PAGE SIXTEEN pMa i ■ ■ i ' v pifflf _.... ‘.v ". »|B **- • '•••'' • '■•-'•• V >£3& >&s£s£ • .:.k^Mu.^lMßil' y- * *'£» ,' • .-v •» •-•*-* r , 3 , r> * v . t *;■ - ■;••■■' _« . *.«■>. -~ t nrm r hr .<•-•> wight champion, tm ,'. ';■' ; " '•" • : -"fy .s;:?«*ur >;» ‘’The .Square Jungle," a ' "*■' ■ "• -- '■■■" ;. yv!i liii-jy'if, White -it-*.r, Tony furthi (right), *f>: .-3 & •.. ■* r»-i-- •'-! .-. .1 •> ’-*r iiii*. <j* .■•; iwr«i. PhoM * i** ■’' T "I ¥ 1 i wo .. its sis Land Top Offices In NFA I MOIiRiS Hf.XD.NO | ' ' V " •*■•>' il » Sjiff ?fjKiil ® § f m* j lb-,: *; b-EEN j i— . HI 0 ii JIOF3 - POTATO j Ti *M ) ** i ~- ;' | i ' .. * .... • j I i!8 jg? * ffi at, s*s# »•. gaKf as*. -n\ | pm?7m r* -»lr ! lr •- 1 ‘ : :; I I ' *■ t xsfajk s« &*> * »■ -w, ** ISI ~ * 4 " i * /._ ;•$ p; . i i $ £* % t"h p: -. ■ * ’*■ ,'f? ‘ RAUOGH, N. C, ! fc l t -. lWTlr ]n r .- ln , ,J i . , - ... v I LIKE BEER ~~ YOU’LL LOVE / L-i. * m h•■ vr . Mude Hfi/n'OHAw Famous />.*'.TRIBUTED IN THE RALEIGH AREA BY 'J !,fl; r;?;?-. ; RfSK A\ phone ;i 1556 ! iu.'i ii]Tmu'uiuiiLij.ißMiaii'.UJ.y ,! | fion.i’l I’isanr.,.!--Asspcin ;vv >;i hold *:. uisi Annual Cor; • ;. .'• '. .p v ' .1 T H 1 . , m: 2; I v -. ,: 3r .‘xu.- *.tig will concern j ■ .'• i, l jJJ; ,*i>; iJittl i‘T> '* ’.i . | • • vvbuons propr;-:::. 'i m ,-n oi con dit>: < ? f p,r, I U.tir.OJ- ?' WiiOJ b S JUj*,’- S'iU- * . I Dr. Hay C. Dar | xn of' •''• ?’ oC pjjar.r;ia‘o. ilowai u [ sV.-ty;’ Wx vtf! SO-wriri. Exe-vUluv I V • '*o P/^ ; . J N>: ■*!'>;■' *4 j iT' r | ;- -.nit J Coui'Ci •. If l '. Dv Gx-’rdnr i,tj ■ • v- r *■■'>, of Market B- - ! r-'-ari/h. F i-.-e, ‘Oirvctor of • ' • H Gbi vin* moral" * ■-•"•-: ay Sexto.- 1 til Si ifif; > ijf tbi: c.‘i •• vein’»d Ll -. 1 ' B ~f»u & T.rusL.-e of ; i -4 Digest Os ! DENTAL HEALTH By DR JOHN DEWEY HAWKINS ::.»•! MOiitfc'ornery Street ILt:lKiOi i'iOfi, N. O. i The physical Signiiic.inceor Oral Disease To Its Victuus : There seem*, to be tour unpo >•- « tant diffcrericc f "fe. ! between oi el dis- M jease And sotiir* ■* ~ f. ‘ \ other form of ! diseuse whi c h ; : S, I may t>- summa- -irk jnred a, follows: I 1* So far ' S tlii: mmm jm Mm ! eft'".*! o) orul■HHeS ■■Tmjm/m : disease are f 'on-BgWCTi ! ! fined to t!t e " BW * RW **** ! mouth 'Lc donu. IIAIVKI.VS not. ron.stitute a very serious ' threat ay.ainrt the general health. 2. The real of oral disease mu; He in the lnoiitlt hciii;r a bavoineter <ii diseased conditions in some I other pari- of the body, and that hi ! <i. ease mux cause j disease elscwhe.r; in the body. 3. Tin iissue dr • *d by some j forms of oval riisr. nv ybe move! | Kutisfaetoriiy mpr.-rcrl o. replaced' I than the fir sue cieri-n .* ,: *w some* • other forms of disc *.■** 4 The teeth a r * more e; tiy sepumble f'oni the ' uy Ilian' linos? other or*an, j To take these summa .'!.