COLLEGES, HOSPITALS SHARE TEN MILLION ___•«» The lucky car last week w»* the one bearing the tag num ber *X-51856, K the owaer of that ear took It to Bonn's Esso Service, corner Cabarrus and Bloodworth Streets, here in Ra leigh, he received a tree, grease Job. This will happen every week Watch for your tag number, M it follows the asterisk, you wili get the grease job. The naa» her will be taken from any car hearing a N, C. license The numbers this week are: *946-147; R-5249; X-46852; X -2325; R-3872; and R-5714. Dr. G. Carnes Denounces Hodges ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ A" ★ ★ ★ -k ir r jggjk irifi ’tissi §$ m m $m . **» v D} MKwm BET fIET H §■** B M B -< /•* i’-Mm 1 fiS IS mUp mP* it $3 || jre| fe jjji, jbe -Sli &'l JSIf iia fte, flfl, JSBs. mm w£ fH IpL igs rV jpUlp, Hi OL-.J3ai n,*%> « a£f Wmlmw $m fit sis £& r *<«ik* #c ?*§ ’B§3sgfef* .•£*& £&F , *:-3§||i3ir r ’'iSsteSPr j»|jsgipfr dip gUI f|f|t i?ace Group Urges ' i Integration Here By STAFF WRITER Raleigh—ln a session Tues day afternoon the Raleigh Citi zens Associate . through a spec ial committee, headed by H C. High. Sr., implored the Raleigh School Board to take the people of the community in its confi dence and hold free and open discussions about the issue of in tegration. The purpose of the rail mads by the Negro representative* was to ascertain what prog ress, if any, was being made by the Raleigh School Board in line with the United State* Supreme Court’s edict that a prompt and good start be made in all sections where school segregation h»* not been the custom. The only answer that the board Rave was to point to its earlier statement that nothing would be done concerning integration dur ing the school year 1955-56. It was significant that no promise was made that anything would be done next year. The board re fused to commit Itself to any pro gram for next year and dismissed the matter with th£ statement that plans for. next year would be made in April of 1956. Board member Leroy Mar lin, the apparent .spokesman, wanted to know how many member* the eithien* group was composed of, who they were, why was integration be ing asked ff>r and how many Negroes lit Rsleigh wanted in tegration? The last question was answered by the Rev. G. A. Fisher, president of the fMcaintioß, who said, “Every Negro in Raleigh would ask for integration If they were free to do so.” The Rev. Fisher accused the NAACP Says South j Defying Integration TAMPA. Ma—“ Little progress") toward desegregation in the heart) of the South was reported here j Sunday by the Southeastern Ad- j Tisory Board of the NAACP. The 31-member board reported! that Southern officials charged l with carrying out the U, S- Su-I preme Court’s school desegrega-. J tion ruling "are doing everything i poeitote *o circumvent and defv j ft.” In some sections, the board; said, "there is not only defiance,) but open and nflammatory ap-; peals to passions, ignorance and ’ prejudice ..." It reported little satisfaction in the picture in Mississippi, South Carolina, North Carolina, Geor gia, Alabama and Florida. Ten nessee. it found, is the "most Happening On Desegregation Front I Florida Ministers Form Mixed Body DAYTONA BEACH. Fla', A merger of Negro and white clergy men into a new group to be known as the United Ministerial Associa tion was effected here last week. The new group will hold Its first mee&ng on January 2. W * « N. C. Hears Reports On Integration HIGH POINT A one-day workshop of the North Carolina Council on Human Relations held here last. week, heard Dr, Thom as A. Van Sant, director adult education for Baltimore, Md., public schools report that firm ness on the part of school and local government officials have i combined to make desegregation; v© rk. in the public schools. Dr. C. H. Parrish, a consultant 10c VOLUME 15 RALEIGH, N. C. WEEK ENDINt j board of merely marking time .! while following Governor Hodges . j and the Advisory Committee on . | Education’s suggestion that the , | Negroes of North Carolina adopt ,; the so-called voluntary segrega > j Ugii plan. Rev, Fisher reminded 11 the board that it had no alter !j {CONTINUED ON PAGE 12) I Boy, 5, And i Teen -Ager Save Life II GASTONIA Quick thinking i Jon the port of a fivd-yoar-old boy ; .land the heroic action of a teen-| • ager saved the life of a nine- j j month-old girl from her burning j home here Monday. Driving along New Hope Road, i ! j Gene Hood, 19. of Gastonia, was I flagged by Eddie Wilson, 5, who | told Hood that his baby sister was j ! inside the flame-enveloped tar- j J paper dwelling. The teen-ager crawled in on his I hands and knees to the crib where j the child was still sleeping. He \ carried her to safety