SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1955 Youth Crimes Attributed i© ‘‘Adult Delinquency” Cfewch Folks ! Mmi Reform Preacher Says WE&t YORK <ANP)—Speak- ; :n« before the congregation of Bethel A.M.E. Church last Sun- j day, the Rev. 'Dr. Richard Alien | HiMebrand attributed widespread rruns in Harlem to “adult delin- 1 nuency/' He said “there must Vie no trana* ! fee of responsibility, ail of us are! responsible." l>r. Hildebrand, a r ice chair man of the Manhattan division of the Protestant Council ot the City of New York, is try ing to unite Harlem's business, social, religious and political 1< triers tn tn effort to provide holier adult examples for the rommunitv* young people. Th. e non-sectarian movement : roiled 'The Bethel Ch.U'cn C-u --i ids A;,. ■ ■ A D*or .-iiency. was outiinati a a “plan ha*ed or. V -,l M! ri ■; ■>': 1 .i v ' t o i eluded "the family as an im portant unit in any neighborhood betterment program.’' Dr. Hilderbrand stressed the importance of adult influence on the behavior of children. He main tained that, fvi n when people as filmed they were alone, somebody • Has watching. "A youngster roo.'-t j of all/’ To foster "self respect for os and our children, some of rbureh people must conduct o'-u - selves in er •' decently, too, he Tn commenting on the 'cru sade,** Carl Lawrence, hi ad of th< campaign committee said. ''We cannot blame Police Commission er Francis W H Ada---.- .- e.nv one eise downtown for the ci imi s ,r * K vrient We . i . < and socialize up her-'. We .-re to blame Sugar Ray May Train in Hawaii Bt HI fit RT H Hltl'tC CHICAGO •AN Pi - Sugar Rsy Robinson, former mlciciif'- weight rhaxnp'cn of the world, h-'» been nffr red a chance to "•'in and box id H;v -•>.!> ~s* r the romplete care of an » ' h-’i ■ ity in body building aed ru.C t ejj after his .luly 22 w;r. over Roifky Castellan < m San Franc:: eo, According to the authority, t>r Richard You noted nierli fW-sportsman in Hawaii, Rob itfson will be aided it ne u <vpt* the offer. Or Y("j :■ id hi po.-.oi v. -1 t April in New York with Vie M ce'Ju. one of Robins,'-: . i.u: a-d thai he is now off, ring term.'. te»t he thirtV •> Rf uinson and his managers Jr. Gilliam Sparkles As Utility Man NEW YORK 1 ANPi M.,-t versatile man on the Dodg; squad is Junior Gilliam, tne youngster the Dodgers tried to trade to the Phillies last year. Junior has been tilling in for Brooklyn's greats. Jackie Robinson in left field amt more recently, fluke Snider in renier Meld. What's more. Gilliam has done an excellent job in both spots making - n national catches, throwing veil Associated Builders Commercial and Residential Building 1107 E. DAVIE ST. DIAL 34694 Formerly Os DANIEL COLEMAN ASSOCIATES — i JAMES E. THOMAS, M. I). ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE GENERAL PRACTICE OF INTERNAL MEDICINE AT CM WASHINGTON TERRACE RALEIGH. N. C. OFFICE HOURS: 11 A.M. TO 1:30 PM. TELEPHONES 5 P.M, TO 7:30 PM OFFICE 4-3962 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY RESIDENCE 3-3848 ON <X*MFBACK TRAff, F.r.zurr! Charles (right!, former heavy weigh I boxing champ, came back from a second round knnckrlow- to score a split d '-i-i over joufhful *■:»•«* Andrews in a recent W rournl bout at the Chicago Stadium Charles, a iwo one favartte, moved cv«er to h«s fourth shot at a title bout. It was the. fourth win in five tries for the Cmr-nn.lii I- 'hr mnee he decided to hit the come ‘melt trait- Above, Charles makes a futile attempt to dock a sharp left to the head by Andrews. (News- Photo) 1,000 May Attend AKA Bouts In Mexico Aug. 2-6 SAN FRAN: :SCO <ANr« Ms :'.:i •.- : .000 r ‘ i nsfiorsrfl A>r-hcv ls.<;pprj Aiph t i Sorority aie rxpcctri to thn.‘.y' I this city Au.«. 2-6 fur vc.rr.: ity- Ait a prelude to the Sun Fratteisro meeting. the organi zation sponsoring tours to Mich Interesting <s Boar ROSTIC WARNS OF DRIVING DANCFRS NEW VORK - A ;, i ■ • ! rapidly increase? hi strooi aecinon?.? involvin' A/?