FIVE GET SENTENCES FOR PR fiTUTIBk The Carolinian iQc VOLUME 15 RALEIGH, N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1056 NUMBER 19 Jealous Lover Slays Ex-Shaw Coed % Y/, ■ • jjggg A */’ / v - ■'">■' Vv* ' ~ vs j tfO sShf (dPfe IS m iSL '-*>/' : .3® Ji .-; ■ ■ - ini 1 •■• ■ Goldsboro Quintet To Jail GOLDSBORO John Earl Hinton, 22, of 405 E. Elm Street and Edward L. Shank, 17, of <<o9 Charles Street, were given four months jail-road sentence for catering to a white prostitute here last week. Blister Wilson, 53, of 403 Peterson Street, was arrested and given a two year sentence for maintains and eperatins a residence for the. purpose of prostitution, He was charged on two counts, Charged with engaging in the practice of prostitution were Jo seph Strickland, white. 33, and his wife, Mrs. Ruby Strickland. 2ft, The case broke here lest weell v hen Ls. R, L. Morse, Detective A, F. Carter and T. W. Garris arrested the couple alter a period fCONTINUED ON PAGE 3) Robinson Speaks At Charlotte By TREZZVANT W. ANDERSON CHARLOTTE —“I lived a he for two years when I was with the Montreal ball duo of the Brooklyn Dodgers," Jackie Rob inson told a huge crowd here Thursday night at the annual meeting of the H, L. McCrorey Branch YMCA. The nation's most famous Ne gro baseball star was principal speaker at the affair and made the revelation while discussing difficulties encountered on his rise to fame in the major league baseball world. “I had to *it by and re main silent when I saw abuses hurled upon other people, and foreign to my nature,” Mr. Robinson said. He sat silent, Jackie, said, on orders from Branch Rickey, former general manager of the Dodgers who brought Robin (CONTINUED ON PAGE S) -J^ > - i&t** ..,.^.' wygwf? 1 «»'^-■;*&, «»iiSl.4^^K<w^^(a<^^ NEGRO KKAJIS KIWANIB C*AJ»—WiUJ*m A- White (center! Not*. Steoite-bom ko» ff ft Vi*W» *Mf>w and »«* KngtfeK Mttfcer, mtn'Jji fcwiww the (Br»t ttegm to hr, elected president of a KfwtmSt ttek to* North Am*n«A White w** nwwnd t* bead flw <i“htet« Kimsb «toh of gf«lw», a salmA of twteW ff>.*s,da, He ns » bmiaetsmaft, trt MwewMfe Mw4 Suttee* member es Osteite** RwndwteJ fteriiMneefc. At torffc fc toml fagtofe***- F. W. RSRfoC. <Mpm«|mmmi 2Pti«te>. ■ ( I I>R JONES’ FINERAL Members of Bennett College Faculty \] and staff who served as pallbearers, carry body of Dr. David D. Jones, president-emerllus, into chapel for Friday morning rites. Clockwise are: Dr. Hobart S. Jarrell. J. J. Seartette, Lawrence W. Rogers, Roy Lee, Dr. Clinton C, Armstrong and Dr. Chauncey G. Winston, : 55-Minute Service j For Dr. David Jones! GREENSBORO—Last rites for Dr. David Dallas Jones, president emeritus of Bennett College, were held at 10:30 a.m. Friday in An nie Merner Pfeiffer Chapel on the college campus. More than 1,000 mourners, many of them standing through out the 55-minute service, taxed the edifice to capacity. Bishop Edgar A. Love, head of the Baltimore Area of the Metho dist Church and vice-chairman of the college trustee board, offic iated and read the opening sen tences. Invocation was delivered by the Rev, J. E. Brower, pastor of St. Matthews Methodist Church, in whose original edi fice Bennett College had its beginning and in which Dr. IV,any years. Dr. W, C. Jack* Jones held membership for son, chairman of (be board and president-emeritus of ‘| (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) CHURCH WOMEN TAKE DOWN BAR CHARLOTTE By a unani mous vote here Monday, the United Church Women oi Char lotte agreed to invite Negro wo- : men to join the organization. There were more than 100 wo (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) M. C. Hill, Youth, 17, In A Fight By CHARLES ft JONES RALEIGH (Exclusive) ~~ The 10th grade home room of Mem man C, Hill was the scene of bat tle Monday morning when the biology instructor tangled with James Buries. 17-year-old sopho more at higon Junior-Senior High School. W hen Uie dust had cleared, j Hil! found his eye-glaaess shat- j tcred on th* floor and Surles found himself facing a pos- j sible suspension from school ; and maybe even a City Court Judge. , M The tussle was the. climax of ” an argument between the two i concerning bad conduct re- ] ports which Hill is alleged to j have made to Sprites’ mother, Mrs, lona Surles, of US North Swain Street, on Sunday. No Comment From Hill This reporter contacted Mr. Hill Wednesday, but was told. 