PAGE FOUR Legal Notices MtKUMXNAI» f :k *is n \ ■ OF DISSOLUTION VO 1.1 >•' WHOM THESt Fits. F.VYS MAV COME GREETING ■ WHEREAS) It so n.v satisfaction, b> duly authc i.:.n.0 record oi proceed me- ' . r.e Vul* tmtar.v dissolution 'lst ■ by the unanimous consent. of \ hit stockholders, d posited in mv 01- fice, th' t THE DPI AN', Cl I.' h- ER’S, INC., a corpora! in i - ( Uus State, while rrin- y ' : :■< situated at NO. 515 - ..'-..Til BLOUNT STRTEI m me C; \ RALEIGH. Count y of WfUtK, State of NORTH CARO!. NA. M, T. DELANY, SR. beii.>■ 'lv a-, »t therein an d in crar ■■ ' ■ , upon whom e.- • ni.,," i ed>, has complied v 1 me -i quiremenls of Cha«»r .C . Statutes, crwitli.-a "c.n eoi ,t preliminary to ti t is. .a,,; , u.L Cerifiecte of Di. <,l!b : oi.. NOW THEREFORE I rid A 1 i BURE, St’! • ■■■'. :", Oi titan (J Hi. State Os Net'! 1 : Callo*’* ■ ■■, hce oy certify the .u • ticn did. on Hu 151 H L ■> u- I.Y 1955. Ah .. ". .a, , a ha executed a;,.i t: tc. i r, writing to the r-- • mtiou . ■ .-..■ . corporation, exoeuh-d . • tin *toekhold< • t. . vaiiii .iu consent and uw rvwd <-i :i eeedingM aft ■ ■ n u uic in ray said o'' u■ a yi ■ >■ law. IN TESTIMONY WHERi-.Oi, 1 have sei my hand a>"i adix ,'- :■,y . official fra! c.i Bn ■ u : H day of .JULY A.D. !«•...) THAO EURE SECRETARY OF ‘■•T.'.Tt K A i-OLOMN. ,m ATTY FOR DELANY " ' MECHANICS & EATh hi?.. :y; RALEIGH. NORTH C a.' 1 July 23. 3(1: Aug. 6. 13 ADMINISTRATOR > N’t ‘: i' T NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY The undersign: l. ' u T Whitley, having h imnistr;, tor of the E : C Whitiey, C'Vaniy, tid:: r r eons hovirs , . ' d estate to : if!' : tin. n - dersigned at G 2. V-' •• : " •- race, oi: or . it• ■ * "j. c.--x .■ r> . June, 195*1 or vu hi I . pleadec in T ' i Ail per ." Will please rr-nT- a ,m . ■bate pay ment to the vrh .e:■ This the 27th (F V et .111P'd.-S JAMES T, WHITLEY, A(.V 1.:.'.’ jte'iv 2. 9, 18, 23, 30; A . ' : 0. idss rx>:< r > notice NORTH CATi'hhThA WAKE COUNTY The 1 ■-:..her!. V ‘h It P'O h. I?] q executrix of the i'hta.’Hi. H. Ha h ckoea.s'.-d, : ;l - vt Yve, County, lie a ; ■ :i, sons navsr.a. t-Salop eyeu i -ah estate t> ’ pre'., t?>■' > , tu hr dersigiv'd ; .. it F, .Rah hi:. N h , cm r, h - 2let day f y 19, r t * f,, tice will Le pleahcd n< es recovery, Al) pv'r'onr- inui.-i.-u-o. to said e-yhe- v,hi rhev. :: he. set;- Tried.:.ey-'. to tie i ee'ey, • signed. This tlH’ 2Cite, e.-;v ' I .' ■'*'e S’ARGAP.ET ' K he. i.bhhhi Executrix Julv 30. August <5. 13 20. 27- h, yt, 3, 1955. rm^: n i: 'msmmsat ■,& '* \ IT'S TIMS TO j START #YI A SAVINGS ftS&jSbh 1 ACCOUNT, | TOO I | Springtime is wake-up time for naturt, and it can mean a fresh iv .inning lor you, too. Now is a good time to plan tor g the future by opening a savings account » anti adding to it with regular deposits— . §p make every payday a savings day. You i find our people friendly and helpful, too Why not pay us a visit? Mechanics & Farmers Bank 1 RALEIGH DURHAM 1 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. Os Raleigh 3705 HILLSBORO STREET. