PAGE EIGHT Rambling In Chatham GOLDSTOW PITTS BORO SILER CITY By 0. W. H«ad«n •» P, O, Box S 3 Goldston, North Carolina GO, DSTOPJ -■ TU e regular numthly rtiv> *uig nt the ; >ea| Home Di rt''ustivtui') Club v, as tiK-'-dt at the nor.•.« "t Mrs K rt» Ktrivuf.. Me- Mildred Payton, Count*. S-jpa-visor, wa, in charge rs the di.‘eu«sion on the home ansi its appearance ;<-* <r* and afU.i " The GoM .on Barmball CI u b trv. m.p.A the Si’cr City "C«", 17* 11 last ■ •-k. ilf Hit should oe in tm,i i. this figure, 1 .viii be glad to n ?H-*» the correction. * Otis J, i'lradr-:, is inar.nging the Cold- Stun team, and all .'©rrespoadences Should b" mailed to him in care rs the D ue Plate I\ O, Box IKi, Golds; on. Manager Heouen ex pects to have r. gar.K- a? Goidstoo Bt haaM e\ fry Saturday afternoon. L».--t Week 'eked the first game of lire season wlrch was a vie- i tory Pie. Loom A.) don, son of Mr and Mr.-, r • : ‘on Alston ste'X'i:- j e"’ po-t Kr.i x. Ky. ef*'-r s tore f visit wit*, hi? parents here. Pvt. Freddy 1-e Eider* wm, in town over weekend. He is taking his basic tr - nine at Ft Jackson 6. C. DEATHS PVneial . •.: wees for George F.< A the he by si us Mr . d E. J, Hayes ’V7T.LIA?•■;STOK Thirty • five K. merri* rs of the K. J. Hove School recently attended the State ccr:'.’ ■ nee of the NJ? - A , vvh:;:n was hold al North Ci.r ©li’vi C. i Du mam. Leaving IViiliareston for the one day session about 700 a m.. the gro'.'!- a ■ o!:.o::r: ,'d by the iviiy.o economic? • m or ho D g. Chance, traveled on tne sahooi's. act vuy box After re,giiionng, the members •tti ••dr'* too • WHOP. at H'h:ci.. V , an Mi.: •fee of War. saw, jTi ! ed Among the olfi- | cer.; electcd was Rosa Outerbridge of W= i !i,.-m: :i; who also had an ; jtnper!ant j art on to e program. She had privilege of pre.-erjt ing Pie prioe to the chapteer win- H N.H.A., Contest During intermisisou the group : enjoyed a ts.’ty lunch and several tah-nt numbers, tb •* were present ed hr other m- npy-r cnemutrs. In the i f tern our. an inspir ing pageant "N. H. A. Fester* • day ar.d Today,’' wav present 'd. After <K pageam three f ormer N H.A officers gave a resaino of their activities since they have left the ocyafilia tion. The re»arts indicated much progress. After the par.nrorea the officers ♦le«. t< ; 1935 Sfi installed Hr,' their di.ties. The :■! : : m-c ect w. ••: Hosa Outerbridgi- c, the &. J Hays* School. A ci.'trinjf etrsmory fpltc/wed ! tlw Insteh&tion service. Ail me ra ters ■;;; -.?y that i *.-- coriterers-e h'■ : teen .rup.rin.. anc erbigatea -Ins Asbury BP MRS. BERTHA ROGERS ASBURY NOTES On May 8, *t 11:00 ociock, Lincoln -Die will Hold its rey tar monthly service Rev J. D. Treadwell Gi! officiate fine iv.S's ,v; 11 bt r-:■ ,-jy the ficni ur. Evt; yrme is cor •fiially n, ••ui to attend. A six-.-ial Mother's Day service Bp: -j by the Mothers of Lir.- coinvi k? Churcl will bi ; ■ nenied May S at 7:30 o’clock. You are cordially invited to attend this r•• air Mem lu.i? and friends of Lin* cohivillv AM* Church are urged to be i : nt at the official board meeting May R at 7:30 o’clock. Busin' 1 ? of importance will be (.. : ... scr: Re*' B. F Pickett ami Rev, Le- Samone were visitors in the As* bury Community last Sand*; It, v. Piivett is a former pastor of Lincoir.ville AME Church. Mrs. Bessie Blount and Rev Pr:Prison • 1 Gary, were united in matrimony April 30, 195: in Raleigh, N. C. They will reside in Asbury fur a while. Mrs. Estelle Wright is confined *t her home Also Mrs. Lilly M. Coari Mr. Glover Penrongton is on the sick list. Birthdays tin?? month include - Mr and Mrs Nathaniel Hooker: Mr C E*. Cain; Miss Emmaline Hooker and a number ot others vn will read about during this Jtiveiy month of May. The Asbury Blues tied with tfcffrey's Grove last Saturday, thought for the week 1 have spoken unto them, but they nave not heard; I have call od unto them, but they have not answered. —■ Jer. 35-17. Rush Memorial By MRS. MARJORIE SANDERS Sunday was Communion Dav fct our chum-h and nil nicmbors that have been tick and shut -In v.ere brouht to the church for Holy Communion. Our pastor is stlU asking that ftil friends and members remem - the sick in prayers. A play, ‘ The Golden Gate” was presented Ht the church Tuesday night. May 8. at 8:00 o’clock The Booster's Club sponsored this play. Prayer meeting was held on Wednesday