| RALEIGH PLAYS HOST TO 3,000 FOR 74th ANNUAL ! SESSION OF N. C. STATE TEACHERS ASSOCIATION U t KV At TO OWN! a { i !h■ U.fky car lasi week war, • ! ;!■.»’ one bv. ring the i*g mtin* • j her s t . •'ll. It the owner of dial j <-,ii took >t to Dnnn's f!s» Ser- , lie corner Cabarrus and : iu (n th street, here in R»- j tf",,h r.e received a tree crease i I i ;'(><•. w «;! ti.tpin -i every w eek. j { V*oUli tor your i. ait number if '■ j it follows the asterisk you will j ' set. t'n grease job. The nimt- j , tier wiil be taken from any ear j * hcariiv a i . .lecose j Ihe iiumbus tins week. ' \ 'ut; \ <C>- iI $, jfiO-H'ltt I \7ri 0.07; At :-it« 946-147 i ★k★kkkkkkkkkit k it k k k k k it k k k Week-End Os Murder. WEKEND SAID m fiftnurcT tu DLUUUii.OI til HISTORY Ky staff Writer Half iz \ • wat undoubted 1 y the • lc their live? violently. F:■ i•• ! v r:< ■ h t v sfcerod ;n the v r • fierith as Miss Kathe tHvv 1 •:*, 3*7 rrraeUca.’ liras {? c kitchen and fell across the bed: of Her employer at 301 i W, Lenoir, Joe Vi ashing ton, SO, soon *.■ a:a out of the kitchen be ! e.’ the fjt*';. utit i*’itt’-iCj. : ~n -..jit. arrived at saint 'o'ii» - ;{■e.pital. »he v.as jiro t.'-tmeed dead, iter death was ;> ■ ... i frae<itred ‘vkntl. •• or- v sound over to w.: .. rior Court after a. hear u.c m c'.u.y Coo:* Monday to f ;ce <i(orge Bennett, local rest- i ;, j Jsp.fr-c*fl H’4 * f' chi } The tv.n V/ere aHea-*?d.!y in an !»"••> * Til N't >•!> OV PAGE EIGHT) Mother's Whiskey Death Being Probed By Officers DURHAM -When tb s - mourner? file into St. John Baptist Church F "xrizy aft* • fm the fun r-■. of Mr H.. ■ Mae Scott. 25. io vu. • f• tr.d dead itj bed here r 1 licr 208 Cobb Street thf-ie will be three children, ages two ;>i.id throe, who v.ill not n-.-:r;:c that they are the moat af fected. Miss v i:d< is believed io i ce i 5 c d (rfetn alcoholism af i<; hiiv'if;- d. >i pui to bed ••••nr. hrtng, hroyiibt Iron? the !"!>«■ u‘ a friend Mrs Rom Sentry, about !P3O Sunday ibrht 7 - nl :\v tokl ti f CAROLIN * v\- not ic i.-cl that Miss Sroti, ;.,■■•■ a irt ! <- too much and '--.-y- d Jsmes Royster and Th r-o --do;r* Bte.ck to tart- her home Mrs. Flora Scott. mother of the dead nrs. related how the two men brought her home and that she; was put to bed. Monday morning, she was called to breakfast and when there was no response, her mother and oth er members of the family, went into the room and found her dead in Officer# working ou She case could give ro information as to whether she. died from over drinking, or whet her there was .some allied substance that caused her death, pending an autopsy, which is being made j'.i Duke Hospital. Friends and relatives said that Misis Scott was in good physical condition and except from being pregnant there was no indication KONTIM ED ON PACK FIGHTi \SLEEP IN AUTO, BURNS TO DEATH HIGH POINT The body of : D"-cl ■ King David) Armstrong, 3c v v found by firemen called to exUngut-iJi a blaze in a junked nehind a service station, here Monday, Residents near the junk yard .noticed flames shooung from the car about 7:30 p.in. and called / rumen who found Armstrong’s body, burned from the waist down, i . the front seat which had al n;< • •. been consumed by the blaze. Dr. W W. Harvey, coroner for i Guilford County, ruled that Arm-; strong, who war unmarried and in a rooming house, died of tuff ovation. He said that the man had been driutmg heavily. Op erators of the yervice station said ‘is.;, t Armstrong hr A asked permit,- ' n; 3 i».m. to sleep in one of the wrecked cars,. . THE 10c V J £{/$&&&/ ..7™j —7 JQc VOLUME i* RALEIGH, N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1955 NUMBER 27 f tp " life WWW m \ ■ 'Mi 4r ,f5 ®' »” E •*• #U ■ v " v .; f*o --F •• ■ 'i-Aa.- ii. * "■ ; %IBBBBpwShfzft> • ;<»*■ m w , i JOHNS'V MONTAGI E , i . killed Sunday >&BkmS&&£s% f \ v .