PAGE TWELVE H M v;:il fjtf IPll %ts %!? ROCKYMOUNT who vox r ' •:: v NAACP BAT ~ . ( KOOKY MOULT • I the uric i.i- i: -.*• <:-. I the vi i I betwei r. Y • A::■ . lat I. Beverly Lake anil '■■ N C. INAACP •/• I prtpc saL or' • J yu, 1 Itorney to civic groups io nrep.i; ,i 1 I to tv I ruling ac ■ private rch .T, yy to “'hike losses wnic whom. About • tio.t ' l : . Ter'. , as the ".V ; hovoied :ha •Y. .i < ; .: : i. : have don.' it." • uu-am: . v N. A. AC P -h ' ■: i Mr, ! •. v :. all t in a v v i'O ■ : leans arc. ::v < ar.a : .v. Cisi-fi La. ■ KvyM :n - ! - Speak a v -a d : i ■ ■ : dem'-c:’. ;ey ; try ; ids T ;.v-< . with ant: a . true (V-y-y ,-y r- ■.. ■ .s .. ■... 0 ,ir out V' , ~ and i ;Ji\ th- u v . NAA! : e ■ ership ~ - ■■ -e : r .- hers Y'oni >.• ■ : ’•• - dene have ".vi.uok O i n" V. • officials ,-ii - : ideas on . Tj*? 3 ' /•'■'j CfT- *, «r --\j, st Lr. r.'Y I i. ’■* WVv k 3 BY HENRY >r ; ' sd 5, (#1 Parker strut C,ni r, 1 ; Mm, K;; .' G. 0 o ; .. ttu< y . > j] T East I: .. .-' M.-: ... ■■ . Brok;.'- : . '■ Y Park. .... .... Gre< : their ■ 1 . ■ Y '■ i ft.' ' • < : Rrvc" 1’ Goid/h.. F. ; fist t hn . North. In stops )D VVn :; New Y Id ' Til,: his . : of O A . Me Broc-!-!' visitors m ti - the ?■■ •r - son of : M: Hr.- Brooklyn • a in the fit' ■ • vn . r M't. P . Cr ■ • ■ u.r • Carr . sister. M:. .- VV ' ' Gsv n, v the Hr. m c D, > • , for Ur.■■on (.' : r Mrs C Y tending .-■ r :v.m • i bia t.ruv ; c :r: w Y Mrs. l.i;ci. W. Mu ■.■■•. . ... Buth \\ r. have n Si >< In. .< !< ter the N- ■■■■•. *. k U••>:■• echo : they ■■ l■■ r.l .. ;■■■■•,• r. ■ . sister. .-■ ■ \Y M . .. V. Y ;■. Mr W. yne M dr-r r •■ M- •. York C:t.\ v s Mr. and M f. on South V .is .. v: here. Id. James AME Z n < E.m Street ;i t sang in the chcor K. rm. ■■ . ‘■Robe Os Calvary . ' rv ■ sivc-I}'. accompattritd by M. E’ Be Music •* St J-: . - AM?. C Sunday, J . . ", by the Youm,' T c■ r:.'i' : un der the cr E Bunn. S. u r.- t b< :. vviLl rnic de a- . • "'if ; / : H PRAYEK by '_ and a duct 81-EoS TH ii '. -. d.. by M; :Sr ■ M-.. if Ice ■ . d Edwards T)u. ■. n c v. ho live-red by thi - Alien. Kristol and Debbie YViilim ; if Washicdi.-.n, D their aunt, Mi s V. >j• East Eln, St; Mr. and Mrs. Matthew- Parks of New York City, Air. and Mrs. Ed ward A: kin. u at fc; ly Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Walker a ■ family of Charleston South C...■ o .lina, spent ,H ’ 4 ;ic mother, Mrs. Be tta Atkins-m Booker Street. Mrs. Mile ied Be-lie. 310 South Virginia Street, is visii.i' ;■ Me nr* and relatives in Philadelphia. Miss Mary Hazel Hatcher has re turned to Brookiyr;. He ' ter visiting her mother. ':■■<■. Ccc Hatcher and sister. Ms: ; Hatcher on West Pine Street Mr and Mrs. Lucius Pittman of ■ t 't 0/ the -WTumi ~f • Tv c i ■ tY' who 'K-1"..r the it..- t u t; .: f;c c..i.i h: , d sf ■ u', d ' Cii •;■•-.}» that c lli'v •- ... ..C'C, t'-'i long and .fy? nchind i.. the ■ ; v i 1 f He■,. ■'f ,yrii .c;iuer for Yfi r,.c- ivei ioiri v.