WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. JULY IV NC Grid Ac,: d'ch CarJAie’s Former Sweetheart * * + A A A * A A + -k * ****** ★ A A ★ ★ ★ * * ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Roxboro Basebaii Team Seeks National bemi-Pro "title Hughes - Thornton Vows Supports Rumors At HCC LVP.HAM An •ns Thev.-'ton s’l-A;- rricsn Halfback on North Civil ina College - 1.9;i3 "n*i IliA riAA championship fo< ib'Yi visits, was rniivicd Novfo.V., Va earlier ibis month ; o Me* Sallie Mac? Hughes. f ■-- V -■ ’veei tieart of the University of l\\r.o:s > f-, r.< ' J C. Crivuliuc. M-0 Sin was tiijr'i' -i hy nations! ntag */ini' .it *• no)s where she was l .irotiii N guest at Home:’ ■.■mil'll; :tet>‘ ' tioos. Attain, in DAT M»*w Hughes made the news w■'• :• Caroline came to Burl im .• n*t spent the better part "* * spring' varatwn on the r<• - pus at .North « sroitoj t • «)- lege. She Caroline roornt-.-.n. and the Elgb s' oiii ■ r Ai Anteiran halfback '»• > let nmi I'tjns. were frequently photo, g? »,:’ iter >■ por.ent arc! the it-: u-v >:U r ‘i the second succeASive 1958 It «Yc .--..triad M Broughs third concji t of Mrs Gibson, top r.-c-h t»HKiI player : -.1 th- <• ■' ■ > Loui -o beat Aith- a < > ais *t Forest Htiif N. Y . ;n 1950. arid agam in the state taurney at Menon in 1953. Brough, duPont Win Do«bij;s.-.r tap Ms 15th victory of the season, with an eight-hit pitching Job •gainst the Si. Louis Cardinals. Don hit his sixth homer of the s e.sos: to this game to tie the record for National League pitchers. H? also singled twite and. got a double, boosting hi» batting mark to a It av:u- Smutting .40% (Newspres* Photo) rto®3? S®B!PJ3P^' 5 ®B!PJ3P^' . v " ; * Jj. , % ® r ■ ■ i*§% ? : ‘ v- * RALEIGH BOY STRIKES OPT THIRTEEN— .lames Frasier, Jr., .12, ace pitcher for the American Legion in the Little League anti the All-Star Seam, struck out 13 men and bad five assists in a game recently again*- t* •’ Temple. The final score was 5-2 to favor of lh( AL team. A- I ' ' a ♦ '■ increase-'*. In rn.-l-J'Jjy. tnr event hoppcicd. Twc lira 's all Atncrtca ond :ie? time., nil IA A. : ■ • ■tv Thornton was Tir.fuiimo claimed one of C.'AAs gro-lt buck ■ Hr'*. 11 ItViV- 10 !P, - •iff-r-S to p*ny in 'C ' Ca ; League, and its reimuiy " i'e- * t lywflfL.a The rru-i: i '! w- d-'.-nimi «t, NCt. but Too ';:te- . i< a;;-i wet:'.'." •• -v.i' a back fielci i.iwf-.- ’ i has c. .-• ' r.'.r>rc ciitartcr's re.. ;K'- ■.c *i" S lo fee ior.i;, and he inoy relui n U» \ r (' C Mi-s Hi. lie's -. Yvik'Ogi: -■■- w'-v"s rioseiy c: r ;fijj';-t , o. lu-ut i-ryie • f*, "tj'h, )sf I hi 1 GPa 1 i Cl;' Lr.' r Cl j .' '* l <-' f St. ’• V-, U‘•■ ■-' D I/. C-CC • • T'C CirV • Y<*;:-tO\c t iG Colui"cb; a, S C-. i u-Lpi «. •mL ■' c*'.is C c!,T* : ' iG V tfi. ' 1 . • ■ rlting ir- m&hiv&ic-n «» t ■ Thornton • - ? n- -of N.-.-f. r.. - rr; v a gte.d l aic -1 13.1'‘iier I - : Wa-'hiinuo:- .fi.flt Sthool tne> e. H - ; J t.n->' Thf-ccc- Gait, ■;>fit 34.1 Gris; Si Norfolk. ;r .r t - ille -ear's T'rrs 1 -. the- ,'a,- f • >ns -'..'i out the r. vt two ill:.: .-..;.t"b. r.i'-.v ' Champ Appeared Tired Mi.-:; ::m.-C tired re'r.e exC'-s-. -'i he-I r 1 ' lias upset h'T snare n-ce-,; rlurc front KnrGnd ware i: vv .