v.t: tr- ’» c v;; ,'n A fl FJf’ $r # v V k - V .... ,r* ••• 1 V *s* *-..?• -/• . - ,•- .*• -ipt .•> ■<*■ ?\ vV,, '\ ~ ••. i ’• / * •’ • * vr - * • ; - '• :■■. -• '•’ * t . ' ■ '"’ V ’ 11 '"' ■* ■ ~ ? -’- ! ■■' - : 1 ' >’■•’ ' • . '-‘i. i ■ t.'-'i Minnie Minusn, < Wcajto White &<** eni- T :, r ; ". 1 ■ ; ' ■ '■"■■■ f ‘ ,s ‘ ’ u ’■ ■'•••. ta> f*"*t i«.l| from \m t•. t. Vanitd ■*• r •.•...-« I’ p ( ' ' ' >'• !i '' t; r-i •■' h anil *t-ui U jii-'t ht-(o» t*r<>! • !<■■;,,ut. Subs- :J ■ ••- ''■ ■■' •*i l ■- • >•• haw i. .1 ir»<>tur<-4 skuit. n. <•<—s>t»zinc bench • ' ,f v * ‘ '■ ‘ i. -m ’.. : t.r ■;•*!. a rt>. (\* vyr* -s Pb«fco) L’r. S. A. Iysw.~r.an Delivers Address A t Bsl ccalaurea is Jr " P-r-: w {jiff froy* an r-fi i'*oe?p ?i> » xi <• &{■■ n t j% :<■?■■> wiiSfb r 1 frrs /•i iHp favorite soji if ,?m. •, > ■*-vrfs; m-** k•»nflv ?>f rs h> ii • v r>i n it'i f*rs 'l■ <• 74«*f ■; fr (iK.'tiiu: i-.." J'-«Jav ';■ :'?• ti?** jgi'- ;• ,t \% !’ :: * •.- i*«thrt-n, b?i i z> nnrcv '. \v:tk .«cmritve *y mpi t»y : i;-! vtn-i'v: v* i '• ■hr .'.A? thr nf -fi’ur It-'v «nti salßirr you :U-.t*=U-r rr ." ;. : i.’i:j \=i rih pranbr- V.‘- 5i :>rv what, v t|i S>f- ?. -yr* 'svrs > • i .. ■ f . • .■' ' t,.yv' *.U: • r ' v T T. * < '.■frktiOHS. v ’ • •• n< \ ? *hf i r** .: $•. •■ f •;»?•*.-• Iff r«'-«**.*:? or.*U«t • f r preff?'>'' 5v -r i» f>ou»tJ > ? V*. i tr; '5 3J5 ‘■ •C 2 '.l . r ; ; '<•? rr« o , c bivii’if'- '' id of poultry rcitvit; *•'•' i•■ •• V nn o • 'k 'i I- v.,* York **; «* •o^J. 1 ...V " ~-?y f- | 1 . * r->.>j? /faj--K c; - v i i '‘Killing Time Will XSlever Bring Job SmiriHr, 1 * Wily :-!s-/vK. Wf .nr- a crcai ?-mij pray>-r \v-erc gw f-r: bv Dr Grariy D D - ; ". r ung dr;jn* ihr Sohoci of Rvijgson, r . /-; ■•; r , {> f T7 H -.r rr . i j li.gio'n r'*-:M>ir.s s oft 4 ONVIVHON \ D A : m -ri. Co;noai' ; d. of it: tdf F e.-,ri -i fthe L.-’Chti .'• •’ hin ’'tivfn :• in H <,e .* j, h .’ ■• no *.:- n’ ( t ~,:y nrio i tie it; toe t of t,hft post T-tup v.o.'kvd d!! t s ; ;‘-;1 iy h - > ntske tl;is tbr oo?t State Coce i ton ever held by the Arne teae Lrr. P;i>£ f'oT7‘il:iU:ic;Pi' n{ Divt •r-'Oji H. (biftvitr G 1 i'v;i'ir.4. ts geo* f% a i t% ? I I fl f| fl] 1 y 8 » fvwCili '* w 4>JI iHtiW o9lb 11 diilylul « p• ■ . Co Jrs . * . : ■ . * ht'i'r ,* Danfortr; re Do-' .‘r Evdr yynois. Sn-- Dt Mams n* -■ i •a 0 A IV:. D r.'.- at Hr.v i.* - ' in. V\»< ■ ■ • G'uida? 1 y yr. A 1 lOty v SI m.f.DDTf. ye- ev: AN P TO WEAR OR VOT fO V\i Att - e, HAT ’here ; i ~ t ftjvK-i. Wn*' thei e n~ txik of l.rr::. .;i, ;he ■,•■■ lion of the wearing of h.-;r r ■ VV ■' (3 o, V ttrilC.r uj T(.c :r; ; as ».o whether or not Jadiet' snoui:. The trend in diess is deiiii itely toward the praetn*) functional Ode, as is. true <>) most ronrtern applied rtcsisn Hats are hot; they pei m tlie way nl such things as v.v doors and good night They are « nuisance to Moot, and they are the one piece ol apparel nviM easily fdentiisptl. v.hii p means that their appeal from the point eof «caral>.ili!