A J| §g <4rais%&!s£sft ~ i WS 4 pt. i||J i 8 , ; - VY I mtr?#'", ■• -■ S , n ssS- . y ./ faNfejfeSf "' ;3 ||| ®pp£*; i *|IPkJH ~v* v ••! * CHBf i IHNCS SELF IN KOUWLKV ATTESirr The body ■»( George Williams, .?r., Is‘i, n? - rmthfiefd is shown here shortly -i i* r it *• ; s discovered hv Mi' ai- For, A Staker, minasrr of (hr Jordan and Holt Hardware Delinquency Target 01 City-Wide Drive riprp fmlQ IS THF NEWS nenpiN u:a».« ame noting HILLSBORO The Wosterr North Carolina Conference of the A.#::." an Methodist Episcopa Church elected lay delegates U she General Conference to be held sn Miami, Florida in May. 1956, as i meeting he'd ncre August 4 Tb« rljetcvial college ci the Westerr N*. C Conference was opened with devotions, lee t>\ the four presid ing elders at 12: noon. After the ■eve: , ; ... X3i. H C Penan w 'c ; elected tempo) ary chairman anti Mr ; Annie Jones, temporary sec rei*ry. After the credentials com mittee reported the temporary or te.oization was made permanent This is the third time that Dr Perrin has served as chairman of the Western N C (tectorial or ]»ec The following persons weir elected delegates on the first bal lot, Dr. Pcrrm. Otis Shade. L- E Austin Vernon Cowan and Mrs F E Anderson. Two additions ballots were necessary to elect ifONTIM i n ON PAGE 11) Sav 82-Year-Old Horse and Bugjry Driver Was Drunk Tin, \ man who says he i t? years eld, hits had four | wjye-; >r»d is the father rtf 32 j children »n arrested here last [ week ted charged with drunk j m driving—rtf a horse and ! Int'ey "• te highway patrolman reported that he found Colum hits ' Lttrn! ranker sitting in th» middle of a dirt road ap pro vrmgtely three miles smith of lift, O’tead. His burpr, from whi-h he app ■ renin had tum- M->d. vks n the read ami his faithful horse. Sadie, was pa ti ll r't- attdine Three half gallon jars of white liquor, the officer said, ncre found beneath a toe bag in sh- foot of the buggy, bum said that he had Iv-en to Nor wood to sc- about some lots he owned end to procure some rheumatism medicine. There was a small, half-pint vial, aJ TOO'tsf rntrl:. of rheumatism mrdie'nr. It was presumed that Pankcy must have taken an. overdose. Police report that to their knowledge this is the first case in 'Montgomery County charg ing a person with operating a horse and buggy while inioxt »a ted. _J a- _ cf 'andat'd Printing Co. ir 1 6 ►J u alia v- * •*• w * -' Lou i svi i io. j « Str*r*. vk'hn-h VVilit.*m« av*s tr »'nK to rob. U*" arrideiß !h n»*jg himself whiJr trying . * « Mt" •■ himself through ... :T! «t u*»»n Wars with in opening- of * 12 toy Ift incfwfL With !n: r <?o *. »n. TViV .'ABO - L-KiAN •" j rr< icaV I prjM,-,: i ... . 1 and sdvcctiscniu ‘V ? on* 'a. JinQuency in R;. • ..ih uni v*a 1 " Itnqu ent y in ih 1:< c«t ra 1 Of* entire |>r»«jcct . c< - • sibif: through the advertL;. •; s :n the Ki.. o • .1 Prorriruuvt v-.tiztns of F or. ii t n ;vhiv . • Luo Wot-. .• . g cj -*■' ; <sts. 3 . r,i Cirt yf y 'un —• ♦ who are ch><( to v. :o * o- Lapeer;- V my and uno v .!• u thi : ‘u , r word? give the . ;•• .: •;>, ■.■< ■■TON ITNI Kl> ON p U.f ;i : i IN3-C*ST C Officerr of the local potter- -i*■ • r partment are still looking for the " unidentified race driver of a car , that caused a three-ear wreck Sat unlay afternoon on High-.