- iiii v ’.ibiri H. ?irST COIu’E TO At. T . u-Y rEGAKDCEES CF FA.f'S OR COLC?.' The soer.cji the Lcttav lor .11 noop’i' Thu Hosro-v. funr. 4 . -,t how ■doubh-tafk when cal led upon to v 'e‘p euro the i;r ■ .'e 1 Yvhit.e ovv:. , lbi' f ;3. >Kvßfii^yd| .should trr no of X. . ■ : time :> tt-.f'-en for a ited v "i nai /y5 Cl ' :: 'il tcjT-ey wh-< mid h* “lerioke r v: a ... - T ...» * ~ .- ' ■ "H. V •• ft-.- t J ... . ./ X/« .*•-• -KM, ' Lot iv. • kt f f s’i .-'i.d •‘Mv'srch cr till VixiO''y '-von.''’ 1/ you rtwr/t 'ir.'w aLi j: '■ ;=&’ i.he , , >jv v r-'f*r 4 >\/ .>K Xi z& ft&tSik m Hub ;•*< >*ir. that ;»*.<*:- ;t r \ y K>y,Ull?. C ’otin?' Swrvrv’- 'r oJ «.•.,• ■ <‘.\- ’H-Oii’d t’> iilt";!*! t»iA ?i'il •..t' • • i I ci-mho Mov.vcr. \‘'A> Uh. vttj.TYi.Yj :':U-£.:-A Zi* W'i# x etrr t C.’^un tv ii n;e ttttUS';*.!*<>« Cvnveinwn m Chit'lg-r. v. c irkfot the »'*rr >r. t,, f 1...., • t; . v V ).••:;.■ r. 1 i V T H Mrl ii A„ 'il t t t yy- t%t 'SPH *IH $, tV(."y M E /lM St. t MATTI'-' "V'H;. 1 •« ■■ 3 . •*-, * ihr sonVI Mi." topic ‘-Three mj *}' 5- . *ry t-. , un Thu r :-Ci»iy. ...... } Tvl/* j\~;r~U , h Vi ■ •»»*'* v-' N. J., v;vv ; M> ; l? ; , Jv'lrs. Dock S n r’■,iH 'act v - 4 . Tor;::., ?..•»;!*'Mr. ’ JTah? • BTuvards t v,; v Hv:.-, v.vck ecu , Mr. Kv. W;J-.-r s of Now Haveo, 1 Coru-i., in visitnvg his molhor, &lrs. • , R '.,. /’ili'-'r-i SLS.J‘ , f ■> ■ 1 phi*. JTv. is nh; graml portintf’, Ho v*. ar*ci Mviv J’ A • j gi , mother tvho ill at ILL hope f-yy him a speech/ /wovuv, ; i iJVn /iVP) j ob. ‘Jiu; wr v i 'T* at 1 h /itr to do Thy wii i ; *; for Thou ;ui my God/’—Bibi*: Buv Savings BONDS i I^iuisburg Notes BV MRS. NYRCISSIf: HARRIS Bunn Read Phone 470 f! ; IiOIiiSBURG The Mr in Si/ect . D-iptist Church cf Lotifsbui •?. had its annual Sundtiy Schtvj] Picnic V/i cnosiiay. Juiv "'i;h at Chavis Ihirk. R-ib'iyh, with Mr, 1,. D Baldwin, superirtepdent. ar.d Mr,-. Martha l.rcmard. i:>ip«'*cvi, - ■ -i m A bus was chartered from City's High .Scht;..'l makui.c two trips with Mr Levister at the wheel. , ’f'.v tli T bus earned approxi ' .u-vc-uy-Xi vC diiloren ran;?- H!.< Irom the cradle roll to th. , with Mrs. Adcbie *’>••>•■ . V. r x Plir.abeth Hayes and Mr.. MiiThd Leonard as chaper ’i’he young v, m-cri and young | nu ii o' the Sundajr School, accom ;inn:hy their friends, parents, and cfhcr workers including Mr. .iro! Mrs Jeiinrj Strong, filling the sen rid hr -;. ■Mr.-' .Fieri no Grtcn FTgerton U.'r U. iuh corrtfori to the pic* * ."• driving to Baffigh. ■v :w who her rcfrcrhrnints for M . Y ' Sri;o.-)l children. Everyone had a good tw e v:ks to SYf.-on Sir-: * .Bail or.'. Crunch Yid Mr 1,. D. Baldwin. T! ; following went on the trip: - C iov.i George D. Perry. Tony r: Susie Wii’iains, Florine roirica Hawkins, Rus- Y "o.nue ’■ r ay. An ri c ■ tv-, r. rharles H and John Gre YMCaui N Conley, Ss oiria Alston, Jujii Aron, Preston Toy nor. V/after Hawkins, Sn Ha Mu; By-Mi! Eln-ne Dilhston. Do . a ' V-: kuy. W i n.’ Perry. \V lev I; . • 1; r—is, Joy. V lkit'.s, Bo - nyo Or. riy. Ji : .''M... t 1 • ■•■ y. ■T'ipys -.' h .iolrc.riy ’,V; r yin H : : Crry Green. Cary AI.VMn. - VV.H ) . . Ear' C i - ' Yy iyr: -y B. V ry'. Car ■"■ri! ’> ~ ?:■ 1/ Marl«n ’ a ii.-ai, Eo.’f '■::!!!, Da-othy ■, Haiti Yap, -• y, Patricia '.'wr CoioMy- Hawkins, Patrica BYoris 31i. "Y Pranc.i -Y :yrn, Fyoy Wnisthf, Glennie iy-r. Parry. Viola Trailer, .. : i .. .. '.■!'. no C;i., ' - - Harr,. - - y y.. Y " ry B odk I. Hill. Mw -h - L' Cox, ,Jbeetle *■ f • » v;j y, LLI ! C* ,v Nrifl. Jwrr Given. ' jIMY:/ "(Steene, ." - yi. ,■•'••/ ,!.-*>. < pvweib B-' Tiv P' ury, Prank Brown. Cnlh- C. itMiificr J ncy M -'b-if; Branch. Aiyuo Sherian, j^ m , Perry. David Branch, Iky r.esi iai Branch, Luc.He Y.ic j* ,< ‘a'-ariPtil r-. ;-Y >a .Lv’ph;;;, Hi' .I,er.->v ay !>.«•,;■. F Perry .Mr My Jh',u: r-rry. Mr? I. H -iyy Mrs. .My . Dvraii d a r •: M I-,,,-.. Fy-'-y .c-YYY-r ;■ r , hold nt 1h; S: Pa;;; p ; -, y ~n . K «’«!y 20t'i for .M Irv r: Ycirboro Xc,ij. 83. with D; McFaddc-n ©f. fi Bleu b, K.■ '.‘raj ' Home ■j.- uharite of ce arrarutc ■''■' ' ?ur\'i vori lay two go, y N'?al of Durham Goats l/ ‘-'o' Mr, J; Yus .0 Jieai of fht lU"' ■■ 7 urannohiid;; r 7 y; 'Y.nYw;aUh-on and 1 sister. ’Mrs. ’-baic ; aiYjorr- Jti■,-i .■ of A-s'icvUlc I"' ■■■ Thorn a’ Mr, '.:■ ■ >cia Brmson and Ejnise Wfeetc of New a orK. ~r a zarporo’s ncice vrer« COii-K m attend the fun:,-• ■ Y.. aid Mrs J. ~ v. • Yus Carry. Th.-i.-:,-/ ’and" 'v-'V ■■ ■’ W-lson '.vrun Raleigh lust Wednesday attending the funeral • "■ cousin. My. R.-,, s b Bm:- H. Go-Gs-t-Em and Ruth Clubs -M a '.it.i Maw Street Sap:-** 'b r,< >' held their meeting last 1 " r ’-.ry. the Church to y.y) lor s procram for the ls‘ a; -Hy nigh?, in August. .! h --v »re presentin'.* a play or,- ■ Prod l r. i Son," under bnocuon of Mrs. Floriae'• Gprep Edgerton . Levy.-,:' Cho.r of South M -u: . ® K Pt*st Church met last . i nuiYuay night for choir rehear- ‘ Y yribiYs prosrnf wore Choir- I •J;' • *> rs - Ma-ry Belie Davis. Mrs - ’o- .b:. McNeii, Mrs. Mary Antler- ! _Kp,t. ;b.-1h Hayes, Uri i, ■ ; a: ''Y -■'■« Harna Mrs, Nonsie Wii- f ' Carj ’«• Thun,.is. Mrs. j ' ‘ ■ L.. 0, rrs and Mrs. Saiiie Vee ' : '* r * Mytrice Jones of ! .-•prnr-ricid. Mass gave the choir : r-ony very interesting remarks. i K AND SHT T-1N ,hb '- n Shave, Mrs Nannie " M:y - Ma Ward Muss Lee n.-Yy-- and lliveili Ward M !;(..■!)* Ii Ciiupel Church is hold- • ii’" J \. ™ 3lUu> revival this week/ irtv. of Rocky Mor.ut. is ’ '-htui* •>.<»;; the servic.