DO-DROP-IN PADLOCKED FOLLOWING RAID 9■f l ' 4" fifi ,<Tv■ TV .•■■■'>•■; ■■ -;V.. T BWKfi 1 •-'l. .. NO PROBLEMS—NewIy elect- ! ed officers of the Moore County Ministers’ Association: from Mixed Ministerial Body Moving Up, State News! —IN— Brief TAXI STOKI SAID FALSE RALEIGH Reports that the; parking space allotted City Taxi j Company, Raleigh s oldest call ■ company, had been abolished and . the cabs ordered to find other j parking spaces, have been labeled j inaccurate Ly ebticels of the coni- j pany and city officials- A story j was allegaedly going the rounds J that the taxi firm was being mov- j erf from the location which it. has held since the turn of the century. Wiil.em Laws and Edward Sher ri, n, co-owncrs of the firm, ex- j surprise when approached h y a CAROLINIAN newsman rela- ; f ir- t« the move The company it ..tip doing business *u its same ad- ; dress, DRIVER FREED IN FATALITY' RALEIGH Dr Luther R Stanley, ‘lB. T*‘-S1 Anderon. ; whose auto struck Rufus « 1 " vault, 65-yew-old racr man, on New Year s Eve on the Down town Boulevard, has been (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) MAN, WOMAN GO KILLING TERMS DUNN Zebedee James, 3< was sentenced to 20 years m State Prison Thursday for man slaughter after being convicted of killing his wife. Solicitor Jack Hooks had sought the death penalty on a first de (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) j Judge Says Dixie I Courts Are Fair — j JACKSONVILLE After 1 Shelby Brown of New Jersey j was cleared of manslaughter j charges in Onslow Superior ; Court here last week, Judge; Richard Bundy suggested that j when he returned home he should ‘‘tell other Northern j Negroes" that he received as | “fair a trial as any other man”; Brown had been charged in connection with the death of a woman who reportedly fell from his ear. After he was ac quitted for lack of evidence, .fudge Bundy made the sug gestion. “And I hope the NAA CP hears of this,” he said. Kentucky Points Way In School Integration COLUMBIA. Ky.- First, court- 1 ordered integration in this state! became a reality here on Monday ! when 17 Negro pupils attended \ classes at the Adair County Con-: solidated High School. Integration at the county’s only j high school was ordered by Fed-1 oral Judge Mac S' in ford after he; and two other Federal judges had heard an injunction suit request-; ing immediate integration. He set j Feb. 1 as a deadline, but since j the second semester began on j Monday, the time was advanced ■ voluntarily. Judge Swinford also ruled that the county's elementary schools should be integrated no later than next August or September. Os the county’s approximately 3,300 pu pils. 103 are Negroes Principal Joe Jones, in welcom ing the students, indicated that “It’s lust another day’s work for me,” and a bus driver summed it up by saying: "Everybody that #ets on my bus will be treated the ! left, Rev. T. L. Parsons, Ireas- j | urerf Rev. Thomas E. Y'oung, | j secretary; Rev. J, R. Funder- I | SOUTHERN PINES - Integra- j i lion presents no problems in the; | Moore County Ministers’ Associa-i tion, first in the South to result! ; from a merger of white and No- j I gro county groups, which recent-! j iy became first in the South and! | possibly in the nation to elect a! ' Negro as president. Said the new president. Rev J. ! R. Funderburk, a presiding elder j in the AME Zion church, this week, “We don't talk about inte gration O)- worry about it. We just ! ARE it. and it works.” “We have no axes to grind and aren't trying to challenge any other group. We are just i frying to do a better job as ministers,” The association was formed last j April 19 through unanimous ac | tion on the part of the Moore | County Ministerial Association (whitei and Moore County Min isters Alliance 'Negro* after they (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) ! NC Must Pay 53, 000 | For Eleanor’s Death j R A LEIGH Overriding a i Highway Commission appeal, the j State Industrial Commission lust ! Thursday ruled that, $3,000 dam | ages should be paid to Mrs. Ge | nova Gould of Albermarle lor the 1 death of her daughter. Miss Ele | anor Rush at, Woman's Prison i the night of August 20. 