PAGE TWO THE FAMILY ROUNDTABLE MW YORK. (GLOBAL) -• Dear M-;i; Bab Rodney incited n;<' to N< ■■■ Vonc ■for a holiday week-end ~ . sen) the ticket. He also met me at the tram. I stayed with an oi i claw mate. She feel* Iftttl Rodney v ■-, mt treating me quite fail Here 1 is what happened: HU parent* invited no use guests for the same time, even though they knew I was com ini',, If. never tame lor me any until 8 or 3 p. m. J'bc-re was nothing for me to o ad tj*v hut sit around. (My jrtri friend v»a w ■ rKing.i Mr would say that he'd call at one. hour hut usually the tall came two or thre- h mis later i hrottc: t his mother a gift, but hr did not 'ahe trie out there until after (he visitor and her flrtt’hter hail gone, md {f “ u •a is the night I v, ns leaving ? wsas forced to Mkt a late train nd * ■ ’ roast of lito night traveling. An'.oiior :Kt.p -o. i'R that hi* r>«- ■'nos f'hf: on him < .cit Right. eve: net working ’hat wee it - . id nit • ■>■. H e says we 'an'; raar rv ’ir ■ : hr • ..'mph-ies his sc!. -.7 i . k til'd ss ;M ti.-i'd i mtflU/St :■ ■; i to tftli .-n;: tilftt the S.;ndrr' T '•■ns there was n } e« until .... Old dress were almost: reived. T don't !■ i r- ■ t 1 me U- <*■■; b"‘- dd yc u ih'-.k my girl f.Hcmi L lehC CHARLOTTE • BMt'ovore Dear O .. • V; j • r s vc i'iv ■ ."n, hit ?. .■ow r.i’v other.-: can r vc you i -;:• r vi cv Us. l-H pd , r. Vo,friend has a ant. yc* --he cannot knov ail t the f* 01 ai! .7 tp V >Ol.l VI ,t;.o }• L is i the a tilth obir.f iiv, .y vs ait outsider. It is perleet'y propel for a v.m.i; lady f. vi-it tin you but one must !:< very careful oi hei actions and repviati n. Cluing nut only at bchfltt v. mild not look too good for v uutr girl in a mg city like New ycuiv. T fieri, art many many things to do dur ing the day, and having you visit far the firs ttanie. he should have shown you round more Also, Rodney shoo’d li vi been more con si-vat- of you and the rain. If wo:;Li J--.H if ho sc ( ;utert House uu- st. ajmmd ail day ; :-ri In you take up where she ; off It his f. a reals made dc -61 e!i a l si €1 linss i > lU.'BY Tf.’NN YSON N*V YORK r the next one on J• •*- ly kv. the B’ -d; vn Chapte' ■•I t -■ sam- £;. : will be hot! I.C’S A-WCELE-S. CiLIFORoV-, is getting ready for the :o. 0',.-,,* PI. P’s-, C-roiave whicn v,U be Jv id n.ei- At.r;ast 18 to tt « . at the Hotel Cosm'i.-utai: :;>-.o f- uth VV'-.-b he Avail about lhe rue t :',e VV':'hvrr . . . .. : of ;b-v t O - N';:.;: . he: <- m H:t: ,ua, vv .: i.e in L- A., also attending the i-hurc hr annua! cnnvc-niioa, ST LOUIS. MISSOURI will ro’i out the carpet of welcome so r B io.e Aden • cmvies the iast < f the rr.ontr. or the first part of Aii,.u- when ■ y rurn .'for ;* brii Aug - t i< r ..- hi icf visit " ib her family, one of whom is Jewel; Ecu. iiv'.i-': ir:*.