DFSFSDF i Th<- Infkif ear last v>eel* waf j ihf one bearing lb* tag: now ( V-r ‘X 46862 If the owner of I that tar took If to Oumi's fcs: ■■ ! jtct-vicf. riiiri f 6ab*n »s and Bhiotlv orth otreeti- h.e rt* tf> Raleigh, ha rere!v«d * (ter ' grs3.se job. The will happen every '<erk ! ! Watch foe your lag number. If | j it fellows the asterisk you will I ' *■*«, the grt sse job. The ruitrt | j i-ei tvill he taken from any car j | be ••ring a N. ('. license. the numbers this week are ! | D-M24; 'X 5715; X '(3l4b, X- i | 46862: X-'AftSh: and R 5314'! j * & * A- "Ar ★ k k A k A k k k k A *■ A k A A A' Ar * A k ' A A I’rapped By Flames: R-Jeigb I v 3 t* fSehocTs. l.ic a *:c»»i-sif>ck corpe to < r.’'' O; \ C' : .t*MJt '■< ' o' si! kinds." was *»s..iod a ch.,- tor i v the off- t t.f Nenn (..>•• line ; Secret try of Slate Thao. F: -e this »<. • Attorney Vaughan " Winbnrue of the three incorporators. - A today the 4: a nas not I ■-.. 2 to say "at this time'' about pie.... > or purposes of the organ:? vt: C:hc-t incorporators were lilted William Noble Sterling and •Jo'-n H Andersen. Starling is an trsur3r.ee agent. Anderson was as a University of No:in student. Wtribornr, who Is the son of { burrp.ir> Stanley Winborne of the state t'tilitirs < ommift ‘ion. vw idr-nthied nv star, tine as 'hr ''.founder” of the sroup. A : .t A My. Gen. 1 Beverly Lags has suggested his pe :sor -i ! ophnjor 'o3’ citizens >n Tar Heel romntunuies should charter non •look corporation* to operate pn schools in order to preserve jifgntton < f white and Negro pupil*. (f OVTINT ED ON PAGE 11 NC Pythians Complete Plans For Twin City Meet, Aug. 15 State News -w- Brief i I DIES FROM PISTOL WOI VOS ASHEVILLE l5-year-old Phil hr I) Ledford of Wilmington, Del., died early Sunday as a re sult of a pistol wound inflicted by Robert. Lee Conner, 24. Re cording to n Buncombe County Coroner’* jury The jury recom mended that Conner ne held for n grand jury which will sit Aug 22 H« ;k now being held without bond in t.he Buncombe county is; It is alleged that young Led ford. a white youth, became in volved in an argument with Con ner in a Negro neighborhood. ! Conner, according to testimony, had told Ledford and another , white companion that they “had better leave here: you are in the wrong territory," MCKDER BEING PROBED ' LlNTON—Ntmpson t'oun- Sheriff Coleman Carter l-rt week investigated the murder of Roosevelt Vann 23 of Clinton, who was reported >' fatally wounded by his < CONTINUED ON PAGE 11) Hit By Lightning, She lives To Tell It ! SANFORD Shirley Buie, 20. was recovering at Lee Hus- i Pit* I tliis week after having j been knocked unconscious by » holt of lightning while priming tobacco near Broadway dur- j in? an electrical storm here. | Saturday. The same bolt which bit her j killed * mule 4-hat standing near her. The .voting woman was not burned SDFSFSDF I IOC \ —iW4rT>7 10c / i— -• <r I ( 4-.,.. ' \ I VOLUME 11 RALEIGH, N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST ft, m* NUMWciTw" MM ‘ % W'im , hi %‘p? < ! &i .o%'' it / ;i»i dp|i' * * J : W ' - -•Ml' . -" ; m T iS i .... ■ -.»• V '..'!%!.:«.,ys JAY ALLEN DAVIS . held tor murrirr m HELP IN WIFE’S DEATH DURHAM Gavford C: i. r 33 of 330 1 Enter price Sti'-v v; - arrested early Sh tarda' and charged with shooting has wife. Marjorie. 