WEEK FN n 'NG SATURDAY. JULY T 1955 'Y; '' |||;' KWi; (<>\im: H<> :>i :. » a ri ffs \Vj . |*|!» /f,S ••• T ( prize u ;nr».-,-‘i of {!». re ; J <1 <*• roynh* t :>7\. y Jf *» vn f iV- rnuD pit'UUMK < hilt (ff’v-nd I'jt i |>4»4 131 V *:«**• c* S’fof toMuu .how hf'M »i tDv rh;ll?/K l«,/h •..-ho, : uwfer dlm-timi -j };•■■-.• -I Hii s ,r A-u-u !\;r. f o’. i ai'.v * Thirty “i V : om mi, V. c* * * Mfefed : ;'€T* > n*> ?t; ,«U' if- i-Dutn r««*fe€ ‘uf * .ts ‘T-. rtf f'ftW' •;<> r»i: ; ' "I tv • ; . •:»(' Ttr# u '. iittii^rs «? *-11 in nnht) «r*': Mr*. G-'“ r £i *i Bis*- ir *•,.-. ■•■' * • i'« «r --r* Mr\ r.-ielrt W. .1 am< s\ 55 rw. 'V| -•« v•;i <’ (*:,i •-*\\ ay, vV. s Up nj (..Pf.'Mn. ManriV Co firid Mr . A •:a F t\iHwn»f tp r %vm* vtr r- v•• tin* mOfiiiil m Vr .1 i»»•. h ? 'l prr/-. *->? jB II Arm P !•><*? y. r’ft.v -V! -* , V • - - • ,c ft nt jrv w v>rri ir. th EAL K R •■ ■ y Bouse Beedt Wetling^'.i.n^' ■s ixmsl ito Seal | '' ' mk -PINT 11 tf|t % *■ B| ( faajjgaji M s. JB 4/5 QUART CABSTAIRS BROS. DISTILLING CO., INC,, MEW YORK, U. Y. • BLENDED WHISKEY, 86 PROOF, 11% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS 1, Form Dean Os Women MA&T College Is Dead C>KK'\ SBOBO -- A foi r:)tr rtosa ,■ ffl-i: st A&T CoU«-«<*.' ,M: ~ ~ , vV r>4. -0.-d V K... p : I. f c! ' '< jiiiu . - s(w ,i if th* AAT OO't in (Old i:m !h-I\ n msistrinl M' s s.tt ilie s Viiughn. I‘iOi :j .. M- K ri-;> V.i ?b« is County In NC Seeks To Retain Raleigh N ative As Supervisor Os Its School ' - 3, P-..-I-; it, I 'I.-:/ •ho C. she SC'.A . .T'.V; tit ’/ - )' .It V ■ ! •!(,. S' :■!'■ O ’ A ' G . lint to 1948 Thi- JSnmMvtrk CoutUy Wir.o v.- f A \l* IAS t- it ti t B. t i’ca - s pr.?sid..-nt and Edison Mo-ire is ' sce.r>'t..'irv, in a mc-otiny. herffi it’-1 1 wut/k ai Chuiivl Ci.au-h j ( -lu-ri 1 -nssf-d .» i t-*‘uittiinn fuvvr ;p rife ..via Mrs. Am-;.. Aisi-'in MontgiiiU'.-i y s-uy-'n ist.f School B - ;o' civrnoijt ths*t then; insufficient. Negro teachers un- i worked n Bn.;r»:'«ck ’coutoy ice ; der the per. 1 r:t set-up the ... .. it ;-, >y ~ 1 Wiitrl'CTF v R:d h^Vv iK - ' n highly cC by uu l< * : irons &nd 1 cue hers coniacted save ! the three district principal?. AD vin C Caviness Darnel E Du-k.A and Jnrrif'? F Ciemmon- and Whereas, that in oi;i hurnl*!f THE CAROLINIAN SDFDGSG isr*'-"?! \i i\i » ?• \ v ; U i .\SliiN* , .TON i) < - Sh in tern.''in! staff » u v »rk ufih »r.t>re lh:ui ?.(«» ynuitg pc«>pi* fjioni m--'i-en ■'ljii'. s inchiding ti*:• Di-Strltl «sf > fil uiyjhta ’/ he at t< iiclcd s»i»c«nnl annua! < !i« fsj.jau \ itflth Srmititfr J. ?n ?t tu'mu a*: 4 (r.'ii‘'i)l::ri B For Raping U /. lie Woman: YOUTH GO'S ELECT -CCHAIR WASfHNGTON l AN <' • A fed . er;d udat; is*; week ;sory iu *'( carrttd ii-.t, Nor Name $1 Million Sc ho ot for ¥ , m /> i p i"* * ; > L ate u r. Lkas. C. gpauid .»i:j Dlim. AM «- One es D ham y an most n c n ; ichuu:' ; b.a.-> br : - I ; naitied and ueoicn to #!»£•-a'/'h'-- • rs" ■ , S'' *§ ... : v , -®i * I m§j , i »f i :iv Ori ginal Church of <.{• d -md !<<:::• - ly was pastor of First Baptist Church, Ro.-sforci. * judgment the failure of a fore;-aid District. Principals toe cooperate with their Corr.mitmemci! aad patrons is indicative of a balky, and recalcitrant disposition ill-conductive to our conception of cooperation and fair-play; Nov,, therefore, be it resolved: 3. That they ; ia!.e prnfes.oi Mill <•; 1 1\. Cntlrge, Vi , .'linyioi.. • I , M:■> S '!, Pit! - in :.-ii< l •'b.'v. aril t. il(\ ei.«(( v, ei’i'ter;-li' i , iiire. t.-'v; tie O K trie -U euiy \V i duns',- II I.) (: s*st> ■ 11. Tin- .Judge explained thrit, • ■■*. , ;Tj,’ rid,/ory to •■'.■ntein e ’ - !<:•: y to death 'md'-: !hv .i •:? y •. erdict The tury found *!'• do- Icndant. ' gu;:’y v.ir;e 'ie;u,, prr.'iity Mo!'Umv' v.v c neru -d. te. :• v ’ m the V S 1)1: v.