• • I n the i area Mr* Anna Arnold H- si: • :n: ■■ A--i:'.tan* to tne Mayor 'if N.-'.v V rt-;«'rl.y m inteu-.-?- .. t; • in the W-- t vviiy:, -hr- ; U'-ii, : tue UN ,-e.; - on: aric then vnafeii in L A. where she was guest o£ the city government ] !..:• a y. :-cJ; Right now she is Go ing what a',l big folk *" , o when they return to a mail-crowded desk after being away for a while catching up with the mail and other duties. YOUTH OF ALL NATIONS. INC is making an appeal for American pen-friends, so take time out arid -do a little globe trotting through the internation al posal system. In other words, write letters sharing your ex perience*, hopes and outlook nr. life with those abroad , Clave. Lciser, Executive Director of Youth of Alt Nations. Inc s? ready to send inform;. ,v:> from the headquarters. 16 St. Luke's Place New York 16. N. Y. So just drop her a card and req; • informa tion you might like to know so you. too, can be useful in help ing to put over the program Baltimore, Md. missed a charm ing little Miss, Edith Dixon, sis ter of Trudy Dixon, one of Har lem Hospital Student Nurse.-, la;-’ Week-end while she was here in New York with sister Trudy and friends. Bernice Wiggins assumed the duties of Executive Director o£ LA CHEERIOS. INC. IM week and already over 1.000 Cheer Card* are ready to be distributed to shut-ins in various hospital* within the New York area. Why rot become a La Cheerins mem ber right now and make others happv through JUST SPREADING SUNSHINE AND CHEER EACH DAY OF THE YEAR. Start a La Cheerios Chapter or Club. Write to Mrs. Wigging and get complete details La Cheerios Inc.. Hotel Theresa, Suite 5-6-08. New Yoj . 27, New York. Speaking of shut ins, it was Eiise Anderson's birth day card shower which gave her such an uplift that were hoping shell soon be going home from the hospital. New, it's Cm* to "KNOW THY SELF." : mends hi* ti.r.f. km * s ye ! were *; L- r . t!; ,y v,'• i.■, Probably they are trying to d.- courage your ».l!niy. The t ’ of you r--ter( to have -in ui.ceiatund mg. If hr. inviti • ;ou to \i l tms-rM I :*§ I M..U Ait <:■-.! KL At this twos v ~r ive usually have a 1 r of ■'mptair- -i* fuel to ri ator* voting on tin r. > :-'de or bU'-s'iin cud of the fruit This -.'ovuii ton oci-s.i'j on m:uU grec.• frui; ar w- R • in fruit ■ a'most rio-. .- n< • ,n < ryioi:- disc.- :-f out ■: phy.-ioim u.';i! roricitir-n kno-v;i as bloison.-cisa rot It avoirs to Lc a.-:,: or -*! .'vast ; ggrav«tvd by "•xtremes ir 0.-eetber rontiitiur-'s - either by periods- of c'-y weather <:•' vi ed tx'.-’-yvf ra i.-di. in • o of dry weather it -,-.i- *h- held in by provid.i'/ irngnuou howevn:, lir-.u't vi-'t un'.'d yi PUV" iryct a J.oi'of your loovnoc-: but ur.iy:,u u:. i-'.'On .Jack ■ sofiicii-iii n.o'..' . is evident Mulch plants e h’j - a deep ,a.'ri.