PAGE SIXTEEN l v-V • pVS&fc } |r\ « W ~ -*v \ ' 188 wim u • «■ » > ; \& 1, |" ' ;y * * '& t* %t, v • G ‘"' '---• I -, ' *■-■ t ■••:, •:•'\ \ i fit* >■ '■ : * i'& ' I. 4ilSP%Ip : 'M , - • .- $$ %■■* i "" ■ ‘\0 i & i « v^, 4» | .. '. ’*:■??'■/ -ij's./ri- .-■ I-. "'" •-■ • ;D >'■ ■ I . :•■• . ' V • : ' ’ .'" .A, .'v •: ~ • y v .' • ’ ’: 't t I GOOD '* ijfifit :- S SON—Nortii Carolina. Hirnou-vs its 1955 Slow Down an-3 I ii> r-;np.;'" n with panoramic shot of 112 Stale FSDSFD MACKTXAC ISLAND. Mrihigftn The genius of f.Tiry McLeod BeUtunfi. Found?”' end F-'-c Fiest den-t of the NttK>!-.sf Council of Negro Wo-tv : en of America, lived for ihe wo. id h : > c this week. People ffh.'i. seventeen potions, of , every co»iLr.en> ~nc! colour, fill- . •d every seal in s■■.me*! Hail 1 ar,(i msev ' r •-> than .-• r. hour and r, h : . r ,-u a • "iv.e hon ouring her rnenv-y. Ur. Fra a ftarhman Initl- \ a ter of Moral It: Armament, ! sanl. "All nun ate create*} tree and enaa i the! I« the great truth May McLeod B' tbune t»avv *o of fer* site passed f*» eternal life A national sixrlue enshroud? h'.r memory." Tort of a letter »vr tier; by M -?. j to Dr. Buchman a tew ! dsvs before she let! this world i was react, it said, "ft warms my j heaft exceedingly to read your ! letters. 1 have a keener realize* . ticn each time you write ot Uie . marvelous lea. ? , rri. i e God has j g 4 ,ov t', you j.jnd of the onryeloua ! way ,yo.s’ r.'-ve extend--;! the lend- ■ eisinp to those of us who :.::e tr.k- ! lug the time m » day like this to ; give ea,-reives over fully to Arne- j r;ca, l.ts?ening for th-s still small j voice that speak? in no uncertain rmic'S. This has beer, a wonderßil norm Carolina - Jk : ; -t : ’ 4 J ousted On Topsail Island Between -g, the Inland Waterway and the * ~*ii;..i D ,ria Atlantic Ocean swimming boating r ish i n g * Hunting * Recreation * Sports SPECIAL FEATURES: # THE TERRACE m RATH HOUSE t OlMn'g room '' GS - • MODERN MOTOR COURT ALL KINDS SEAFOODS SERVED I For Further Information Write: OCEAN CITY DEVELOPERS, Inc. WADE CHESTNUT, Secretary Box 619 Holly Ridge, North Carolina • Highway Patrol car? and troop- j er-. The big push lor safer roads during (he summer travel ; season will o-.tend through La i I year fer Moral Re-Armstr.cnt. The , circle is broadening and broaden- i ] ing. The philosophy is so simple, : 1 so" practical H»ai uinse who take time to think can realize its ; strengthenins: power ' f Mr? Beth line's distinctive pavf In the rv* ■n> Bandunt Conference was disclosed. She met Dr. Jam&ii former Pre mier of Iraq, and a delegate to Bandung, at a Mackinac Assembly for Mora! Re-Arma ment last fall. She had sMong conviction about the answer i the nations of Africa and Asia could .rive the world. At the Assembly si Washington. D. (■ early this year she sat with tli? delegates from India, Afri ca, Japan, Egypt and the Mid- riiICAGO •- iANP)—The Mor- • with their original _ etvle of mac ' rocc-:. poupiai* young singing n rc * l rhythm and oii.f*- piemen ■<-, i t 'ons greup