o +Q rv3ard printing Co. The Stanaara r 220-22- 6 S * r ] i~ EPg*| ~*_ '■WXtei . ... 4 1 13LC0ME * TO )AK OIIOVK I J»TISI IJltCllf THY SIGN SAID “WELCOME” Thf above vrw is the one that hangs in front «*» the Oak Grove Baptist Church, which h.-.s an all-white Jtn'.rnhr f ship, loralwl Former Shaw University Teacher; M S|S M $ rf|i §s JH § ■ - /; 1 :' » ■ . ■ ■. .- ‘No Room’ In' | Chureh For j Race Woman p; VI.XAVDKR BARNES TAKE FOREST Deseguega * s,;. f . . -d too much for Rev. D\\ Watts and the members of !-■ r-.irv.-h Son- ’ yv Mi t i" iha Perry, j f - rnc? . .iris economies teacher at i Si-Hw University, decided that she j won id elt end the little white rural J r-h nvh. which has attracted many, i who would like to have their j spiritual strength renewed, with a j huge sign which read. “Welcome ! To Oak Grove Baptist Church," j and the 71-year-old woman was| pushed, shoved and finally ordered j off the grounds by the pastor. i Miss Perry did not say whether i she was inspired by God to test j f thi- faith of ine minister, or the | worshippers, but did say that she j whs not sent th.-re by uny outside i agency and that she went there ! believing that the sign meant! What it said. Mie arrived at the church late and finding no usher at j the door, carefully made her way to the front anil with the services in progress, she pro ceeded to take a scat about (our rows from the Iront. There was no immediate dis approval of her presence and everything is believed to have gone well until some of the worshippers rcognized her as a (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4) BOY/2, KILLED BY COUSIN, 5 WAKE FOREST—WhiIe his mother prepared his bath, j David Lucas, 5, lifted a shot- j gun and blasted his cousin, Willie Lucas, 2, to death as tho# played in * bedroom of | the Lucas home on Route 2. j David then picked up ihe bleeding corpse and dragged I It to the front porch a short distance away. Assistant Cor oner T. S. Rhodes gave aver- j diet of accidental death. What 5 Happening ~~~ ' On Desegregation Frontj NAACP Eyes South’s - Registration Laws NEW YORK Attorneys for the NAACP were reported this week to be studying North and South Carolina laws to determine whether the organization must register as a “foreign” corpora tion or a group Influencing public opinion. Integration Issue Nixes School Bonds j RUTHERFORDTON -- A pro-j posed $1,500,000 school bond is-j sue which v ould permit the con- j .struction of three senior high i schools was defeated by .Rather- j * ford county voters in a, specialj election here Saturday. Proponents of the issue had ex- j pected easy sailing but the segre- i Ration issue, plus the prospect of j Increased taxation and consoli- ] dation spelled its doom. i , on the Old Wake Forest Louis burg Highway, in Franklin ( ounty. The membership was thrown into almost pandemoni um Sunday, when Unis* Bertha Lorry, Wake Forest woman, vis ißr 11 • ,-- - ■ f ’V’l - < > t ; I 1 ■ *- » ;! i I .. a ■ II / i ! s- -i! |U . j MISS BERTHA PERRY Stats News Brief » j A&T PREXY ILL GREENSBORO Dr. F D. | Biuford. about 65. president of the j Agricultural and Technical College nf North Carolina at Greensboro. J was admitted to L. Richardson Hospital here Sunday. His condi tion Wednesday morning was re ported by attaehees at the hospital as “fair.” It has been reported that i Dr. Biuford suffered a heart at- ! tack. He is known to have been the - victim of a heart attack two j years ago. j COMMAND PERFORMANCE RALEIGH Carl W. Smith, director of dramatics at Saint Augustine’s College, told the j CAROLINIAN Tuesday that j his first production of the year, “Wuthering Heights,” ! staged December I, drew such ; hearty acclaim that he is pre paring to present the power ful, dramatic love story again I (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4) ‘ ; Integration Asked In Halifax County HALlFAX—lntegration of the county’s public schools by next September was requested of the County Board of Education here Monday by the Halifax County The lucky car last week was the one bearing the tag num ber ‘X-2325. If the owner of that car took Jt to Damn's Esso j t Service, corner Cabarrus and Bloodworth Streets, here in Ra- j | ie<gh, he received a free grease ! JOb, ! This will happen every week j j Watch for your tag number. If j it follows the asterisk, you will : get the grease job. The num i her will he taken from any car bearing a