’ 4fIIIQ nsicr TiCi ffliftiiit ipit iliLLi WlrCi inti DLUfia iiiiiy nMstivo Util Integration Is Simple At This Age 5’ M jab? .v . •; • • v if * ."■■•' '*s?'■ - Ip* , . . -ia* i- -w' „ stSSSh- . t '-te€ ; -Cf 1 JP v ii ' f : <, vA >/4- • TT £fflgM ' mjswk ■ ■ *■ t > , .>, -V;. 1 ■* . ««£» # W : •',*“■ .r.4..;-^;»,^; . /VR -V' '* , ’% ■:” ■ /* ' ~,*■:" s§r? v - I i > a / jf; ■ | i|f • ' ‘-V -, -Si' ~■■ j||f «- * • .■*""• 'A -‘ V ; •'' i 2 ’-'' S'" ■■■ , . Z-Z-Z ' %1- " i -, g' ■.■■■',■' '» ’" "V Tv.vt p-yH, Jimmy Tiinmas I, •>.' ii>, and Tommy (>*;* noid. 3. ■■■ d away from their parents v. were shopping in Detroit <id landed in a police station. Ico young to know anything iii/ut the weighty problem of !!o!d Lumberton Woman I ! ; tel* 11V If | Brief j EASIER PARADES* INJURED ■■' v. r ,:’h ivvo local pedt.stria 1i- V-i f' ■rd At apffTf X; iliatC**y 430 Sunday afteraooK. Thomas a'id Ix ! a Perry, iocc-.I ■- iso nis, <•* V. Davie cmd Swu r/ Sut-A.s. a'’if.:., a car driven by unc of the ‘Evar- boy*" of E. Davie Street ■ crved into them m orc-vr to avoid a collision with another ooto bended east est Davie Street. The two victims were rushed to Saint A sines Hospital where they a cri released after ’. r; A OLUNTEERS SOUGHT The Raleigh i hapier of the Needlework Guild of America is observing the first anniver sary of its Shoe Sale here by seeking to engage 30 women volunteers to work in an ef fort to buy new shoes for needy children in this area. Interested persons are asked to contact Mrs. \ P. lie Vane, secretary, at 3-5186 or Mrs M. F Bums, president at 2-0331. HANGS SELF IN BARN ME BANE Roney Puller, Riute 4 Mebane. was found dead Monday morning in a barn on his farm where he hanged himself around it o'clock. Fuller, 60 lived on the Dickie Mill Road. Route 4. The death was ruled as a suicide by the County Coron er. Fuller was found by his son, Thomas, 13, in the loft of a Dedham on the farm which he owned. Members of >< ONTINI EI) ON PAGE lb, National Elk President Fo Ralefoh For 35th Confab Members of Fidelity 277 and Capital City 319 Lodge:, arc cbm* ! leung plat’s for host r;-g the 35th Annual Meeting of K. C. Elks which will be held here for the first, time since the early thirties. The date of the convention is May 35-2*. Grand Exalted Euler Rob ert H. .fohnson of Fhiladel- | phi* will attend the confab. This will be hi- first trip to j Riicgib as grand exalted rul r I>u.ughter Net-tie Carter Jacks, on, grand daughter rul er wilt be here also. Approxi mately 5-7.000 persons are ex pected from litis state and other states, desegregation now before the t s .Supreme t ours th' v are supremely happy just to be members of the human rare, free from prejudice and b*:«J» -aiice. Why rnt keep Uv.-m that way? Newspress Photo LUMBERTON--The old defense of "accidental shoot in) vas to officers by Mrs. Essie McMillan for the Raster Sunday morning B. 13’g v : va v:n thoir'hc.nv- NN' She told officers that they argarmg over the shot gun when it went off and hit i her husband in the temple. Officers isatd that Mrs. Mc- Millan called them shout 1 in >hc morning und told them that he had been -hr,-.. The of ficers related how they found she dead man lying on the floor with both hands in bis pocket and the gun beside him. The report- did not give any . cause for the argument between the husband r;d lie wo man will av.an an inquest. Coroner D. W. Biggs chose a mry but has not set the date for an inquest. Members of the jury arc J C Duncan. T. S. Hall. Stan ley Sugar. W. E. Parker, Charlie Johnson and Eari Britt, all of St Pauls. yg f Jk ic&\. ,i—g. ■:>.... h.’NsS&Kk Nil ACP HEAD—Roy '.Vila ins, N'AACP Administrator, who this week was elevated to the po sition of Executive Secretary, Mr. IV ilk ins succeeds the late Walter White whose passing the country mourned last, month. Activities during the 5-day con fab will include a dome at Me morial Auditorium (Elks Bail:, . for delc'-an-t visitors and olhew, a baseball game; a parade, which will feature approximately 13 bands. The parade will chart its course at the Ola Soldiers Home and proceed down Fayetteville : | Street and end in the vicinity of : the Elks Home. 1 The Civil Libc.vtie 1 Dept, of the State Association, will stage a pro- . gram, also the education depart- ■ I rnesit. Nationally-known speakers I ! will take part in each affair, Officers of the convention committee are A. A. Value, tCONTINUED ON PAGE 16) 1 ttiiiiiiiiiiH 10c \ 'i C& AifeeAi&f *- * "1 — 7 10 c SflW'iwCtr4«.wi.i»m.»