WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. JULY 9. 19M Boy, 1 i, Who Killed Dad Only Meant To “Scare” Him ''ijijyK?,' -J-lts 1 I) HUSBAND AND WIFE TEAM AT Sir SUMMER SESSIONS— Summer means continuation »l whool work for the above nu? hand amt wife leant ot Frede rick and Catherine Lutz of Car thage, N. C., who are now pur •suing advanced courses at North < arolin.s College, Durham. The I.ot/cs are at Pinckney Kith School, Carthage, during new mm&smF Add a Den, Bedroom Or Bath to Your Home! We build New Hbbsp‘ and Repair and Modernize Old Ones. Call I s For Any Job Large or Small Residential or Commercial Property lOME UFALIY CO. PHONE 2-0956 129 E' Hargett St., Raleigh When Planning* Your Vacation - C V L 1, GEORGE A. ISELEY INSURANCE AGENCY For TRIP INSURANCE 1 to 90 Days Phone 2-2043 203 Security Rank Bldg. * /JtY _ ■ 4SU ■ lomiors IIL EMIE I) f $1 I n HIS Ii E V 2 IfiVIIRSI'S I j (j. » iM I w.« ij/k kv I jt PINT FAMOUS a':NC* ."»•*» w j £. ' 4/S GUART I S® Fh+.-ti*’.«id BuftWd Xf B I®IWIMBIWBWM#WWiSPH>WJWHMIH3MS!WBy> i R J A. rJvKs).nTr‘\ So**, Inc , Ow» 9 Mausswci tjjj Blended *yed hoHforf by J. A WBEHERH’S SSiS. INC SHSTILIEItS. PHUA. PA Uijjhlfj' prowl —72 Vi% (jrom N»utrol SpiriH i tar term. Mr and Mrs. Lut». first and second from b-U bark. ground, ar«. shown here with some feiiOn students and utsi •dais of summer school l.cft ton tight are l»r .1 K Taylor di rector of (fu- Minatnet St * Mrs. Hawkins Reelected A? Links Head COLUMBUS O «A.VP> Tr.. Noil House v.’ith a h-.jt 200 /v. ; lr. i*ig[ od chapter:- c ,! ui .2} .sir/' ' M ■ MiuhJiftiit of th< bus in fas rs* m *n was discussion on -Hip dr of i ncu natiujuD irogtitin which is t« b»- in nouneed at a later da.tr. f lit < uiminatiou of ihe fast nation a! project \vj> tin payment of .S 8 isf♦* frK‘mbrrsi»iji% from tin* chapters to tin* V Ihv memberships totaled S2TMWO. id on ’he adoption of ‘'Link Worn and an educational program cie •signed to prepare communities f**r desegregation Link Week” v/il 1 Mr-. N’t/utru VV M*'rri* k li ’itariau >n the < u ■U*m -N <.« < ity Schools anti visiting pro xm'iv *»} libr-ji ; sen .rid >a< k row NJtis:- "?• till Soli'o unit -'lns >3 {He B. Wright, of lU* leigh .- ; V- i ? ■:• \*( ~. , • pi «, X'l •i- .Vi n , *v> -'. gAIL . a i tv' " 1 ie in krcjiing ,t 11he Cbc,*:? (•I fbe • . 'IY Uiiii'n, VV!-,.it ( m l inf. . Do t--.d (~ tin- Youth -if Toro ; ••<>-.• T’ Mr*. Bernice dunce «f Trenton. V. ~!.. nr*-- I nvi i workshop-; <>it ttir o-i«w >!!g phases: Inti gruti-jn Adjustment,” 'Juvenile Ociin iier« .. . ... i-.g tin- Min-'<r lies 'i !<.-•,,!(■ Service so Youth -ms «f Negro Votith, and liar M< lit.:-: 15y J-.. t.if.tce I’tiy si-'ally Handicapped Children.' -■‘■■ v •„■•.<■i Lur.ar Wiighs. f.-r.n --• .. .- f.'. i iy. e-;d D- AcN- . . •:. psychologist ftt C .inthss- apiK-ured on the V ' ' ■ I ‘ ' ij -y - (f . ph..-* (if tlie Un-.iifi.’ namely Our responsibili ty <•> th. Dtlinquont Youth." Iti • < sid "Engate in . a volunteer ; ; <wuice which wjil help our youth ti,dyy, ;.nd you wid dvv Jiiif-p; l '!' lives of your own ' The siieia! program iiKludtd a "Open Hull-.'' for Links ana hus- O-.h: r: !!'• ■ - ! the Curl M Tsus . i'es. a lunch con for the dcle ;i’id nierofs.'r held in the 1 gri.rui is iiruon: of the Me:! Hons"; - !'.,i •,)..,! din • onni'c for.Links, eurhai -.j.- ant: ne'd in Highlight ■ f the social events •vat • V urn >. I ink Banquet v.»ucb f-atured a Link ceretnon i<ii ciiiiclc] .ijjbt sc vi cg and tbt* Uistallalion of officers wt-ii ab a speech by Dr. Neisou. East Carolina Agency Seeks Farm Helpers 15 V I 15 HARKEN ROCKY MOUNT -- According to m announcement horn the 10- : c.il cmplo;\ ment security office in -1 v•• k. !he' c i • a dearth of . farm ’• •". oo • in the Edcecinrihe- Nii-ih Cuunticr aioa. Lloyd Proc- ‘ tor. agency official, said openings ; exist for Severn! corriplcte family: units .... the larger the better.! s" -mi<- i.