■ , n 'airly lur.lteti ahlr to say noihmg of es.,ue ,- :Ca i * Vi go h ••..••• HOC O f »~ young, rnoci( v r; Arricrii .i;; ',-on.lan being practical, dot. ,;"sr that a.- a compromise, or a gesture *o !; a •'Ution. she always wear-- g when going uin Many people ask my opinion as to whether ur not ji. ; . ;y,■. , j.i.shionablv spenf;:«g, n. i-.oh: 'gloves and no hat J nivay; ; :• j them what Virginia Pop: tashi m ' editor of New York lime< . ud I to rue. To wit: At the office thrrr they frequently photograph .•. model who is not wearing a ti.it, hut they n ever pbfito- Ctaph one without gloves un less she is wearing a battling -int.. So there you arc, «nv-, In conifer table in ynur cloves, sans hat. Naturally there arc pluc< .• th-f necr.-sitate, and virtually oemanu ; tbe covering of heads. Church. ; business apperntmems. and many | daytime' enter’ainment- But ! where the activity js verv ir * ■• j trial it is in quite good taste to j keep the clothing m the same I character j \f rV‘ - J //// fffc <£*&> ’l TTirm=« Vy-*-/ } f M if) WvS i %e^Jm£ K V i \^gsss££i-'' i /u ;' »;■' ; ■' > ”Yo«*lf never Tint"’ time f.-, r I f"o thiafi:; JOU ve sot to nulv, j _ j July 23. 1955, some 250.000 fiae cured tobacco grow? ■' in North j and South Carolina will vote Tn J the Tobacco Associate* referen dum. High est Office Ever Held By Race Member TO,! FIDO, O. >ANP> sMTu t-ip Nimii. cxivutivo. director o* the To.’cdo Metropolitan Housing Auuiorit.v, iasst week wss prewdt.p*. of the 10-state North i Cenfa. Sc-gion of tiie National As- I sociali .ij of Housing and R*:itc velopme-.u Officials. Nunn, preejousiy -■ . ■* presinF.: i o ft!ie re gion, ru.v.' holds tiie highest office ever held ’r.v r. Nk-Ki-o iu NAHR.O Hu ekcUou is r ■ \ *res.e!'..- •: ii ■ torwitica l! y mtike h./i! a member of v>-r bon'd r‘ Ci.:\ ..: -. of urn tnit.ona! ot ■ in*’'* | . VO' : . .v-i ! 0 Jock the ! fc :• '■ r o? ■' :• .• h h:• been ! 1 itis j., tb.- . ■ behind the •« el .■ r.• j- Barnes*, I .Mtitular.t A" '■sjt..; c•• .-.•. •: i ti! j ir.rnt in !*!i.*; suit again-'. <■• «•. " | al S w ret j I ••'-* *'• • £&? v . y»n < '»? Uu- ? I !a'. iur- t %Vu;. v >■ i -a Dy- w ... , j‘: ' | | s. ' Jvl»1 r Wbe- ii?’ | 'Dv :■; <:' Vrfgi' : .■ ■ ... i ’ i&\*r . j■ - . » . ... , y ..... > :> s- I j ihe , h- vwfl or the } ilj - • Iti.x V ; .}•* f;,r ,IV' - ; S j ,p u "yv'' ' - \ yy.;'-';... *ri ; .; j : ’ r frnt>s . ,* K u i-it> : • j r. j;o ! . y r- ao;i • ■vj r.; • h cri i.< * i ... 1 -y ■•'"-• ■ • •' v i -' * * ■ | •' V rt '- • : ' ;i: j Its Sanid arqtt-si! n» ne« n-1 -• » a&9? .. !I i f)J! 1 C } h >xV » ! £ \p\ | j | (') vK &} \J: - ,} s 0/ ! "r/-f .Tv ro&H toSG&TH& SIGHTS —£ THOUGHT x.p O.AU- on you Ffgsrr/ { -rpc fz&jfrtS&S’S HP- . GOOD BUTTERMILK RECIPES j Buttermilk ra uff i n s can be 1 ‘ made in half s»n hour a-.iu tiu;V i 'U ft qu.iC K bread all members of ; the family will like. Use 1 Cup | enriched flour. 