WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19. 1955 WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1955 _ Trojans-Aggies In 7-7 Tie; Shaw Tramples Lincoln U. i On The c * Sports , Scene WITH BUT. JOHNSON BKTCHA' V V DIDN’T KNOW THAT Johnson C Smith University will play five basketball before the Christmas holidays The Golden Bulls ' Vl ‘ ! 111(11 Howard University. Dee. * and Shaw Vnivfisit.v, Dec. It. at home in addition to playing D«'l:wa”e Howard and Blueheld on for.v--n courts . Ad home w' l ' • be played in the- W-'>’■■■ >.’.»su; I orback John Ush and hauonci Jasper Sigler West Charlepe losing 14 players. Quarterback Joe Robinson heads the list which includes such famous performers ■>> halfbacks John Mellainpton. Haywood Young, Hubert (.Jf’ and Raymond Phillip- Also Hated to graduate arc line men Willie Moore, .hninr. Neal. Willie Burroughs, H<>"- atd Haynes, Willie Dunham l.eti Brown, fan! Crier and Vernon Harris Backs Willie Sharpe and Thomas Howe ißowe teas ineligible I'd* cam paigrO. are also leaving Howe vet, neither Jack Mar fin of West < harlotti nor Powell appear in he worry ing, since both, mentors hate a good nucleus around which lo build next year’s teams. Powell is especially Messed at the ends, tackle?. g'-inds and in the backfie'd. Clinton Clifton and Robert Faulkner -re nu’-standiug receiver.’. a? well a? tremendous defensive performers Hubert !•> .•her, Albert Reid, Jn. Green and Johnny Eilispr are the top guards scheduled to play next season end Galveston Hay good and James Tate, fire terrific tackles, Claude Coleman and Jerry Fite are the , quarterbacks, with Henry Crowe. , the state's most exciting runner. Curtis Holscy. Charles Culbeit. and Robert Mays, the returnini - backs. Martin fan fail Upon J*>bnn • Young and Reginald Ptyor a quarterbark replacement lot ■-w . Robinson and Metis Westmoreland. ; Grady Johnson. Harry More ; ana Vinson Thompson should develop into great runners in the back field. And Robert Bland. Arthui Gr-.cr. John Campbell. Jimmy Oglesby. George Reid, Samnne Lawrence and Eugene Brown should mak • West Charlotte hard to handle a long the forwa id wall. Robert Faulkner. Second Ward ? brilliant performer at end, w.«s given the Civitan’s Club's award ! ns the Most Valuable i . rformei in the Queen City Classic Conte.-’. Bill Goebel is seriously considering the. fate of the Mea- : dowbrook Golf Course winch ha-' been operating in bad luck Mr several seasons now Look for Negroes to be using the course again within six weeks. Henry Crowe was Second Word's most effective back this past ; campaign with an average oi ! slightly better than six yards for each time be carried the pig.-km. The brilliant junior wont 279 yards on 43 runs and was slightly bet ter than Charles C.ulberi who fann ed 16S on 27 trips for a ti ti mark. Curtis Hosley was 6 2 on 152 yards; for 25 tote? And John Lish, who came on sensationally in the Ia t e stages of the campaign, was tremendous with his passing. The little quarterback hit the targets with 15 of his 7.1 pit ches for 210 yards and three touchdowns. Only two inter eeptions were charged against him all year Faulkner was Lish < favorih target. The rangy flanker who definitely is the. finest pass-catcher to play here in mna.v