night at the church tad immediately following the prayer service the senior choir held their weekly rehearsal. Junior choir rehearsal was held at tire church on ’Tuesday night Rt 7:00 o’clock. The Evcr-Ready pianists will meet at the parson fcge on Thursday night from 8 to 9 o’clock. All members and those £hat wish to become members are Mked to meet. Thought for the Week “T will lift, up mine eyee ‘unto :hc bills from whence cometh my rsip. My help someth from the io;rd which made heaven and ife-th.” Let Ub reineoilwr to attend the jfewsiir of our choice on Sunday. ’ Mrs Ftelcher Cheek of. East ■>' ’rii’a.’' . v.'crt- iron !"ora tiie Roberta Chape! Baptist Churcn | .Sunday whii It -v. O, L. j Womble affieiaiiug. i! > sei ! vivci ny ht* mother. Mrs Mary | Dowdy Cheek: f«uu.-r, Mr Fiet ! cher Che-ih; two sisters. Prulrit end Nancy; one brother. Harry; , and many other relatives. Cpl. Curtis Johnson is visiting* ! City iiiier recently arriving ) from Km cm and Japan. IT:.. Kafo B. Bynvam of Ft. I e» | vi.-i, Washing'ton, is yiaiting bis I mother, Mrs. Virginia Bynum, in Goidston while or. s» tv.-o-week i ve i Last Saturday evening toe Goldsboro News BV HENTRV C. MITCHELL GOLDSBORO -- Tiv Lend A ’ Hand Club of Go!<i*boro, assisted by other clubs of '.be city, obse-rv- • ed its 14th anniversary Sunday, April 24th at the Ptodc.-isial Holy Church on Fast Elm Street Charles House, a senior at Dii. lard Hi;;h School, and winner of many speaking aw'.rds. was the featured speaV.-'r for tee occasion, i i '"'sing as bis theme ”11 is better ; j to give ihac to leceive,” he prais* | ; ed the group for tfteir ’wonderful work The group of more than 40 members was organized 34 yem-s i ago under the leadership of Mrs. Maggie* Smith, the current preri : dent The purpose of the club is : to help the sick, underprivileged, -nd old people. For U years the duo has sponsored a Uu.nksgiv* j ing dinner for old people. Ai. sdaress welcoming various other clubs ot the city to help them celebrate was delivered by M r s Mary Leach Mis, Virginia F. Sutton, president of Mn;Hon;.rv ; Circle No. 2 of St. James AML ■ Zion Church, gave the response. : Mu-.ic for ih<s occasion *.vos ren i dried by the Junior Choir of the . Fir.-i African Baptist Church un . <Jcr the direction of Mrs. H. F Coefield. Mrs. Edna Wiley sang ■ a solo. Others heard on the pregrano were Rev. M. W. Morgan, pastor o 1 ’ the First African Baptist Church and Mis.-; Siama S.'issei. Among the organisations uig in the observance were Mi:-> i sionary Circles from Stoney Hill Holiness Church. St. James' AME Church. St. Delight Holy Church. Guiding Star Holiness Church, Antroch Baptist Church, First African Baptist Church, anti ' • the Floral Club of Be*t Grove. Missionary Circle No. 2 of St James AMR Zion Church met with Mr. William Coley Sunday April 24? i Mrr. Cede i'. .Artis read the kcrioter* sed Mm. Lou | venia Payton prayed Forty -three member? -.f , . fr Dil:r,rd High School Glee Club : left_ Wednesday morainv for New rork where they presented a number of concert®. They we.-e arcoripa.alcd by M?-.s, T. H Tohnaon, NcD A Stitt j director; and Mrs Chanie M. , Barnes. ' Whi ‘« ’-a New York the girl* were quartered * t the SStima Ramson House. 175 West 137th Street, and the dovs m 'be YMCA 180 West 135th Street Thursday morning was spent 1 getting settled and making m-rv-s- ' K-'iry contacts. At 4 p, m . tnc- I .r'oup gave b jfi-nrinute concert ; at Bernard’* School for boys On Friday the group took s. 1 four end a half hour f'ur of the city visiting Greenwich Village • u«tatown. Cathedral of g. Grant s Tomb, Columbia Univer- ! i Sity and Harlem On Saturday the group took a guided tour through RockofeiU l ” i Center where they spent the as . terr.oon at the Columbia Broad- ! ■ casting System Studios recording a program to be heard over the , CBS Radio Network Sunday, May i Bth at 1 p. m. Or; Sunday mornff'g the mem- i be?s of the Glee Club v/eri;: per- ’ nutted 11 visit the church of their ! choice, in the as ernoon at 4 p. i ra. the group gave a concert at • St .tames Episcopal Church. 