PAGE TWELVE 1 IftfMM ' :f ' Bfc intiC* lf©l;¥r: s ,i ijsfcfc p§§tftS Holly S” 1 ’ "jig- i ic"'j «v roy ml. vwrwv: CHURCH NVU HOLi •; f-i'RINGS JlIrH 26, w .• ;jr - i . i (’; .'.l. First Bapt'-T ( . ! . Ushers v 'cn ■ : : congregation, while :!• ■ ;• • Choir rendered ;■ wi»! Ax :y at the pn: ■■. The children'' heard each . to have been i < i June 2(i o. D : >n .!■ ■i.: ton, was emitter: . > D F A. Bet; <• ; ... ! Covenant to i •.• m . -v. .ri Rev. J A. Av< " . | ■ , church. L>r■.. 1 . /. ; ■ •■ ■ tion '■> v.' nderful The Ed-e Os T ! To Go Up H from Nuor L ' , Many v,.?i the Tvi friend of Mis. CL. G and Mi- Hr-. A- ' more. Md . J The V ■r.l l ■ TA the Bapt's; Cm !k tng exercise .Tone 2V16 M ■■ song, Tin: Is The Dr., V. by B: -r ■« Rir .. . i.c. V-' • ' adder- s by E P.r. ' - ir,t: nr..' er by F: > ; • V Tr.c U. :'.. loved bt ai ? Tsz:-.- r»rc rent G. • Grove P S' took pn't in t>,: B. In V: ■■■ a-.thieve •' nt. ■-.-: Vr . N '■ • ■ ax leader. Thu rnmeinf "t v at- r, -... ./•- v:sion of T 5. - • A-•■ - S,Jm'-'.'s Dit ". ' !•: the Bnj. ’ .'!•-• ‘ ! spr. rpyt S LTi '. r*• t '> • ! ' ■ ■ 2f? £.* ;’.()0 n, yv ■ .Mr .*;\t Mrt. free r . commur: ties - to • ;/ "t? the service Thr L'-'.-i A ‘ ■ ' Church >: . :.V.--, :v the gnt- " /-■ Cr, I« ' 7 I >.; . i ~,v> > 81' MRS. NAT ! D V ' BUNN I!I). 1 - ■ t.OUISBUFG 1) m. frf-.i. n BA; '. Mam S; closing f i- ■ norm, Jut:t Vk. A ;'i' '. and Wi; k m l -,- o; mm; " on exhihi . In:-:;; ;. ; v:- ' - : ' ■ lot Rev D i' I. i " •t • , •» t.. ? . ; . T.* t.t Mis:- ’ C .r: . :. ;i h:, Louise Pi! • Join: ' ‘ • ’’ ' hara J H;-r • ' ’ U . H.'.ycs. Vp>. A." i. ■ ■' M, ■ . -■ 1 Cf,, ■ f .. r., ■ . r A Chin:- '-n ' v s given a! Soutp Mi;:i ' T 3, .. \ V-. 1.., <.; lr . 1? rnoon, ■ ,n ■■ -hi r vii- - rectir-o o' i LI rs. Al: - H v i;. 1 .. Comm!'.' : V. . M:: t o Th.- . . t .■ F- • v . H ,vi . 11- Mi - M: ' II L , ; . - •pe' x i,' :: 1 ? fNti Mi Linds F;..',-v of Rp.; . ; : ri Mass :.- vo-v. o .>1 CJementiui I J : j-v. Mrs.. M- r... o dren {>. \" ,- i. IT visitin M. ..' ■ ■;■ . fatht i, d .- ivi'n . Mi.-, vs N.-: , ■ :• M-d (' ■■ Ridli-. of N- ■■ x : N . visiting tht ,r g:-;ind[. Mr.- Ltxlia .M Do. Mis.-- Barbu: a Ann G ;< Newport N; V • aunt. M".-. Anna Gret’n. Mr. V'.:"- G aria no H v h returned boi-:t fror. viMtir.g friends m Wa.-ihington D■ C Mr. and M;> Joseph Edsertou and family Os Balt : 'hi visiting their parent-'. Mv. and Mrs V,’alter E- -rton Mr. Rooert P; uj W.: "f New York C.ty it v -itinv | mother and grandiivii’n r, ?.l - Sal lie Stallings and Mrs. Estella Hill. Mr and Mrs. Willn Cl.ft: - New York City are hova v; their famiio's, Ms.- Subic J Cl:f Warren County News BV UK'. I.UCV M It.' tv MACON The \V..,ren bounty Sunday Sc two 1 Convention v.