3-s own stores, shoes in every prtft of this v.: may re*-:t>, there ; a I - ■sr fifth,--nt of public interest j V * * I Vow . i in < rai ‘xmanship has i over iiSf- past hundred y**xt> tie- ' whip* ii b cut) names which t on- j 'amrrs have willingly paid a saiisiiatially higher price for in order to in-tire the quality sh.it •;;!; bus ;ng these brands, r-'- i’ S a high premium price, i-’tjff ::••* delusion they are be made by the same iixna ana . by :: e !> ■ » •■*!? a s when j '- - . fsiti’-tr* and grandfathers ! * * y ’ hiss, white legally this point •nay haw no hearing in an an titrust case of this nature, there appear to b>- strong moral Si, unds for injecting this issue m the case The consuming pub should he protected from --■v Fit their rrynfidrrvr ip ioeg established independent j brands, i_ . ! terniiMe. Sift enriched flour with baking powder Mix with enrich r-d corn meal Combine bacon fat, kugftf and eggs. Add sour or but ternulk and combine with d*y .n --gredie-nfs. Beat only until smooth. Fill well greased muffin tins two thirds full. Bake in hot overt ’OS degrees ¥.) 15 to 20 minutes, .-/lakes 12 to 15 servings. Hutternitlk sherbet ax a • 001, refreshing dessert for the son. Clarence Payne student at N C. College at Durham and Bruce Caldwell of Durham will be m charge of “Scout Craft". C. Killian, coach of Fuquay Springs Consolidated School, Dam - Hi Howard. Jr Morgan State , College and Hart Gates will di | root the waterfront activities, j Frank Hint-on, Jr.. Raleigh, "Han dicrafts and Recreation"; John' THE ny F.LGtVA BALL ; NEW YORK. 1 GLOBAL) I Dear Mis,- Bail; i Ted is 12. in the propei grade, hut rather dull. He is just the op posite of hie brother, H>. admire.* him so we try In use Mat as an incentive for Ted instead, be j yeercs to do worse in school and every where Often he trips j hit* other children, or pulls the girls’ hair He doesn't have any ; friends, but will help his mother ; at. borne frequently. This isn't • j normal for a boy. He can really be exasperating at times. Were considering sending him awa y. but don't know of just the proper ! place. Could you hel p ns? Otis' F. Philadelphia Dear Oti*: Have you exploicd a’l possi i rjilit-es to help the boy at home' rending a child away is such a final step, and i*. frequently do.*-* not solve the problem. Are you | sure you understand the boy and . that he understands you? Possibly - ft \p adv.-re of a professional court ■ selor will help you s’!. ft could Vie, that you cause r*- senttw nt in Ted when vou com pare him with his brother. If he | doesn't have the ability to j each i his brother’s stands! ds. vou r-ai.se ; him much anxiety and loss of sta tus in the home For th*s reason, he pith* other eh i!di-‘n r < i causes rii-y-. banv'-'s in his c'.'iss These things gain attention fn t h: rr. Tr-i L an iruv-id. : !.,-* hu soot and piiaie ?,:n> v hen p<' fOiTV.:* H 1 * k at Ulf' ''; ' i ' ‘ ' -5. bt • t>'. y v ;. «.