865 Madison Ave. Those making .he trip were ’ ’ SOPRANOS. Ida Ruth Evans, 1 Eleanor Joan W ('ten, Mane j 1 Booth, Liliie Holmes, Rena Wynn, 1 Eiia Dudley, Vinenne Tate, Eunice j Whited, Shirley Herring Karol; MACON NEWS BT LUCY M. RAMSEY MACON The “Annual Youth Day Program" o t the Lovely HU! Baptist Church was held on Bun day. AprjJ J7. Everyone enjoyed ■ the program- Rev Foster deliver ed a wonderful sermon, j The youth gave a playlet en titled “Bible Stories," with music i by the Junior Choir. | The Junior Choir will accom j pany the pastor, Rev. J .H. Fos ter, to St Matthew’s Baptist Church on Suridav night, M:iv 29 CLUBS The Embto Home Demonstra i tion Club presented a program at the Macon Club House on Friday, ; April 22, at 8-00 p. m. Mrs Rosa Edwards attended the County-Wide Demonstration giv en at the Community Center on Wednesday, April 27 at 12 noon. 1 She represented the Embro Home Demonstration Club ILLNESS We are sorry that Mrs. Delia Williams is very ill in the War s' mi General Hospital. We hope j she will soon be batter. I We sincerely hope that Mrs. Pattie C Davis, who is a patient at the Park View Hospital in Rocky Mount, is well on the road '! to recovery. We art- glad to know that Mr. Henry Hudgins is recovering from his illness. Mrs. Lucy Ramsey has been ill and was a patient at Warren Gen ,j era! Hospital recently. However. : she has returned to work and is ' j doing nicely. We sincerely hope that Mr. Prime Clanton of the Vaughan, i C ids;on Boy Scout lYoop. aJi. o; 1 with Captain John H T; .• .>u M. B. Ray vi .ted R-.l« - i.?h to ntes the Scout Circ’-*.. i'-i.d State Fair Arena. T .i.- w a:-, time the boy:; from 'a > «u• ;. ■ i- • 1 joyed themselves. Thu pc ;n consisted of ’Tuinorri•»*••■« Ac. ca’’ proUide. oper in;.; i ••.•..». ; whip cracking. Cub .-• me;? on pa’acu*. bicyci* ectiaii, c*u\ In Siler City Sun ia;.’ ’■ tiiu Buy Scout Treoj was u’ du ly at the Cuatham High 5< helping p;,*r cam w. h t. A and T. Coiieg-’- Br.rd " f Grt'ie j boro played p roi -eit prog l am m toe nigh school ti e Karnes Basbur • Flowers, Janet Lewis; ALTOS: Geniev* Howi - .’. Joyce Simmons, Marg. ret Sai. /, Barbara JfolJonuin. h, p>r Ma.r;e Sampson. Eugenia lmr v:. TENORS: David Tint-!win. V, ' T Hargrove, Wiiliam Dortch. Pruo Cherry, Thaddeus Hayes Edwin Scott, Frederick Shedding, '. i thar.ittl Cox, A ire-a Best, Marvin n. Hi rb ■ I a ■ e' ' SES James Bake-, Frizzell Lewis, Joe Flederirte Bryant. .Prince D> -t Frank Holloman, James Hoiionv. n, Lmes Best. David News, utc on-. Emmett Jackson Funeral services for Cnl. Ru dolph Sampson, who died m Korea, were held recently f•'.• Elm Grove Church Burial was held in H«fks Grove LYn-..■♦.••: .. Cpl. Sampson is survived bv he parents, Mr and Mrs. j’„, Samp-on ~f Plki.-ville; i brf/Lr: ■ Ivcr.y. ’ , Jr., and CL’ ;■■. . of Pikev;tie; and Preston of War saw. V i . 3 in. Frank !r of Goldsboro. Sara Evans - mi De mo Evans a!) of V. vm Little leecia Jo;. . V/flitems of 924 Carver V ve r ■ ;,T », :,y afternoon H:i scrv v held Wedncsasy rnornire - > a. re. from the Sucrad He ■ t Catholic Church on .v.eeL She ;s survived by her . •.; Mr and Mr: ,t;,bnnic W •Sr., one sister. Rose M-• .e. brother, Johnnie Williams, an i; the horre; maternal gra dp; Mi and Mrs Josjp n rs,. Gnids-b’-.iro: p? 1 r,,!, C -j O'. •: ■• -• M. and M- M.-i..or Wi’.Jb. v Prig cptnn. Bumc:, was in Suilob (b?; - '- 7 y 1 • Jotmston Couniy Mr. Thedy M ,«r-u 000 D ■ .< Street, died *uddf-;> T'• April 2’e. Mr Mvs-u s n bv;- . . boro, was the so;; of the A’ -rn ami Fillic Ar.n M.-rw. He was ech.u--.ted in the pabi;r fry,.,: u- ~f Goidac/O* o and a.? res dent of the city alt of h s J-;. fnosr.-- was r? v - owner of T Thedy T - • c-j . •■•. - he one rated fo* 23 ver: I'’ IDS? he -a as • ,v !<■ til Rawlings < f Enipor-;..-, V*. -'hey had no eht:d••«.*, A Riember of tb- Fj: > y,,r- Church, he war airo a K -• of the Elks Lodge. Fun - ■’•ices were held f •■nr-. •; mentioned church wi:n the R» v . Mr. M. VI .Mo-m . < , iating The Lightnor Furr-..' Home of Goldsboro win. m rra; V t of the arrangements. Surviving are -jis v• • fMrs Ruth R. Moses; 4 *>rothi.-i ■ Lero;- and Wiiiiam Muses of New Yu:; City 5 sisters, Miss Lw. ■■ , TJ . of the home Mrs. Peari Bn-y. ot Boston, Mura.; Mrs AiU'Na Steven:-. Miss I . i . . Mrs Ellen Holley all .f pj-...... delphia; 15 nepheu j a-.. Buna: was 'a the i... , Ct-meterj- The body of Mrs Bc-uiri’i H'J irses Bowden of Bfillirao:c Mary land, arrived :n C rr-iv: ■ ly. Funeral s« rvcies will bo hold Friday at 1 r»; Ir ■:;! the At s tolic Holiness Church on G: ; Avenue. Burra'; whi b- o Warsaw Cemet-'.