• held at the Phu- Gn>v Bryn-: Church on Saturday Sunday, July 2 and I; Children.' Dev servicer \v ere held at S>. Matthew’ Be' Church on S July 11 11.1. We are v , y In hevr of the illness of orn • no. :: coo Mr. Noniuil; Alt V>e RECOVERING We are v r, ~e oy . t• ■ Mrs. Ro-a Bulioik «,ve, : irem. her illjn - It was <;r; jij to re ' good now', of Mr !.': 1' tier’s return from the Is ,ta ana , that she is d 1 ).• rncvl (T-ÜBS Mrs. Rosa I !v.-a: veil’ attend the state ■ Fill oV’im.c l-i-u,iv in akers* Confei-uici'' at. Ut-wn:- • boro this week, July 5 through July 8. RE (MON Mrs. Leah Br'iv i> having a ( family reunion on Monday. Juiy 4 at her homo, i VISITING Mr. and Mrs Floyd Hudgins and family of Washing; >, D. C are visiting his family. M.. v M . Henry Hud in. (Ins v m. Mr. Wendell Hudgins r.f W i ington, D. C. and sister, Viola Hudgins of Brooklyn, N V are also the guests oM Mr. and ,m :Pra.,y n%«t m |ipi iiic. V' T* » C , :i r ri, f, j' • ' 'i„. ! homo or, F; Ir. W j .i «‘ I; n , \ i;-U.. 0. C. * Jv f 1 y Cfi ■ A .fch'i’V -r . T . , / - r*-z' ■*'' V;j]] r? .'.*■>a ■: '; ■• • ■ •v. • r t? :-i •*- >j t*. t •• V-V / - •> - -v-r>•-•*. * V ' T*"*- V V # * ••••*■■ T ■>., . w. aiA.w*', : t., ,yf -"l * ’■ 'U-yiK-r ; •' -’'w r M > > -./•p"-» j- Tr. r/.'.ifi, ViX ,f £ • a’ fr-or?. uir, v..! i:K (i'rxi. !*?i *:"7 piOV.’drP 'on.e r-ft * 0:‘ rKi.pJrh. V*’M, I*l3f Wi*.P.« , ' icpie pv'r- ■ • ■ ’ ; T cv lr. SO'^wh'rre : -***;(• ?• I. . cViVfl ;:hcr. “.Insi - .. are Sb’jne on vaci*** to { if !r.' ’: '< r, ?• •. 'f*. ''/‘'fit: V ('•' Wi'U&n'F -inti v>». WosUv Mrs. My nice Joth i; of -Spn op - < field. Mas.*, if home vi*itn:u her and the- E/lifes in Frankiiniwu. Mrs. Henry Hurium-i. Mr Cosby Reams o; B. ooklyn. and Mrs. Willie Reavis; this week Mr Jesse Clanton of Baltimore, Md.. is visitin'.; Mr. and Mrs. Hay wood Kcanicy Uus weekend. .Vir. Ji.rvK s A. Kjo Bu'L more, Md., is visiting his parents. Rev. ahd Mrs. J. S. Spruill this weekend. Mr Willie Spruill (if Baltimore. ' ’ Md. i> visiting tvs .family, Mr. and Mr: Dock Spruill this weekend. Mr. Willie Carrol] and family of Philacieiphia. Pa arc guests oi ut.v plea nts Mr ..act Mr.:., G. W. Carroll this Week. Mr. and Mrs. James O. Clanton and family hr■'* vjslttog ir. B.’.ti more, Md. this weekend. WEINER ROAST Mrs. Sarah A. Russell gave a twiner roast for her brother, Mr Clyde Smith and friends on FY:- day evening. July 1. Everyone pad ■ k wdndcrftti time. ‘t IIOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ! When thou Vi," st a um- i;r. ' a God, defer not to pay it. Meat, production through She 1 ■ ! four months of this year was 1 v".h per cent above a year ago. • E y nroducticsn in North Caro* ■in.-i ituriir.; t : v;'. »s estimated H 147 million coys. Co ,- n Belt studies show that bet ter and cheaper roughage produc tion is possible on many farms, j Gambling In ‘Chatham cot. r »STON PITTy-FtORO SILER CITY r. D VV P O Box by— Co,ld;,ton, North Carolina ( :: '• 'TN - - U. R, arte; ! •• » njovert « <- loFday and I','/, ••• tr»*r ore cl.