WEEK HMl'nNO SATURDAY ft I. Y 9 1953 RATERNTH < VS!! (*,riM i T i i turn i'aui ! 'Vi cn Baker wv rii .. . a frot. tiu' 1 Army .• «• w.i and prepared I" !f:fir.i to hi- IVU!.< 1. 1-p. til' . i..- :-i•»'•/ Mir ~i ■' ieyrest-nted )ii ii •■>! the Was) in : on hearing ; ■ him that in', tin , •ot'ne.y, would inlorni Hatoi- v.ne: and if hi " •is wanted again. i..ns- week the R; lr;i ' poh c’ ;iart.n:(-R!. iv.is a;,lied oy the W-n hingi/m. j. e ,- .it/a) ontl gave himself u;> Whi> hi? n; .nr ' .is trying r > r.iuc the s6o') "h bond unnjsed by the polio- B.d; told them his story contending that he ro .Id not be a tuitihvi t.-om .'us Kt: her;, u... no on; iad not 1 -o. mm that he vas wanted. B.m -r';- ro'-hai was apparently f!id CHOU-. to cause the R;u< i, n ice r, pi ash t‘u V; a.shhiy t.un authorities t-‘ give (.non ail tl. facts regrrdirg th• case t-iis had men done, 'he .vnihoo • tit; he.fin-., hided they had no reason to hoM P,«v • • . • h w-rs rph'a.ed. I - couH not be seen nird whether or no; die chare':-: ov-ainst Bakr-t have hr. h ..■nm.oietel.v chs m't'.srr; by the Washington po lice d-jpartmcnt. ODDS & ENDS - f oxtjn run from page s organized bands -if lawless Bpt ini’? grand truth ommcca*.'...! ... f .. 1 i v.i/1 i- U r. • t .. i . .. v * -•> 'Jlrfr.K.'TJCi, M.'rr-,: l eh. aim v u! remain tm invincible butwaik c. s n| is,si mouthed! v,Tied and jc ifis in lividual* and groups ! U-l-fl. to i;c Cons; fut or. c< 'he Orchurr ;iv •••• ,< m tor, A -■ ;;u. o; • the Or; 1 rvoin.in tr. r. spcai before the North Carolina Su- P'cmc Court. In rt.okins' this ap r-earsnee in Kcleiah ins* wrtk, VT:- A •■ ,-n;; he r ah- ■ not to fOKt shetr v wDrnftrj !:»-»• y {J c. of t h • r - -• ■U ■' > h-■ ) t::r ; ?'k; e not -s *>ofiosd to any <.rv T-eirc- r.R,:.- f d out u!so that it not Whya ao" t, heHalo• yhi■ o 1 h:r» de - f•' * p ■ ‘rn * ; a; t•, *■ v.’ht \r. t •.► ■ D-‘- ; fin) r:ff ra.tr. V-.r'i I r> ; .. . / y ft ... . t,f; li'iC • »•: , and fighting »r. opeflty I'rccU In addition. living ;r lhrs,» n*i^hi»urbonds nd rrhv hiv treated’ to **}?<■ t rr\?t\f> of th« vi orst l»»ud fYiorjH -.• y prof ■? rut -,E WfTii 1 K»fit u fv*’r i*tlrrro Voliif pair*.'! <:f trouhlo spots v.oiihi n*i{ mDs cu’rE Mi ♦> s , d)'*y:rdcrf!d pra« ti< :*** but it foul fi ahi) bring to a halt thf liquor .soiling goinjr j In somo of (host' )o?ni> In thosf agE doMr« t mMtf r. (nyont* 3*.ith thf price i ,\r, get the boort*. Spiking 'a* so?& a Et.'n> \ r K-a»oi«h rs a ritiv, Gm . Hod;.. n'-(b a 'D»fcync v vt that of .■•.■• •• forovt-o S| 'in (rnn- tht- rorv' rope that in North CaroEn i tm N r ’gro ; a s*>vcr; c\-yv opportuMiTy for advancorra n! ind eequality The Governor on thir- ucccosiot vas trying to « xcose the* low pn capita income sumct&s tiv* ?tat< and -o «» ;y the h* oited or this inex'SHub’o posit-no w;.' ; the f.-ot that NvrJ”" n-fkP i.;p h Eiju-e of t: state's population. Now had th* Governor t>een speaking b»do.re y foreign audience i.t p'-ight have hurae N-l-- . ' popiG:.-:ry in Nor *.’ Crirolina war >,o : hiftierr ano econom:c hancicaf/ so the slaie'c (■' '• • If- r:ad errors to di.vorirnin-i!f* against, them selves bv o.'vnS'-mrjy tDeir rorrea for;,: effort: U> C--v i; . Park, o wouud s(»cm h owe v<- r that they would h \e the t r nt& tv d«'rtuu b that tile i.-1.-.-c >;< dcar.cd up. A stroll through the plcmi: an > n* «!>'« so-callct: . iik >; a chock- -, .e-u -abr Tu • ground arc so litwrcd v.-ith and an n-'-sort'd .fccutv.-.iißlion of you are , nlrtuig through a pig pun instead >■( a Mac, for pc .pie to ipii down and e;:l. T, . ■ ~ wii.n Mr.-.i;',' sounds those days, c ho, for in fiance, wuilcl eve t. to hi-;., the C'v; f .1 •• r'-o i.f tr - ..-tut.-'s highest S'- * -.nil-;-::* - hr lie f'.anco of l-ts iav; nf !no la.nd ami ‘hen (xurt-s-: ’ anp. fi-.at .Nc sri,.-K ’could diit. it isn't bkelv that M: Barr, hdl w:.i h.*v< ha ll ope reaii/od m this ir.sianc.- because own thou;:- he. .1 tn.-.n *.vho has taken a s.>l i-r;• >i oa»h to uphold the Constitution of tl\c United Stiles, seems willing to disregard that sworn obligation, it is not vary likely that he will find many Negroes who arc willing to follow him in disregarding a man date from the Supreme Court oi the nation. DURHAM MAN (CONTINUED FROM PAGE !i ed, a beastly man. The fact tnat Harris, who finish ed a road term in February for permitting Ids eyas to peer too thoroughly and directly through window.-- in the wee hour,? of the nfght. had no bearing nr the judge. Harris told the Court that i I*-rf,. i,^, : * 'U. /•-'' f a •~W m*m k \ fcp f A' *-■ £A- i "* - ' " ' /iAV WD .ROCKY STbN CU'Volflnd’A Kodky (‘a-tbilant v!t*ft> jidiS fMc-midkljevvcij'bl uh:"n>f.\ Suirar Kay ffubiitsan A.r-ft ithomt a*' Mgivru U-r .t .Jta'y '.'.’b'i fijfhl the Cow in Sivri Fraw* ’ A uu; R- ; cc>Gi! fmr mi i*VArttuftl crack at tii** crnvn of Dari “IJ-A'." U»Non Ikhind ?h»* sott:* at ihe InternnUonol UoxbijE Cb;b .ulqiiaflprs in >#",* York nrr »}anii't O, S’nrris Üb' pr< k vy. I rc-:J Spies , * vu< , ;*Uvi* »ncr*--fary of iho Urmirim-* Ikisirig ciuh. \ '\prr : «* i'hotih. \t**y btid i);* tek an* ! b;** r«r ; v H iri •■-.; y *.b \ ( *' b ' i ribeih- have Soutv W's? 0.-hw;! I v t;ii. rotdiali*y rh-' r :v' baJ ;ny y ca wHN N)/- v erutn. GOy ( MARGE!) iCONTINnO FROM FA OF 1 lion S'Djjc-f's 'were imablr to ol)Ertii the coop*-ratbon of thf* girfN parents in to brine action against Canty fur ibis aUe.ee*? offertsu C«--r:‘E.-w.u jifi thin#"' b\ii ideal The house .’ x 1 v< fnO for in CO familios. U! of whom are reioieri The hou?c has been ii-<- hut is stiii occtipisMt oy tu‘-M’ V. ; dp;- 'filJ'*' }!'•.•■»•« T 1 ■!'*i ;V '• "i- • ;■» GOITERS DOSE ( ONTINUFD 1 ROM V Utf- 1 .i's-rio :v rhiusiy l')? n ;yi, ; sion mcOm-v'd s/ult 1 Don’ta , i-.m ,om i ——n—■ in wihww » wwi— — 'Obeying That Sign Mean* Safety and Comfort of Others " Van fomcA T , | n t| ■u.iiii - -,ii I, h yv %l£ CAM’fPAKCS -frur BOY, CAN HZ INTBJZMiG&tON // " C^^rWSAAt&U George B.P. ■.'•:*-, *:t.ting in Meek .erbutg Supcri.