DON'T 10c X —f €**'+&*<*£ T"~7 IOC V . - - - •" ' ' ' " " " •’-* -' ’ • -- " '% M&»w«ann# VOLUME 14 RALEIGH, N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1955 NUMBER XXXVI Three Meet. Death In Water ■■■■re \y t tM/D dD. k V Local Gunman Nabbed: 80 Receive Degre ss At Cho V / finale S i-. a "X' Univcrsi ly ’s f ~ i’■ ’ h r ; ey.erciSOS V. : "' held in R di-igh Memorial /> odi tori n M «ida /and de :■ • ■ ( eoti'cmd upon ru.hiy c tniidates . ir, t/:« college of a;’s t*r-'l scioner*;. Thu add ■s« v delivered i Dr Frederick D. psttersor. pre:-;- of the United Negro College Fund and dinner <:■: the Phelps. Si .kes Fund, Net*. York. Dr. Patterson declared that tree education progress need never be, static or dull because the •;/• ci lit? is endless and each student 1 -.nrs specialized hope in h."- Touching on ck: \n»-r • ' -n ' ■•- stated that people of . • v conn• are j'jst as intere ■ a • ■. integration wiV. fc- aecom p -;f-C iri Hie United etates v. e He challenged the ernonatss G .. p tiyfy*.. , | r, _ tinued growth or their job what-, ever it nr.p be as there a: j re quired sl.-nri red. in various areas for job competence. “Live with h purpose.' lit- advised. "As r small percentage of those woo hart the privilege of going to col lege. on your ••boulders will fall the responsibility of guiding peo ple." The speaker was introduced by Dr William R. Strassner. Presi dent of Shaw Univc-r uty. Vale drCtorian vas Owen D Nichols with Mrs. Loom T. HaiTis, salu-; tatcrian. The honorary degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred upon Dr. (CONTIM ED ON PAGE lit Senate Okays Lawyer For Utilities Berth WASHINGTON (ANF >—George E, c. Hayes, former member of the District of Columbia School Board and one of the most prom inent attorneys in the District of Columbia, was approved Thursday as a member of the Public Utili ties Commission by the Senate District Committee. Hayes, a prominent Republican and one of the legal leaders in the Supreme court desegregation cases, will take office at once. He also was attorney for Mrs. Annie Lee Moss when she was question ed by Sen. Joseph McCarthy. Hayes who is a law partner of Judge James A. Cobb and Perry W. Howard, has. practiced law in Washington for 40 years. This is the first time a Negro has served on the public utilities commission and there may be several signi ficant aspects to his appointment. PROVE company hikes F- ->t there has been a scarcity T -Negro employment in the lo cal utilities setup. The telephone company, while only indirectly under the supervision of the com mission, has employed some Ne groes. A collection office was cs- Plan S4V 2 Million School For Mentally Retarded GOLDSBORO According to Rot Purser, general business man ager of the State Hospitals Board of Control, bids have been opened on two more of the contracts to be let in connection with tire .$4,500 000 tramging school at Goldsboro which is to be con structed for mentally deficient Negro children. Low bids on a heating system for the school amounted to $298,- 890. and low bids, on the main kit chen came to $297,3 54. The bids are said to be in line with present day costs but are still being studi ed prior to the awarding of tire contracts. The site preparation and installation of utilities al ready have been completed at ~!.,• i 4 l-V i till" Co*a e . Dt .: ■ ' y >■ ■ ' ■*& ■ • ■• •*>••• sPfe: ' S fefiySV ~r% f| #H''. % ~ - Si... ' f .Jt i,i:r*ira no»r»f />tr« « nrr y ? i nes i o 1\ oo T% p ? r s £jlukQ. L, my The person who wrote. "He who ' steak item the blind will rah* • penny off a deed man s eye,' could have seen at least part of ris prediction come true lu ci re he on at a nevvsta.nd on Fayetteville Street. Monday morning. Miss Sarah Peed, a white port rally blind operator of tkt r.v. Office Newsstand, which is lo cated in an alley be; ween f.-.a Pc : Office and il.e Wake County Courfhouse. rec'ived painful in here in a strugv;-' wiur LuUrer Hedge, Jr.. 21-year-old lo cal man whose family rovees ?.r 13 Meckienbiii g. Terr ace in Chavii Heights He was in Raleigh or. leave from Fort Bragg. Police arrested young Hodge af iei chasing him seveiai blocks. >lts' Peed told officers, that t»be was. standing outside the stand arranKini; some maga zines in a rack when she .COAJIMFD ON PAf.i. lb tahlished in the heart of the Ne gro district on the north-west. side. Later after pressure two girls were transferred from that, office (CONTINUED ON PAGE Hi ASSAULT BY NOTE BRINGS JAIL TERM WENDEL Charlie Lassiter. 