unharmed. A j “hert time later, foremen arrived, • but the house was already a total : toss. No one knows how the fire : started. Mother of the children was i visiting a neighbor. It took some detective work on j the part of the fire department to identify Hood, who, after carrying I the youngster to safety, had j i left the scene of the fire. | hopeful” of the Southeastern j j states, with integration already i i begun in one school system, j The board condemned newspa-1 pers. which, it said, printed; i "slanted news . . helping to j build up the climate in which deeds of violence are committed,’’ j Here k the board’s state- by- \ i state breakdown of its findings: Mississippi—Most discouraging j ; picture in Southeast. “A complete | breakdown of law and order" i ; blamed on top officials "and most !of the Sf)-called responsible s?ens banded together in a vic ious conspiracy ” South Carolina— Offers little encouragement for Negro leaders. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 12) for the Southern Regional Coun cil, moderated two discussion pe riods. Delegates from Raleigh Greensboro. High Point, Chapel I*" ■"» TwSwTT II V MiMl.ini-,. I i ADVERTISE ; I immm ! ! CLASSIFIERS I B I I i, e '<. .\*s %)Sg|J||fJ » ' ' ••••■.. i SENT TO WRONG IIOSPITA is shown above leaving the White i Tuesday after being denied admitt Gore was sent to the Raleigh ins official, who reported that he mu boro. (STAFF PHOTO BY CHAP integration is Sought At Dix Hii! ; ; By ALEXANDER BARNES j I RALEIGH—When Jack Brown.) i white Clerk of Superior Court.' | Southport, sent John Gore, 41. to j Dix Hill for alcoholic treatment j | Tuesday he might have made the! i wedge that will break wide open) i an issue that has faced the state! j for some time. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 121 Dunn Man Is i Charged In \ Road Death j MAXTOR - Morrell Little, Jr., of Dunn, Route 1, has been charg ed here with involuntary man slaughter by a coroner’s jury in j the death of James Smith, 70, of j (CONTINUED ON PAGE 12) ! j Hii) and Charlotte reported cr.' ! problems and progress relating to i | racial questions in their comma- ! i nities. • - * I Letters Threaten i Boy cotters in S. C. ORA N G E B U KG, S. C. A ! threatening letter, received by | Mrs. H. F. Pierce, vice president ; of the Orangeburg branch of the ! NAACP, has been turned over to ; local police. j Before getting the letter, Mrs. | Pierce, a widowed housewife, says I that she received two threatening | telephone calls as white merchants j seek to “get back” at Negroes) who have instituted a boycott a-j j gainst them because of their stand • I oii integration in the public, schools. . According to police, other Ne groes have also received such Jet (CONTINUED ON PAGE 12) » SATURDAY, DECEMBER l.L—John Gore, 41. of Southport, State Mental Hospital at Raleigh, t-snee for treatment of alcoholism, stitution by a Brunswick County leant to send the man to Golds -S. R. JONES.) t ! State News —IN— Brief FOUR ARE INJURED GREENVILLE Four persons I were injur ed on N. C. Highway il, south of Greenville Saturday | morning when an automobile in which they were riding went out jof control and overturned on a • curve. Highway Patrolman Buh ) ard E. Taylor identified the driver | of the auto as Carl D. Bush, 33, j of Route 3. Greenville, who faces charges of careless and reckles ■ driving, speeding in excess of 63 miles per hour and driving drunk. The insured were Bush, head in juries; Willie Cox, 46, cf Route 2, Winterville, lacerations of the head; Willie James Chapman, 31, Route 3, Greenville, chest injuries; and William Taylor, 43. Route 1, ; Ayden, injured shoulder. WOMAN SERIOUSLY BURNED j GOLDSBORO Mrs Mary Brice, local woman is report ———— (CONTINUED ON PAGE 12) mWlfe f \ | f Ijf j^E GEORGIA EDUCATOR. AT FAYETTEVILLIt—Dr, Benjamin Mays, president of Morehouse Col- j t lege, Atlanta, Georgia (center), chats with Dr. J. W. S«*brook, president, left, .and Dr. C. A. Chick, c of the Fayetteville State TeacbeiV College faculty, fottosinK tMtts at the college last week. J t 17, 1955 NUMBER 12 j . 