>«i.-jwil» VOLUME M RALEIGH, H. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. APRIL 16, ivv-, NUMBER 29 States Stalling On School Mixing •A A ★ ★ ★ A A- * A; ★ ir A- * * 4r •# ik k k k k * k k A Human Torch: ! B HKB ?■': x '4 :g - i ' Sr- s -■ c irate Lover | Kills Woman; Shcjts Self By \f..rrXANl>EB BARN'S.S Dt’R-HAM Beiieved to be in-! ’ sanejy je !ou> and vowing def iiiitf-iy hfj would not pctinii, woman ho loved to quit him,: Leroy P:tts t-tarUed the west; end <.r- :on ihis when he emp tied a lii iii load into the tern eh s;f "; .. Hfien McCiv>m. report- - t-d to Iv. his eorronon-law wife, hurciay night, snd then blew his '••:•• out at 1117 1-2 Jackson St.' i'it!' is said to have come i between the bouye in which he slid the woman lived ami another house with the gun in has arms. Persons sitting "■n the porch of the other house told officers that they ; •a* him with the gun but did not see Mrs. McClain until the shot was fired. Site ;.• reported as having been; ; a tint; on the porch and that Mc- Clain gave no warning but shot' her as soon as site came into his ’, view He then ;s said to have re . liict .H iii u in to vi it." i•'..'.t c side ol uis When officers arrived they are said to have found the woman sittin;: in the chair i? ad and Pitts' body was 'iyirt;.- on the ground with his feet on tile porch. Officers opined that Mis McClain never knew vs ho not her, due to the fact MvOiiri shot so quick!*-. Her two sons, asleep in a room in th? house, did not know that their mo?tier had lx cn slain until awakened by interested persons. The double killing was related to :>e the most gruesome that Dur ham has witnessed in a lour: time. Persons who visited the scene said ; that brains were spattered ail over : the place. The two people are said to have lived ;n the iOu.se as man and : ICON i IMPD ON PAGE 361 i State’s Beauticians To Convene Here CARNATION BABY CONTEST OFF TO HOOD START HERE With entry blanks pouring into Inis newspaper from ai! over our city and suburbs, Carnation’s second Annual Healthy Baby Con- : test if off to another successful I start in its very first week. A ! Contest advertisement with a free entry blank appear else- j . where in this paper. Extra entry ; blanks are available at our edi- j : tonal offices. A!1 babies in this area, three i ears of age or younger, are eligible They will be judged on healthy appear since, as well as eute, appeal ing personality. The Healthy Baby Contest is limited to readers of this newspaper who live m this city and its suburbs. The Carnation Coin pan v stresses that ‘‘this is a local Contest, not a nation wi d e one.” Twenty healthy babies and their parents in this area MUST win the twenty cash prizes. In answer to the many tel phone inquiries to this paper ask ing if babies who were entered in Carnation's Healthy Baby Con test last November are eligible to be enlerd again in this cur , rent Contest the answer is ' YES... .provided they are still within the age limit and did not win a cash prize last. year. Local doctors and hospital* join us in hailing this unusual ’ (CONTINUED ON RAGE 16; ! » I ■= v ' %f|Si| * f "''' jPI t | y *- ’~ :r 'm,XX * t w KILLS COMMON-LAW WIFE SELF—I.t-roy Pitts, above is pictured with Mrs Hck-n McClain, both of Durham, is happier days. The man is alleged to have blown the woman’s brains out Sunday night after declaring tiiat he would not let her Quit him. Pitts is charged with shooting the woman without provocation as she sat on the porch at 1117 1-2 Jackson Street where the couple lived as man and wife. Officers are alleged to have found Mrs. McClain sitting on the porch dead. Pitt's body was found on the ground with his feet on the porch (Photo Courtesy Carolina Time;-) Integration Timetable Louisiana. Mississippi, Georgia. South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia say that they intend to keep public school segregation no matter what she U. 3 Supreme Court says. Beautician? from every nook and corner of the state v -i con verge on .Raleigh April 24-27 to attend the annual