VIOLENCE TAKES Ht*tf M K-END TOLL " - < . If; |^ MRS CAROLINE HOODS AND GREAT-GRANDSON. C JEROME- H ()ODS A Mother's Reward; Mrs. Caroline Woods,Bo, Attributes Age To Faith BV I'H ABIFS R. JON KS S-undey :s Mother's .Day Mh- A me- < \ . ; > wt' ■ \ 1 ’ rcx'edh-aie their live* to the honor of -ns of God s roost 1 or-' ! - ns gifts mothr-rr Hrre in R iI-'.eh Mrs. i ..t eone F>< rs-<- grcat : ■ ;-liln-r --.h< -t, rfjfbr itvtl tier goth birlhdav »n Mai- Ist • i i an if.Mii> mi. philo-phy for Ion? life- “strong trust in the Almighty and Hard | work.'* U.-s. W'-.-cs. a native of Hal* _.n. wiw is the oldest living r;-.( tier of die M@r>'« Temple ' Christian (7hi. ■•■ h here, sixes at c:.f R Street with her ..h-'.t. • Ci'.-U Wood*. She; j t « rr> -titer of four children }. h eo .-t oied 35 years ago l i she vtss left vii", the re- ; ■" " ”■' ' ~ " I Propose New State Bldg, la Negro Neighborhood A bitter debate is in progress be *- bet” eer. c”; '.-.nd state of i over locating a State cl fv'c ..-.ilciing cn the Confederate. S r biers' Home property facing L ■ Bt rn Avenue. D'-sctobir-g the property as art Jr;t■ rrai part of our recreation prarpram, city officials told the Staff Friday that they want to cor f :: ;; >•• in.* the area for a playground and recreation spot for Negro children A bill, recently passed in the House of Representatives, autho rizes the Board of Buildings and Grounds to construct on the property now owned by the. State, situated on the corner of New Bern Avenue and South Tarboro Street, kno w n as the Old Soldiers' Home property, an ofifee building. City Planning Director Herbert Steven t showed the State offici als grveral sketches worked out. by his department depicting t'k*ns for State building lay-outs. Sigmas Honor Seven During "Better ßusiness Week Were The "Bigger and Better Business Week" observance, sponsored by the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity was concluded .hert* Friday with a i testimonial reception at the Blood worth Street YMCA honoring Dr. J Thomas Hamlin named "Sigma ; Man Os The Year" and seven . leading business men and women ; who had ' dcently enered business ! or mad' significant progress dur ing tHy year. B. L. Raiford. chair-1 ’ ma> r of the committee, presided. ; OV-cr committee members includ- 1 Al: C. A. Haywood and A. J. Tur ner. Honorees ai the reception were presented by members of the fraternity who discussed briefly highlights of their ca reers and major achievements. Those honored included be sides Dr. Hamlin, a pharma- i cist; W. A. Lassiter, hardware i and building contractor; J. 1). \ Lewis, radio announcer and repairman; Mr. and Mrs. .1. N. j Cooper, cafeteria; P. R. J err ay. Cabbie Bound Over hi Wayne Slaying GOLDSBORO Frank Atkin son, 64-year-old taxi driver, was released in SI,OOO bond here Sta-j' urday after being charged with' the fatal shooting of Thedie Mo-; ' ses, another taxi driver, last Tues- | day. The men had argued over a! ; fare at Union train station. Aj • probable cause of second degree. 1 murder was found against Atkin son at a. preliminary hearing lie- ' tore Mayor Scott B. Berkley. 1 sponsib'hty of providing for she family. All of the children v: ■ quite voang and her meager ‘ i£■, o r > c ■ I is. to •• fr»teh a long way to {«> -i .■ nd ; oi>.the four kids I dot, t : J din it. fcu* iny ti n j were as well oared f.>r ns any,’ J Mrs. Woods for mine I > W lies the laws of nature rr garding old «.ge. She relat-M 1« a reporter that she med some grass in her fruit yard Monday afternoon. She is remarkable agile for her age. has all of her original teeth, hoars and sees well She is quite proud of the fact that she is able to cook : three meals a day. hu t re fuses to conform to thr mod ern culinary convenience ot i i CONTINUED ON PAGE 9l f ! ■He emphasized that the State • i should locate its buildings so j that they would be easily yc ces* i sible to persons who wish to ■ : transact business in several ngs in' gust a 1 while. The tuildinj; proposed for « I New Bern A' erne would require ; . driving or walking approximate- ’ ! tv half a mile. Much concern is reported to he manliest t»y race csti j sens in that ,re a over the proposed structure. I'lie q action is alleged