-y. She ..-is su'-v ved - •:• > ■ band. Mr. Muck' of timore; 3 daughters. Mi Lo caine Tillman of Pittsburgh. Pa; Mrs. Elnora Baldwin, Mrs. The; ■ ina Brown, both of New York City and Sidney Holmes of Ivlii waukee, Wisconsin. The Bowden Family :- with their aunt, Mrs Matiibn Ad ams of North John Sireei .u.-.-i their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. B F. Barnes of North Greenleaf SI : Community is on the road h re eovgry. He is a patient a! the Veterans' Hospital l.u Curb :n: VISITING Mrs. Dorothy Monroe and fami ;ly have returned to Baltimore. : Md.. after spending sometime I with her parents. Rev arid Mg i J. S. Spruill. | Mrs, Nell Williams, sister of Mr. > Lafayette Brown and her son and daughter, Mr. D. Wilson and Miss | Cleorie Wilson, aii of Phil tel- ' , phi®, Pa. are visiting Mr Lafay ette Brown this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Charier Somer i ville and daughter, Cherye. along j ! with Mr, and Mrs. William Hud i gins, all of St. Albans. N. Y wen recent visitors in. the home of j Mrs Panola Hudgins, the mother of Mrs. Charles Somerville and < Mr. William Hudgni- ■ THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ' “The testimony of the Lord is l sure, making wise the simple." -- I -- Bible The Wake County Council of | Negro Horne Demonstration Club: j celebrated National Hen,*.- Jv• >- i onstration Week Wi-dm-.- ' 1-■ : 4, at its fourth annual banquet ... ; the Wake County Office Buildiru j at 8:00 p. m. The we;.',, honon ;i | an outstanding leader in each .!•■> , j ca! club. The rotating cn p vv a. s awarded to the outstanding dab of the year. The Fugle Rock Clab is nov holder of the clip. Mrs. Minnie L. Woodson. State j Supervisor of Elementary Schools, j was the guest speaker. ! Mrs. Gertrude Gondson, Council thf: Carolinian oiiiis4-oiii v/OU i'. t > T Koyncl ia o • UV MR’ 1 ?, fl 3 MAN V •{■ ON 31. i >■; iv’ ,1 i I LMITiUTia D - Ti-. " i Ot'oir of Green Cii-.pi/i ' . if* * > l I dfv’ r • •—,-cd to T’; to I bui, . V ■• .ui • OpUi. Luutle buiior i/i . ': 1 • ik . v‘ r Eblil pi- who - (~.• tol r“ I (h t'vn C-Us-el Chi Si ••.my, May Ist Dfflk Mi vi. i. Viblsi-r; ;i'-inrjpal, > Mr. Swar.o. Aj. u:/ ; > I;. true;- •T- o£ M. ;i . . ,U|; ill .■• went on 1...-IC (lip b >1 j.rnh.l' B noil ibis we» kuna. Many iso v. ••re .-a; ivt 1 -by the two Mr. y .i.-ter Bn.-v, r„ K.-v. Acer Broftn iind heir ..m ,ti v ... •Je vveei. ~o ~i;, io. ,Yi. i.u d M’ ■ Jou Brown, roceptiy. KINSTON NEWS ft,*. MARSHA ’ L J. 1.01-TON K/N 'a.LfSN iMLB/ —Adkin’,-. 1.,n0- ; ia. C.auj paitudpa- •;! i:i the Rocky Mount D i; Ct LA"-. .: Ft.-i'vai, Ap- •! 14, at Eastraai, Hi/h. School in Enf.eld. The u; ed drair and W<-; octet rtr ivetl ratings of 1; Uc- jija't; ri-nfjjfj received 2 j.Jua j and the iris’ ei.oir and t*.ilo re m<l i Each fc/oup pertormed ve.’.’ ’’ie• 1.-.- Seiec-ip-':- ,twi- .:o vn-rc. Souls Os tilt! llikiiteOUfa — j Noble--; Waters Ripple ar-.J Emu— ! Son us Mark -bare, and in the Sih-nt Night—Rachn: niinuff. Or;, Saturday, ApiA lii, Thug;ns Bt.yd, J,tiius fa;Carl Kills.r. ■ and BLiiniey M'-'/.-.-in trii*>e!?ed to Winston*:-,, icm lo compete in tut table tennis tournament finals. In the Einj.v Intci’mediate Div.rion, Xhoi/iHS Boyd v..; rjimcii Gate champion by dcd’«-.atir.v Calvin BU,' of D Slnlly ca (.1 Hi;;ii l’<v t. Ci.iv. :t Liub'.s of 7 T' " ■ . f l‘: 1 k.r i;- I PJib<; <4.. e; t) .■. i . C;l 1 • »,’ ‘Ji lV i 1 .1 - Ii» the St iSira'.ie G.-.J Ira. J.;■;•/„ Par.its was ra.awci i ior iha : • •id straight year, denct-ting piejws j from LJui i: an:. High Point, Char- • and Wiar.tun-saU i-Vr the iftcrinediat..- dJUiyles. : Thoui'is IJoyci and Card .’vhib.i iw •: rvmed the Stats t-1 an:.; i,• ■ i ..s ,'ind in tn SSifioi B übifs, J aides ' P ,r!;s uod Siaui: y Moi -;au wore the svive c.igiiv-kgts K.a-h v- ar tiu- .-tit;m \\o*»a 'V'-rh. brif kmasbra ■■ ai-.d diversi* lied 0.-cuna'H'is : d to AiT ...o*',. :-e. G/eensboro. to narbt;na»e in ti - Si'.*.; Trade 9rd Indiivti ai Conte:-1. £;u jeii'.» from 38 Neg-*o h;y.b -.choc!:-: too): part i:: tin lIPE contest ir. tnere w:--i- 22 vaiious trades to compete ir. The contestant-., teok a written te 1 and a s’.iii test afi-.r whjrt- the lUtJf ■:• |.. - 1' fir I- ■ ■■■!! F lo ti-e sue!;.:-' »> p f * ”, rt-tr.ari.■ . uurc.- 1 .-V •31 i'-'SUcU- Greci-.«i : s *••-. ixienucd from At inn i y 1.'.-, .kiia Ga.