WEEK ENDING SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 2A 195 Little Blues I 'eaten; Bears Win Practice Scraps Local Boys To Start For H award In Snaw Open.e- Williston Rallies To Defeat Ligon WiLMINGTON —■ The Tie. ■ - ■ WjUiston High School here came from bel md in the spend UHL n-itb three touchdowns to whip! Ft Reich's Ligon High School 19-ti. The visiittiK Little Rlues tong the lead in the first quarter A pass from Walter Browning in Alexander Our rin took (Hr hall from mW field to the Williston 23-yard- Uiu» \ 15. yard penalty took the hall to th> R and Brown ing racked op a score from there Tr.e fi.O tend !hv the Little B : ue« h*H at half’ '•"> Lnn't las! long W;llistn*i mtercepiod a pats oar tv ■-s t’-s thi i(i pr ’’ 1 ." 1 .'d *■ ok ♦v.e hri. no a vd -• ” ;n* or »rh NT tv- v; "h"' ■.d ' ■' SCOre «(;; ther) tied l; (■ *t Another eo*. t. it r • k-‘d P h> tho Inc:.: clever, when a purl teas blocked. W thrum covered or. the Tlkles three arid Topers \v< if : " • the touchdown Toe B't •>• t • rtt • bled the kickoff with Whitir g'. ei ~f.eove.ing no ti e2d T t« •••••*■- down was credited P-. v. Th■< -a;-s ai • u-eoritV'.ei’Ci' came sod trie p rhat !es H’ ••■eft -i Aex ’no. - Currin \ UJ 'HI Gridiron Schedules I i t .M-St.S'.Sgtg 'P ■ Ti ■ ——. Ihsllowdßf >* the complete Seated tjir of several „ w e't- Jonr-wu Hfrh school* *«kd •'' -■ Vw<«* f«r «,<•. ioeabnii # * « • K'tC.FS <1 HK»>I .X Ligon FSijrh Seho»l ¥ uleigh Ber 2S Di'.atd, ?! J.-ids.- Vv7S.V ten'll*,,’ - Iff R I Wash jr ?f.xfa. a' n ?v Mr t. T ‘ Huy Potter Bale P (Henw «o?alr'r). Octobr- K C M. hops e: OWMtPvtlU*. CctOfv r 2 K l. S-sieigb; Oh,bet SS H.Uf.dc Durham, N 4 . • No vember 11, Dudley -<• C ••■• •.■ * • • • jMnr>r'>« Avenue li’rh dcheoi Salisbury Ae;>i«-rr.‘.'f*r T& D nr. ?’ S, September 30 Ai ■ • •. ' bury; Ovtobei 7, C;■.* ton; October i 4, Morrison Tran'iim School at Salisbury; O Snnfuid fit Sa;t«bi'r;. Oci ■' Wadosboro at Wacesboro; Never t>e,- 4. .Pitsbr.ro at Sol’s; , ’’• November il, Carthage at Hi. . bury. • * * * lordan ku■> .4 Ridgfv iew; » d Oet 22 J order, SeUars. ( OLI.i.GKS >ihnw fnivvrsity Home Games Sertem.ber 24. How. - »r --*:tyi October 1 St. Augustine's College; October 15. Eli-übeth C.rv grate Teachers Coilect Oi 1 - to.her 22, Johnson C. Sr-,.’*' ■ ver.«'ty; November 4 ft! mtedd j Sis>f College v M m W 4$ /*««»,Sk w 8 ]pgf Petersburg. Va ; Ortnm-r 2ft. '%a aa J!P' J& iflfffi ja» Mxm*& IS —,-it North Carolina College, Durham, end November 19. Maryland Stale College. Process Anne, Md- FAYETTEVILLE STATE Salisbury Septmber 24. Knoxville College. i i O /~\?y -OtC , T IWofrtilA | home, October i, Elizabeth City UltVl t Teachers College. away; October A. Pair* College home. October WC IS, South Caroiina Ar c s Trade ■ School, home: October 22. Norfolk Unit of Virginia State, away; Oc Ifegl M l November 5. Morris College, home n ~,v IVM * 4 ***' * 6 i Homecoming 1, and November 12. 