seasons, col lared eight passes for 138 yards and three tallies Don’t over look Claude Coleman, who Powell thinks will be a better signal-call er than Lish. C'oieman had strikes with six of nine throw -for 65 yards and two touchdowns. Coach Robert Jackson Is courting Joe Robinson of West Charlotte in prett’ much the ■a me manner Eddie Fisher squired Debbie Reynolds. Rea ■ ton: Both Smith quarterbacks Roy MclUwain and Hay- Sen Renwick are sched uled to graduate this summer. Wouldn't it be just great if Jack ton could find Robinson, Haywood Young, John McHampton. Thoma* Rowe, Willie Burroughs, Howard Haynes, Levi Brown, Vernon Hoi • ri*. Raymond Phillips, John LVn S’nadrick Mays Paul Grier Junu Pruitt. Jasper Sigler. Leona id Maseey, Willie Ci.rc-ton an’ Charles Talbert in the Bull Pen next September J'???'.’? Take an ordinary part- and n • move the chan- and you have a reception. Hawk-Eye Ga/cttc. Burlington. La Ruling plenty if onion a.iu ita lk: wiiJ help yon to roach 100. cl a ur; oit-iarv ai.-thcwitics Only von’ll da'- of loru-hm'M first, Monitor, Mann lug, ia. Nate Smith’s Punt Return Tied Clash PKTERSBURGy - A OS-yaid ; punt i(■!it r n by Cantata Nub; i S*> fi;:,bind the Vi;gin, > State . Tro urns to tie a favored No r*. h 1 ! Carolina A and T. squad 7-7 ; Royars Stadia;:, be tort a ei*wct‘ ; us 5.000 Saturday, With sectaids ri"ii >udn, in 11M' ’ hair Smith gr.ibh. d an A, t \Y.. : thy punt on his 32. Ad. : 'hakui' !, - stwo A. aad i lai k-, an nu i 34. he riicied wide around ih ‘right side drifting back to hi? I and picking up bloi Heis oe the :w ay ' Nale ' then t limed .ill tii ; steam and raced to pn.vdirt. • ;•!> oi, d : I 1 ■ '' : fiat a),/ the firs' o.df of p! iy. { The \y.-h were the first to tally H; the opining min utes ol the sc l end • 1 Jet J ;m” ( ni iat t I'cm <■: i-it ,» "i in t < smack itiiidd' up \k( - 21 halfbkeU ’HiM” I’.u ket Mini op the middle lor I Dan Boone then lat Cnviaf on the 12, Atir i !’' \no lost yard hack to tin 13. hailu.t* k id Wsbitt made it t m;-i .hi tin- 111. barker tou n d a hole id the right side of the Trojan tin*- lor -is and full back larr.v l'avnc circl'd l ; is left end for ttn ,s<-ore .Vila ;- a 5-yard Trojan penalty plat;;' !iie lihH on the \S( I Porkei dove o\« r tor tin extra point The game was teatureti by I a. s mith and I ;ry Fu. ! Lincmt-ii James Hamilton. Gei.r." Maye- and O';.- Hasckui.- !<■■.• ; dtr c- r! crWittabJe pern:.. ..fence- Nat. who ' h, a tremendous rason, cu.-c.- th-uu:::; j again. Along with lv> Dts-yssni , . . Ills punts kept A. anti i' !•’. of <" i their heels at! aft enioin ib, laird quarto:. .\ de quick-kau 1 60-yc.rds to th. A and T 5 ? i the defensive play ot the g:un. *| Tackle George V.'a.shiagton a.id ■ end John Nash cuth s> * . | tame through w .in their ■u : : ‘lfine defensive pk,.,. A .!, 1 | tne receiving end of s.-vcrM C. i Merrill pa.-sf- Pilot Says Boyd Ready For “Tiger'’ CHIC AGO iANP'i K .-..u Cbcknian. msn*i,;rr of •; , vveighi Booby Boyd, believes, in fighter is re ;dy to : ik.- on t-:tii.a Ralph 'Tiger} Jones or Gil Turn e t. Giickman expressed h.s b*’.’ 1 following Bo.v-.is nin-t ktuukir,! win over George Johns..>n, Tu n.- - tun. N J. middleweight, in th: Stadium here recently. In the fix'll t Bovd showed i-ourax •' in coming oil tin' d.