-s The pas. ■ - " t ® t?v - LarJie Brodie ■Y- Johnny Dt:t:s«u n o' : »“;r-Y Mob, is home vfeiimg ins ;-, •‘•trr.. Gertrude Perry Mr*. Crawley Foster of] u. Lirtir h. J # . ar-e t:ume visit- ! : uw pDiffjic, 3Wr nnd Mr? i Y. .n:: ,i: roster and Mrs. Lczzi.i • lliiTriS. ■ . ,in '> ®® rs Lawrence Ridley of I ; Lumber:on. are visits* his father : ' P Mrs. Abraham R,d- j ■ V,l :/', ; ://MrY Herbert Green. : ' ' J ; ld LTrs. E. Gibson and Mr ! a«Q Mrs. Percell Ridiev. Mrs. Alice Hawkins and children ! art vi; Ting her sisters in Balti-1 rii Ye, ltd and Wahington, D. C. i .beur I Yinklin County teachers' were awarded BatSteior of Arts L y«; July is. at Shaw Univer . sily: Misses Athaiic and Madia L. 1 .Johnston C’nty Roundup LV AIRS. LIU," '.' g. WAT -ON "13 Colhcr Street SMITHF.TEI.D - TV. ;he ira;p ■ readers ©i "Jolimtor. County R.iune,io," ! Li:list: S'-nders Wui- M»n, ,nr, just riming .after vaca -I*oubiy in New Ye k, Newark. N J- Staten Liand. S’. Y Uylt.. roi e, - ■ Md and V/ash agton D. C. I v.'sh to thank Mrs Marie Mit chell and her iueiband for pinoh i.iUinc, for mo Mr Witch el i ;; a for bu: CARCK INI AN :n the Smiihficld ar«*a ii-: resides V 221 N. Fourth StYY-t 7 iSITORS MiS. lota Ecr-en of Smilhfu.-ld '.-Yu, the f'uest. >.■■*. Mrs. Johnnie Smith in Baltimore, recently Syl via and Swasette Eason accom panied Mrs Eason back horn*-. Mi r s Lticiik- R.ifnrd of New • York City spent two weeks of her vacation with her parents M*. and Mrs. Jack Raiiord of Snutii field. Mrs Evri.Ti Aik nson .’A a:v cent visitor of her mother. Mrs Bertha Smith. M..-> Atkinson re sides in New York 1 Mr. and Mrs William Thomas Merrm of Alabama, ai-- visiting : Mr. Merritt's parent', Mr. and Mrs. Churiii* Merritt of Wilson's Mills. Mr. Fred Coley of New Brittian, Conn., is visiting his parents, Mr.: and Mrs. lssac Coley of Selma. and his girlfriend. Mrs. Lillian Williams of Smith field. Mrs. Annie Ruth Reeves Wil liams of Philadelphia is visiticr, her parents. Mr, and Mrs. Hes,-k. Reeves of Smiihficld. Little Miss Swazeite D:ckasort of Washington. D C. and littic Miss Karen Coley of Moigantoc. are visitmg their grandparent:. Mr. at Mu Josh Watson of Wilson's Mills. My and Mr- Harvey Coley and Y-.v.r cipld: -?r Harvey. Jr and Luyi-; Wash::;-Hen D. C, a; e vi- ta-:..-: Coice's rr.-a-tiuir. Mrs. N'-ftk- Coky, also of Wilson's. Mil s Va gie Speight of. New York City is also visit;;;;; Mrs. CY-.’-v. her gj a:v hnc'he: airs. Lueretia Zoia of Wash;n,r;- ion, D. C. -. ‘.ting her ra.'.-t'-f :. Mrs Jo' 11 Sandm of FI.-AAIES DESTROY HOME The home of Mrs. Liza Sanders o Du - ©am Strom h the Belmont socJ’.-rt -J .Sin n.hficid. burned Thursday afternoon around 1:00 p. . rn. It wy.~ not determined what •’ ®f*U'' ! ' ■' tin bn and the fr.e roorn ■ struct ore wa s completely :n fl.-,when firetnen arrived Tyv E Y.-er ErneT Ward svyJ * ‘ known v.-heihev or tint «>'.r nr*;vi n 1 N. 4th Stre/t. Smith field, died at her hem!: Friday, ,T”iy Ift, after a I -.gthy ilines.*. Funeral se r . vires ."-..-i'- held at St. Mark AMT; Church, Wednesday, Ju:> 20th. with the Rev D. S. Sober dclivc-r- Uie eulogy. Burial war in the ; City Cemetery. Mrs. Delia De Graffir.reod, died ul trie holne of Air. :inrl Mrs. Hen ry Rasor. her daughter arid son in-law. July 19th. FuiH-rul servicer were hold in Selnta from the Disciple Chech, with the r>.