PAGE SIXTEEN GĤSFHGF ERFNfOFAI.S AT A A S’ COL MR!' r.\« i.'LT> IP.N.St K - Dr. F. n. Jiltif'Td, prcs'ilent of A&T Ceili;,- .1 ?<ri Mrs. Bluforil, who jh;» :■>;nu.;: dinner for ilht college fundly iitVl last Sunday tu th< c.-.i!cr : , that wiih Dr. and -Mbs. VV. £. • ’ lni)vv> ing the Miocessful , ffiir, Fir. Heed, dean of the <ol!t ... ■•• lujol of Agcit'ul ! JOHNSONS Paste SX'nx Gloeorst Dance Wax Gw Plate and i Cleaner j' AEROWAX 50c T}rtv;T run I% £jl% 1 i Electric Floor POLISHERS * ’ I 1 I and IT T 3 _ fr*, * kwug’6 jri minors l jS. M. Young * T >T & f > r i i 1 135 K, Metric St, BJVJSEGH. K. C. f “AT . -entufcurjs- *•*»:■ • •v- -asrss.a-.nrjj -*- ■r. *«i * «o*» aiMCMdaMtIMuiMWMk £ - J .T.Mn.»,.ir.i.i > - - Come to us with \our Financial Problems. i ou y.'ilj receive a gracious wetcc*m«. Consolidation of Debts Is Our Specialty | THE HOOD SYSTEM INDUSTRIAL BANK Y TxSE? ’ Raleigh. N. C. ' ‘“ y <'■ '* c»;iU/e In Loans to Teachers Vr payments are required in Jt NE, JULY or AUGUST . .. . . - If . -,, :: i„ riTl -|„|| —-"i--r- lfl rmT> > rM r -armi l - l 'iiMiiii> l ] >J i » i, ni - lfr ■nummiiii \ W W ' W "W | K 4 00 Proof I 4 < | „ Tvr 4 | 1 s3ss 4 il ;t? ■. 1 4/s o». % Nv/.-L,: A g| :|. <* * *- *•* * A p! * t ~ f jrfSfck ji • ■ , (j- jf, '■ 1 WHisKrr * :-t • % straight , 4,• ;;r TS U «■! ?A MI^KCHS « hire and who visited Russia this j summer as a member of a 12- j " A Digest Of' ~ ~ DENTAL HEALTH i By DR, JOHN DEWEY HAWKINS 234 Montgomery Street Henderson, N. C, ‘•FT HITS” Editor's- Note: This is the iasi in :i series of articles. Ethics a much worn subject., hue like an Oriental rug. the more worn, the more valuable it tae com<... Ethics Is a word that, will ever be held before The eyes of the members of the allied professions are': the .-tude.itr. thereof. No puo -5 ism of any ol the meciiciil or •Jentai societies *s complete v.ith-., out at least one paper or lecture on '.lie .-raoject. Prom the time the would-be professional man enters liiIOREBS & HUNDREDS HVE FORGOTTEN THEY EVER saw GREY HAIRS! llf£TPsH£«B BAY muoturs r>. nr. Doctors tor many years have written preemptions using a cwtesa vegetable ingredient to color jngdicine that patients s\i. allowed Internally. This same an balance now mixed with woo! fat (lanolin) eta We en* any grey, white or faded hairs by jns t combing. brush mg or even pressing your hair. If you send a postal card or letter you get fi.ul information plus latest illustrated FREE catalogue of beauty aids from Germany. Austria France. VVriffi to; STYUXG £>£PTHA. GOLD MEDAL Shwysneaii 8;y, StowKiyn 35. New Yw* man American larm group en livened the aftiir v.ith a report, on the V. S S. R. ; the front door of ins college until i i he is graduated therefrom he hears this wot d at every turn of ' , the wheel Yet does he. more than, s one time in ten, get its proper i - meaning? About all that he path -1 : ers from the many talks that he I hears is that it is unethical for. s him or any of his professional - brethren to advertise, and that if they so far forget themselves as vI to use printer's ink to help them 1 I to a place before the public eye. 2 they will be cast into outer dark : ness foi the rest of their days. j Tea, we must not use printer's ink to tell the ctfjßk public what fine y|p follows we are. f|sp but we cm go - <v fry-; for aride over to there on profes sions i biLn. »«*• HAWKINS Os course this is not advert!