-i -*£ s’: v;: n - vent ; a-- of !• i...f»;. f• •■ o :..* soil and wijl cut down vn ainclUH f.£ L-.0.-i. iiTi-; r:.l rot In the rii'-u'i'Bii 1 ;n .i it wi’J in' , necessary to c.miro! l»*c- bi’. ni if j’QU wish tv b< ;t v. no to - - To: ■ o -■■ iii.ii. aftat'k*. I: si) pi f tlit'■*.'■ FOR WOMEN ONLY f>\ Blunt f <:OK lOR VNl* V • V. hot sun ■TiSjtiy ,■ .; that a . .'v-- - to ;■ :■ - : • because fj-utt-flavorcd g«iat;n vs 1 its base Try the new appie-navor ed Eelatin tor this its woioso:- combined with Tf-yaoi O: oso lemon gelcitin ‘i hich is. j>lw;-»ys g --i, or, if v want r , rftd to contrast with : tic potato I sal-id tr> stm-'h -I, ! ehtnyse 'for this luox moith-o aspid. i it V. ■ ■ ’-3VS ( •'••• ' .V -i make. . I • . i - - ■ ed early yi Un; i) I*-, or leinuii flavort y jrJa.tin 1 te*-]»Oll!l S 3 it ! iisp hot turnalo ,iuiir I cup i old tomato juk r 1 J-‘£ ti aS|K>on- per-p ,rril horse-radish l 12 Ira-jxMiiiK i;i,.lri! onion lb- 1 ) «j iivi'tmi- METHCD. L gi-iuM: -m ■ U in HOT Nkik!;. juh:,- a'u ■|hPßhP®?£^ > y ~tj&.^Si^^i^'' ■ ?& • -: s|. > *, X “ft. *'< ‘<<- ' J ■* 1 * i>i.!^■ : TOMATO ASPIC KINO To onto Afcjpii: Kim». eusUv maue with *ppk, tcinon or strawber ry-flavored jrtlatln, is an iftra.l .-.nsw,** •: * Wttr-’ 1 QUESTION: Leaves on my pr-.-i- j HH plan's are yelHwinc. <■.■ . y near the tips. What c .ndd be cttUiting this? ANSWER Probably leaf-hop. ’•ers, whb’h are very active now you oiii-orve leaf-hepper dtfen age, treat with 30 pounds (p*r acre 1 ol 10 per cent DDT or 2t pounds of 5 per cent DDT du.-t You ’d probably find it most con venient to treat for leaf- 1 -, m when you dust for Icaf-spu. If -o, ju.-t add 10 pound's of 10 pel ■ent DDT (psi sere) with the r.-i or .second applicate. ,n of sui n' or coppet-sulfur dust QUESTION: Doe* fcriil'-.i tion the reality nf lint »n a cotton crop? J ; then hr r.-biig :'"ci '■> ■ yoti not push you rdf on ■'(‘.vr •j.Tifilids. V\ akt 'I. A ' !;:r , ! straight Lul.tir it will be tu> 3f, s B. B. ■ n copper spray st?i ; r as trlbasir <:fippei suip'iMc or, Cctij: s A ivniputmd and keep tf'.o p- 1 it.i-- v.'cJ! covered Don't f' j.-' tn oreiMtf for sj<,r-ii fall gsrrl-'n ff you ii-ivc not .Li. cdy done so, s-.w seed at soon ■i. |k -S!l.,:i Jo.' IVOCC-,!'., Lilli' slows: r. :... -i Ui’.d -' plants. Tt." rutty t;c Ktciwn m Mut. iir boxes fo* tr-iiirplunt «• )•■ * cr ?.n can., for !■ **.r !•' it: - is,.in,g t ; the field B> - .---ii Mid (oulififowc.- require mor? boron ifmn isi in i.-n . t -f ,".ii r-m -. iu. n d' ' i -.-'y c:■;i: • t?-.! st*'-*n? and at: :ot> • > t>«•-*.*-.•;»:-i To prevei’i t! :o ->. £? level tablc'Spnolt'fUi of t'or.lir.i-'.i I'.-lls •i.dtb the leiu.•:•».*•:• for ICO fe«. I of , <.- '.V T: :, - oi ~t f.,n • n Chin•• abba i ;if ietti.Tuc.:c crops ;-»• n ,,; ' .