-..-t:>r. Rev. McLarin delivering th,- eulogy or: Tidy 24th. ■ Burial was ir. Wail Cemetery in Selma. Miss Annie Laura Marbley of Smithfield. died at, her home on Railroad -Street July 19th. Funeral services were held from Woodard Funeral Home with Sister Over.: Stevens delivering the eulogy. Burial was in City CemHery. Mr. Quotha Artie Byrd died July 18th while working. Funeral services w-’i-e he'd Monday July 26 from Woodard Funeral Horn The Rev, Samuel Williams de livered the eulegy. Bu,y;<) wr •: in City Cemetery Mrs. Connie Steve ,-s Smith .died in Johnston Mvrnoriai Houpnal Wednesday nforning, July i-lOtr, Funeral services were held Sun- July 24th from Burning Bush Holiness Church m Grey town with the Rev J R Burt of R ieigh. delivering the eulogy b! 2.30 p. m. Burial was in. Sunrise Cemetery in Grey town Mrs. Lillie M. Coop. ■; Ali'.chmor died July 14th at Johnston 51 - raorial tr.i after a short ill ness. Funeral services were held July 17th from Galilee Baptis: Church, with the pastor, Rv.-. J. ; R By delivering the v Buna' was ;n City Cemet* ' .n Smithfield KEY. TODD TO SPEAK BY VYH.LIP MITCHELL The K. v. G W. Tend, pa :yr of Mount Calvary Baptist Church, will deliver the main address at the 11 a. in, worship service at; . (he First Chusch, Smith-1 field, Sunday. The Women Homemaker*' Ch.b ' met y 'y- ho r- -.- of 51 is J, ■ Brown Afuriay Mrs. Brn-v a , or. devnt; ■ n short business svoion followed ih< diYiusriu on th© group's beach: t: ip. The hostess served a delicious repast of tea potato salad or, let tuce, barbe.-cin: chick; - d-uert HER PRISE BIRTHDAY PARE V On July 16 a surprise birthday party was given for Mt Charief Stiver,;; u! the home of Lucy: u King of 554 B-idge -treet. S;t;:;h --fu -Id Guests nt included Mrs Kara Dm. - Mrs L-. . . p . //. Mrs. Norma R. ■ 51 r- j. , ; Philips. Mrs F Mitcbem-r. ■ of Raleigh j Mrs. Carolina M**ore and Util* ; Shirley \V ,Y ’. retu.Tn.- i I home after spendm;; sc .-eral dav:- n New York visiting her grand , son. Ml.- D: ... • . „ii. Join V, M son, Mrs Carolyn Watson, and little C-. ru lance Wat.v.ri, sperd »hc weekend in Washingt--!.. D C'.. visiting friends Mrs fv! .me Alien ! visit ,-d her brother, Air. Brocks of Washington, D. C. Mr. Georg) Moore of Philadel phia. Pa., is visiting his mother, - -Mrs. Moore and Mr- Eff ’- Mrs. Elizabeth Harris of New Jersey spent several days here visiting her mother, Mrs. Walter Sanders recently. Mr. Herman Clark of Arlingmn Va., is visiting his mother and ! friends here. SICK AN SHUT-INS The sick and shut-ins include Mrsdames Alary Dodd. Rosa Thig i rn. Rosa Green. Mary McCoy and John Allen. HOMECOMING Mr and Mrs. Willis Taylor r-> 1 tertained members of their family and friends at a family reunion recently A. picnic dinner was en joyed by everyone present. The menu consisted of: roast, chicken. -. potato salad, string beans, torna-; toes, corn, home made roils, cakes, i pies, ice cream and lemonade Among those present were: Mr I and Mrs. Charles Atkinson, Mr. j ar.d Mrs. George Taylor, Mr. and : Mrs. Charlie Forte, Mr-?. Giro Bry- , ant, Mrs. Du-He Pitts, Mr. and; Mrs, Robert. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Holden, Mr Charlie i Solomon. Ghetsr from, out of town ’ Solomon. There were alro guests frm out of town present. i Union Baptist ! Church News Regular services were held at the Union Baptist Church Sunday. The morning services were open- 1 ed by Mesdame-; Mallelte and Mat- ] locks. After the reading of the scripture, the congregation en gaged in a testimonial feature i Rev. Evans, the assistant pastor, brought the message, using as a theme ‘‘Christian Thinking*’. The . night services featured Mrs. Arm strong, from SrmthfisM. Rev. Mit- « chell was elected a delegate to the : Union Convention, which will be ! held July 30-31 John Armstrong, husband of, the guest speaker, • brought words of greeting, tT H* Vf T\ H* ID C® f\ ,T a I i.* JL/ Ju £\ owl I in MHiS. BERNARD P. t I'KVVh 10-.4 rinks!cm Street | HENDERSON ■ - So Mu.'it . the Jiigh ,v;iy:>. I:; r .: I f. , 1 , ,-. a i. • 0r.., --- ’ c-m do - U: pan S.y p; ing til'- “driVe safely’' yrtu-.h-s t u: • s V't: rend i' onr t- :■> : read ui.d fc.c Keopiny a i.uvloon i.j our e-v'S, to remind -is. greatly. Why not try tit;-*? SOCIAL iViIIKI, Li‘Li* E- iVy Loos of tony , 1. ,N. V . if, v.-jfiitirj:' relatives In !. c Cc'.nt- . II(*r pa vet) 1>; -.v;: l cr-i fir her in .Angus*.. Or and M s, Nelson Br.-oks euu sen of H-v.visLw.rg, Pa., were im house guests of Dv. and ?•!.>• P. Jones of Werventos), Ust wee!; Brooks were su.'.o < ntrrtained nv 1 fr:,vh ii; .Ht;i -h-i • w Dr. and Mrs D A If -v.’k'i: have returned to fhe-ir o; , West Roekfpiii;..; Si:eet after extended rest tor Di. Hawk. ;: «, the Veteran;- Fae.i-:. «t Tv kr ~. Ain. anti , lor Mrs. Hawkins. During the: pas; f .. d ... : D . and Mrs. Hav-kinx had as tie :r house guests Dr. and Mrs. Con.>n Stevens sod dau/ht.-j, Lydia | Anne, of Lincoln University, Pa. Dr. Stevens is Professor o Heard let ;ic a; T iu- nopy ;o, : 1 ( hap*. ,r. 1 1! ... . .. 1f; TJn ... m-v Mrs Stwens is the n ec.e of toe Hawkins Dr. : Mr.;. Cksr:. C ' ■ Sr. of the Veto ravs Ko , o a* Tuskegee, Ala \ll - m Branch*- of Washington. D C :,n ; ocl, X j., haw Sisrsi.-. cif the Hawkins ,-f riv -r town house: nr.h< ~■ ' way K■ c;. ‘he pr. a s ... KinVARIIS-.' \m H vt 1 , FI J* * n B Y M s v >. . Q?"J£EN iJT'I I,. £ High Point Highlights WITH MRS. S P. UVVyOX HIGH POINT - T of the flow#-) - Lover:; Gan'. -• Club and their friend.® charter.