- jog nor unethical. Just as long •as He can get the printer s ink without paving for h, it :.. O.h So remember to be careful or 'the goblins *iil get you, if you don't witch out." But laying all • ke* ;»«<)*> cioe«-j ! n't ethics mean .somethins nwie. | than jwst the use ot printer s; j ink? The Welsh OslvfuisUe fa’-flt : teGCt;vr the i rii-n. r.nd iT.oi .ui > . ! are svnomom.. ot.d rlust both i point to the path. <>t right l!vmg • i Furiherinoi'c, no «X'ok. oi ■ *;o --nvtns nor and dicnona'-v rays a : ~ .1 V. , :'v I] nf Jirilll - j rr’s in.--.. In Matthesv VII 12 of ! St. James Version of the Holy; I VV -It. V, fii.ij the lollvvymi sUite- I merit: "Whatsoever that ye would| that men do unto you, do ye even -.0 unto their. J: the aiembers ot the prof *• .'H>nal «or id would ' but - resule.le then lives by tins ; Onection .oeie would be no tu •: of a board of governors foi hi ' .society of ptolesvionat men or' v. orner. This brsr.vs to my mind an event v.hicp OffiJi red api>i'C.M- . matf-iy foi t,v year.-; ago in a lit-; tie town In the State oi Illinois: there v ere i h’o doctors. One. of i them war twst. graduated from] college. v\ pile the othej was & gi’cy-haired p-triarch oi the pro*; lesstoii who wait ruitiiT prone to I ior'K upon die Uic V'dieii if vss, red. During th-.- tepse? lrom uttc-v ; his piitieuts v.cold wander ::ito j die office of the yotmder man ‘or I trestttiem This young man hud; learned the «•. mea, w. of the word ethics and would cr-re foi ; these cases and :efer them hack; to ;.hvir doctor as soon as he wav , welt again. Neve, did ;<n unkind; word escape him about the fail- j mg: of his older competitor, v.’hoj was at heart un estimable old iel- > low. Al n-r such cases had become j j the rule the older fellow met the i ; younger man and exploded as foi- : j lows: “Say. vouusr fellow, how do j | you expect to iruii-ie a iiviug by j j .sending all my patients back to 1 j me after I have been on one of ; i my ‘toots’ ' ? The reply was rather i j a “stunner' 1 to the older man. ft) i was: “Doctor, I do not believe j I that a man can prosper unless he, lives up to the meaning of the; j word ethics. I believe that hte S ! Golden Rule is m example of the i j word cHiics, and I believe that; I you would care for my patients i ) temporarily if I was unable so to | | do. I shall continue oj care for j j your cases as I hove been doing.* jus I believe' that i the meaning j of the word ethics.” The older ! man wo..' a gentleman of the old I .school, though a lover of strong j drink. He looked the young fel-1 low over, then blew up with: ! “Ethics! That’s fine for an old > ' fool like me, but rather hard on I ! a young fellow like you. Hereafter j | when I go or, a bender and any of j jmy patients corns to you, you j I care for them and do your best * j for them.” Here was a matter of | j ethics from both sides of the case, i ' courtesy in the younge: man and ! kindness- and appreciation in the 1 i case c>l the older man Each of these men tried to care for the j | welfare of the other j When we speak of something p.s I j being ethically right, u; in the j | case of the .vounc doctor mention- j i ed above, we ,suggest that we, arc! I going hack to lirsi principles and j J judging it as a matter of abstract ! right, and wrong When we speak j of something morallv wrong; a? j m the ease r 's the drink habit of ♦•he older doctor, w* are think- j mg especially oi the. act. in rela- THE CAROLINIAN From European Travels: ! Observations And Impressions Rev. R. Irving Boone STOKES POGES “The curfew tolls the knell of parting day, Tny lowing hoard wind? slowly o'er the !ea, The plowman homeward plods his weary way, Anti leaves the world to darkness and to me.” * Among the places of spatial ir- Uvest and of rustic beaut.’ within! the environs of metropolitan Lon don places which were mine to visit is that of the histo’ ic ami qua’nt old vil'agt? of Stoge Fo.e -. Notable among tiie relics of these ancient surroundings arc the Manor. the Church, and the • Country Churchyard”, so urapm- i call;.' depicted by Thomas Gray ini his immortal Elegy. The history of Stokes goes, back io Anglo-Saxon times In the' possession of successive families, of trie English nobility down the ; years, the Manor later came into ownership of Sir Edward Coke, the great lawver Cutes Jiv-uv and author of ( ONE UPON LIT TLETON. who held if from 1591 to * h s dfcttih in 1P34. and who had the costly honor of receiving Queer, j Klinabetl I here. Hire. also. King I Charles J, vho after the battle of tiou to society and social judge-1 men is. • HUNK YOU! THANK YOU! m jg/Tat' . j A m 0\ ? ,t*» LOOK FOR THIS LOAF j " fh*# 1 ! • AT YOUR FOOD STORE! See the M s f ellow, and Blue Balloons on the Wrapper! We want to thank the thousands and thousands of women who have recently tried W onder Bread for the first time. Thanks for idling us that you did not know what you were missing and that you are now regularly serving this famous bread every day for every meal. To those who still struggle in the outer darkness we roost cordially say. try Wonder Bi etui today and delight your family with the finest bread in the whole U. S. A. For many, many years Wonder Bread has been the nation’s favorite. More mothers serve Wonder Bread than any other —because this is the bread that helps build strong bodies 8 ways. Growing children need it. BUY WONDER BREAD TODAY! Helps Build Strong Bodies 8 Ways I Naseby in 1(145, became a fugitive, ; : 'vas brought to Stogcs Poges and ! held in the Mon*ir January 2nd, 1647. Other I.ords of (he Manor and; owners of Stokes Page.- since that date are lire Caver Family; Lady j Cobhara, the poet Grays friend; I the Perm Family, one <‘f which was William Penn, the famous- Freshman Week Concluded j At Fayetteville College FAYETTEVILLE With a goodly throng of freshman en U other new students from North, Carolina and from state® along fire! Atlantic Oast in attendance, the! sis. day Week activities i • were concluded at the Fayetteville; Slate Teachers College on Sunday, ; -SepU'ir,cpr Ik with an. informal re-! ct-ption at The irome of Dr and ' , k !' • ■ ’ i : <.ll for oil r*''.denis '.vent lor ! . word on Monoay, Suptember 19, and classes bet'an on Tuesday, i . September 20. 1 , 'll'ifi round of. Ere -hnui'. Week activities, under the direction of D-nii of Women Geneva 1 H -mo and !he ClomrrJttee or. Freshman Week aoivifics, included ti-g- aH., ( ministration of standard tests by t Quaker and. , founder ot Pcnnsyl- j \ The position of the Church and i Churchyard, remote from the vii-k Hue and er.O.nsoi wiihm lne| grounds of Stokes Park, is nc-; counted for by it sneat* neighbo. - - ' hoed to the Great House, soma 20(1 j yard? av/ay. the two en- ! tr..i,(:(-s to the Church on the south Howard 8. Smith and Edward W. Hargravo, “Know College' pep ralhcs by the Student Court- j seders and the Student Counsel : Physical examinations by Dr W.; P. DcVane in cooperation with thc- FayettevUle Health Department,, registration, f ic.uh.v lectures .fed * by president Sea brook. Dean liu. ! .dolph Jones, and Mrs, Helen T. * Cluck, social courtesies, a tottr of! th? College hoi .' .y, and 3 vesper • exorcise on Sunday, September 18,: %v:vh the R.