to have 1 been advanced as to whether the State would be satisfied with just one building in • that area or whether prop erty would be placed in jeopardy by the request for more State-owned buildings, j thus requiring many real- j, dents to vacate their homes. ‘ The Buildings and Grounds , Subcommittee, composed of State , i Treasurer Gill, Secretary of (CONTINUED ON PAGE 9) i newspaper publisher; Mr*. ] Berta Phillips, bakery; and Clarence Davidson, jeweler and wach repairman. They were presented by: Dr. L. i E. McCauley, A. B. Williams, A. J. Turner, Rev. O. L. Sherrill, Dr. W. ! L. Greene, Rev. O. L. Hairston, ' and Att'y F. J. Carnage respec- 1 tively who presented achievement . awards. Other features during the week ; Included the presentation of the ■ fraternity award to a Ligon High School male student chosen by the faculty as the outstanding student. The award of a savings bond went to Thurmon Davis and was Method Mother Describes _ How Fire Routed Familv BY ALEXANDER BARNES METHOD The average per- ■ son can easily understand the j ravages of a fire, but it is very ! seldom that one has the experi ence to have three children burned to death and a second fire wipe out her home and be longings like Mrs. Or.a Williams, within fifteen years. That is what has happened to this mother of thirteen children as the result of having been awakened about one o’clock on Saturday morning to find her house threatened with flames j that had already consumed two ! out-houses and were being driv- f ... I . ... ■ I -■ 11. 1 , | .. lr . ir . .. ~ ~nnTn-ir wnwiiku- inn na rrn -iirm huj i -m, 10c \” f C0a&&1*4.4z.& s£*&£*£&/.«. ~\~7 10c | VOLUME 14 RALEIGH, N. C WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1955 NUMBER 32 | N. C. Medical Body Finally Drops Bars * * * * * * * * * * ¥ * * A A- * * * ****** I Election Aftermath •• ■u ffiWwfl : | thsTfck L-.-dikJffPNT ftjffijafiE SMS SHeIF' gt-iMP ! ' Pm . <s#M& Y# iJ'i-H.if, VA.fh.i..': • 1 .r.-.Nt m.-D v '- j v ' |f 1 m; : - ~;- N pl^ i®‘ v * ® 1 N. C. yedicai Group Crops Color Bars i PINEHT R-SI A ii , >ai-old fight to g*>» mnubt .-.iiip for Ne- Jfio doerrs tn the North Carolina! Medical Noeiely came to an end ■ j here Monday night when the so- • ciety's House of Delegates voted! to admit them by the overwhel- i lining vote of 104-37. This means that Negroes can f : now have- full membership in the; society. Membership in the society 1 ; makes them ehgibie to vote andj hold office. Fmal action took place , on Wednesday when the society! voted to change u? .bv-laws. TOUCHY SUBJECT It has been a rather touchy sub- ; ject and the Mecklenburg County 1 Medical Society was censored for ' jumping the gun on the state so ciety for the acceptance of Negroes before the organization had been able to determme its future policy The Mecklenburg group along wish Greensboro and Winston-Salem had shown a liberal attitude and led the way in he final acceptance by I the state society. Tht n lotion of opening its rolls to Negroe: has been before tht society for the lest five years The stagy committee was ap pointed a.?, the May. 1954, conven tion. It, is composed of Dr. Street Brewer of Boseboro, Dr. Ben Royal; of Morehed City and Dr. Paul Whitaker of Kinston. They calc d an afternoon news con ference to aimounce the- recom mendation of the committee to the Society for admitting Negro mem bers. The censure resolution scored the Mecklenburg group for act-; ing “on it.® omv initiative pre- i maturely by admitting to its - membership Negro physicians be fore the society as a whole could establish its own new policy with regard to integration.’' The council called on other (CONTINUED ON PAGE 9} presented by Att’y F. J .Carnage Also during the wu*k R. C. Fore man, assistant controller, N. C. Mutual Life Insurance Company spoke at. a public meeting heid at the First Baptist Church on Sun day evening. Rev. Grady Davis spoke to the Shaw University stu dents and C. R. Frazier to the St. Augustine’s College students. The theme used at all meetings was: “Promoting Inter-Group Under standing and Economic Progress Through The Medium Os Busi ness.” The major cultural event of the] week was the presentation of thej West Virginia State College