VTi-.K ENDING SATURDAY. JULY 9, 1955 r> ~ _ c sioyeott U! !, Biased Service Station Urged j WASHINGTON ;ANP) -- Cong, i Chariot C. D>Jr.. iD. Mic'r.) )> i- called upon !.;AV-ip3v..:r oui t-irs tr. fi.'.nun, Florida Konttirky p.i-tl Mn.-i.-s.i iM to lie!p V.itr: • ffeft a Viyc.'itt ii M.uidnrci Oil Service Stations and products Hlegs’ appeal c-s made 101 l l iwine wimt In t.rnmil tii« be in* snilbbc rl or. an sit nipt I" have a conference witn W. O. \ ok'Ue. president ot the v»nd.trd OH rompany in Krn ti,- J.-y, on till case ot Ocia If V .lli-wr, .111 trn'.i.!!)•).' Miss, school teacher who reportedly he u-n »vlien she attempt ed lo use a ianrfard O-l sta tion restroom Earlier, on re ceipt of a sworn affidavit from Walk-r. the Midi. repre jii-ntativ n Pad sent letters to all , >1 an.-laid. Oil sectional pres’.- , dents informing them <>f b;s intention to invite the hoycot; miles:. Ihe company dirCitod tls stations to place restrooms at the convenience of all citi zens, regardless of race, color or creed Biggs also isked that toe franchise of the hpi’s Hr own Service Station in Europa, Miss., be revoked be cause the Walker incident of - there. Walkes was removed from her Xck n 1o l lS" M.ssllslppr h' t onai n-'-il of N U f r >nf'"rt?rw i<■? Mound Bayou in April, coivskW? the finny a reiaJ- H .i'Kpl •».pw * if.® $$ %pf. J 1 *.-fcP W' JS§^ 'Ty-* T'-a - ’ ■ HES ;.jW fIS "" Cf ;'j -k'— T K * ! % • r. * ' ■' ’ T s. sissy * v * : ;\/Vv l ", C' It k'.*j s'(***&£ I i> \ (f ■ : • o Wivii Kew luxury EqttijHseid e Wills Time-Scvipg Schecu'r; « With Vacr.:-,55! Planising Set- o« FAYET TEVILLE 1 C (.N CIMN AT} »!.'>*> w Acbiri liVu i w.i * uj > AT.CANI A . UNION BUS TED MINA!. ■ - -.%■ - : :r, lilißim _ „ i., i ■ 11",T„nir i - i —■ ■ near f -';0 per S " | of the :•• '■•O' :<•'i • <"•:<.ITU’ ; spoltr-'m;”' here, be*I*--' 1 * - -' >'■■ fnn'r ietr.l V-t ■' -■ ' ' ' sS&r "'i IrFmak'e V -'..-• «r ■ - I : ; :li \ tt(V 1 ‘ -nd ybe h- d d • ■ • syis% mv-;-: CpftN : - -t 17, s»-b -n \,-A;- y/&/J/C 4' «*<ter ♦-> Mrs. rnaubii-r " was offered a no*( In the I* <il /rex::.- mpinea even before b<r !-' v h ' ‘ .- expired at Foreign < ( >ri- ™ v/vgv: Settlement Operation t»»*. J* : - rember When she de-iined *Me .£& J ; . '.•■'• offer, she was sent to t' ! -»A V * * e-yy! where another fm-e'-rn ■ ••<<•« »&%•* ■ was offered In India. •»;«i n \-fp ' . >r" $ \‘t she declined the rust and >',■ is ~\\ : ■'"• assigned to do sneejal as . ~'|i j \ \ sienment tn Washington. ijil KOA. Mrs Sieauldins ?■ 'v ; ■ {* V-’ sc-vergl months a ,vt —-d ifotow' 1 /. ant to the Comm, > '■ ■igaSßi •••:’ (, ?n Claims F'f.nao-' Comm..-. JpTßbwiß?7 This 51f.C0t--.-i-i - ■• C'~ -V ever: h«r after !•' • " / ./.**. . h titans witi Mrs Ov- ta C .' ' Ho , '"Jr secretary of H'-f.hii, I. i>> ll<irt * ,l “ r ’HL r ’" j Mr?. Sr.atildirn;'-: job s: r-siCeal !to the Secreary of HEW w ill tik / re 1 abolished after she disapreeo •■'■-' IrUe. Om Q>dtn&(.f. Mp.! “ hw * B - Shf v/ns >7iven fho p r ':-' | t’ r, n Foreign Claims v/itb « ?2.0*)0 j creasr in She is >-Sid t- FIRcT Cl i IZENS BANK ' I in force.. I Mrs. Spaulding could Tint 1 • AND TRUST COMPANY :=s.am;:-=..m : .... ! Philippines tins time. 10th Year Ended: 137 Students Attend St Paul Vacation Bible School HEMP Marching on to Build V Bettor World T- n y a:s p.go under the able . s ;p r-f Dr T. P. Du . 