-verc-rd Clinton R. Cole-mao. pastpi- of the Evans Metropolitan Church. a-, guest speaker. A tour of r'«n Tti-agg was sponsoresi hv the roUeEP drama - c *!d with I.ois p. T’ r-r :U ehavga. And growing children go for Wonder Bread like a cat after canned salmon. They can't get. enough, and of course they can't, get too much because every delicious slice has so much of what they need. Look at the chart w hhch shows just how vital are the benefits of this famous Wonder Bread. So hurry, hurry, hurry to your nearest food store. Delay this delight no longer. Get Wonder Bread today. You il know it by the famous red and yellow and blue balloons on the wrapper. Cmtinmtd Be king Company, Inc. THE WONDER BAKERS WEEK ENDING SA lURDA Y, SEPTEMBER 24, 1953 At National Seminar: End To Church Jim Crow CHICAGO ■— (AND Met ho , Urfe, there te sn ancient west j doorway, with its lower psrt now biicked up aid its upper part ! lurried into a window. The Crane - *:l is a portion of iho N? nil,hi Church which was built ' a hois'. 20 year'- afn r tn« Conquest. ; Fhe Chancel walls ar.d pillars in i !he Nave slii! remain. In the; left ! .-id« of Chancel wa’l .s the j i('tnb of Sir John Molyns Mairhal i of the Kina's Falcons and Super j visor of the King's Castles, Hr * was afterwards created a Peer of j the Realm. The tomh is in the form of an Easter Sepulchre and •vhs used in ancient times for the j purpose of typifying the Burial i and Kesuflection, of Christ. The test, object outside the i Church which interests visitors is , the tomb of Thomas Gray. The ! fir,si resting place of this illus i frious poet, is immediately under ' 'he <-,vn window of the Church. ! As one stands in awe in the pres ! once of the silent dust of this treat man ,-f letters, and the p walks slowly among the rustic oaks and In ancient yew trees' ; vnade, he is able to live within 'he spelt of (he stirring lines of she magnificent poem. “An Elegy j Written In A Country (' h ur<’ h . ’-ard '. pei haps the he-t, known in : the English language. i dists women representing SO dif | ferent guilds and societies voted I recently to recommend to the 19*»6 General Conference of the Metho dirt Churches resolutions ending the denominations Control Juris -1 diction. Taking place at a national sernu e nar on social and international is* i sues, the action was one. of several •; debated items to “approve find 'lings” ir. rimet mining what Mntho clist women can do about them Other recommendations were 1 1 1 supporting efforts to have Negroes and other minority groups represented on local school hoards; (2i amalgtina ting with other community groups in working f n r atte nuate housing for n!| persons without harriers of segrega lion; iti taking leadership in placing refugees In their com munities; ill keeping ahre <• * of local government is: u f ' and integrating migrant workers >nto (he eotnnniuities where tbe> live for varying periods of time. ') The recommendation regarding •he Negro e ; - cvntrai Jurisdiction asicod specifically that a 'memori-, ] ho .err to the Gcn~.-;'.| COP* ferenre of joy? repurr-iieg the re moval. o' 1 : harrier; within the stricture of the Mot iodic * .! Church Jr was approved un i a;i! 11-'OI IV rp si; ptei-r'tinti.l-vfi; MOTHER! HERE’S HOW WONDER BREAD Hit PS f BUILD BIGGER, STRONGER | BODIES 5 WAYS! F 1 §.< 2 SitTMt a 9/ftot «»</ r, SamHwtrh Both s<fply- * -• y 1. £ ' '■ J y UON£S & TEETH. ||| bone. and teet has _ ||| i. ttOOY CSELLS. c /-’*> 4 BLOOD. A a B (h *PJ>ETSTE As 8 J«T-f 6 CHOWTM. As j much Vitamin B-; 1m H growth pro c r nae * N& liy 3 >di<‘WS of yellow H f.V j A mericßß chw*uv H H BRAIN, A* muvrh n ro 9 K help rn ai r f ain H ”* as € Bardinas. - I f> *. ENERGY As much Sm j i/i' J Energy a* rupptiH hy H th< ■'.urbohyriraiss, fat and prnt-em ot |ra ,y p 2 gliuiws of milk. M | c Tk<. amount rnntaamA daily it not Ltdr a s jiutituta ham a nutritional timid Bay pnmi tar till total nulnt.onal pal at wS «" lilt Bitrrour food * htini.

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