N. O. license. ' The numbers this week are: j ! R-3872; tt-5714; X-5185G; j i X-46852; R-5249; and 946-347. i I i iWMßßli'illHii I " H 1 n H Wlllif *iHHIIPILi ill in '* vtym ited the morning service to tell the pastor. Rev, Dwight Watts, or one of the deacons, that a like sign, that hangs near her home, had been knocked down. 2 Besidsinep j Convicted ; 01 Perjury GREENSBORO — Convicted on Saturday by a Guilford Superior Court, jury on charges of induc ing a witness to lie under oath, Samuel S. Thomas nnri fhyvtoo Strickland, professional bondsmen, were scheduled, to be sentenced on Thursday by Judge L. Rich ardson Preyer The men, who had both plead ed innocent, were found guilty on two counts of conspiracy and sub ornation of perjury. Thomas did not take the stat 1 but Strickland sought to deny virtually all of the testimony offered by the state’s key witness, William Har vey Taylor. Taylor, who simultaneously was indicted for perjury, pleaded guilty on Tuesday to the charge but no disposition has yet been made of his case. According to testimony, the cases originated when Taylor was arrested on liquor charges after (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4» GATE CITY DEATH BLAMED ON DRINKj GREENSBORO— Following an autopsy performed by Dr. W. W. | Harvey, Guilford County coroner, i it was ruled that the death here last week of Leon Underwood. 34- year-old railway employee, was due to acute alcoholic poisoning probably aggravated by an over dose of a medicine used to ward i off sleepiness, Underwood was found about 9:30 a.m. on Sunday lying across his bed in hr: apartment at 1405-B | Gorrell Street. Tt is believed that !he died some time on Friday. ! James C, Blair told police that j jhe and Underwood had been j ! drinking Thursday night after at- j ! (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) J , NAACP chapter. W. W. Harvey, president, of the chapter, made the request in a mimeographed statement present ed and read into the record. Main tenance of two public school sys tems. the statement pointed out, was a waste of money. It also pro- i tested sending Negro children out j of the district in which they live! to attend segregated schools in j other sections of the county. There was no discussion on the! request which the board said that | • it would “take under advisement." j ! Integration Plan I To Law School Body PHILADELPHIA When the Association of American Law Schools holds its convention in j Chicago later this month it will! i receive a proposal which would ’ ! exclude from membership law j I (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4) SEEK HODGES ‘GHOSTS’ 10c 7^3^ VOLUME 15 RALEIGH, N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1955 NUMBER 11 Ministers Favor Hospital ' RALEIGH The Intnrdenom-, • (national Ministerial Alliance, lnj i its regular weekly meeting at the | | Bioodworth Street YMCA, ..decided I that the bond issue for a general ! hospital should carry and tha 11 i their several congregation® would j | do well tu vote for it. This decision could very j n el) be the balance of power that is needed to get the issue i through, according to many j local people. The Negro vote I lias given both the proponents and opponents much concern, There were those who felt that integration. would he the key U‘ the entire matter, j The question was discussed by ipPMap -' - % . - iiffßllMß''# *'■■■ i ' AMsßfbajte, a.. ' : .| tg—, 1 , 'ls,act* . v w ■M|rajpßßgywffiEjßßrMHßr. | IW(ffliWgwg(AFassll^ Ik € ■ ««tSiS^lsw>Mag^sg3swHHHßaaa3aaaSMHißfe', • •• Tit «». jg 't \ FREEDOM BELL TO DR. WOODRIDGE West-Berlin’s governing Mayor Dr, Otto Suhr left) presents Dr. Nancy Wool ridge, vice president of tiie Na tional Council of Negro Women, Teacher’s Wife Among 3 Dead In Car Crashes RALEIGH A school teacher’s j wife and a serviceman and his j i infant daughter were among per- • i sons killed in weekend auto acci- I dents. Mrs. Patsy Saulton Alston, 22, of Littleton, an expectant mother, and wife of Wiliam I>. Alston, 26-year-old school teacher, died in a Burlington hospital about an hour after i a pickup truck collided head on with the car in which she was riding Sunday afternoon. The accident occurred at 2:45 p. m. on Highway 70 near Burling ton, Reports are that the truck, driven by H. L. Bowman of Belle J Tillery School ! Burned To Ground I SCOTLAND NECK— The six* I : room Tillery Chapel School, a ! frame building near Tillery, was I j burned to the ground, in an early j morning blaze last week The fire spread so rapidly j that efforts of two fire fight ing units were of no avail, : Cause of the lire had not been determined this week but there were reports that the fire started in the upper portion of the northeast corner about at a point where electric pow er wires entered the building. Pupils will use the building j formerly occupied by whites be- I fore consolidation with Scotland Neck and Halifax units. , the ministers and it was decided the body who A* lt that Negroes | | that the health of the county was should get art iron-clad ruling j at stake. There wen members of from the Hospital Author ity that j Boiling Springs Boils ’ BOILING SPRINGS A threat to withhold all financial support of Garner-Webb College if it ad mits a Negro student was made here Sunday by more than 200 member; of Trinity Baptist Church Last Friday, John W. Logan of Forest City, a graduate of New Hope High School at Ruthrrfor ton. wrote the school requesting permission to apply for admission as a day student, for the second semester Dr. M. A. Huggins, executive Inc., of Hampton, Va„ with a | minatore model of the Freedom 1 BeU. Dr, Woolridge I# the | daughter of Dr. and Mrs, CL S. I Bullock of Raleigh. mont, wm attempting to pass an - other truck, when it collided with the car driven by Mr. Alston. (CONTINUED ON CAGE 41 THREE CHILDREN BURN TO DEATH BUURGAW— Three small chil dren, at home alone, were burned to death when fire swept through their home here last. week. Dead are Roy l; Ernest, 3: and Lawrence, 4, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brown. The moth er was returning home from vistt : ing two blocks away when she | saw the house ablaze. ('; i ' 1 ! | ADVERTISE THROUGH CLASSIFIEDS secretary of the North Carolina i Baptist Convention sr.id at Rr.-j leigh that Logan's request is the; first such request by a Negro at j a Baptist College in this state, | Last month, the convention, j meeting in Asheville, left the mat - j ter of admitting Negroes up to j the trustee boards of individual I Baptist institutions. The execu- j tivc committee of the Gardner-! W,;bh trustee board will name a j special committee on Dec. 12 to] study the request and report to' the full hoard in February, —i—W—ll Ml I Ill— lUMI. ■ j ODDS-EN3S • \ : | BY ROBERT O. SHEPARD j In his radio and television ad dress last, week, the governor is 1 quoted as saying that there are several prominent Negro “1 ead- j ers" in North Carolina who art supporting his “voluntary segrcga- j tion plan,” He added that he was j not at liberty to reveal their j names, however. This week, four Raleigh Negroes j who have never assumed the tit It- ; of “leaders” although the whin press has so named them, asked ; Mr. Hodges to tell the people oi i tins state who these "prominent Negro leaders” are L.. W. L. > Greene, Dr. Grady Davie the Rev. j Otis Hairston and the Rev. O. L j i Sherrill, all prominent in the lift I (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 ; Playing Cowboy, j Boys Hangs Self ! WASHINGTON, N. C.—-Funeral ! services were held here Tuesday |at Yatesville Free Will Baptist i Church for Leonard William Mor | ids, 9-year-old third-grader, who 1 was accidentally hanged while ! playing cowboy at his borne 16 miles from here on Sunday. The youngster, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hertford Williams, i who live on Highway 32, had been lumping from a tree to 1 a seat beneath it with a rope i around his neck. He apparent- I iy missed the scat and his i neck was broken, according | to Coroner Booner Paul who I investigated. ! Paul reported that an older | brother found the boy’s body ap l proximate!