band; In concert, on Wednesday evening a, the J. W. Ligon High School. m I en to the third house by a strong i I easterly wind Mrs. Williams gathered ! ; her brood of nine children and togehter with her hus band, William Henry Wil liams, led them to safety. It was then that neighbors and friends began to take the furniture and other house hole! belongings, out of the house. They were uot too mindful of the change in the wind and suddenly when j if did change, the fire not ! only enveloped their home, I I but swept the belongings in ‘ t (CONTINUED ON PAGE 9) ,.CKJNSHFSRXLY "WAIT UNTIL NEXT TIME” Supporters of City Council aspirant far! Lie Vane are pic tured above with DeVane dur ing a vote rally held here this week, prior to the election. Ai j though their candidate placed ninth in the election, these ! : ——— ——, '...SZtZZ Z " State News —LV— Brief | BEAUTICIANS ELECT MISS j BURT ■ The N. C. Beauticians and Cos metologists Association closed its 16th annual convention here last Wednesday with the election of officers and choosing 3 site for next year’s confab. The group decided on Greensboro for the 17th convention which will be i held in April, 19bfi Miss Vivian Burt, of .Raleigh, president of the host chapter, wa s elected 2nd vice-president of the state body. ; Other officers were retained for | another term. A parade, held on : Wednesday afternoon, featured ; the bands of Smithfield, Clay ton and Clinton. gHKF? " M'Jt Mi - .. j pfe f\ ' FIRES LEAVE TWO FAMI* ' LIES DESTITUTE Two Method families were left j homeless Saturday morning as ! fires completely destroyed their homes. Tthe families «f member# of the Dunbar Secia.! flab shown above are Periaisi Usat be will be -victorious in the next election. Included in photo are DeV&lte, front cen ter; Don T. Hough, Ernest F. McAdams, James Johnson, Lel*s Prepare Now For *57 (AN EDI TOR i ALV Five times now Raleigh has refused tr.' join oiru-t nro? 1 • - ive cities and towns in North Carolina in giving representation to a large segment of its population by electing a K to hj governing body. Much can he said in behalf of the conduct nf the DcV me campaign. Much bard work was put into it. 3VI ach knotvlt rD was gained. And Mr DeVane emerged a much more rrmd able candidate, should he offer for public office in :he future. However, we can ill afford to continue building fodder for the political heap by just making a good run. There are reasons why Raleigh will not elect a Negro to its City Council. . We must know these reasons. No one can say Negro voters did not turn out in propor tion to the number registeded. We cannot honestly point tin finger at our registered voters as the cause, as in comparison, we went to the polls in larger numbers than the white register ed voters. Those on the books who did not vote have little or no excuse except that they v re sick or out of town. Cars were available, attendants helpful, advisers nearby and remind ers ever present by literature phone or in person to get the vole out. The campaigners did a good job. (CONTINUED ON PAGE ft) William H. Williams and Mrs. Lillie Montgomery lost many ol their belongings In the blase which spread from one of the residence* to the other, i Method, located just outside James Perry, lame* W Haw kins, William Haywood. fciah Goodfton, Fred I) Wil liams, Johnny L Johnson, Tbomae tv h fi; - tie jot! n, L J o'.r.t and James Alien HJ < HAS R JONS Aaleigh, is without fire, pro tecticn and residents of i e. j section reportedly tried to fight the fire with buckets of water. STAFFOTO BY ERAS. I R. JONES. Carl Devane places 9th in tace for city council j Carl E Do Vane Show Calve r ; shy piofossor. ;jeue tno finh } ; K.-i’ro oano’iel-t a to !.-« defeated |in the race- f-.> •>« sew -o tn- : jb* r City Council nor-: Tuesday i when he plexed mnth with j Five incumbent members of ! j Raleigh’s governing body writ j ‘reelected to serve two-year , ! terms They are Mr- < s Fred B. ILK OFFICIAL iRENEWS ATTACK WASHINGTON - king i ‘•-m --iiy labeled charges of Acuti i against Elks Gtand Secret-;y V\ C H- e ; .i- . i-e t I j Fmley Wilson arising cut of the purchase of the join Bro-vn I* »rni at H.wpcr 5 Ferry, West V,*., Tre.'.svant W Ander son 1«m w>-ck •-.‘.