■ i iAt* - •• .'Dor,iv (no'-iy*:: • h (ail gat'd* IV- H- *1 a (t’i': *■ ■ • .P,, do as wo,! .1! t.ic si os £ SpwV" cole. ’ p'.uio juice, iiorsc-i.iv.:- I '. ■ .si cayenne. into 1- (ji.inrt ;•'n»: mold. £... ;! titud firm I'l'in'.-'d on. : li.-’p K-tfuce leave' 11 . ■ FtR err’-t ci r'.’ig witn tr.-*;’ * -.inci. CJarnist'. wilt) s hard I.HSIc-ii egg: ar. DIFI'EUEXT AND ‘i CU t.l LUxf - Be.-! --- - - L v«jh ceicr* icavtiu. • eP y 7'.v ' -1 -a • : antnun' of p: 'k ’’ e *i>ii > CHICKEN - WS sj i;v:i- oi a; r-j ~ ‘ of jri ,c. l(. fill gravy. • F.>• 1u :i c'n ■ -kon .■,} o! poult}; .-■ r.- • -is ! :v- m ti.e 'IV.V t.*i t:. r ilf'-Ttt-t ns • ia- r.r: ar-yept TRY vm.: nr y. tic .- Spue . ns in get on iv • vn.o boi oik * YFAL ; k*« -Mi V' ? ;L"i Of<; -a't. ‘ • or-v M.wvQmg- VITAMIN C FOR T!K: r i Fl.' NO - Msi.v si>.- .niv.r. ilia < children .• ~•. 'snuci* l-c --'Afs.'i meal* t~: unit tirt J ’.'o' ,< r bouki take O’-arute jiiric wr.rn •ruvidcs Vn-.ri'iir r ,v.I-j ortani nutrient!- v. t-ji a.» sugar ■r quirk energy GOOD B3bA KF P.'' T ‘', fj O ■ !'i MPisth Ls-n- -it br sl ’- "■ot only afftnv’- v-,- d.--n 1 ., s Lie,, v r;ac, f, ti- v „■ a::.: ’ SKIM MILK i • Mtlk i 1 ••;. Vn -/.vs A yet a tap of skim ir, k ,-r i: dt- : milk ccnthiiiS only 85 caloric* a < ompHreo v. nb in;'- i'a)or:n- -n tup of whole ir.iik ’■o: ' ) u.i -• 1 ■ om;a UTK-r;. ULI)A ha: dt-ve’. -pe'. new vtgf tabic chip* ;r:'i,s- nn- a carrot, beet, and parsnip cu ps center arnuml vehieh to plan a .uimner meal that will satisfy appetites, tastes and the need tn kef p cool. .VST) ANSWER: Yes. Recent .stu dies at State College stj o u shat the quality of oclUui cun i>e raised materially by in rrcaiiiif the application of pitas he on many soils. QUESTION; Some of my chirk■ is have very limber neck: What . uses this? ANSWER: It's a die ns,- known •t* ‘Timbemeck.” It is caused from •hickens eating decomposed f>» ;h, drinking stagnant water and pos sibly f: .in eating ru>un.--:amird vegetables. Confine your birds when the disease break > out om ! you discover the cause and keep cpson salts before mem for several hours Mix one-half p uni of salts to 2 1-2 gallons of , water. fft® y? y ¥ ¥ jF* 0 ¥ T C* f Wiggins- i ysom Vows Spoken Doyiiie fling I CZr ( j^ erefllf|r | Hnifoc Pjiir IliKil&O S till BY i H IIIHM..S - ROCKY V u ;n .... The borne Ilf Vi •■li’d M- ■ Fs.iiik ai4 Mittift ' \V, •> -: T: iU .< E SSI * via , ,;.i> iy lii'tOf'.liU d .V- the wedding 1 st U - d Mn ;■ ’ cv U. .'U.-. and V, - ia. T;,!. was l'n".-s ’ I -s'! •.: the V’ty ... m [ft Luliduy -->!: •i :: r. us .J -■ i->v- ’.7th w :th «' , n y R(, r.. \e (J.• 1 wood. Mt vl ■ n-'-.l Chi: rC l past us pi'l'fui-pib.C t'L (li>U-'-!e --i strain • • ' ~ Co, -. ■ Thr !B;• I~i S j,!:, • \1 c, r, : J'..