•*••• in ru , verse order, the teeth art . much j more n adtly sr parabie from the | t hf)Hju Hv»f | ill 6 body y€ts rid of ’.viihout j outside aid, Some by ejifraei-ton. : j and others because of the- pa i tieofs peneral condition- The tooth tissue destroyed by om! disease may generally be repaired with an ease and satisfaction unite impossible with other tissues of Che body. Small wounds in soft tissues are usually self-repairing. Se rious wounds and burns may be repaired by modern sursi eal methods, but not gener* ally with the ease and cons fort, from ilu> patient's point ot v.exv, that attends the re pair m replacement of sev eral teeth. When h part of the body other in the teeth and their suppe.*; - :m tissue:, has beer- lost, the ro -11 Make Ali A’s At FSTC FAYK’I”TFV»Li-.K -■- Klcvi-r o»?i if v/i.-'U (• vf'j‘ ty.'o FsiaxxCii i t*h« : r* * • ve d in the SutdiTh r ■ ( .'iji-.M tx-at down all. op;x>;- H;CHiCLfIJ4 thlt ?uni ■ ' ;Hi;a I‘hip ?V<: ! .‘i’dS, A ?:«ta!-0 ;TV f Uiftsr Win-r so dj^tir. s gu; n- o • V;axiZH? IT- liSMtr f«‘r■-■ t / Hions. jFaveitrv'.ii.’c. B>. oTnt'f- Q i Ho:', , , Oxford, and Marv C, Shields of v ntti.ti id <‘f T'f' <kl?|i',!-.. .r- ~ r , ... A1 Bethune Attends MR A <: AUX ■ SUR -MON TREUX. Sv. !.- f rertajid— i'ANP ■--Albert Settmne. son of tile late Mary MGU -d Bethuno. v. as one of '.;S ji who at Jived here last weak to st ood the World Assembly lor >nu R«-A; uiaiueui The jij.rty was given a rous *ig tolcomi' Irani the entire .tvenilih of 800 delegates from HI nations at the flag -bedeck* d dour of Mountain House, nd were received by govern nent and opposition members of parliament from the tir.lrt t oast and Nigeria and parlia mentarians from Turkey. The platform was packed with African delegates from Nigeria, the Gold Coast, Kenya, Uganda and Rhodesia as well as all races from South Africa. M. Moe ratio, president of the Federation of African Teacher* Association# in South Africa, spoke on behaif of the African delegation. Among other things, he stud:: "They say Africa is the con tinent thai ihti been kept its re serve. Today she is going into action as one united brotherhood. W’- hand together not only for our own unity, but we commit ourselves to the fight to create a new world,” As 1 rage tar cap.!, income of *■<? V & farm population was lightly hither in 1054 than in i. nd only a iittle below the ail-time reached in 1951. ‘TteupASotia. | iiffiHo irSra~l Iff ) 1 ft*B » device to end juvculks delinquency—-you it tipi? is to their rear end!” 'MViWiHiaMiiiMiMi 'ii'oik.MaiaßaßWinwiMNMMiaiMiiwaiMiaiwiiiiiiiuiMkniiiwihiMMciw i placement is rarely so effect,iv ! as it is in the mouth. The artific | ia! rye does not see. the artittclnl i hand does not pick up things, and i the artificial ieg serves merely as a crutch to help the owner Jimp j about. Evtn when, ali the natural teeth nave been lost, artificial dentures they otten be made to maintain the most desirable proportions o; | the face, to retain or restore the ; habitual expression in repose <>: ] smiling tu el feet clear enunc..t; ion