1954. j The commission upheld its ex ; aminer’s findings that Miss Rush was the victim of negligence on the part of slate prison employees. The 18-year-old young woman died in an isolation cell after she had been gagged and bound by I, ;D. Hinton, then superintendent, and four guards. The examiner, Hugh M. Cun-in, of Oxford, had held that it was “evident that Hinton failed to give Eleanor Rush the projection and care required by the law.” Cun-in found that Miss Rush died MAO JO PRISON FOR 2NDMURDER GREENSBORO For the sec - ond time in his 34 years, James; Hair/.sworth must go to prison for admitted murder. Judge Allen H Gwyn of Reids ville. ordered the man to serve 16-20 years at Central Prison sor 1 the single-shot slashing of his j wife, Rosa, last October 29. Haines worth, who served 10 j years of a 20-year term for kill-; ing a Southern Pines man when i he was 19, had pleaded guilty to! second degree murder. He came to | Greensboro in 1954 and married.; According to testimony, he was; infuriated with his wife and shot; i her in a fit of jealousy. I same way, Whoever doesn’t like it j can walk " ! -- White Parachutist Owes Life To Buddy FT. CAMPBELL. Ky Quick I thinking on the part of Pvt, ! Lessie Smith, of Cleveland, Ohio, a paratrooper here, was i credited with saving the life j of Sgt, James Glosson when the latter's parachute failed to open during airborne maneu vers here last Wednesday. As Sgt. Glosson flashed past. Smith got a desparate hold on Glosson's parachute and both men landed safely. Brig. Gen. Joe Stilwcll. Jr. commander of the 11th Airborne Division, pro moted Smith to private first class on the spot | burk, president; and !)r, W. C, : Timmons, vice president. L I 80-Drop-In Padlocked After Raid I BURG AW - Police last Thurs day padlocked a Pender County! : 'juke Joint.” described as a breed-; in.: ground for “murder and a| host, of other crimes,” following a raid led by Distinct Solicitor John J. Burney of Wilmington and Sheriff L. E. Howard. The Do-Drop-In, owned and operated according to court or der. by Haywood and Evelyn Ban j nerman. is located in the Calico ; Bay section of the county, and, ' according to Sheriff Howard, has long been a hotbed of trouble. 1 The raid and closing of the es j tablishment was brought about by : a mistrial in Pender Superior ! Court in which Clarence Pickett, 1 19. was charged with the murder ‘ (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) of a broken neck, dislocated after the specifically forbidden gag was applied. The Rush case aroused state wide attention arid resulted in sev eral changes in prison disciplinary policies. It was brought before the Indust; ial Commission by Taylor and Mitchell, Raleigh attorneys,! and John H. Rennick of Wades- j it ON TIN! El) ON PAGE 2) Married Man Shot, Single Woman Held HENDERSON - After reported-j ly admitting the fatal shooting of] Sylvester Richardson. 35. about 8! a.m. on Saturday. Miss Martha] Higgs was placed in jail without bail and charged with his death. I ; Richardson, who she sajd was I cursing her. was shot m the right i side as he was leaving Miss Higgs’ ] house and fell on the opposite side ; I CONTINUED ON I’AGE 2) Girl, 11, Is Mother Brother, 15 Is Dad WILMINGTON Believed h> be tiie youngest girt to be come a mother in the city's re cent history, an 11-year-old girl gave birth to a six-pound, 15-ounce beb.v girl at James Walker Memorial Hospital here Monday. Father of the rhild, author ities say, is the girl's 15-year old brother, now serving an in definite term for incest at the training school in Hoffman. ' |j mi Liir miu v Ain. jgqyuiiaw NOBODY WAS KILLED—Car j ji at left, reported stolen from j j] Judge L. Richardson Freycr, i ij crashed into a taxicab at left j J in front of L. Richardson Mg- i The Carolimian 10c S —rg»**i C***# 4 **- 1 * iq c M ! ||nmr-«T—SwUlr VOLUME IS ‘Tired’ Wife Fails In Suicide Try ★ ’★ ★ i ★ k i: i ★ ’★ i i ir i ir ir i i ir fSk Ilk iff §§§ .vD i* ■ " V v >*l fH' sßs ■ ■ 111 HI gaff ivy Kfe. elf jMt*| M} %! jjp Jiff f|| if" 4>sL *|» 'ey'll, BFflf ’ v'J'j 3||>s| _ ~; v V vy® -ye Ty, , ! 4* ■ VJjj|r Ms * i .- .• :.« m > : .v al ~ lii $Mh ••• im n% H" : ■ ww ■ ' ♦ t » imi : .•&. ■•• t~ y >'h2Sfrgv.