- ' "•- ' * 1 %& ■ ■ ' ' ' . " - < • IJT«SON* IN JW.MOOFACT—A group of "Brotherhood” kMo looks mat some of the historical of m rare Catholic, Protestant and Jew. tsh object# And documents of the American Revolutionary period, on display at New fork# Building for Brotherhood through Jan. 28. The exhibit is sponsored jointly by the National Conference of Christians pad Jews and the Morris Morgenstern foundation, and Is entitled; "177*—One Nation Under God." Included is the historic "To Bigotry No Sanction* letter, written by George Washington in 1790, and owned by 75-year-old Morgenrtera. holding the document. (Newsprm Photo), Southern Governors Agree On Bypass Flan RICHMOND, Va. North Corn lira's governor. Lutlier il. Hodim.*. was the only one of live Southern governors assembled here Tug - day who did not agree to use the Interposition Doctrine in a try to nullify the desegregation edict of the U. S. Supreme Court. Hodges infuses to commit, himsell on the tSoUC Governors who were in fu ror of the doctrine were Too- Vnss B. Stanley, Virginia: Marvin Griffin. Georgia: Geo. B. Timmerman. South Caro lina; and J. O. Coleman of Mississippi. They indicated lhat they would recommend interposition to their Stale legislators when they next Knife in Head Was Near Fata! CHARLOTTE "Whack 'em fast" evidently was the motto of a fast-cutting knife-wielder here early Sunday morning Police said sixty to seventy stitches were re quired to yew up the head of Eu gene Nolly, 730 E. 2nd St., who raid he was "whacked” by Tommy Porter, a next-door neighbor. Nol ly was treated at Good Samari tan Hospital. Officers George Nash and John Costner said Nolly told them he and Porter were having an argu ment as to who was "the better man” of the two. Porter backed his argument with some cutting (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) What’s Happening On Desegregation Front Segregation Dies Quietly In Kentucky I COLUMBIA, Ky. Without| fanfare or excitement, 17 Negro students entered the Adair Coun ty Consolidated Schools last week, thus accomplishing Kentucky’s first court-ordered integration. The Negro pupils rode to schools on the school bus with the white children, and the driver, Robert Piles, said none of them seemed i to notice the difference.. "There's no use raising heck) about it. Integration is here and: we have to accept it.” Piles said. ; Leader Blasts Bypass Attempt ATLANTA Attempts b southern political leaders to maintain racial bars and disre gard the U. S. Supreme Court’s! desegregation decisions, were termed “utterly foolish” last week: by the head of the nation’s steel -1 workers’ union. David J. McDonald of Pitts- j burg, president of the U. S. Steel- i woikers’ Union of America, said; many southern leaders are doing : a. “great disservice” in attempt-! ing to destroy the public school! systems rather than to integrate j Negro students with whites. First Policeman Named To Force SANDUSKY. Ohio Floyd D / Church'.veil, named a patrolman] on the Sandusky Police Force, last I tCONTINUED ON PACE 21 1 convene. ,i ‘Thi- meetmr of .several Sr-uth i ern governor:- to conv-idc.r prob lem.- common to ail our -aalex •■with respect to our public .schools > I and segregation vu.>, of ‘-übst-an > tial ben est: and mconraying.” ;. Governor Hodt.-v, i ok! no women •'CONTINUE D <»\ PNG! ! <7 ven> ■ v-’mHMWSMBJawnamiMMEe wsaww | ! ODDS ENOS By ROBERT G. SHEPARD For those who have been won* ■ dering why we do not havr any I Negro police officers in Raleigh above- the rank of patrolman, the answer, according to Police Chief Davis, is that no Negro patrol men have appbeu for the exam ination. All oiiicers seeking pro motions must lake is. The next | question would re iurally be, why ■ do our Negro police officers: shy ! away from the e> aminaiions that 'could mean posibli promotion for i them. The only persons capable [of answering that, question would j appear to be the Negro police of ! ficers. * * * \ few ria."> ago. a Ralrigh j newspaper carn-d quite a | siory about a Nearo pastry cook. Mrs, Mar: Shires who delights the students and fac ulty at Uip Hugh Moisun | School with a delicacy that has been named after her, I Mary _ Shires Pudding, This concoction of bread, eggs, fat, i fruits and nuts registered sin ii a hit at the Hugh Morson School that it has been put on the list of regular menus for ail the Raleigh school cafe terias. It appears however that some l CONTINUED ON PAGE ?> HHW HOLD IT!—The three young sters above appear ready to toss a few snow balls at fhr camera man as they enjoy the surprise holiday from school Tuesday, following the snow here Monday nigh). The kids are from less NCC PROFESSOR BLASTS JIM CROW The Carolimian 10c „M***m#.-*r**‘**'- —r nmwmiiinwrwwMrii«wii uni mu mu V — i • eTj— 7 VOLUME IS ! Last Rites Friday For Dr. Jones | ***** * ******* * * * * * ** **** I A \ |p ~lfff m 4 || j| H w SHI |l §||. A 0 %ft f§*- Jp if% Sp |f || S |p[ w% nr 1 - - v •- \j : ’ .. ; 'V>r ‘‘ ‘'a y \'■ : 'L- -J'y S' l-A ' v£v„ :• . " l -r'* : A* %* m- wmjk m m mm m* p m m rm w ii wi IFire Expose Nets Mother 2-VaarTerm ST'--TKHVILLE - Mis.