-. k in the sixth round to stop Jotinson on .i IKO in (tic eighth. However ho was slow to follow up his advantages after having Johnson on the tie, k nt the first ronnd. Gbekmnn said: ‘ I'd ’ike to sc. i Bobby go against Tieor Jones or i j Gil Turner ive.v. H. i endy for j either of it.ein TvT. ri--. ’nil. ti, ■ a f- : k ■ ■ ' championship fight for Boyd alter I the Johnson win. Tobacco growers in al) >pavts - ' North Carolina tost t-d to : brown spot disease this year, says Furnev A. Todd, extension tobacco - j specialist at State College Ail acerage of three years oi jest growin" of ‘Boone' Vale blight re: istant Irish poevo va riety shows the new vn ,- tety nbo i slightly outyields both Kennebec and Sequoia. High School Showdown | Near at Hand The champions of the North ( ar i olina Negro High School Athletic | Association's Western and Ensen ) Conferences will be determined j this week. Winston-Salem's Carver Is playing host tn Greensboro s Dudlcv Thursday night at Winston-Salem in a came that will decide the Western Con ference titie. Carver won the Western District champion ship. edging West Charlotte, with a record i.f four viclo i rie s, no defeats and a tie. West Charlote won three and tied twe of its five loop rn , , gageinents, ! 1 Greensboro won the En-fein f District crown with five straight j triumphs Si eond Ward was see wa' with a 4-1 nui’h. | In the E.-.sh Di’"k Hillside • High will dash vv" 1 ) Wijmingtor.'s » i Willis C-n Ku'li Friday at , Wslrriin...ton Do. ham was Western District champs of the Eastern Conference 'Ciar v AAA 1 v■ 11 h five* I, 1 wins abaci re- rvtl ,ek.- | won Eastern District honors wit! ike t.:number us victories and , no losses I At The O’ " I lungbLue 15V CHAR J lis 1 I.IVINGSTOMi FOR ANF HOW OLD IK HOBO OLSON” According to Ray Robinson. ; fra r/.'.'-r w iMier-A eight and middle- ; aiit champion ana pueilis! per; I’.-nt tor run than a de .-.de, i fB'dJO) Olson is an m- Rav l.a- perm it led lo hold the a.idill.'W ,'i -,i)t lit’.e while the SF,«- ' :■! man w; trying m? hand at a v,,f| , ri',-" |'''u! R' l / . . - ~ a,-.; s .ibihli ;j 0 i|ft lire crown from Olson’s ‘ 't> .si.l t .-A when tne Iwe meet j . ,l, ,: i e.h.iltipioti -.hip ■ : kuwcl.iwn I . Chicago ecr.es Do- j \V 1,l ... ' p, d'tjc-* i[! ': ( Js in : ~ . (; .. .-,* vv I ■,. < depends to a I ; j., , - , i '.in tie good Bohn j ’,s ,• ; >' v ... j p ;< f . ,s \ Aru! h *' l *A' i .. .. v • ; , vert ;f; uy A; -• • iit» N has j jafiViV'i h:m. Ti iru? i- .rt'-- \'nv \ fit oil . X tvst. fa: tram },< ir •' an .-inprcssii t* fic tite /*. \ p!«.tiding tig titer. In dcin uls n .r, upon stamina and e«n diticining than upon bt. ins. He is j ii'itorim.sli slow -tarter, as;.-: miisi vi arm up to an o|> p. iu nt {.a .t h’a -t 11;- re rounds tief.rc he really gets going Hi ch'ef slock-in-trade is a pi l'd., tent body atto< k aliiclt is pspeciajlv “fU-rtive ax.tihsi ‘Tnixers’ irid "crowd ••teaser - - " VVliiii laboring- thus h <)(-•■ < >, ,;n lieterise is a pai r lir.i -. tiy stiouldcrs, ujtich in- usi.l to ward (Us jtj/.cP.-s ft”? h< also stands u|i V, "i: under lire and t>a« a . •>: mi.,. j;ni The latter lets helped him f;-.-i;iendoiisl\. since he (requentb- has to cunie t' u”.i ! '-i j:ti to ein the rlnk;-s has had no such sut-e. -s ..gainst Robinson, how - ever. Score Was 14-12 r.»