i in speeeh to masticate food effic iontl.v and perhaps to concea’. Horn rather critical observation (h< fact that anv teeth have beep ; lost. We used to think that the tcet.h had r:o .such power of re:,b t a nee and so such rtscrvi power of Ve i cowry. Once formed, ihev vyr-i p exposed to (he unopposed attvek* ■ O' the stitente of decay. According ly, a.s external cuciunstanccs hap- ■ i's ti they might succumb or mlghi /* t. ii dentist and patient ken’ the mouth sufficiently clean, us teeth would not fall !> lore the attack:.. If the dentist failed wnh* hv irstniniinis and tip pv..e-.: with r.i-tish and dentifrice ft,,-, teeth vxtxijiri surely decay 1 mo* M fcll 1 ii®u|iftii lit ftiirs are Changing ft mr \ v\ .f '‘V. 1 • ‘ ; a \ +..s‘£falo® g k / / / . /jm wS^ My A, / / b' - 'Z'" iX 9 '; .. V.. ,: { | m \ a --f’h if * p W f gy_ * ■— ® '' f TOBAY YOU, TOO, „„ ,m„ - favorite bread—that richer, heft er bread that children enjoy t,o much—the bread that helps build strong bodies 8 ways, Millions of children from coast to coast have grown up healthy and strong with the help of this fine bread—a favorite choice of mothers for 25 years. Ar.d today, this wonderful Wonder Bread «... better than ever before— brings more of the goodness growing children need and enjoy. Look at the chart which shows just how vital n piS its Hi: f jj* THE CAROLINIAN 'Charlotte Legionnaires Into Drive For 1,000 Members OMAHI.OTTK -• I! f, T,p B* An .tri-i *. • : egii-unain '" That is !:*. siiii;:»- ..» ,i lr .c.-y | inci'i" *! ,- r;r ,; a ,. , I'.'in uu.g tu P.-st Comm nidi , \V. ,:, Liva'i of Cram. 1- ~v . | A•••• •• n L., .on xt U,H '! :i, 'd Mi'iv.!*>T*li! | i Chair:,.,in; ■. Bi.iyil. both i.f Cbahoite, Claim Race Cops Were “Railroaded” By Chief NEW ORLEANS . ANIM A . ■•vpresnninf :va of a N-yro news paper arc! two jiolicnmcn .; 3 v u, 1 Jatler wen* r?,Loaded hv '’ah,,, Btipt. Ptovcsl.v Payro.s, y.bci re j cgutly fjnvd tl.t-jr,, ptilLvm-n. Oa’K.lton r. -ot nno Jnhr, i'.tt-,. )r tvere an u d ••t m suing personal idun * r during th,. invess igataxp r ,i b . murder, Jo.x.t b‘: /J Pdfs condurtrd !bc h.'. .' ■■ter mvr-sti” ,{,()„ w *vo r Jed to ; tht si? rest and indictment ot a ’or,lt W 110 V'rtS l A l l‘r- f ,11 ■ |-j \ O, .- . cor : M-hcn anotric; ir.ttn confer- I to the crinic. The i'.e\K <•.'>:■■, on., * .;- - ti-,> on •ho afli .••rsurih tr. .• , .•• /jr*?d ■ • VVt vv .at *o 1 : til!- <V.r>, >-4. 1 J.,s;fii ii yo.-ncl u cv, c. ,>i;*■;i i’lc V lit.-y o Or. ’>VcJi)f.«d-.y ; '.t. .July .b, t.'ha: loti* I’osi it,:: ;,,,v 1 tnci ' xvlitco : ,hl hr ~ II:,. 'kick .I.t (d Us bo.-' a.4 ti 00 iji *j p Critnp,'iti.:i, , Cotrui-.-in.dw Due n and M.-mL*.-*:- nip Owmnan a-v<i .udt o K the b« had bet r* told that Uadi- c*. era in bo cnnprnSf'd. i dixie I CONCRETE j CONTRACTORS 1 RPECTAUZINCt IN Si v \va*k'.s tiJascmta:' uw • iJrivf wnys Ml * of All Typt.s H| for Estirnxtns Cp.ll . 4*0560 or 5-6! 50 p ——..