MAN GETS 15 YEARS FOR ASSAULT ON NIECE idi(i|j^R : ''- Jmtjlrtf™’] jfe&Y. K '- llllllil -r ■•■ -”' SIGN OF THE TIMES—Miss Helen C. McEachern. Bennett College freshman, from Rowland, completes huge Valentine which makes it clear how she feels about that certain someone. She is a musk major. State News -••IN Brief CABBIE SENTENCED GOLDSBORO Frank At kinson,, 64-year-old local taxi dri ver. was given a six months sus pended sentence, and assessed the costs of court in the Wayne Su perior Court after pleading nolo contendre to a charge of killing a fellow taxi cab driver. The man, Thedie Moses, was shot to death in April, 3954, The judge also placed Atkinson on probation for for five years. The shooting took place at the railway station here and allegedly followed an argu ment between the two over the payment of a fare, Atkinson said that Moses followed him to his car and allegedly started advancing on him He claimed that he shot Moses with a pistol that he was holding as pawn for a fare. * • * » FOG THEIF TRIED r COS BORO Ransom Lobln&vn pleaded guilty in the Wayne Superior Court Thursday to the larceny of 51,500 worth of eggs from (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Adlai Stevenson Favors Gradual Desegregation LOS ANQELFS Democratic presidential candidate Adlai E. Stevenson, addressing a group of Negro leaders in the Southern California area, said Tuesday that he favors desegregation, but thinks that it should be accom plished gradually. "Whatever racial progress Is made depends upon the spirit of men, not troops or bayonets,” he said. The former governor of Il linois predicted that the 100th anniversary of the emancipa tion proclamation, January 1963, could well be the date, of the full flowering of the spirit of equality in the Unit ed States of America, The Rev, George Cofield asked Stevenson whether he favored us ing federal might to enforce the Supreme Court s decision of de segregation. Stevenson then made reference, to the above statement JAILED IN DEATH OF CLINTON YOUTH CLINTON—A true bill was re turned b.v the Sampson County grand jury last weekend against Lloyd Baggette, 37, who is being held here on a first-degree mur der charge. His trial is expected to take place during the latter part of this week. The murd> r toe* place Sun day afterno n about 3 o’clock at the Bagiette home In Dis mal Township. The defendant reportedly was in an argu ment with Floyd Jones, 18, of the same community. Jones allegedly had engaged in an argument with Baggettc's wife, Sampson Sheriff W. D. Hall and Constable Albert Jackson arrest- i e€ Baggette. and placed him in jail without privilege of bond. He allegedly killed Jones with » -12 gauge shotgun. Nab “Slowpoke” Auto Driver HIGH POINT—When a high way patrolman spotted James ! Rogers. 33, driving along at 1C I miles an hour, eating an or ange, while a long line of traf fic barked up behind him, he arrested him Sunday. . . , j Rogers thus became, the first local resident charged with a ! new statute forbidding motor- j is to to drive slowly enough to ! impede traffic. Man Denied Blank IFor Police Test CHARLOTTE Indications this week arc that the refusal of County Police Chief Joe D. Whitley or. Monday to give a police examination application blank to Jack Keith Moore. 28, 2230 Celia Ave. may bring a full scale court test of the validity of the state statues. The CAROLINIAN learned Wednesday that the local NAACP Branch is intensely interested in the denial of Mr. Moore’s request for an application blank to take the Civii Service examination on Friday night of this week. The Mecklenburg County Police Department admits it is woeful ly short of manpower and adver tised for males to take the exams in a, local daily last Friday. The ad made no mention of race. Last Thursday this news paper earned a front-page ar ticle about the coming exams and on Friday night Mr. Moore conferred with the editor at his home. The young man was advised to ask for the blank and to take the exam. On Monday morning he went to the County Police headquarters to ask for the. of ‘troops or bayonets’. "It would be the revival of; civil war,” Stevenson declared. We must go about these, things gradually. Its the spirit of the men that will change things for the better.” When asked what appeasement he was making to the South with out hurling the colored people?, he replied; “I have never found it neces sary to appease anyone. I’m not running for the office for the honor, I’m running because I be (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 ,'T‘\ . -^l—feiSty J* |t' * • ' wifi/'-' <0OO» START m LOTS At tout one arm of the United Nation* i* ««t esiaftawf ta debate* and vetoes. The U. N. Children's fund (fftflGßP) to doing geod all over the earth., an evidenced by this sevea-tnmiMMM native »i Mamsgws, Mmnctta, feeing attended toy a T«M|» MoaJhta Rt&m m m nmim swifted fcy UNKSEr toads, (Keww §*w»* ffeaAol blank. The desk sergeant re ferred him to Chief Whitley, Mr. Moore said. Air. Moore said the chief took him into His office and told him the coming exam is (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) N. C. College Wants Honey DURHAM—A request for $145.- 666 in emergency appropriations for the 1955-57 biennium will be requested by North Carolina Col iege. following a vote of the local school's executive committee. Dr. Alfonso Elder, president, and Dr. J. M. Hubbard, Sr., school irepsarer, will submit to the Council of Slate a res olution asking 559,320 for the present year and $106,413 for 1955-57. The school needs $38,717 “to cover the estimation in receipts” and $536 “to cover the cut in the travel budget of itinerant teacher trainers in the Department of Home Economics from $1,500 in 1944-55 to $964 in 1955-56 and 1956-57.” The school needs the same sum for 1956-57, plus SI,BOO "to cover (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 The lucky car last week was the one bearing the tag num ber ’946-147. If the owner of that car look It to Bunn's Esso Service, corner Cabarrus and BSoodworth Streets, here in Ra leigh, he received a free grease job. This will happen every week Watch for your tag