-, uy 64 about six miles east nf Raleigh. Tim ,-,-m was driving a 1042 Ply mouth registered in the name - f “ :it< Jonnuon of Raleigh, Rotitf 1, and is said to have left the scene of trie accident, apparimUy unhurt. A man vhe : j one of the autos im-dvet and his ifONTINT.iI ft O V \GF S | , Q P >s RtMDss ~ wti;" H's IT£JB|fk i -Ohj?rf - ! ite | Afjift ! liNtfrir Hi Am >- /; t }Br ,J i* j jlifiFw TodaT": %i%»4 I ■ I^. ? ■ j| Let's Help Our Children Choose Wisely , get th<“ grease job The nuin- ! __ _„ w —Tr”"”""*” ——, I "" 10c y Lgte&CM+u**;, i The numbers this work are: \ \-2:m: K-53149:X-468 6?.' K• ' _ _ a*WgL. M| Lll'-’J,i...r VOLUME 14 RALEIGH. N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY AUGUST M, 105$ ; Local Citizens Plan Reply To Hodges * * * *" * ★ * ★ •* A- * <r Ar ★ Ar ★ ★ A- A -k A- 4 ★ f 4 4- 4 4 Break -In Backfires: Three Local Groups To Reply To Hodges i F.fT>rpsctualives of three organi zations. rnef.firig . uo.sit.'tv nir.it lit the Biondwonb Street YMCA. re | solved to make a radio reply to i what they termed the "Red Shirt" ■ speech r‘ -Oov Hodhe;- last Mon- Says Lanier nr <q . t ioq c>mart Hr TSU Job r, U O.YU ! t.i \KR M HOUSTON. ;. X 1 ANP I A K-nnton businessman, prominent ;i 1... myritc .iffair?, has chars ..i t: r it . T< O'Kara Lenier war t:. •d a> president of Texas South ern Univev«Uy to preserve segre satement by i.he business n; .:■ •. ; • wrir. o:. of Houston's : •■ ■; : ■• :': •. ;• ;■■ the firs'! de fniiu void on t.he June 8 dismiss .] tt; T co far hav Oisv .it '!:«■ re isons ei'.-n otiitr than the ‘'Miinifr that »0 l.anit-f had insulted the nst> of one tis the faculty members was that he was nppesed to ibe "d. termination tttt th" part of the white iead ■; . of this state that there shall be no integration of schools where the administra tion is under the leadership of Negroes.’ SI IT KIOR TO MOST He 'lated that, the problem at u’xas Southern was that Dr. La mer ■ educational background and: ::i: experience in school matter? rONTINTTD -N PAGE 111 GOLFERS re LOSE charlotte unks CHARLOTT After I^thoi Day Nrcro eolfers of this city •vi ' be ’vifihout a golf course EUi: Goc'r.i I. profpsxicmal at the H-’i. . i cp ;: e ?»id This week t,lint nflrt t ,at. date, only white golfer*; « ii >e alloweo to play the cottrre. •Tvrrc ■' no rm- jvur what soever tnvo'vcd." Goebel explain-' cd "The N- -roi-s are i;r| support ing the cot. r Some days we have ah.seejltfly in players On Sundays, whop vo should have good crowds. we h.;,ip maybe .tn players. That ku.d of play won't keep a golf course un Court von to play on the municipal course whs brnij h' ■omr lime a.w. hut no final dis position eo 'he < ass- has yet, been made. The meeting, presided over hv the Rev. George A. Fish-r was attended by special re preset)tafives of the Raleigh Citizens' Association, the Ra leigh Ministerial Alliance and th Raleigh chapter >vf the N A At I*. The governor s speech during i which he asked for Negroes to; vo'unteer tor continued public i school segregation was attacked oy the : I'presentatives *a* reminis- f cen! of the white supremacy Red! Shin eampaicn of 1000, One speaker dee! a red that the only : difference he could detect was' that instead of the year being 1900 it ic the year of Freedom.. 