'Td rather you talked with Dr. Wat son," (lies’ Lfgon’s principal). Dr, Watson verified the fact that an altercation had taken place and said that he had recommended to Supfc, j. o Sanderson that! Surles be expelled from school ! It was learned also that Hill, j (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) 1 Hubby Slain With Shotgun Pregnant Mother Held For Murder Mrs. Doris Hill, 22, mother of two small children and ex pecting another in July, Monday was held without bond for Mecklenburg Superior Court action on a charge of murdering; her 23-year-old husband Howard, Jr. early Sunday morning. The slaying, which police said was done, with a .12 guage single barreled shotgun, took place around 4.15 a.m. in the couple’s home in the South Side housing project, at 623 Fairwood Ave. According to police reports, Mrs. Hill said her husband left home j around 8 20 Saturday evening and ; returned about 4 15 Sunday morn- i ing. He called hj her, awakening ! her in her upstairs bedroom, and j j she came downstairs. There were I | no reports of drinking. There, the wife asked Mr, ! ! Hill where he had been, ac- ! cording to the police report He j replied that he had been to ] a cousin’s house. Mrs. Hill then accused him of having : been out with another woman, the report said. M.r. Hill denied this, reiterating i that he had been to his cou-sin’s | house. He then went into the i kitchen. At that point, according to the police report, Mrs. Kill J went to a closet where she | picked up the single-barreled shotgun. Reaching upon a shelf, she got a shell and load fCONTINUED ON PAGE 2) WHAT’S HAPPENING ON THE Desegregation Front Federal Chiefs Meet j With Non-Bias Group! BALTIMORE The President’s | Committee on Government Em-: ployment Policy held an area j conference in Baltimore last week with heads of federal agencies in! thu? area to assist, the agencies in j implementing the Government's non-discrimination policy in Fed eral employment. The, all-day confab with top - iriTmu j<l. -ULiu.nt.iiiL . <u.—- -M.m i w.,*."-r - The lueky ear last week was the one bearieg tha tag' num ber -X. -46863. If the owner of that car took It to Dum k Ess© Service, corner CtbHrm »(l BioodworUs Streets, hew bo Ra leigh, fee received a free urease job. This will happen every week. Watch for your tag siambef. If It follows the asterisk, you will get the grease job. The num ber will be takes from any tar bearing a N. C. liernse. Tbo numbers this week are: R-5349: R-57J4: <‘346-147; X -3324: X-S4 856; and R-3872. JP^^‘ShShKmlHr m Wmfl&SSffi, -L im WILLIAM It, PETTIFORD j Final Rites For Medic At Raleigh RALEIGH—Funeral services for Dr. William Bryant Pettiford were held at the Wilson Temple Metho dist Church Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock. The pastor. Rev. C. L. Gidney, officiated, and burial followed in Oberlin Cemetery. | Dr. Pettiford, 62. died at Saint I Agnes Hospital last. Thursday | morning- He resided at 1320 Ober j iin Road and was staff physician 5 (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) ' Vr f > -1 ! JOINS LOCAL POLICE FORCE i Jurors Edward (Bobby) Dayt, , 23, son of Mr. znd Mrs,. ASpbonso j Vance, S$ S. Person Street, be- ‘. came a member of the Raleigh i Police Force this week. Daye, a I veteran of the Korean War, is a. 1951 graduate of the Washington High School. He is married to the former Miss Dorothy Bar- i nett of Hillsboro and lives at 0-15 Washington Teraee. administrators and personnel officers in this area took place at Har Sinai Temple. Maxwell Abbell, chairman of the Committee, conducted the sessions, which were de voted to an explanation and ; discussion of Executive Order No, 18590, issued by Ptai* j dent Elaenhewer os January 18, 1955, CONTINUED ON PAGE St j JACK ANI* m M,r« «IVtH S7,‘>(( TO n*RC 7 o* nlMl;*.~l*r. w. H. Wa'soft. who heads sh" Nrjtro Oi vision of the yv.ikc County March of Him •*>. is sh««n arcopfing a cheek for 5750.00 from th« Raleigh Chapter of Jack and Jill of America. Inc, Mrs. Elizabeth Coficid. chairman of the Polio Pro gram CommiHcc, is shown presenting the check. On (he right are Norma and Michael heck who ■ were awarded together a >'s war hand as a personal prize from Or. Watson for the highest sale of tickets over fSO. Norma and Michael reported :51 10. 