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA TEL. 3-1071 m—>l mn MWiimnwin 111 ana w nrmi ihm-liTmi-tnT-rnrrr—n--irnrn i ruin mu mi mm mmiin lTinri-unTirnrii—nnrenaiiin iif ' YY' ;l . u • VIMI 51 t1 «. if ;• t, has i unner-up in the rouii'Me NORTH CARO UN A l NOTICE OI SALE he THE hUi e.iCA CCLTiT Y'; e; ie h Ahil.Oh’, i ,; e,o'..' GHACiE THORFF, and husband, HQLEBT THORUE. and JOSEPH JO?! US, Ur ee.vrned, Rvepotidenl;: i: ye. hy of ar. ivdi.; T;f . Che. k of Supeni-r tey.:," WhLo CeunNorth Cap* tri ei procecdhig iv-:: 'Yh ei T.iylo! Vs, Grar.'o "IheepM and husband, Robert Ttiorpfi, and Joseph Jones, uamw* : 'eh" i,h<: eapss being No 8443 h. -' i h r, recpt>o.hP{; Donket, tfiV. "•V".: '.ijnui Co : un.!.-,e:oner *.vill on • Ti:;*y th; 21m: day r.C August ' :>5 e 12 ',O O’clock noun at the ~ ‘ hyoe eh !•;, C'.iirthoiiSe, Wake C North C . and AU tflal ~ ‘,e Jot e f Iftr.el with tile irhiM:ovemeiits fhei'e dv ;;y, 1. of AY;;5.f County, and more parucuUriy described as he,:,. .BEGINNING at a rw: on !e, Si,urn .side of ■Jones Street, the said point e< One Hundred (100) feet west of the intersection of Jo !■■;' and Pettigrew Streets, aca ruij.s thence South along hi. West Jiraj of Lots 19. 20 and hh on<- Hundred and Twtnty tn' G 25) I■ - to the corner of ha 21. thence west along the ah • ’.h line of lot 24. forty-fsve ‘■Fii feet to a point in the ’hath hoe of lot 25, thence - "Ui along the east line of lot 11 Or,l- Hundred and Twenty .■<; (125) feet to Jones Street, Lienee East along the said Jones Street Forty-five (45) ' er to the BEGINNING, h a,:' the same property cofl '• -c: to the said Vascar Realty ; aara: "■ :,y deed from V. O. • aa, i. ?. u-ue dated December -?■ iH,"••'I. and recorded in the of i ct- of the R: ur’.-r of Deeds of ■hake Ci t;. > North Carolina, in "hrok 546, Page 443, see also Book hh Page 273, said Registry. ' Th, successful bidder will be 'crjiurcu to make a deposit of not j _ihan five per «5 per cent) cent . f the purchase bid to show faith ii tbr hit! will lay open, us pro h, d by Jaw for further raised ;.s and the property is being hid subject Jo: 1 la d of Trust to Mechanics "id Farmers Bunk; 2. All Street paving assessments i : . MRS MAY I. RROADIfc VJe. mo • inkV ?: ; - ,u! tin. Lord I bin ‘-et! us os wc iflu-red in ,ur I differ;nt ehica .u- . Sunday. T Last Friday nigh' -Jidy 22, was j a .jeautihii n., 'nt to tie outside | and the jiiembi r.- of. the Senior J Choir of First Baptist Chinch | and heir guests en ioyed a rnr.urh -1 ,'iceni fellow ship at the beautiful l homo of the otganisi, Mrs E. M. 1 .\l. Kelley (.34 U State Street. 1 Guests present wei e as tc-llow- J ers; Mesdamns h, Ilockaday, JOt- I cosia Rogers, L. Baileiuine, George j Freeman, Geneva Yarborough, M. JT. Jam 's, Fannie Taylor, Li hie I Hodge, Josephine Williams. L. | V inson. Eulr Ellis, Alice Ellis, ) Ethel Rogers Lucy Hand; Mr. Hoy | Ballcntuie. liUio Miss Deborah j Taylor, Mr. Harry James, Dr. O. | S. BoJ’ock, Mr. W. M. Hunt, little j Misses Ena Eiount. Borverly Vin ; -ion and Mi)trine Jenkins and Mr. i i . P.. Frauor. | Also Mi. William Taylor, Sr., I Mcsdames Lula T. Turner. Louis, 1 H Shaw, Annie Millei Majoric I Leach, AreLa Hall, Came Law.*;, I Mary B. I.anc. Mabel Young. Maiy 1 B Sapp, Acidi?: U-siris; littie Miss 3 Dmothv S*My B. Wright, i Mis* Rena Mitchell. Mi Edgar I Harris. Mr. C. A Levistcr, Miss I Elizabeth Jordon. M. R. Cntdup, f Mr. Kinlow Patter *on. Mr-. May *L. Broad,e, little Mic= Caro! Tay* :! lor and )'-.