36 in the hip. Duke Hospital officials stud t-hat the wound did not. appeal to oe serious. The shooting .s said to have followed an nrgumer t. be tween the couple Carton was ar rested about 30 minutes after the shooting at. the bonae of friend, on Lincoln Avenue. BY .! B HARKEN WINSTON-SALEM The gen eral committee on arrange beaded by W. W. Hoover of Hi. h Point, is rapidly completing platu for the entertainment of > hundred members and friends of the Supreme Lodge Knight' of Pythias arid Council of the Court' of Calanthe which will meet here August 15-13. The North Carclir; a Jurisdiction of Pythianism headed by Sir John Alexander Mebane • Grand Chancellor. Tarboi o. anc Mrs. Clara Williams Nesbit. Grand Worthy Matron of the Court of Calanthe, will be hosts. SOTH ANNIVERSARY Co-incident v, :th the Supreme Lodge meeting Sir R. A. Hester of Dallas. Texas. Supreme Chancel- I lor, will be the 50th anniversary meeting of the North Carolina Jurisdiction of Pythians and Calanthe. The state lodge was or ganized here In 1305. The Nonn State K of P. will meet in ex Wilkins Speaks Friday At Churchmen’s Meet POY WILKINS GASTONIA .-. IOC,:! police sav 1 that Jay Allen Davis. IT. arrest ed Tuesday morning, has confess ! ed that he sta.tnr.led Mrs. Othelia Reid W c • TO to death here i; at week, clearing up the tnysterv 1 which had baffled them since her j body was found early Tuesday. Mi-. G’ice's boor was found propped ay•:'.'..-a the hacy steps of ’ the John Dulin n sidenco on Ran -sin Avenue Tire woman, former resident of Loa ell. had come here tor a vacation last Sa tut day and attended a dance at the Costner ; Building Monday night. Tt.lt: that Davis was seen .leav ihf: the fiance about 12:3-0 a.in., i few mi-.u’i-s ,if‘.er the woman had left police sought hint tor oucstiormp. At 1 he domed any conmtetion with the crime, saving that he was drunk and couldn’t remember very much. VJ.Mirx KILLING After being questioned all day, Allen, police say broke down around 5 pm. or, Tuesday and idnutted that he killed her. He said ' he add hi: hand over tier mouth for 15 or 20 minutes until she went limp. A local phy -ician who performed the autopsy, -as: that .Vlrs Grice definitely i ON ITNT'KJ) ON PAGE 11> tra-ordinary session at the same time of the Suprem. Lodge. Arno n g other prominent Pytbjans expected here wtt! be Dr George D. Homing of i CONTINUED ON PAGE lit SEEK SLAYER OF MOTHERIN-LAW GREENVILLE -- After finding his 1946 model car hidden in a wooded path in the Aydyn area, Eestern Carolina police this week redoubled their search for Henry Lee Darden, sought for the murd er of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Georgia Williams. Sunday. Mrs. Williams was lulled by a .'-hot-gun blast st her home six miles eaf.'t of Grifton. The blast CONTINUED ON PAGE 13) By J, h. HARKEN | BED ALIA •- The annual two-. ! day Retreat of Presbyterian Men, of t.he presbyteries of Yadkin. Catawba, Cape Fear and South ern Virginia is meeting at Palmer j Memorial Institute. Principal guest speaker for j the opening meeting on In i' day evening. August fi. will J be Roy Wilkins, successor to | the (ate Walter While as | head of the NA.AOP. Preened- i | ing Wilkins’ address wUI be a panel discussion: “The Christ ian Responsibility in the. j Challenge of Desegregation.” Discussant!