1. the Daily Vacation Bible School of Saint. Paul AME Church or-tr.niited hero. The faculty • ctuiiont body marched for rd with much enthusiasm to nuikc this Christian organization mi out. second to none. Under ihe leadership of our present patter, Dr. L. S Penn, :4 !.,i-,g with ou- superintendent, Mi.,s' R. H G McCauley and her teachers and officers, we have toiled diiicer.tiy through this vear' -• cession to make it possible f Euni Paul’s Vacation Bible School to take its rightful place •I’nmng other such schools in the c ,tv. !• t.'osed ■ successful session i,n ,Ti ie £6. .Vc.ich ra been accomplished by T): iicrip since his appointment to Saint Paul. A great work is being done for them. These yourg peo ple aif showing a willingness to v.-an* 1 he ready 1o accept new challenges and responsibilities They ore being trained to accept <hr*:nr-elvor what they are and .•h.c they may become. To learn to g't along with and experience a feeling of kinship with all peo n!, To become sincerely aware. of tic work of the world, where •he lion and the lamb shall be down togc-tIKT, by marching on to a ' better w orld. The tenth annual session came fc a close reeontlj w:th an enroll r-a\ ~f c.uc hundred and thirty • even students, who marched into tr.o bvt.utitul auditorium of Saint Paul in a procession singing, "God : Police Inspector of Distinction M.v.e! of r ?' vert Distillers ot New York c:tv* r www.tr . . r Ins getter, t-ta-'vey H Alstoo. a p c *’ - r - n* • Dish-ctwn.” Mr. Alsto was chosen by the 1 .... ... . , n a recent pinna! - ’•' < - - - r - .and, Director of Public Relations t-r F. Us Mrs. J. Spaulding Loses Another Federal Job As 4ency Changes Its Ste WASHINGTON <ANP’* -• The Coorporation admiw’.-.-t • ; , o;>erat adrunistratin' Mrs. Jane M- ’Sxr <iri*,’.:mi3ly known a. me Mutual w ., ; 00 .- lv , . ( ~c ,- !V , ..^ n !;, r;i . S;c'i*,ty admimstrafior and the t _ _ : , . . !' ' i.v. I p, Ugi O-l'., * : \<A i. 4•. l rr, or; a new r*c.;nc. Iv.v. v.-rek > bero;-- t r.: •• 'T- - I 7" ic ai?encv- v/as shilled tG Tnc h.'rr S-uu al m- S-.>. i;r./ ;s • h of if'-i. fiscal vear, *Jcby t. and be* jy,^« j- ; >> von r - ' i i”i r came known 'as the intWiatiorjai ala : -v • of Our Fathers. ’ Those who v • w present to enjoy the speaking :, ;--i various othm renditions. '‘ l| - agree- that the rays of suo-iwne that illuminated i' : ’- I'l'k- •>' progressing V.r' nk » Bible Srho< ■ has. never shore :my brighter After the inspiring rri urn Miss Anna M. r h’iir:: 1 f the Board of Religious Education, gave me presentation- of c . ’ k rater- to the students for pcf* - attendance. Miss Cook not: c. scholar and educator, admonished the students to always C'oo 1 - wisely and think for th.emseive; sincerely by at ending Vt-catio: Bible School Gifts of appreciation re •- rented to the following persons Cot service rendered• Dr. L. S. Perm. Mrs. .1?