{fl b fm #ll #\,ff 'a :: ffpsfi m m§ "i ft, & >tv > W‘3f i 2 ,4 ‘. Sy: -1 ii f 8 , v%4%>:0 fcilcS IC* vllOp yjll P«K & iimiA- y .fLiiiS sfill ,:-v \v , mpisa RAEiTOIf '-MV MISSING StNXK Vl'RlL I—Robert Henry *»-* gan. Jr.. 1*594 <•'. Menton ••'.wt has been from hh ht■ :v»e since April 7 when he i t hoir-: at the usual time to o to l:;s ::,*• a*, a brickma.son. Morgan may be driving a 1934 ra* 11 n ijf a i». rp Self After iry a t Killing His Wife '•*'•■ Tin no ■ ■ B> :r : that he ' '•; « v 'O' i -r-, , h mpir. off hit '.-'id v.srv ar; as Hugh 'do • «rj.d shot: , v ft.'’ *'] \ ■ «t> |hf ■_•■ : • .u* 'h- ii.tun. e fly - ••■’ A'. if *y Tlb”*TtHFip'. £*<*■' ,t, t Uthih t<n a term t o.’ at'.-- ttmnner at Hurdle ilj jit:ar th{ CerMiu-Orange » i'l.f . i fi«-rl to kill 1 Ut»*;». •-. b* plaroip hi r i<< .4 ,; chopping block «e.tr !•■ '.loodphe aud inking h'-r .co ra! blows with .ill a\e * • t •' ii’ >*- CU »’ ; . OiOOQ Hesters hc«tf» * OR AX OF! ft FROM KITCHEN lies : r had dragged hi.. ■ *'»■ Places 2nd In V ilmington Primary 7'i LJ.-TINOTON T C. Jervay editor and ;»*sh]tsher of the Wil mington JOURNAL made history her * Monday when he placed sf - r.ond :n -he city council municipal p-tmary ar- he is the first Negro to reach a run-otf ir; >, municipal election in this city since the days of reconstruction With <5,94© people going t«> the polls ip Monday's primary, to-va* f: tthered 2,494 votes whili former mayor W. Ko na id La tie polled 2,309. In the oar!? counting Jer va.\ wav Spading, hot slipped to second, third and fourth place as the counting pro gressed, fie was In third place when sll hut one prerim had report ed in. Lane wav second and Louis Latham placed third. The vote war. tipped in Jervay’s favor by the third ward, second precinfc He polled 413 votes in that precinct, putting him in seen id place Wilmington has 20.025 register ed voters. A high percentage of this number are expected to cast votes m the run-off. There were two openings on <h, Wilmington City Council. 4 if rati Councilman J. L L. Wade was re-elected Monday by a margin of 438 votes. The remaining seat will be sought by lervaj and Lane. Latham K out of lhe running, fhii is Jervay's first try for any political office, Lane has ten years uast, experience on the council. Voting was light, throughout most of the day, according to reports. It began to pick up m the afternoon, and the tins! hour found a “rush‘‘ to tbr polls to east ballots (CONTINUED ON PAGE 9) | _____ i News In Brief Around The State FT-.'W LIGON i’TA PREXf 1 Ligon Jr.-Sr. High School ! Parent-Teacher Association met v. the cafeteria of the school. , Monday night and elected officers • for 1955-58. New officers selected arc as follows; Joseph Whitaker, V’re :C:f?nt; firs, lattice Robertson, s'c. clary and Mrs, Lillian Free man, treasurer These officers w-ere installed by the Rev. G E. Cheek. Words of commendation j given by G F. Newell and Mis* May E. Logon on, behalf of j the teachers. Rev. Leotha Deb- • b!»e Chevrolet pick -tip truck bearing the license nttrnbej 94- 5929. He is 5 feet, 114 laches rati. Anyone having information as to his whereabout* are asked to contact Mrs R, m. Morgan. It 1.1 1 .Morgan .Street, telephone 'IB2BO. from the kitchen of theu farm home to :.ne woedpu? and struck several blows a- her neck :n ar at tempt to kill nw Bv p«.iuir;g up ;; tkrnftc struggle. Mr- H-- ■. - us ed her husband to mis* : - aim the blows giant.n t : tnucao ~i : tftg direct. At Person Coum.v Memorial Hospital where she w ■-•, tak c«i Mrs. Hester remained in a (ritual condition Tu*stia>, with a fractured -kttil. and se vere and deep lacerations a bout the head arid neck. According to reports given Sher- 1 ilf Hole-man, flit* couple bad been s rsc i MncA anottl *- q.. itj jHiici Mh attempted murder ano sui cide occurred about b a m Re pot is art that the cuupie hud been hauitu rouble foi .several months and M: H( : c v re. -•!)