- '.' u • ~,;h : sou*) 1 : wi 1 , ! Iy).‘.n;.'t !;.\ ‘.lie it .- f.:i .. , b SI urn,, .fames li s a ,itiV. , ir j P . - • i .■-•h.-v . Mi!;? S -n'l.-y ? .ni,list, p.-aiu •£ rir»n 4 TO WTl> -LOW _ MSs Vjf isia 5f1,,.:p..s . jh'.ve. ui M'.'tls .l, mil ued Mr. Eulicrl Thoms ■<.!' ’•« '*.v - *>i li irirtj) u\‘ ?’■' in Lirr;h. Sharp •a ih thf fiiivi /Uvr ot Vi~h Mat t • *r 4 , : i c T •rg’in ?;t ■ ti• ; ud 1,: M* .faint’b 'i feharjj Th* g; room-to hr j- Ut»* vu u , f Mi- r*ur«th i. Coi iu- ot K.H i&h. Mis.s uttt»i.ul:*d choj>J in iiiid are fiiipKsv »tj y.t J{i >t ti -s ,'itaj here. The ootiple vv ill uuk«i Uu‘ir JiOrue in Kalt-i^o. |' v * s , ■'/'COOKING “> HINTS i * %,,/y;/, sly a ■' u/ c.JiO.Aki. \\ | j / (Cdff dtion Home Sf*rvn '"w-W hot summer Scott days, though So we’re ail happy with "No Bak- , ing Lemon Pie"...a tasty d< rr.crt that doesn’t, need the oven This pie doesn't call for > x:'.'e whipping cream. ♦ th; r On’y double-rich Carnation, the m\'.i that whipK. "NO BAKING UMON P!E" 'Makes 3" sinpie cruyt r T packoge lemirn geiotiir \U cop vjoar 1 7 cwp hot water 1 cup undii’jfccl Cawanon Evaporated Milk Va rwp lemon iwice V ‘ graham trust* Dissolve gelatin and sup ar ir. hot water ciuil unt.l g- ,s the.u* j er d end : yrup\ • .--limit .:u minut s’ Chiil* Carnation in re- j i friaerator tray t,;i ;t to I. 1 -- so: in ar t >- - 0 t t:s,'- (J 5-20 minutes). Pour into bowi: i whip until it he;.ins to tiir-Ucn : (about .1 minute). Add lemon juice end continue whipping un til very stiff i 2 mi’i-utes lcr.r) Biend wioyvai Carnation wi’h chilled gelatin. Pour into crust and chill 1 hour. 'For S" grai'.am era-. , :js* lin?- shir? itr.d f.-oltom of 8" pe pu'e with mixt”.r, of 2 e’.ij .s yrr.- Ham cracker crumbs, 2 f-pc-nr.a sugar and -.* cup rm..->d butter Top off irnily dinner or an e,l bmg oi TV v. ih *'Ko B? ,i:.g Lemon Pic" ?>"? hoi or iced eof ••'ce • • "cream.u” with C* -nation Carnation gives your ce'.Ve ricu color and good flavor, at one-third She cost of cream The total stock ot corn in Nortn Caro lias on April 1 war astirnaUNl at J9.-*?>'!.OCT ris.:' o's. Thu* included 2.77- a ,OOO bushels 1 n commercial , off-farm .stores; and 10.6.10,000 bu- THE CAROL INI A , Stanley. 1. ridesmal' 4 and linlc Bar bara Wiggins, flower giri. THE BRIDE WORE Given ui niaoriasi by nc-r father, the bride was ilic- I,i itt » lovely gown of rivioi*. net with a lar-e jnclict v.>iu short sleeves and timer sun panels of net tormim; isl« over-skirt which was lull length. The bride ilso were. :i Fashion Hints For Milady • ARE YOG HfcP TO Kit HOOPS. I th-.-ught l was i iOKihi! pretlj , ns 1 stndicd al-;ni, in 1- sofn.v falling easily y .• . oknt That is. i did a.-’i' lie pre-teev, ayed friend rrt (bat I ik , r,e:! ab-Mifi three or l ip. thy: vv«-be said 1 , i r,-.. t in’" li t lit’- is ■: ..