WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. DECEMBER 3. 1955 Oia! 4-5558-Let Classifieds Be '/our Christmas Guide-Dial 4-5558 Lockhart School News BY WARY FRANCES BRYANT The first, grade A class is back Prices Greatly Reduced hi Ford 4-Door $595 ’sl Ford 4 Door Radio, Heater, Ford O- Matic $69.1 '52 Plymouth 4-Door 5.59" 'sl Ford Convert!bk $59 - •■) Ford 4-Door, Custom $495 51 Hudson Super-Six $194 ’SO Ford Convertibl< 5 195 •40 Pontiac 2-Door, Fully Equipped $395 '52 Chevrolet '-Door Sent covers, Heater. Power glide $695 SEVERAL OTHER LATE MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM CITY MOTOR COMPANY 221 HILLSBORO ST “Raleigh’s Oldest Indepen dent, Used Car Dealer ” - j 1 BOIJIEON 6 Years Old | T r HJS STAGG DISTILLING CO., ?. j 1 AG" mAHKFORT, KENTUCKY ! room 201 had charge of the chapel ‘ period on Nov. 17. They had two ! choral readings, "The First Psalm" j and "My Books and I" and a short ; playlet. "The Boo!-:? Revel. T ■ j Junior High School Glee Club sans, j 4\»h'y vE‘If > c + i on c James Henry Watkins won to | tile circus. He told about the many i animals he saw. ) | The third .grade of r non, lUB i j very proud to have Willie Holden ."--k in school He has !ii,n out i with the whooping cough, j The second grade .-s are making plans for an ouHLindtng Chr-si- New Liberal Credit Terms Now in Effect Firestone ON ★ APPLIANCES ■A TELEVISION ★ TIKES 8. TUBES rOURBICtRABIIm PWJjEJIT Firestone STORES 413 Fayetteville St. [ m is frier? for room decoration The fninth grade presented a ) Thanksgiving program Wednesday. The program included a choral j reading, an Indian dance and a ol ay The Mysterious Seeds. Some of the participants were: Claret fa Bar. WiiG Richardson. Charier. Lit, ohs. Emilia Evans. Joel ■ iV.vttv yy»die Ken ik.'i . Lawrence ..me Eiui:*.- Laa;., F r ;,nces Jules. Dorothy Prime,as, Mary Dunn, •B: art, William arid Jmi f’vr.pers and Elvira Miaf - A eh,-.-? rOii'HJft that two ■!.orients spent Thanks - >• o-i o and Hillsboro •’ • - v • :’hoy ore- ■■•.■■ -,i v ... a •me >•. v ivautiful n i’. They doo,- to have them ready for pres ent: "o' Liu is ivm;-. Henni : i !). i(ia Miai, K-.ii Rab rtsort. Lu!n ; ■ : 'vu‘'i*i. k .-uft-jih O' i<>dson and i ii f’ filth jJriH'ir- H 'i,': t ' l!> H they Arr plan; , ;-ti: * tr.p to I Ihr post ufficc* 10 am thi n- Christ* | lY'i* Carat a. the mail IjeTort* the mum m sacpa Ip Cif ted 1 *al mi s i §\ff \*h:ire On \ll Affairs of IJt> TOOK FOR HANI> SIGN 1 orator! \ A. . rrmn The R! IT MISI KFS I am:vvr. Lo.-ated on If l:‘mvd.'- fil * Mile-. East of Ashe tfoni On The Khiftt H aul Side or 4 I s*>’• \v> .{ of j;*!: ~ if On The l.eti I Hand sidf ol The H h v:i\. MA - I f>AM SAMI): \ H;in A Private Drive I I OB H I (f)\i UIW ) 1 ,. fr More For Your Dollar When You SHOP AT... d. a s. f 425 S. Wilmington I Street ? 