PAGE EIGHT ' ' ' • * : NF W A.Pi*OIN'T"Ml‘XTS —E S*• - vru of tlifc new faculty and staff ECHO SPRING KENTUCKY £ —» & ■ f s*>Bs 4-5 Qt. $2-45 PINT M , PQK) spwto OWWO COMMW. iomsvaif. vr *&t -\ u' •. s*;«> R»yyr 4 ” /&■**** V.'«V\ "HOW much electricity is there, Dad?” You cart answer trial, question—as w< !I as Jimmy's dad c ut; The answer is pretty clear—there’s plenty of electricity* J'itst look around your jhonse. Elec tric lights—radio and television—re* frsgerator, dishwasher; range, washer; dryer. r?o« ks, freezer, vacuum cleaner; t on !i he able to think of many other electric helpers at work, or standing ready to serve you, There’s plenty of electricity hr ' cn America s electric light and power corn pa;;' keep the supply ahead of your 1 I■A ■ ! —fltruruwnninrr -rm iiiii, v. home economics, Miss Mil dred Wilson. house director. Mrs Arena McUougald Parker, mathematics; i e Marquis De Jarrnon, law ; Miss Delphi tie Webber, assistant boost direct or; Miss Aleha Reuse. erefhrx Miss 11. wet Bur. ten, - > ; FBI Probes Kidnap-Beating Os ian CARKOI.r TON A> < AND -■ • The FBI is fomiiictitig or, inyesti ; gat ion into tlx- ra-e of a Negro ! who was kidnapped -aid .beaten by | WhllO iV.'.Tf IYI H 111 IS 13 Kell" j iden.ity reprisal. tin- white men. Wiley Mc- Gee, 24 a service station ope. | rat or; ( ceil Sullivan, 27 and .lames 1.. Roberts 25, a sac. uiill operator all of Gordo, Ala., have Jiccii charged by the i state with kidn-ppin..; | Un::o!' st: '( '■ iw. the m m >.hi i be senteticed io a >na.x:un) ot it) ; years esc! on tile kidnapping i cbai . 1 f Ih i'Bi i viol ’ * : of F.-dfial kidnap laws they w;l; ! a death pen.illy, ! The Victim V. d.s Mutt U.ney 21, > who W«.< ’cit’e 'd ic.v tin- iron on | U S. 82 p; Pickens County. Hi i abductors wrtv an ested a st” :■ • tin,.; later by Sheriff R. R. Shields WEDDING BEES S KDrrOR S NOTK; M irriarc licenses were issued by the Wake County Register of Deeds to the following p-r . sons from Ist plrsniier 12 to September "o: ; Septembc.' 12. !•• idi, D itt. .1: ; 20. MillbcO'/U; to ‘ ::oV •' Bi.rrf i ! 17. Route 5. R. ' Sept eritbe.. 14 4 ”’!r>h . ! ju-tt? 3b. Route 1. .N- v H.’l. to , j c .}her Mac Barns-, ,U. I? ). ’ Ap< x. j St-pt ember M Lonnie rtfw,! ; Relic'c.. Be n. ■ -it r. 25, 220 E Miss Roxie Holloway, secretary; Norwood F I’earson, manager, canteetl; Mi-s Ernestine Johnson secretary; and Miss Mary Fran ces Suggs, professor of com merce. Other appointees wh o are not shown are Mrs. Annie King t orley, home economics; Beniamin F. Grav, music; Mr. Pan! McGirt, French; Mrs. An ni« Pate T.-,ylor. house director; Miss Mabel Ames Dupree, rir culalinn librarian, Mrs. Mattie Canty. Mrs. Omega Smtih. and Mr. William Bland maintenance. : _ • -»>r« *v ~ - rrrri i » n ■ ii(pj|«? - 1 ■ —t—i —= — —" mma^ um rw"nt i Today's Youngsters Grow SO TRIM SO TALL... SO FAST ____________ - » '*•/. xaj;wtßumwiifframubjljii 1 jiwß V s j«ll ‘Hard to Believe Our H s» l! ** l4 ‘ M ' ■ *. A 4,- f . . «r s|ij|iViieitii- .in 1 ■ 1 ,vis > Merita Bread Helps & -x tr- »Ui'• -5 T'-' X- 'U. W : : 'UV, • ' ~aT ’ '= . v {•■■ C . v'; : •, % £ ~;j. - .* , w “ ' site ■& •*& V ./ iSrai«ril AMERICAN SAKEKSES COMPANY / / g 5 ' - | ,4 i H « 9 f '‘'%L /i with Vitamins and Iron j / No doubt about it’ Today’s youngsters art America’s f '<'• * , grcwingesl” generation stronger, healthier, often / W taller than Mom ot Dad. E \S:.X What does it? Plenty of outdoor sports and rccrca ysM&*** *•% tion and a better-baianced diet that gives them good V t foods like Merita Bread. \ ’ ~, A Growing bodies need the many vital food elements V that Merita’s finer ingredients supply, such as calcium and all-round glowing health, Merita is enriched with \ Here’s abundant nourishment the whole jaw U; 's. \ needs—so much enjoyment, too! Everyone loves o-,, x . iftmta MB/ //M/ * W ** Delicious \ . BRh A. D Tunn tn Thu tonv Konyttr oo ttadie «sr>d TV \ ‘ THE CAROLINIAN ! Jeffreys School News The seventh grade of Jeffreys ! Grove Kchnnl is happy to he back j in school acain. We ,uv iust pbont j ready to settle down and jy-r ran. ' dv for some good hard w c k. Out i class has also! for the i ycir and the offices are as Li . I lows; J President. R:; i K'-rr •I; vice ■ president, Ernoktine i. we, Oeas | nrer, Eva Mae Rogers; -.'