M————— ■! —— mil 'I ............ . ■■ ~ • - .... -■’•V' •. •• • * #■ ** 4,: , .MJ;'' **'■■ m£ XtfkMW $ ; 'f#,. * : - i ; ' 5" *-. ‘ j . 4V < -. ■ *■••; - ■ • *;•;:., v ; v.•; ‘"••'Mg: •.-*-• <•• -safe-■■.*■,» •••*•• ' <• •• - ««*<**•.•*. - ■••?'.■- ■*' Isis «;!. • t4ir', 'i 0: ■■■■'■%#*':'<■%>: ■ , ■' :. * • : " W•** ‘, : ••'.'■ .• v£‘ •*-' H•• ALI HKA IN At t - ION Althea Gibson noted race tennis player of New York, is shown here during' the tinai same of She two-day Women s Annual Pennsylvania and East ern Mates f'ersnis tournament School Official Says St * i a»i t«SM? v .•- 4 “*‘ r>r ''•'■* L.* 'V- -• ~* «m> .& '!»'• =■ A VA. %***' **. .* . ... ... ..... „ ! State News Brief J __ i MYSTERIOUS !>t \TH GASTONIA- How and why the body of Mrs Othelia Orlce pot to t.ho back yard of a Highland sec-: don home here Tuesday is caus ing local police much concern. The' body was* discovered by a woman about 5:30 A. M. w:'b the head: propped against the back steps. Speculation has it. that she was slain elsewhere and brought- to the place where the body was found. <9 * * • WAKE AND JOHNSTON PLAN CATTLE SHOW The third annual Junior Calf Show representing the Fbur-H Clubs and the NFA Calf Clubs of Wake and Johnston counties will: be held at St. Augustine’s College. S Thursday, August 4., on the Ath- j letic Field. The show is sponsored | by the Agricultural Workers of ! Wake and Johnston Counties and financed by the Raleigh Mer chants Bureau of which G. Wes ley William? vs F -ecutive Secre tary, according to W. C. Daven port., Wake County Agent, Agri-1 cultural workers expecting to su-1 pervise entries in the show are ; L. R Johnson, M, E. Reddick, and. , E G. Swann of Johnston Coun ty: T. J. Culler, J, T. Locke. L. R.j Burton, G. L. Laws, C. L. Boone and W. C. Davenport of Wake; County, The public is invited to ; attend, JET WRITER VISITS HERE Major Robinson of New York's frt. office visited the offices of the CAROLINIAN Monday dur ‘ (CONTINUED ON PAGE tl( NAACP SCHEDULES MSS MEET HERE | Officials of the local chaptei NAACP have set 8 o'clock Friday evening, July 20, as the date for an emergency mas: meeting for Us members and the public at large. This meeting has been arrang ed for the express purpose of ‘'briefing'’ the public on the statue:: of desegregation and in tegration as it affects the public schools in the Raleigh comma* f nit.y, T* was thought that because j of the many conflicting stories fc recently in circulation regard ing these vital issues, (hr public would appreciate some first hand, unbiased knowl edge of the facts surrounding these issues from those in a position to give this type of information. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 11) held last I ridav ad Saturdav in Philadelphia. Louise Brough *>t Beverly Hills, Caliiurnia, <>i fra ted Mis* Gibsen. '-von i- io< iop-raukiog .Vfjtro i<’nii! .. in the country. Ip<‘i >|i r . on sports pegej. CHAPEL KILL Carl Smith, chairman of the local .school board, raid Monday that "a ft-w" Negro students may be admitted to white schools here this Li:. Applications will have* to in writing, he said and will be handcled "individually on their own merits." He id however, that the a ppm-.mi must not be hacked by (be NAACP as a test e.is« Smith said that only "a few students could be handled this fall because more than that would "upset the working arrangement:- of the schools as far as class! ooru.s 'COM M Ll> UN i-ifk Hi RALEIGH BOARD BETS PETITIONS Special to The L AROI.INI AN Although the Raleigh Fehml Board of Trustees has not made a public announcement pi tal City Little League, shortly before the beginning of a base ball game Tuesday which saw The Carolinian 10c V" I Ca&ddZltui.Jf 10c L — ism “ ‘ ~ J hmssL VOLUME J t RALEIGH, N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JULY t the hoard such assignment doe s not vioiatf j p:u\< ip;,~ ;.et i>ut m guide pupil placement. What’s Happening On. Desegregation ront MINISTER LEADS JIM CROW FORCES BURLINGTON With the Rev. N. N, Perkins presiding, a- I bout 100 persons favoring the i continuation of segregation in the public .schools met at El on Col ) lege high .school auditorium Sun day, No effort was made to organize Ms- J ' | mm&Mm W-3.