- l.vdSitia (imvii > • , ’ ■! •he w u re-:!!y tur- t i ri -(■ poii.-shed rui l-.:j fr : ‘•l.afuiin.; out 1 • <<•■■■; "> a-*': ,i. tl in it etl-il i-;- ’' -. m i 1 real f ile, but the -.. ;> ,>*• «■•- ’ :. • tuek i.<: a- I'-eing . i.,| ncri unctbilial if . . neeessafv to sit down :• ■- or* j ill ( to utcuil’e In of casiona ll>. m- - - -en-K. GiaifV Li.’’ '”yj :j.O V/ T O iH C .*•? T i *Y O - A ? ■! 5 ACETATE - C > :?• . rt Mv' workvts to ii.i vi. f sbrk. > *• the be.?i 'M*un. )/»"!'<■ for jroQxJ'i./,. aCfrtiitf* :' t?»i faO'FiCs ; sUj?Titiy canvp. fh/.V‘ . Hits a!«- 1 i f)* * ! * ' - .*M.V they (it .Sharkskin and heavier - ins of rarywh a*ui at*. U jron v inuTn/dinic i> YoUpX ha\ t: /• '’ • i-c • r :■ • hv.- WbE WOiv;£N KNOW HOW TO SHOP ECONOMICALLY tk. . ■ 1f.;.-; too, V.rj.’C . j U : .'Og l’-’l ■ With s«> h background knowledge. the shopper <• ■» plan her pureiiu r. and s»»e ".".ill know win Ho r a partied Jar coat or suit mat • aui n s her lanes has me qualities Juba Mclver, State t'otlrs'c extension specialist in textiles and ilothuil;. Being ill till know veil! also help Ist Charm BY lor LuTCM'K NEW VO HK. - What about y.-ur :' y : : -* Ot’iG (>f tb(jSP UldiV Ollti.i.'. ■' ‘ D.) *.? walking for grunted'' D" :■■■ 1 bounce, slink or drags down She street'? If so. you cannot tie too able impressions about your eba» - , acler. Make y ourearriuge smooth Regulate your stude. eliminat ing all ttooeecssary movements Your head should be straight. Your head should be straight, your shoulders down and buck, j yqtar arm- - quiet and relaxed at high. Your torso .should be puli - : e.d up out of your waist and kept still ;-ts ftc.ssibh: while Win.K :u.; ■ o ' ; your hips should be kept it) line | with urn t-cm of your anatomy We shall be pleased U* u '•! you i,, ore about this ho.- ness next week. Share Your Wisdom NEW YORK i GLOBAL < - -Th' interi.on ru making goodwill or love a daily hab.i will afford joyous and lasting tattisfaetum The attitude of living a friendly lift will! prove to a wise ar.d profitable life gesture. Thoie i no m»6t'-T»hi.p or security in liv ing in the consciousness ol time or unfnrgivonerr. Such unworth,', expressions men lack of security comparable to a ruddiness ship tossed in the storm. A readjust ment of li'e, with the rejection .'f hate and the inc.on of , ter visit) tarn June day* aii y? r round. i J'trtger-tip veil attached to a <’«)> trimmed with >aeo and eaerjed ~ crose.nt booquci of whit, earnajkms. Knight, maid of honor, v. :v- a baliornit length dies;; of ; pi -h fe't and caei-kd ,i etc-sceot oE pmk •••wcs. Miss Stanley, the lirid'-m'.i-.ld, also wore- a bailer.aa mncil arcs., r,t jj, ; ht blue tv t. She • arrit'd -Ink roues in » r.-resn.nt but (he idea us the hoop skirt an ok cun m>, and i began l<. n.