>iy itON'TIM F .U OS Pti.t, Si MBmtL. F;.,.,/ ; T C JERVAY SASTBN DEMANDS INTEGRATION NOW SI. -NLEY—The Rev, R. H, Mc- Do" .1, president of the Stanley c-ha v of the NAACP, reported Fricay that he had sent a petition to Gaston County school superin tendent Hunter Huss demanding the end of segregation in the countv schools. 1 be petition which demands that all of the county’s white schools he opened to Negroes, iCONTINUED ON PAGE Si> , nam and Mrs Ruth Rand con gratulated too new leaders on be half of the parents of the school • Refreshments were served by the social committee which was head- ' ed by Mrs. Rebecca Cooke. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. Lillian Freeman, outgoing president. A 3-way tie was noted for the attendance banner. Hav : ing an equal number of parents present were Mesdames T E. • ; Washington, E. D. Toole and M • Jones. THE CAROLINIAN 1 10C \ '1 $£*&£■&&?••• iOc JLmm~ { VOLUME 14 RALEIGH, N C. WF.f .K ENDING SATURDAY', APRIL 23. 1955 NUMBER 40 \ *•*★★*★ ic -k # r ik * ★ ★ i( ♦ * i : Backyard Affair: . ? t'd , ' .... >*■ t '■ ■, ~t ■?* t' V-: .. 1- 11 •’. t .... ; y . ,t..„ .. ....... ; . ee. . ,‘a v ....... -.-. ( . ... ... ... .!■ ... . . ./. ■'■ tt'.' ... ... . /..; : ;. .' |h?,. ...... i a ■/ :"\ ;•! %* ./c.p v; •v> , t c' ' ’ t‘ >.• •.' ' ... kfh iU: :-A ...i- A' .3 . ■■••■ , V '..ft hil'i ' • 'V.A' 'A 5 ' ’’ ,U : , .v . It.. , ■ • ~» • li 0 ;l*p; i,,; -,>J ‘ , , 5 .u U; .>4 w ,-iv ;:U j 9? ’* : . ' ?} ■ t'tVr , ... ' .; - ■■ ... " t‘ ' . , . i t. ■- I WASHINGTON. D. C Pour (jfjy.t: q f {jvd.\ ore tho 13. S. tSuprmc Ccu: t on bow 10 trmilci.:cr.-i the May 17. 1954 de-' c:sM>r» ••'•rich necJahed racial seg-' : vg2iA>r, iJi :>oi 4 »003 5 m vio la tip vs ' the Fouixecml: Amend ment, '■tided last week with the loiVab trig development 'MUirac.vs ier Ihi >%\( P Mt-rv ,• nd ducat ton al i v und Ire rep*.’seining the Negroes in the five school sfg ■■ 'g;> ■ :o« (••(<• I-., asked that they he ' forth■> itfT’ adwtlted to puM’c M-bo-;«t rk'-sroi'niH on a non-racial 'y-i'r- September 193e was sugccsicd a- the out side date by which this could be acrisrs [dished The V Dcp-.i.rtmen tof Jus-: 1 lice UK)): a m:ddic rnad position i?u tb2 * -hf fjyp f* 3 «:*■;«.• Kj» sent back to the district courts with no “single formula” decree orderinr immediate integration, but Rgrct ire u* so «long with the Negro attorney; on a one-year time im u Attorneys for South Carolina • indicated flirt th< people of their ' state would noi mu: the races in classrooms until probably the ' year 2015 Any order by the high j court calling for immediate de ; segregation would destroy the , Souij. Carolina public school sys | tem they said. |j Virginia, North Carolina and Teaas s>< onlj trouble and chaos if ihr \ arc ordered 1 to desegregate Iheir class i rooms immediately. They also i indicated that the* would abolish the public school sys tem. However, Texas admitted under questioning by the court > that there are communities where