convention o f *he N C Cosmetologist* and Beauticians' Association, inc. The confab will be launch ed with a public program, slated for the Baini Matthews AME Church, 806 E Davie ■Jji, jj? TWINS EVTEK CARNATION HART CONTEST Mr,. Lina Mae Sanders of J-15 Washing ton Terrace, is pictured above shortly after she entered her twin*. Marilyn and Myron San der* in the Second Annual C»r Min»v>uri, West Virginia Delaware and Kansas. ah border states, have begun or completed desegregation in 89 of their 129 counties. (CONTINUE!) ON PAGE HP. Street, at 3 p. in Sunday as lernoon. Mayor Frrd R Wheeler of Raleigh will, wel come the delegate* to ibr city. Raleigh Attorney Herman L. T; vinr will deliver the keynote ada res* to the Sunday session He will be introduced by Mr;- Nora (CONTINUED ON PAGE 16 nation Healthy Baby Contest, which was launched here tost week, The healthy looking Sanders twins are regular users or Carnation Evaporated Milk STAFFOTO B V C1? AS. R JONES. KSFMWI Assistant Atto Genera? of North Carolina. 1 Bevt fly Lake, toM the l.h'H .i St;it< >, Supreme Court T>u -Hu, timt the continm d exists;:.’-. of the North Carolina punl-' soi system and harmonious rare relations in the state welt ' tray depend upon the decrees about to be issued.” “1 speak m the interest of a State which is conscious <•>{ no wrongdoing u id which sr- proud of her record in Negro rdtica tion,” he continued, Thurgood Sian,had. general counsel for tfco NAA>' M w.«« the first speak"; >1»- MarM!;-*-' brought the suit* decided Sa.- Ml*, v. Mar shrill said that he h,:*< "no Gun hi. »bat -*■' cr Hi South < ;si“h«a and Mirth Carolina will comply once tin law is made char. lie •- < that North Carolina has d eentralised so ih.- »..* -r 1 - which w ant to d s;r;-;atp may do so The attorr. asked tli*- court to order inter; ratio:: u■ ■.. t r,y „ *. • 1 with the “outside lu.iT of ; September 1. 1956. Efforts of North Cot. :.■ uih Carolina, Virginia nro.: irt-.T.i : stall on de: erro-ra' on t >;> . schools in line with the U S - .prone Court's decr-K-n m-i : lance of NAACP coup, el <J< ' segregation become effective < c >•■.■■ ■ where by next September tea; early hearings before the coup ; Washington this we-'-k I The unprece,’'fil J he-' in’s on She “meeiiaiuiof sc lion! integregmtion began «>» M«:i day and are expected to con tinue ail week. The four stat es, through written briefs and oral arguments, all followed the saint pattern. Attorney General . J, Lindsay ' Almond Jr. of VirpiMa, warned the ICON’TINI'EI) ON PAGE JUT 2ND mn FILES ' FOR GREENSBORO 1 CITY COUNCIL GREENSBORO Following the ; announcement by Dr. William H. Hampton, this city’s first Nce.vo councilman, that he would no! be I a candidate for re-election, Cla jrence M. Winchester, local but int as I man. filed as a candidate las'. \ week. Mr. Winchester president of | the Greensboro Citizen! ‘ Asm.- j ciation which is backin': his can j didac.v, say i Hat he has no at.” !to grind but. is "here to serve all I the people, if the people so de ; sire." i He is the second candidate to file the Rev, Julius 'I Dougia. ! having filed on March 28. WOMANIIII GETS 5 YEARS IN AUTO DEATH I GREENSBORO— \ sentence of j three to five years in Central : Prison was meted out here Wed nesday to Mrs. Marian L.vie Smith 32. who was returned here from Ohio to ft.ee manslaughter charg es growing out of the death of Lynell Bowman —ho was killed in March 1954 (CONTINUED ON PAGE 161 | jig yi. : ifei, j" A-' ' : • IK in Wllk'ON . , . burns himself JEFFREY’S GROVE JWIK&LEDSY PASSENSFR TRAIN By Ti J-V \NJTLi: r. I EWES Erne.-.t Hailey related to tb< CAHOI.INIAN one of tho .s * drama-stacked mt-vie stories us t< bow hr- * scaped death when at on-rushuh? c- ck Atlantic Com l I.,he- fiam V, >d J-um-.s Leather, on a tiv lie which spans tfci 1 Neu ~ H y r, ihr.=e miles south o’ timid. La. Friday mommy. Hailey said that both he and I. Tiers »<*• meni'ier.s ol a ri;:ht-awav crew thai was clearing underbrush ah-ns the track. They had finished ■us the mirthsidt of the river s»d were start-ins U> the •out liside. The entire crew had settled on crossing the ■ (JO.VJNN TEO ON PAG I- 16| ; lie .affi, «pfe X, W ■ . ■" Hgl w- -*.y* ) l . . 