32. of near Wendell was sentenced, to 30 days on the roads at his: trial in the local Recorder’s Court [ Thursday on a charge of assault-! mg a white woman b.v writing a i note containing an improper pro-; posal. a crude vulgar drawing, and containing a 50 -cent piece. According to Mrs. Marie Nichols, (he prosecuting wit ness. she was drying her hair in the front yard of her reri • deuce near Neuse recently when Lassiter tossed the note at her feet. The man did not appeal the! term and Us now “pulling time" on; the roads. the training school. Construc tion is now underway on four dormitories which will have a total of 64 beds. Remaining to be let arc con . tracts ior four other dormitories, the infirmary- the school building, staff and personnel houses and an admissions building. Turning In the low bid on the heating system was the Frederick Raff Company of Charlotte. The figure, was $398,890. The system will use hot water piped at 350 degrees under high pressure from the present power plant for the State Hospital for Negroes locat ed approximately j of. a mile from I the proposed school Low bidders on the various com f CONTINUED ON PAGE 111 3 Lose Lives in 24 Hours _GHEENSBORO The death <:f Joe 1/mis Johr.son cf Route 1. who fell f: mi a boat Sunday and never c i;o. iyoniglit to three the mtmbet of drownines in rural GuU;ord County within: 24 hours, dohreritn, {S-vear-eSd. farm worker, was- a«cord:»g to rel atives. br-.'wing on a lake on iht- H'-ren Hupktns farm, rorth .f U ntireiio. when be vos .tec’. Hi' h-.*y. clad on’ in n pair as shorts, was Pabst from the lake about 3:">ii F.Vi. by members of the Greenshoto f ire Department’* ' •..•.ue I-a ’ ■-. .urday night, rescue ■' <■ : had brDa*hi to She sur face (hr bodies of two li-yeai-oid boy* ntimer of whom could swirn. V T* r* i /v f f 'os* t-n --it’WTj p 'f.t I’WiE Si-- Labiss Lewis, Morrison And Ligon Winners In Contest Twenty happy parents left the First Baptist Church here last 'i r'■rscisy night rejoicing m th*- rev that the judges had seer fit. so name their babies as the finalists in the Second Annual Healthy Baby Contest sponsored by the Carnation Milk Company, m cooperation with the CARO LINIAN, The judges chose the fol low :..r winner;. First prize. Marilyn Patricia Levis, 2- v ear-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .1 I). Levis, SSO S Blood - worth Street, who received S 300; second prize- Sheila Kay Morrison, 10-month-old daughter of Mrs. Florence Morrison, Route l, Box 212, New Hill 8100; and third prize. < beryl Louise Ligon. R naonth-oid daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I.ewis T. Ligon ol 1607 Poole Read, who recetv - <•11 SSO. The seventeen youngsters win : •-■oeived the consolation prizes o! $5 each were: Stanley Lee Chap man. 1304 Oak wood Avenue; Ro nald J. Massenburg, 536 N. Tay lor Street, Wake Forest; Bruci •sXtf.ffy- -' v? *yS^Stv^^Sr^cit^Mv'^f» M, j$P .< .J^-^■•SpsSßet^iw-yfftc «jj j&S™kP> v £ a®' • ' v ,^inaitfi‘>Mfriff'4 iwtti<tQis^iiiilMwii§«HfiiiwlMßK^3iyijallSa£«2£SZftM«!i‘ *t&[fcfy. f&3ttffiK%jsb Jfa/SivQMSjy *qy HONORARY DEGREE TO DR. PATTERSON President Wiiliarn R. Strawsner of Shaw University is shown as he con ferred the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws upon Dr. Fred erick Patterson, former presi m *Wg f I, fi fe ~ J'' 1 .fe k RO'-S , . shot by gunman Youth Held For Murder ROXBCMO Aubrey Cates, is v, ho police say admitted killing Tom Pettiford. 38. in self defense with the latter's own pistol, mn jailed here Saturday night and (CONTINUED ON PAGE 11) FGDGS dent of Tuskegcc Institute, who delivered the keynote address as Shaw held its 90th com mencement exercises Monday afternoon at the Raleigh Me morial Auditorium. Dr. Pat terson now Steads the .Phelps- Sops Arrest Ex-Con in Ross injury B. CHARLES K. JONES Harold Ora ham Russ, £l, presj df-Tit of Shaw University :, . dent body and the third hiehc'S' ranking senior in the class which, was graduated Monday afternoon was shot,bv a local gunman with an apparent insatiable evavirm fn> arms here last Wedn</:i:iy night Tyree Young whose ad ! dress is listed as 825 Fayette ville "street, was arrevtsd Tuesdai by Officer R. S. En nis of Use local police depart ment and charged with as sault with a dead’s weapon snd breaking and entering Steven’s Hardware and the City Variety Store, where lie is said to have stolen a( least one gun. Both stores are bi rOVriNUED ON PAGE 11V j Everett* Dearer, R-t. 3 Garner i Maryland Jones, Jr., 834 E Le- I noir Street; Edward P. Peebles. ; 813 E. Lenoir; Robert E. Render* j son, 421 Dakar; Willie E. Rochelle. ! 