•-VEEK ENDIN'’ -AT' K:i 'AV WLV n . )*■ “Pray, Th'nk, Face People, ’ Dr. Peale fells Negroes 1 Miss Holmes Tells Reporter DELINQUENCY IS A L ACK OF UNDERSTANDING By VI \rV wHI n K KINSTON Delinquent"' i< a w ord Miss May r>. Holmt;- dot s not like- to use w hen miking about problems (•! children Site if ].- it fer,. pet it s m used hv nivulti to covet- tip tl'.en own shortccmiru;;' and their m- . tviii dljjiß of tiif- re; ponsibilitips tm ■skp - : . , M-W; 'ft ■ ■ lis " i 1 m*'" v ,Pi , -fe PS ... -- M.. S**'-'*\ \ s - %S i i4C, <■ T OK'tCK RAO AT WORK Peter I.arie -oshu, owner of a r-m .a•'.%<>.ckh"! h:»te! his nam«* in Outlay T>*.as, Mr. and v ♦ - y Murctj*. fc-'r- ; f fiu* uh'v biLtfcst df-poi ?ni*n *•.' ■ :■ *• fmr r;g :A*t u>«*k's ? ictiiar opening \V;u*n be first urriv- «i yv-tfA aK*‘ : lAfi** s>>*rit in work for the .Marcus', uhn hifr h.'tp'ut hifr financially in *ttu)n an edncafion at Iji: ?» t uivrrsttj. air-conditime ( the h tfJ • « said to one m' the r st m<»»>rn ever bu H bj n (»*&(l'Hoto*. * fil SMOKE EATERS -- Rec -nt graduates of the Fort Slocun* (\y i Fire Fighting; School for Soldier-Volusitoer Firemen, Sjrt. y ; r .i Floss Wnttbcw tV Troimn (renter) of KajUf. Louiiilana, Sgt. First Gass Nathan 4. Carroll (left) of Lincoln, Or!., di«ru»» Ur>- engine equipment while visiting vsith fireman John Reynold* *4 Fire Heuiiuworte:-. at the Army post Career soldiers Trahan who r est enter*rt the a-- «'f . is »•'■ = " -1 no Supply Sergeant. &FC Q iOMm Wf I jra ifi 34 mmk % iiif . \ . . .-Jl- 86 PROOF \ ,/p - ‘ \ ~ T* •' * /<»«• w/uffcey in if. ■ product it V 5 Yf-AR OLO X>:WTdCKY STRAIGHf BCURfON giendsd Whitk*y: 40% Si-e-gM Wh‘ f I’ey. 60% Crain Neutral Sptrifx 9GCKY fORO DiSTtllliY CO. r INC. - FRANKfORt, KY* FAFIwOK, IIUFF A MOF.TH!.' v'.i /»J •• ’- • ’' 'i" Y | peg.f-d en them is Ruiu'dians of tlie welfh.’e cu uu r youth y I is? lit ill f IS ti.O '-'eC, t'iU.“ able supennu ndent of North Car olina’ school .tor -viiyv.-ttixi Negro girl;, located at Dobbs Farm, nea: X'nsM-i. She • with flu voice of Huthor’ty hrcau.se oefoic -lie f.r ie tiert to take ovei the; atate & : habilitatlcn proairiuti MUs Holmi.; n,ode r.u enviable record ... t.his field while vrot aln a under Mrs.' Kaf,o Bun Johnson in No, According *.o Miss Holmes the so called dr..turner.:.* are merely ■ me re-uit:, tt mi rindevstancl.uß •he ni sd- and peculiar proldei ; ■ - o' -hildit n. Tin nome. the sehoo! me chutcS. and soi.ctv in genera! ill co.n.iibui to this tniamdr"'- standitiu axat then knowingly *■’ otiifvvi.se, these agcnciov usually create «rta'n pp r.ttif when t'.'>:- helatidiv attempt to correct the problems they tvere instrumenta i in creating, Miss Holmes said the proper parental care, so badly needed in channeling the minds of adolcs rent.s into right directions, is lack ing in homes on ail economic lev el v. ml;, she : ea'hiy admits the lowc: income yroup worse, be cause of the need for both par ent;, to sueisri the major portion of their time away from home at work .-he- feels that the basic need for ument-' '.-> vn then children more guidance, more couuscilinand more correttion. Parents siiutili! know where their children are and what they arc doing at all times, their needs should be antici pated and parents should he, over alert in their studio* of their children, realizing that ■ acr. individual child is art individual, separate arid apart who cannot successfully he auided hv an> set formula or he expected to fit into any prescribed groove, said Miss ilulnie*. Super; nt.e r.rien t H olmes 1» e1 s . . 