v. he ->e record in-? ot "Pardon ,Mv Tears ’ on the Ur,red Label is i amopg the top seller? r:' r bin’ ; NEW YORK. Id O- AL) To w«cher. by Larry Steele, producer promote growth and glow,.eg, !of the fii.T-.oiis “Smart Affairs," j healthy ham. btu-r. Lxsrt ; tor his tour of Austraina. I brushir.g your h.c' regular*'- jß,ush it iOO times vord Pm Tito Morrc-ro's have just core- strokes fr -r, u—t *. ; p Cr-nttnuc i ' Dieted, a. tour ot the Slidwefct • fropn crown arou d r iv? scr.i.t- ..» ' v'- r- l.Tiey rocked sh- he uses until Tesd iir.gW j her Day. Last year’s Slow Down and Liv< campaign is j credited with saving 50 !iv?a 1 according to the North Ci-olina ■ Department of Motor Vebiclcs. die East, i During the last year Mrs, Be ; thunft. aged 80, not only came to ' Mackinac Island and to Washing* 1 ton. D. C.. but also flaw to ftv. h j zerlartd to take pnrt In the World i Assembly for M -. -H R«-Armament i j there. In her last newspaper ar-! : tide, now appearing in many' | American newspapers, she vmtes; , “I have attended many great s?- * semb’jes of the wor'd, but not until 1954 vvheu I wed to Cali's. 1 Switzerland, did I rentiy face tho total absence of segregation, dis . /'rir.tina'irc ir.d Ire Pr,:":-;? ! would separate man from mat, • there shall he no more v.-.r ; | and hatred, but a gr<*at ch.-mge c-f 1 heart and action in ah ot as mot | will illumine the world,’* DSDFS Uli 1.-A MOTTE IN i BACCM-AI RE ME ADDRESS FA YF.IT £ VILL.E The seven- ! ty-eighth annual coniir.-ucf'ic-n',: c-xerci.-es were held .:t the Fay otteville Si Me T.-cchcrs Coi’cec • on Tm-s'lny, Mnv in the col!-, .c auditorium. Di. f*rc-deri.' k D. Pate terson. Prescient of the Phelps- 1 Stokes Fund and of the United ■ Negro College Fund, delivered the commewvmf-nt addre.-s tt 152 senior? in the Class of 55- A dynamic platform speaker and a man of rim. experience in educa tion and social service, Ur. »* t terson spoke from the topic, "Tia': Era Tli.-i Beck >: Top boo ■'■’ m the 1955 praHr -g claS-. v ar.r U Doris L Basts Svet'and Neck, and El hoi M F own, of Couiicil. i carrc in ic: second honori Os the ITT ca irtid.lrvs for the Bachelor's degree in Lb men tal y fctt.uc lUon which ouat-- ffos then* fer the < iass 'A" teaching certificate, Wof them i *• 'idt'i&y ■ ' f 3b,V. i jjfa ’dV/. ■%* ■<■ AF- - T; ' '*l " '” • - ’ v ‘ ' | j t'' l ! *• -a ’- . . >? - .y;. ' ~v : .k : ;- v * . ; J-i e-r.lf''? , , i Pi ANXtNfr FIa'TURK AGAJNST PA.*! BAfiKOßfri’ '-’V. Wllp ! !h.= t o-k of past; --, -n ' ae!,. Dr. E-Jith @-an;«v>n ia Cai- -, 3E.«v-;-i ilia fiiiswL Mnif ■“ tue r-s?/:ut'Vi- c0n0.".?--' the C. K ivr i. NfcF: ?>!. Snm;, ■•! ■■■> -• a ',-c- w's mar tho r- '!.T aas-i to fester . . A-A,“ -. ,i ii-k : 1 ?’>,v.av ; iii'- 1 ’,;?. s t ,-v attcTOKte dcliigatr, wv Sk« U.N, it:• if fcqiij, front f‘.at-~4ig«»< jasv. Photo) THE CAROLINIAN make- their hctm?s In Fayette- i lii . in rinded in the iofil ara | a :,o'.