-•••' - • /VMOS TTTET i j l MISS HATTIE M SCOTT Woman Gets 10 Yrg. In Brother's Death GREENSBORO—A sentence cf 7-10 years in Central Prison wm meted out to Mrs Ella Beil Daw kins. 28. here Thursday fox the butcher-knife slaving last De cember 31 of her brothei, Roose velt f air, 35. fudge R. Lee Whitmire of Henderson passed sentence af ter a. Guilford Superior Court jury found Mrs, Dawkins guil ty of manslaughter, ICONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT! Housewives Acclaim Show i When the last session of the 3rd annual Food Show and Home makers Exposition closed at the First Baptist Church. Dr, O. S, Bullock, pastor, Friday night, hun dreds of housewives proclaimed it the greatest ever held in the cit-.v The show began Wednesday and ran for three days. Dr. Bullock not only welcomed the show to tin church, on behalf of himself and the many members, but was on hand at most of the sessions to offer prayer and God's, bene diction upon the evc-nt. Deacon P. G. Mitchell filled in for Dr. Bullock, during the two sessions that he was not in attendance. The big feature of the show was the Philco kitchen which wits set up in the Sunday School auditorium by Rhodes N ,. : -'fs> e•• - JtMJ u WASH!VGTO N heat in M'lutagne death \ & ' > 38« C THOMAS HINTON' . . . stabbed Saturday COP SLAIN, HOLD CHIEF OF POLICE By J. B, HARKEN ' PRINCEVILLE This Bugs ; combe County all-colored town of about a thousand people was .shocked last week when their popular police chief. Janies Jones was lodged in the county jail at Tarbo.ro .just across the river > : without privilege of bond, in con nection with the fatal shooting of Lewis Andrew s a member of the Princeville police force for only about thirty days. Andrews died in a Tarborn hospital after having been al legedly shot by Chief Jones following an altercation- a boot j which there are different re ports being circulated. The dead Andrew, and his wife •Mrs. Emma Andrew-, before he died reputedly told Sheriff Tom Bardin that Edward Battle was arguing with a girl in front of a store when Andrews approached , “and broke up the dispute.” Battle jis said to have found Chief Jones and returned to the scene of the altercation, whereupon Jones is > reported as saying to Patrolman ' Andrews. "I'm not going to have you all arguing on the street. ' lie ordered Andrews to turn in his badge arid police equip ment immediately. Mre. An drews sadi her husband said he'd lurio in the equipment Saturday as Ik was on duty then. She said Junes repeated his demand and pulled his pis fol and shot her husband. Two shots were fired, she said, one missing and one hit (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) Furniture Company, equipped with the Philco Appliance#. Miss Rosa Lee Armstrong and Mrs. Aliena Men a, Ca rolina Power and Light Company demonstrators were in charge of th»" demonstrations. Miss Dorothy Jones, Horne Econo- j mist for radio station WRSC, j Durham, made a guest ap -1 pearanee. The crowning event of the en-j : tire show was a musical recital j ■ given by Prof, and Mrs. L\ D ! Dawson, Maus Piano Company.! The two accomplished musicians thrilled the audience with relig ious music Friday night. Mr. Daw son played the organ and Mrs. Dawson played the piano. All of file numbers were given together and the blend of the strains from (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) Expect 3,000 s Teachers At i Annual Meet I I ; I Some 3.ft00 teachers from all! JpfcrU of the start are expected; .here Thursday. Friday and Sat-; urday for the 74th annual eon-, j vention of Use North Carolina : : Teachers Association '■* hear an #” r ay r >f experts on current pro-' (CONTINI KI» ON PAGE EIGHT) HE. KENNETH B. CLARK j Desegregation Problem in NC Draws Mixed Reactions i tie mutter of desecration in the nation's public schools and those in Rot rh Carol: rut in particular, brought rarying reaction* tn widely