-Hed Elks T. ! : Bomd action Hue«tor Dai-t December. Ar-.dcr.s.-u *'<nt i a ■•• tut in U S. District Court d- 1 ' /.gailtl liievhvt and me i-.e of the lnlc Mr. Wilson, j charge,- them with rt-akins "sc- i I'm '-TINT'I !> ON PAGi ill i One Held, One Sought On Assault Charges Violence, marked by he use of a wide variety of weapons, put three local residents in the hospital over, the week-end. Nathaniel Rochell, 36-year-old s construction worker, was stabbed, three times in the chest around 1 11:25 p.m. Friday and by Satur day morning police had arrested IGeorge Lemmon of the 1100-block Expect 5,000 Here Sunday For NAACP F reedom Rally ROY WILKINS Few Days Left To Enter 2nd Healthy Baby Contest With only a few more days in go in Carnation's Second Annu al Healthy Baby Contest for our community, lots of last-minute entry blanks and snapshots are piling up for the local contest judges in ou.r offices. All en tries will remain sealed until midnight, May 14th. Al! entries must, be postmarked, before that date. As soon as the Contest in officially over, the sack;, of entries will be opened !n the presence of representatives fro®, this newspaper, and the judges will Immediately LUCKY AUTO OWNER The lucky car Wt week was She one bearing the lag nuirt bcr X 73-877. U the owner of that ear took it to Dunn’# Esso Service, corner Cabarrus and Blood-north Streets, here in Ra leigh, he received a free grease job. This will happen every week. Watch for your tag number. If n follows the asterisk, you will get the grease .job. The num ber wiii be taken from any car bearing a V. C. license The numbers this week are; R-53-703; Y 73877; ■ 7/MHH 7; YUJB6B. 68.-601; XM-058. W; te ei e r wh o >; a:; : e:e d 44■! 3 i votes to lead the ticket of i 2 candidates; Matin K. Greffrs. 3 • 93.2; John F. Par: e'ion, 2.7 K: W E. Debnam, 3.628; and VV G. En ure, 3,614. New numbers ele.-i.-d v.. • c Frank M. Jolly, loiv.i jewel«r with 3.682 voter and Charles W. Bradshaw, real estate dealer. 3,- 442. Precincts 20 and 26 w neb are located in predominantly Nev r»> neighborhoods. reported the bea v «st voting. In Pi i 20 De- Vane polled 621 out of 673 votes cast. He received 700 out of the 748 cast dt 'Precinct 26. Candidates who lost, in order (CONTINUED ON PAGE SO Elects d l : t Fayetteville FAYETTEVILLE Attorney Harry E. Groves continued hi* winning way- hert Tuesday when he led the entire ticket fer a seat un the <.'i-y Count'd, poll mg 1.585 votes to be;' ;c t '■ second race min ' ! win »i.e ' -see auii't the tea the century. Fayetti vilic >* believed t» have ern the fir ! town in the state to put a Candida!.' in the field. Fred Burns (CONTINUED ON PAGE 8i of South Blount Street and jailed him on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon Despite police questioning. Rocheil, who was taken to St. Agnes Hospital, de clined to give any reason for the stabbing. Treated at St. Agnes for severe scalp wounds. Miss Eloise Mcßae. (CONTINUED ON PAGE ft) Roy Wilkins, executive secre tary, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People will deliver the main address at a special NAACP Freedom Day Cele bration to be held at 3:30 p.m., in the Memorial Auditorium in Ra leigh, North Carolina on Sunday, May 8. Another feature of the meeting will he a Memorial Service for Walter White. The message wiil be delivered by the Rev. II H. Little, professor of practical theology Hood Theological Seminary, Living stone College, Salisbury. The Hon Fred B. Wheeler, mayor of Raleigh will welcome delegates from every section of North Carolina that will attend this special meeting. Mr. Wilkins will be introduced by J. K. Wheel er. president of the Mechanics (CONTINUED ON PAGE 9) begin the gigantic task of selecting our community's healthiest babies, whose par ents will receive cash awards ranging from $5.00 to $300.00. Every parent of every baby three years of age or under, who has not already done so, is urged to use the official entry blank in this news paper and mail it in at once. Sponsored solely for babies In th i s community by Carnation Evaporated Milk the famous infant-feeding milk every doctor knows this 1355 Healthy Baby (CONTINUED ON PAGE 9)

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