-ri a bus. recently to the Blue Ridge P--- k- ‘ j way, the scenic highway of North Carolina overlooking the magnifi cent panoramas. They visited Sky line Drive byway of Deep Gap i and Dotighton P k p ; cjie- -of the beautiful y.utv'i--- laureis which wo• in fv.;i : . - for this season. They wyi'c en hanced I by the mount;.n sconei , ami the Rhododendrons. Lui.rn was enjoyed by the group in the. picnic area of the park, picture... of the scenes were taken Uv the members so unit they can be shown to the clubs and u» utke; folks of interest. Mr. and Mrs Monroe W Lf-rcb have returned to ‘ Bt id Report Conn, after a visit with Mr/anc. Mrs. Eocene Tyson of 219 Soskins .Street. While b< > a birthday i tv was given for Mrs. Leach, the. former Mis;-; Helen StHnu of this city who is a sister of Mrs. Tyson, j The following enjoyed the hos pitality of tlie hostess: Mr, nhS Mrs. iUahioa. Loach, Mr. and Mr;.. Leo Dubose, Mr and Mrs. Waiter McLoud, Rev S. A Speight, Mie. Esther McCoy, ail of this city,, am; Mr. Charlc» Mitchell and Mr. Ezell Leach, both of Asheboro. Many beautiful and useful gift? were enjoyed by the iionovre. Little Linda Frye .Parke, daughter of Mr and Mrs. William C. Parker, 1107 Downiny Sir- i..-;. cutcrtaintd some of her i myjnates July 22 on ho* 1 E-lb biriun-.-.y games wore enjoyed by ail. The traditional cake and jee cream, along with mints;, nuts and canon-* were served the following: Inman Burford,; l Bell, William Byers, Frederick Bass. B. Clayle Hudson. Cecil GarJington, LaSnn dra and Gloria Keeyc, Ann Mackey, Linda and Glenda Bart, Harold Steed, Josephine Goode, Laura Morgan, Samuel Byers. Monica Moore, Jerr.v Mingo. Bren da. Jewel and Gloria Parkei. The .regular Sunday morning worship service of St. Stephen AME Zion Church was highlight- j; (id two-fold. First, the children s Choir under the direction <5! Mrs. E A. Jackson furnished the music, i This choir is. an outgrowth of the Daily Vacation Bible School and the- children range in ages from 6-11; second, three children were; WEEK SATURDAY, JULY' 30, 1935 w : A.iV'ki b*-' Mr. A. Hov^* i 11. pi.i O.r/orr'C* V!ti»v. J**. ouiriv't. a'.. c > 1, _ '.'i.' «. ** * iti - Miss Hubv r-.- .•-. if. of A nnd T. C olU',.r> , rr<-">- .r 1 1 w:*s aUbvo m a o' r« t .i; Bv>lh ;A*d or x-tayirun* . ’l‘ br?»* of 4 . o An .-.tow Gr-'t' ■ i, . : or EIK'rHDA NEW I ACES r-nd JV3rs /Vpi'.w*’ /• ? .>• > t.O the of ht:' I'ur;V 3.,ffa. L;i'■ • ; 'I ’ ■ •'. ■'! Bat'. •i ■' v! Ni v ( icy ver* diwifr coma of Ok J.. mi ■ ;, .; -.. . : M lit M. JV;';:!-..!;<• Covl-iI • incti >•>.. v, ;.. 41; ,'ar ■ . ' !-• pH. S-itii'-a-iy r i ft i. one ' 1 » i.,i fun we .cod out;; ;i 1 if.! i . r;f cariji-PU' i tv, ■ k ' n r if ; aiim «(-•?. Vd • fiv r <> U 5 ft S: <•. V . i G ■. v. v. 3Mr . ncl Mr.-.'. C. Riciiru.i'id. M ,n« ikt. 1). Mr. and I. : . - Keoen or. \ji. and .Mi'-. Cbn>'r> *■' Kobo . Miss 0 a . i U -.1! >■. Ml: IV.. youi v ri\ r , 1? jrr»u dir. not »v ’.uv*; your Cffsy I of tlrw CAFiOI.MiIAN 1; 1 plt* fitjret, or (.ill; ibb >■-•? >■, i wt* wiii be tgfeid, to reg bit you : ‘.gut vour ' ,7 t'-kd to oaii in your 1,..--. a ' -.v:b j»- : glad 1.0 ©ft it in this siii «nva ; Thunk y.i namely, Ih.Ue it ,y Crawford. .George Michael Loye Pat ; Aim Torrence. Instead of • tettfedny party, hi - j ■ tie Mias L-jTih’ Sharp Lennon. ! ' son Street, w-jk .