integration ran be ac- • i comjdished immediately. ! Kansas, Delaware. Maryland i ; and Arkansas reported Integra- j i icovnvn.n os page <)> New NAACP Head Pledges End Os Segregation By 1963 NEW YORK-Roy Wilkins be- i i gar; his duties this week as execu- \ i five secretary of the Nat tonal As-! • ! aociation for the Advancement of, i Colored People with a pledge “to j' I finish the work to which” Walter j* White bis predecessor, “gave his i life and to realize not later than! < ■ .1963, the centennial of the Email-1 eipaticn Proclamation, the abo-j j lit,ion of all forms of racial dis ; crimination and segregation." Announcement of Mr. Wilkins’; unaiiimoi; election to the top; NAACP staff position was made; by Arthur B Spingarn, the Asso ciation's president, at a press con- ! ference following the .NAACP; board meeting on April 11. Dr, Charming H, Tobias, hoard ; ; chairman, who. because of illness! 1 was unable to attend the meeting,; i hailed Mr. Wilkins as “a man! ! of unquestioned integrity, unusual! ! ability and undisputed loyalty to CONVICTED IN GIRL’S DEATH GREENSBORO - Archie Lee Ruff was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter by a Gulidord County Superior Court jury last Friday and was ordered to serve 18-36 1 months in Centra! Prison at Raleigh, The 44-year-old Win ston Salem resident entered j notice of appeal to the Stale Supreme Court. Ruff had j pleadesi not guilty to the i chart:e that he ww at. fault ■' * (CONTINUED ON PAGE 9) I B J |1 I I ’■ ilm . I v . t pr .... ? f i §F ? r >: V> : . 1 4' ” A 'CI ■ f T A 4 r Ai/A, M A ' : * As Iv , Jv 'A-fy.v.u■ t,... ■ |ii* A Mflfl W.-V.M W-liter B<rn«- left center. MiddleNCv won top honors in the Johnston County iiatr snd Egg sh»M held at "mithfieid last \V dnesdat. Thursday and erui; April 1. 15. He holds the Gr.;od Ciian>- piori bar; v >U« 5 i'- produced. Re received •; sash prite of SSO Prize Ham Sells For $368 At Smithfield BMITH.FIELD Walter D Barnes, 32, a young farmer ol Middlesex, Route 1, entered an 18 pound ham among the 266 ex hibited at the Bth Annual John ston County Ham and. Egg Show Wednesday ana walked away with top honors and $368 for his choice piece of meat Thursday . According to Barnes, “There is the cause he is serving. It was only a question of whether he would be elected immediately or ultimately,” Dr. Tobias asserted. “The board decided on immediacy. That has the advantage of sav ing the organization from politi cal pitfalls. It is significant that • ■ * ' * f'"“ ‘ •. „ “STATES NOT SINCERE’ The Supreme court is currently hearing lawyers for four states and the .District of Columbia in arguments rising out of its historic May 17 decision outlawing aegreratinn in Die nation’s public schools. A panel of NAACP attorneys (above) are opposed, attempting to show that the Southern stales “have made no sincere move to advance constructive plans” as to how the decision should be implemented. Except for Florida and the attorney general of the United States, “no plan was submitted to the eourt at, to how desegregation of to e classrooms can best be sccomplished.” the NAACP lawyer* advised the court Shown here, (left to right) they are: Oliver W. Hill, Spottawood W. Robinwon SU. .Robert L Carter., Tburro-vJ Mau-ahwli, Legal Del tm « head 4*ck GnoUburr, George E. C Hayes, w.ij Chanxm MahrtlU lN«se'MMW«t irlwCai -■ - for »bf>H injr it and th* ham hroufc lit the arnaring pri<»» of ■{% per pou/4*t. tfu.Mmjr S3*'lß