're is a woeful i.-.ck of under* and ire.', o. t ; nt'-us of ;n our eii mehtary and high ~}s■ , Even in tlie ran; case's where pau-iits are doing a good job in understanding and prop *'i ;v t.i m tiicu *nr ;> 1 iid; iXIC e an 6 count* - i lin k pr o - ; ?ai r,< in ou! scliools fall far shovt {•, i r, hf‘ sla n d ar&s set by a n ■...0r i - *.t > D, f.i-, \sG field. 4 Tvachfvs are i.oo eoi: f . si over getting rid of child) ert who ;>rcse.nt dsycirihnary and p; vcholoHicai problems to them Thr-y sho-v little interest in living to work those prob lems out Too oiteri. 'lie cl.arch anfl so ciety in gf-nt-ral play the part of L; FT c r .-e who ’ passed by on the oilier side" and literally clos ed their eyes So the needs and problem* <*f our youth said Mss;; Huh) Tj.c: i;i!k abotH the go ing.: or ' of young people and de nounce them from the pulpit and the jjrtiKi-. And. she continued they seem to feel that the only suiutinn for these "outrages" is more institutions of correction. “Get. rid of them, send turn to Dobbs Farm, get vh-in out of out sight they cry, said Mis, Holmes, not stopping. T n tiunk that they, by then lure to realize and provide properiv for the moral, physical and .spiritual needs of those they now want to be rid of. are responsible for whatever prob lem is presented. When asked what could the churches and society do. Miss Holmes pointed to the daily and nightly congregation of teen agers around the juke joints because no one has seen the need for pro viding .■ -ioci wholsome fun. en tertainment and recreational fa cilities for them In addition she said, churches could and should provide teen age workshops teen age hobby .shops, playgrounds staffed with personnel trained to help childt en with their prob lems These playgrounds should be scattered around so there would be one in every area. All the interested agencies, homes, schools, churches and communities, should work coop eratively ;n one great effort to save our children, said Miss Holm es. because when you save the children you save society When .society realizes that so-called problem riniuren arc not children to or gotten rid of but human be ings. longing lo be understood anci properly ministered to the prob lems o! delinquency will lessen in the exact proportion that this formula is used. Hal Weather Hints For Baby by Martha Logon tmr*- Baby At the Seashore A mere mention of a day at. th* beach will get » welcome cheer from the whole family, and even baby, if he could understand would probably give a contented gurgle. Os course, crowded beach area* are strictly taboo for wee ones, but w ith a search far enough along the waterfront you should be able to find a less congested nook that will tak< you away from the masses. Although sun is good for him, baby'r delicate skin is quite sen sitive to the sun’s dlr tc t - •/LffP rays. A safe / Vi rule is to let j him stay in the ~™ su, '‘ f° r on 'V * <•” 1 ' few minutes at * time and to 'V.J-JyT dress him :n ..Ay* clothing de bt signed for pro tection. just in case the sun is more penetrating than you suspect. Also, with 'he many good suntan lotions on the market it might be wise to ask you'’ physician about a suntan preparation that, will help protect baby’s skin. Feeding baby a* the beach shouldn’t create much of f- prob lem. Just pack an extra large sup ply of distiiied or boiled water, a handy i<<: bucket filled with ready prepared formula, and an ade qtia • ;• supply of strained fruits or vegetables and strained meat-, F isn't s good idea to try feeding bahv something new 1 ' J X HE CAROLINt AT I { Best-Seller Author i Deplores ‘Freezing*! NftW YORK - Dr. Norman Viii •'em, Peale warns Negroes feeling t;ect.cr‘ ever: before they \tr t to apply lor whUe-enliar I'tiS. H.