16 declared that she was raped only once instead at three • rn> • . :he previously reported in a '.‘-arrant, Flowers, in a counter-move de nied raping the teenager at a!; Judge Vaughn Winbome. h<n>. ever bound the 45-year-old tire salesman ove.; to Wake Superior Court and set his bond at SI,OOO. The girl, who looks much younger than her 16 years and probably weighs less than 10b pounds, was the first witness called by solicitor R. L. M< - Millan. She took the witness stand giggling and blushing, appar ently unaware of the serious ness of the crime with which she had accused Flowers. Defense Attorney Ram Morris asked her if she had ever or gag ed in sexual intercourse be/on the alleged rape. She replied that she experienced intimacy once be fore, less than It’ months ago. The girl, at Morris’ request, re counted the events leading up to the reported attack. She admitted coming to Raleigh of her own ac cord after being offered a job by Flowers at the Carolina Grill, lo cated on West South Su eel here. Upon reach'nt* the • ••• 1 ■ said (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2} | a 1 jP**'* NUMBER 25 [ # * ! fc ; f plf •. ' i'M:-. ■*■ ls|fe ** •• llffe : 'V. ' • vh-Ai A. tetett'te /'■ > y ;% .a J,.: 1 ■ ißi fiMII mmM BISHOP SPEAKS ID hM— Bte.fe.op Frank tfCadteon Retd of » ,? -v**.; church, who will spink IJ aura., Sunday at Si. Paul t ‘iir. Church t*",. y: ~ r 'v iwsii prelate presides ov.-r Fv> Seventh and part of the Second Episcopal Districts, comprising South Carolina* North Carolina and Virginia. ! st?*g News i 1 4#-<*ls4%# lly fly | ! Brib f . I y„ _ . ‘ t. ;■(: Murderers Sentmeed ■ Clark, 3,1, and big alleged i girl fv:e;:v Ovoryia Brown, 29. re -9 | Tuesday iii the second decree ; riiv:;.d.<*r of a white Kaleurh truck • idriver last October. Clark was ’tended a 28-30 year term while 1 :Mh.:■-. Brown received 25-30 years.' Both pleaded guilty to second de gree murder last Halloween of Neal Aycoth. whose nude body was found in a cheek rr-ar the Wash ington School lor a ted OP PuyetH’- viile Street. He had been cut to death. Robbery was accepted as the motive Clark blamed Mrs. Brown for the fatal deed and she blamed him Avroth- who was a nauve of Charlotte, had been in Releinh only a short- time when he was found. Wake Driver Dies ROLteYILLE Dan Scarbor ough, 64 was killed near .here Tuesday morning when a car plowed into the rear of a trailer ; drawn by a farm tractor which : Scarborough was. driving, The ! driver of the car, Lacy Christian, 24, Negro of near Roxboro. fled into the woods following the deed, | but was captured three hours later' ! not too far away. Bloodhounds i were brought to the scene to track him. Christian, unhurt in the , wreck, is being held in the Wakr . . County Jail pending an inquest. A woman, riding in the car with Chri: 'fan is being held as a ma terial witness She is under a SI,OOO bond. She suffered cuts a boui the face. The wreck occurred: on Highway 96. about two miles: north of RolesviUe. on a straight- ’ level stretch o Tn« f^rir 1 tCONTfI-TED ON PAGE 2) SCW ES TO KNIFE Wm GREENSBORO Ric har d 1 Seales. 29-year-old auto mechanic sentenced to die or; May 27 for the knife-slajung of Mr: Bertha ! Cook last January 19 is on death j wv at Central Prison in P,aieigh pending action by the State Su-. j preme Court on Ms appeal. H? was sentenced by .Judge Su- j sic Sharp minutes after a Superior; | Com t of three Negroes and nine | white men return a verdict of i lirst-degree murder after deliber- 1 afinr. 45 minutes. Be war not tried for the murder of Mrs. Cook's 7-year-old daugh ter Betty Marie who was also kilied while attempting to aid her mother.. Scales gave no outward show of emotion as sentence wa passed WINNER ’3l'x- hu'}-:" cur liu.t week was J ti one ni-arin;, i.i% number | tSOS-Od'k If the owner of that t rsi took i< to Uanif’s Kw Ssi | vice, corner Cabarrus and I H load worth -itrerts. here in S Rob;..'!, at received a free I grease job. I'Vhi.s Y,;i! happen every week. Wa:>b for ~.- Ur < Uh mimhcr. If it follows tiie , ) awIrPvCE :ur vfP iv * T 4/ *f'V ; - ;;t ' I*/*' C-Ai, .G . i dRi .a: • •-.. a/ * ;«•; > North Carolina l.icrnsc. This week’s n’—ntiers are; 75-115; 59-51,5; 5.1-858; 7t-t>. f 20; 54 - * ."> 1 4nd 55- 9\ 1 New Court iliiisfHfF lii* AmA« , ‘ v i %§ , & s J Segregation of i’OfAV :v- : ; "■ { V" ri ' F’OVU’U- ; MO-fidii hi vrr::ng a dec: ,j .;OD of * )f lcderoi dv-’.;i.ct court «»t Bait.-ms-r* equal fmvihies the ce«r» 'her* stressed vueh v.n ar.t*6« ?. uncon stitu t ional It sv, ih>: wry 'separate-hur equa!’ theory that Ivy, k iV r»t the public .•chool ryhern in the 6oor?- regr; ye U-d ui’M the TI. S Supreme Court handed down u,;. historic de cision last May hi. This decision, the Circuit Court here -aid ■'swvptav iy' ,v,v. bv-'y for ht'rpina the races anv lotiger in public parks or play rrounds. I cited iv.o cases in which the Supreme Court held that the "sey;»rate-but-ecpial" doc tx jire adopted in "had nr place in modern public education No Police Power that jTi-hV is "obvious that vac (C'ONTilVf;fd on PAGE ?: DEVANE mm £OOll SEAT A committee of 15 Ralnsh citi zens are known to have met on TtP’sday night to have selected. Carl DeVane. professor of Politi cal Science a.ud chairman. Divis ion Social Sciences, Shaw Univer sity. to make the race for a seat in the city-wide May primary on the City Council. >lr. DeVane is reported Jo have been receptive to the will of (be committee and will campaign for Ibe city post, The committee has begun plans for a successful cam paign, Attorney S. S. Mitchell was named campaign man ager. Rev. G. A. Fisher will serve as the. co-ordinator of the campaign, while J, Wiley Latham and Mrs. James P. .Freeman have accepted the e<> chairmanships to raise the money for the race. Attorney Mitchell announced that the first work to be done by the workers would be to get as many names on the books as pos sible Volunteer hwe aI (CONTINE’ ’> ON PAGE t\ ■iKi A* r : r^. DeVane, an instructor at Shaw University, announced this week that h? would tun for a seal on the City Council this Spring. He was nominat ed by the Faleigb Citizen*' Association

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