- Anniei Ur Walt., n 21-year-oid unwed j motile), pleaded guilty to a charge i lof exposing her two children to! fire here lard, week and was sen- 1 it need to tv o years in prison. The woman was charged unJor s seldom-used statute which requires a mother to Ira , e .> person of "discretion ary age” in charge of her off spring when she. is away from i h?m. L0r,.1 officers testified that the mother went out, to firing beer | with two men and left the chi.l - dren. fVchord 19 months and | Ranctv. t\ years, in the bedroom jof her duplex apartment, While she war, away, the a.part j ment caught fife, and -the kids' | were rescued by t'ifoht&ni Both re | covered in a hospital after being [ I overcome by smoke. Judge C. B Winberry gave Miss | Wails the maximum sentence pro j (CONTINUED ON PAGE l) ian Held Far Raping Girl, 11 j W ' HINGTON. N. C Rich ard Ore, Jr., charged with stat utory rape of an 11 -year-old girl; was given a preliminary hearing j .here Friday in recorder's court j before Judge L. E. Mercer and committed to jail, without privi lege of bond to await, trial in the Beaufort Court Criminal Court, Court is expected to convene here this week with Judge Susie Sharp of Reidsville presiding. It was brought out at the hearing that the young girl is now pregnant. A cousin of the giri took the i iCONTINUED ON PAGE Z) j to right, Charles Anthony Cope j land, Lindsay Carl Highsmith and Sandra Gail Copeland, all children of Mrs. Jessie H. Cope land, 17. Mecklenburg Terrace. STAFF PHOTO BV CHAB R, JONES RAI-EIGH, N. C. DR, DAVID D JONES Bennett’s Prexy Died Tuesday GREENSBORO- Dr. David Dal las Jones, S 3, former president i jof Bennett College here, died at! jT: 15 P. M, Tuesday after a long; ! illness. Funeral services will be heid; [at Pheiffer Chapel or, the cam-j ; pus at 10:30 Friday morning-. j Participating in the service? (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) > ____________ 1 \ At Charlotte YMCA Fete Jackie Robinson Visits Tar Heelia i CHARLOTTE-- Faced with s., i heavy schedulue of speaking cn- i i cagements. Jackie Robinson, fa-j i mous Brooklyn Dodger baseball j star, arrived here early Thursday j afternoon to help this city cele-j brate National YMCA Week. His appearance was the high-] light cf an observance which be- j gan Sunday. Mr. Robinson arrived | by plane from New York City and was met at the airport by YMCA officials and other dignitaries, ; School Heads i Ignore Query CHARLOTTE—Despite written invitations to air their views on the school segregation issue here, the heads of both city and coun ty schools have maintained a noi sy silence. In fact, Supts. E. L. Garmger of the city schools and John Wil ron of the county schools, both have ignored letters personally de ] livered to their offices inviting j them to express themselves on the : subject. The invitation was ext ended by ; j The CAROLINIAN last December (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 The lucky car last week was i , Ihe one bearing the tag num ber X-51856. If the owner of ] that car took It to Dunn s Esso i Service, corner Cabarrus and Bloodworth Streets, here In Ra leigh, he received a free grease job. This will happen every week Watch for your tag number, If j it follows the asterisk, you will j ) j get the grease job. The rtum- J ij her will be taken from an.v rar j ! j bearing a N. C. license. The numbers this week are: ! ij #46-147; K-3872: X-2324; R j] 3714; -X-6562; and R-5349. J WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1956 NUMBER 18 Solicitor Will Not Press Rape Charge MOUNT GILEAD- h 16-year ol.i local girl claims she was cri minally assaulted here Monday and police have arrested seven teenagers in connection with the alleged rape. The. youths who have been released under SSOO bonds each on eharges of assault on a female, are Assie Dumas, 18, Robert Knight, 18, Larry Chambers, Is, Billy Chambers, 15. Tom Chambers, 15, George Knight, 15, and Walter Rey nolds, Jr., 18. The rape charge was brought by the victim, Miss Jennie Rethers Chambers, ASupertor Court Solicitor Zeb, I Morris Is alleged to have advised Montgomery County Solicitor Ed- i murid O. Kennon. that there did I not appear to he sufficient evi-i donee t,o hold the youths on rape charges. Sheriff Elwood 'Long said that j the girl had accused Robert Kmght of threatening her with i assault near a race night spot, i then followed her until she was 1 almost home where he pulled her i i behind the school building and | | raped her. Miss Chambers further stal - ed that Larry Chambers pull- | | ed Knight away and assaulted j her, while her arms were held I (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Among- those greeting him at the plane were: the Rev. Dr Thomas A Jenkins, chairman of; the YMCA Board of Management; j Don Christy, general secretary of j the Charlotte YMCA. and an of- j ficial delegation headed by Mayor j (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2> i Four Perish In Moore Crash SOUTHERN PINES— One of t.he worst wrecks in the history of this county occurred Sunday morning, when two cars collided head-on five miles north of here of U. S. 1, leaving four persons dead. JjPr | w>^cß^i^gßsaKiSHßSMßßE^alS!a^i mWwSStl 1 M&iM 1 jslw „/••***> II < wßli / -*t g J •«,V„. .jfti.w«* a*■tpflltifi*lJW^MKs®tf3flßrliCSKC£*flL'iaMlrZt4Dol|'/sM3fti,_C«fiiKt^CtvaAkh£SJiV' «&*. mjp t'Ar >U> MVa^,v *V. f ‘ '‘V^..altSiCSwßrL nGWBBnniA| # 1 . 