College heads Spurn A. & T. Presidency 7 Jailed In Dope Raid RETDSVTLLK - Seven persons havft been arrested and a half-mil bon dollar cache of marijuana has nfjn raptured in the big.ueft dope 1 crackdown in North Carolina his- ' torv. The raid wap made on the tenant , farm home of Floyd. 72. and Ossip Williamson, fift. iast Thursday by I local police officers, sheriff's de- | officials and the SB!. Officers also found a plot in Wil liamson's yard set aside for grow ing the dope Mi. Williamson said that the first brought marijuana '•end in 1934 and had s -own the u red in her yard since that 1 m r VOLUME 15 ★ ★★★★★ * A k h ★ * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ if 18 Violent Deaths Mar Holidays Cop’s Blazing Gun Kills ‘Contact’ Man State News Brief I i i j VAIS'CF- BOV ?AT ALL V SHOT ! HENDERSON Robert Wii-1 Hams, 14. son of Mr-, and Mrs.! Norman Williams, was fatally shot near his home on the Henderson- Fpson Road Tuesday afternoon. Gproiyr F. B. Might said a shot gun held by John E. Perry. 16. in some manner discharged, with the load entering the boy's right. side below the arm. He died in an ambulance enreute to Maria Par- j ham Hospital. Hight. reported that the two boys and James A. Perry, twin brother of John, had been hunting and were going out again i *t the time of the accident. II occurred near the home as the ON PAGE 13) Found In Woods Unconscious: Case Os ‘Drugged’ Pitt Giri Still Remains Top Mystery BIASED tTftt” CHIIEF FTRF/ttnpast and unbellevftig, "Fire' Chief John H. AMerson hold* his hud at a Aromatic session ot the I-cs Angeles Board of Fire Commissioners. which ffrert him from hi* office recently. The action by the hoard climated a hitter controvert* over Integration of Negroes in the fire department Ald*r*nn opposed Integration on the around that it would Impair the efficiency of the department The NAACP challengs* Aldemon, and foept S4se nffiMKH*. : »n t» the end. (Xewwrww Photo). _ < ■fjßVTk* 1 9rm 11 jlm lim 19 1 - limJl IMK 19 111 mm mWff/g ff'SJ ' mmkm 19%% Z^JP^i^r- *igri •.'■■ The Carolimian i - i CHARLOTTE--Local police this ) week were continuing a probe m- Ito an alleged prostitution rim:. ! following a gun battle between an | cfficci- and a Negro in which tire j Negro was shot to death, j Police Lieut. Neal Forney rmp j tied his gun into Lawson Gaston. | 28. of the 909 block Burton Sfrc. last. Friday night after Gaston j had reportedly made contact, with i the officer for a prostitution ring. At the time nf the initial ■ contact, the Negro did not I know Lieut. Forney was a po liceman. Another Negro man ! who accompanied Gaston to the isolated meeting place be tween South Mint ami South Graham Streets told Gaston that Forney was a policeman. The second man got away while Lieut. Forney was firing into Gaston Gaston’s identity was establish ed through the FBI records. Fun eral services were set for Tuesday. Lieut Forney said he had been investigating the existence of an alleged Negro prostitution ring operating from an un-,spotted headquarters in the general area (CONTINUED ON PAGE 13) RALEIGH, N ( WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. DECEMBER 31. 19.55 A & T President: j | Thousands \ Pass Bier Os j Dr. Bluford | j i GREENSBORO - Funeral ser- I vices fur Dr Ferdi.” • d C. Bij-'l j lotd. president of A&T College, I I who died at. a local hospital Dec. j i 21 were conducted at the Richard B. Harrison Auditorium on the college entfipus Friday afternoon. The brief and simple rites, be- | ginning at 1:00 o'clock, were con- j ducted under the supervision of I Rev. Cleo M. McCoy, director of I religious activities at the college.' The eulogy was given by the; Reverend J. W. Tyncs, pastor of I the local Providence Baptist Church in which Dr. Bluford held membership for a long num ber of years. S ( haries A. llines, chairman j of the college trustee board j and a close confidant of the I deceased, gave