-ic; < imh; c)i: ot ill; ttii jjCOpxf. in ’A dedicatory vpcf*r. Alton>«? I'LL r. prt*s*df*nt of North < ' Aiiul of Dr SpaukJint: "It is fitting tkat this school shall thi* narnr of a ?rt**nt nvn, 4 i Spiurldijig y h«>ui ** kin v and lov«*d, In thr iiun4- many of his friends, his true grcatin ss Wats to ht found i?» his devotion to the ideals and purposes which condUiamci every art that he. perfot-m**d. Truly In* was a man ;, 1 } ; or- UNCF Choirs Slated Over ABC Stations NEW YORK - tANPi To colleges of the United Negro CoS- Afefrican BroAdcusting Omipary- United Negro College Fund week s radio s« It s rs ly 3 thro August 28. W. Tm’.v Jr., exef..;- iive sem’tary of UNCF announced here las' week. The series, which will originate from here on Sundays, will fea ture the following colleges; The 100-voice combined chorus of Atlanta University, Morehouse a.-id Spelman Colleges, ail of .At lanta were beard on July 3; Clark College. Atlanta, will he heard Inly 10, Texas College, Tvier, Texas, ot; July 17: Spelman Col lege. Atlanta, G . on July 24: and Whey Co’teg . Mai-mall. Tvx.o on J'.ly 31 Ditla d University, New Or .■ leans. La. cm August 7 F.sk Uni versity. Nashville, Tern; , on Aug. 14; HajnWton Institute Hampum. Va.. on An;; 21 and St A .gubi'ne s College, Raleigh, N. C, on Aug •>ti The s» ries is presented as a p si:- I jc service Oy ABC to h.-ln uv quaint. the public with the work of the UNCF. STUDIES IN ALCOHOL AT FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE A shot" course on the facts about alcohol is m progress at the Fayetteville State Teachers College under tnr sponsorship of the North Carolina Alcoholic Rehabilitation .Program Approximately 40 summer school teachers and students are pursu ing the course which carries three hours of college credit. The purpose of the course is to help those who attend gain a be‘- 1 ter understanding of the many problems • sociological, psycho logical. and physiological which arise through the use and unis- use of beverage alcohol. The work is being conducted by sonar of North Carolina:: authorities on at -1 cohol and its related problems. i ijtc editor of Baptist World Mrs. < i Grifiin, Norfolk, Vo. nr, i.jt ,-,t „f Young J'eopb ■ In "nctit md (hrector of Lot: •’ : ; 'r: \ <>uih I'M and .Vi is s An r* B » v» r- r.-s. t'or ms r ni * & ■Unv.ti:\ to Hi U Worth V.’iiks ticro, '• ‘ Keen on second urn left to right arc (he i.Vv .1 .lines Hr »■: ■■ ic •r ■ D of liavins riper' t:'e .'ft- vi i-u;! married «'>n«u ;•; A.l );>54, .r the busoine-rt c.! •i Iv-jiidiug where ohc Jived JVLI rfiii - : UOh : citlm !v ! a• ■■ -d • e; j,, f f ,■ ;n‘ . «.p, ,L.;’P - "'O/'A - f,., I; ■ :• ,1,p, : . -r„ _ Come in..S*ve! Limited Time Only! I M-llit AutoiltK'Mier □ Up To 2^Ycars OLD WASHER sum jmi j'w^h‘j w* *an' Tl!ir: *5 MODE!. AW-4«0 *1 i atnzs:. ;-= ............. ..J} Look a! all ftesa Mm features! * Exclusive Time-Line Control simple, foolproof and automatic. Lets you start, stop, skip, repeat any washing cycle . . . any time you please! • Exclusive 4 -Way Wave-Action THIS IS A DEAI YOU CAN’T WORD TO MISS! COME IN TODAY! THE GOODYEAR PLACE , 401. Hillsboro SL I>ial 7571 <' t t U T\ So / f • Jf 5 .*4 "iprr i' Raleigh/ k€. ' y- 5 V ; We Specialize In Loans to Teacher* - No payment'- art required ;n TUNE, JULY or AUGUST Agitator—-for gentlest, most thor ough washing ever. Safe for all fabrics! * Suds Return at no extra cost? ♦ Exclusive Norge Rinsing Action removes every l' ace of soil or dirt.. Pius many more! PAGE EIGHT , Adequate nitrogen ", ,* > r. ; quit - 'mi in lot a y <■: r 1 ffiT f. ■ ■ '; ■ ■ i SIWP WC " " I, ilffl sac; 1 . - mm w. Ice Cream mm SCREWS -and - SCREEN WIRE SEE S. M. YOUNG Dial 7121 09 E. Marlin St, RALEIGH, H- C.