WEEK ENDING EA I'UKUa x . july 30, nm Stiff Cotl l o g tjtion* M ••■ - “twmn we» wwwwii«w»«ww«im Shrine Golf Tournament bp* vat vh-.'n the av.n'.aql Onh T; v j-.ns-..'->u ooens ir iJ*;- Ui.-.'t, Kietl,, US *.: . <•> i C -m / 4■ ’' K 7 t>:. An.D:> O‘ ’• H.-v E •-■ t the Mystic .lar,•••.:. o ! . N *.’ Ih and! South America and lu .tcribiinc- l THINGS YOU.SHOULD KNOW 1 * i« —w —■muMuii \s«»<>fcraa*'«yHil»aM>»v'<>«t»».glKA'<)w»»cwrb4»ig' 4»OTtombt*'ManfiiW**u*' ul . i M i— i«, mim, i_ |jr j. -j mnn-r-rr-n*** » nemin » wr»'*—«/»»—■»* w».aM«CT«MMwii'«iwiMW.-)%.-,» l a>l»»w» ■wtiw'urwo-'ww*^ | <§g ff MOSESH, 'iMm Kims op Basutoland AT... ~ ~ PO ~ %&r ° Wmi -4F &0 : ~*f§|| £/ndek his rule the sasotds became P»'V %t#V *** Iff' .. ”:CH— AND REPELLED BRITISH INVADERS FOR SEV ’’Dif,-/V j, C V', - ‘ LN YEARS* L A T FR- FORESEEING TIC UNION OF THE j BRITISH & THE BOERS AGAINST HIM - IN VIOLATION V ' OF THEIR TREATY-MOSHESH STRUCK FIRST * / i v-STH 2OPOO EXPERT HORSEMENS* FOOT-30LDIERS...WITH SPEARS t J *?4D HOME-MADE OUN POWDER! AFTER EO YEARS OF RESISTANCE, | SAVED HIS j i s'-s*£**+>£?&. \rr A . Jr, -v V* * i ‘ •' s . i ■-■»-• - - «,-wwww. - «*,- »!«•*<■« u„m> r-Tin-y- I.OU r««iBi« i mwMiniHMiffi i P—Ww» «Bwn«g»(» I j»w»-,HHTIW 1 nniinii)’v r j«*ww<»iiwa«w * ?, « y « rfi i#l i D> « LlSl con 1 o j Key nets At Livingston j • • ' ■ , , f-. He -.erv<’d :i- ii, - ic•: •• ol Hie r irth f !••'.!= c s'i- Tt:,c hers A.s>:if LUion, S'rcsl •••‘Jit oi H, Xjti.m •! »•»!, I i l/eans 7Uid Eegistra rs ,ayjd Prf -id* nt of the North < ir.ijna t ois fereire. tic *.*:;•• * tiairsiyin *n a three-man study committee that rmapli-ted anti distMlniictl for the < iinmiiv ion of fidns «J Higher Cdu<;atttKn, - Sti-.iH of Ih" (.■onv.i;unity f.Hc of N'eeri* Youth,'' a volume ei Survey , c t ows Bennett Grads Pcrfei* 3 Major j Fields As Life’s Work j GR DENSE OF O -- F.Mrr-nPwy F...iit a 1 ;■ j,, Sot ; , Suit ■;c; and Home FEoiv.still continue to lead the ■... -' ay *!i;;;or -• i-i cud<-KV;,r f)r B■s -t c.S> ..*' graduate.-, a survey of the UGa class niudu by i - ,■ ob; . ment scvwc*- dis'.'b..l Os the ! ■) rpetniicrs ot Ibis J ear’s class, 2'i were gradu ated with a major in elemen tary (.'duration. 12, in social : n iciici and 1 1 in home pc..- 1 hsatirically Yours BY i ARKY DOUGLAS Count Basic and his band still ■eeord of EVERY DAY W. C. Hans: was a .rnsmion .. wine Person over CBS-TV . CV-.y Cole and Ben Webster, along with Tvree Uh no. arc mainstays on the Ted Steele WQR-TV ’.Show, D-ryce F. • tc■' beautiful I.iGM recording ;iru>L who is tiding high with her current re* lease of EARiA* TIMES was a guest last • week on Art Waiter’s ABC radio show and Hai Toms' ABC Show. This Thursday night, she will be a guest on Sammy Kayo’s ABC Radio Show Also, Mis 1 - Brown will he a guest artist on the Wool worth Hour on Sunday. A uguat 2i over CBS Ra dio. She was sensational over the fourth of July holiday •. playing the exclusive Shaker Ridge Coun try Chib outside of Albany, Hew 'Cork, and the following day or Scheiffor’s H .tel in the Catskills. Art Mooney’s recording of HON ,u:V Inc, gets undervrov. lourn imeiH, vbir It >*< oi'en ;,i ail rtviafeurs. will see rootest&nts compete tor •» trophies which s'ill be award ed J ■ "inner.; Aug. 16 during 'i;- itinttal buncjUi t, The trn- I'iiU'... '.js rn antmallv by the Moiut-j Cigarette r o.. will U, cftuatly divided into l'f> pru;> . He has hern Idcntt iird with and contributor to j 7.v other lot ail. state and j r.