* ■nsrtrKO'^r’-rrr- Falccns BowTo Bluefield BI.CEFin.D. W Va The B;g . Bioes of Blue field State College i i oj! id over the Falgous of *St. 1 Auguitii'e's Collect* 14-12 here Sat urday afternoon. Rhe game- wa- - originally scheduled for Frida} 1..-, ht, < ; *s \vm> v w because (if ,s no \v The th Itiecs i.-ri the pki> Hir.tughout ihi i-m ounter, while !!’<• I'alcons' pla\ was At C?*eenshoro: Dudley Beats Ligo n 32-13 GREENSBORO Dudley High -vas Paul Walkei on n;n« of 3-5 , ~i- i, ■ ti-.inc and 65 yards Odeii Bratclier -• o . r,-,’i i.won High Tittle contributed two touchdowns, or - in :. :-;2-13 hen Friday night. a run of 29 yards. \ 22 '.i oi ;.-} Hit Blues' The longest touchdown strike of ! Waiter .Broi Browning started the : the night came on a 9a-} .ml kick ,- .. u : a ■ >tf return by Nathaniel Brown <u! Dud), ■ look command ■ DudU-\ . • . In the second period. Browning S. i., ~.- < lm h i w an.* s ian 12 yards for Ligon s second and final scoie Golden Bulls Carve Win Over Benedict In Homecoming Event BY RU I, JOHNSON This is not to indicate that win- 1 iny is n rarity with tiie Johnson 1 C. Smith University football team. Ye. one lot k at !iv ir ri cord of j one victory in five encounters 1 makes it clear that things have j i been on lire gloomy side for j Coach H i ibe 1 1 Jackson and lhe{ Golden Bulls, e ecialiv on Sat- • , urriav atteyfloors j Benedit t 0 ri h o—b Smith it 13 0 11—15 Benedict Scoring Touch downs Beasley (2 yd. run! Smith Scoring: Touchdowns ■ Griffin 59 yard kickoff re turn , Clark 1! yd. kickoff re turn) H also makes it ras\ for One to understand the reaction of the Smith players when they overran Benedict College. 15- fj, here lasi week. To say the it it 11 pen wa s in a bedlam would be putting it mildly I’erhaps the most excited and most overjoyed man in the Herd was the lisendiy eo.ieh v. bu has worked long and hard, olten without the o visional shin on die back that makes one feel as if hi s work i- appreeiated, even if i the results arc not *0 glossy ■ i "How a fund that < r: 1 ■ tJoeU I Jack was a.-Ki-vs anyone who <-u ■> ! ed to h. it ri, 'He’s about the be: l s | play, r y. e'v*' l ev! in a loftg lime l ; A!i-Cun!crv’l'.ci in my books" ■. i Wli-ike middle uauv. as you y ; m;:v have «;uys: <•;!, is 'l.n:-U)s." w-' - e . vjiioc a j layer .v;;>-n*t Bencdtc: a | S.-'tiirday. But., f t « that mUti'c, sv 1 !-a ere. Cyu .ii'ti'i naek Hayden Bert*' u wick. Fullback Alfred Brown. Ei:ri s .. .ui!vs Griffin ann Mose* ' . f ■ “Bench-Men” i Saw Action Saturday Shaw University's 8e.,,.- train ;,|.'d the Lincoln University lit I r Train! Lewis Donald • limits il oin t r Killings and Waiter Reinbert. Those shin ing on defense - er *’ Janies it he. oi Hinton. VvilHam Judd Julius Cromwell, and Albert .Met lain 1 Standouts for T incoin were James Enty. David Gai'iinm Si.in fold AJumfoiii. Don Kendrick and : Cai l Marnr? The Shaw Un’tvi; sity Rear? !• ivi ! lo f’n/.ci-'S Ann Maryland ; Satmday to meet Maryland State Coin a ? Hawks, CIAA s -Him b».-i 1 g; ui lean: The chief weaknr.-s with Olson I.s that i.c can be outsmarted by fighters who know how to move i aroiiiid him Robinson solved h: uyle this wav the first time U'tc-y met. knocking Olson out in six . k.