- said in the current issue of Look magazine that more and mo"c off.ces arc drawing .no coio 1 lisie. .Tub applicant* v.nu expect to be turned down set up an "un con.a j,.n,s ba; l it-v hetucen Ihci.p -•lves and tne pi ; sun Intel view ing them, he sa'ri. Dr. Retlp made his siate n/i'ni in answer !, a Negro who <-im|ilaineil that people in- cordial when he phones lot an appointment, hot frecr.e op «hen he appears for * ;ov aonal interview. • You mt*«t vcr. Suit' tS.rt .omc of the ’freezing’ is not i • you Perhaps you go in fur the iirervit-a with a negative attitude. Negative exj!f ctatirm- often nr Ins expecting to be turned d r n about ncpaiivc ;csi'.lts,’’ cautioned the a or « t the best-selling hook The Poise;- of Positive Think ing” "Pray before the next inter view . t.niuk positively and always ! if" jui-p.!r ip. 1 kinrib fern" of SAVE.. on the Fashions You Need Right Now* ■llll.V I lCilr.llld 1 On Summer Wear In Every Department IN RALEIGH, IT’S FASHIONS INSURANCE BUILDS NG I i. * 5 0 million times a day at home , at work or while at play There’s nothing g, Co^e rangy, bracing, ever-frexh. 2. FAST REFRESHMENT.,. * hit of quick energy for a wholesome little lift. ./ \ . , r’ : .& •- tontEci untif* suthodity or the coca-cola c.owi»ax'v *v THE CAPITAL COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO INC ''CeV. ' *t « '-9,»rudi /-..’uV, C" i- V S, 71-!! COCA-COLA ro-lr 1 ri: j rrvr i. ’ wa« Dr. Peale s concluding • adv.-i'P in Look Raleigh j Happenings WEINER ROAST SLATED Tiu Lincoln Pm It Community Club iv ill sponsor a Weiner Roast ' S.-inirdiyy night. JUI y 9 at the home r.f M s. Mary Brown, 160*5 Poole R,-i VIRGINIA VISITORS Mis, Mali,sir M. Brook*. » long sviih her uncle anp aunt of Norfolk;, Va . motored down to spend lh,» 4th of Jwl>- with r*-l iV.ivcs and friend* WENT TO BEACH Mr. and Mrs Niirea Brook* at ; Frau r S< ect arid ~v , .v '.n;’ ; : nt tlu'm 4t.h <>f July holiday *t Top* I sail Beach Mure (hart anything el**, ttoft - over reason for roving H. R ? Saving;, TV on, provide lipaov;is' r security. More Than 6 Hundred Registered At Lincoln University Sessions JEFETERSON HITV. Mo More than (9XI regularly registored Per sons are being served by Lincoln Uui .-•rr-ity (Mo) during the cur \ i <** w* «» f ' rf j CALVERT DISTILLERS COMPANY NEW YD* I. cm ' : —<— • [ED W ARMIULY mm For The Entire Family! All Spring and Summer Shoes on Sale Tri-wrmntitTßTT-rT inn 'Tin, i -f-mufT.iiwr-rriiiirtmT-TiT-i — *rr*nn'e«mr Shoes on Racks for Y our Convenience ONE GROUP Women’* Shoe* Men ’ s Summ " SHOES Regularly $7.95 and s«.9> ■ |4d.9@ Values to $22.95, Now °" Sale .< I , ONE GROUP Regularly $r.95 and $9.95 sQsft Men's Summer On Sale ni i SHOES Regularly $12.95 j try Values to $13.95, Now and *13.95 $/ #» .ft On Sale at 1 so®* 4"m Pairs of LADIES SHOES | || Very SPECIAL on SECOND FLOOR $.399 E I Values to 310.00 NOW _ _ p EDWARDS She Store 10 E. MARTIN ST, D!AL rent summer session. More than half of this number constitute lho.se regisi'wed toi oolw—•• level ci graduate acade.m’.c ci-cau Ad Q PAGE THREE 1 .•’Miiritii ■''nroll.-’ient,' :n«;li;6f \ji< ?f oratory Hi':h Sr hr i fc * Elementary f ! radio* l.’»!)•)• -.tor' A.isic Carrie and thf .i.iua; 1-H hort Course.

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