*• P/S. '*o *I \j V ) X t ti! bauvut with him and -.ou th- f d,-' iir,me what it is , {*•.. ■.: of him. Sending Ttd rnv.iv v cnid b - -mlnriinr Ted’s fact es tin,-- t o ri--. not Jove or ,r.- ho-:- T; . love M-e, for hit- Y' \ ,n: !-, - , a irhatigi-d hhj Y,y ■ i -I -or p. id --! Vi-V.i;- t, < siandicv. but or, n*-t u-.e. -. . : Ted bv tin- ,-Hri.c vard. -her.- favorite* P---, *' ■- , nnrtnnt tale-n*-. ;f rr.. \ ■■; o for tt*r ■ Tof *»v*( h ? l-p:f -i r ■ni for !*,-rriscif Yn : be ■ • i it vv*i.- H . F P- Dr. Finney «p* Speaks At Carver BA J. B HA ERE V riNETOP-S - imp;-.- - tv ! ocal G W i arvf r Hsah Seh’ •, i f „- M.,-. 2nih. D- u Fu,re- N € College i-rn-t: u'ito;, dfi’ve.- oft -hr corntnencemcnt mesr-a/fe >o HIP S'Xt.V-l ■- ft avaduotn- -- I re largeM in Carve* history Or. Finer*, pointed «p ihr nee**) fr *r individuals ir< rrcos nirf- that other* Harr rights and privileges which mint be respected if our is to have ?. •ucccosfnl Hfr Hr also noted the smallness of the world and the fact that it is difficult, tor man to live alone and self ishly. The speaker admonished the graduates of their ciailv responsibility of giving thanks to the Supreme Being for mu blessings and to ask for con tinued Divine guidance in pur suing one s life s work fie al so warned against the living of lives inconsistent with one'* professed religion Hr asked. ‘What m ill y our choice he in life?" LILLIE SMITH AND VEEN ELL BARNES LEAD Principal Sarmiei A Gilliam, known as a hard-working schoal i master, praised the leadership ability of the class, citing Hilton Cobb and Juanita Danc.v in pat-- ticualr. Vernell Barnes *.• rs *atu latorian and Mae Liihe Smith «. - valedictorian. Carver's mixed chorus ft'rmshed music for the program Principal Gilliam awarded the diploma? and Edgecombe School Superintendent F D Johnson commented brit Py upon the work being done at Car ver. In passing. Giiliam noted that one thi’d of last year’s .gradual** went to college while another third went to the cities and the remainder stayed on the farm. BE. EDWARDS .-Vl' BTW HIGH: TRENT FINALIST Rocky Mount's Br-oket T W '-n --ington High School, R D. Arm strong, principal, heard Dr. C R i fanitlv on a hot summer day. Ingredients: 2 cups butter milk 2-3 cup sugar. 1 cup crushed pineapple ‘drained). 1 teaspoonful vanilla am! 5 K teaspoon salt. Mix buttermilk udh til other ingreotents, 5- reere quit klv to ■„ mush. Turn into a bowl and beat with egg beater It* turn to trav and romplete freezing. COOKING WITH MlLK.