48 Studebaker ('oin ma 11 dr i Con vertib i<- N. vv Top R & H. $345. ’49 Chevrolet 4 Door. Good Rubber. Radio, Heater. Clean as a pin. $495. ’OO Plymouth Business Cotipe Runs Ida a top, $450. ’46 Plymouth Club Coupe. Complete. Ri built motor. $205. ’4l Chevrolet Club Coupe Unusually clean. Radio. Heater. $177. ’4B Desoto Club Coupe. Extra good rub her. Radio and Heater. A real good buy! $245. Method News CLASS HONORS PRINCIPAL FACULTY METHOD On Tuesday Nu . ’23 the seniors of the Be: ry O - j Kelly School, Method, gave the-i 1 principal and faculty members a surprise banquet. Mr W. D Mm - . ■ principal, was given a beautifully ' decorated cake with the inscript ion I To Our Principal," with candles on it. representing hi? years of service a? principal. R ,lph Jr. lice made the presentation. Toasts were made to Mr More •> . bv Margaret Evans: to M s? D V Morris, one of the sponsors of : the senior el;,-. bv Hazel Lock• lev to \t , B. B. Wright, asp >ns t"." i v Peal I Pe i'v A toast to •Mr, Lytle, by Flonnie Keith: M-? J Ci. Carter, by Louise Hmion; Mrs. V C. Moore, by Delete? P*.'.i nbgton- Mr. Law.- by Lather Powell t ■ Mi. D Sp.tugh bv Lav ... Hudi: and t.. Mr. J. D , a:;ni. j «>y Mvi tie Chat.? The following n,-..: *as mal: j srapefrud halve- bake.t ham, lie* J tei.'i-d pel-, caildieu -Wee's, ' i tea. ie,> crea.in and cuke Soft music was p„> -n thro. out the Lianguct-dinnifi- Mrs i! : t;ia Field* helped to prepare th< : food. Oiia i gifts wise also orr j rented t r > Mr. Moore, the sponsors. Mi s D V Hon i* and Mis. B B | Wt H’TI.IJNT. WORKERS MU. l the Willing Workers ( lull of St James AML Church met at the home of Mrs. Aide Wright Smalls on Wednesday night, November 3 After an interst iug business session, Thanks giving baskets were prepared for the sick and aged. The next meeting v ill be hc-ul 4 the home of Mr- Mary Ida Hai ti.- on December 7. at which time a Christmas program will be reii tic. i d and gifts will lie 0.-ehangt-il. The sixth graders didn't have : to v.'Oj'i > about s t I.; i k(* y f*>*' Thanksgiving. They made theii -awn turkey. Are you wonderpu* i kintru-y made it" Well i'il j tell you they took a while po | tato. some cardboard and some I litchen and made it. i guess it /T\ FOLKS Hava»had a chan £6 \jprT t 3 Trade with Yoy Yet? ATwJA WLKK GIVING UNCSCAL DEALS gl_L| 33-DAY \X M HARVEST -sf - VALUES It Pays To Sue Fs Bt'forc 1 ou Buy! NO MONTHLY DAYMKNTS Til *:\n. 15 SANDERS “Your Friendly Ford Dealer in Raleigh” 5 IC, 'SO Pontiac Chieftain & V. *' .... Deluxe Sedan —» X a. “ ««««=■.. ,>)'/,) _ ■>:! St:ua. 1 * i _— »—- COME to ( ONN-GOWKR —~—* 50 Hudson '8 We’re Wearing our SANTA TRADIN’ SDST fE '52 Pontiac Chieftain ’55 Pontiac Star Chief Custom 51 Chevrolet StyUune i>< - Catalina. Custom equip-; luxe Sedan. Puli' equip- ly equipped. W lim ped plus Hydramatic,’ ped and Poworgiide. "all tin Dual-re . Power steering and 50 Chevrolet Convertible Hydramnuc. brakes. White wall tires.; Radio, Heater and Sent 2-tone °' 2-tone ivory over tui - cover Brown top and quoise body. brown finish. v> p i( k ,’ d r n 53 Buick Super Riviera. Pul- ; i>o JeSoto Custom 2-Dr ha- ' „ ,‘ p ‘ ' ’ ly equipped and Dyna- dlo, Hpaler a!ld t,ea cov I ‘' flow. Tuo-tone ivory over ... equipped, Auto red body and White wall 50 ' D! h "' Will “a tIvPS dio, Heater md Seat cov- ditve v/>)U •53 Chevrolet Deluxe "210'’ 2- 49 Chevrolet 2-Di Sedan —- 1>;. Has Radio, Heater Fully equipped and clean 53 Pontiac Chief and Seat covers j as a p j n tain Deluxe ‘'B” fee -52 Pontiac Chieftain Deluxe 53 Plymouth Cranbrook Se- rtall p u j) V n |Oit "8” Sedan. Fully equip-| dan. Fully equipped and " •> IZV.) ped and Dual range Hy-; Overdrive In top condi- ‘ dramatic. (ion. '53 Pontiac Chieftain Deluxe