at the auction followed I noking on K T.. R Johnson, Jonnst<»n Counts farm asent v» ho directs the show in ro - «»[.ieratioii with the Srnithfir id t ham her nf t ommorce no secret, to it, 1 just followed in structions in the curing.” The ham was auctioned off Friday afternoon and bought b.v the *;mHhficld Hog Mar ket at an average of 526 per pound. The prize ham last year, exhibited by Leonard Wiggle Kenly, Route 2, (CONTINUED ON PAGE S- the vote was unanimous ” Has Full Responsibility In announcing the selection of the new executive secretary. Mr. ; Spingarn said tiiat the board del egated to Mr. Wilkins “the posi tion, responsibility and entire mantle of Walter White.” The re- • Minister Is Forced Oit Os Politics By I. B, HARKEN I GASTONIA • -This ci'v's poli -1 t-icsil pot ha;. M.arh'i boiling ,'ur~ { ously follo'.vi:.x the vhUidrf: al • from the enuneiimaiuc race ol ;iu ■Rev C S Hih local pestoi. -ft j Fiicndsfo/ip Baptist ehuici-. and | till. 1 last-annuie f'Unsr of L MeLauchen, tc< and con: ■•■■■.■• | man. ■ He u;'J oppn imyrnbf n! •: • cciiman ?v iiarnel b-i- v. j was ejected two j- ara a; and foe* i came the f.r.-.i cc-;.'----o ?:;.■•!> jserve a~ treasurer of a la.r«" city 1 anywhere in in- .-.at inn so far las «•: known, A. M. Hr.-.- .. tnr ! first, race, man to ;/'■ r e a, a ! tice of the peace V.rr« a it a ■- j t<;. v a; '! rs rv.\v v, .• ■ ni-^ ■I the local N:\ACP ui n ■ ; h; - : came .1 candidate . ; .. i filing- deadline. PRESSURE TOO Mil H i Consternation mas. thrown ,r.t.- the ranks oi th; ba«-k< r <m-:n oilman Earher vert;. tiu\ :• 0 when the Rev. Mt Hall ran;,:el ect that he was rnturuif: i*tt *■ contest which, aitho. ii.ino tit-' ward system, is vo .-t: '•>' ■ l• orr. a city-wide basis, thru. :ir a-.cb • candidate is voted on by the : tire city of more than 40.00;) jr.p --: illation . The Negro population felt I (hat Hall’s entrance into t■ ? j race was untimely since (Ur | her had their g« neral appro i val. liar her is treasurer of | Gastonia's nationally - recog - sized Excelsior ( redit l -men S which is r< puled to be worth near 5300.000. It was 1:. IT on this. basis that he 1‘ ir twrji was chosen as the • > first Negro treasurer when be “nosed not" his opponent in a close election in 1953. It is known that pm-w are wr;s i brought to bear upon the Rev. Mr. Hall to cau;;e him to tr e- It.: this past week that it. was "nrv caIi •CONTINUED ON PAGE .4; ' sponsibilities of Mr. Wilkins’ form er position of administrator v < re merged with those of the executive secretary, the NAACP president explained. He further stated that the board has asked the new exec utive secretary to draw up a new (CONTINUED ON PAGE ft % y yg W', 1.1.1: OJ M J : N v - • ht-id lor TU r-i- h-re mUiiiLti us l wuiw jiunrr vnr.TU Milt im til h HFR TiUuriUL S LaJ I IL£l MARION A prelim : -try 1v se. w»s. held in the .Ret*« Court bet* in whicn Meh^r’ white vouth v:p cuar.:" i .v.Tli hii'viTU- a .rault.ed Mrs ,Joyce- Wtl kerson. rnoilu." of two ck.iTen. Mrs AVilkcrson terdified that site was cleaning «n the s; <f,nr! fifinr of an apartment budding, when she was suri dei iv rjnri brutally attacked by Bloods worth, also requested a hearing be fore the county school board and asked (hat ‘■immediate (CONTINUED ON f’AGF: H< Big Frizes Await Entrants In Carnation Baby Contest HE'S A CONTESTANT Thomas Ear! Burt, 3-year-old son ri) Mrs. Mary Helen Buri of 8E Hayti Lane has entered the Second Annual Carnation Healthy