>u many teachers in rcr vitp who completed the rc- I ua-.rciu: oir. graduation at fitc cMr.'t.idrii of the 1954 sum* n r session, or .at tb< end of the fall or winter term. Seme j members of the class C>' dl* re- t-v into the business or teaching and others to grad uate vcliool for tho graduate degree. "The Prices, Our God Where We RI- ! Thee’ v:a: the n. >ic from which Dr l,oJis C. Lr Mc.'tte, P ■.’•• -.dent c-f Prcsbyicri;m ,'unior Col - live at M..-:t(in, Ni-r*tt C.'aia-lirie. rave the baccalaureate address on •Sunday. Mny J 9. Music for the «-<»mrr 'ucr-ment exercises wss f’tr oish-vn by tne colic?.? choir under Av- ir,-ci.i ~.,n ot Rli.-s Mr. y E. Ter ry of the TM .ruirtment of Music ra d Ar.'-. Eawnrd W. Ha anil V. . h-uii A. G :uv -of t v ' r - .:••!- lose furialty were mnr.dhii'is for the commencement exercises. ’ * $ re "f i 1 i » M I m|L I f 11| 11 i| n * ? r •* r> i in I In filly ?j I s ffl ? i er I il ? 4 i stllll UCri j. KINGSTON. Jhice -- 'AND j ---- I fi \ ' n 1 *! v>‘.-? ■ .ft!•■] j - |. Cr ; -. wfooftc '-i J3is I ’ ieUx• vv, rfivrw.J ii p «r* j.err •' • • •'al ; pi, V-' & B Jift V) >7.01 j i <•. r*': i -v. s t S _ Tiri. dutft of his fil'iy ! 17, Wori ?. Kh.r iriu.:v th* ir.t’n-ier | t)£ h*s u;fV'- ui May 6, year, i Women Give iuOu s io 0,, k._a v "-i.v %. i- A Si — A gift of i i *.MM> to Bi ".P a-tt Cv : i“.c from the \vomasi*s Pi\ hi ion of Chris r n Servi-ae of rite I.lethocksf Church, ws s annc'iu.veri hy Dr. David I>. Jon-v;. pcesidtni. The grant, which will supple mem fund? ;-lvead-y g.r on vv the Unjt.ed Negro Cob age Fund, v.utl be applied on tiie construchon of a gymnasiwoi »»ut swimming pool which have been Jong reeded to roii!M out the physical plant In making "he annouiKcment, ■Pi-ai.ic-n’ Jones pointed out that d «as this fame, organization that wr.s in !. ur . in the founding • of 13> ppett as n college exclusive- i ’y lor win, a back in 3928 w-> n . lie was called to Ihe presidency, j Garden Club j T? v n "s v » o UUUM ?> LOTTI.SBURG — The Old Fash- ! rosed Carder. Club of Ftanfcim- . ton-Laiiiaburg, held its first, “out- j ing" on Saturdr.y, Mat 28fcb at i the Cabin of Or. and Mrs. D. A.; Hawkins in the Rock Ford Com munity. The afternoon was spent in a highly cnio. iblf fashion by the eleven club members pres- j erst wi: h their guests. The activities enjoyed were: swimming, boating and a j i fish fr.v. The out-of-town guests e.-erc: Mr. and Mrs, Madison Mullen of j New York City, and their son. l Junior, Mrs. Annie Mullen cf Roa- j noire Rapid;-:, Miss Victoria Fuller i cl New York City. Mrs. Rhem of | Long Island, N, Y,„ and Ivlrs. Elo-. jse White ot New York City, Mrs. i A. B. Harris. Reporter. Individual holdings of nearly SSO billion in U. S. Savings Bonus represent IS percent of the nation- j i; al debt. The more widely the debt I is spread, the better for the whole ; | S economy. I Calvert Honors Carver’s “Heir 5 ’ The latesl' '-successful ' >,n j chosen by the makers of ocrd Cal- i vert. jf. Dr. Austin Cut dr. s. '• assi'-taV t tlvi . at l- v Dr-v : . We >hhnf'ior. Gar • • - was a - ; nc.mccri . uV; everu- 1 tjvv vice pj-. MUrnt ol Dis- i tillcvs CVnm