-,- . C.S'TS & > • riicMdt r ! - Bostic o- TIU\V d- .TO ! • ! each of his in*. : - '- 1 ' to cautioning young d. :vc* >■ »>n the dangers of rorklos-- dsn me. ?f y1 j tors:obi O•i v : 1 /; ( O i'l '. ■ i'.i.*• V. highways and si & •t-.\ w was afeONi killed in a hinh'-v,-^ | collision several years tti ! close to dv'ith 1 w s an• - . i . :hf- ; f:t y;.n! rsjr.y be yn,:; Vl;!kinc t r:*tl: -:ti <1:-; : ture fri-in hi. UMi.t! ,i'h> -if ;:ivifiK out with lively Rock n‘ R -tl tunes, the King recording i.iid aside his famous ..-.mi jilionc and started preaching about safet'-first -od human lives. “More of us who a.<* :n a p-.y:- lion to il.fP:-7:( ■.'ll:'., \ : teenagers," Bostic said, “should [ attempt to impress upon , minds the necc-i-suy of driving safely at all times. Whenev-r performer pi-r.ys b-'f-ue a hf-t 'or dance ha:! pack, d verr; t* • agers. he .should close y.< . . formance with a word of •. , al.eiiU s:ti,:-iy-f!.i st. H-iole sway from the affair Jus* to; ■ appeal ):ke that ct-t;ld i- Ip t rave a human life. Bps tie. who g'd. his ! • knowledge from a ruin while he a student at Xavier Ui.ivi ; • i siiy, ha.-: just completed a recur,': breaking lour of 1 lit- top ja/.z spm.s lus Californ.,*, Nevada, Creaon. Washington and Ancimi igy Ai ■■■ ka. Tooth N!!. Ycll-.wstnne Dark. <-i.sad < oiilee ?.im . f’ortlaml and fttoiint Hood, in tile tv.ioai Si.ti, -. allti Haw -ii. Th< s-oi'O! :cy, whu. a has dm ; ori *).. lie 7'| . ~f A pi',i Kapr-a Aloha S-s; : tr, :;ti ire, aiai ci . y rights pn ii • ir t -r> U providing schoi-.: ship g:ats':', and r.,r -•.- icMiee. rlnn maß&myr w f . w \ v I 2 56 I inston phone 2514 I f A Letter To Our Catholics and non-Cathoiics, as a rule, get along right well together Out families live amicably next our to each other and often be line lifetime friends Our sons :hr side by side on every battle ■id We work together in the .me shops and lactones... root n the same baseball teams. . do tisiness with one another in a urit of mutual trust every day. in these and other phases of vervday life, there is a dose asso .d.tnon whith promotes under standing and respect. But in reli gion . where tins close association does not exist... there is often a regrettable lack of understanding anti a corresponding absence of good-will. Many people for instance nave all sorts of false ideas about Catho lics and the Catholic Church. They actually believe that Catholics wor ship statues .. rhat many sordid things happen behind convent walls .. that Catholics do nor believe in the Bible. ~ that Catholic teaching is pure superstition and the Mass nothing but mumbo-jumbo. All non-Carhoiics, of course do riot believe such things. But enough of these false rumors are in circu lation to cause some sincere and intelligent non-Catholics to look upon the Catholic Church with suspicion, and to reject Catholic truth without even troubling to in vestigate it. It: is for this reason that the' Knights of Columbus. a soclery of Catholic laymen, publishes adver tisements like tins explaining what Catholics really believe We want out non-C.atliuhc friends and neighbors to understand us and our Faith, even if they do not wish to join us. We want them to know the Catholic Church as it really is... SUPREME COUNCIL Ml IGHTS or COIUmBUS RELIGIOUS INFORMATION BUREAU / \ 1147 5 HMD EL l Bt VO ST ,ou ’'' * MISSOURI —— if L/ \r\;/ ■'B'-W'U' of M'ttlo Expends; a siiua!! J.oax will sink a great Sh;p Tn?.: v-is Bnijimin Ti’n-k --; isn'v advice. Buying U S. Bav ; Bonds on the Payroll Sav» ;r;:. V' an. 8 1-2 mUliOn Amori -1 before mey arc tempted to spend Ta v fnon North Carchna > ij : n ;i: nci a l ez r ly Ir s h pc-ta Lc WHY- :s ■.s of June 1 indicate pro i diicti'm wiU total 3,220,000 bustle If F u' rosnre’s f^ r Tvc >"■ n - Carolina .