-: routine h* .al Please keep up with ••<•• .. ■ ■ n b» T : v CA'Kn *NfAN each \nck‘' GOX»>h|.;N >!/.N KH/ • *’: of tor K\ • i’jtn «hr. wc. v ; 1 i dc/cl Stindcy of \j i< iyt.cls, J;*;c CC, r »'*a r ros* no me. . w C n »ESI.JN f -AN so/. ••an-,, from town ; >cnnr.s ano p/dred up -ii ? c-. h Ui: anu ha-1 ooi Ucn ; L . . •T'or’i'’ ofte r ;u‘ •>.*. o'ay hi ad S'ufdv/ rs h>s v; ner cver-inp: »Ss 1 ’ ‘ C* >Si‘o vt'TP'-.l ?v*. V*l:• t-Ti? Ofid t'ii‘OL |y of k* r.-LA rns r„ re: .'!',. ter '.V f;.\ \ OfC i 'it t*',« •hi •••> - l * ! 't.>v • \?c K Z i; n Chu r ch »ots :<;c hh)'c*P:u,'bori; Hiithvvav / V .. • .TC':•;-lyA s'!ttt.t i FU 'v’ -. Y SPRINGS - Deer T-i,. i- ■ ■ Gi.: ' l you on for nr-t V •tling the news f - • ■;! i‘- ;i .ui ks. Os r r . I .V ' : t i! ivaltmg tnat ' ; bit 31 news from eurlv of ,- y. ! r-.i'.ty wc set to set Mr’ Lot «r know t i-xi-i jSiCji aronno A IC\\ y.-i 3•;*:t 1 \v?i \-f v rv ‘■•iir lochi Mnfov. Mn ; v Ann A- 4 -C-. M-i ••• s Str-\v;irt risrucd Governor of Girlv’ . ctlv ] * XO’-.i h/jfVn 2x “•v"- ‘■■j.’vf jf ’v' f-f a TM-dens t ■ ?. the Fuqu.t}* Scf.-K*] ’V•. A G ■'-VcTf/«r Cvf HiAY ■.> i • HiV :11"• * r ( ■' - i ; ".i;i of bihn' and Mi-- ■stewart. I am hoping that they i on an trsniratiofi to othr-cs y. bi;t thf'v need ocx />■>• '-Win : '.lit-nf o?*d . Let us nut ho a >’•: i 1 Li’• • i■; i ■»■ hlt>ck nor *ot -jf ?Ust «vad tnym in the wrong the streets dun-fog Church School oc jf the enut'cnes of our corn*• ! 1 -" - 1 x.:-:::-- rail it famiiy day ? ’ r< ity -*■ them to service. Fon-e make tho?n f.rr the ho!aim wore: Mr, and M:*.. Jam? ■ W ?mbh •- ' d , .k.nniord of Philadelphia, o ' : ■ L- eh Sit wart >i Lev. ; Ym k M.-. Fa low W«mb!c of ■Batti s:,‘i many more whose name?. 1 v as tUiable t-) obtain. M-r. F: a lie*. ?■ Utley retuiueb to work. XT. J. v :til ncr s -n and rlau.chter who vert- here for the ‘ l<,! nitty also. She >.•- planning a month i stay with them. Mr- Martha Kimble is vacapon •x’" Bot’v VAoriblf Uielt.s and ftvn daughters are here visiting tcirnuy. Mr- R n-:hi- .- :■ x-1 chit- : stx'riu I art -.wrok with her in - M. am; Mr;-:. David R....-: Tl-, • Trice fa:;iih- and Mrs. Vel ma Wilson motored to New York L',!' the holiday. Also Mrs Lula * urn a, -:;on and M - . and Mrs Ned Dave. Mi r Ii AT Brandon report 'd to me the early ;. .. t of last week tuit sne -was enjoying a v G fWiling w.ealiou. She bad wnw I’-ni Orcfurd u-iin >e!.-tives and frtewD: a short time 111 -II mom and Spring Ho.a A '■ • \ >r»n ended sen!;. M. ■: Hi. ee v. :..- killed in on iHito -•>is ha>i in v. Our dr.epest :-vn,- pdtey to Miss Brandon. F.; r.ntS'- always remember God dee.-; at I tiling:, well. Tr.liiat trussed the annual Pitt,in given by the Your-; Mas Chris' ;r,ii League really missed -■ grand time. Reedy Creek State R.