-'iveo *> -.r • ? V' t h.vl. tj( c?. y t Ju < ’ 22 "L-!'* 111 i is me of Mi and M.-S Leon Sharpe, Sr. . . ■ • . Mrs. Tiumin; Bynum of 1199 Day j 01 : ; vefsary Sunday, July 21 JV?r. and ',LFran a C. H'.ili of' 1208 L;y. Sln.x-l cl-lebr-lti d i 25th weddn;-.; arimvcrsary July 20. ; Congrivu, alio:;; then. Mr. Fi«-u:h«;r K. Wlinen, Jr luo. returned from a nvn-v.-o g vw:i imm to points- -dj int-.; •.r: m New ; Vork arid Canada ' hi" Olid Mr-. He, - K . visiting Hi Newark, New Jersey, Bye now' look for inr ueect wwl; Cary News BY MISS MAE N. HOPSON CAEY Regular servin',•; wore ; held at Mt. Zion Baptist Church Sunday morning. IP v. Ir.-.uc L< «.- , delivered a spiritual juesx .ge. Few W. M. Giles v.a: the voting mm- | The Quarterly Contarcnc? of the ; LincuUiviife C.uwuil v ;.. held urdiiy arid Sunday :n flu buicoin- ; I ville Church with Dr. G. S. Gant.; ■ Presiding Eider tie.- Rule ,-ri District, in cuarue Ail jcp.y.ts live red a u-.astv.rful m< Sun wan: ICO per cent. Dr. Gant. cit- I day iteming which ,vas enjoyed . by ait. ; Little M:-;: Annie Lour - Patter- : son el Last Johnson Street is j spending the summer in Newport ’ New;., V;-i„ with h. r aunt, AT!.: Lucinda Be••:kwttb. Miss Henrietta Slat U-n of New j York City is here visiting her j father. Mr. John K. StaUvn and her gran**,!rus(.h% Mrs Lucy Slat- j ten of South Washington Road. j Mis? Carolyn Webster of NV’.v, York u here visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Arlene Walden Moore is, ili in. Duke Hospital. Mr. Horace Jones of Kilrtara Rd. ; is on the suck list. M)-«. Esiclla BurwelS is rimes; i nicely after being ill. Let us not j forget the flick. Send earns end i ~ jrk Cy t f... Vii •*y‘ Y $ s '{ p> <‘♦l jiid r r..r.uliinti- of tin* MvL-piE l olrhooi oi N m sil ■'t«rham. Slui- < s p/.» c .- rati.’ rmvi :.v cd .>k h. ss^h; atv Wa-shirtgion, ii.. v.. Mr. jr'xiVi' i\ a. fri ,duatt or \|l>anv « 'O f T ./rid Ay *i ovv < mp l \ ith an »o --y/>\raitcr ‘mijj rty *.n toa, r# ( fhv> v‘ V« fuff AatfiV't ; Mr, ppri M-g Si. Jl .*.icy Caldvc-N • ;■■ e' r,* V:s. ! i -rite Ms:- C A ? icm TI>V juioo Ul\ i ISV AVI< »-. tvil,KIN'S ’i..l .i iSo u1 h(r 3 i jstru r i i\. 11 amk Ett© ftr B mo. AND V. ktRT ivi, ,‘ViV! cw: I: c. !■ ‘ ‘ ,j H -ai -■ • j .-f-P-'f v C :'v vi ■ ii, until lliki-.i n-.von, from 12-C5 until i 00 p. m. They also tß.tkc house to honre calls if notifj'.ti. Their phene number is Mrs'Uc baker is i1 i at her home. 315 S. Haywood Street A little Jess of the consumer’* food dollar is going to the farmer this year 42 cents in the first quarter of 1853 compared with 45 per vent a year earlier. flowers. They *w!il appreciate them and our prayers. Mr -ar.d Mrs. Clover Evans of South Ferrell St. arc the proud parents of a baby girl. Laura Vances*:, born at St. • Agnes Hos pital, July 26. Mrs Evans i* the former Miss Eva Boyd.