-irr.s m • rw* reports, are ruak ; Minh:ru'd >.v uie of $129 : • fltln (- w.-•• k a rid in some ca.« lioiim rent is tree F." -ho make good work er hn v ea enance to become year-t'i ind tenaiils on some ol ; Iht Jams, it K said. The cun mi needs include all type? of ioW.cn workers. Prim e-r.v \ '-cj-age $V per day When this iubai-cfi work is over workers remain on many forms for - i don and peanut harvesting. T re CAROLINIAN is passing thi. information on is a public st-r --»'i- and advises interested fann ies to contact the Employment -Serin f itv Office, North Main ’vi.i -:*V, Ro Mount, N C. "In addition to the sor/ being ,an excellent composition. Kib bler's great feel for ■> love song make.-, th,.- deck a masterpiece A | smash., i Youngster Tells Judge He Wanted To Defend Mother From Va. Cabbie ; RICHMOND. Vft - ANP; A 14-year-old boy charged with slaying his father was placed on strict, probation for an indefinite period by Juvenile court Judge J. Hogp Ricks last week. The youth admitted Hie pis tol slaying of his father it their home May 30. However, lie said he had riot intended to shoot his father, hut want ed to "scare” hin» The youth contended he was defending A Digest Os ] DENTAL HEALTH By DR. JOHN DEWEY HAWKINS 534 Montgomery Street Henderson, N. C. "OUR PROFESSION AM) BUSINESS FROM A NEW ANGLE” I should like to call attention t.o the greatest asset in our pro fessional and j&jtffe. business lives & nately is over ,, '-®. looked by the iimrmßt vast majority of -- dentists. The dental manufac '" turers, especially .iiitffe. 'Jm iD ,ate years, are ands of dollars t.o Wmfmm mKm* , 1S us ,<= their DR. HAWKINS materials in the most proficient manner, giving clinics personal instruction all over the country. \< every convention and society meeting I am con stantly learning new methods, new materials and better v, ays of really doing our chos en work But am I not over looking the best help of all? f refer to our dental nurse Driver Course is Begun At Fayetteville UAVFTTr.VII.LE An acb-ar.c - ’ i- ursr in Driver Education •nr-nsored by the North Carolina State Department of PubPe In struction in co-operation with the Amt:. ear. Automobile Association w’li liffe-i-d at the Fayette • .: ! t State Teacher? College dur ing th< week of August 8-12. 1955 Tibs course sviSJ be open only to pe-« n t* s who have < implrted a ba-ir course in Driver Education. There wsl! be no tuition fee and board and lodging on the campus will b< provided for a nominal cost. Pei son? wi-hirtg to register for i'is course should apply at once the Director of Summer School ;nci- applications will not be ac cepted after July J 5. 1955. Those persons who wish the basic course might also apply ••me< the authorities have indi cated the possibility of giving both the basic and the advanced course at the none time in case the mhor . f applicant: war i cuts the offering of both courses UNION BAPTIST HOLDS SERVICE Th t Sunday morning •'/vice? were conducted by the assistant pastor. Rev. George Mitchell. He ' : a subject, "If 1 Shut Up ’ o -,r." He was assisted by the Rev. Maggie Warren. Kcgular services were held Sunday night, with the ad ministering of the Holy Sacra ment of the Lord's Supper Services will be held Sunday July 10 with a special program at 3 p. rn„ featuring the White Oak Chorus from Apex The public is cordially invited Mrs. Ora Belle Maliette, reporter sKvcu ■; ■- mjm >s, i t&agkewfßm/m ty • -Vuseß:>> jMS mMT*' WSKk jtiMsSfflfflT' gjgMfcWV*. ELDER CHEATHAM PRE SIDES OVE R AI)VEN T I S T CONFAB—The Allegheny con ference of Seventh-Day Adven tists, currently meeting in Fine Forge, Fa., attracted some 4,000 delegates front seven states ansi the District of Columbia. In the above picture is Elder William L Cheatham, president of the Allegheny conference, which met for the JOlh consectsltlve jeni in Fine Forge I)"'*— (ANT) • THE