-ri; ' is an ideal place lo es the heat las: Saturday af ternoon 'irr 1 Ih.-i-e ..• :■• n plenty of b-diTn sr<--nTi fri -J eh: ken with -'i th, trinimiri--. The hall game ml' rc-Dtri" However. 1 tee! ■ u -;si : tre .each wile had to firs* aid : Joy at' ■ •. LYm.-.v.'jcr "The heat is bad, but hell is hotter.” Let us go to church Sunday, ! nr. CAKunmmu ' r-ii'niL" i . ? •}•-' irp-.on vr AME 7tan Church; a mem ber of t.Y trbhin-'i. aria-x; leader at"! r> i'.:en.bc’ r.-f the ■ 'iiptch's chmr He i., m -d Mi-' K.nren Nichson FcapL • who ;s i ret'rec "hi.ct tetcovr aft ,- 30 y, , inaching in Ciitb u in C'.i-Vv'o-'rr. v o.mjuv : j, ivivor.' are: H:: nulw, M.-». I DUNCANS VlSn RELATIVES ROCKY MOUNT - The Jo,e-ph C. Duncan family, '.which m r-’udft? Mrs. Aviv n W ide Duncan .-"•,1 son Carl T.' s,. ~-n* a few days l,ere '/.siting Mrs. Duncans tv.ieru. Mr and Ms. Horace Wade Sr., r.yfreiurnuig tc. me., -.i..i,e h/-::.e and N. C CtJiege /urine'; .school at Dur* F"i;D c ,n who has serv ed four yc -rs as supervising t rin • in Ho? text it-- t-./.vn ieturned via f:-'ll Count;,, it -,s report ■• ! :,aii the .- :■ i Durcan famiiy at Salisbury. N C Goldsboro News BV rfFNRy C. >TTT; HEIX c-:n ?’.,rXer Street GOLDSBORO Miss Eunice VVV.itied. 42t; Mi'icr Street, let: S -ndsy ’mgh; fnj Washdrwix, D C where .« to he en^ploycd as a typist. M;ss Whined is a I •' L't’lvrii H;.:h Srhiyd Slit- is <>r •' of the few .-lucicnts eve! to 1- employed ns a tyjjjot before graduation She was IS mom .is by the Mi tchell Bureau and is the daughter of Mr ana Mrs. Earl "i V* i ]»?,-(•} Mr « t C-v-kc. 207 West Ehr, Street. at home after being a patient at the Wayne Mc-monal id.op; -:. for sc-.veral veeks Mis A-1,-,1 F'-o -■ :- S-.-n -.0 Si. ir- a patient at the Wayne Me morial H. itai Mrs. Bottle Barnes Smith. Mm ! ui,-; Smith. M . - Manuel anti !,! iford Barnes ir,; to Su; -.- While there, they were the gusts of Mr. ~i'd M- Theodore Barn* Mrs. Fannie Lee Atkinson of Yonkers. New York visit.,ng i/ I .the.-. Mr. Jo/h Howell. R'.-v. and Mrs, .7. Boy Alien. 313 West F,hrs Street, spent a week 'ii Camden, South Carolina, re o ntir. visiting Mj.y, Alien's root; - er. The East End Civic Club recent -y gave n basket to the T 3 Sana- : iv/r, a* Wilson. North Carolina. Finishing touches are being put on preparations f,->r the Generai Conference of :he Women's A f r i c .. ; Me-n.-inst Episcopal Los An>.>c!<- California. Mrs. rtha Forin, !;, pres.oiwn of the I 'ii rent Body Mis? ionar.v Society of St. James A.M.E Zion Church, veil! head the Goldsboj -.< District delegation. The delegation will leave Goldsboro on the Ja--t of Jti- Mr. Melissa Dillard, widow of the. late Dr. Clarence D u rd Jr., prominent Goldsboro physician ’ some 20 years ago, was a recent visitor in the city. Mi Dillard, who n Sadie Grantham 108 W- /: Sr.