-kius. »*:r,- I't.'c;.;Gi. lii •-(•;■;, -Aju- IOA the tn .-rai.-* >: --gi'.un ai i'wra ,v Dry C any rs v.-on i.m- N rs-. C,.r oinra Sf.-m T>;?de Trowsy ... i- > . vile im-vj T. J: U;Vi .- He rraert : ' i o;i :. l .u/i cl) 7 »D * bv. itiO il \ MTi.V, ii iv»' • wei- j o];»•:*€ h in ' • a*. JJjH - :.: EN’(-‘-a ;S:' : e*. H in* pi The students making the trio to , O. -. u wort; Ei'traklin C i;in. P/iil Wt.ite, Vt ,r. on Riu-ir., Buy G-iJ-uviin, Tiiuraa:; Pin.iuk, Ehsiia I:i, - i : L.l • 1 .• ,;l- G.-’c::.- : Pi,..-''-! Cu i*n T rnnie E nuao'its, Lvoiturd . Odril lo:.- - Aiio: Daw id ter y, Dura.-; IJ w - ,:n, Eiiuimi Hirai-v. liota Mc'ti::. Ei.tvl Guodiug. Du.:-y ; . Cii'KiU- Grade • •£' Chriu'rat: FiSui VPi lisra Eii-.i Suita'i. LisuvouJ iius- i sel-L l.i'yi F'uoviiie uiid Ro bert Sji.itn, C.aiu- 1: l.uiuia . (A- -iri, R(j.'»sevi-it Brown and Luby Bru.ivn. Pea * m, ilx Jean Alurn.-'. Ro bert Ful l Hum, 'Pm r:i;ari Adoipn Simmon . Muo Eitsabeth King 'Valter Ben: Speight*. Savid' Louise B avi, iu.-l ikiaa >lue I •iolli’S. Gr IK: Linda Nelson, Cur- j rie Copier Charte-3 Hurgetl, Hen ry Connor. Grtucie Can ley, Do- • lores Smith, JSwjah WUfituns and Thein-.n VC. • -:t. Grade- lAM: Vasr.tte Moore, i | Betty Gray, Mtiuiie ,Skin? or, Cur* j ; lean Suttoji, Verda Kittiell, Mar- • I fifirct Fisher. Lury Buggs and Rosa ! i Helen Fuel - <u. ! Grade IM-II: Ruth E Berry, . : Linda c. Burney, William Dixon ' and Raymond £. Your,u. Grade 2M-L. IJurru Belie Bil j verieau Km.-i.-y. Jesse Dow, David ; Jones and Borothc Hanam. Grade 2M-11 s. r1 t •;-1 Iv j. lie hr-: i, ; Carrie B.u;u-.-, Lois Met K-ooiiiie j and Margie Day Jain-ra 1 G-'aCe 2M ji!. Ci, ■ t ii. Le - .-i.--.-i Martha M Mjuv. Grade IS: Blend.a Moore, Casner ! Gueirins a.rl .?.'-;,'.r Wusltlngtoii. Grade IteV'-j- Donald bk oi'ier, : WiUliiri! ii. I'U-tu. J,):.., I l'lsljel'. i James Fariov., Curtis p arrow and ■ | Ellen Allen. j Gade JW-11' Ruth Sutton. Edna ir, Pai uia (, ihuu.. . . u l Doris Joyner Grade 3H: Beatiii.-i Mason .”.iar- I garet McLawhnrti, Veiuia Speiy.hts, ■ | Rebecca White, Fubt-ne Fiaeman | and Ltmvood Cold; Grade 2L: Del oris Jean Burney, i Grade SM-P Bnrnesuiie McCoy, Patricia Duj.n ora. H« r.ry Fisher. Guide JM-Ii Hetty Attains. Katie Murnford. Siiii-'u-y Cunt: ry ivLu'u. Jones and William Fisher. Grade 2W. D •!;. -. C;..0a,. Wii ’ lain Williams, Atciue I-asher and Citforge WaSiiiti; ion. Crude 4L-IP. Roi •ri Ear! Huts* 1 | toy,. Grade 4C-I. Ktoa Rmh 1..*-o --| roe. Grade 4P: Janet Tillma«, ; Sarah Onagnuiy. and Nnlianlel | Speights. Grade 431; Calvin Wash- J ! iiiK'ton ana Melvin C. King. President, was mistress of ccr*?- rnor.ien. Mrs. B. M. Edwards is Negro Home Demonstration Agent. j ,- • A. ;. i, -, .S",; in. -:, , : ; .. Or.l MO? (mb- Os Gcu’ -mm vml'c • 1 1 V.; iturx Os 1,1; . iiot.i f- • !»'•'- ,11. fiui F!t,.i Cu!: of .irndUC' 1 i vpi.ut-iOi ed it' vn• -;;..' !o. :u Dir. Brr. li-.e .•■v.’.; y !i. May. SICE AND b*ft.r-INS Tie ui h lii'hiile: I*l ! j ui Netv, >Sr. j.js- Brown, Mr. Win Watson. M;>: :.>ar*R Ifopkhir and Mr. Lnt im I’ll treUe. The Shu 4-low Indium. Mrs, Laura ismwut. Pir, i)ave tJors, IVir-; Mis-vvj .- i. v'-n.s, Mrs. 11'lsa 1 i*ii'.)•'n. dir. Vi id i ufrelay -lid Mr. Oir; Miugrfn. To the isluh -,iit-f Shut Ins —• A very soeedy rei n very. .Speight, M. ry Jean Crara. luOueiiu idiiiiiei a:r;l t . a*’ 1 :/ Du wson. Grade Ofu Sam G bi. -i. J U. Grr.'. Cm. ies Hu: is t;> ■ :• F . Gade bit. Clr > • »J.-i Conk's. Ac?tie Lou tiook-: r '-inti ; UJi'da Gr Grade 6D: ’Mu:- J-.i.e --; tn > She".-ad, jpi. ■ Sk n.ici josc ph.isjc Vvt-es, 1; 1 it;’i-i. Emiiy ’ iGtiftr. Carol Dixor nt:u Kraanael Bi.tiPps, Grade g'-V. E.vie L- Dim k I -iii...u. Mu mr. .Della Ve. • e. : Jsmrs Hopkins, Edna Jovce KH v;--: a-, Svtioi'. N.'i’m L son, Barba : a St. * . Du ; e.y Moor:.- and C- :,u ...-•■ -. <B: Mu v A. Ctoido-s, D-.a .'• M Battle. KaPieriru- Dixon. .fa,.-;p- 1 ' i to‘i tiv O:S „'<-1.,e Uu I. MOI : iS. I Gram- ?N . - - D m ;to. - j’carlie Dove, B-.-tiv C-. m. -e i v- ,ie < Sa ’j 3 ■ Grade JvV Elijah Lev s, j: ' I‘':i»row. cnar • Vtoak Mi Tv, | Jean Drier us Adams, Eiiby ;'-.i -. • Mo. t a hr *,: Do 0 be. .'ic-m:, \o;; ~ Rev Skinnt r L.u.vci H< 1 Dr.-nglas Mc-A.rthm Rmm-'e - Grade 8G: Lrae., ,m : Sutton. Lm i ola T'lNnan. Chtirrot'm Dm -:.m. Christine Eeov::, 7 • •:, ii Dl ... I.;ii H i Ida u j u .-; i\e a—o, E'v; (;, n IV, .