■ rk . • Cooper, Mr. Edward Sh rnuu: ■: -i Joseph Cart-:-. The faculty was as follows: Cradle Roll. Mrs. J. A Mn t; c Beginners, '•*-■ * il Primary. Mrs A 1 Ht:’.:**n; Jn-.i ■: 3. Miss Dorothy Edvards. Jun.-u 2. Miss Deb res I assitor; ir,.n- 1 Mrs. Gila Harris; fnterr.n-dlaio Mrs. L. C. Rivers. Mrs. A 1 Jones: Intermediate 1. Miss V .. Me Ivor; Pianists, V’..v ~■ •” Mamie Riddick and Mrs C. a Wortham; secret tc fir.o tr >s’-'- "•’* • Mrs. Dili ie M. Hodge: tenaent. Mis-- R. H G. M-- 1 •’ '■ ■ pastor. Dr. L. S. Pcttn Ail concerned niayed we -oe,. i parts to qi&ke this _ scs:«e" - : ’ • closing of our Dauy ’■ ■“ 1 Bible School a big "’o w -s MRS. 1..TL1.1E M. HODGE. Reporter. -• •■*;..> a-**-. •»•- *• ■•“*•••* '" BIBI.E SC ’»COt ( * .OSES AT SAINT PAI.T- CHINCH ’Mis pauicigants in ibis B'bk Yih;i A.typrove New * j i Education Policy i MEMPHiS :An7*’ 1 - • A 4 wo- { to in r cc "fvE f .j'/or’r bl c - o] uni on Xnt equality *n enucation arcl + .o i)ro \\( t A'J r.j':* •.* •' i«, Sc.Pt ovj d to s • p 'Vi', t ' i ricrs ’.Vrrr'v, , iUt rj, Lvf the /ti\7 i i*'t(*' v r :*f'G fori'-'-'j C* iv v.-»‘rk:!sg );«.* |4(» J f!?*•*• *-Vr- M ... > t< -VT V. *■ i h * fdtiy’ J ‘ • * iVVC : ST V - yr-,. /TVs r t*~~ 3 $ Iff R W fc.» if 4# - jj| C.cjLl-At:? 'XCi'Sif , s-'.rSfcv'jrif t-uai'-J ?:*si s V---MS Cori'y io- 1 « if fa n , 1 6 ft <*a c - moves 2OCO cut c C - ;• m<rvi-# 'CO" bJofJe 3"-') . - <9u 1»t cny an<?*« ■ i ,v 'f <o wist, t - v/*>igbl, tcv rjvui ; ct;iff i<» twe it Horn* • CHILL-AIR nOLI-A-BOOT j Perf*ct for rc-om-to* W/.: - rnom tool >rtg! Pol'* - >; cosily on quia* r.-bb*r \- . fj fc®t. Powerful son ti " movei high volume of j! at- . : blodot are j completely protected , *;j 5 mokes it i 00% AO fit | for c-hildiren FtlOftom- X X •'" ! ' price d~t» w-iff h s| "f •■ - *U $49.95 up »t i ELECTRICAL .. WLclesalsrs, Inc. ,] oil X. West St, Phone 3-558 THE CAROLINIAN School held at the Safnt Pau! i \iM»: Church, which dosed i (•d to the five children who w ere J named at; chief plaintiffs in the mg le : fight that led to the Su- i .run Court decision outlawing i a puhiic schools. Lt I.i-e ...ud in awarding these i no ms to the five children, i ’These children were the guinea who sacrificed their safety to : ttv Supreme C airt decision i v pas - lighted a tr.iH'.oti lamps • the hills of knowledge anct are ping them burning with the (.:■ ot human courage." A letter from Mrs. Sarah F. R-Jiing, the mother of one of children, pointed out the ivpc: ti s service the Elks are ren . eg through their Scholarship [Vo.; when she said, "I shall for God's greatest blessings . th, Elks of the World. 1 be vc mat my son Spottswood has , ■ikon a new took on life to see i 11. ■ , iru nji< else cares for him ■ !ul> Clearal l ca ’# W*W XOOK w*WW •«** _ _ i, . mi. rnuM^i—unti- r-mufm—T— —r«»— «"—««-*■•■■ Ruff - Lin i J PRINTS & SOLIDS j i j Reg. 1.29 Yd. 9o C Yd ' j i I 111 mm liill II ill I Tml ~i —imn-ir-rrr— —* .. ..r«-i^f-irTfr— Breezy-Lyn | J Sheer Summer Fabric j ! j Reg. 98c Yd. |j Jj^ C Yd * j | j Quinkle Plain | Reg. 98c Yd I 39 C Yd * ___ ~ ,> ' ,a * 4n> *^* t>:WTO> '*** * ***•*" " ■ "*'■ $ .