Baby Contest. This chubby youngster weighs 40 pounds and is 3 feet tali. Enter ; your child in this contest. Mail ; entry blank found inside paper and snapshot to tarnation Healthy Baht Contest, P. O Box 134. Raleigh, N. C N. C. Teachers To Visit Hammocks Beach April 30 The Negro teachers of North : Carolina will make their annual pilgrimage to Hammocks Beach, i Saturday, April 30. Past, pilrrim i Hires have drawn from two to three thousand teachers and their friends to the beach and the com ing pilgrimage is expected to at tract more because of new build ings to be seen and activities plan ned. The Hammocks Beach pro perty was given to the mem bers of the North Carolina • Teachers Association by Or. LUCK Y ALIO OWNER 1 I•.!('«}• >'a ■ >.<! rr, was the one in- n mg the 1 . .- num ber. XSD-liit >.: the ov-n.T oi th;;t car took ,K t. Dunns E-.se. ScrvK'f corner Cabarrus and ; Binodvofth Siro ij, here sn Ra j Irish, he received a free grease ■ job. | This will happe** every *« cck j Watch for your tug nun.her. If I it follows the asterisk, yon will i get Ehe grease job. fhr nur-.■ i her will be taken ftuai an* r*r bearing a X. C. liconae I’iie numbers this week are: fts3-703: XI3- *77- 68-001; j 301 117; '33-0'.2 and X.M-058 RaSaigh Man Raped Girl In i’er Yard fu staff Writer 41. 403 flicker ■j. ;v; ■... . : ' wiU'l r<:.,o U ; -.at ~<i v'c;-r Spencer In iter ■ Sa::. da > al tprnoon, was bound ovwr to Wake n. Co , 1 vrd ;s row trtiu":.«: . 3 the Wake County J~' i , : vilegp of 1 hr drlcn-dstn* • H<* not. i Ctkr ' » u • • • s •• I--- 1 in his ow« belwlf in Cisv t oi»rt. Monday morning f'-’i T- -ip* vU i oi : neir r i4der*c£, 4i? N. v it u. 0. a > a1 u c ?i a, r-a r « (’tiHy with th« prißie purpos? - » having: intercour. * Wsitlp VirgADia. Jack:-',on i- al)*. #>.l to have ’ur:'C> hr ciiiia Irorn n* r cua.- :.n the li? pa v l.Ir:3iv hiddor. 11 f.vin C*!• r;wood . Vl*nu i).> « • - He reporteaiy •■■■■'’* c> ii'iflovf w: ‘“'p pisce. Foßcwing thr criirn- Vlrginiu went i-ipi the houv and to id her gr. •...%mothor, Mrs. lota Hunter, what had happened Mrs. Hunter look the nr! immediately to police head it ONTINUED ON PAGE 9) Nothing to buy. no jin ole to wr. c, no labels to send in -just fill out an entry blank and send it together with a “snapshot” of your baby to: Carnation Healthy Baby Contest. Box 134, Raleigh. North Carolina. Never before in our pub lishing experience have we seen a contest where the chances of winning rash prizes are so good. We want to remind all our readers once again that Carnation Evapo rated Milk is sponsoring this contest just for your own (CONTINUED OX PAGE 9i TWO RALEIGH WOH CHARGE RAPE ATTEMPTS Two Raleigh women charged rape attempts, both alleged to have taken place in Wake Coun ty in warrants drawn at police, headquarters. The first assault is said to have taken place Saturday afternoon when Vance Ray bon. ,lr., 32, prominent white Wendell merchant, is charg ed with attempting to have (CONTINUED ON RAGE ill William Sharpe, a noted brain specialist of New 'fork City, for educational and recrea tional purposes. Several other organizations, who may make use of the property, arc also named in the charter. The gift was made upon the coun sel of Mrs, Gertrude Hurst, former teacher and employee of I>r. Sharpe, who might have received i( as a personal heritage, but out of her hu manitarian spirit and interest (CONTINUED ON PAGE

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