1 NC Head And iOthars Said 1 Evils It Meet 4 DURHAM - The 50!) Masons and I an equal number of interested per- I sons heard Grand Master G. D. I Carnes blast Governor Hodges and |, other persons, whom he termed j! enemies of democracy, at the pub | lie meeting of the 85th grand com munication of Free and Accepted Masons, Prince Hail affiliation, jurisdiction of North Carolina, in the auditorium of Hillside High School here Tuesday night. Dr. Carnes lost no time in j making his position clear on the matter of first-class cilt ; zenship. He denounced any ' i and all persons who would ' • deny any segment of the ju.o --! j illation the right to liberty and A P ,,r Sttit of happiness. Up , was braced the tenets o i the ! NAACP—and had the follow i ing to say: , i “The NAACP is one of the most | constructive organizations of our times. It is constructive in prin ciples and in works. We therefore are going to support it and main tain it and perpetuate it as our surest messenger to the Supreme Court.” In obvious references to Gov. j Luther Hodges and the Ku Klux Klan, Carnes said; ! “I lose respect for a chief ex i ecutive who will go on the air over (CONTINUED ON PAGE 12) Man Guilty Os Rape 'lntent Gets New Trial i DANVILLE, Va. - • What may: prove to be a highly important j case in legal annals was seen in! the making here this week when I i the Virginia Supreme Court or- j i dt red a new trial for a man who; was sentenced to serve 15 years j I in the penitentiary. Alonzo Nixon was convicted on j j a charge of breaking and enter- j | ing with the intent to commit, j i rape but will go on trial next \ week on a simple misdemeanor j charge. He was accused of enter j ing a cleaning establishment, j where he worked, at night, when ; a white woman was working over j time. It was reported that he had ) rngjjg suggestions to her over t.tafe' j teieghorie. Police, who lay in watt j for Nixon, arrested him as he on . —. I (CONTINUED ON PAGE lt\ Two Ralelgli Colleges Get $271,800 j Grants totaling well ov r one; j million dollars were awarded on j i Monday to North Carolina col- j i leges, universities and hospitals ! ! by (.he Ford Foundation of De- j troit. The gifts were a part of a half- j j billion dollars- -large»t single ap- j \ propriation. in the history of phi- I larithropy— going to 615 regional- j iy -accredited privately-supported! institutions in ttoo U. S. Colleges were granted the mon- : ey—which does not have to be j matched—to improve teachers ! '•salaries, while the amounts to j hospitals were designated to help j them improve and extend their' services to the public. Institutions in North Carolina I which received grants and the j amounts received follow. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 12) M TEXAS Olt QUEEN AT IOWA U. IOWA CITY, lowa—Mias Dora; Lee Martm, 17-year-olrt liberal arts freshman of Dallas, Texas,! was chosen ’’Sweatheart of t.he Campus” at the University of lowa and reigned over the university’s i winter formal dance, Saturday night. She was the only Negro among i 29 candidates and her selection i by the male student body mark-1 cd the first time that a represen tative of her has been so honored. All of the candidates were pre sented in a pageant last week in Memorial Union at which time Miss Martin sang “The Yellow j Rose of Texas.” Wake County V oters : Approve New Hospital Wake County V oters : Approve New Hospital RALEIGH The voters of Wake . precincts against the bond isi'oe. 4 _, rvll»h(xr onrrnhnri <a iV¥l tKift *».,«i i,. f ,dk n RALEIGH The voters of Wake County approved a $5,000,000 bond j issue Tuesday to finance the; building -f a 300-bed hospital and clinics in the county. (A slim mwcfin of 026 votes carried the hospital reforen j dvnt. Also approved was a ! five per cent tax levy to main tain and operate the new bos- j pita) system. This issue was voted through b> * margin of 442 votes. All Raleigh precincts but one j carried the vote The dissenting j precinct was Number 27. located I in the Southeast section of the j city. Voting against the issue also j were 19 of the 26 precincts located j j outside Raleigh, Votes of almost j | two to one were cast by rural j WANT WHITE KIDS i !N NEGRO SCHOOLi ! i: j NASHVILLE. Tenn. <ANP>- J jln a switch on the pattern of ; I school integration suits, a white i couple has filed suit in U. S. Dis- i trict Court here to force enroll ment of their son and daughter in an alt-Negro school. The action was filed as tun »- mendment to a current integration > ■ suit now pending before Federal Judge Elmer O, Davis The white couple are Robert W Rempfer, associate mattiemattc* professor at (CONTINT'’ED ON PAGE 1«| 'Jip _r;'> *****- •*'*!>! • Lee Marlin, ]7-year-old Houston. lexas. freshman at the State University of lowa, was crowned “Mttt | SHI” at the annual University winter formal December SO, Mfm Martin, who was one of 29 candidates for the title, win reiga »» tin eon oi Queens” on the lowa campus the rest of the year and I represent the University in the “MKss Dig 10” beauty contest. “Mias Si 1 a dramatic arts major, is attending the university on a S4,*tv general scholarship which she received as an outstanding graduate from her all-Negro high school in Houston, Her father died whgn i she was very young and her mother is an invalid. She lives with i her grandmother, Mrs. Eli freeman, 2212 E. Alabama St.. Houston, I Miss Martin s,< the first Negro ever to receive this honor. l precincts agonist the bond issue. The County Hospital Autho rity. a seven-member body ap pointed by the County Board of Commissioners. Is charged with the responsibility.