- cod In the serni-arial- rnt •/. >;i •' ia'uiiod. yfter jOiv'.g Tit- f.."ct land'.thadir.g 1-4 ir- ,V: set no, to ; dr feat n-yearwuci ; ; f-i- - u ; t i JilJfl jCaiiOIS ITv ill Ad>?xti H-'-'H-ui--..;. Calif., m tare-': '*.-' . 5 Q:i bsou, 27. -W&ii : r . • . . . . . . . i ; Will JilM.i ‘sl-t-'M f • 4-c .•: : suoded No. -6- while M.cS was i-cedo i N.>. 1 At!*; a did'vit The slender Mi:-. f«ih v »n b-v* a v.uHd :ii .iiiiuiui gitmc i came to big time tennis alter starting as a paddle ltn v■ s jilavcr in the streets t»f N* v. > firk ' A: :hea has s -" Wf; -.or v war Bi ugh likes a strong tit - RiHTJO. fo\2t A.’U'ips ciffct r.-d ic • i ciumcf to a soft style and cfv j l)S6(i Job'-, 'V kPCV*’ I p a-’ Brouglt tram the net, where sve : i. i-xceiienl. as is known, this is the first lime at least this year, that a buy has struck out 13 men in one game. Hr is the son of Mr. and Mrs. dames Fraaler of 2:1 .Vie".er Street. James, Jr., is in ni» first year with the American Legion Team. I «»l year he played in the league with Kenney’s l tnieii. - - 4 ' i?i Ik k ' ..- - # «* y (. f" %- 4 ,41-, c- kr' , '' .v - wins nn- 1 f - j\:p- .- v- f; -’. V; I, '-■ If fc.LT- 1 r-5 -.it' ----- A-.tos L *rnt ; »n. •fAr. I>* uinnili.'’ of two CIAA t'liampioi' -hilt i;etli>a.M teams ■ 1 SmVv C T'.ibta CoHfge, hec»«i ft-mrl leil. a.r! e>e»:> f. .’lie •'■ Hoy.he.v, '■ '•'•■-« here *•'»<; 'u*r ried rrcraiit *n -t *;■ ' 1 *"*' s * s t r it-.,-: - la--. ie in \e.rfuik Vi J'ltlnri't! 'litil tin e-nyi. :". « assn v hon Miss tia.'r.- ;,av-ie i. j- i Ati-ta ntly yfif'f ——— ..dt.tnt ... .titr;. Ai Ihe Rinaside »y CUAITLEa 5 UVSNC.fiT OA y-,v* CH-VKIXS H ;s‘i SVON i MAKE r M . ..»•• C'* ../■ •: •■.. d st' . V- id ■ ;n ’!'7 h1.%. ; Os -with Itsu k>- c tirt 4.l,iiiturc thG Rusvy’‘.Vf-'jgfii C-hauip»ar. s- \j»*prtdjctubl^ ' <*< ur, vibuf vt j v th»l OgJil j c;u» LiiGCk oil th <* £r/.ard . .. - ; dr ?’\vs. ] .ovdi!.tiii-tion. A iGiiviLr Mjicc. be able I to ceurdirci-*.' he-, fhDiking and i t'lunching with his c.n.ivei'nent a-; * rotiun tjj tt ik. and vv nun ne lo j that abiidy. he is in for trouble. | I hat is C-c-.’-i. it' Uct 'p. . lie lacks co- To bvdiji*' V-. itli. Cburiuv' iccfs are ! not whe.i ti.< v u-ed in be They fab him : fide- p Min ! him to RC-1 ;uuk.-tt in his fnicks I Hr ,01.-1 platilercd tin- giime |b. i gcei r, Job; ny Hood on, and l e.ranibt ur- -m ,: n< d Paul Andrews, ! ail because he l« toe slow, in ■ tb ht . he might h «vo «ymd daricinjg <-nt <;i ran.iy. Floyc! Brown Settles NCC's Money Worries DURHAM “We’re starting a top sports ’Hiaction to the home :of the h. C . hallos gS ’-V■: sett!- i j In thin connection, Brawn -said 1 authorities at NCC ' tire open to : I hiviiaik .