■■cta v. i Barbara f'lss.-.nlj.ii c; assist mt sec ! retii y. Grace I.owe; class i.porf | err. H , l a Chavis #rid Mar.'-la* ! lent, Dunn. i Wc are a happy b>rvs ii of »• t■.- sters entering the sixth ;;rsd> f.-r | the first time. There are raar.y j thinks wc hope tti ie irn during the ; school tear. So far, we hare spent 1 the most ~f e n tur.e review in 5 : last year's work end di-cussing ; some of the ihinj.ts we v.mi'.d like One Stop “ One Stop » v er\ u’c ■ Salt's and St nine on Canges, Refrigerators, Radios, Heaters, and Everything- Electrical CONTRACTORS HAYES-JACKSON ELEtTRICAf. SERVICE j 131 E. Hargett: St. Ph.;>«e 3-5031 TOUR WKSTTNGHOURPI BKALKR “Every House Hctdt Witlir.fhoust? > ! i ■ , 1.0 tio tr» We ha-.w m-uanszed fe.- i!t,.> . • t-.r and our officers are follows: Prc dent, James Doy..c;; seme * l.iry, Gi l aidiue Bled; - and te'-s- i urcr. V Rav-fn.-d. Reporter, i is J-.ri’ie S. Soiton. I » * * The fifth grade class ai d tun ' : (cachi-r, Mn K. B. Sharper, have ' - fled off f .r i haupy and pros* : pt-.-.-oli - year. W'e tl.K'O a liven bur.rh (»l l;0>'. v tp»A i.’ti is. Oar mono i "Climb a tot k M i glimtoing. w Jam-.-s H-.;nt*u- brought ir. s ,rS ' tadpoles r.*f oar ta-.raice si’-dy, Wr w ill ha v r fun watch in a their! gruv.-lh. We are c.lsc irnnntinst leave. at» we know they will soon !<•-„ th! tr i.eaaty and fall to the ■ ground WEEK ENDING SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 24 1955 TSU Begins 43rd Yr. With Re cord t,043 New Studen ts NASH 1 U. 7 .SI expanded ' faculty .ff : record 1,043 frcahroeu t.'isfer -.tudents art ! enpa-r - • I 'l.-!t;f.!r i-Ct!V’iti('A : this V* . : tv';>'■(! State l.'n : ver F”. . t- 43rd year Ibe farulf.'s first meeting at the voir was held Moorl.v > t -inr flcoern! tirities ft- 55 n•• tr outlined. Ben - 1 IJintdit, Dr. M. A. Bo\i i.. and >»r F. >3. Hill, school chairman, presented new far till v members hi engineering, “ ,rr * '* 1m im «ii « in»i*nwnp' ■ 1 ■■■ ■ mr*rr• •. irw*»V!ar* ’ SOUTHERN PINES, N". C. q Gifted American Palmist and Advisor N'>T To UK ( !.As ,11) AS GVPSIKS .. Wlll ynui lift -S : nut asking at*v nu s; iC r . s *,«>-rr it ."■.ITS of Ine suoli as I. V, courtship .ux! nvirr:... ■ s>>< -U s> |*,ua".r| mho f-i-'co, marnages, helps you io V ou lose If tvo, :i,y|. troubled, oi 1,1 fl.uiht, ■ oosoo • ■ ~ . ■’ ■' n disTOfwxntPd in lit!*#-,•„ ,:-,o • #,t will ronviur • vo; -.t f-o- rwsiirn * 1 ' - 1 1 ' i■■ ■. ■ .>r 1 : , , ~, j, : ... . , ; • I '’ ' ■ ;1150 in 'r ,; - to overcome evil influences and h -rt lurt. of a]! *< i flu s. rvivair and rat, -Hr-nii;:! rc* • « »m. *c 9 p-n Readnn!- (a- both vvit-r- and colored. S r -f, hort |r,te«d , ' v ‘ il ! ir,f? : " l> P | "» c ’ i> oio>;. moral and not. ? r , \- t t ■i -od l.t\ PSIE-S. Milm. Louis makes no house* »o -house call*,. Located Between Aberdeen and Southern Pines on I . S. Highway No. 1 ■VT SOnWKNf PINK.s TRAILER PARK. Book for B ind w pK or* Top. Son,hern Pines, N. «' i educst-tow, and arts gnd Keic r - p-es respectively \\ A, Davis, onivfrstty president* presided The orient, non program plan i nod primarily to help freshjjSjen ; and transferees adjust to campu j life, opened with a convocation ! session Tuesday and wsl! pjose Sunday, September 25. n hen the ! president' holds; his annua) fire ! side chat anri a roeej>{< on jr> h ; ho l ne Mn v ie... j r r *»j r e - . vni \ i ■>. 1 square dances, religious