-.~ .in' !h” y.~,,i'gste. s akon! I ha.i • t iiS.'-d •tn far! tolc cia-. :.-.t ti.-at •ic j„-oba'iVit‘y of the liuog ski:'! as a daytime fasnion *va* . ’ a likely as the return c.-f the k. .‘old coilbr for oner,. It i!:i . ; r.'.-em at all likely * Anift’iCL'HK’i h’’*w.£t oh ♦...:*•■ - o’l .as F>-:*ouiy jn tJunr dc-Sign ’ .e ■ ■- ft, ■ thl.l T I. :i ’. ii- ■ t?v ire, >- n:ing f: iPtid I -fit about un a f.'if-b.on cntiri! K'-suli: 1 r:r,)ter! hoop .-kiri.M? damsels in t .We- f, e riont tei an i iii half as m.'oiy i'ity blm'kr i ?<• 'ip-- ■ : today'- yettnger -! is .k , -, J ", a. ,k o its ’ • i.-.’ !.’, il • H i we Id via ti'.e iK'pp rv! Y":. ; uu i thmfc? il-.tu'e V. our:.;! (ill Oil ’Fell:. :’ vi.-u iron rayons and aceta',"' <>f ■ eg until they ure entirely ■ •UfL-trixiUtcs jnrustu ir uneven* IRON N \TUT?AU.-V • The aim 1 ' ’ ij’ l h • I ».' ■■n. ot kf* tb c* ha r tjfi f* ill ... -,. f ,,. .* , f . . #..’.,. , w. ■ J ‘ t.U: . on Un tight jiuiur «vh t; Uier a p&rttcgl&r jv { \alUt lf»r Jt* jh~ iCf*. » y 11> >{l- t n i7* Vi. t.‘«}rid - *? und 21iizi' s*■: E.UfN's DEC KEF. Miss \r- Ihreil I*. Oiuprtc, 5953 < ii, ■<: aituatc of ('»«• Nor' ■. »* oUpjfr a! Durham, received the r;u>ivrs degree in English at < larmnont colleges graduate school in California recently. Her thesis was '"Mark I'wain’fc rmtmeui of the Negro.” Miss Dupree IS I;, daughter Os Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dupree of 909 Walnut Street. Farmville. € • ■%s“' > A M scrip? ure is given by in rii'iun of (led, and i.s profit- ; !e f»,r doctrine, for reproof, 1 r correction, for instruction j -r- b fotisn -;s; That the man ; f Cad may be perfect, Ihor 'ii.’-.Miy fnrna bed unto ail good works.— (If Tininlhv 3:16, 17.) { WEEK ENDING S A TURDAY. JULY .Vu IQS.S also. Tjj» male attendanh wore convc-utional blue -nils to match (h bldegroon: a. Mrs Tyson ys a graduate ’ tb. local BTW High School, c.t? o’ i 054, and ba? lived here all of ia *if«. Mr. Tyson, ar: KJe.i.cer • Hvt-, Live son of the ! e.r- AT - Mi'?. Wini Tyson-, Sr, Route 2. Rot k.' Motjut He has , beer, employed by a ite-ai dniry ";/ \*~'M f :< % ..GPwf „ "■ # ;■■■. vA -Jm % \ % ~,-w £ : 4 j tjl X Hi •©‘■L - FOLIO FOSTER GIRL-—Or IK- to «•-/ h, Kathy »<'.v!e Os Sayrv.- n!f>, V. ,}. i. r :,3r, .- ,/■; Elizabeth Kenny Poll:) Pmtulitwn. ,= •••- -,• v ., :s v ■ ' nr:. and j lft , ••..■! t- ■ • n * , • ■ ■ ; .. . , . . *"«* ,n tJiWV < Marie r. Urv* ; ii, <4a44- o. ; t ™ t/ifra'iists zerving the rend r. l.Vi ss Fiw.tot You Can't Lava Ilia Cosmos By Rev. John A O'Bfien, of Koire Dame TWO BOYS lg a crucifix in a «:h. **:h grottu. Who is that mart Ran’..nog on that cross?' as'-.ed yc ;y. : i,oy “On. tiis ..