{/-v C L. DARDEN Hold Rites For Pioneer j Mortician '* | WILSON Las! rites for the | late Camillu? Lewis Darden, 72, veteran funeral director, were held \ from the St John AME Zion r ’ Church at 3:00 p. m., Tuesday. The Rev. K. Melvin Taylor, pas tor, was in charge of the cere monies The church choir rendered v the music. The Rev. R- J. Johnson read the scripture. Rev. O. J. Haw -1 j kins uttered the prayer. Miss Xiz ’’; menna Moore sang the “Lord’s * j Prayer.” Persons of both races (csti ! (CONTINUED ON FAGF. 2) A & T PREXY LEFT $13,000 ESTATE o! GREENSBORO An estate j valued at $13,555 was left by Dr. jF. D. Bluford, president of A. and ; T. College when he died Dec. 21, Ja Guilford Superior Court inven tory showed last week. What’s Happening ■ —wn——»rnnoww" On Desegregation Front Jacksonville Clergy To Hold Mixed Meet j JACKSONVILLE Local Ne-! ]gro ministers have been invited, ;by the Jacksonville Ministerial | ] Association to meet with them on] 'February 13 to discuss how the Negro feels about "mixing the rac es in religion.” The Rev, David Morris, pastor of the Midville Baptkrt Church, (■■lHHPlwiMraaWlliyWßsßHßwOwflLiflßHmlHl I morial Hospital, in Greensboro, j Friday night, causing injury to j the cab driver, his passenger, j and ArdcSl Reece, reported dri j ver of the stolen car. Occupant* RALEIGH, N. C. White Girl, Sawmill Hanct Face Charges MORGANTON - - A 20-year old white woman who claimed that she was “drink : and didn’t! know what happened, and a 40- j year-old sawmill e ; '•yee were! sentenced to long t.. us on the roads last week for adultery and fornication, Superior Cour, fudge T. Earl; Fr anklin imposed tire sentence on I Louise Carson of Harmony after; pronouncing him and the girl guil-; ty in a trial before some 100 per-; sons who packed the Burke Courr-; ty courtroom, The woman receiv- j ed 18 montlrs in Woman’s Prison, j Car-son was sentenced to 6 months. Both defendants, appearing j wilhout counsel, pleaded m ! noccnt. Deputy Sheriff Harry i Feimster testified that he v, found the couple in bed in a H sawmill shack near here a roucid 5:30 a.m. He said that both had been drinking and were “in a general state of un dress.” ! Carson said that he became i cold in the shack and crawled into Site Chosen For 300 j Housing Unit In City j RALEIGH The Raleigh Hous-j ing Authority answered the long asked question as to where the new three-million dollar housing unit would be located, at a meet ing held in City Hall. Tuesday with members of the City Plan ning Commission and the City s Council. The site selected is a tract ! of land located south of Lee Street, east of Walnut, north j (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2* 1 told the association that 96 per; (cent of his congregation is from] | the nearby Camp Lejeune Marine ; Base. Churches and Sunday Schools on the base have not been ] segregated for the past two years. ! Chaplain Roderis Smith of Camp Lejeune. said that all re ligious services on the base are completely integrated “One Ne gro sergeant,” he explainned, "teaches a class in one of the Sunday schools. All but two or of the cab were treated and re rticrntn* had received a suspend ed sentence in Guilford Superior leased but Recce, who just that C ourt run a charge of stealing WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1956 I the bed to get, warm. “X didn’t I know anybody was in bed with , | me,” he declared j Fires Leave ! 4 Dead, More Homeless i i ! FAYETTEVILLE - Five start ing from a defective chimney, spread rapidly through the paste board partitions of the dwelling, taking the lives of three children, here last week. Mrs. Ella Mae McMillan, tire; mother, was barred from the j house! by the Harries. She had Cone * to draw some water. Tim badly i charred bodies were identified as those of Eddie. Jr., 3, Daniei. 2. and Priscilla Mae. 1 . j (CONTINUED ON PAGE M | 2 POLICE FIRED ON BRIBE COUNT j j CLINTON After allegedly j that they had accept.-j ed bribes from bootleggers, Arthur | Harmon and Zack Landis were dismissed from the police force here last week. ' (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) ; three of the youngsters in his j class are white.” White Farmer J ells What Negroes Want DURHAM "The Negro wants just what any other American i wants,” writes James Mcßride Dabbs, a white South Carolina , farmer, in the current issue of the • (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) the auto of Ben Cone, textile executive, was detained. He will ! fare charges of auto theft and I possibly additional traffic char- ! ges. (Greensboro Record Photo) NUMBER 17 MARC H OF DlMES—Charles 11. Bynum, of New York, director of interracial activities for (he national Foundation for Infan tile Paralysis, who came here Wednesday to confer with heads of the Negro Division in the IVake County March of Dimes ; campaign. Riley Hill’s ! No. 1 Citizen Laid To Rest ; RIT.EY HlLL—Funeral services! for Guy&n Perry, one of the oldest residents of this community and