PAGE FOUR • —' • • v * '• 2 * «Y» WIVES !«»V\n C>'H ■: 1 i : ' <’• i- man >U FEE URN—The V’ Vt ur-s Clu'.i '.:•••■• A ' V> iv< ' »■• nf thf Sojourner t ■■■■'■' ■ .nut ■ it - u 1 YWCA prr-., :< n s -Iff l r>- - ■ - • 1 roffpr urn to ttf' Vi •Uril ! ■i • -■ '■' > f - '• ‘ Saturday rri:bi. a! n t* c > it ' it. JO.'* ’ rtiih m< filing "Hr-. t ! Or? Tour: Dr. wi. tel Os; Address Raleigh Seminar ll tl ■«* %£ . J '..t £-•»' it GfE’ : :X" ; BC>;';n ... t interest of Ayr. ; . y ; in Russian ass - ' ' k or, st,rated ii> ‘■ “ - • ' i sneaking eryeo-i 1 •■■■.;■ Heed, dean ft tm s ; ■ / fUlturp r AcrT f recently v sited ; - <■ u- Or, Reed. a momht'f oi h 12-man Anjorh-an f;tri:i jpfßt nearly Hi :i-.»ys m the 5 SSR. visiting evei '• sectie-« f#v«rinj[ a, tot:?! of over miles in the t;>ii»-. Hr returned and siiit-e tbit time has r, , to the Slates three tti'fß busv rist'.e.rirsy neqtitsls for *P' al> ing engagements. He ras P.ifti 'iy nUEie i.'O v:jc v >j.or sryx .antnrf «t a t-’ib.lic rr#ss iyi.cctir-g ;n C *>,‘- r ph bero "pon*p-; «-•-••••■ v' ■ r > -'■':'■■ ■ C)'i'zPt'\ Cor-3r< - b-e, t r > ft c.-s> 3 ;. ACCOUNT, * | TOO! f'o| | ;> r-r! n £;! iv) #•: i % ■<& '■• k>■-•pvs mCfO f tt .-I''. r c, and it ran moan a fVesh begiaoing you, too. Now is a good time to pirn for | the future by opening a savings account and adding to it with regular rkrtosiu- - make every payday a savings day. \ ou U find our people friendly and helpful, too. B Why not pay us a visit'? | Mechanics & Farmers 1 RALEIGH DURHAM 1 Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. Os Raleigh 370 S HILLSBORO STREET, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA TEL 3-1071 ; ; ?4 pt)( 1 ;i; i:( *j • «\!;i/ I;- f'u il v* *jZ A* ! lawn Rites llfiitss Pair ‘ i Alamance Ip an imprerr-ive double rin? f-rc-m r.y on the lawn at the Tho;::', if,.! 'cowpton and’p/tv erar>d feartc B. Horton cxeha’nge'i ■ 77’ ’’ ; '^7l^ yyp r«mjm 5 ■ ' yii ! yj * fSrfiS.Y.OV .'• |W .>$ j,- 7,^ !;!■'V, AM) MR: 1. B. HORTON ! -,f Mr and Mi-s. Cluroftce Comp- i | ion. Sr. if Burlington. Tho bride -0! rn]t) ....: 'ho yotsngf'.st soil of Bov. ; and Mrs. Av>. ry Horton of Raleigh. | rite (room's father officiated. ! ami Mr, Clarence Cotupton* .It'-. brasher of the bride, presented ! I fir -rdif; rn of P’• Jls! icl i Ciirii in marriage by her father, the- bride wore » i\ T lenrth gown of egg shell hire with a portrait rtevU ime and fitted bodice over i'.. iii yriin inadr by Mn.s Thersa Marten of Oxford Her shoes aru« gloves were also *d Inal hing Jane. The bride's should,' i length veil of match ing tare, designed )>y Mrs. 1. 1 !,,i f atrs c»i Durham, was albiilied lo a half crown pointed eap of lace and pearl .-reds. tMie carried a white Bible i ov< red with natural orebid ififi lily of the rally with is rn and satin ribbons, jVH - M; ry ("ompton, stster of th» brief*-, was maid of honor. Slip were o .«< io; s length dress nf rose ao’iyiie loficra j'ashior.ed like the The V.r.v Wilhaie H?1I of Ra leigh served n« best m«n. The pi r.-oiT,:: :-ioLh, r chose a na vy and pink dr: ■■ of rwi and lace over taffetta, v it.h a pink bat. The ) : ide s mother chose s o r hep daujihler's wedding a navy and light i’.lop antiqui taffetta rire.-s v.U'n a navy hoi. Both cor- Raleigh Happenings MRS. AVIS,SON MStTS Mrs Vrunccs Wii.scin of Nc w York City spent her vacation with ; Mrs. Tommy Anderson of 615 Church Street recently. Mis. Wil son us a c of Bn lei gh. .Mlt TUtRY tt !. ■lames Terry. Sr., of 717 i liurch Street n.ts admitted to S.tinl Agues Hospital Monday suffering with a mild ease <>! pneumonia. All of bis many friends are hoping that he will soon recover GUEST Os- SISTEICS Lonnie Chavis of M.