-.i Court, held that the iT.slrictiorr. uc-c valid Thy Suprcaie Court acting on th" >:vc:ti of t'rc Ni.gro p>*t it lon ers. -inhi-.iil .tudJ-f V.. Mon's clcci"• ion regarding M e Bu rnnger det-a but modilind ins judgment, tr arditij the Abur.U Rca'tj Con. - nan; land. In the ialler deed the court "u'eci that while it con* a inert a reverter piovision. it docs not .specify that the land should re vert to the grantor However, the Barrihcr-r land would automati cally revert, to hiir-, jf Negroes use it. V V. SCHOOL CASE . CONTINUED FROM VAGI Si of pupil: at Motcai High .School and their parents against the count.’ school hoard and sup erintendent Oft .lutv us. conn s'! for the plain tiffs art* c.\ • peeled to request a decree that *■ .-.!*■• ■ tli l'n completion ot integration [dan* no later than September. if*ss with s,:ir' to !><- pat in:, ctfei. r i tat.a *i. ;;, Neplember. 1 ‘i.'ifi. Ci'or '-hr h'-ard snd sup i inU-ndcru a,. -ly ry. a decree i;,M -.u-.' 4 \ no . dlst < for infr-grai.ion ui.: would allow rb" defendants wide latt.Pude. 1 Prince Udward’s hoard of sup-i : ervtsors has lefused to budget th" necessary money for operation of j the schools In 1955-W*. in effect j su-applng the public school sys tem. An incorporated organiza tion of private citizens 1.- soloe.t irsK $1*12.830 to und.-rw-ile the i salaries, of white teachers mid says that it has $106,000 Ir pledg es and contrihurions NORFOLK BOARD (GONTINUUD FROM PAGE 1) 31, At, the same time. Hie boaid said that nn "unstudied” ap proach to the problem of tn’p-. gratlon or "lucre lip service to a principle co-jlri ieopaidiz® the aims of all and might vv: 5 1 ie-. i to di; int'-.rol ion. rathe'- than in tegration in &ny fi an 'We believe " said Hie board, “that oiri primary cluty is t<: preserve, and promoti' the wel fare of ail the children inveh e*l. thruugh education, and tnat any system bv us ad ministered must h> devi-* d lo arhieve this eiit! - iitiin lir iram.-work of th • law. ' Norfolk is a T of app;.:xi •nately .lOO.Ohf- x ith a reti.i of white pupil; to Negro no* guitc 3 t>*. 1 lap t. sion. Norfolk's schools had 28 “42 white pupils and H.SDB Negro pupils. B; the 195*5-57 session, white enrollment is expected to be clr.se fc* ;4,00'' and Negro eproltmen* 1?.870. SC'A ITS TO DIE (UONTINUFD FROM PAGE l ■ In its decision the. Supreme Court .aid that the trial war “in ail respect.? 1 airly conducin'! by a competent, and experienced judge, and in our opinion, there is no legal ground to complain of the result Scales dia not testify during the trial, out officers said that lie told them that when Mrs Cook re buffed hi. advances, he ! k * butcher knife and .'tabbed he- re peatedly. He had entered Ua home officer? say rn the pre text of using the telephone. FEDERAL JUDGE lUONTINTFn FROM PAGF i cliildr"'! of Old I-'ori as had been pit pared for white child ren. T plaintiffs dirt no* ask 'h new school be built, but < krri that equal fa citii!. -. made available for their < itdrcu, The County School Hoard agreed that tin facilities were not equal Judge Wnriick listened to ar guments from both sides and then dismissed the suit on the ground that the high court bad outlawed separate ,-tj'ie-. tion afid therefore then wax no merit in the soil. The decision wv - aupeak-d '• !.