—■ - n-r-ni-iTrmum no . ’ . are the benefits of this famous Wonder Bread. No wonder it® popularity grows with every passing ay! And no wonder many mothers say it is a most important food. So won i you, too, join the happy t housands of your neighbors and friends who have adopted Wonder Bread . . the bread with the famous red «*nd yellow and blue balloons on the wrapper. Just call your grocer now and tell him to save you a loaf for today. You*ll be glad you did. Confmr«(a/ Baking Company, fnr Wp WT KK ENDING SATURDAY, JULY SO. l'G5 : ISLS :d? rot) w«S 50b no'iTi!.. : * (or the Port, Tlii* planin' membership xis divide J into ten teains. tin* ‘0 nI a tin •> f a1n0,.. an- th* JitJllHviuj X 'iijnt .t ries: Wljlle •Veal; Marvin <» firiisby; At. II Meadows; Donald Gidj.o'tix : W. if (Bonnie) tv.arson; Eam nlc , aiip', Jr.; .I t ;!1 e * 1 xvt-il; O Abraham; William < 'miner: and G. ('. Duller The gui’t:*, for i if!, i, ;un xias v t it SO and it war announced that at tin" cv(vlraiioi nf the < ■m pah ii Dr cemhcr 31. the team ha. ing Mitiriled the largest lS~'l We Make u r,ook NEW! f| |Alt , HARRELSON 1 . UPHOLSTERS I jj|jj^---~■ Kchiiiifliiig - Kcfmishinjr j|j i number nf members ov<• r it y quota wiU h* honored at :t banquet. S Veterans -? World w.’.r ! w. •'•ervod bor-or.-i.iy dorimr Apr ! « •>’ N-iv i, > . j; 3‘i ! . Wg'a! vV . H v, ■ , v , { j-, r+rvtm tnrv Dee w 10 4 i - ; S>cpi. f w< r 2, 3<J45; a .- R!; , ! f; %-’ of in Koroan ••• v. ,'h 04*#blt* s^rv'■'!f.i Iron'* 35, 3^,v; J’->ly 27 isjSH, are •.» ’ oir, the A nvtv.'g i. " Ti.if) 1 th <* Ah’ic ■ cfin T./ gion buM ■ ( ihr lopr'i <,f a voter,an j ; 1 I'■: Yr i■!l r. ■ ■ 1'( ' ' f> Dr ,Y .' ; tiie Post ComnvimiVr :- A "it i» i also indicative i,f * v-toran >b - ! di rated i.o the servtrn of his { .r, nv j munity his fellow c:tize::s' High enthusiasm sn the ’h.Ki ; inOßiDmliip drive was shown b ■ i the L ■•'.uroniiiiires present, »«•? : Commander Lhxon stated that i Post 168 was out i.« ho one of ' ■ - I lifßost and best <n North , Carolina, § > a N >'■>*' ■■•si. Ii wmhwb mm Mu mm \ Sen»j Swim 8 Wwsi > t Arc* n Mmi ***•# * s«m tinck fmf* Stvtfit ‘ i % *•■*' 5 i A#tß«*di Vjta-nio R, % J A; nud I'nuit w u> /><c n\#.n',vn *<>• t; ’•'i ». njrvine.'rf-rwt petit* -« * errv-air # amoif. oMvwf. of ■« i *. MNMlft .WTM gj *-**»*'’>' £ ' A« murfi Ctfcium for As modi Viutti in g, k ! ***** wi a « /or growth jv-oman* J.| £ ***<• vb»w. Aw wire-.: obte*. T a**m * • *o»y otus * 1 •>• a l ■■■&& •( Ai tnurli N;*rra <n , ' knWIMSm W'wumwj. i' S, : *» ~;■ m*4> *** *’«<* ** » *"• a ' “ ! **'"* ' i i *" « » •«»'» * tH.otrO Jt ■ S I $ 495& *■ I A» norfi %wigi w .! * AsfnwMrnpl'wiieh > MfppUed by the mm*- | k fed blend MVS bf*h V d*»te», *s< and * ' tereb d*w. i Os 5! tde«m» < » i d fflat | € . '*tVr «mm' ".*rew< *Wj> i- mr « >«£<« j tMe h*rt • erf-ifireV rfiw<pdrcf Aw tf* «g safer es hr* mmink* AtcA’ Li!*4 c| s-'-rrrr-- TV-:••• : • fcyr -t<y-

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