-- , j-..iba : Ruxseii, Ri.-ci VV'-ils a,.d Jim- nio | Wiggins. i Grade *J: Earl Ene.hur Km-,, | Meitie Ariis* Emm;; Mdir-r. L'ra i t■ ■:ci H.. ei,., K : - ■ • ; ..... u it,-. ;a ! srai BrUiu Jean Baltic • Gramr SM I. F. .; ... ■ Hati.a: ;.. Wrae:-, • ~ .- - Betty M-h„. ..:•:; o.uL:ue ... \j . R . D ram, £ v ; Alim fu ■ ■ .., jp m .-. Gra-viir .1.-u- r --.raj Mom- t;. j-d-m--, Gtodi- I.Tr Ao-u ~..". u . ; L; v Vt 1"; * ; -;•••• -.J,, , , : BUij Vi'ilci .-vT.- :i '- V. - ; Evf rath Cue V ■ : -■ l.'-r: I"; idm ■ 1 ; ■ - -if - , j X:■ e "W W* "S %*it ’ ! 9 Q T, • 1 i"■ * yky -r , v ■■ t fe —* ■" 1 fff* ■, r * g q r\ t * j ivkLit iri: Ts» jj* Mm riuason With MRS. 8. F. m I*.- O % HIGH POINT - G.- April 30. ! Calhol.iv Ceuler G. iud w:i ? of the >r :'Gi'.r .■ . child -t ;■ '.'.i!:. .: ■ ■ - ••• . : a parly given Gy the inr 'iG Mrs A. Jacks-.,-,■. m:l M; ■ v ; Jackson were cf-n .■i-nors u i.rr ; 'Tin. Jnnr'i WvGGiuip 'J cue i j with a program f> ’ the puvie, , : which consisted of draistktw.a --| l ions, songs and di'iie-s. Tin. re > | was an ex mbit of crafts. ciu-r : i which reception viis: licid ici alt. ; Over 30 child res:. v.i.-r: t.- ! G--:.! : During Lit: sur.' two shops will be held for ago g- oups • i 4-S and 7-10 i Beginning Sunday. M--v 15-21. | the YWCA will b-'-v-n m | 1 wide Member.-hip I>nv. Mrs. > Arleese Lemons and Misr N. V j Moss are Cn-G aw-if.'i fin Oh: ; member hip . am pm; : Phvsii-iti Edur-iti 1 - Day will be j ! held at. the GrHtO i ! ,*-r>u>b!:iry i School Friday, May 6 Tm pur pose of it is to bi ll; develop :tp- i ' precaution for phjsKcai Line;-: and > ■ skill. All suideru w .i paring IP (i! the w-hvitiot, ••{ the ib.y 'i iv . public is invited. Tin: f<.Uuwini; p< i-sons were 1 i elected to serv.’ (.-f! ;-.:i as '. i the Gnfhn t,.i i : :v' ; 'i.:■. ; | Siriflklen, piv.-.uicnt; 'i'aimadg. ; i Carter, vice presidtr.t; Mrs. A. L ’ Johnson, Ist vu c •■■■■• hi; Mr ; Shvabetb Sprue v. sucic'uiry. Mrs. ; Fdmonia Toivi ucv. T.iM M.r rcti.ry, Mrs. M. .7. S'mmen, Tress- Ul'fSV.. ! The Wisteria G ii'd'-n C ; ■ > b nioi • ; V. mb Mrs Anniv Svyi.. mr, 201 ! Murray Street, Ftiday night, i .Apiii 20 Mrs. L'aimie Kirk, pi i | gram chairman, gave details I bow to maintain beautiful giadi- i ola bulbs Mrs. Mot:.i*- L'i:t: auo i, .iOlnnc V, ki t , w:, - *a .-. i- ' l: ■ urea with gifts ou 11 1<-11 binud':.:.' Lime Sherbet and text: v, ere , sc: veil by the liostt-s:;, A v' V;i! ':' hue He! W Vv' i-t- : tVI. li by t Ik- n.einbt; oi the iMpt.v i Vori-.'-.y Gordon Club on TuwKu.y 1 • evernug at the home oi Mrs. Joseph V,', ; !G> '! on-cat The home vv.t» artir-ticady ■ ! decorated with spring flowers In i addition to the 11 members; pre- ; : sent guests included I E. McCrr.y, V. Bcldwui, LI. L Carson, D. Stafford, C. W etted • M. Hinson, and Mrs. P. L. Black, j a guest of Greensboro. Sandwiches and u.a were rerv- . ■•I- nn'iratte t»\ iS. Hi I. AND V BIUtT LH Vi'TL Rev Sifter ■’Wv.-; . t.'tvfj , tTsh ,-r;. ami pre.-Ti uf Watt., rhrp<*l PapUat '. 'ij'ir'.'h r *i- . '•>.! • - I St , Paul RapL.t <’aurck ui Durunrn ; Sunday, Ay,il ci cl p. m. Sirif-N.ui text wax “Do jY< * Know Dim? ' i T<• in Board of Watts Chapel oiiservei its- 21 Arme/er* an L'n-.i - n vi.t. April 24 at 1 ” oVloek with the visiting pas j tor, Burt of Raleigh, deliver* in" .'he an ■ •., j :- ar y suraon. Mr. , Alton Mul.ilv'ws was ir-.r-ster of coie.ii*.;.:. Mrs. CAydia Mas Hill i' l ••..<!( ri the welcome eddres.? t<- An: ninny visii.'n; ushers front the different churches. Mrs. Jlo:>e>va /, slot, from St. John AV F C urea gave the re ,ip.>!4 ■ . h'Oi Mi Chester licbr-rni -a c L>elv of the !■-.. V TV ,1- ,o OjSV:!, iireiiCoiU < i :V- U’(Jninn of K-.b- ah. i-aclx- The V.-..-ur,• 'hility i i t ‘ ' T sr 1 1.“ f* 11, E Mr. I' del 1. pel : t : r f t '•»; * :Tt >■ i.: it iol,". ,• M • 'TP; St Join' A, U. ■ 77 <■; ' 1 . ; ci 'iirv'ts i.l A. "W Sir'dMr.’/ l. wifi, the ii". M K Worth -,n ; t&if.r *-■»• tf»xt w >yf’ *'•• ■?? i *.■'t?i * l Sti’e ' Z: ;:ht V . ■- v-egou ,M ' ivsjßS3£e , t rtij’<.ai *)(&?:> H'" •. m. was ■ vj.ves G ive Mae 3 iiiic.l Gienn preAehi-o . J'< rtf Via 1 '- Qv»p«l tMseii on u-o rnoprei of T.i ■ j:. ■" ; IV.iiiS CT .1,1:1 .E ■- f C) 01 l".;;'-..-: i( *'• vi'.i : the Vv ;k-.' Countv Sa«a --t r,... ... Tears.!'.V N: •.!•., Mw J2th 70; 'i'he Juioor Choir viH oh •i_ i Vi* ii.i> V. i } SC , . v V'!