-, will be Dr. Ralph ; D. W< lions. Dr. J. Neal Hugbleyc ;W. E. Debnam Dr. A o. Steele, hand A tty. Fred J. Carnage, serv |ing a- moderator. : Registration opens at 10 AM . Friday and trie Retreat, closes at. 1, 8 PM. Saturday. I (CONTINUED ON PAGE 11) i • ’Rmwai’iTirm tnis"*!! taw m*r:i «teo-..'.»y sa - w,-.- .v^iaHcs..: resn Tttr 1 -- me synffaagwttgr^xsc'tPvsra^ny-wMy , Kgaie-~- .-vr^n-ia: SPECIAL ISSUE IS PUNNED Juvenile Delinquency is one of the most critical problems . the. country today. There are no reliable figures available to show exactly the xtent and cost of child crime in the nation, since most states in not make pul.he the no me? and dimes of law violators under ci rtam ages, but law enforcement bodies estimate that |n> Delinquency is our most expensive problem. This true not only occuuss of the actual loss in property and mat rials and the cost of institutionalization, but primarily. ■ tiie misery, squalor and heartache of the mdundua) and the onsequent loss, of useful and worthwhile future .tizen:; to th« community and to society. In tin effort to curb and minimi*' juvenilf DeTinuuenct n Wake County, next week's issue ■■■■!. The CAROLINIAN will b devoted largely to the peobiem of child . rime in tl.- county. Leaders of the county—outslai : c • r -he-t . professions will inaugutate a scru y of murks giving iit< u iCONTINUED ON PAGE II) ..- I % #f BENNIE T. PERRY , . . stung to death Franklin Man Stung To Death BV NAK< 4SNIK UAKHIM LOUbBURG - Benn p Thomas Perry, a saw mill worker, was stung to death by yellow.iackets last Thursday Mr Perry, who at ti e time, whs working fur G T CuiL n. on,-" woods owned by J. C Matthews, near the Louisburg Airport, got into a yellow-jacket n. 'U Tuesday. These stings, to which he was itONTIMKD ON PAGfI lit HOMEWARD BOUND A ten* of “the best Otani soldier®.'' (see Sim) Who JH.ee, also members of the 16th Infantry Regiment, First intantry Division, die up the gangplank to board the CSNS Upshur in Brwnerbnven, Germany The ship brought them to the Coded »»»*•* the first contingent of the First Division under Operation seoive, t be Army's now rotation h'a-O Two more unite follow the- sum mer nnd like the first, will exehatups stations with the Kith Infantry Division. at Fort Riley, Ram. tNewspres* Photo) finv ii fjces Cfpr cHr.ppF RV ( tV BARBER. TR G ANTONI A- A capital r..:. nf burglai-y has been filed ■ i.uosr a 14-yi .ir-p'ti i. ■■ who Hfuciltrc Ito pf-iu'c that be broke ji t■. s v. :i w.irr.en :s whu® • ■. ; y ri'Sht. If found cu lly. ih.< boy cmj rt be sen tent ■ J to the g a:-. cha.,,:>< : Tht youth. Tart., s Brown of the King's Mountain Highway. K OMIM Kt) O p \t,i is) s-n-n-rwi , .«* Trunk (itir^les, Man Arrested BURLINGTON—After fruit lessly si-arch ing the home of Henr.v S. Smith, 48. on Old Alamance Road, one of the of • fleers moved a toot, looker. II gurgled. Smith said that he had mst (he key and couldn't open tin locker, officers placed him and the locker in a polite car and went to a local locksmith. Inside the locker, they found two half-gallon jars of white whiskey, so Smith was charged with illegal possession. Smith said that his sister had been using the locker at Black Mountain arid that the liquor must have come from there. 4 Mt i Meet i*» jp| * i ic-i j yB3 iH BAM LET Fo u woman met their <it Tn lure Lundy v when tnt.ii -r ; .■:■.