-at: in New York City. In then vnnd encounter in San Francis ii Ray again ntili/.ed 'lie same i t i_.hr pattern although that time h:> margin of vitcory was siunmer. K sparked by the action of Ron aid (Ton vi Washington and Willie Peppers , This loss marked the fourth of - the season suffered by tii. Ge-ugc K Walkei (g'lU-Fa-d Falcons. Saint Augustine'? will travel to Dover, Delaware this weekend to meet. Delaware State. College’s gridiron squad. ■ Sharpe, Tackle James Napper and , witness w hat was expected to Guards Sam Cauthern arid Booker be an easv triumph for the j Guthrit In short, the Bulls were visitors from South t arolina. ; ferocious. ! loved it. And the crowd who came to * FOOT JOHNSON C. W -5 FAYETTEVI TEACHERS COLLI SATURDAY Nov. 19,19E J. (. SMITH STADIUM 2 P. M. Admission* Vdv. Sale -H At Gate THE CAROLINIAN NFJFRUEFTJF . user TiMF DOWN Georg** Johnson of Trenton. N. J.. hangs on Hie rope* after being knocked LAST 1! IK •*»”; . . - ,J M . , i„h S h round of lbs recent scheduled iO-rouruicr at i hicoßo dour, * n who ’.vent into the hns i i.;,m >s,n the e ai !y d a y. of nr : Johnny saxl.... """ " L/-/ '■ WL r.'lT'-.T'.T.T.Z A"' ! PVKt* to Fr%t>M " VPn-.’t j• », u '' '.l nT' .' But 10 pounds nmuiu note to j 8 1 cbampionshio alter lus imprest,. v« ed •- • iv Sao.u >.o j ■ ' . • ja j i victory < _ ' I t t the vi ' last week in a - - _ k - , Ra v Robinson when tl.a, ...nit too r, n ,u . ; 1101,1 n 11 ~ Ihe set to wso'k tany I Saxton was in complete master v ■ T M W M r% _ §~* O the Miiwt- in ail boi-ins; We l A IAIa l osts Io o ■■■ y f * 4 if/i/l in the ninth round, Saxton Coaches At iVc'C ; Hi \\JE^Ers r p ! ..., .. ~, , t t w •liker h <-a H track !r- red and Wear*, t : , DOHH AM i - f;hre« NCX «Mcne ; - . H. Brown, : Aft,-.- Uk- frght. it rank Palermo. ‘ iave l "‘‘ " ■' ,i coach have been mm- Saxton’s manager, exulted; • ' w.th the National Aw „| “Roof Caves In” On Tigers As Lincoln Triumphs 27-0 JACKSON. Mrs. -~ The rmTjthtt second and third iienni. ■ ■ caved in on. the Jackson c.ol*• t^> two r !*i tf-oos b<»U!».’d it. I Timers Saturday night f.u U.e- ;V . -. .. vi . ei.e? • ond week in succession wueu >m h floodgates onenod. hoe ever Lincoln University Tigers scor,-u • . .„7 , ):u . k .,,n Colicri Tier 20 point ' , Ri defeat the’;n 2/-S. Satunt-O iC"‘ . ws.od vec-rm:; two 1 s.e'nh- \- ; loss was the second MVVAA ! '- ; ’ fl „ Lincoln while Ford seoic.! hi. feat for the JacUson College >■>.!£■>" . rl . l)nd tll,’iV:--!Vf VVtH-W.' aiSO. i ' j m success: >« vvi t,-'..- • Timers have yet to win a Mid-Wot I i Conference name ranee poms m ,! to the Conference three years ae« James Ford herein the scor ing for Lincoln when the gum* «lis less than two minutes <>lrl as they took over deep >•> *'•. or territory following a Sir*'* fumble. With the ball just two yards from the Jackson < ol lege goal line. Ford scored bis lirst of two touchdowns' Fe ran the hail back for .in extra point after a had pass from i ! center. ■ Neither team could seme dura:; "BALL in H UNIVERSITY vs.