*»—- - ' f T _ a-u ,, ul ,. JWL .„. ir - 1 si | «jr- *m * ♦ Yippi i i Crease Resistant 3- iS) V. m- Prints & Solids Reg. 1.2 S Yd. 98 C Yd ....... -i„. < . T1B1T:ll ; rL'in<Turiiiii»ii»Mi«»»«n i i i —r-r--—4 Nylon & Rayon Sheers 39” to 45” Wide Values To 1-29 Yd. 54 C Yd ’ Eyelet Embroidery & Flouncing j Reg. 1.96 Yd. # 29 C Yd * I Fabric Center I , | Street Floor IBS here recently, are shewn in the. above photograph. The school was organized ten years ago un ta mrrfm&rr cftiinni rfin o*; lyri j u lli ILo fill it ouiiyyi* iuii ulihu FRA.NKFORT, Ky. <ANP' I ! Ironically enough, the first school i in t-lils state below the college, lev el making a definite bid for im mediate integration is one in which the students are color blind. The school is the Kentucky School for the Blind which has an enrollment ol 145 —lb Negroes and 130 whites. Plans for integration were re quested by school Supt. Paul J. Langan, and were indicated in a ■ resolution passed by the state board of education last week The board recommend’d that Negu and white schools integrate a. rapidly as possible. Meanwhile, Wendell P But - ler. superintendent, public in struction. and chairman, stab board, directed I angan’s re quest to James Patton, bu reau of vocational education. Butler hinted that integration at the school would be made as soon as Patton reviews the reqnqest. It is believed, there fore that the school may be the first in the state to de- - der the leadershin of tlm Rev. T. I*. huh art, former pnsfor, _ j segregate. 1 At present. Negro and white pu -1 pits are taught and hou-ed in sep arate buildings. However, Lan gan said Negro students could ■; probably be absorbed b’ o white I :! NEW ORLEANS (ANP* • T 1 district ai’vrr.ey' • ■" ■ ’ 5 Bcrnajd pa- it annotmc*’ci . week that C. i do:: !. ■■ ■'• ’’ ■have refuted to reutr.i to I-oupi . r... for tr;:' t,.- ■ ..i with ajtertnarrisfce. The coupler are Mur'-- ?. Harthelnn and hi-, v :f« ->rii< now in Chicago and Chirem < VV ilf red inirict uni i i.-v: Joyce yjarie B--ro-i:» 1 *;r ( ■-"*'• ly resident:- in Sac !-, is against the i >.h *>'■' whites and Negroes in inU’i marrv in Louisiana, Iv«t •;«* j Pure Silk Pongee j 26” Wide I Reg. 2.98 Yd' $ 1 &'^ f*4C Yd. i 1 --zir— Pr**; vtrSTMi n Hi mi Hf Jto C*3L JL *1 ft»* JN* (J* '-4 <*• Wv•• &*& *«• j,. Reg. 79c Yd- j, Yd. I " Nylon Tricot. -:,rsey 45” Win; Reg. 2.98 Yd- Yd * ■smij' u.nuiiniu.iriFiri mrrirrr« —— -—•-•■»«.- .nw-MsMMKjwjrMawtv ■ ■ - ■•nr-'. 'uaWW 1 * ' i»i*»b*»»»»v *n. i>MW»i«i»>n«i» lim mi■»»»■ ■meminrnr- — i ——■ '■' nrwanatmxsx .... Bates Disciplin ed Prints Crease Rcviutam Reg. 1.39 Yd. Yd. Fashionera Prints Reg- 1-29 Yd- yg c Yd. i Cotton Cord Fabric Fine Baby Cords Reg. 1.69 Yd. Q>sC Yd. PAGE FIVE now rosi(lin;> in t ... jul Hill. !S«r; story C;is issue.) 1 classrooms without, difficulty. The. • bui'ding himsine he Negro de- ■ 1 yartment could then be used lor • i dormitories only, be said. The i school is administered directly by > the state board. uni'; v.'fu I in t lie lihei two Fabric Center Street Floor jjj.na nxm— winn- it

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