^ v ' -7:h oio::? lTribt. May 28, n f”t r m. Jo- a tv■ :i bn n barbecue s>;p no,' giva ,:t Uio club iiottsc Sot" ,:nJay nigh’. M»» 1. sjjoi-.sored l«y Si joOi'o Btuhiing Club Miss Vn-.i-o i;i Jitfrf srei Mot Barbara Hi!’. I’.v- st:*<icuts of this core iuii ‘ 1 vo a honored w.-ih a t«-a and a t'.i oG ni'Ojo'am Jiuntl.-y at tcfifr-rt 4 P M Appeal inis it* the -am v-’r’iv 8.-aisda Hid, C>v ' Alaithows, Q.... ■ • Pre .;: r>< •- and Mt'E. . r- , .e Girt rjbi'i-ttms >.t •• h Mrfc, Esteile June? V-;. TffSAVS f. ibe ’T . J.-otpfeine Glenn, Ai-t'A I’t CUforri, Mr Hus Labern .b’.e and v,celebrated a Aprii. Mr? -tb Miss Eirt-’t - T -.ti eflebrste th-tr 7 Mil,. .yd la Hilt 1 i-7 1 ■ :. t r ;,rrtb-:f£y May - IS v.F?Mfy .. . ■ P '.-rpt £. Biin ■o’ - :■ ’■ to- :io to - . 9th etaiwtt 1 : . 0 ..... i-.-y hi'i-td t-or • -- * <•;*•* to kt-oc . ti.-low t’:e 1854 C- ft. Dnpm ip.u nt ol I l{ r L i-J ,f'i til Tiit.* : vjV‘i," t invited to attend v ,• i . f saoDi by Mary .-if Christ i M: T M Morale* of ux thi D.ith ~ ... : ;,r Mrs Morales i- ■, - Velma Ruth Perry, .re iiK,y:-r. Mrs MtiJlie Perry ■ i ir Love was born April K 5 at list- local hospital par' nts .ire Mi. arid '. Love of 1223 1-2 A Ho ■> of Ti osos for a Hap r>v Kin i’day to Miss Bottve Bynum n-n.ij Mr- Alice Bynum p ‘H! a:-' 'aa u ■ in;; of .Mr. and r T: io iaa ■■ 1.. of li tIS Day A IL-uoue! of roses ,df. 0 to Mrs. Raymond Gill, April 27 of ISB Daniel Brooks Apartment. Mr. and Mrs. H K. Pridgen, Sr., and family of VAiiU-viUe, motor >■ :; her, to spend Sunday with 'h‘ •!. . m. . o. F. Hudson «! ■ »>/);] I'.'fi ir** iovei>- to vifW tin- uv'iutdui .Hammocks Beach Motorrii on this ’’Our Dry' 1 Sup , >; my collection of poetry- M MOTIIEirS PRATER" mr. And .1 adore a net praise you for j pt , y J m v be worthy of And J m&.v do my part in liife That J may rinse my children And teach them what to do. To {'.row m strength and charae- And always honor you ' for they bt long to you and they Are only in my care 'in comfort and protect them With a prayer. And ,i why I make this plaa For wisdom and for grace. That 3 may do y our holy will Aiui fill my humble place.’’ By" now sec you next week. United States exports of ali to bacco production combined dur ir..'( 1954 were about one per cent lower than in J 953 but were still well above the level of the ore- WEEK ENDING SATURDAY.. MAY /. 195. S ROCKYMOUNT NEWS AND VIEWS 1 COASTAL PLAINS KIKA PREP l OJt rONVENTIOV i i Taiboro, Windsor, Famvill;; and Greenville Eig-s hchi t ,o annual K-Joration an'i p.'-dth n j gtarns receutiy >n preparation ’• o the Raleigh Slate Mvetind May 15.29. At Windsor, the Rtv. John Alexander -Vf.i - j bane, a native son, gave tiir main address, during -•> mch he stresses . U ■ need for use of Cue ballot ;■ '••fler seenr*( bettor health ' by goaior i,«itrr Jiving t.ftruii .? fw ,iU .Mebane cited the fact that Tar H- ei race citizeriN had f-iorieeied th-vb o-«/r. uluca tional plants - with the aid < f ' , KooiT • -'.tuop- '.s mission funds -- ami thus, save she ,***&• ;C | 'Ui. : ii -,‘i <kir-.-i edm,d! ~ii inst - t'Jtior-S A 'uif'tfo: rn> \yi: ; ■ the fti an aitt- vtioo. •Glov-piiy V,,P"h ;\i,-.e. Aliev liipG.'i WOl <y: ■:&SijfefjKQ vidue f.-t ip; j -bed 113.1 the Jeffrey's School Notes The 7‘* j fjv-..,, ddys Tii ’ T .i * f.i tl V * Vs. . T % .i ;:* '• '* J t j ’.ii !’ii?» lv;i M*» ■- • - • • ■ cKLi-K ori’» in til.' lit • y O.i i ;-Y- :v:.l ",i\ : t u •. rw\ TV - i:v.hi:> cl < ;<a- Ci-’.V Wi l i J-'t> 11>fcrt crowfi«•'.?> tht: Qu; * v n. f;‘!•. dioipps from npity 1-• n■ i: w) a i-.'-ir aimp'o. ’I tie tuilowin; nwftiiif i-of ear ciana o. >ii do a ,i Itontti James D»vis, J't*n>.s Jae-feiutii, IfIJIOUIJ JUIMI -, AllCfi King, Annie J. Wood'. Betty 1 <>a\ » VVilii.n, >t, ii.!. at»u i-'uSa (oyner, riinide la'.u’ieia, * y K-'itli old Cold^i 1..- rih. Zsevtful of cur menibeps are i.7.7i ; - part in file gramr; at •. i l '. v-pevorta. The p>r -vj;, o' H,-o-; ness.' .tames A. Davis is one of the kaaing characters. 1 ivo-i- lii.ii rtii'. :> ot rtibooi -’ iv f-:I day? for the Bth gradt. Wi; up working hor,i wli{j ,ur lv• ! to bv. bo U :ni cjy-r;-- inations _Wv .r- happy to j lipp -. V* ,i: h-aoks pi- hero ami the w-j...-, - -..lay is ovfcr. Our -bar,, save -hy j.-iav, T.'t -1 ting Grant- Gi-aniui• mf7 ,ip A,>vU ! f!>)h hf/r-rv b ,:,rre .-■• oTon-ff P, r lene Clmvis was i-. 