separated arses over the week*"-’ In F <st Asheville and at Cambridge Masts,, opponent* artel proponents of urn crow - h< • the following to my N. C. Solons Want Tight Jim Crow j CAMBRIDGE, Mass. “When ; colleges fail to take a stand a ! gainst discrimination, they lose the capacity to function democrat ically." Dr John Hope Franklin Howard University history pro fessor. declared here Saturday l Speaking at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Nation al Intercollegiate Conference on Selectivity and Discrimination in (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) DFDF MASONS’ SUPREME COUN CIL MEMBERS. N. C. CON SISTORIES IN LOCAL MEET ING—Two members of the Su preme Council of Masonry and two North Carolina Con sistories met at the Masonic Lodge here Sunday to consider possible nominees for tne active j YOUNG WOMAN IbSDBiED II BED WHILE READ!' MURDER MYSTERY; POLICE JAIL SOY FRIEND I JfIKS ’ .(tWESJj 2ND CARNATION HEALTHY BABY CONTEST AWAITED The official starting date of the Second Annuel Hometown "Car nation Healthy Baby Contest” v be announced In this newspaper sometime next week, according to late word received from the Car . nation Company just as we went to press Last year’s contest brought such an avalanche of health v fCONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) Howard Prof. Hits Education Bias Diehards in the North Carolina legislature yrre engaged in a last ditch fight, this week to keep sep arate schools. For the second time the House education committee last week, ap proved a bill aimed at preserving : public school segregation by giv ing local boards complete author ■ by over the enrollment and as i signment of pupils. <CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) 33rd degree, left vacant by the death of "Plain Zack” Alexand er of Charlotte who hied this post, They also considered pos sible candidates for the post of deputy of North Carolina. Read • ins from left to right ,-&s£ James O. Hines'. John G. Twwis, Jr., ! Puissant Lt- Grand Commander. 1 ROBBER TAXES WALLET AS VA. WOW! EPS By CHAKi.Ls JL IONTS A nimble-handed thief visits ' the v H: : r. Bus Station i last W di" vt.iy .i.sf. JO'L.d a I deeping woman's nurse t) ■ uuh jit was attached ho arm d - ;d- I e(i '■ c pr- Lined ':i ri. : .. ;Of : lit, and ' s’.lc-nHy no'.t av.av into j the night." learur Uv yvi ur :;d, i Va., woman m:-v w.-uv «■ i i.hc [ tad l-i-ft */.«';> Y'{U'(} 10 a I six 'ang t tow n, v,, ■■ ■• o; fund* an<l j aJ.tpa I.’ £‘ V. iL.I,V ’Ail.' OUi f i .K*!iC.r \ Mrs. liulh Hu'iiar'iNOii Ihi ! well, a native in itirhmvns t j way returning bo m »*• T' i,£ %} ijg, ir 5 - ? , I tefjif* ejH ivtid ?p T nYi's ,v it a boa: « !0 w | day asiii via- t< * it.' ;'■■■ ticket as ?it vha( ‘.h;- i - bad b< t for P >gh and |' Rtehmood •. • .•,•.! hoar-: be- I; fore, She was ini firmed that she not bus would not eo'ee through She tour until the >: next momm;: ■ Mrs, Bov., * ■ > s.s. i in Nort! ; , •: . " would file-: p in Cvo bus s ' . » night. She ■ t mer ••. ; <'d o' Loro ;h." ‘of both sexes v,fin reported » ■ be iCONTIS!Tit ON FAGI- KIGIS'n NEA Head Plumps For Segregation ASHEVILLE - ■ The hop** '-ha state and local governinon;. will i continue in control, of public, j school desegregation was express- i ed here Saturday b, Mr- Waur • ine Walker, piesiA-r: ci me Na tional Education Association. Speaking at the closing session; social ion, Mrs, Walker. whose ; of the "flat general convention of the North C&a> : m» KducotiOh - (CONTINUED ON I*AGE EIGHT) | Baton Kouge, Lu. arid Grand i Master of Louisiana Masons: J. E, Dickson. Grand Chancellor, Columbia, S. C, and Grand Mas ter of South Carolina Masons, and Fred Alexander, Charlotte, son of the late Zack Alexander, xr. Both Lewis and Dickson are active 33rd dee re*- Masons while I Diggs and Alexander arc iron -1 orary 33rd degree holders. 