-- 4 ii c •'•'! ' -’ Ml -t of -\i)D'f*b ■The plain*;ff? ihrough the-ir at *orn«'v; T - * and Mitchell of Kal'-'-g: ve no*trc ih it < '*:<"• W«.i>.i;d owe 10 f gilt, for priaWT facllitie.-. Tiv v contended that brick aod innta? wore not only pierontti'-*> s to equal fart; iticr-. They vowed to file » petition fo> gdmiss:on o! Ncg.-o children in ;he whßr school of Old Fori »- !'■ oponjt’.g of li"- n«xl The 5 Best j Vacation i SPECIALS | Offered Anywhere ] In Raleigh I '54 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. SAVOY Has Heater and Seal rovet s Two-tone ereen finish. $1395 ’53 BUCK SUPER RIVIERA Two-tone blue and grey fin ish Radio, Heater, White wall tire* i $1695 '53 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. DELUXE Heater and Seat covers Beau tiful blue finish $1195 ’53 CHEVROLET 4-DR. SEDAN Radio and Heater. An extra clean ear. $1135 ’53 PONTIAC [ 2-DR. SEDAN ; Radio Heater Automatic transmission Beautiful green finish. ; $1495 EASY GMAC : FINANCE PLAN j CAROLINA BUICK CO. 451 Fayetteville Si. Dial .3-4129 THE CAROLINIAN i term. There vms wide specula* i n tha* the judges decision gave strong j support to the filing of a petition I and to the admission ol Nvcro’ ' studentr to Hie white sciioul. Tin Board has not atf-empt' i to build a school foj race children a- d gave uc IndlcMfii.n that it would There were school officials wfv said that 11 c law had b«ci; hand ed down find there wa nothing left to do hut to ->blde by it,.! F'.ain.if's did not cons’de; this as statement that then child ren wouid i-,e admit-led and con '.inuert to naV'c plans to have the Board comply with complete ac cept no < r>es«‘grt\jr;ition Front l < ON'TIN I i I) FROM I' .Uiri 11 study the local sohoc) t iorj 'IV'A)' n iV DURHAM I'URHAM The Du; ham Boa id of Educ:iti,n has schedul 'd a hea: -. ing cn the school desee reg. l • problem foi July li at wht'-h time r»*prr ::entativcs of the N.AACF are exiv'-cted to be heard CHARLOTTE CHAHLOTTE- The Ciiarlotte School Board last week appointed , a committee o> three «.f its mem bers to study the local school th seen-gation problem. GREENSBORO GREENSBORO Thf Guilford County Board of Kdu< xtton has author)-'ed a committee to Tver the problem of racial mho:ration m th; public schools. NAA CP PI .A NS i UONTINt FI) FROM PA« F t • thikhen to attend h white schcioi. m Their community. The NAA f V spokesman -tail'd further that should the lo<-a! Board deny the peti tion that" the Association was prepared ; > bring suit so that a Federal Court could pass on the Board’s defiance of lb«- Supreme Court decision of May 31. Th* CAROLINIAN cor; tat ted many members- of the Board, in cluding Superintendent -Sander son ar.d most, of them agreed that 'the request of the local N A ACP.' had no bearing on ht Board's announcement The information; further revealed that the Board ; had been working on the matter. i for a Jong time and when the re solution to continue the same pattern came up, with an eye to ward compliance in 1956, there was not a dissert-:r ehctric cooking’s ' (MKs)fel ■ociatio'i Other groups arc Sen. .n, i to be n 'd> io job, the too* high list, i T* Bfv. t. Fisher n-.