| the Capital City team win by a score of 25-3 over the .layerex. Morgan led the winners with three hits. The race team will go ' to Georgia for regional play if ( they defeat two other team - here this week MAH O! U BY CHAS- It. JONES. J lit said e would consider the .p --; piicrdi?; si an? pupil to attend j dire kool ot his choice if suchj ippli.-M! ;o:is were submitted to it , ’.vi-hin ten days after the schools! opened in September ol this year.! lii.r .staknnent further provided < : for the elimination of race as a| I designation of the couutys' public 1 j schools but said that no child; : would he allowed to attend any; 1 .school if tv;, board felt that, such! attendance w« iild d; turb ttie otn-i (CO.VTI.Nt "HD ON PAGE lis ! ■ although about 52 persons ex presses! a desire to do so. The j minister, who has been outspoken I : '- n his views opposing racial in- j tegration. read excerpts from I various writings concerning the ; segregation issue. Texas Rules Jim Crow Illegal ; EL PASO, Texas Texas laws : and constiltuional provisions rr-j I quiring segregation of student: in I | public institutions were declared : I unconstitutional by Federal Judge Seven Well-Known Raleigh I Residents Arrested In Raid Special to the CAROLINIAN j Four Raleigh police officers ! arrested seven well-known resi-■! ; dents last Sunday and charged i them with gambling The group ■ ! was surprised while playing cards 1 at a house in the 500 block of E | Cabarrus St, Scheduled In face ganiblirjir Man Shot, Dies Before Warrant Can Be Served. j BULLETIN’ GREENSBORO Albert Lewis, 27, was arrested at his ( umberland Street home I a t e Tuesday and charged with the slaving of Eugene Allen who died of a pistol shof wound late Sunday. Officers had to break down the door of the Lewis home to make the arrest. KSST&C’* I GREENSBORO Eugene Allen of Route H Reidsville, who was shot, about- midnight Saturday, i died late Sunday night in L. Rich- j ardson Memorial Hospital here! and police are seeking his assail ant.. j JV, ■ i- -*** Ml / Ninrdf'riiif KtWi miirm - .... - - .... _ _. | DURHAM A 12-man jury ; deliberated less than an hour and 1 then acquitted Mr*. Mary Jane ! Speight o.t a murder chars-, here j Thursday, ! Mrs. Speight alias Mary Jane tab ’ bing Joe Henry Winchester to death with a butcher knife on August 14. 1954. She entered a self-defer.se plea, raytag that she to afraid that the man. a con victed killer, was going ip attack ; her with a knife. .She ..aid that she told Win chcster that site was "ftoing to drop him,'' after the two *.m !vn-;o on n 11 Sue To Open Parks In S. C. j CHARLESTON, S. C. A re j quest for a permanent, injunction |to keep officials of Edir-to State i Park from maintaining a racially | segregated park was made in a | complaint filed in U. S District 1 Court here Saturday. John W. Wrighter. one of the 1 attorneys for the plaintiffs, said CONTINUED ON PAG* 11) R E. Thomas, in a ruling handed j down here on July 18. The ruling, in compliance will' ■ the Supreme Cour. decisions of j May 17. 