1 > >!Wm ' ’ * ,* t/ ; a jF ' A' / •- ; V ; / - • .. .-xl* > >: f-y, V- , fcifc i* j ( if c ,Jt #• T.-/ /' ? jU UgIJV .Ji ■ ■ V '%/v/yi . s'; : ' . 'iife ' -w4-- -r- ■ . *WJB * /1 s-vi-' ' . ' i ;. f ■ v #4? -t "V. ■■■■"'■"ffPr* v 5 ... i- .At i \ ?IH tIN .*■ -.■ 1 * ,ftv-fSii'■ ‘t;.hs l :rsvlyr, fhgr;tm. Sis ••nett tloMesc sopiromore of Ourham. was -.n band to an o<ftrial *relc«;me to Spring as it arrived Mnudity on tbe campus ut Grccfissi'ir;; :«J«.*••. Ingrunx recently phud the feminine lead in Lie M.-mor i'hcat.e h>s pr<>'h):'ii<m ol ‘ of '- * Rflum ' On the b'-.stoi' »-<>b during her freshman and winner of a scholars!;.,» U,is year, lives bunv llptham miss was president o< ihc Stud ujt Council at lliilsidc High Selmol irortt uhicb she was rudu.o ‘d i« (Kudrik Photo) Comic Book Victim Buried In Chatham By ALEXANDER BARNES fired b,v vhe .'land <:-{ John fc.ee. i t-ist Churci -ii.f day 'afternoon, ! Ihc R -v Riioe, prc-:;idit < Utrant ' Uvnmv, brother of ll:. dead girl, and eye witness t** the shooting told the C (R --OLINIAN that Rice had been in the house ii/r some time end there was no sign of any difference between the two and he had no inkling that j ctorder war- on Hire’s mind. ICONISNI E!) ON PAGE EIGHT; CITY COUNCIL RELENTS ON CONDEMNATION The City Council of Raleigh, in ; ' a special session here Wednesday j • afternoon, relent.'*l in its efforts j to carry out eon k*mn<iLon pro ; ceedings against R. R. Turner, 1 which would have prevented him from building tt hou-e on Ouerlin, | Road, on a lot situated directly ! across the street from Oberlin , School. ! Rotation More Democratic AN EDITORIAL Tie CAROLINIAN does not subscribe to the thought of the indispensable man in a city of 73.000 as apparently many of our city fathers do in mulling over the appointment of re placements for two school board members. We believe: then is no doubt in the mind* of the people of Raleigh us to the worth, ability and contribution of Mm. H. D. Prcssly and Attorney F. j. Carnage Mrs. Pressly it an astute and gracious lady. Mr. Carnage is a known civic, po litical and fraternal personality of wide scope and recognition Both these board members ore capable and many orchids ca be bestowed upon them However, the point of this editor is to suggest to the Council and PTA Council the need rotation. The CAROLINIAN believes a city stifles itself w it only uses the capacity of a few of its citizens, year in ; year out, believing they cannot be replaced by other citiz. of equal worth and ability. Stagnation easily sets in on a system of retention without regard for others with equal ability. Continued appointment o! rie same people is like a cartel or monopoly. Why shouldn't he monopoly be good when it allows no one to compete w : :f ■ Why shouldn’t a board member be outstanding after '■ cars, in fact after twenty years, no matter who the person haj pens to be? I stands to reason that doing anwthing over aa over one should get better. (Continued on Page 10) iStste News) ! Briei J BEAUTICIANS PUMA CONVENTION A meeting of the local chapter : thirty-five of the vonventton coin i nutiee of the North Carolina Beauticians’ A..mention and Mrs Willie Ford Hennessee, state presi dent., Asheville was held here at the home of Miss Vivian Burt Tuesday The 16th annual session will convene at Raleigh. April 24 through 27. Local beauticians are going all. oaf tc entertain the group when several hundred de legates from every section of the state will be in attendance. A uwng the members present at the planning meeting Tuesday were Mrs M : nc Riddick, convention chairman: Medames Joella Pern*. Christiania Pitts. Mattie Hawes, Freddie M. Williams. Geneva High smith and Sam Vick. POSSES SEEKS GUNMAN NEW BERN - A pose** wax searching the woods near her* (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)

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