r , .. , "8” 2-Dr. Fully equipped fet\,a.ne IX- ; . M . tup... and Dual range Hydra- luxc 2 ' ln ‘ S< L d;tn f uil; ' " M " A " u "'■ - malic drive. .quipped and Powerghae. Mush ii(»i*jtawu»»awaiMi«MWi l 'WM l iw*iiWH>t | wi» l i4»*MHmhWT , i»'WMPiHnim'ftftvniifTmt't-i-n T'ni , )imriM-iii"iM>*i*i11rt*—■** i ’ti^ietnm^" , "n i n*r*ifireTfruiei"* 11 1"* 1 "'I'■ 1 '■ ■-■»»-*» .. if r THE CAROLINIAN *■ * f > jmL | 1 JL 10% i \ x\ ~r. « 1 » *• isn4£% r> -r k pwl V: ;% f 1 •-;% n L- :v? ; , k .„ , \ ,\xm T . , v , y \ " A m :r -. v \ y 2 W ft if) y- % ... .- v '-''E-itw.' s'- , • :w~ - . -ks; .-a !feir l*. %s --'■■■■•'• E ■ L ' fScJP ‘X ■ G * j. - 3 r-yr Wf : .gHA r, ouu" x <:U . 5 - i -. veeutive seir*tJrt of (lie ecu Hubert A. Poole, nul ii m I Pullen, City Recreation l)e iftlneiil, a n it J a m i s f: 'N uies, boy s’ leader at I uttie embers of the grid team are- Aiiain Adkins Willie Stokes iiny Dunn, l.awrence Smitii. • mi Da, is Robert Jones t.eyvis n-li'i Ki'iuu-th Sluiltord. Sla •' Keith, bat id foster, Larry ..•iii! ( o rile ii i.i.- Bledsoe, Stev • a Oats Charles Johnson, Al 'iiillso \nder-son and Fredei iek i'ey ant (See sorty this i-sue). .OK PA.s'l OR The Ti i umsyli C. Hama ns. led, lor in the Manly street Chris Era Church for the past -~ ears, is diown here receiving a iln < k from Deacon Clarence Davidscn on hehalf of the con gregation. ihe (iresf-nlation was made at a inimjuet held at Die eiiun-b last week. (See story this i -i - ?'SAH I*o ID tit lAt K Hi I, HULL. ' Irs. Brooks Plays Host EH CITY The I jmbci t EJouh.n li;,.r Home Deni i! i : 111 - in Club met a ; the home ■'* Mi s Cora Brooks. Star Route .: t*if y, with Mi's. Marie Slier. - idem ii • - line on Wt-dnes r ei u;l . NiiV'-mbi ■ 23 T:ie L in, D.-m,.iist i d i":: Agent, Mrs Mildeeii B Payton, prcstutted the nioi.tii s lesson, "Youth At Any One t,r - r e u M - A rim u i,,-! Mnfiitt Mannui.i; attended the ■ , < - f i *'• ls Toe hostr.-F set \ oci a rnena con ■: ting; if fried chicken, potato Mod, cake and punch. Other nenu.ieiv attending Were d.iii.e: S-uriey l>;,i , f.ectO! . .i . a-. Killin'., Paige, H. Ida Cavi ■iiLem a Moffiit Miseita Ed ve'ii'dr 3‘rij Siler Alaltii- 1 Paige Elih.ie For, Yiiginia Sue- Lxie Br o o !•: Nina Lee. C»lh« ime Biook.? and M .iiie P. Nuniift i t>f i-Aißs mid cum Drr word, i-sris \ i s Vi «'.'f I jicr vv vsified tlis|»LM pci lin«\ j»or issue 10c 10c “ 1 -.. c7 1 _-c K‘.u !l vvoiti ciV>l)i \jcil me . liiit’.al Oi . : fmi ri>Uiil one '-'-old PiNiuiiLUion uiaiks am? NOT counted .is words • n»e ■>'-• iiliii 1 ; ■ . .’Giip. G-'I t.'f V. t)! (h '?! any want aci is Li words You will #-ve rr.on<»,> b> ordering you ag to sun 8 or J? i-'SUe.s Weekly VV ml Yds nnv be Ifleplioilfd through Wednesday up tt» 10 \M. Advertise your business wherever you are in North Carolina with u*. dust n note with what you want ut sa% will do H»e i rick Writ. The CAROLINIAN, 518 K Martin St , Raleigh, N. i . LOCAL LOAN COMPANY 18 West Hargett St. Raleigh. North Carolina Auto - Pcr;on»l - Fuinituse Applications Accepted by Pnon» "Your loans are insured'* Phone 4-6t'tiß CREDIT I SI.OO DOWN * j On Watches, Diamonds, Lug gage, Jewelry, Radios, Musical Instruments, Suits and Over-! coats. DIXIE LOAN CO. 209 Wilmington St. Raleigh N. C, PAGE SEVEN AUTO SERVICES !*.