(man-neck, New York, is visiting his sister.-.. Mi- ms Viola and Lena Chav is, and his hrother, John Chavis. He motored her.- from Philadelphia, i Pa. and will leave the city Mon day byway of Ecit-nb'ii wlieie he will -..sit fronds and relatives : . Cliavi* plans to i feturn to New York in .n iy Ovtober. MISS EATON VIE ITS TAKEN! s lilies .lea in- V. V. at,i n, daughter of Mr. and >lr-. ,!. IV. Eaton of S. Tarburo Street, yeas hen recent!'. Miss Eaton is a former teacher of home economies at Ib e Havre dr. Grace High School, Havre de Gra-e. Mil. This I* : 111 sue ' plans io do graduate vyorii in the field of home economics. ENTERS Nt USING St HOOt, Miss Yvonne left: its entered St. Phillips School of NvirMhy at Bichmorsd, Va , recent I v to stiuJ / toward a BS decree in nursing' She is a 195-t honot gi adsi-ito of Shaw Uni very iy. HOUSE. GUESTS Mr and Mrs. Howar-i Cuitis turned to Greensboro to attend the Student Leadership Conference to lu- hr-id at Bennett Co!lege, afHrr.vbieb she Chavis Heights H\ MRS. MA V I, BROATME It was tne Savin,- who urged ' that, our faith in Him be child- . like, for He .-aid, 'F' 1 ' be r. inverted and becomt- as little children, ye shaii r* = eri■ ■ r into the Kingdom of Heaven At First. Raptiiit' Church Im > t Sunday the morning ynessage wa? . brought by the rartor. Dr O. S Bullock. accompanied by tbe Moselv Jones Chorus and the Tuts ' Chuii liorir. the direction of Mrs E M. ?•". Kcliy and Mrs. Helen | Williams. Tiie ii-nn-n vc: s f':J of spuiiuai i food Soh’isi w: s Mi“s Ernestine ; ! Laws Many visitors v. ere present to enjoy the so vices. Next Sunday file morning -er nimi vice, wbiirh is c vice, which is Woman'!, Day. vib , begin promptly >-t 10 45 a. m Tne Booker T Washingt ci Ciub v.'iil meet at the .v>a .■-< Mr.- -sa 1- i i lie Gray, Sunday at 4 tv There i will be a brief Homecoming pro i gram. Ail members and frioncts 1 | are urged to be present Mr. John Chavis is president. Mr. Geoi Wail of Buffalo. N Y. was the house guest of Mrs Henry Thompson. Jr., over the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Lathee Woods of New Uork City, have returned home after spending a few days ui the city. While her-.? they were the sages worn by the mother? were of white chrysanthemums wi t h ■ pink ribbon and net. Madam es Leslie Byrd, I.ueiiie Teel and Ann Goode assisted m serving the one-hundred and five guests present. Madames Ester Taylor and Ruth Harris greeted ; the guests in the gift room. Following' the ceremony the bride's parents entertained at a reception given at the home. The er.upel left iaUe Tor a short trip. The bride, a graduate of the i North Carolina Sanatorium School i of Nursing, is presently employed at the Veterans Hospital in Dur ham. The groom received hi* j j Bachelor of Arts degree Iromi ; Shaw University and is new a *tu- : dent in the School of Religion Telephone 8777 Blood worth Street TOURIST HOME Clean, Comfortable Rooms Radio anti Television 424 S. Rloodworth Sr. Raleigh Sales—Repairs Ca,wn Mower* Sharpened Shotguns Rifles Bicycles and Tricycle* Rods and Fishing Tackle Carriage Wheels Retired HILL’S 105 K. Si Utfal 8172 tf a*WWMP«SMH^»R»IWStSa»S»^ Everything For . . . BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING * LUMBER * MILL WORK » ATHEY S PAINTS * BUILDING MATERIALS » RUSSWIN HARDWARE Dial 7563 CAROLINA BUILDERS CORF. 217-213 Dawson St. • RALEIGH, N, C, THF CAROLINIAN will enter her senior year at the college Miss Turner is the daugh- j ter of M>. and Mrs. W A Lassi.. i tec. t .U VTIONEKS VacatiTiuiiiß in Raleigh is ti-ssie Robinson of Brooklyn, Ni'« t ork vho is visiting his sisters, Mrs Annie Morris ot 1313 S East Street, Mrs. Tom my Anderson of Church St., and Mrs. Fannie Lee Taylor of bit; S. East Street. RETURNS TO NI-AV YORK little M.