5-.s‘va':- ». art'• ' ' •••>»'• ..V-N‘ *«•*#»*' •.'kC¥>' i N a JAMES LEATHERS Raleigh Again To Name “Family Os The Year ” A contest to select Raleigh s 'Family Os the Year" among Ne gro citizens has been announced by the Family Service Society. A similar contest last year resulted m the family ei Mi and Mrs Frank Hinton, 814 Cotton Street, being chosen for this honor. In announcing plans for the second annual contest. Samuel R leaser, local attorney and 1955 president of the Family Service Society’, said entry blanks may be obtained by visiting, writing or ' telephoning the Family Service office 110 S. Dawson Street, P.O. 1 Box 9273, phone 416264. Churches, P.T.A.'s and civ ic clubs have hern sent re <iucs's for nominations, but Air. Leaser said equal consid eration fee given u> nomi nations submitted on the of ficial entry blanks by interest ed individuals. The selection I.PCHY AUTO OWNER The lucky car last week was t the i>nc bearing the. tag iiuni j be,?. Rtf-«05. If lhe owner of : that car took. It to Dunn's Esso ! .v. rvice, corner Cabarrus and j Btnodwortb Streets, here in Ha- I icsftit, l»c received a free, grease I job ; This wh! happen every week, j Watch for your tag number. If ! it follows the asterisk, you v>H j get the grease job. The >C’n- j j her wot hr. taken from any car bearing: a N. V, license The numbers this week are. 3811-892; X;»81486: fiC-lfit; *lO- ■ <18:24-408 and £59-164 R- t.TI ARLES R. JON Fs The dim baht aSihcuted the fig ure of a man a bi-; Rh:.n---i>r«si biy fi 1-2 f«ei fall, swathed in ' bandagey from hi:; rt»•(••;< down, the vie* Im of some unexp’.aittable ;,r!f --' fi'- T ruction plot* thwarted by the ’. tju;ck thinking of an associate ft w.iR late Tuesday night when a reporter entered the men’s ward <»f Saint Agues Jlfi-p.'-ii a inter v-ew Fred Tiheu, T!. of IT! D#r« Si., who is alleged !<> hate {enixij kerosene a!) over himself and then struck a. match and set himself afire. The rero.o- asked WU.-.on if his: mind. He acl ..need no other it '- ivo l-: : -■ ; : , h-PWiwer. A d'lnkir,; and. smi'itpr party ~ .lie Wilf ui home tviost of Hmurdai nuernot-Ji Detective R L. Ennis ■ !.!< i -. and J imr.y Parker were uppusedly "kaiin a scod time” very i.’i-spondent. It could not be ascii-tairied as to whether whis key or song prompted the actions which were to follow. Picking up a can of kero sene. Wilson is alleged to have ..iid that he bus going to do ,i - :y with the woman and Ji n * If, He turned the ei S n of fire-provoking fluid on the woniiiu, soaked her in it, then proceeded to give himself the i - ime treatment. . | Jr '.iki.r .-aid that W-lvou then armed himself with some stick matches, struck one and in -,d-d for Miss Sanders. The wo man is said to have rapidly vu chrd the .'-.erne before the fire lit her v.oaring apparel. v niMrtuill.v unruifled in his attempt at stlf-dcd ruction. VTHson is said to have placed a burning match to his clothes and !o have gone up in a blaze. t’arker credited himself with stripping the shirt from the human inferno. Following this act of mercy. Wilson ran to the bed and started rolling in an effort to extinguish the j flames. ; Succeeding in nutting himself oth, the mattress caught fire and | Wilson ran from his home into the street. An ambulance was then j i summoned by an unidentified par i J ty. Wilson was taken to Saint Ag : j ner, Hospital where he is being treated for second and third de- I gree bums. The man informed a reporter j that he was having difficulty get- Iting bis breath. He appeared to be in great pain. will be based upon the in humation furnished on the entry biank about the family's church, civic, school, business and home activities. A ‘-family” is defined for pui> , poKCB of the contest as a fa the* mother and one os' more chiidm not over college age who live ii the same house in Raleigh. The contest closes April 29 arid winners will be announc ed as a highlight of National Family Week, May 1-8. A pa - nel of outstanding citizens will serve as judges. An out standing white family also will be selected. Last years’ win ners were the family of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Joslsn, 114 i’c.lk Street. Mr Leafier raid the contest car ries out one of the prime purpose, of the Family Service Society, t l (CONTINUED ON PAGE 161

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