- from the nation's top ; | compel:h-m in ail sports." He said : | NCC would "considi r invitations jto post-season football ga m £ •'> : j wtthill two provisions of the Cl- AA's nili'rtjts on promotional : events Til,., v. . interpreted to - mean that the Eagles are avail [able 1o consider invitations tt> the f j Orange Biossoei * or .n,■ i : liar post-season games. Official in-' stilutioua! and CIA A approvals t 'world have to determine She 1 • : Eagles' accepting any and all > bids “We’ve been fortunate ir. • producing 1 li amjii o;i ship t teams in football and br.sUrt i . bail for the past, two years, hut this fact alone has not kept u* solvent financially. linked with that of the Inner si* y (if Illinois' .1. . -*i i iii itie 1,-rorrie i v iris, the . \«X"s ape tu-o P«ni ' li ft, i*ni l uruline right Thotn mu like I vans and < ar"lin*-. ss b,i If’’ H k sensdiuiri ukeli t<> pe!'fe;-;-u in the i anadi-.n * ll -.,. ~f likely to return to Nf . in omnilete his aeartemu work and l ■ a-si-l with h.iekii; lit chorf’S, .Sa lot's admit tt Charles. Yom ■r. no! .is good as vou te ~co, -bu.-i, r.oruiOt uerloiin ss be tor As a . iridividi:-!) I bate a:; nm d Charles for bis fort! • ---cn't.-tfi and sinceriiy. he nvi sincere to himself when be, -.•cliMiiti in think he is the rat•••>.' ."‘t trier when r.i - action t:> tre -: r I , rOVV: oth- r v.- i: ■Cnaiie-' ji, l v- r ' make ;t Sports Close-up f. '.v YORK, , life would be getting a crack at the title. Weil, he has that one in the back of ins mind. 100. But first and as a matter of bis- ego he wants another crack at Jones ft) tact, maybe if he gets a hatici at Bohn Olson, be won't even enjoy the posM biiity of victory there unless be can wipe the slate clean ot the T iger Jones matter So, Sugar Key Robinson has a He considers the Join s at fa r a black spot on h>s career and he warns to erase d H:s pride was hurt by the decision and no matter what ho;'pens he wut;ts one good crack at Jones champ ot no champ. In between football seasons. Bi oi. n earned the master’s de gree in physical education at Northwestern University aticl ' worked as an appliance salesman lor a Winnipeg., Canada, firm Hi is married and the father of a i j.-ut year old daughter. Brown who comes originally i from Gary. I ad., played with trie }. i j-v Dons from 1947 le 1 I and hi was a regular starter with the W 'i:m|> i: Blue Bombers Ai,..i although some of the "big name teams'' hare been on our schedules, financial sup port at our home games has been iitadrijuate to "maintain national prestige at the ex pense of grassroots operation. Brown's discussion of NCC s finances is expected to break a silonci long self-imposed by some CIAA mentors. Ironically, NCC 5 national prestige in spoils com petition has steadily spiralled up while its finances have dropped , ently enroll ed in the Graduate School Y PI ' • .-.Hn.i Ehicotien at Temple Uni versity. Rhiiadflphii'i, Pa -14 VS.KLK AT SC iSTA i'K DURHAM - Leroy T. WolUr-i. head :.:- - - - voacr i at North Gin c j lina Colic::c. is y-vo is vis*t " ' professor of physic.'' education a’ -South Carolina State Coilogc. Orangeburg. S. C. for th*'; sum- JOHN BIUWN ST AV S TS CANADA 8- . John Bs-.-wn. (-■ ’* i-.v --to iootbafi in the V are. Cunadfi. wtli not return to the U in SeptcTMier to takn a coach l:,g po;-'.in n oothe . n dplicge lint's the word r'icivco '.hi-, week by < fuse trior;rl of Bi win-. J'h. U'iii pounder who stands fi t v ' - ■in all-conference siandoul trt grid and cage circics. I | I i:\DFRS IN INTERRAt IAI. Cl vy The itovboro i ot!.