brief remarks. I j The scripture was read by the Reverend .1. C, Melton, local minister, and Dr, Mordecia W Johnson, president of How - 1 ard I niversit.v, Washington, D. C., delivered the prayer. fCONTINUED ON PAGE 13) GREEN'VILLE The mysterious veU surrounding a ‘drugged’ and unconscious young woman found on a wood path behind the Pitt - Greenville Airport Saturday still ; hangs heavy in this area. After repeated talks with the woman, sheriffs deputies report-1 ed that they are still unable to; piece together the full story be hind the circumstances in which she was found. Eon Etta Eason has been established as the name of the young woman. She told offi cers that she was 24-years-old, and that ther home was in Tarboro. Miss Eason also said that she had bern visiting a family of “Ytkinsons” in the ; Greenville community. When Queried on what hap pened to her. she replied that she I did nol know. The woman re- j ported, from her hospital bed. J that the last thing she remember ed was trying to thumb a ride on i the Bethel-GreenvTic highway j lose Saturday. She said that she} was trying to catch a ride to Be- : <CONTINUED ON PAGE CD j Find Body \ Os Man, 70, In A Ditch WASHINGTON. N. C. E<l-| ward Manning, 70, was found ] dead Friday in a ditch leading off | Jack’s Creek in Washington. The {CONTINUED ON PAGE 13) ! I I I II il ! IJ ASIAN EDUCATORS AT BEN NETT-Di. Willa B. Player, left, president-elect of Bennett Col lege. Greensboro, looks on ad miringly as Mrs. Ki-Horig Cho. principal of Changdok Girls’ High School, of Seoul, Korea, Hold Husband In Slaying Os Wife NEW BERN--James (Friday) f Barbei. 38, is lodged in the Cra ven County jail without privi-j lege of bond following tiie butcher ] knife slaying of his 33-year-old wife in the kitchen of their frame dwelling Sunday. The man told officers that he was cooking himself some breakfast during the late morning hours on Christmas WHAT’S HAPPENING ON THE Desegregation Front Voluntary Parks Segregation?? CHARLOTTE- City park offic ials are studying the idea of ask ing local Negroes, to adopt a “vol untary segregation” policy in the use of local parks, it was an nounced Tuesday. The Parks and Recreation Board will meet Jan, 9 to discuss desegregation plans, taking into consideration the recent Supreme Court decision that .segregation in public parks is unconstitution al Meanwhile the local NAAOP Branch ha,; a case in court to challenge the validity of “revert i signs autograph for Miss Renuka ' Mukerji, right, president-elect of Women’s Christian Co 11 eg e, Madras, India, during recent vis i ist to the Bennett campus,. Five j other Korean women, all srhooi ! principals, were In the visiting group. Day and! that he failed to hi* wife, Mamie, who was else where in the house According to Barber, she cur vd him in reply when she entered the kitchen and he plunged the knife into the left side of her! body. Mrs. Hazel Jones and Mrs. SyI (CONTINUED ON PAGE 13) /V IS#®? &k ?:V‘l V C '.-'MV/V-fT"-. •‘Nj' or' clauses inserted in deeds leas- j ' inn park areas to the city. These clauses say the lands will | revert to the owner or heirs if i they are used by non-whites. The ! State Supreme Court has sustain- 1 j ed the clauses. i Seeks Anti-Bias Rider To A Bill WASHINGTON— Senator Her-! bert H. Lehman (D.-N.Y.) re-1 1 cently announced that he is go- ] ins to prepare an anti-segrega-j tion amendment to the Federal j ! School Cornstructiori Bill. I (CONTINUED ON PAGE 13) ! NUMBER ! I Week End Violent deaths—lß of them in volving Negrof;:-- marred she holi day season for the Carolina*. There were 11 deaths from ! automobile accidents of one sod : or another: three person. weir * shot to death: one stabbed f.