-tor of ihr Saint Ambriinr 1 I'piM <>j»al ■' hurch her and president of the Liieigh t'iij.rrto Association, said, In an interview with the CARO I,IN IAN Tuesday that, “One i. terribly let duwn at !lie at- j itudes of !lie Raleigh School Hoard and particularly if the announced policy war pre sented to them bv the special committee of the school hoard. “To is, this policy does not siu ‘good faith’ in following thr; iv.n the Supreme Court's itn {(it ir illation decree of last mon th. Therefore, it. seen;'! to ur. that the o’ iy way open to the citizenry of Kair.igli is ;.o begin court ac tion promptly. As president of the H-eVigh Citizens Association, I’ve .al cd a special meeting for Fit day. July 8. at 8 p.m. at the- Blood worth .Street Y.M.C A. Member* and f i tends of the association are urged to be present." STATE BRIEFS i< ONTINUEI) FROM PAGE n 'nm Nation Royster. Allen C;a * - forii, T. W. Pennington. Sink John .-.'-m, Milton Patterson, Ted Wat son. Walter Mann. Douglas Har ris. William Tutt and Wallace OUvm . f iilf tt t. HURT IN FALL, GREENVILLE - A 4-yrar >sd child was seriously injured here Saturday when she fell from the back sent of an au tomobile in which she was riding. The injured child was identified as Bessie Louise Parker of Route 2, Farnsville. the child was reportedly rid ins in a ear driven bv An drew Nobels and apparently the rear door opened arid she fell to the hard surface suf feeing a fractured skiift and other injuries. GETS KXTI \OEIJ SENTENCE GARNET • Leroy Reid of Pearline. Florida, a. man who es caped from a Cary Prison Farm road gang near here, iecently had 30 days added to his original sen tence at his trial in ‘hi; local Re- Temple A.MJS. Zion Church 40!? taping. Reid said that he was ser ving 30 days given hint in Ra leigh's City Court, for trespassing or, railroad property when he. tied from a group o! prisoners work ins near the Old Stage Road, pear Raleigh Mi Kinney Kites Set DURHAM Funeral services iv ill. be conducted from Kyle.-. Difnatan Aver.ue for Samuel Mc- Kinney. at. I P.M Thursday. He died Irons an extended illness at liner l ; Hospital here Monday nist'ht. He has. been a, resident of Durham for a number of year.- having moved from Duplin Cours f> with his family. He is the fr,the; of W her McKtnftey well known l-i.r.-cM Meyers ejyipio’-c and Mrs. Si eta Mamie, assist ant minis"' • of Music, Kyles Tem n)e Church. He is also survived bv his cfe Mrs. Lariey McKin ney -.mil another daughter. Sadie, both being active members i >l Kyie« Temple The .*}•««• one of the oloists of the senior choir. COLLEGE GRAD iCONTINUED FROM FAC.f !.