-rue- Street. Mrs Beulah Worrells Diggs of Annapolis:. Maryland visited her mother, Mrs. Minnie Coley on Canal Stwl T-'-t vvi"Lend. Mrs. Classic Murray 333 West’Elm Street, has returned her.-. tom Wayne Hostiiiil where she v/a.i a patient. Sh is reported to be much improved. Rev. Jar ox M /, L:-.mb of Norfolk. Virginia. x> a ; t-.kem visitor ;,[ ■ mother Mr, Anna Alt Ltimb The firm' group of boys ar.d girls left last weel; end tor Con nection' to work di./iur the sum mer. M:s. C M Barnc-s was m Marge of the nro-'.p. assisted by Robert Wynn anu Booby Royal. Mr Mary France:: Hail of Rout' 2. Pikcvillc, died recently Piter a long>,. Funeral services were held from St. John's Church in Green County. Mrs. Hall is sur vived by her husband. Bennie Hall; three daughters, Mrs. Bessie Uv Miller of Lenoir County; Mrs. Alma Marie Campbell of La Grange; and Mrs. Fannie Mae Hal! J PikeviUe; four son/ Claudus ri Odell of Pikaville: B 'nme, Jr., of LaGrange and RooacvcJt of Wil son; one sister, Mrs, Willie Ann ; Sutton of Snow Hill, North Caro- I | lina. J Pr-oplcs; two b/'*-t<>*l-'- of Sanford and Eari st of W 51*1:; ion. D C . 0111: r.ijitcr. Miss Acme People? of Wdsh ingtr-n. D. C.; three ns, W!! C of L', uebbure V 1 , l. -.gene of Bronx, New York: cf the heme, two danr.r.t'. rs Mi..-,. Ln-o.ile Dowdy of New York City. Mrs. Ester W White of ’’Nit.- I—bury. C nn ; 20 grandchildren', two great-grandchild: en. Buriai was in the church cemetery. BISHOP C. VT. OKACF IN RALEIGH Th reporter chanced to get * piii'a of Bishop C. M. Grr.ce, founds: r-f the H • -e r,f Frayc.- f or Aii People h> parsed the site cf me new church building •which he 'Daddy G. :ce) :s erect nr it: the Capita! City 'R/i-.- gh) last week. Surrounded by uni formeo body-guarcs md anxious followers who supply pis every wish. D-'-idy Grace appeared tr. enyr. irtunensel> as Li sat ::. 1 hade while being fan ned by- comely teen-ager who held 'a' fan? to cool “Sweet Dad dy ' win. Burial was in Arbs Cemetery w G e-cne County. Clifton Fay K- ueii, 13 yea? old. was drowned in an irrigation : ■■, r:. De’/i-a Bridges' farm near Rosewcod last week. The R-:--,k- C- vi the G:-d/horo F re. De partment was c.'i'ted t-t search for the boy, Captam Robert Denmark and Stanford Wiggins, both white, of she Goldsboro Rescue Squad. Lund the body atv tit 10 mimnos ' ft- r they begun dr«g.,ing the pond Tl:- y c/!;mated that the . - ■y' -"• >' ) :. at- ■ 45 mi nut* < wi'ra it v is re-covered. Funerai /ervif'-i; were held frran the Disciple Church -n rrtnccton The* Ha tn til oil Fur,'ml Hon.e -J Goidsbore- was in charge of th j arrangemenbi. Hr '-urvived by bis mother, C ne H - otc siste--. Evelyn, tv.- > .fame? Hor ry and F-bdie Mariuxaii; rratf-mai ar'indmf'ner. Mrs. Nancy Hr/.-.-:L all of the home. Burial -was in Garner, Cemetery in Way tie Coun-y. Mrs Maggie .Imhuson. 300 Diilard Street, died June 9 after a long ill- ' ness Funeral servicer- ?.