* 195a wheat crop -s of June i iriduab i a ’’p 6,480 ,00 Q o b:;sheh\ or 648.000 bushels above the May 1 forecast. not as it is so often misre{»resen«ed to be. It is also important to vchi per sonally, however, to inquire into the teaching of the Catholic Church For unless you do, you cannot know whether the Catholic Church is or is not the Church established by Jesus Christ few your salvation. You cannot kitefligeotby accept or reject Catholic teaching tint?! you investigate k and know what it really is. A distinguished Csrrtiofic author has written “A Letter to a Prieod Not of My Faith." Hus ietter has been published in the form of a pamphlet which can lx- read in a few minutes., and which gives a remarkably clear and beautiful explanation of Catholic beliefs, worship and history. More im portantly, it gives a blue prim of Christian living which will deeplv move you whether you accept or 'eject the Catholic viewpoint. fi VL-T \ This highly inter » esring pamphlet ts ----- weli worth the few minutes it will take you to read it. We will he glad to send you copy ire?, on request. Write today .. . - ! : lor Pamphlet No. KC 23. THE CAROLINIAN Founded By Booker F. ; NNBL Confab Planned WASHINGTON - iANP) Thr- Nstiona! Negro Business League, 1 Trie., will hold its 55th annual con ] vcntiori in Houston, Texas. Hornee : Sitddi.ith. president of the league j announced here recently. The convention will rnvi from Aug through Sept. 2, and is to he followed In » trip fur delegates to Mexico The league was founded tn liki! hy the late Booker Y Washington, educator an •> philosopher. “To Inspire the ‘Big’ Jay McNeely Blows “Wild” Sax Regularly Go’ Go' Go! Off out that smcli -1 it;g sa t< Call out the state militia J and riot squad. G< 1 that dou- ajar ■ in the Ru k 'n' Roll }i *!l of Fame : and give Davy Crocko’.; > - , raising stories buck to the Inch , .= Hi -. .!»> ’.!• Ni . \. that . v •. i/arc* who blows the zaniest honk.,. ■ : k: ioks. whistles ano grunt-' in :n. . I of Rhythm A Blues, ~ ■; a loose again. Big standing 5’ II and weighing in at a husks .»u lbs., puts every ounce «f hi big- frame into his panic-mak ing Rock n Roil style. Blow mg what he jokingly calls a 'tortured saxophone that liter ally mesmerises my fans/’ Mc- Neely has just wound up a madcap rendezvous at Weekc's d Tavern in Atlantic city. N .» The powerhouse saxophone a:‘- i- J. who has been known to fiu an unheard of 45 iruiiulcs,' and thals the union limit l hrs c-iiftea his R"ck 'em and H• 11 em pt-r --forinance. to the iniddu.• v, -t so- o week is contlv, where ho -I pro coed to pulverize CieveGnd. ;., Ohio s hot jazz lovers at the i.ouji ;A I REMODELING Add a Den, Bedroom ! Or Bath to Your Home! tv* build New Horaw Repair and Modernize Old Goes Call I Is For Any Job Large or Small Residential or Commercial Property :"ffi REALTY CO. 129 E, Hargett St., Raleigh PHONE 2-0956 SI ljjj|i dm#* ga mm sr T« *T 1 MANUFACTURED IN GARNER— NEAR RALEIGH. AND SOLD i AS.I, OVER NORTH CAROLINA Rilsines and Economic> of the American ’v<grn.' Bevies Sudduth, other '.easrze officers arc; Dr T >5 H"'a ird. .'. r. Poi - son and Kit Baldwin, all •u:e pre sidents; H. M M'-.gan, trrnstir'r; B Dovli Mif.choii, asssitiiul tie s urcr: R< v G s>. Bonn, enpir, n; .1 J. Hendcrsoti, auditor; J. R Lee. lcvistrar; D". Wilsui . his torian. and Roscr-e A Gavitt. ‘cc i retary. ' Lrurngv V, . i . ... p. .I,:e .'. W(* ’ *hrHi V era «>.••'. ■ r* i Stid • iU. ll'iO! r v V '5 ' • .say.- "no mitt ter hie.v tnw'n j have to ,;u> pi ■ }.. .j,- 1 r . the listonoiA to tin. i-, ■ r Pv COME SEE! COME SAVE! --AT A &P! VRMOT R’S VIENNA i SAUSAGE ! 4 i r;: s3 € i |. • [ [ A&P BLENDED j FRIT I I M % ; r ■ nim—■ iniiim iimin mum uiii MMHBWMBBBWBWWWMBHWI Ann Page Creamy || |f% A MAYONNAISE ; Jane Parker Jl§| JP% A | SPANISH BAR "" « v Jane Parker A% |f% SUGARD Donuts LS' WHITE HOUSE DRY | NON-FAT MILK These Prices Will Be Effective Through Saturday, July 30. i \h more teachers, I V| r - -- " ' ” WBBk *\,4 f ‘ -.A C"i.*. | |» PYM f•■> T RE' '-'KKJHMHhII U"»mi| j»"Wa Jane Parker Peach St reuse! lipppru 7s? i;r ana - flaked •) ..... Oa« TUNA FISH « WW TvrtiTs, n 5c |“fiu : Nrs^’ i prune #) v PLUMS &i U W PRICED LOW! A&P apele e ; 92e SAUCE £| : ..' 1j.%1 tNRTRtnri ;v rnmp * •; atumamm roußnnaiOTn > »»n r.mun. • “(TTImiKNT'ONC-ENTRATE ORANGE juice is ‘ :z JANEPARKER Enriched White BREAD Me Mcutoj PAGE NINE

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