CAROLINIAN his mother, who was being beaten by his father, a pari tiir.r taxicab driver. Judge Rirks -aid testimony showed no evidence of premedua - tior,. Testimony showed a history of family friction. The Judge suspended imposition of sentence and ordered the boy. one of nine children, to report weekly to a probation office? He .said the probation period would b<» at the discretion of the officer. or assistant. These two gen- j craliy accepted terms imply j different duties. In thinking of her nv a dental nurse, leave out the ‘dental” ami think o< her duties as a nurse or a woman who can allay fear and put the patient at ease, talk to her as a friend, making the patient fee! that her problems are the nurses first interest; do little personal things for her, such as helping In the removal of her wraps and do ing many other things that only a woman can do or would think of doing. Then, carrying the. nuuie idea further, comes the need for stci - . ilization, cleanliness and ctr-r in the operation room. All of these duties most of our dental nursf" do perform sod art expected to do very well, bur how about the , other term, •'dental assistant”? • May 1 also eliminate the ‘'den tal” from this term and sec whe- I ther or rot I am ready using her ax an assistant or real office man ager. for that is what she should be if I am receiving the greatest benefit from bet services It seems to me that dental pra< ■■ tice should be divided into two dis tinct parts or phases. One of f;v-.c is the actual d>n*al operation, naturally carried to completion , by the operator himself. The oth er phase of the practice. I think, is just as important, or even more so. For want of a better term, may • f call this the business part. Thi? business side, if properly analyzed or managed, will take much of the 'dent” out of dentistry You may wonder why this would be of any importance, but the bet -1 ter 'be assistant is able to judge ' the patient, the better she will ■ be able to make the charge late: The patient may be in such a mental or physical condition that -a short appointment would be ad visable and . really appreciated. You know that a patient would be ; much move likely to tell the as sistant or the assistant to judge • such conditions than 1 would my self. After all we as dentists arc more apt to be thinking of our actual attitude. However, if it is. brought to our attention we shall be more likely to show more con sideration and so make a friend a? well as a patient. mm ITfe-l jr..*.*.”. l *!*, .1 MANUFACTURED IN GARNER NEAR RALEIGH, AND SOU) ALL ! J OVER NORTH CAROLINA. j !L THINGS’’YOU SHOULD KNOW! ! WILLIAM !S FATHER, EX-SLAVE AND CIVIL WAR VET, 1 \9Sr WAS RECORDER OF DEEDS UNDER PRESI - DENT HARRISON MAKING $ 10,000 a YEAR! IMCTi). young trotter WAS GRADUATEDMASm kWlp#' LAyDg-fROM HARVARD! “BECAME 80S , , * £0 A FIGHTING NEWSPAPER IN 1901. LATER.. 1 ” s W!FE dead, his health failing, he ’' OST HiS PAPER IN 1054 AND CHOSE SUICIDEf e-iw/mArpt-L <r s I V \> ©Remember, Millions Acelaim \&P Seal A SURE SIGN OF • QUALITY «. •SAVINGS ANOTHER BIG IQ< BEAN SALE YOUR CHOICE Sultana Pork and Brans Sultana Black eye Pea Ann Pa.gr* Kidney Beans Ann Page Deans ’* JA XL PARK Kit DAK DRY BITS * PEACH cach 4C|c STREUSEL L.../ ■ SPANISH BAR CAKK «■ • 2 ( )r JELLY TOPPED BENS pk* 25c WHITE DDE \D Uc DESSERT SHKI.LS !r. 20c SUNNYFIELD ftjPs fi1 1 Dl* 11 Aiwa,rt,,H /■ I I# ij It ti A L rcr pk C . Hm %jff i SOCKEYE UPVOwn V 2-Oz. fj| If f I SALMON Br *" d ran a 4 _ Mu.iLii.i.mj'iw" ir-orivWT-mrinriTii iiinfiniKTHi <nuiHmtriwunrcrrwiTi — r —t--"—tt—-'"*—*-*"' SALAD Ann Page Qt. f|J| | DRESSING l> “”' Jir ' J " KOOL-AID C , Mt DRINK MIX n."“ © " " « 3 i . These Prices Will Re Effective Throu g h Saturday, July 9th, t fl ,: - ' i PUFFIN Heady To Bake BISCUITS Z|. Pkgs. SULTANA STRAWBERRY PRESERVES r 25c PAGE NINE

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