1955." N A ATP At TO NO MOF S For the governor's benefit, it was pointed out that the CONTINUED ON PAGE 111 ODDS & ENDS ; On Th* RALEIGH SCENE PiV ROBERT G. bHEPARR !■ it possible that the governor of North Carolina does not know .of the opportunities and privilege? enjoyed by tie Negro citizens of New York He advised the NAACP to clean up the discrimination a gair.st Negro teachers in that siaie and pointed to the fact that this state hires more Negro teach ers than are employed in pine northern states. In New York Ne groes occupy positions in govern ment that include Supreme Court justices, congressmen, legislators, judges in all branches of the ju diciary. to say nothing of the thou.-.ands of Negroes employed there as clerks, stenogrpabers and governmental department workers. It is against the iaw to discrimin ate again it a person .in New York bcianre of color in either private <•’ public employment and as a ■ rest!;! of that Jaw, Negroes employed there, on any level and ' for any position fo> which they can qualify *■ * o Orchids tn tbosp in charge of Little League baseball here K-nvriNliKP f>\ PAGE If; What’s Happening On Desegregation Front NO CHANGE VT HERTFORD V/INTON - The Hertford Coun "if"' 3■. .., Vy r%y : . >; * * ■* *■ I L't v. .f" i »| pi i .., j 'I I I B' ’ i aBL- How Raleigh rfanaie..? Its Juvenile Problem North Carolina communiuok are during i 954 For the f n- ■; ■• increasingly interested in von- • •.:-vr a4 «bite or. >a sructive planning m the area of c ixr. . Hi white c nod • ■nvenilo delinquency. This is true ■'■■tiro breii:;;;! in of Raleigh alone with both targe: f'ourt. r . tola; : lit! and smaller cfimmumtio through- 'l’b< fu.-jr •.?. no v- flee: that i:m:i . out the State. term.', o, viumber aiai While every case of juvenile dr 'h'- linquenev is to be deplored sn fbudri-n rw r- ■ > terms of what it means sot the ' VaK,; ( iJU ,V (; ,:1 ? individual child, his family, and Ci ' the community w. need to be : A ’ ' : iealtetic in appraising tn* 5 to?nI u ,., r ' ’ .'' : situation. At a meeting of well- ff cot> “ IZ *' n •■•G'anU";* informed public officials and citi- ' .'’ . ' . of Raleigh early this year I 'HIH ' ]JC'■. ‘ V''‘L ' it was agreed that the delinquency r ’- v ;,i '” •situation in Raleigh is not alarm- r!n;| ’ s ' in C . HAAF RICCF.JVINf. H«»MF This conclusion sub.ytar-mt • \t ;■>- < ; ■ . : ■ cr[ by the figure; on offinal opened a Kr< ■' :• •:'.:. !?. nih delinquency hearing? neforr ... . . the Domestic Relatlors Court' ■( oxtim f|» (ti r vc.t n ty board of education has. railed for a mixed 14-man advisory com mittee to study the matter of de segresalion in the public schools If. liar* also passed a resolution calling for Negro and white pupils this year to attend the same schools that they at'ended for the 1954-55 terms. City Employees On Asheboro C o r nmitt oe ASHEBORO W Frank tied ding, Jr., vice chauman of the io. cat school hoard, ha- been named “1 Couldn’t Do Nothing But Pray,” “Sister Gary” Says Rev, Mable Gary Philpot. pastor of the Grace AME Zion Church here, appeared