\ err. u/Jd from the Howard Chape! DNrude Church in Selma June J 2. Airs. .Ldinso-: is survived >■■? four fin :ahi he ' Mr- Nnorui ' W.x ifu-rd with whom she lived; Mr. Louise Fordhnm of Richmond. Virginia; Mrs Lillie Whitley of Wasninc tsi I. D. C.; Mrs. L-s'.ira r'owicr nt Goldsboro: thr \y, •w" 4*s* *' S 2*V *■■■> ‘4 -4 ./«►;«••; fiSSi ■.‘jo.,-'-;‘is*->■■ • . ■f ■ •„ v 3K«jf •<>;■ !. w. VV .'“■••fl6rvs^''' r V,14. 'St* ’4 •' •„ •„ •< i*, .;* •• •••.•.- • , „ •;». •>>« *> : '»' ‘•'■■gjp• ■'• ui- %■ % \ : . ■■ . ••Xr.v . •• - £, ;-T I } iM iV ' : "' v ’ ’4QteP '’•'%. »"W' ” ,y* . ■, " .- . ~ i v ., \,;V-.,,/ i .. & i • ■■-}■. •x-' ■ '*s?* •■■■ ■<... ■ v ■. ■ ' : . ; , # 1; ' - , ■ ■ ' ■ *#■ ■ - ■ ■■ y: - i ■ ' '"iv *sj£p3§s# WORLD’S RSX-OJW TUMB7 KH i ~,,,. J.J-. -J ohowrz JifVr f .;;, ; ping tt* • f ■ nvP . ? Notional AAV ir.vW : • ■ f t perfcrmanro- oJ l':o- :■■'<•,■ ’ V ■'.,•-"■•■■. :■■■<.-■ '• world rofoni h/'M •■ . . (left) cf Jfrw i’ork :■»!.• .• l;i ;i c j l :r ft-- ■• t- >'■*’ *» T'* ’ ,'• . ,7 MinX'AL IKTEHEST Varmor h -■■• ■. #•■ ••■.■<: Trotter Barrov Sjm! !i????[', ji r•» >.h wu % t|y ? p hiiC'H ",;•.• - ii ■ • ■ , {"S ews pt* sn 1 1 1* • -ti> >.. Johnston C. ’ -■■{ v \ BY MBS. LILLIAN -S. WAT X 315 foilirr Viren SMITHFIKLD - O , r gan WVkh: X . X;-St, ■ lend .included:; Mr. v h .M ■:■ '.*. w ■ <*h Wu V.imTc-v D visit; rig M" ;-nri Mr:,. W ' of WiLim Mills. v p, •. of AtT-i'r.G ■ . \T in: ■ . IT Slovens.: Mi. T '•*.:•* ! Coley of I’huadvlfsiX . V \: i Mr--.. Coley’s ma'ShW', fii Lt/:-.a j Sanders arid family; Mi C ,-y Waiver !. visiting he.- nwfh-" - h. -iyX Patsv Watson and Peer::! '■ Sgt. J'OT'ph Wri-r.V u>h" r tionod in Sfeii Arr :.r ited his v.-ife. Mr . Fn ■ Yb> F'Hr'iie Austin and P,m* at Washington. Mrs. Lou gen in K ■ rr; Tt '•* Mr. Charles Stevens; ST Ci< land Hi*",’a• who hr., P:T rr . from Japan i? tir.-r vi/hirn: res •.rife. IST Ret’v McL.-an, R. yri; ■ Mr, and Mrs. William Greye Daughter of Now York, v: hiiri Mr. Greye's sistet and • . it'.af .tir Mr. .and Mr:-- Willi/ S-mw*:*,. J and family, also ot N Y. \ * ■*'. • Mr. Surd" - .Tr*- {;vx ter, Mr Wdii San r :h Mrs. Laura HPX■■.*’: M: *■: *' X Earle Austin of Phih.di :oi,v v ing Mr . Man Dublin X sEtelie A : . nr-i family.. Mr. arid Mrs L , P* : <•• of ’> * lington. Va., visited the 7;, >ri ! family; Mi -r. Matisit. ... pollen ov Mra. Maggie Patterson. New 'York Vviiry her mX*": Mr. James T Fir; Herd n* N. ,T ;>*- tended the wedding of hi' wi/v r. Mrs. Ruby Raiford Robinson. Tr wedding toots place Sunday after-. noon at 2:30. Mrs Daisy Pvaro'k of New York visited h r w-.-yy Mrs. I.ouzetta Peacock. Mi.*.:- J phine Atkinson of New York vi.-:’ • ed her mother. Mr:-. Bertha A Smith. Att.rwx' r ' Tine New York Chant r 1 : ! Johnston (" e.r Trn'o.;. Alumni A,vo, i-.u I,in will !