0. -; . '! Salisbury I ertes Bv A CIS F. VtUKWy . The •Ch-.'.-.-nra of the ' was pm. ot .v,.,h-i<.-,j Mov e rial A E 7-Ui.i Church Sun-- cU y rn-'miiyth ol 1, 39.1.1, dio’is a j ti,e *»»rs>vp'-r c- Tht i -psut i whs directed L--- Dn-n .H ■ F’ack? “f Bivii-ijer - C" jI Tt t Holy Cor. m-'n w.- all.; ad : j it inist .wed. j Stturptfi Piret O i >rr, •• ■V pi-in? ■ n of M:- 7u..b if : W’gtpss of I.v ’p.7 So f. !bt t n 'io-jhiv. y tr- -m Tv land Naval H'-pn’il \Vt .• ; served - K--iva i; n F•• and Inch China. H.- . ;;s l; - .> teiv.-c fht hoxii.g ' -inpiup. . -•« Fast. A jßJtiVi : :f S'-iirbury o-iu a graciiate Price Vi. ■ St-l.foi He has <■ >.r.h •- i t v £ :»re md ; ni.’ie inoi’-ths es • -\-• T:h< Koiiiof bl-'-'ot G ii'-.-: f pn - • .-nted the Creat;s'- , under the dire-.-tis» C T. Johnanu in ~ rtcitki Friday e-- - - wing. Vp. it 29 1.855. in th» • Audilouum. Some -he num; prestmted i “Wad- m \S' -U"“Aii A:'par.; ' ‘ P,..-wn f ' ; -Ko - ii.- Mexuv nay" • ■F;.c r-:ls dtf JpMnbo and others j ! '.ine Junior D.iru: Group diverted i by Mrs. W did a Bam*. < Ode t-< Spring.’’ and Sanura i . Clark gave two vocal .-.election:--. A fellowship and benefit ti: r- - ' nt-r was enjoyed rcr-ently at Vn.y Granite Quarry School. The din ner v. o sponsor' d by the- Gran ite Quarry PTA S ingstone College and a nat vs of | Sanford was recently eiect'-’d State President of the Future Teachers of Amorici; at a .wet , ir-.g of the- North Caiohna Tench ers Associul n ?n Ralciah. Last Fail *?>. Moure was elect- ; r*d president of the Future- Teachers of America He is a charter tneirih'" tlsaac Ms ler Chapter of Livingstone Col ■ ddawml I pKO"W| //mMffi im Kentucky A S Straight Yi: Bourbon gs Waiskty |f 3 , !*■»" • 2 r'' ! 1 PROCM* j * - s * MoWfn m °“- i miy lm $ t It i- i,.Uest airouiit during the drive fur qu<:< :-• non, - » Other cyntosi ant:: w.- e Mrs. Mary J. Be net f-.' i- iiO; Mrs- Par,ay Outlaw, aed M:s. S-'-'-j.h Rasco, sls. TARRORO COtINCH, CANiniiATE Rev A D Mosc-ly ; pok« to the Turi-oru Rivervir.w Kika on the value es vcting and exercising their civil Following Hall became tlie first v. ye c.tizen to Lie for a council* manic vosl in .u-y .- tars The C.vic League ii reported to be hKckir.K him. Letuy Brrnes, leader of Pitt Elks lodge announced hi'. Edu ce mu r-airi ftt! Me fit'i. Hi lias a contest-.!* f--i- (he Orator ic.d de-tri'-f eiinimation in T-r ----c-r-j fur May 4th Archibald Joyner and Joe Blount si i.tdL-.-.-d FarmviUe's, p.'-.igrarn f. rA; r 1 24th. with the j’-i-ade -vs speaking pro „:-..l a< , Oi " e" Other characters Ei- o' if - -.n.-on, the pro- W ' Riiidii to de t* :v-- Vv -n.-n K :.>i■ -. the jani , "7 i and Peggy :7" ; -i- >ls tv-’ii 1 '- Maxine Chavis, 1 •'- -7- ... t :'.. c. otivia Chain: 77.. ... i-- . ■-. v’Larles v h, u 7 > -- . V. ' O M 7-1 h .--! uirc.-. d the 1 . 'I * - . April f'.ilth. is a 'i.-iv that \> < -1 1 ■ tIS were of i. -j e Be: ; y OKcuy .-v rhud Wc i i o.i.- .-i-i-ic- n--. ; t-ir r.i-xt -a s.r, Ii- rv O’Kelly Srhaol. Ap-x ■ viicr School vail Cary Si.’iiool Tin- <i; > was vc-ii p.Hiined by the lea.;i]. i lent Council ol' the lie: 1 v G'K tiy Schoni ish aii-jr) was S- -sci in the school .'oo.7o'esm to- . v'i-ch pfifun toCi'ic -••barge -l t.--. •-• ■ s. They took s ai-mmti - . f»nd to their .. i’ v.! • -.-. the leschers ■i i -e '• -'fatfon.-: by • ■ ' . ■• c- <-;i sn in.- ( ‘ r C.iry McT a-- - . ': ; • °d ill S a! ;,ii i V - period wag We ■ tie -' ' ■ *.• ■: ;r.-. p. • c-UK'i •v . .. L ' . n PB- " 7 . .- .v - ■<> by the IV., ... . r -7 ,-ati,c> A'-- X-'V v.n ~..m rnWy mid :r. Detroit. The idea Is IV# .jr-yuj} are in V.- e;.-- with lie-- ; "t Hxn.x- Mar.n - n 0...-, \v:th »hn primary pur - v.- of i'y eovunc and irair.sng f-.p- ihc t caching piofes . There me ov.r 35.000 t.r't-m --bt-i:' a; the CmJedes and H's.-ii .••■•: •. throughout the Mr. Moure is also active in ot'u-T- iif pc nisi,.*: -ns cm the Col t , mp-.'s ’■ '} •# president of ;.r Clui. -.r-rivtary of - V’.MA h ! .1 r: n We: of the IT o o"’ -p: ogre:-;;-: for the i;y.ii. v: v' f’T'.t Leadership contr-r ---.I DW Ac'-ernbly i,:yh win cor:verse June 24-J. iy 7, .:; ' : 7 . , i?T t.« "7- ~ h< ■ ■■ C W Di-'ka.'b and the 7\KA j.a. a-; - vy Oihice* rtierc ax 10 ciicpiers and five ciubs t.r a FT A m the State of Worth Carolina. her ,T , o /sHJ fwTm A\*- ’; /v w ■

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