—When you are cooking with milk, be careful rot to jet it boil. - Milk scorches easily so you may want to use a double boiler. People who i do not lik<* the taste of piain milk usually like it combined i with other foods in cooked dishes, j Milk is so high in food value, that it is considered a food rather than just a beverage. * , lew,is Brandon. Durham is the 1 Canteeen Director, Chief cook. Gilbert Morrow ol Chapel Hill. Herman Leroy Taylor. Raleigh and Scout Jamirson. Durham, will prepare the food for the Scouts while ur camp. D. N Howard. Sr Wake Division Executive and H. W Gillis Durham Division Exec -1 utive, and T L. Burgess, Director; ’of Field Service will he on duty 1 ...b.-BBAV mmiVEK IN •VLL LIGHT ,G- J popular -fwia.l t>-jr", t 5 !-. J r - v; ■ • , , - ,- ,-r ■ h-.-u's 'Tr. u tt : . -: ‘ . . ' . ■ - ri*® in common with o,*’:.V!i; 1 f!c:s ufl. f- * :i i, v.t.z-n is Itietolivr vi V. r . >i , ■ n Itnrimivl '.va., ivnr' -' -s i*r h lav'-.i ; . ■ ... - « r.wtU- * * *, i ii ■ i os, nrc-sKV si vi Jr ;. .’I .r . t t>cw«pre>» Fhot»> "Afcr&r-Y ■■j. . . a * -V-"r<»'--Y, v. . 1 ;■ : - '• •' • i m " ' * ft,, ** h 4. ■ r § - r ■ ph • s,- - , : j AFiSK’A -JOVES AHEAD ™ Nw -,-u i ! ‘ .'u-r •' -"h'. c -i assist •tut'*’ tlir «i. I the t. N. ‘ifLrjO t* ". • 1 'r"~ "S Vtbi t» te*-:tr»:- ;an* to u-.ru '- - '-s.s-’rt far;: "2 ' Kat>sal *n Ai is S-. * 1 1 ;»■ W : il * / & h " , jijßiC* J| vY'T - ...V:.; F.y’D | ‘'Vx‘ -gy " -T- : ? ! -v, . , V,. ; ,j?? A't 1 r.YvG i-?‘ •*:'* .; •. v- .w: *,Y. - -V '■ L-: '.%%%■ : k t ; ( -CSv.- ■. Edwards pastor, Fayeftwil!* 's First Baptist Church, deliver th> i annual termon :.■ i.e Rjt gi-aduaie.- ! Sunday afternoon to a capacity ; audience. [ Dl Wm -I Trent. Jr. of .Sal*?-, bury, N. C. and New York City, was the .scheduled speaker tot the commencement on J >.i n e 3id i at all times to help make this the 1 best camping season in 'lie history 1 of the council. The camp will close each week 1 of camping Saturday at lfi.no a m. and reopen for the next week' period at lirOO p.m -Sunday Parents and friends oi Srom | ing are invited «* visit the camp ; each Wednesday afternoon lor a 1 special program. PAGE THIRTEEN moth- tt, h v rc h r e k OKA!!:- ian>’T» , ’na Har ris of Aberdeen, who received her V It. degree a f Monday moraine commencement. ever rises at (I enti ei 1 College. Greensboro, is shown with her mother. Mrs. J.Jiian D. Harris, who received the 31.1. degree from Wl College that same afternoon. Mrs. Harris, who is also a cradnaJe of flcunett. plans in sci-.'l another daughter, Mary Alice, then- in the fall. II tut; (JlfU, litfADL ATfcb rnor-f PiIATT INSIWCTE Mr.- Vi; i : i,j £ Dun?'.on of Chavis Heigh! . has gone to Bmoklv.i. N V. !o attend the graduation of her daughter. V«<‘. Louise, at Pratt institute ‘its-, iMns*r»n ati/'tidea rt •'lonica’» • UilOiK •- rcii'i Sinil graduated from Washington High School Utl.fr John Moore ar.rmmpaiMed hi? CT9.ndmoi.her, Mrs. Dun-slot’, to Brooklyn.