-it iu! pdu ith tHi «rt;anita. to >is ar’cl pubiieations D. L; t>a. ■- an ordained Elder 1 • »Vtt‘ P; i.*c.ii•,.-■*, 1 5 ;j> C' h• tcl\ znd * .•.r iho X ;ih Anicncan : \ . r,- .. : V } : . f t tii- Aiiiafico ot lr, v',*r -J tht- Prevbyic:i- ' ■ ot . hi>' civic activilit •. Ur. > : n with •' > ~1 : . : ... - .'IV a'• ;j ’ .' , '• ') i'thfv‘ Sifitt* ‘-‘1 i fiti ' «je, as wc-.ii a.- in IVr rth Cat - oiu.ia. Ho L-'iS the City of 11 f> n •*. n is * u.cnPoer of Ini* TL c-d <4 D:. ■'oi-.rs of the Char ]oll •. Uni \•-‘d t..i.>tnnt yn! ty Services. : jj’\ Ll r ,’r holds the honorary LL i). co o: c ."- from IVlaryvilU- Coi- Maryviik*, and LojC'-Li Lr ’ vo‘saty v/hestcr Pvnti- . s; . , Ho loted in 'Wbo'ti V/r,.0 o A;<.t nca a.; well as Lead in JBiS-Vv£’.iutiO r 3 atuaifi for the ,occasion will bo I rn. h*,-; by a special n.rnravr sob•••*•! i under the direction of Mi Fciv.orc! i.. Mi In hr II nomlcs. English, with 10, amt music education and com- i jncrisal education with 8 each, were nest in line. Other major fields of study were .lstributed as toi'owg; S-ni .o y ana f'coch 4 eaco. ciolor.y, .1: gccnral science, labora v «. chnoiogy, and history, 2 each with one. each for chemistry, tr.cti.c?; technoU-cy, physics) edu cation, pro-nursing and psycholo- EY BABE is climbing higher in ■ the top ten.. Joni James is t still zooming as one of the top attractions in the country Petty Madigan’s new MGM release • of TEDDY BEAR is really cstch :•on . Oscar Pettiford is < the rave of jazz fans. Pearl Bailey, singing comedien ne who recently starred in the i Broadway production of HOUSE , OF FLOWERS, will be the fealur- ’ eri guest of Mitch Miller on CBS Radios KRAFT MUSIC HALL . this Sunday She will be joined at the microphone in an informal »•. und table discussion by Don Cherry, amateur golfer and sing er am! two other guests. Dinah Washington and Terry Gibbs’ quartet now at Basin Street j . . Th' Ralph Sharon. Trio, along with the Cy Coleman Trio, at the Composer. . Faye Adams h;. been set to fill the top female spot in Lou Krcfclz BIG TEN K.t >dSW for on early fall tour. The review will tour the East, Mid west and South. It is being sold for $3,G00 week nights and $3,500 ; week-ends. awards for male and female rlnsslticatini! I *. In aiididoM to this, f.j;erc wilt be Muee flight* •f competkion In et*vh clatsi tication wltli first. cond anc. third pri»es awarded to win ners of each tiight. The bvuniamen'. wid last one j day. ' : *h - : | §;■ , « hoi-sis. Snowden, niin'irtfv group hous ing .rdvisor for the F *’d''r .t Hous ing Administration, will dis mss tire MlA’s roie in current (iron lems affecting the program ot the Carolina ltoai L-.late and Builders Association m !>>,< !; im Saturday .July 23) at North Carolina College. aL AT JEV.TSII St 111 H*l —■ 'Tv- Patsy Delores Brew action, w *:o received her mastri s degree in English last .tune at North l -«ro. lina College, Durham, is now employed at the rieavantvt ie Cottage School in Plea-awt'ille New York. A natiy «• ol Clinton, N. t., where her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James < , Bre.v ington. reside at U 2 U Steele Street, | £y 'sr ' 1 ... m « : : f ' t - % % i fm4m \ . i • Jgr“ j '■ j ’ .; i S!fa 0 " ■■ RACIAL ADVISER --- Reuben A. Clay, Racial Relations Officer for the federal Housing Admin ministartion in Richmond, will lie among participants in the an nual Real Estate and Builders Conference in Durham, Satur day, Clay will serve as rootiera ator of a workshop discussion, on ‘ 'he Promotion, Construction, and f'inaneijig of Residential Dr velopmcnt#.'