<• holess, M:s. Kelley. ■5 We had roasted v/tiners with | all the trimmings many varieties j of sodas, ice cream and cake. ) Mr. John Currirt, Jr., his brother ,i and sister, Alexar.dei and Ortavia, | spent- thesr vacation with their I' mother. Mrs. Thelma Wallace in 1 New York City. They also visited I Niagra Falls and many interesting I points while there. | M- Willie Him.•?:'• of New Jer- I jersoy. was in lire city recently visiting h;« j-iMcr and brUher-in- Li's Mr Slid ML'!: James O. Blount. Mrs. H Fau Icon and nuiighter. .M. > Margaret i,. Fa'ii con of Lawn-ide, New Jersey are ■ ■he hmi-*e guerts of her mothm. ■ Mis Mabel Hub We wish fm them a very pleasant slay i Parliamentary 1 i Speaking ... t j By Mabcus H. Boulwapc K J. L.—What can mem bers of a club do when a quo rum is not present? ANSWER First of all. the I ci:,airman should be sure that a j quorum is present, before calling' flu a : cull, to order. If lie is not; -•iure, then the secretary should I com-,!, 'hour prevent, for the pur-; POMJ of determine whether or not 1 ■ torum is present. If a quorum f ; is not present, all that the group 1 can do is to fix a time tor an other meeting and adjourn. If the numer of a quorum is not set in the by-laws, com- ; mon parliamentary law fixes the quorum as “a majority of the members,” A majority, however, is far too large for Raleigh Happenings MU YORKERS RE TURN HOMS j*rl arid M- t. J.’i ■!'... Wtrnt/i!.,.h ; of South Ozone Park, New York, who visited Mr. and Mrs. • William Henry Jones. Sr., of 80S Cotton Place he re last week, have j l returned to their home. They . j were accompanied back to New i York by Mrs. Wiinbush’s brothers, ! Melvin and Lawrence Jones. Mrs. : Wimoush is th former Miss Annie Mr and Mrs. Wimbusb were | feted at a lawn party last Friday i night by Mr. and Mrs. Jones and ! daughter, M>>. Estelle Kelly. I Lee Jones of this city. JOHNSON * AMILf UI fc!> jji Mrs. Daisy Louise McG;rt and | son. Cecil, Jr„ returned to their home in Bronx, N. Y, after visit ing Mrs. McGirt's parents, Mr. and Mr? James M. Johnson of 1111 E Morgan Street here. TO WED Mica Virginia Cook of Method will wed Mr. Robert Cook of New . York State and Raleigh on July 29. Mr. Cook is the son of Mr.-.-. Sarah J. Cook of S. Haywood St., Raleigh. VACATIONING Mr and Mrs. F. D. Washington are vacationing with Dr. and Mrs. F A. Evans of Asheville, Dr. and CARDS OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS I wish to humbly thank every one for the beautiful cards, gifts, sincere prayers and visitations- j during my recent illness. It was i truly appreciated and made my ! recovery more speedy, MRS. ETHEL B. LYTLE j CARD OF THANKS Mrs. C. L. Hinton and family i wish to thank you for your kind ! expressions of sympathy in the; passing of her granddaughter. ; CJariss Elizabeth Redic-Royal of Phiia., Pa. Everything For , . . BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING * LUMBER * MILLWORK * ATHEYS PAINTS * BUILDING MATERIALS * RUSSWIN HARDWARE : Dial 7563 CAROLINA BUILDERS CORF, j 217-219 Dawson St, RALEIGH, N. C, [ Thi Book* 1 f Washington Club held it; regui >i meeting last Sun j f ;■, JuG 74 in the Manly St, ! Christian Church dinning mom i with Mis. Luella D. Cheatham as hostes At tv the meeting a du •! jidous course of cantalope rings i tilled w.:h ice cream and delicious ! lu-me maii-■ cake, assorted nuts anti candy was served along with tasty ieed tea The president and i his wifi- were honored • on their ; 57th wciiJ;i)j; anniversary. Mr, and Mrs, John Chavis were showered ; with many useful gifts. Congratu- I lotions. Ax and Mrs. Chavis C 1 ".marks were given by the Rev T. C Harnans, pastor, Mrs Mary P. Lane of S. Saun ders Street is spending her vaca tion m Pima., Pa., New York City home, Mrs. Lane, we miss you. and other points north Hurry Mrs. Bcs.'le B, Dudley and 1 daughter, Mir-.t Bessie Jean Dad | ley, are spending their vacation u, , | Baltimore, Md., New Jersey and ; Nets York City with relative:*. ■ i We are wishing for them a v.’un ! Uerfiil trip. j Mr. and Mrs. William N. Blount of GranviUe Terrace wei , | honored on Mr Blount’s birthdu ■ Monday, July 25rd at the home »! Mr. and Mrs Frank Howard »-t J 1303 Chester Road. Other guests i present wei>, • Mr. and Mrs. Moser, Sar.ltv. Mi arid Mrs E. Johnson, and Mrs. Hester Freeman It w. i ’ a very delightful party. Mr. an-;! Mrs Charles Debr.arn and daughter of Jamaica. N. Y • were the house guests of Mr Debtiam's sister. Mrs. Ethel Rog ers, teeentjy. Mr- Rogers’ nelcv little Miss Eva Blount of N,-v ■ Jersey > spending the siimmc: 1 with her. Mrs Della W Poweß of New York City was recently in the | city on her vacation visiting reia ! t, vcs, , Rev. and Mrs. Leotha Debnam nnd children, Jean, Shir icy, Le nt ha. Jr., and Malcolm spent last Sunday m Wilson where Rev. Debnam was the guest suenker the F>>st Baptist Chur;-; Mrs 1; i:e Mao Thomas Ui ■i ’ Sain; Agnes Hospital. practical operation. Hence, * requirements for a quorum range all the way from a ma jority to one-fifth of the members. At a ma: s-meetins, the num : ber of persons in attendance, no matter what the number may be, I lis a quorum A committee his a ! ! quorum when the majority of its: members are present. It should be noted that the pre - • : siding officer is considered as a i member of the quorum. Readers : For my parliamentary law chart of morions, send ten 3-c;.nt stamps l. Dr. Marcus H. Boulware, Prairie ; View A & M. College, Prairie i View, f'cx.n s , Mrs. Dcnni; Blanche, New Port. Term . Mrs. By arm and Mrs.’ Law rence. of Greensboro. All of the above persons are relatives of the Washingtons. UMSTEAD’S TRANSFER COMPANY « GROCERY STORE LIGHT AND HEAVY FULL LINE OF HAULING GROCERIES LOCAL AND LONG v „ DISTANCE Tour Patronage Courteous ~~ Prompt Appreciated Efficient —»■— ED, UMSTEAD, Manager 602 S- Dawson Street • Tarboro & Martin Streets DIAL 9478—9212 r- I Finance or Borrow | 1 On Your Car | * I * lit rough The I Dillion Motor Finance Co. | 122 E. Davie Street Phone 3-3231 g | h - ■ ■j ; mKksJ^l * HONORED AT S(lft 1‘ 111 h I I* ARTY Mrs. LtlMe Dunn <;i INW K. Davie Str< f>t v. is vv r v much surprised last Irul.-.y night on being tin 1 hoimrec at a birthday party. The an air which war held on lit'r bark ann, attracted many of hci iriend- The decoration consisted of 8 lons' ialite. decoratnl wHh a beautiful cake as a center • piece. Lighted estudies atteroetl each side of the cake and a punch boot, fitted with orange. Httlli'h, rounded out tile decora tic.n. Tht birthday cake vuv served with napkins and cups to correspond with the e<*l o r scheme, Mrs Dunn received many beautiful gifts. Agriculture teachers At Conference GREENSBORO ■ Six, school tcaellers who had rounded out 20 years of sort c- in Voce uonal Agriculture « .ik aU-v-wd the annual cor. for nice ot '.'