•*' "Jiir 1 DR. F. D. BLUFORD, A&T PRESIDENT, DIES The Carolinian VOLUME 15 Henderson Group In Narrow Escape State News Brief SHOP h 11TE K S N A BBEf> CLINTON Three race women were apprehended at the Hurwitz Store here with a hag full of un wrapped article? that they had allegedly lifted from counters of various Clinton firms. Two sis ters. Geraldine and Peggy Jean; Williams, both 18. and Lorcnt* Barden, their 19-year-old cousin, were given a hearing Before Mayor W. p Winfrey, Jr . and placed un der bond of SIOO each. The stolen, goods were valued at about SSO BRIBERY TRY FAILS FAYETTEVILLE Alphonso McGhee of Montgomery. Alabama, vss sentenced to 12 months on the roads Friday for attempting to U ONTIM ED ON PAGE 10! Miss Gibson, Partner Win India Net Title NEW DELHI Misses Althea Gibson of New York and Karol Fageres of Miami won the wo men's doubles title in the ail-lndia tennis championship, here Satur day when they defeated Britain’s Pat Ward and Angela Buxton, 6-1, 6-4 M JHlf ■■ L. rfst, MmtSm# ... \ P' ?PfG - ' -y* : . ■mSmggtgSm -'.- ,| , w ' N I I jllilpF *-%| V-m ILLUSTRIOUS SHAW GRAB RETURNS HOME UNCF di rector W. J. Trent, Jr., bids Bon Voyage to distinguished member college ainmna, Miss Angie Brooks, who returned to Liberia recently after serving as Rep resentative Delegate to the. Uni ted Nation’s 9th and 10th ses *tr>m. Mis* Brooks, who is As ! tLnTorir V®>ft 2£Q*B26 SoutTi First B£. e, lt Ky» HENDERSON Forty pupils ! from Henderson Institute narrowly | escaped death near here Tuesday | when the school bus in which they were riding was sideswiped by a transport truck which then plung ed over an embankment. Both vehicles remained upright. The pupils were on their way to H radio station to record a r gt --> Sos Christmas music. The. m>:. driven by a pupil, Willie Har grove. was making a left turn of: the highway into a drive when the truck grazed its side, ripping J. but miraculously not injuring a single student As the truck careened over the embankment, it brushed a group of prisoners and guards who were clearing underbrush on the slope. I Had it overturned, the men would have been crushed. Driver of the truck was Willie Young of Kan napolis. whose quick thinking is credited with saving the lives of all concerned. School Suit j May Be Tried By 3 Judges \ GREENSBORO Constitution ! !of a three-judge federal court to 1 try Montgomery County’s school; segregation sujt was indicated here Saturday in a ruling bv Judge Johnson .7 Hayes in Middle Dis trict Court. His ruling allows a group of I CONTINUED ON PAGE 10! distant Attorney General of Li beria, graduated from Shaw Uni versity, one of the Fund’s 31 member colleges, in 1949. Ad dressing UNCF staff members and others attending the send off ceremony at Fund headquar ters here, at 22 East 54th Street, Miss Brooks stressed the im portance of Fund support, wing ! ! ' ,y - a-' v ms. 'bg ~ ■ MADONNA AND CHILD - Miss Muriel Darrell, sophomore, from Fiatts. Bermuda, as she appeared in one of the eight tableau scenes presented during the traditional ’’Living Madonnas” Christ inas pageant at Bennett College in Greensboro, last week. Greensboro Will Sell City’s Golf Courses GREENSBORO Sale- of the ly-owned. but. privately - leased Gillespie Prk golf course, where six Negro golfer? were arrested re cently on "trespassing” charges, was ordered Monday by the City Council. “I know from my own experi ence at Shaw, that the scholar ship aid and other yearly bene fits provided by the Fund are vital to the continuing program of these colleges.” The United Negro College Fund is currently seeking $1,730,000 for operating funds of Us 31 colleges, in its 1955 campaign which closes on December 31. Closing of Noefao golf course, a ine-hole layout constructed ex ressly for Negroes s few years go, ;s also expected. Sale of the golf courses was pro ceed last week by Russell Noah, ccreation commission member, a« solution to the problem of joint (CONTINUED ON PAGE Hit “Porgy And Bess ” Actors