4 Winston-Salem September 24. Ky State Win n B a &m W. R p » p"' rs HI sss&aß. Smith Atnleiis F.iiU Winston-Salem; October 15. Hamp ton Institute, Winston-Salem, Oc- C A VII { T tober 22, A&T College, Greens- * ‘ u ‘ * V IL .»v>pr wi rhetc> tiil e, Fayeituville; Ocutbcr L Winston - Sale -r. Tei>cCnk.-Rf. F ■ • C • v 15 "■ M S’fiie College Blt-c-f.clci cm* dirn 22. St. Augustine's C>!-‘ z<\ K.'.y - eteviile 'Homecoming'; October 28. Howacd Uruvertirc. W.-s-.'.-.g --ton; Novotr.t-'r 5. To': - t'■ ‘ h Cii> Teachers College F;,;- ’ November ;2 S'. P. :1 c '■ ,-t.i .1 Lav. renc-ev;!is, a-id Novcir J. C Smith Ur.:\l'tr.-it . 2 tin: :• ;I. A.d'T Coils i;e Greensboro Septcrr.ta r 24 W... Vs. Si.. Charlestr.ii; Scptento- •• W. V: : Union, Grscnrborc: o ■ Maryland State G *-.■"■■■■ boro {Hamw.i>.Tiii'.*'. C.-tn.-t r 22. Winstoom T -echo' ' ■ Greens'', to; October 2% Morgan Stole Ocilotjo, Bfl' .'* -. * ■ ’ • Vr 5. Fla. A&M Ui'n-c: s:vv . Greens!.-ft. N< ■vw.tn , i 12'. Vii.r ia Slate CVJIVu- -b. •?. S vcTiber 24, N. C i..0!!r.,••. C» boro 'AH home g antes will ",<• pU.ved n CL' 'i'.vu.k.' .V,. in ■ ■.. , Stack .m .' • t * * Klixubcth ('it' TeuChcis t ulltgc Ibiyiilicth ( ill Scpteiiitv: -'4 .- ■ . :.. .Soitfi Co.'icgc, SV.i'.ahflr; Cii> . O, toirer 1, Livtnfesiot.e Cfilev.- Etizabt-tf l On. . Ocumer ii ». Paul's Listitoie Lawrence' :! 1.• Ovtobei 13. Shaw Umvevs.ty lix leigh; Oi tuber 22. Momsiov r. C .., ’ Mornsiown; Oclofoer 2U. if Augustines College, ivh/cb.-': ■ City; No 'eiv.bor ".. i l , ; t ilcvi!.* State Teachers C'-Uege, Fayette. jvi lie; Nov tor; Per 12, Winston 1 Salem Teachers collset Wtnfitnn Salem; and L, vember 19 N, r'-.o Stale Coil.; .e, ElizaU-ih Cu; i.Hwfiecominv i. Morgan stair College Prin’eat Anri. Maryland S•.; I *’T I .’1 24 I I ■< S..L. i. ,J’ ifrge. Baltimore Mvi • soiitriiibr’. M Mo iris B i«'i. Collet,» -,.1. ! ganie., Atiunta. Ga; October if Howard er.-uy Wasl;ir»gtvr r>. C.; Ot tfber 22 VvV. t V, Slate College iC ."jj'-i i i Ciass.c Wvi.inatori, D ; Octoo. • 2/>. A ' kHoi'ie.; 1 ’!/-1ng 1 . LI: Ifi ■ nore, Md.; November 5, Vi'gini Union Uni ve. . Richi/iontl. ' r '. Novee I.<•( 32 K i.iipl oi tu>■:< Hampton, Vr; . anr 2' Virginia St a'?? College 'Tliar.K gi\ :ng Dav 1 r in 1 Bal . Md. iHerne games vill he pi:,.,- in Hughes Sia.iu ri, a:iu ;.i. 200 p m i Dudley High Defeat?. Carver 25-0 »y GEt*RfilC VV. (CANT .* ! %*er High Bebooi s\ He .;•-•!avkf G ' -,v po.n'ts .- , tn the first -A;- i<-r ‘.b,en vr; r.n tv har.d the j W:inion*Sdien'..• ts• < <- " 4 k;'o hei *i .n o j«5V Sti-'iiuT. : Ttic ?)luvr*fi Ufvdcr thft •••.,< sht* lirst fm'ounicf !‘*r !i» > h this ti< 4 Carver had «>lu\ 4*d !i>u- 'a r k at « emerging' vicJwriotts *t l 2«' - £ uf i* t.t;i it 'U4 a vrr\ d»ffA*tvDt sti.ii ) this time at irr Ihf- i’.Ki eigjii 1* imitrn t. *• [wujs set up u *o y»*» Dudley s 4J. irrn the.v ,lam.. .... mid at-llar perfomwc aL w.,oV,iy |t;.’ ms hdltback, Rev, the f; .(. ■ o foe t h r only I uliv' ices ,':Ce,\cii .