2203 Everette Avenue; Reths R | Green, tlOl Fayetteville; Victor i Ivan Lane. 20? S, Pettigrew Vic- Itoria Peterson, 321 Ellington. ’Pamela E Marable. 824 Manley. I Also Toni K. Hal! J-8 W&sh j ington Terrace, Anita K. Peebles | and Lolita F. Peebles, both of j 1405 Oberlin Road; Deryl G. Dav | is. 707 S. Blount; Jacquelyn In ! gram.. 1304 Walnut; and Adrienne : R. Joyner, 25 Bragg Carnation awarded desk i nets complete with matching j pen to the judges who were Mrs. Otis Robertson, local school teacher: Mrs. Helen Williams, housewife; Mrs. Hattie Ed | monrison, housewife: .1 W. ! Yeargin, businessman and William H. Hurdle, school ! principal. Alexander Barnes of the ad i vertising and porraotions depart j men', of the CAROLINIAN served las master of ceremonies at the finals. Stokes Foundation. From left to right are Dean Foster P. Payne of Shaw University, I.'r Patterson, Dr L. E. McCauley, member of the Board of Trus tees, and Dr, Strassner, VFĎFG commencement ti %ks..~ All's Margaret Met'nmtic of Red 'springs, who was graduated Mono,iv from Bennett t. o>l< Brief raleigh medical gmoi p MEETS Th»» Cwn-i ii C '■ M JCir-n --t.a S and PharsMeceuti ca! Society held a quart--: h mooting Thu >- day evening of iy-i wiT-k a* r ue home of D; M. I>. s 'V;;r • F.i al arr«T:Rcmt olk wire made for the state meet-in?; set for Ratfish June 1 4 16 of the- 0:0 North rus*.- "M -i --loal Society. Drs. Hmt and De- Berry gave the society *V.e bene fit of some of their expr: lencc-e i*-) Germany * { i nci K» •:>'# v.'"; iir* hi the armed serv;cot- Those prr-se-r-! at the meeting were I > Deiany McCauley. Clark. Middleton Par ry, McDowell, Vas- Hunt, Wnn berley, HaxaUn- Bell. Boykin, De- Berry. and Watts Officers o’" the local group are Drs ?.t L '-liiju president; N L Perry, secretary, and O. B Middle)on, treasure) SHAW SLATES INSTITI TE< The 39th Annual Ministers’ In stitute. the 18th Annual Women's M:s'ionarv Trrsrsr and the sth Bible Youth :nn V-ill lx* held B*. Shaw University Monday through Friday. June 6- 12. The confabs are bring sored by the Religion Promotions Department of the university in. cooperation with the G< ma s! State Baptist Horne Missions; Board and the Home W swoons 1 Council of America The general theme this year will k "Toe Challenge to the Church Today." Featured sepal:»rs will be Dr. E Luther Cunningham. pastor of the Sr. Paul Baptist Church, Phil adelphia* Pa., and Mrs. Betty Granger, a newspaperwoman of New York City. The initial meet ing for the purpose of organisa tion will be held Monday after noon in Greenleaf Auditorium on Shaw’s campus EICON GROCERY ROBBED Two robbers entered Ligon’s Grocery Store, corner of Lenoir and Swain Streets, early Tuesday morning and stoic abou! SIOO. ac cording to the proprietor. L W. Upon. Police are holding Will cm • Billiei Hodge and Arthur Bag ley. his cousin in connection with (CONTINUED ON PAGE 111 Old North State Medical Society To Meet June 14 More dhan 200 physicians and pharmacists from throughout North Carolina are expected, here for the 63th annual meeting of the Old North State Medkv.f So ciety on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, June 14 16. The confab, featuring a full program of scientific lectures and demonstrations, will be. called to make important de cisions caused by a recent de cision of the North tannins. Medical Society to admit Ne . gro physicians to ‘ seientine" LUCKY AUTO OWNER The lucky car last week was the one bearing the tag num ber X-4C862. if the owitet of that car took it to Dunn’s Esso Service, comer Cabarrus and Bloodwortih Streets, here in Ra leigh, he received a free grease job. This will happen every week. Watch for your tag number. If it follows the asterisk, you will get the grease job. The num ber will be taken from any t ar hearing a C. license The numbers this week arc: j 1 0-2-324; X-5I858: X-98834: 71- I i 690, X-93146 and W-ISSS7. I >1 f : ree.<-shorn, unashamedly' weeps for joy as her friend. Joy ce Hoiiso-t seeks to console her after commencement exercises. 