-•.: ■; a curve, overturued v- ;» , . and burst into flat s- ; . - Highway 74 about cast of here The; dead. . . of H i'ki'titled >. HIAiVATHA llivis HtLi.n: BtiGfi.AN mviy: gam •< 4AMES STICVUN -ON <• , MISS SARAH .it;;., s 4 /«, i-’ohr.y .■. •.rrU'i, j; ;. j,he • re *r-j-p.- d hi iht: v> : ;•( caught f<rc and all . horned to neal.ii TI HN'S OVER SFVFK M Ipn The cp r was D -velly:.' tween Htarulek nrui ’ . . . w hen th e <ti i v •*r. Da visat-ua c?j 11 \ i control rcandu.,/ a r-n*ve '» car roared througli ’be f • vard of a homo and r. —d 1 t :m* • ijr :> • * rr«»i’ rest oil i ? .' top in : he ’ ■ :e. ‘ ; - burst- into ‘j, n;-- ; Acflarding to Sco:: d tx •• Deputy Sin-riff Geo:;.-. ■ ; CONTIMTII ON fAf.i: : What’s Happening On Desegregation Front (IS\PEL HILL DELAYS CHAPEL HILI., - discussed the Issue of public school de.wgrt*RfitioK. members o.r u;< Chapel Hill school board Monday night postponed adoption of i official policy for Lit: comm:.: ' school year. ; The board members indicated ; that they would not set a forma! ; policy until after Gov. Hodycs makes his policy spi eeh on in tegration next Monday r.\: hi. HARNETT (XH NIA PETITION ; DUNN— A petition filed by the llocal NAACP aski:.;: an end ' ] compulsory segregation in tne | public schools was referred to a i .‘jpecial committee b:> the Har nett County board of education here Monday. The pctition, si u o«d by w • Ham Steele, president oi the coun ty chapter, called on school of Integration No Job For Children, Says Horton j Speaking before an audience of | approximately' 75 per..,,-re’ why | braved very inclement weather ! last weekend to be pie sent, she ! Rev. Isaac W, Horton, p;\ • dent <•• j the Raleigh Chaplc', NAACP, to;.-; ! his YMCA i:st< oners that to, : ahead required the sitrv.-o/ < ■ ! strong backed men and women of | conviction and counts:*, "This >s. j no job for children, foi boys ..no I Kiris, tis-:-. is n<u. j pl»v iniug T:.ir \ forces wc must combat are stropc and deeply entrenched, but with the help of God we w: i win be cause we are on His m or The Reverend Horton v - in troduced to the audience by Mr. Carl Devann, Director Dcd. of Social Sciences. Shaw Univer sity, and chairman of the Execu tive Committee of the local NAA CP branch The speaker ve very ap! precise in lus presentation and (CONTINUED ON PAGE I.l} j r ' ' “ r _ 1 "fpf , j ■:, ' v ' psst : 'i I Ni IV VOi’K 801-. MN AriMino ho I- s.-l. /cr Scut- anct j,..nh JU ti*?C O*' (■•■»>!{h> i \ "iitil l. nikd buses t»» va. d« sjdviy hi 1 r < il\t > u rot . the t>S Latimer f»r ;a n <t i*, ffiii'.-f. i ti<- •-tup .i -x iiidGi jo rem h port 4? .New ><>rK Harbor Ind.iy '(l'nif-k, day, utvipg ih* Scouts « ionr I jjc& <q g* s”s *•-?• If I*l <#*l I 1 4r%**\T • A t aCII vI 0 1.-4 litl v 1 . w t j JVfjfi IVfftm a #.;•■<,*.... ..c -v JL *5 ■"*,,# % | 4., yv * V HOUSTON'. Tov • m >*■ CJ-.a! pi onorticemcht?, by if.-rr *.•'! ••••f.andinu character l htehtifhtei ft» miier-il convention of tie American Teach# .A; wniim v. nich me h< •< .<■■ T>.xa. -Souther: ■ .’nivi-rsjty. Sunday. Monday a Tuesday. H.iinrood Mai 'h-ill, NAACP at ; iOiTif-v. described th . two Suprcjn< Oourt Docj ..oil- a;- jurat fie ton <• for Democracy. I)r John Davi i '.anted mu j;, ~ the Amentan !e ! h had . < frnr. - pam and suffe t>: ,-vcty rn •.. Period in America's iusiory. florals to take immediate steps !