‘lie kick* ..... f. -ii. ti . first play y. • . . ... Q , , f fft 4 ~qn ! ■ n-.w.-ww th. 2. "> ;:,.t re ant:! ibv **<•<,nd pli.y ot Ut O', ■ set .'me .1 no ir. Alt* r rff, in- i 5, complete p. - fen. Phillip Kim in ,-c. it? ipn. of dviianntf. lid oil ’b j,-;t Nitkie mid , uaKfr-hioped b-.s I • v ti »>■:.; 11 the dofonst f«r II - v .■: m, a!ir! 11 it! 1 ,.■ \ s fi:.,f hf f-i :) if tou-hdiiwns. The trv lor the -xtr ; . prdnt wa“ t,r’t r-.'.d Th- f-ra) to, i score ciuhis ir thu ja - r 3 tthitvUt.es 14. of the y fin’:r. t. One NaviJ me hallow.-p sur ge rounding.': of ilds sa-red arid 1 ii:-- «t iorie spot with a set' feelinc that .he has vra Ucci on holy rrrujh. Geo. Roberts, Lawrence Ashley in Starting Lineup Washington o. c im ’JuiV'.i'fiii y open;, Hi st season ~; va -;i\ fuutbail SHiurday, Sept vj , r,. , ~t meets Sh-'w University in a ( , ntra! Inter-coUeKifvU: Alhic ' tic A'- ocimiim s,i;w at Ral#ig(', N, (V Gatin' tinsc is 2:00 p. m This will be Urn 27th in- of the tu... ten ins in v rivalrv which (Ijtcs hack ' ” It,Oh. SI .will'll leads in the ?<' lie , \v ith a record (,f 17 Min ’. si,,,*il losses, and two ties H w iil also mark the Best time the two charter members of the 18 team CIA A have met since 1051 when Howard won. 20-12. I Howard computed ,U th.rd j fGcpqsjfil; di-l’U \ 1 1 Wt*o,( '•» j.', t-M.db'-'L M ill. i day Satin day, and Bitmn Coach ! Ton: Johnson, was" greatly plfUsca • with the team's pe: f.wmui'vt Ger.ige Roberts. 190-lb, Howard cunrd will be ii\ the ; up when the meet Sn.uv s . • ; .-k -m » gambling, i ■ A 'ls on -■" . :• :•>•'<' < ! " <>!••••« c-,: ;■« ,ev,ii ( v,.v a lil 11 rm ni2L,.-u f 1 rORGF ROBUKTS I.AW KENT F. I1 V A&T Aggies, Union Panthers In A Grudge Battle Sept, 30 GREENSBOaO Th- A&T Co) lege Aggies vviii be '».t ! " swe»-t iT'.enc,' -eji!!'-’. '■■> ' Uni ~i Vniv.-rsity Par’,hers velvet! Vr.'d.i' i 1 yir SeptcinlUfl JO ifi ->e honu o >t /ooil»hIS ; LU’OiSilig (‘UfiU.'L has bvi'la .out Zot j Greensboro \Vi)F)i ihf Kivhrnond cuuu k k< t! the -XKi;2^N U-L '-r*r H t>. it v. tht* lif vt limv one* 3947. vi mi the iorats na\e nai luh‘ itMovered tiom t*uit and >u<}»tranK iU*lv-n. 'i'hf- ns, sh y tht* two instil titktms, which baefe U» th**: rtxt e s I'mong lhe keenest hr« b.tirr r‘t vtinijjrtiiion u» the c«n frieUve iifcaUst* it is always an early v; a tin pn< nufi»er. Uu cum para liv r sdvaiue flop* UNIVERSITY I UNIVERSiTY | f j KICKOFF 2 P.M. isil RALEIGH, N. <\ \j 1 GENERAL ADMISSION V: ft o STUDENT ADMISSION SI.OO ' THE CAROLINIAN Universitv’s Beats SaUtrday Rob erts is a .H,arli-ale of W:o;iingioa High School, Raleigh Law ret ice A-hlty, rough 175-ib ; How ai d Un .«i t.v q oar icrh ac k, is . also cxucct.cd to see action Satur day. Ashley, too, is a gi-uduate WtJ.NhniOton High S'dr'L, Ra'c'tgn. •‘Tins is the U mat octal ■ we've had sonce I f ve beet) at the O’ 'i; >' 1 his third vcor as head coa.ch* "and .i u ,n t* 11 '* '• The matt . id! Johiv-'i referred to consisted of Ti p-’.vris, moMiv : fpluimero and jumo-s, who w|J iiesr 1o have both the !,n ’J .