a leader in the community life of Riley Hill, were held Sunday af j ternoon at the Riley Hill Baptist ;ChU:eh at 2 o’clock The Rev. G. |S. Stokes, pastor, officiated and j burial followed in the church , cemetery. M Pc ry died Thursday as his i home. Surviving are hi? wife, Mrs. Eli za Perry; three sons. Billy and Aaron of Wendell; and Willie W. of Providence; two daughters, Mrs. Bertha Manguin, Wendell: and ! Miss Penny Perry. Charlotte: 15! grandchildren; and 17 great - j grandchildren. Mr. Perry was the son of the (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) |[ WANTED WANT ADS TO I j SERVE YOU j! ‘call 4-5558 ! ~~:irT.'i.zzL.. Highway Safety Drive Launched By Weekly RALEIGH This week The ) CAROLINIAN is happy to print messages from four leaders in government, politic? and highway safety: Governor Luther Hodges, Col. .Tames R. Smith, Edward Scheldt and Raleigh's Mayor Fred ! Wheeler. These messages are aimed at re ducing the shocking number of accidents and fatalities on the! state’s highways during 1956. Lust year North Carolina set an all-time record in the num ber of deaths on its highways, This record could have been avoided if motorists bad obey ed all of the traffic laws com pletely. i The messages listed on page 11, j I 12 and 13 of this edition are spom- j j orod by Die firms listed on those | j pages, in cooperation with this j publication. The lucky car last week was the one hearing the tag sum her ; R-5249. If the owner of that ear took It to Dunn s Ete# Service, corner Cabarrus and Bloodworth Streets, here in Ra leigh, toe receives! a free grease job. This will happen every week. Watch for your tag number. If it follows the asterisk, yon will get the grease job. The asm her will be taken from any c»r bearing % N. C. license. The numbers this week are *X-51856; X-3324; R-5714; X -46863; R-3872 ami 946-147. Tired Wife Cheated In Suicide Try RALEIGH Although she slashed her right wrist and throat with a razor blade in an attempt at suicide. Friday night, Mrs, Fiances Autrey, 838 E Lenoir Street, will live, A suicide note, signed '•Frances,'’ and scrawled on a. small piece of paper, said: Please, do npt hold anybody responsible for my death. I'm tired and I want to die,” Police, called to the scene by (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2Y I ODDS- ENDS Br ROBERT O* SHEPARD j In the coming race tor the I Wake County Senate seat, in the j 1957 legislature, the only differ- I cnee between the two men, who ! have already announced for the | post, so far as Negroes are con | cerned, is tweedle-dee and twee* j die-darn. The two who have e«. | to red the race are, incumbent Sen. i James M. Poyner and Martin K. Green. Mr. Poyner is an attorney and Mr, Green is a local business man and a member of the Ra leigh City Council. In making his announcement that he is seeking the Senate post, Mr. Green openly admits that one of the issues of his eam i paign will be what he calls the i “great social question of our time.” He then defines this great social question as the public school integration issue, saying that “our schools have developed into social institutions.” ■ Green seem* to feel that Gov Hodges has done a remarkable I job in the segregation battle for j he says in his announcement that, “the governor cannot do the job alone he has been ever lastingly right in his efforts to approach the matter calmly, fair ly and with dignity.” With reference to Mr. Green* (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 St Augustine’s Grad To Teach In Africa RALEIGH A 1950 graduate of St. Augustine’s College, George Clarke, has been named professor of history and sociology at Cut tingdom College and Divinity School in Suakoko, Liberia, it was reported this week A native of Clayton, N, C„ (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3!) ip = i Day Os White Rule Over-Billy Graham LOUISVILLE “Two third* ! of the people in the world ar« colored and the day of white j rule over (hem is over,” Evan | geiist Billy Graham told lay men at the Southern Baptist ! Theological Seminary here Fri | day. The evangelist,, who spoke <m "Chaos, Cause and Care,” said that "we have lost the cold war to Russia.” He fold the SOO del egate from. 29 state* and i da attending at; interdenomi i national institute, that religion may bare lumome too invoiEjedi I for the. average man to eompre* j hend, I ' *•<«»■ <*»•■*«* KMWW ■w»uore«S(

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