- ILLE STATE •» »■ '-%si kf* / / .00 < i V L.yv .25 * ' ~~ □ Kentucky tei Straight - J|||t Bourbon ftP Whisky fi?Sl $4 ' 35 4/sqt - ! I I Bourbon • i j $2- 75 pint E ' JlMlt DlSltlU^^ KENT UC K V Si TKAI 6H T BOURBON WHISKY F _ AR LY TIM E S D:SML Lft R Y COMPANY L© UISVILLE 1, KENTUCKY * 8 « PROOF ’ UO\S ’ ” This marked the second time; tViat Saxton has defeated the ’( iger. The other vein was in a meeting ihivr rear' ago in New York. ! Saeiou said the first fight was much harder. Rein,.!.' Freddie Aposoli scored • e 'relit 56 1-2-53 1-2; Judge Jack ; Dinviici, 37-53; and Judge Eddie j Jo, ,es. 50-5-1, ail itl favor of Sax- ' A d of 2,000 contri- ' jte.i $6,082 *o see Ihe fight. Tnr Hce peanut finncis can -,l oi , 108,813 acres of peanuts 11 they use the full state aiiotua-nt. PAGE FIFTEEN TSU Cage Team Musi Work: Adams | j HOUSTON Tex:!'- T t-x 8 s Southern University basket hah cuacli. Edward H Adams, took out ■ an extra large crying towel a« ii - ! chare,-s v.-ent through their initial I .li-'Ms Nov.-ntber t. And ho n«n join* real good reasons to moan 1 tin- ip I ue- Only one of the !e;- players who carried the 54-'55 Tigers tu the National Champ.on ship returned. To make things even dimmer, only two other players who saw only very limited service will wear the maroon and gray this season. Gone are Clifford Crawford, K liiiard anil captain, bv far the best defensive guard and playmakcr in Negro college basketball alternate captain Reuben Bolen 5 11” forward ivho was «n e of the fines* shots .n 'lni history. I'ne “big kid” who broke up many dose ball games with his un canigc scoring maneuvers and hustle These two were lost through graduation. Both of them made the All-Southwest ern Conference team in the i Southwestern Conference tour nament which the tigers cop ped the past season Aisc missing r f Woodrow ; SauldsUrry. considered or,t ‘ of the ■ :;n-„tcT college players of aU i time The great 6’7” youth made j evet.v att-tnuvnament team toe | Tigci s participated in. the All -1 American team and was one r>- the top scorers in the southwe.*l i conference and c lost to the Har lem Globetrotters. George Gray, ; i/7 center who had a very good ! season last year ' broke his right. ' ; ., in over the summer Gray, the >- ~, ,i i.-k Yal< :• 4ai. was third x- i among the team members in the ; :a h -.coring attack. All-Stars Fail •>' j new YORK (ANP> Has the ht ‘ | ~o i c! mine of r 4-?eaFon barn in ; -..n-iiviig for big ieauge players ! b ,Take,; out? If the stories „f ... vm al outfits that played this , ~,u S j eto be believed, this popu i;,. source of extra income for rs has just about pet<, it,- j >' d (Jllt According to one authority ’’ the Willie M:iwl>nn New combe troupe is playing to empty seals doing jpst Ho b, Dixie l and where once the sight of a Negro in a. big lea gue uniform was occasion for a national holiday or the equi- || valfiWt. yja Only Jackie Robinson struck • |p| rich barnstorming his first tmu uouncl That was because of his - fjs» fame as the first Negro in bis M time. Then his players thougri! || they could do it. too and flopped ig| !Ho v Cain panel la’s outfit is sam ■ | t<, have made eating money on a a | 195 j tour, but laid eggs a year ago, Alex Pompez. the old time man- ... of the Cuban Stars, now a $| toll 1 line Giant Scout, is said to have admitted a 53 aveiagc Sj 4 300 ,| <-r game. When h dropped j m ’54 to an ave, , R c of 2.300 per ■ > »ame it was hardly worth ihe - 1 ouble. .