in City Court Tues day to prosecute Bruce Dunstaru 24-year-old Rex Hospital .janitor charged with speeding on July 2!) and striking the well-known min ister's automobile The car was "coming s» fast,’’ said “Sister Gary.' ”1 couldn't do nothing but parv.” Her testimony showed that, she had parked in the HOC block of Oakwood Avcni/te to allow two of he: church clerks, both young ! ohirmsn of a advisory cornmitlec to study local pshi-r school desegregation. Secretary of the committee will he Guv B Techev. stmermter.rieni nf local schools. Mityot Janiet- R York is a member of the. popup tt tee which includes three other?. Judge Orders End To Union Color Bar DAYTONA BEACH. f"i Judge P B. Rt.',,,/ the Volusia IRONTINTED ON PA OR 11) women, to pet out of me ar.tomo bile. At this point. Our-ton said to hat'" enifirfl Qakv.’".'id Avenue at a high rale <>: speed and headed straight foe the evangelist’s car. His ante Cruel, “Sister Gary's" o» the right front fender and did damages muling SCO she told the tv-urt Although he admitted seeing the car. Dunston said that he misjudg ed the distance on the narrow M Judge Albert Dnuh ordered 'h*. I defendant to pay lb. cost s of court. c.. v**iiiui Skylight ff\ J'.JT ; I\ \ W s TKOS His brM\ Ms dis<’*iverr<i at &.* a. m yiittuidy jnofnjrii: ilan. s ;lsntr from wiidt-r tlu* sk>- <R thi- fstuhli.'yhrrsont toy th* i?ias3.3.i;r i Miiyor Fto n IV» k er £m*thfkk!. ; yh» iiurut'd; ;H«*ly i. hi*t of ? Bill Nortor* WOMAN ACCUSES 5 MEN OF RAPE GREENSBORO - F;ve me.r, ; charged with raping Miss Mac- I !:■■■ f/it Me( iowon of the 1400-block ; A; he SiiTri or. .Sunday mi-lit. were ; •.ir.-erUxl by local police on Mon- i ’I h» men who were ail placed | ip county juii without privilege of j '.'ontj. wen booked as: I • Louie. Foct-U'. Lonnie Heroin, j tame- Goins. 18 Georae Hr,;- ! -H ■ d Mverastut Clark. 17. i. ; j 4 l ,'<% 1 , * ' jfifp ■WFte4L r T : , i# •fk 4 . >■ t- m \yj ' '' i mm m mMmm 1 ' •-■ / :; t | 9^- : r " i KEEPING coot. Miss Shirley Alston. 19, shapely Ka high 'ass, shows sweltering lo cal rc.-.idcnts a sure way to keep coo) She is ~ product of Lipin High School's cte of 1»»54 ano aspires to he a model Shirley, Each tirr-e • »"• ;. Ilf .fI.H Vs» gS- W.is A »>C*"-.'>.U With » i"P tofnty ! \fapltPf{ It A' °f'f ti;if .if tbp i: r«ll of ifOr* - is. ftfrUN-N tb<» t«p Gt I <>NT!VI ■ |l ON r\< ,J 1! **• ’ \ leaded” ( >un Kills Ain other ... i ' MBEKTON A bullet ; friun an unloaded' .Z£ ; caliber rdie broucht death ! to ve.ir-.iifi Owen Buie, of Route t, early jiaturday. tViUi iin Miatespearf j Tboiu)) ■'. r . ffl, also of j Eouie 1. is beta# field. Ar ‘orctin- to Depuls btieritf Charles Morgret. Buie and j l humjiN'i: were together ' ! id is night on i rural ro.id between Lumber loti inij Pembroke when they . f.pgan wrestling for the | i Mile. Hu enn svi.?.,i olt am i , 7 *4V .'I nuiict uruck fitue in ; ’.tor ahdoimm. H. d?f fl | ,!iv< ■»itfc J,2ft .5 m Saturday | ; « d «n hnur ! who stands s's‘\ {masts the fol lowing measurements: 26-33-39 • : he live*, at 4 Lincoln Terran* with her family and ts employ ed as a, cashier *1 a local the ;:ier. STAFFOTO BI CBAS, E JONES,

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