-tal ; ly: two persons died in tires and ■ one man was hit by a train Thief |w-rfcon- in a .family «<* seven riding it' the same eat* ! were killed near Bland. V.t„ when their car went off (he highway and tumbled 300 feet down a mountainside They had been to a funeral in Gas tonia, N. C. j The other four persons were ir ! good condition in a Bland ho. v,. | tai. Dead were: Mrs. Alice Wit!on i 40; her daughter, Lasonia, 3; and | Mrs. Lethia Shelton, 44. All were ! returning lo Dctrm! Mien. _ | ox page Ist , BY ROBERT G SWEPARO ; A Tale of Two Ci! os. In Atlanta. I Ga, last week, all of the municipal j owned go if courses -were opened i to Negroes. According to report , : several Negroes availed themselves of the opportunity. There were "no incidents.” The mayor of At lanta is quoted as saying that m view of the U S, Supreme Court's decision outlawing segregation in public parks and other play areas, the City of Atlanta was left with the choice of either opening its golf links to Negroes or abandon ing them. He said he considered the latter course of action unwise. This was Atlanta, Ga , the state whose governor made national headlines some weeks ago when he (CONTINUED ON PAGE 13! ' jjfhe 1 rMjr ■ ’'iy ‘Vfft CIVU, RIGHTS' WEvv:.~.Tti.rr -i Mit . at*, i. »d <■(tom Lmal Cetane taiarfamnlC (right) smiles clown upon his Hawaiian-born bride,, n. former NAACP swrctarf, folkmtag » uvodwwt wedding ceremony in Now York recently. At left is NAACI* executive! *Mwt*q>, Roy Wilkins. «,«<£ «uy^ : str*. Norm* Marshall, mother «f the distinguish**) lighter for rlsdl right* WowgpriM* Photo). Foto '!>' _ on# , gjhrnkjbxfgyj EN DOUSES MARCH OF ■ ups'—fiiving lire support to ti March of Dimes, Jan 3-” L •Mr' George U’ilittcd of ingt >n, I) ( . The former Mi s Bur mu V. .Aden of Durham national program director of Jack and Jill o( America, said: Mn (Iftllpwp Prpxip* j *‘J hav •• no d(v w-hr. it will he." | said Charles A Bln-- . Green;;- 1 | boro Tuesday night, when asked | who will succeed the late Dr. F. if). Biuford as president nf A&T j College. I Mr. Hincr is chairman n f the i Board of Trustees of the college. He said several applications for She post had been reeeiv i ed. He admitted, however, that none of them bad come from •any Negro college president presently employed as a col lege president. Speculation arose immedi ately that no. if anv Negro college president had ambi tious for the lucrative post, due probably to fear of hav ing to become a supporter of Governor I.other F. Hodges and his voluntary segregation | policy. Dr BiufordN salary was between CONTINUED ON PAGE 13) The lucky ear last week was the one hearing the tag num ber X- 5! 856. If the owner of that ear took H to Dunn's Esso Service, corner Cabarrus and Bloodworth Streets, here in Ha leigh, he received a free grease job. This still happen every week Watch for your tag number. If i it follows the asterisk, vou "ill get the grease ,iob. The num ber will he taken from any car bearing a N. C. license, j The numbers this week are: <146-147. R-5249: X-46852; X j 2335; R-3872; and K-5714. "'.us is v. hat the March of Dimes mean- to me —a March in which it is the duty of every itJ/f'H in America to participate t-a tlie verv fullest of his ability in order to assure for every po lio victim the best possible rare for :.s long as needed ” In F, <yetteville: owes: -*—*’#*r*m**‘**» inmiiir ■ wr-uraw I'lnwwm'vraw fi> FAYETTEVILLE A federal court jury, following more than two hours of deliberation, return ed a verdict of guilty of rape a galnst 'Thomas Hayes. 30-year old cx-soldiei who was tried on charges of criminally assaulting a 16-year-old local girl on the I night of February 11. .fudge Don Gilliam sentenc ed the. man to a life term. The girl, now 17 testified that her attacker dragged her from a dirt road when an at tempt to rape her was unsuc cessful, to a wooded section near the Smith hake area of Fort Bragg, a military reser vation. A set of fingerprints produced by the government was the most concrete evidence presented dur ing the four-day trial. The print* fCONTINUED ON FAGE 13!

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