•■> amnia! picnic Sunday, July 10lh in New Jersey. A number of i‘;: Johnston County Choptci m : bars are planning to nth , • t occasion. defeated by North End 12 9 The Other important ;.:m- - . . week was between Lincoln Hon-’ and Little Washingtoi Lim-fin Homes blanked Little Wsi;b;r 1 * 4-0 to move one-half rami v iin in the 500 mark for tile season The standing at the end <.>* 'u third week is as follows: Wins Lps-t Web blown f> 1 Central North End 4 2 State- Hospital .. .. 3 2 Lincoln Homes Mount Oiivo 1 2 Little Washington 2 4 Pikesville 0 & GFDGSG ; LuU. ff.ev, M:*. Jxrfg CTTv, *; || . : - ■ :. 1 . Fr{JTj ro r -’ 3 )fT '.Yb-;;;-: t ;hy : -Tv -f P ..* -*. . Ar-d pfi-Kty. anc; j A- »i titv l u' TjOV'.: n - N'HN S Mr tg T, H-.vTPv: SrT $1 ’•* -•: : \ 1 WV'S ’id ;j' at? ■>,! ’ V, Por Mi 200 P i we :•*. ■ t 1.. ; - to; deli' .*; tiw ',•*•":■:• lii * nv IP W.-> ! - vTy i< ■ ■ the "c. f Trip KOREA G! SILL FOXSiffio ' 'PCFDr-JHEi-?’*' COUTSfS IN fipios. you ALREADY know. THE lAW PE3MIT& ONLY THOSE j ! COURSHS V/HICH LEAD TO A i I TPA'N'kti OSJPC.-nvJ you V«r ful! jrfojTit.vtain foriiat f v-m»'il VfcXKKANi-; A©MI>miUTK.LL 1 .ti:- ' r.-r,:;':*; ii}-*-? Tv s, VvT : r ILii-i «>}* Rhfeigh .Pru.-’V 4 H.u.-vt SiTtXt4 IV ■ - - .-i*. . .Tr.,:*. B- -, kv. U-- 1* P.'vP:u*-i. Vn. v, visv.^K. I A : . : v T r'clvi! 5! . • \oi : : ■ otter a:u ndnig , M C :* ; * , h {•'*';••'.•(.i ; AlfAirra. Gc, ./ *; ""* - •:-. : -sSf.o sss.Ptbi (. anP Mrs. -:.a.nVT I>.ckv,':th of H .■briiwuL v'a were- the noi:- ; do;.* us Mr. -Bteekwitii's pa ri.,.:.,.. Mr. ana Mrs. Mr.ihev.* |ec-k* a-lth of ' Johnson -at. M -.. IT-. J., .Jo: ;, lias returned heno* ;,T v r- vi.y iiuapitaiised for :iv G-o i Auh Puilrrei ~,f Per ry li St. is c"-:drn?' her vacation H. b*., visiting her "• 1 . Mrs. ft i tin deb Mnye. Suiidoy ,h.a P’ster Rust; Lee BiTi ..,*T m.:- : , • from bi. > VO* . . Holly VC'rl, ; V 0 mi for tbv r I' *"i-:o 11; ! *-■ 0 Cih .... ..u—r, sfefiU;!. Mo. riT Auhrrv/ Whits- ,-,na '.: o: ■ ■ L n ...v IP)*:;,: , -uj MVi-. of were ■ v got/l ol M:*.. Er.i,:lla 1 -- ' T : . •:.. y Si. Tr «!'>’«; ed ;•*> Grace C)'.:.'. v :r-i T- G*v - Church), rumuoo ‘ : . ;■! i.t •> r: t i the pro* •.< -T 1- l;:.|0»r.: :'*. r. i ;><*!r k ; •" a v *yy'f..* yr t *”.: *' :.*'. week “Lard, who shnil ; ..Piiv in '?'!•*- tab-" V,. ■.*) sball d*W P»n . } y : ii - C North Carol,;,ao cncumbvr g r ov--- (.*.,- . P * , j.<.•« about ■ ■ " ■'* .crs lor 'ro b IVi* t an average yi.vki > 10il i ;>er acre -*.n 0 iioi fir .st If rea ityed li would 1.-* tin•• largest cu oucuiribd jiroduction in the state since- 1939. *1 <-:■ v i o-. ■ lah yar gave TOO !•, oi; i: ,vi miik. Rut the iducti n is -M l>r: led Still es exports of all to ifeCo product, combined Sun •vifirh were valued :t f, i ijon dol'iiii:;*-. were aba-1 0... Mt cent lower than those of 1853 bat still were well above the levc-i «ls preceding years,