- Jiw ' Communists kiilci in th«big putge,” replied ti.e otiiei. There is a prime oi young America toduy. t . > now mote ; about Space Pa. oi and Davy CrocKett than they do a jo."- Cod and Je.-us Chri-t, thsir Dlvir.e Redeemer. WI IL \R il about a turn to Cod to- .. . ...... .... yt . day. But is iMs /•... • .'Oy S-ikt a return to & O '*/ hH'-L Person whom we 'y j’ must serve and ' rare? Unfortu* *5 «? ’lately, fur ..-ume t. v-^--■ > roplt: Cud is kk% ust man in L" jmp V* sty v, n o .fR, :v ak e s things ,o:ne out right (i’Brlfa n the end. Fur oihtrs Cod is •ist st,me vague imperr-onn! ic, ke the Cosmos, or t'u'ure, or .he Transcendental Other. But a man can t love a < >d ike that, nor can he v.c . , and honor Him as his petsom-. l Creator and Redeemer With such a concept of Gcd, religion can be only an c'l : J uyi’ft of social and h'.kh'.n.Rtvi m values. In such 6 .religion thv st.. a is on what you ran uu fr. ; -men in stead of for God. it never tells you what God wants and orders you to do for Him. ONE MAN who cabs him-if If a theologian defined God as ", interaction between individuals I .... s r~ —i f —-7 Imxwc*' . I I 1 j { ' | I j / , IjN | i . g/e&>&6 -■ XM COfAMirrifitG SiMCW'Shf* ‘ZZts’Vnt'Odrffti fi&V&OG T — f-nrimn-Tm nrai n —i inr ir» ruvinnin n - -i-i —rTinmnn im»—amii n mlitUjpum.iu manufacturing plant f r ssn v i: a i s. Mi.nEy HniTii; sang 'Tne Lord’s Prayer" ana other appropriate .urn be rs I'-;:;;' > plans c.t the couple re liiu-r! n'larn unced following Wi ■ i... a: e„ .■ cutting ce rt .any. There were many lovely ii f- »r'.fr. '- ct-ic-i -■ «.*f the retting run, he c • be a»*u. truck by the Grand C yon. He can love end worsh only a personal God. -v C-V pf.Opiat ( '-!j tsc r i’U.'C . ’ 8-ti.i:i. F ranK thf n r ... ” . author and publisher, he® sr< ■ '■'l ne t v .'h it worici Ccrs r.e deny the ea.Eence cf Cud Td t.-ouik is titnt many pc:—‘e j - 't aunt i.xicuv Goci i.. <: 0 i) H 1 ;s» all - cowe: fc 1 ’ Creator cl the iru,verse. Ke is | our Heavenly Father, into v. : i arms vs are ciestir ed to ret i Gad thveih. wi.hin our beat"."" i. j- Him v;e 1 e a-.i n: .;t and .-.vs out being, l.e order:. us 1: do p_nance tor our j sins uad to are holy lives Some buy He wit! judge all mankind: He will ;ew. ra good men and punish the evil. Withoui Cod morality is mean jnr levs, inunv; th'.y find crime the ah .al result But if we oar children responsi bility to God. our juvenile crime problem, among many other*. \vomd soon cisappeur i nat is why soi vie maintain religious • sc., ,1s- to nafee su.e the.r chb. r.-n ru.: rot ignorant of the fuhiiamcntal truths of religion. TO SAVE AMERICA some way i:i ;t be found to get the name of Gou and his truth to all our | children. This is the only guar antee that God will never be un known and that Hjs law will never be a dead letter. t Pnatiwt ?W:n-i I' D e