* 15 minutes after the ! accident. I there would be no discrimination j a! the health center. There were I others who felt that, this was no | time to quibble over principles, I but the matter of making the rnon ‘ <\y available was the necessary ob | j active. j The Negro vote will be watched i very carefully due to the urgent | need for proper hospital facilities | in and around Raleigh, There was | much discussion as to what would | become of the staff of St. Agnes I Hospital and where the Negro doc | tor would figure in the proposed | hospital. It was decided that ibis was a matter of policy arid that at ■ (be right lime it would be thrash ! ed out. Ask Hodges For Hames Os “Ghosts” A request that Gov, Hodges I name the ‘‘prominent colored leaders” who are backing his “vol untary segregation” plan for the slate's public schools was made of him this week, bv four officials of local and state organizations. The question as to who these “ghost” leaders are was contain ed in a statement released by W. L. Greene, executive secretary of • the N. C. Teachers’ Association; O. L. Sherrill, executive secre tary of the General Baptist State Convention; O L Hairston, presi dent of a local P-TA Council and Grady D. Davis, dean of religion; at Shaw University. In his recent radio-TV address | | to the citizens of North Carolina, j I Gov. Hodges made reference to, | retrain unidentified "leaders” who j reportedly are working for his — I (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4) | HIT WITH BRICK, HE FIRES FATAL BUS!; WILKESBORO — Howard Eu-j | gene Blllips, 32. of Route 2, Ron- i | da, is dead and Gaston Curry j I of Route 2, Wilkesboro, is in jail | I here while police continue their | j investigation. | According to police to whom: Curry surrendered, the man toidj them that he fired in the darkj j a number of times in the direc-j I tton from which a brick was ; thrown at him as he was leaving j j (CONTINUED ON PAGE 41 FIND GRAVE ” j DIGGER DEAD BOONE—The body of Harve Whittington, 64-year -old 1 grave digger, was found lying face down beside an open grave in which he had been working about 5;30 p.m., Fri day. _ i Authorities say that Whit tington, a handy man who j ' worked often for funeral homes, apparently suffered a j heart attack about I pm., | about an hour before his body ; was discovered. Leaps From Electric Chair, : Cheats Death 20 Minutes i COLUMBIA. S. C.—lt took six there was going to be no trouhk ior seven men 20 minutes to get Goodman told reporters, “Bn* I Clay Daniels. 26, back into the (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4) ! electric chair here Friday after -—rrr^.„ bhe leaped from the chair while MAN, 76, BLOWS :| guards were strapping him In. ntn'iin * vs Daniels and his brother, OFF HIS HEAD i f f 6 '. 24 ; MW WAKE FOREST-A verdict P r ttSEFtoJF Their &££% The «3h7ltaS HE— - -»- sps sr? ■£& as Willie was the first to be exe- j * shotgun as he sat la hts cuted, going to his death quietly. b^ 0O ?“ ab ®"‘ JJ* J*^ k • murmuring "I hone I am saved. ! He tried to do it Uat week. Clay walked meekly down the! said his wife, but we caught corridor to the death house, ac- j him in lime. Assistant Coroner • ccimpanied by Capt, Fuller Good-; T. S. Rhodes rendered the ver • man, Dr. M. Whitfield Cheatham, diet. Horton, It is reported. > two lipu tenants and a rbaplfiin ! had deiponddiii “He sat down in the chair like i ill hddtb. 1 y : >,W ; . ;.v'" ''“l ; i l . ..... '. .V.. '-.V-T' ..-••• •-• ■-4 MISS ANNIE I*. WYNN Race Girl Piaces 1 st In Contest RALEIGH - Miss Annie W ; Wynn, 15, of 708 S Slate Street, decided several weeks ago that she would enter her first contest. She w;r informed last, week that .-.fie would receive a $25 check and a chance at national honors for ; having composed the best dis«ee» .CONTINUED ON PAGE *) DR. ( . B. MIDDLETON Woman MD New Editor j RALEIGH. N. C. i Succeeding Or. W T. Arm - 1 strong of Rocky Mount as editor i iu-chief of the Journal of the | Old North State Medical Society \ is Dr. Catherine B. Middleton of ; Raleigh, who was elected recent i ] y j Dr, Middleton was graduated j from the Howard University Col- I lege of Medicine with distinction Sin 1944. Prior to returning ha j North Carolina, she completed &n ; internship and residency at Har | lem Hospital, New' York, and scrv i (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4) 1 GUNFIRE HALTS CLAREMONT RITES | NEWTON— Catawba County «•- i fleers are holding: warrant* Ml ! two men after gun fire mom»- j tartly disrupted a funeral service i at Claremont Thursday afternoon. I Otis Clark is wanted on charge* |of carrying a concealed weapon ; and assault while Eckard Hun i .sucker is wanted on charges at i affray. Police say that the mm | became involved in an altercation j following services at Liberty Hill ; Baptist Church for Mrs. Jennie | Hunsucker, 79. while the funeral | procession was enroute to th* graveside. Officers are holding a .38 pis tol which a spectator said that he grabbed from Clark's hand.

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