- < • last week The bank has ’in kmv-vldg ■ a* io just when the in vestigation will be completed, but action by the Federal Grand Jut must await ih- completion ,f to; proba now going on. Mrs. Ittf* who ha* h' * n employed by the local hank for the past three years, s»s 'ii hoe->r graduate of saint Augustine’s College P* r e I* thi class of 5352. Records si tile college show that *he was a student of superior standing throughout her four year {en ure. A self-help student, she presented evidence o( evept ional ahilitv in her chosen fieid of commerce, »rid busi ness and showed promise ot a successful career in She hn«i ness world. During her senior year at STn.t Augustine's, the Mechanics and Farmers Bank allowed Mrs •Tilf-'" to do her practical demonstration there. Officials at the bank were so impressed with her efficiency and ability that upon graduation slip was given immediate employ - ment. Dr. James A Boyer, acting pre -ident of Saint Augustine's, who was well acquainted with M/« .tiles, expressed himrelf as V deeply shocked and grieved b> the uTifortunati incident Mrs. Jilt's, who has been n a DOCTOR’S PRESCRIPTION FOR THE SCALP cwr r rt>,>r * * '* ; r > fMs **■»:*». The* e W I; ' V' * • - HO > - -a ■ « - i . n,- • - i»vr v 'VUfliA r '" s . ** 'lgHPfc ?t*> '><•• n ',JliTTffnT ■ •' r ’ * ' ■ r ' i‘ are.- • 'jgffißmMrilifl T?• * ' ' '»•'*• £ •» "•* Fa - f> •*. rP-J »O' , ;£9HB9k ” • f . ' t ■ * p • *• • tv h- u r . rn a*■,• t ', sa,N<«t,h* in - fly “' ! * ~' , r *'-f» - t *"*’ * r ''' $2 • * ork i a n - ■ . • **' *■, £•'« r, irunr • "i.a; ■ *nk'o *nh« l nf'p'!* staj/ "out of the kitchen’ these hot days’’ You ran with AUTOMATIC electric cooking. Right vow is an extra good time to ita-'t cooking the White Glove Wag SEE YOU*. ELECTRIC DEALER SOON! IJfr • mat CvO; s I SUddv says;— \0 J L N«of' Wttfsr Hi# Wh«t« G ets Y '-ay! | Gel ol! rh« hot water your family will ever i need with on Electric Water Hearer. Cleon, f coo! and completely automatic, you'll never , 'HVk ’vi 9 Inow this A'hite Glove Servant is in the house. m A/ I No flues needed—install it anywhere! Avail- "* nff %jp able at yotif electric dealer in upright or rjJjlyA | Tabletop Models. 1 —— 'siig^soaiiwsipa^^ PAGE ELEVEN - available for comment, is married ■ arm has one son The family re 1 Moe* in Washington Terrace We, Woman *'-■ id" ih..r ;i> actually witness- Tht i;i : Tly woman possessed all of he, tw.ub’U"', but was •-ghtly bird of bearing during • t!•,v 1. » tew years. Sh« arose ea. - ly it* the morning and wouV •lay Us all day acti-ely on gaging vi some type < t activity around ihr ho'.i.-- Eiweral service* .sre x»h' iislfil if->/ the Raleigh Funeral Home Uniiav morning at, lUM. Dr. Grady I>. L»; j POM ADI U, ( , -he tri:k ! '”010 -ni Srad. Aro' . ~ r suU » ■ f 1 Pv.rr tivrr- V:csn , it’ci c m’h «vr ertv r- - r c i,'gn. i"' 1 ”’ *<■ : ■ , ”-o. M'• ■ :Hc >. 41 , * 'k'”• r • • ■ Si. ■ \ :'l Voj ' " u -; r h • <•’ ■■' ■- 01 pic.. , vh-.e ■ '• 5 ' It - » , * <■ 4• . as J • -*. . tv£ ran t lose. 7 ■■, ~ i-., :v . . n . f mv. Jf,: r ..viigofeo. Vnei -v rr.onev. On d<-!.■■■<■'. p-r. s; ip j.;, s h-t m : It wit! *. Mh ~v ! p,.. 1 ’-uh nd P Otn L-r H.i’.e ■ ll oKi ny. ha i : j-.c g;. v .*» v v , s «, I*GOU9 M£og *H*IIMF|tOI)UCTS, I O«(H.R " h»«kiy* li, ft T. * : I WAV* ’ —■ * « 5T»m | •k, * s *