-s Linda Faya Wilson of New York City has returned ho mi. after spending the summer -Aiil- her aunt on South East St MASS MEETING HELD A mass meeting, sponsored by tne Board ot Directors el Tot Havei, Nursery 317 E Davie Street, *.va.-; he id a! the Martin street BapUbl Ciiiueh recently, -a;, appearing on the pCU gam we: e Deacon Sandcu who gave the welcome address for ;h< thurch; sole. Mss Ki ncsl me Law's, a-con:| ani-‘ * # ‘ ;^ ■j Ocean Fresh Seafood | (Ask For Watson s Fryers gj || At Your Favorite Store p |* | WATSON’S I Seafood & Poultry Company, Inc. || 230 Street Wholesale Dept. CamnrtMfi Village Rock Quarry Road | Raleigh, N. C. • -- • " aaSmmm&imwx»Hi mikm & “FLAMINGOS" Gl- I Til's ON GOOD GKOf \!!\G- Mem hers of |ht ! ’iiminfO! t’lub, ;,u organization composed of iron age young ladies, beard M. M, Divi.ii Merritt, local ii.-.ui iieian. ddiyer vcii ■ ut<■ * r-' i •!i lecture mi groiiiiiii'.fi' su)ui:-> dLi Gt Cl Aj GS l Omierw, ?,ota rh-Apter o£ t.h* ?.(:>. ■> Phi Bela HororPy -5 t:: ?■ ■ k ; ■ met t-hr- classics* H«’ ruin Dam r Re eita-! Friday. October 14. a.! « na V \l. as the Li:;on .1. 8 r Ki h School, auditorium Our /<'(;*. of ih< Week '■ « nirmlter of ike Sf Paul \ VS . Jr fig® A Jjp ' N, •. \ \ % \ \ 'l SOROR BLANTHK Rl\ HRS f Church. active us a chorist er, a member of tin- Prtmres live ('Suit, assistant secretary us the Board of Kelkious £ ■■ ueation and director of the Youth Drama Guild. She is also a member of the Raleigh QueUes and the Duo-Dceium Soria! f'iub. Soror Rivers formerly um.’ht at. Shawtown High School, LilJington. N. C. She is now reaching ai t State School for Blind and Deal in the Blind Department She is a graduate of Shaw Uni* WEEK EWVW'i SATURDAY. BF.FTFMBER ?4 IAS* . iterne.ini when the eh»H me! at lilt* home of M'ss JVeniiie e 1115 E. Davie ' : !aa; 1. SUt big left So right arc Misses Fima Doric! ’ sgt. at arms. .1 <• yoe t ooprr. president. Mr*. Merritt; Sialoio. smith, .v r.\, and .hunt Peebles. treasurer. Back /\jpoX School New| APEX' O’i ?/Idav Sr'lit,. 12. [ intrcKhired' 1 t* th- T'r? \ \ XTlcr:Ur.'4 t h (t <'■ ■ ' : Hiii. £; .."uMhp. r;npr!. ; ' itAMnh ; C‘| ; Is your V ice tosor inrr .uhauiafr - • on your home? Was is t, or ;,t jj ! to cover your heme ten years I x go or !i,c ye,tea aeo when the t 1 value was half what it r- now? s The v 'iur of ynor home is ? worth protecting, f:;v: I Insurance Agency give you iuH? jsroiiH'i.'r*!! on .vuar burnt and 5 furmshin;'?-'. ( Ml 3 ! iM'.roßf; > <>v ■ i ;•:; :> i > j necessary S'liu. toss. CAVENESS i Insurance Agency ACADEMY BUILDING Dial 3- 3.>’> i ROY Jr. KOI i AY »•> i >„S, Sr. i &*4 vM* ' J} '**■*■* s*** <• i: , \\ | ij VVM?II 1 | •rvA * !; V* 5 7 !: EYE CLAiSEb < «: Cnnoeniionable Qu liify » ! ('rodent Mw | Didgsiuaij’s * | OPTICIANS. U*. | rr«!t»tion»> r.ltfff.. Rrlfi/iN 7 1 7++* * K 3fl *;-'D -v * V K 2 n KtS ' 11 |Si I| % lJ?' t h\k fgjjvj JIM?' FOE & SETTEE WELL ! cai *- j III AIi n co. I i f hnn? 5 ! PX4 Hsnsrmootw- .»..w>rVo !»n-HM^r« A PT \ T |7 V'TC AJ. L I O r bedroom:'. livmy room kitchen ond bath Stove, refrigerator, hc-at- Apply m forsna 'J-1102 vosfMTMWr tJwnMiaiswiswsmtweoinwjiswaiowawmeiWMwa**"* I ALLAN MIMS, I I?JC< i I 'I? -, eot KY MOIM, N. C. Telephone 'l-2131 Lv jniu,ij.»na.ii :.jr'.'^ia<-r.-ew ri-r j; -* s*” «W«MPovstnw»»? • * •«.«.- * *" INSURE YOUR HOME j AG A INST i iHE I Consult I YOUR LOCAL AGENT | j Jrki I> . - O | i LIRE INSURANCE CO. Durham, N„ C. | «. OMI'LLTE | p\T | S \\k \< c hange. OVI -« ss; A O