85 of the total amount which was raised. Stand ing next to Or. Watson is Mrs. Thelma Keck, president of the local chapter. The. Club presented its third annual talent program at l.igon Junior-Sen or High School on Friday, January 87. Rejected 1 Lover To Face Trial I: i By ALEXANDER. BARNES EDENTON Another chap to I!; was written in the hriarrp Jay- 1 j ing of MLv | the wee hours o! the tn orni ng, MISS COSTON < Sunday. The mourners were led by (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Patriots’ Proxy Labels Mamie’s Letter A ‘Propaganda Barrage’ [odds ends! By ROBERT G. SHEPARD i In a speech to the members of j the Wake County' Credit Union at ; their annual meeting Monday I night, .lan. 30, Leroy Burton of Fu- ]. quay Springs told them that more * Negroes should he taught how to j 1 manage money rather than let it manage them as is too often the case. Mr. Burton said that since 'practically all of us earn soim j, money and all of the activities of life center around money, the , proper management of the money i , we control could go a long way in , helping to solve many of life's dif ficulties Burton is an' instructor of voca tional agriculture at the Fuquay , Springs High School and is a di- , rector and one of Ihe founders of , the Farmers and Veterans Credit Union of Fuquay Springs • * Selection of (he south Ra leigh site for the. new public housing units for low income | families may be the partial so j lotion of one housing proh j lero but it creates a very sc i rious problem for the approxi- i | fCONTINUED ON PAGE 2) ..tro - ,■ ■■■■■■■■: ■■ * * nf privately-operated self course, who indicated through counsel Monday that they would appeal verdict t© GviUord Superior Court. Left to right: Samuel Murray, Elijah M. Hmiar. Dr. (itou* CS* Simktns, Jr., Joseph Sturdivant, Phillip Cook rend Leon White- Violence Brings Death To 3 During Weekend Violent death csrnr to throe 1 men m two North Carolina cities; iv or the weekend and a man and j two women are being held with- \ oui bond a : a result- Two of the death:, occurred at j FovritC'vie. Police in that eh’ a m holding Mr- Willie Monroe ,Y-; a store owner. on a charge ii :! in- shn< Raymond A Deri? 20. falaiiy *n her -tore in Seven- i iv•) . Township. Saturday night., According (o report:. Date became involved in a".| »■( lyi meet f» IHe store, * .»taken outside, bujf broke uWAi amii threatened to knife Afx. .Alon L roe. she then shot him .in (be chest, Also at Fayetreville, police are holding Fred M. Wade in the pistol slaying of Sgt. Waverly Williams, 31, of Headquarters Co., 178th Airborne regimental com bat team. (CONTINUED ON PAGE ?) GREENSBORO Last week, Mrs, Mamie Eisenhower, wife of j the Presirdnt, sent a letter tn j Judy Genier, a white girl from!: New York, who is now attending j a Methodist-supported Negro high | school in Asheville. In the letter I Blond Wife, GI Hubby Separated At Apex j APEX-- 5 24->ear-old Alabama; soldier and his 20-yckf -old white j wife rn route to visit hi: rela-j lives in Alabama, ran into diffi-; cuity here Friday and were sep-! arated. Wiliiam Cameron and his wife,] Betty Ogle Cameron, of Midlo thian, Va„ were enroute to visit. Camerons relatives before he re- ] ported to Fort Dix, N. J. for over- j seas assignment in Germany. They were stopped by l'o j lice Chief S. 1., Bagwell after j a Raleigh filling station oper- j a,ior reported to the Wake County Sheriff’s Department i that the woman “acted ner vous- ’ when the couple stop ped to buy gasoline. When they were stopped here. Cameron was charged with driv- ICONTINUED ON PAGE 2) State News j —IN— { -.r; lim ■ m»*mm ASSAfI- VNT SOUGHT ft.MjftGtt—l deaf police «Ki* cor: t,o,id the CAROLINIAN Wed nesday that, they had not been' able to get much of a clue on, the alleged assailant- of Mrs Wil lie Mae Brown, who reported that she was attacked by a man on : j the campus of St. Augustine's Coi ' I lege. at. she .started to work at St. , j Agne> Hospital, about. 1:20 Tues j day morning. Site is said to have • told investigating officers that tire j man threw her to the ground and j (CONTINUED ON PAGE *> Mrs Eisenhower complimented the girl for i courage in start ing the trend toward integration in a Southern state. The following is at state fCONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Set Appeal In Guilford Golf Case ) I GREENSBORO lmmediate notice of cppral to the Guilford Superior Court was given here Monday" by six golfers found guilty of trespassing on the city i owned but privately-operated Gil- I (CONTINUED ON PAGE Z)

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