^of con | struct mg and rnawuAi; the (CONTINUED ON PAGE i?> MINISTERS Id SWT “FREE” HOSPITAL PUNS ! - BY STAFF WRITER RALEIGH lt was rover, led during the regular monthly meet ing of the Raleigh Citizens Associ ation Tuesday night that the Inter denominational Ministerial Alli ance had this week pledged its support to the 5-point recommen dation of the Citizens Ass >ciation for the operation of the new hos pital authorized by the voters of this county in a special election held Tuesday. December 13. T hesp commendations rail for an Integrated nurse train ing program, full use of the hospital by all qualified physi cians, a. first-come, first-served policy of patient admittance and a completely integrated staff. The Rev. O, A. Fisher, president 1 of the association, was instructed (CONTINUED ON PAGE IU -r— :~, r ,; t ~~ /. —ZX.-TTT BULLETIN NEW YORK D*. Frmtmfek , D. Ftdwton, preMctort of Wm> ; United Negro Coßaep Fund ; WednesdiMr holies! the Ford ! Fonndfttion grants to private j accredited college*, inctadtng j those in the I 'NFC, a* an “Epic i contribution toward the future ' of American higher education.’* j “The generous grants received 1 by the fund’s colleges will go far i toward strengthening them for j increasing service to all quail • 1 fled American youth, and will be a stimulus to others to gi greater support to these 3! ini- ! portant institutions which are | an integral part of (his nation’s 1 network of first-class indepen- 1 denk colleges and nnlymißcs,” i the noted educator said. -rm%ww* 9 Escape Death As Three Autos Plunge Off Bridge BURLINGTON—Death took a holiday near here Saturday riigtot when three automobiles were plunged into the Haw River as one span of a single lane bridge over the river collapsed after it was struck by one of the cars. Nine persons were injured, at least two of them seriously, ifc the bizarre accident which it is believed was precipitated when two cars sideswiped near the bridge which is about one and one-half miles north of here on Highway (i 2, Arrest Man I As Hit-Run I Car Driver \ | HENDERSON—Miss Lula .Tones, 30, was kilb'd when struck by an | • % nubile near bore early Sun (vuiv morning. Marion Dickerson, an employee of the Henderson plant of Mount Hope Finishing Company. has been charged with manslaughter and hit-and-run driving in toe ! death. A car said to belong to Dicker son, was found about 4-,'to a. m | Sunday with blood stains on the left fender and bumper. Dicker 'son was found asleep in the Mount Hope plant shortly after the car discovery was made. | Miss Joneas was struck about [ 1 a. m. at Penn Inn, some two I i miles west of Hendersonon U. S 15-A Officers said that her body was carried 210 feet from the ■ point of impact. One leg wat torn from her body. ODDS-EIRS BY ROBERT G. SHEPARD RALEIGH lt jwat happened. No one was to blame when a truck loaded with some sp rctviy-<issd mental patients from the Golds boro Hospital broke down resist ing in the serious injury of sever al of them. No one was responsible for this mishap, says a special committee of the State Hos pital Board of Control. It was just one of those th*og* rotten wood gave *w«y kPI down to the vnint 4ha trnoks ocottpwn% *lf I» eomanMto* wSport tm&Mk • seveiajl or aM of the trpefc’* passchgars had bc«yv MHn4 m «m would Nvr« %b*», sw*jpm» > *ih> for their djpMt, Wall, &*<*• is Nt« wkw«4 ft I* j very unlikely that JOjr' "ii|itrcl|h> ! minded. cleW-thV'rMkai'g peraqo k | thia state, or m any rtaka tenm have thought suck s report pjpji ! bin. IS. 311 st tori A eonceivabl* KW it could l)« said that no on* w#*» j responsible for khat mishap. Th* | hospital audko rites* allowed sev*n ; ty-odd human beingt, .persons with ! mental defaienoi«e that mads rt 1 impossible for them to either sent* danger or protect themselves from j danger, to be packed like sardine* j in a can, on a make-shift convey ance that no one cared enough : about to inspect for defects. Th« | hospital allowed this type of thing » (CONTINUED On" PAGE Ik* .f Most ndongkr Injiwed weacr j JAMES 5-fOO‘R*, 48. of Lftfertr. ! Route 2; 1 MRS. MARY MOORR, 38, him wife: ALICE MOORE. 7. ti.ek dfcwwh ter. Moore, following an ewaorisia- Upn tit Al®*ttb?ice CVmnjy Htepf tal, was rushed to Memorial PRk pital at Chape! Hill in critical condition. Mrs. Moore, Alice and two ©Hu (CONTINUED ON FA OK MU

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