■'.-A'/ teachers heM last week as A&T College. They wore nr-' m-. i keys, given by she Pian.l F ra Institute, by : i, f r:> «■» called sit noth;tr and another with the same inevitable ans-.v. r. Hut one in list have hit p e an» tliln g■> wiH lu* hrtiof in >.! week, Tlio Law of averages is with inf Aii*. nnci ?vb - Hubril VVa t .-b m' I.ati'. Wand. New York, ;■>..• ■ i. ; s : of Mrs Sylvia lY.yne. are iho j city tor a iy "ci vacut'.on. T:,?y ‘ arc visiting their ffm-iri-jaw daughter, Dt and Mr-', b. «ti .• R. Pcij'ic of 71.9 S. t. ;nt o'* The ocoupalions anti in other indtiu ti It b> :Opoo.cii cl t ■<’’o' CfliH-.r sjy.'iilcct s uu v '-; it the f ive-fi.iv moot tiv'Tsut aft: ALT C.Jn R. Fiako Sh y.v. Ov isboto, v~y C 1 ' •it' i• v.U:c p*v mvl N. Fj ; Bur.-aa Fedcfa- ■ tiftfi: N-itthAn V Mon. Ha?* sS\. a.*/’ t ta;:S, cAfih: so.jorvuu--.' of Vo r ; h.iM-n. ■*m a .-{ • : \t> f m Oiicbi diF-ir \1 This o m' po• w••;.< 11 per ap-'o. the UKO-53 tivoo;:' pro^oc } Is your Fire Insurance adequate f on your home ' Was it bo.t ;i;t ? to ciurr you!" home tirt' >c,*r- : ago or five, years ago when the \ value was half what it is now'.' I ’> tie oi■ m r-.t: north protocib-:: £.■(. ( Insurance Agency give you full ? protection on your home and a furnishings, CAM, 3-35ibi BEFORE S'OF SIGH'S f: f ‘ NECESSARY' FIRE LOSS. CAVENESS In s lira nce Agen cy ACADEMY BUILDING Dial 3-3. r '-o,‘{ ROY CAVENESS, Jr. ROT CAVENESS. Sr. \ N j I | tXk i J EYE GLASSES X prv&ent I*ric«# ! Didaeuiaijs 1 f "WiTOTITT 1 %, | OPTICIANS, I *«. J i Cteltisttloriai Hldji: . M&leirti t e#.-.s*c* e eeee.. ; PRINTING 0 COMMERCIAL « SOCIAL Consult Us for Reasonable Estimates Prompt -ft Service THE— CAROLINIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY 518 E. Marlin Street Phtrne 4*5558 Raleigh, N C. Vi’jiJcotfci rve \ ivy ni lf, k tv.pre. ill with tb'! South, th.: Sti'.i: -if Nrifih Cu'oli.'ta and tie Ciiv of Uahugit in partiguiir, TIN.. Rc-wenc! F.'irui.i D. KuJ. Cr-lioge, .I.'jO Tiiesii.ty niorfikiij for Sewannc. Tern., 1 cit: lie wu! attend in v - '"..(J u 1 : * Fc-ioc. 1 fit i Flt'iofog.;/ i* the Iteiversify at tlu ■ South thrtij. j Cpl. James Smite left Sum-.iy i to 1 cU'.i'H io Calif „■ t(e, vie , Him? iiis partats In Oxford, and I ii i'>nds in this city. Mis* Carbar-. i Wyne ami her family. * x v In town during- the weekend from Lonisviile, Kentucky Atr. Stank'y Gforris, Mr. Stanley TWarrls, Jr, and Mb-. Ophelia Morris. Mr. M n r i i s, Sr., Jn ckc:';S, Dean rs Vv’- ,:--n at T CG ! is v.-.-.'i.’ir.rJrir! in Dent on, ■ ovi n:> g-.,- -f ..,f: .0 and Mrs :H. :.. Small, G~. jl * * >-■ A It; t*-tic Detisi WK-D. o' South ■n ■ < .c R■: 1. : f: . i.. i ir.y ;n iiiiHt'k of St. A::." -i or , C-.>Y tVi" wore cV'iij. I < i lc,. n Avenue is gow up ard oboitf after to’ge of illsiessS v.’hiitu hai nor • 'on f;itod in he.- Itor-t--. \Vo sinceri - ty ivisu he continued speedy PtUMBiNG j \ i •• i nng - ln«tafl!ns 5 Repairing * R-'rvnotlclin.g | K. E,'e \ I rzz e, mrmit . rh IT Caburrns i Raleigh Phone ti-CStfO lvAS?m^jTO! : r’ TEHRACE APARTMENTS Polo^L’r 1 S bedroom*, living room, kiteben ar.U Lath- Stove, tuß»~-u*Vi«*ewr. -r. *w»hm- mbWiumiw trow* INSURE YOUR HOME [against FIRE - Consult —- { YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FIRE INSURANCE CO. Durham, N. C. umiynrrr— — 1 ■ mam