Get Behind Iron Curtain BERLIN - When the American j of the show, the demand for tick- Porgy and Bess" troupe appears j c-ts is so great in Leningrad that at Leningrad Russia. on Decern- j the show has been booked for a ber ,6 ,twill mark the first time 2500-seat theatre instead of the since Lie Bolshevik revolution that 1500-seat one originally scheduled, an American theatrical group h&:< An ftr n rf , t . T . . ~ played on a Soviet sD-c , er 1 ? a> * m Leningrad, the ~ . . . ' how goes to Moscow for a Jan- Thc troupe left here by train on . uary 10 opening. Next stop j« War- R,-c f ! n ,y > V Cn v ;n " „ R<lbr, ' ! I SSW ’ and Ihtn - possibly, Czechoslo- BrC(n of York City, direcloi ! vakia. Hungary and Romania. WHAT’S HAPPENING ON THE Desegregation Front Hodges Says He Favors Patriots RALEIGH • The fat,riots of North Carolina could “be quite forceful and good" if the organiza tion is "moderately handeled” Gov. Luther Hodges said here on Thursday. The governor told his news con ference that there is no evidence that the organization is not be ing properly directed. NAACP Ready For Test Os N. C. Law RALEIGH Because he does not believe that the NAACP is subject to North Carolina laws, Thurgood Marshall, chief legal counsel, says that his would be willing to come to North Carolina for a conference with Attorney j Genera! William R Rodman. I One of the laws requires the 3 NC Women I Die in Fires | * j Three women burned to death < in separate tires in the state with in the- past week, and a man. and two youths were injured in an other. At Goldsboro, Mrs Mary By as, 29. died itt Wayne Memorial Hos | .rt from bums received when j he** clo&ies caught fire as she | stood w ith her back to a tin heat ! er. j The woman, mother of four chsl i dren, ran from the house into Tie yard screaming, causing the flames to spread rapidly. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 Fire Razes Church And Rec. Center WILMINGTON - - An investiga tion into two mysterious pre-dawn fires which destroyed the Ingram Recreation Center and the Shiloh Rantisl Church here Saturday was i being continued this week by lo | cal fire department officials j The roller skating rink at the j center was partically burned Fri | day afternoon after a can of gaso line was "carelessly" overturned neat an electric heater. Shortly af terward, firemen were called to v fire at the church and extin guished it. Saturday, they were called again to the rink and found the entire building enveloped in flames. An swering a second call to the church, they found the building totally destroyed, registration of organizations en gaged in influencing public opin (CONTINUED ON* PAGE 19) May All the Blessings of the Season Be Realized by Our Many Friends with Good Will Unto All, arid Peace Forevermore. CLASSIFIEDS diai ■’ 4-5558 • ' - Mt&s « M v X “EMM ~ . LET Ml SEE, SANTA Little Miss Or; .yn Vushinston seems to be trying to re member if she has told “the jolly old gent" everyth -.; that she wants him to leave at her home Christmas Eve. Carolyn, who is two-years-old, hop - s.-nta C.’latis will bring her a doll, tea set, record player, table and chairs, etc. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Washington, K-'}2 Washing ton Terror SIAM PHOTO BY (HAS. R. JONEv ;Moore Co* Minister Heads Mixed Body «# SOUTHERN PINES-First Negro, to be elected president of the; Moore County Ministers' Assucia- j ti< .*! is th» Rev. .! ;>hn ’ * mder- ; burk, A merger of Negro and white ministerial groups was efi .•ctod j earlier this year, at which lure, ; the Rev, Mr Funderburk became I OBES-EK3S BY ROBERT C» SHEPARD "And she bre gb! forth her fir-i child and wrapped him in swad dling clothes and laid him in a manger; because there was m.