3sgin Integration Now, Liigh Court Tells South WASHINGTON - In a un •ir.iinou:. npmion • -h left no do'-bt • rj*. u.s meaning, the U S. '/pri me Court on Monday direct• : O : , ;■• disti 1C! roues to s<-e ir, :t tlu-t school hoards 'make, , prompt- and reasonable start to-, :, : ;•:':: cotnphaoce with ia?-ti -.. -,<■ :■ decision outlaw mg segregat- • u,>d school systems. ■j pp decisior. read by Cb - -e{ Jtc-i ice Alar! Warren, followed re- i cnmittondawons by the Justice Dcparimerit, that the court take huddle irrouu.d T.wtw>-n Negro demands for immediate school" integration and Southern states’ demands that mixing of the races be post)toned over a long period, Jh'Ucc Warren, referring to warnings from 'onte South ent states that desegregation t..-b!i! lead to grave problems and vigorous resistance, de clared that 'it goes without i hat' constitutional ! principles camiot be allowed io yield simply because of’.greemeut witti them." "GOOD l AHir CITED The chief m.'tice said furrlier that. • full lmpleinontation o' these NAACP Asks Change In Election Rules WASHINGTON MNP > Clar ence Mitchell, director of the Washington Bureau of the NAA CP last week urged the Senate sub-committee on Privileges and Elections to amend the existing election law s in order to prevent practices which deprive whole section.-, of our population of a chance to vote. Testifying before a subcom mittee of the Senate Com mittee on Rules and Admi nistration, the NAACP spokes man. pledged support for leg islation "which will guarantee toe maximum participation of qualified citiaens in local. ; state, ot national elections." He specifically supported that membership The meeting begins, on Tuesday afternoon with registration set for 600 P M.. and the first business sc ‘•■.non ai 8:00 The annual re i.i i on jji, :o follow at. the home cf Dr W B Pettiford. chairman of arj'H 'gements, beginning a'. 10:00 that evening. Included among the lectur ers during the three-day meet are: Dr. Newton Pritchett in ternist. Raleigh; Dr, William DeMario, professor 01 pedi atrics Duke University; Dr. W. E. Brecht, dean, College o< Pharmacy University of North j Carolina Chapel Hill; Dr. Jo- ; s» ph L. Johnson and Dr. Burke Syphax, both of the Howard University School of j Medicine, Washington D. C. The organization's Woman’s All- • xiliary, headed by Mrs. W. Percy 1 Carter. Gastonia, President and Mrs. F E. Davis. Greensboro, pre sident-elect. will meet simultane ously. Officers of the Old North State Medical Society include: Dr, J, S. Simmons Sanford, president; Dr. R M. Wyche, Charlotte, president elect. and Dr. F. E. Davis, Grecns bor'o, secretary-treasurer Dr.'. There were many tearful fare wells as ihe 100 (graduates left friends and the compos which had been their home for four years. constitutional principles may re quire solution of varied local school problem- ” but added that school authorities have " primary !CONTINUED ON PAGE Ul Deep South Said Pleased The U. S. Supreme Court’s rul ing on .segregation in the nation s public schools Tuesday re portedly warmly received by Southern leaders, who interpret <d it a- away of indefinitely ex tending the problem The problem was passed back to school authorities and the low er courts by the high tribunal. was specified that segre gation must end as -soon as fea sible under locale conditions Opponents of racial integra tion interpreted that as a means of long delay—perhaps •CONTINUED ON PAGE ID section of the bill which "fixes responsibility for literature pub lished on behalf of candidates seeking office." There is a great need for such provision, he said Mitchell recalled that in sense stale*, candidates for congress have been attacked on a wide variety of unjust charges, including treason. The race issue is often used also to get votes for southern candidates. The witness cited specific instances where, southern Democrats ran on the promise that they would block integration in their state. CITES 1952 CAMPAIGN (CONTINUED ON PAGE 111 Catherine Middleton, Raleigh U chairman of the. progam commit tee SHOT HIS WIFE —■ Donnell Wat mho. 41, wh© allegedly atoot. bis wife, Mrs. Alice Watson, S - of 712 Shaw Court here shortly wound in the* right arm. Watson was arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon as his wife suffered a bullet wound in therlght arm. Watson claimed hr was playing ’-Ath the gun and that it 'went off ac cidentally.” Mr*. Watson to wi der treatment at St. Agnee Has pita!

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