-, managed by Melvin Bates it •' boro filling station owner sn shown above. They are v.v'i on their way to the national b>sc ball tournament, which will he held in Wichita. Kansas -on:- They have won their Hrst two ■ KENTUCKY STRAIGHT fc%3l 00 ■ BOUSBON WHISKEY \f (ffj*1 fgj , jg*± 11 KStfTOCKY SHOW** |H tJr'PHHPff • |f >| $ jrk |Il! BOURBON WHISKEY ||| // ; J|p ii!jLfj| 4F% |.|li THE Hil.Li HILLCOMPAMV IB ■j Jy| riNT bU ”■! THE HILL AND Hill COMTAHY, LOUISVILLE. REKTIICKY I * ~ I * 1 Cf ■ , N , A": . PUe’mLK" BOYD NAM I'D ’CO ATHLEtm SPOT' IN m:RHS.U .. Edward Bcikford (TeC-JVee! H.-yd. limner mitnagi r oi > C. i oijegti's champinnship r*' kv-ih.ili teams during ba tieen nained to a supervisor " athletics post in tin* (ny ■- :hjrh i;n. Boyd was iiiluiii(r t” ■he. Eagles 11.4 4 visit at.or, *i:vrii|ilbhs «f PHI and PHI »•*. the NJ C, live* s ■-. '■ oivi cii' - tioiritatneut winners oi T- Hoed has atj-yadv titaricri " "‘‘ ; - for the city s jßccreceutton Dc parurusnt. iff >* tcrnporarii tatiorn'd at IV tv. Hil! Recre.i ticir. 4'.-.Rtcr. Later how ever, he is expected to be located in tisf new X. E. Grady Recreation ('ruler on I.akelanri Avenue. •Tarts. They meet the r r.i :he Ash gland -itoit j; 11 kc S-tjiuls rioie I ridaj niglit in )-!;. -. 're Tins is tin only Negro group in the play ni ts Mils is tile vi i:rn! year that the? hive taken par! Shown in tb-- t'oture lire: -wTco t-r. J’rt- in's. Dur ham. t i.ireme IVaitliisl3, T.-'V - Only Negro Team in NC Tourney is Victorious ROXBoStO M-.liTii Pm - f.'i.iUs cat vcd atioP'.t ■ :tc!i' ■( m tirtaciibl • ports vtiibiatUiimt tier: Friday n;;-Ui v,ben I'if.vtsKit-r ii- H Ccjem.ui f; nrod 15 sm-mhei s oi tru i'yvv! li’i'i;', in the Slate lia -;- ■' 8.. i : il i Tour.. "• The < ills. lln only r u leant appeiiriiig in Ihu imiuu mfi.t, hid iiillc trouble fakii's the mea-iurc of the white team by the tune of 4-1 as Charli r' -..eh. the lirst Nes ro to pi t' with a Si w Hern. 3., f. team. 'urns Root For Ex-Rodger vyr see. i-.-jf, n the late innings, but r. be Tore' his team was v/gft atavad Joe pitched well and even : >. i; Dasncl Williams Itnxboro. I T Itic-hardson Kn\ ti ore. lie >ut ibur .fellers. R«shorn; , hS low; M.-uagi r Buns, Waiter ii in as. { rcedmoor .Itisepn Durham; .lame.- Brown. :imir»; ! i, Durham: PAGE FIFTEEN the off<-. v infs of Caret suulitrs (or a ingle, a double n'«l 3 triple. The white team e<»! on!\ ion bits off of Co!e iiau while the ( -dts garuc-eed fig In. Ti.f Colts •.•••*IT meet the wmoer ■ r Ashland and n. .•! ..)<« rt'i,, ht i« Krtctay ■» !» , J l: .-. S I - -. 1 l>V this :.'-N<'TN !• nev a: o .(.ssuroci of 31 IC-3St a p'ji'v ir. the national finals, will bn held in Wichita. u ;iHoped r run producing -in •I- Rest 1 if; on first Joe »a? *, >d do it ’•lien. roH.-.-i on to pinch hit. i tjuied vivo tier tbrooch ■ diamond inr a safely. .. . Joe's mo ‘t popular o :QQ tniv... who re -d : u-;hri|- vs O' V. for :'i . I oundiy Js ,e did During hi* :ird on the mound.. Morris James. Koxboro; back row; Alexander Robinson, hu«i* • o'-s manus’cr; Gilbert Maoaun*. Anxboro; Henry Campbell, Our* am; Marvin Ms -Pherson, HiHs i!.»r«i; Charlie Koaeli, Ourbam; jrliv Jenkins i reedmtirtr; and .Maryland Sir watt, mascot.