*pf'tii to beeOijjf a vvirsnine. com l.matioiv And although .Tota.xi.n vuvs he can use evervoo* of tha 1 45. nine will h:.vc to be | from in,” M’,,! '■’! pnn L> ” game The cuUmg rt'Min.'-kl »G a new tooffreuce rule which Am- usually has little intlucnc#: '-n the final ‘The Greensboro outfn n-.V:ng ; : BtU Btd3 «;nd h;>; staff, wery work* . : ing a U' ; f-nsn pitch.. d«*spe- . fatcly to pmee a ’rw ip ! V* n. icii joulci - i.O't *i C ti 1 ■ f U->: whll h T’!.*., m,x., naoi'Oi is noted Amotix ; LiC!. • Ciilfji WOt;:- <*•> 1 ’C ■ ' ; replfi.:«,«n for l.i.n- lull a' ttir: q • !ii Ci C i PcCx'K P l ‘ • Olu ‘ J ** ..O' 1 ! ha* v.or.*de« a l , m gwping hole* l);s forward w;ii«. Tlie team . bt .-is ih* * • !r * history of the e Ueyc v. Rh Ln* i , OTii? t? Kpi'i'i lOl>. i* Vv r C*-r» UoO rife tfoiotioi) b> tiicse nsiu i pcoboros • BWI. ex pc . to u< j cot, siu«-1 ab! y \x" ■a j *■ gri . • - ’ year at it as t r we 'Cb be it-auv fv.;■ union. FSTC And I Benedict Lose Games The Shaw Uuivriitv B* <■ - to bo getting off to a good ; lil t having clef" ail'd tw-' 1 Caiie;’ ■ ,n piaetice games before tm-v 'peft of! u ;:ii s( Cis(»n Hgsu. a the B:sc;C,s of Hovmd Uruversity. The Bates. CM.-ichori hy Rm ’ j, tv.-iveled PiiyviU.villi: ■ on Saturday, eleptvmbf 10 and del:, lilt'd tin Broncos : "hod bt Howuici Gairit-s by tin- score <*f 40-0. I.a st Saturday the Bo:.- -Pi.-y • ed i i... I to Bon edict . oil":.’”’ fi.'tti >. or, eves' the South Caiiuiiia Cel- Uge bv a Hi-7 scon Brown, starting his seennd tear as coach at the Baptist institution, has expressed eon fidenee in the 1955 edition e! the Shaw Bears and believes that they will hr near the to,’ when the final tun sounds in CIA.A competition The team is composed mainly of ' freshmen and sophomores. This was the first time the Hears had met Benedict College U five yea is. Last year X'ncy p'a.ved • Fort Bragg and J*'«> ■ Bov, ■!:■ in ri '•(?’: ■ »Sh£}w operis its cu? re.iu sfttsc-n here Saturday v- ken the 8f50155 of Howard Umver-Rv will clash with the locals as 2 p. m at Chavis x X y {f i ; A pretty fair ! •’’’ • u Un tv.fi game .< exp. '-ted. r,c>"s‘’'d by the attendance of nearly 3.000 school .. 4 , - fider.'.ied five Li-'r. a vm: i-m. ’’ by 4 ’« Sweat Suits grey, com • Bike So. 10 plrte **.oß Supporter* s ’s j Mail Order* Receive Prompt Attention CAl«i^t46fe I I Spotting Electric *i \r Goods 4 ppFanctu Dependable For 40 Yearn lid - l!K S Salisbury S* Phone SS4P’ l lia .... .nr. —i .... : PAGE FIFTEEN two teams to down th* Beai,« ...rt vnar as the Salisbury collr.giftr r ended the camps f-n with s 5-i' record. Elizabeth (itv's Pirates the other team to down the Bears and mar an otherwise perleri season. 25-0. will he mel the \* ce k folUift'ing. The Bears only undefeated season was in ]*m when they were untied and unxeoreri upon in (he Cl a