1954 and May 31, 1955. ; was made in an .NAACP case in involving Miss Thelma White who a year ago had been denied ad mission to Texas Western College i solely because of her race. Last year she attended New Mexico A ; and M College. Following Judge j Thomas ruling ordering her ad mission, Miss White said she j would transfer to Texas Western. She was represented bv NAACP iOONTM’EI) ON .PACE 11) chargee before City Court Judge Albert Doub Thursday of this week are Mrs. I ela Stallings, of 305 S. State St.; Edward Massenhurg and wife, Anne Bell Masson burg. both of 208 S. Pettigrew St.; John Massenhurg, 802 Cannigter St.; ICONTNTKD ON PACE Ili Alien war- wounded during * dispute over a girl which J look place outside of Mar- j it,on’s Rendezvous in north ern Guilford County. He was 1 shot once in the left arm and. i side and again in the abdo- i men Me underwent surgery but failed to rally. Oddly enough, Allen had been; named in a warrant sworn out! Sunday by Robert Wade of this city, charging assault with a dead - j Jy weapon. Wade stated that Al-! len hit him with the barrel of ai .22 caliber pistol Saturday night. I police said The warrant was never served life i\' > ; . t* i >./ flßt iM . o i i#" - ''-fc .. ? I w : •*- l; |; }% ',fc. . >i fflSk'y' 3> > < •• •’ St, ■ ■' ,• w : - y ' t ' • j ' • v>^' : , j 1., A WHENCE B HINTON , . , s tabbed to death If <*• SAMUEL (PETER) TANNER . . , held on murder charge hfghj RECENT LAW GRADUATES PREP FOR BAR EX AMIN A i'lON Pictured here are the I four North Carolina College Law School graduates ot l’J.iii who j MAh !Ef?S §M w \ Ift f Ik! e Ui fill L SLA I Ihu ii.v ME >. LIU IAN s. WATSON Special to The ( UIOLINTAN i SMITHFIELI.) Ernest Smith 48-rear-oid parolee was the nb ,i« e.t of a dav-lonr search aftr> ilia wife Mr; Connie Htriene Smith, war found fatally shot around 3'30 run Wednesday. Smith, a resident of the Grey f own suction o' SmiUifieki. .sur rendered to law enforcement of ficers here Wednesday night at j 9:46 and wa jailed without priv- S ileue of bond on a charge of fir .ft j degree murder. He vra> paroled a (COMM El) ON PAGE 11) are shown preparing for thrit bar examination* late* this summer. Ited left to right are La r l Winded. Goldsboro and j TV- .rick- e.si Inst week tvas 1 ffii one he;*; nc the tag num j her W-Y/iVi. if r ,v n fi- of 'hat it too.U it to Banns ►. a | -erviu* toniff Uabamia f.ua j limottv... to h>■ r r m ■ S.iltitsh, he received * lire j «'.■■■-». job. j '• n>.- *. .It rwnfi. n i>y*r.v 'M eek i Watch for- . -,o< Ug number. it j ;t M’d. ws the .*• lift ■ (>ll win I I get tie- mease jot. !>.»» nrnt- j | h»->- wil* be taken from any ear ' ) hearing a v. C. hce.nxc. j The niirrsbei-- this week ..re; j j A jittP'l- t, Kiltb.:; ti. J 1 55149; f>.l3St; ?'i<3 X-*3ll-3. f?.v CII.ARLI I? JONES A gocf Wrokeri j title mother , J1 i 'i . 1 - Orar. f-| Lsia, dry meriera; waiting to com ; fort, her only child, unaware that he In-’ deed ben uni e cui air. * fl.'W f-i. : ;f V. true- Thinc-h Hinton. 23- year-i ; d v/urrn of the Korean conflict., ’a,;-, t.iin yealy stabbed to a:-:-:et by Sumwe! - ; r- 7 1• Tanner , i uont -■ . Xe.i Room on Kivkej ;> i ;. Tn.-.n: r received a : be: y hearing in City Court ' irnday and tvs - bound over to VVTke, S,n;>, : a:;;- C-0 t e;\ a SfCOltd Tannry, t-f. bo J.- , . * 1 y s. it" 11 \TS \|;J'|> ON PAGE 1. J! ; now £ fnitc ! VleJ T; L i J j | o.n The RALEIGH SCENE j Mr;- kb n A! ton. Executive it-. :-, .-.tv ..: tht N. f,’ Bapit.-t We ed from Neu York to attend the Baptist World Alliance now under way in London England- was Joined in New York by a fellow North Carolinian. Dr. Marshall L Shepard of Philadelphia. Pa., who ■> also a delegate to this mam , Baptist Conclave. Dr Shep -1 oj * ,>> ford, is a na < ONim ! j> ON PAGE !!» Youth Faces Five Burglary Counts R-t >XBORO - - -Local police .-ay ' • 1 James Pendergraph. 18 has i ri.ti-hsed to entenng four homes in Person County two 'of them '.ere during the per ‘ three months. iI'ONXM I'D ON PAGE 11) Raymond Bland, Asheville, landing are John Own Plum mer. Jr-, Raleigh; and Wade Wane Perry, Durham l