'nft»w ; 4 ■ i':: \ jaß! -MiMSli &r-; .MiffiK \ \ ;: ' | IBEgwm MOORE COLLISION CLAIMS FOUR LIVES—The fetir victims j ! |rp|^ MOTHERS PLAN POLIO ‘A? ARCH Shown here hit group captains of the Mothers March On Polio, mapping plans for the city-wide 'march' for polio funds held each year. The i Mothers ; To ‘March’ On Polio RALEIGH -On Thursday eve ning, January 26, from 7:00-8:00, the MOTHERS MARCH will be staged in the city of Raleigh. Mo thers and interested women will contact every home and solicit a donation to (he MARCH OF DI MES CA MP AIG N, This year, the MOTHERS ! MARCH is headed hr Mi | Janice 'V. Robertson, nho has i served in (his capacity lor j three v ears. The coat this rear is 53.000 in the MOTHERS ! (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2i The dead havp been iden tified as Harvey Covington, 30. Mrs. Hattie Lyles, 70, Mrs. Sally Baldwin, 60, ail of Southern Pines and J. B. Pratt, 24, of Vass. Pratt, according to a State of a two-car crash early Sunday morning are shown here shortly before their bodien were remfflv- Dr. H. G. Edmonds Praises NAACP By J. B, HARKEN ROCKY MOUNT--In the first of the 1956 series of lectures to be presented by the Rocky Mount Civic Forum, Dr Helen G. Ed monds. profesosr al history at N. C. College. Durham, electrified her audience here In the Com 10c 1 ladies met with members of Ihcir groups at the YYVWA Sun day afternoon. The march is planned for Thursday night, January 26. From left to right seated are Mcsdamcs Florine j State News Brief :( __ _ AKRESTED IN THEFT GREENVILLE— A 22-year-old i man has been arrested and charg i ed with the theft of $175 from a local service station here over the ; weekend City Detectives Roy Har -1 rts and P T Rogerson said the i robbery was reported to (hem Monday evening and in a matter of two hours the arrest had been '*: fleeted Being held on the larceny | charge is Eli., -h Williams of 202 | W, First Street,. The theft is al ; ieged to have occurred sometime ; Sunday but was not reported un | til Monday. Williams allegedly (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Highway Patrolman, was driving alone at an excessive rate of speed when he crossed the center lane and struck the other vehicle, Covington was driving. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) I r 4 in * Southern Pine* funeral j j home. ) J ; munity Center Sunday afternoon ! ! -> she spoke on her travels and ; experiences in Germany while making a tour la.st slimmer under the auspices of the State Depart ment. and issued a blast at oppo nents of desegregation. Speaking as a student of his tory—from the subject: 'lt Is High Time; Already Later Than You Think”, Dr. Ed monds reviewed briefly the de parture of the last Negro co«- | srmaman, the late ' George | Henry Whit of Edgecombe | (CONTINUED ON TAGS St Whitaker, Margaret Hinton, Margaret Hicks, Janice Robert son, W. C. Farrell and Lillian Freeman. Standing from ieft t» right are Mesdames Minnie Slo cum and Vioia High, STAFF PHOTO BY CHAS. R JONES Chief Eludes Raleigh Cops RALEIGH—PoIice surprised an intruder last Wednesday night. •i bout 7 o’clock on the second : floor of the McLellan Store at \ 230 Fayetteville Street here. Police reported that a maa was seen there by Assistant Manager J. H, Summey, but a thorough search of the building by officers failed to lead to the suspect. When the assistant manager rushed out of the building to ! summon a policeman, the man was reportedly seen at, a second (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3) Police Nab } Youngsters j CHARLOTTE Local county ! police officers Sunday questioned several youths in connection with a wave of window-breaking sn county churches. One admitted his part, officers said. The officers had been called because windows had been broken in the Galilee Baptist Church on j Yorkmont Road. The vandalism ! was discovered by church offic ials on Sunday. One youth admitted breaking a pane, the police said, adding that he raid he thought the church was abandoned Charlotte Chief of Police Frank N, Little john recently harshly criticized youngsters of this area for sim ilar acts of vandalism. i 111— IMiWMHan r W>WIWi«aiM»i'*M(WTOCTWW-MmiMIfI—WMMWtWMMW More Than Ever A“BUY-WORD” L For What You Have To Sell THE CAROLINIAN ! Classifieds 4-5558

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