<i reorganize the .schpois on an integrated basis. Meanwhile, the board pirns to! ; operate the schools on the usuai segregated basis when the tail WAYNE HITS SNAG GOLDSBORO - - The Wayne County board of coramissiohm; w;.t: advised lasi: week by New York bonding attorneys that there ' was no market tor 51.000.0t.0 in' unsold bond:? of a 52 33(1,000 bond , issue approved by the voters in i 05* According to attorney.-:, the ICON TIN t 'ED ON IlGl. Hi Durham Fair Sept. 26 DURHAM The 19th annual Durham Count y Negro Fair will ■ oe held Sept. 26 - Oct. 1, at the American Legion Fair Grounds. it was announced this week. A* ; Jr ' ■.£ „. I ; W,"" ytvvtr' ■'•few ™ V,S / ♦ \ ■ % • \ , i REV. ISAAC B HORTON «'•« , ki»nd in. the ‘Bur City S') iiher Fv!il'iri r;'i in the Ocennw ;h<-r Division sir piiuunt to •iUcjhl in "Ait lux'.smpnu’nt' at ■ ■-))>■ Ai- Finve n» ••* X. r . tu g * ’-J-! Ineiaiiei! t j > lis f- atiove ivuit.i It-S’t tft right !>;' Meuni' '■'■ , ! ‘!< - I'im Hluti hyivrster li*t< j; ii, and Du-v. (artet AH activities in tilis ■iuisjof! atv interracial ! Dr Horace. Mann Bond con* ■e chided weh the prediction that ••i ;hr ir .’ditic.n o* absolute equal! • <•- tarianixm m: Au:u :<• i:i education >n w.li depend upon: the extent lo 'it which it k: practiced during the t - uming yeat- in thy dfegrcg-i- Hon and irit . * odinn of public !:- - ,■;;(>(,! education !• The eor.seniion begu . on Sun i- d: ad.’ noon wit h a Cower iri* - i- 'in deee.-i.'.ed life members of the yea• the. c-:-change of ho t d greetings, ite- keynote address of i< ONTIS'I i'D ON PAGE fj i fflS ° ENDS ! On The RALEIGH SCENE Two local lawyers, one a Me . gro, were arguing >< cai e irvolv ihe custody of a t hiici. in Donusi-ic Relation:: Court her* laat week The i'y thei, represented by the white iuwyi,-;. wanted to the child to Baltimore where he .sfiic). his son would have the. advantage of better amt unae?- icrated school: The niother work ed the child to remain here and , her Negro attorney i.r!d too court that the schools in North Caro lina were ! -ust sr. good as the oner in Maryland. Whereupon the while attorney told his Negro op i ponent. 'T hope you will rem ember I hn.r sirdemet-t later on ' "ep. I hope you will remember . you said it,” * * * * Some parents in th« Oberlin section ure bilking about taking ’•he "bull by the horns" by taking !-hi ir childrens bands next Sept ember and going with them to • re/: •!•••)• at the Broughton ard f iixnir!; hr h schools The Dame!'-, 101 is loci, ted on Obrrlin Road. '■‘he Broughton school, on St | Mary's St., i.s close by * % * * Overheat cl in a local Super , Market lasi, Saturday. "Rev. J! looked for you a! the NAACP meeting last night, where v. ere you?" Replied the Rev,, "No, Bro. . I just couldn’t "'.l around to if. Did you have a •'.ood meeting?” “Never mind •whether we had a good meeting or not since, you were not inter ' ••ted enough In come.” replied the i'Toe prii: boner. “What I ea’ly want to tell you is that one of these Monday mornings. I'H be telbr.fr you I just couldn’t get around to com:! •: to church and giving you ray money the Sunday bes oi “ Tun ling to a friend close h\ the soo(i brother continued. "I’m Ark and tired of giving my money to a preacher who Is al wji.vs telline me bow' I can die ■ivr‘ b- frr I wart, someone to help me get. free now.” (CONTJNtJFD ON PAGE 111

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