* ‘ - Clearing For Fall Merchandise P* m iss Aig p m :■ 1 lUI #. §m 'W n i4 l h wwft■■ mm Tremendous Reductions On All Four Floors Reduced Over 50% SUMMER Lk Blouses / ! \\ / A Rtg. $1.98 /fb.p5 x 99c j I If \ All your favorite styles. Short L®vO \S sleeves, sleevless, and V 4 sleeves, / 1 A Cottons, cotton and nylon,, and { ' ph*. pongee. Assorted colors. Sizes i Sportswear —Second Floor CHILDREN'S j Simback _& | Sheer Dresses -. ... -, V~, ~. s .„ 5 4Tb m* Joo 000 | Chihli ■ pe'pi -Second Floor .a;iw»rcrti' * (»Mt> - - • < .»«^.-*M^»*i».,.'«~»-~ rl Yr-fii r rTT rn i M | n . rn ri-riinr-WitiTr-i-i 'r~'nnm>irTn-iwiiir s<*> Silk ptivif: ..• taffetas and cot ton pr.mi* AH h Fuced to make room i. - i.-j!J merchandise. | Summer ert: ; u net -i riifiit wlti :i n j you need them most. Body T ■'•hop Second Floor RAYON JERSEY : • yi Shortie Pajamas \ J Value 2.98 - 3.95 / ' $ 1.99 fid j / j; N / | j ' Soft two piece jersey pajamas. Wash easily J? \ \ ind require no ironing. Midriff style top. !y [ \\\ YA Sizes 32 to 38 in assorted pastel prints. | , y'rrtj? " "kj -'; Nb, u Lingerie Second Floor 1 % ■: «rs- >- Bamboo Blinds « GREATLY REDUCED! Third Floor for Home s Hudson-Belk. 1 nr, cakohjnjaw WOMEN’S Summer DRESS SHOES Were 31 98 399 4^9 Street Floc>r iw-.'-"- mm r ~niTrmmrniTTireriiniurru 1 1 nriviinnr nigniwnw niiniinimiiwnw— — 'r»n Seersucker Bedspreads Reg 3.99 *2.99 So cool for your bedroom ... so easy for your laundry. They re quire no ironing. Prints and solid colors. Third Floor for Homes CHILDREN'S COTTON DRESSES SI.OO Buy them by the dozen. Pretty cot ton prints and solids at one low, low price! Only SI.OO Basement Store ■WIIIWIWW 'U —«»IWwaMWMfc-il■ ■■in !!•»»■>— n ruTirnw i— rim*-mu SUMMER DRESS FABRICS 99C yd. * Polka Dotted Crepes » Nyion 1 . vr-i--, • Checkalon (orlon -md nylon) • Nylon Frr:; ♦ Checkaway (orlon .-.ci.j pylon) « T :.■•< rr,- S • Dacron Prints # Nyir n Dr.;- Street Floor Summer COTTON j FABRICS Values to 2.19 yd. 79c Yd. ! Ruffiin Prints, Primed Voile.- j Powder Pu:V p. . u. - j Prints, Lc-nona Saiid-.-Uj ■ { Sh.irkr.nl. P-.i-■ P.ini S; u Prints, Chs.mbr.iy Prn *s, i s*. ids. Solid cole*: S ' F?•••-!'.•.•;«) •; Prints. Street Floor ~mm»unnmiiwimi■. L ->iinu«Lni i - —ni-.i-rumunriiiwriir» t «3, Jim; .a.; .i.i.a Reduced 7 M straw .oa'-a ntt a-a : \ w ,- ■ / 'K S Vi Price ( 'dH / Special Group 51.99 "- _ _ I MEN’S S-T-R-E-T-C-H! ■ “T” Shirts j I Vdl u t l 9 B 79c ; Street Floor w MMMimmiiiHi fljiMilWjj 1.141:U ungLonMNUiaMnn Cotton Rem aaats Value ;!5c yd, only 22C yd. Short lengths of sheers denim 1 ;. ; s broadcloth, and chambray. Bwrnent St-' re •s i —i-rnrTminmwiMiiiii-iMiii»iii»Mii>iiiir m "r ■—. ——-■-mriTHiwn- -'rrtwtiwivniHHmvJt Ironing Board Cover Reg. 60c 39c Elastic edge cotton cover that fits any board. Guaranteed washable. Basement Store RE I ONI NG BEAUTY vr t t r JKLrihr, ril HOSE 'M d S*r ! ¥ IW* i I ~, . .... | **” .«»>nntMnMi4we»s'W/' wmmmsmk mi n^awwpgwjwßiwwrafc ODD LOT ~ Mens aport uoats $A Ojl INSULATED THERMIC BAG Reg. 2.98 $1.98 Insulated with Fiberglass. Keeps food and liquid hot or cold for hours. Red plastic with zipper closure. /><•!■, emer.t Sirin'' PAGE FIVE