< room for him in the inn." Luke 2-7. ; The real significance of the birth place of the Son of God ■ transcends the capacity of or dinary mortal consciousness, it. is revealed only through spir itual insight and divine per | reption. However, man’s saha- ! (ion depends upon this revela- 1 tion and in the degree that he accepts this salvation does the true spirit of Christmas per meate his being. *’ — Wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him m a manger." i Lowliness, meekness and humility j characterized the advent of Je.nti,: Christ to such an extent that we : are compelled to admit thal these circumstances must have boon the i will of God. Inasmuch as Christ is not only the savior of .mankind! but is also the Waymakcr, the pat- j tern for our own lives, is r not evident that unless our lives are I characterized by lowliness, meek-1 j ness and humility, Christ has not j j come into them'’ The significance I i of His birth has not been revealed j i lo us. i because there was no room ! I for him in the inn.’’ NO ROOM No Room no room, down through the centuries, that cry has (CONTINUED ON PAGE ltl> H. M - ! -<► I H ! ....... CHRISTMAS lIVM V AT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH The annual "White Christmas” dram* was presented by members of the First Baptist Church here Sunday night- Mrs. Mildred Chavia, center, portrayed the Virgin Mary, assisted b.v her husband, Frank Chavis, who played the. put of Joseph, The combined choirs oi the church furnished music, for the; occasion. STAFF PHOTO Wf CHAS. R. .JONES. k W f • ’ ,ulA> J L&r , vice-president. As president, he; [ succeeds the Rev. Hogan Yatiqbv, 1 i Presbyterian minister of West rGd. j j -■ Rev. Mr Funderburk is | presiding elder of th< AMEE, j Church and has lr ed here 19 i j years. A leader in mirnei nnr. civic j i projects, ho is currently serving I jas vice-president of the 11 oor e i County Tubercu iois Assoc i a tion The Rev T L Persons, pastor of Trinity AMEZ Church here, we? : | elected treasurer of the oreaniza-' j tion. | _ _ __ i Mail Clerk Faces ; Embezzlement Rap | GREENSBORO A 24-yea,--oid j 1 mail clerk for the Bank of Greens j boro was at rested on Monday on | i charge of embezzling “in excess : of" S3OO from funds in letters ad- l j dressed to ihe bank. Thomas leg Maynard, whose j birthday was Tuesday, is being . ; held m Guilford County j,ui in dc ! fault of $5,000 bond. He has been , | .in employee of the bank for about i six. months. MARQUETTECSGER IN “SUGAR” GASES NEW ORLEANS - First Negro j i athlete to participate in the Sugar | ■ Bowl sports carr.i' al will be Ai j i Avarit, sophomore guard on the j ! Marquette University basketball \ \ team, it was revealed here this : | week. j Alabama and Utah will partita - j ; pate, along with Marquette in the t j two-night, tournament, starting De ; | cember 29 Said Alabama coach i S Johnny Dee “We don't anticipate I any reaction like that in Georgia j Dee was referring to effort? of I Georgia's governor, Martin Gdf- j | fin, to prevent Georgia Tech from j playing the University of Pitts-! burg in the football game which j j follows the cage tourney because > Inf Pittsburgh's Negro fullback. < Bobby Grier. €m ~ : f i I „ wf ■ 1 \ J 5 < i, J OR BUFORD A & T College .Mourns Death Os President GREENSBORO - Dr F. D Biu furd, 73. president of the Agricul tural and Technical College of .V rth Carolina at Greensboro since 1925. died at 3 a, m. Wednesday morning at a local hospital follow ing an illness of two weeks Funeral services have been ten tatively set for Friday, He is survived by one sister, M James Faulkner, Philadel phia, Pa.; and two brothers Dr. J W Bluford. a physician nf Phil adelphia; and Charles Bluford, Capahnsic, Virginia Dr. Bluford was horn in Capahosio, Virginia in I*BB, H* attended the public schools there and received the A.B degree at Virginia Union Uni versity, Richmond, fbr Pd.W. degree at Howard University and was swarded the honor ary Pri.D. degree by Virgin?* Union in 1927. In 195 ft Howard University selected him a* tb* recipient of its anneal Distfn ■ gnished Service Award. He cam* to A&.T Coll eg* in 1911 (CONTINUED ON PAGE lIU j - "-A J

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