ny Or r rt.r. if. :< iprominent cucnr. insist. i Before he reached 24 he h;:d : ' diu-overod away let make per- | fume end water colors from M?r* j nol’a seeds gathered, on the cam- i pus ol Tusktgee College. It was Hus work fii-S brought him to the attention of lb. f.uur and then won for him to." post ol ins cherni- j cal assistant. Mutual respect grew between j the two men despite the differ” 1 i rice in their ages. They b> came constant companions. Dr. Carver i often spoke oi Dr. Curtis as “un extension of my work " Dr. Curtis has since worked many of his projects. In Id:.a he developed an inexpensive durable, house point for the T enrr-s? o Valley Authority. Its basic ingre dients were motor oil and vvav Later, be declined a. lavra five Government post u> re main with I Ik- c 'll;; “V.i/ard of Tiwkegee." Afiei Dr, Car ver's passing. ;»*oun?' Curtis refused offers nf industry In stead he. founded his own Os- GnaS&^r 1 Oise Stop Sales and Service on Rangns, Refrigerators, Radios, Heaters, and BverytKcng Electrical CONTRACTORS - IIAVF.S JACKSON OCX WILM SERVICE 131 E Harg«tl St. Phone 3-5031 voim tvESTiNfiKougr: dealt:*. '"Every V e>h Tm .rnyhimse'’ Everybody Y• / Y USES V f ttpiSi. pene] p® « h no .// >/ A f 2 f| j*J \ f*\-oy/s ,-f M%. . * L iJ n ii d L .> AS OTHERS DO 1C : HOOD SYSTEM LOAE' Stop worrying ahuut those small troublesome' bills. Lean win. - sv'f; on-- .;iiw. Drop in and sc.e us. There is no worry to g- tt'-. 4 HOOD SYSTEM LOAN if you are employed, and have a good record oi meeting your obi. galions. Vll RtiH Wctem InrflietrH RnrY 1 , 3 1 j» iijyj ii 1 5 i Cll iliilfli ci* iI U ***:, a 122 South Salisbury Street Raleigh. N. C. insured Savt ng s (CE I Mon, thru Fri, 9 "til 2 Sat 9t052 ! L-- - i <'".'l ',r CARSTASRS BROS DISTILLING CO., INC.. NEW YORK, N Y. * BLENDED WHISKEY, 36 PROOF, 72% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS WEEK ENDING SATURDAY JUNE 4, J9SS troit Laboratories. Here hr. , trains and helps talented youm; Negroes In chemistry, fit. Curtin has also converted many magical formulae into I new, useful consumer pro ducts. p iopi farmers got for milk in 1 mid-April averaged above a year I earlier for the fist tune in two • * oas ' _ | Lor what ;» man advantaged if he gain the w hole world and lose himself, or be cast awav?— (St. Luke 0, 25.) No matter how much wealth or lame a man may accumulate, ! there will come times, often ;n ; the depth oi' the night, when he ;h v how alone, how n>M.. prnv cavt away he is when he has 1 r C’ 1.-'id God, the source of ail 1 S'ood, all love. The maker:-; of Lord Calvert se lected Dr. Curb - as the current "Man of DisUi'i-tti'P’" because of his scientific •. They consider ho is an outstand ing cxaxmple of so-iei connibu - tions possible whey talents are permitted to freely expver-. them• selves. NEW STOCK 4JMIIDA OBhSS ONION SETS WC OD’S Golden Dent COEN • Garden Plows ; » Wheelbarrows ■ • (jlarden Tools f • Garden Fertilizer I I bvYic.;, i,,:,v':,'Yvv fe :Y' SJ. YOONS Dial 7121 139 E, Martin BAUCIGH, N. C.