**, Al’TO SERVICE—Garner Road | Dial 2-6193 or 2-3312 STEPHENSON'S USED CABS - $;» 1 Hillsboro St.. Dial 3-8355 K ALLY'S AUTO SAX.es, 38? R Martin Street - Dial *2(>J Used Cars Bought and Sold JENKINS USED CARR 32t S Blount St Dial 2-0344 NURSERY FOWLER'S NURSERY FayettevLe Highway Phone 2-0758. RADIO & TV U-iWIS RADIO AND TV CI.INiV.--4;, S Btoodworth St. Phone 3-6365 TV SERVICE AND ANTENNA installs j tions. Raleigh Radio and TV service ' ( 'o 6'.7 W South SI Phone 4-7132 | AUTO & TRUCK RENTALS | WAKE-U DRIVE 1T—421 W P< a, e-- Dial 2 G'!l2 Trucks from Vj-Tun up FURNITURE BED STOVI ROUND-UP— fi'tvini; oil, coal and v.uod - :o'. •■. Montague* i Furniture Co Phone 3-9763 j FUEL DEALERS i - HU. Oil AND KEROSENE—Fn> qt Uh\ Metered Service, Dial 12 6392. Pa 1 ini>. Fuel Oil Service. 44« i Halifax St I . FOOD SPECIALS 1 HIV'S AMERICAN ORJI.I ?gr. East Martin St . Ralcir.n- Dial 91.56 HOLLOWAY S CAFE - P-i Cooked Bat !«.•••!!«. Flu.no 8170 or iifl-4 2i3 VV Pine SI. GoliLhoio. N' C , -VDE ( DOPER S RAK-B-Q— pr.rtte* lilt; ( iiihs . 1-1 veil We ovre 1 o o‘ not |[ town parties. Ins E Davie, Dm! 7614 Mi: itiM.il DRIVE IN i.Kfl I,—Gar ..• I Hoad D.al 9! A WATCH SERVICES DAVIDSON’S WATCH SERVICE 112 K. H.iigut Si , Phone 3*4959 valet service DC* it" SSOS—Hatters and CUr. tiers. 1-2 W Martin Si . Dial 2-3691 Looking for a iobv Let us help you find one Din! 45558 BUILDING AND HOME I MPROVEMENT SERVICES • STANDARD I I NT) El R BLOCK CO . In Soldi' L mu* (e ami i nrun Blocs ! N M Dowell Si Dui Jli.H Vt-tu.-ii.tn Blinds cb-.iiHv. .tail i.-to H4-:i I We take tio,.i , • 1 o . Pick-up 'in,! Dfhvei ■> .1 !i H 'nu laundry P ianc 4 8102 ( AHTAI. VACI CM STORK - S.g Seivicc - hub 2J3 Miiisboru ■*: D C 94 * Ni:,hi 4680 IX) NT M l THE WANT AOS Dll li.uir with ( . PO. Box v - Raleigh. N t\ P d ■ map- miPi uited with six DAILY PRAYERS OF OR ACE. Sent postpaid - “ ,; v 1 included) $2.39. Anton Spe* ♦••hUr> I'm. r O Bov 22 ! t HaUugh, N. ; o. FOR SALK FOR SAI E—-8 room house—•s2x2lo fe«t. Desirable neighborhood. Cali 4-5*58 BUSINESS SERVICES RAWLS I'UMP SATES A SERVICE— fot Myr i- and Peerless Pump*. 5414 Lewis Farm Road Phone : 2-5377 i AKCIHE JOHNSON A SON—New a >d Used Sewing Machines. Expert re paring. New Motors and parts. $3 OP j dovwi. $5.00 mo. Guaranteed low prices 'Piles out Rhamkatte Hoad. Listen to WRAL, Friday morning around 8 BARBER SHOPS t’llMBO S BARBER SHOP—W J> Cwm bo. Mgr.-Owner. 518 S Bloodvorth ! St Phone 3-9131 If you have something to sell, lei in sell It for you. If It’s Classified C A L I> 4-5558 LEGAL NOTICES ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICK Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Mary J Turner, de ceased, late of Wake County, North Carolina, this u> to notify all persons indebted to said Estate to make im mediate payments to MECHANICS AND FARMERS BANK at its Banking house at 13 East Hargett Street, Ra leigh. North Carolina, and oil persona having claims against said Estate will present tire same to said Mechanic* and 'Ftrmers Bank on or before Octo ber 2,9 1956 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. This 2Clh day of October. 1956. MECHANICS AND FARMERS BANK ADMINISTRATOR of Mary 3. Turner. 13 East. Hargett Street. flyleigh. North Carolina , Otl as, Nov 3 12, 19. 2*. Owe 3. itoft