number. If it follows the asterisk, you will get the grease job. The num ber will be taken from any car bearing a N. C. license. The numbers this week are: * : R-3872: X-2324; X-46862; R -5714; X-5i856 and R-5349. The Carolinian 10c y"! | —y 10C VOLUME 15 RALEIGH, N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURADY, FEBRUARY 11, 1956 NUMBER ~2o' Irate Husband Shoots Up 'Hotel ****** * * * * * ¥¥,**** k k * * -k k *4 aßjßrajap s&Kaflat jgjmßHMfttcix v ' te- vtjMf* .yfscrSfca. xk&te. .mw Mm pfl^ ! '■' ’’ s■■ £ ' ' ■ • ■ . >■* *■* e* * Gets Long Term For Niece Rape RALEIGH Willie Johnson, 54-year-old farmer of Raleigh Route 3. was sentenced in Wake i Superior Court to 15 years im- J prisonment after being convict- j ed of an immoral assault, upon his! nine-year-old neice. Johnson orginally pleaded guil ty In the offense but then with drew his plea and asked for a jury trial. In another case, an eight-year old girl, hospitalized with first, j i and second degree burns, told j j county deputies that a man set ] fire to her dress when she threat ■ i i enqd to expose him for snakin' j sexual advances to her. Leo Gan us, 31, of Route I, Wendell, is being held in Wake, Jaii for investigation pending the outcome of the child’s condition. The child was rush ed to St. Agnes Hospital where it was discovered that she. had been burned over a wide area. According to Deputy R. H. Lin ton, the child told him that Gan us was spending the night at her home Her mother was away. She said that she objected to Ganus’ attempts to feel her chest and legs and that he set a match to her clothes when she threatened to tell her mother. Ganus, on the other hand, said that he was asleep and didn't, know’ anything about the charges. Arresting officers reported find ing him asleep in bed when they went to arrest him and say that he offered no resistance. Liberian Heard At Local ‘Y’ RALEIGH Liberia is * Und of great opportunities, mid-way between an early culture and modern civilization, declared David N. Howell, of the YMCA World Service Division, at the Bioodworth Street YMCA on Thursday night, now on leave from the YMCA at Monrovia, Li beria, capital of the only free re (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 What’s Happening Oil Desegregation Front Shelby Plans Mixed Ministerial Group SHELBY The prospect of an interracial ministerial group in this area loomed bright last week as members of the Shelby and Cleveland County Ministerial As sociation voted unanimously to j study the possibility of admitting i Negro members. A motion adopted on Wednea-1 day directed "executive officers of the association to take such steps as might be necessary to ex plore the possibility of formula tion of a Cle -eland County Min isterial Association with no racial barriers." Golfers Seek Right To Florida Course MIAMI, Fla. A petition de manding that they be allowed to play on the Miami Springs golf course was sent to the city com mission this week by five local l "S ) t . ...... ! ACCEPTS NEW POST Fran l vis J. Poole of Raleigh has ac cepted * position as Budget Controller, at the Agricultural, Mechanical and Normal State College, Pine Bluff, Ark, Mr. Poole, a Raleigh native, is a graduate of St. Augustine’s Col j lege. He has done further study ! in the field of Business Adminia- I tniloH at N. C* College at Dur j •'*■>>■ He is the former manager of the Washington Terrace Hons- inf Project, a member of the ] Methodist Church and the Omega ] Psl Phi Fraternity, ~~ _ Ala. Coed Put Out Os Classes TUSCALOOSA, Ala. Miss An ther ine Lucy, first of her race to attend the University of Ala bama, was barred from classes on i Monday until further notice as | (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) 1 Rodman, NAACP In State Laws Deadlock RALEIGH The courts, in all probability, will be called upon to decide whether the NAACP is do ing business in North Carolina. The NAACP says that it isn't. William B. Rodman, attorney genera), says that it is Rodman said that he has asked the NAACP to comply with two North Carolina stat utes. One requires foreign cor porations doing business in North Carolina to register with the Secretary of State’s office. The other requires organiza tion* engaged in influencing public opinion to register with i Negro residents. Four of the petitioners, includ ing two attorneys, were refused i admission to the course last Thur sday. During the last several : years, Negroes have been using I the course on Mondays, with gol fers using it, the rest of the week. j Your Lucky Day May Be EVERY DAY When You „.. OKS I Tssss|/ FOR ADS 'lwnnw auigiWkwmwwniingMMgMWiMiiiiinttWirriiwkjMarNi’iiiiH Shot Lock Off Dear lOf Hotel ,1 li RALEIGH A domestic spat j between a. Method man and his wife ended Wednesday morning I at about. 10 o’clock with Lonnie ! Ewey, Raleigh barber and taxi cab driver, being placed in the Wake County Jail under a $5,000 bond and with S4OO damages to the Deluxe Hotel, located at 220 E. Cabarrus Street after declar ing that his wife cut up his clo thes. Police officers say that Ewey first went by the Wake County sheriff's office to swear out a warrant against his wife. J (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 i Jailing Os One Pastor Ends Church Row At Goldsboro GOLDSBORO When the, Rev. James F. Elliott of Mt. Olive j was found guilty here Friday of | “frivolously and maliciously” in-; stigating charges against the Rev. W. H. Summerville and his fol lowers. the long squabble between j two factions for control of the! New Bethel Free Will Baptist! Church appeared at an en^ Judge Henry A. Grady or dered the Rev. Mr. Elliott to i pay the entire eosls of the case, which had come up j through magistrate's and j County Courts, and to be tak j en into custody until the costs I were paid. the same office, disclose (heir | officers and finances and the sources of their funds. "The NAACP,” Rodman said, "says that it does not in any way operate In North Carolina. It cites ] cases to the effect that State laws j cannot apply except to those In and engaged in the State of North Carolina. That is, of course, a sound principle. We cannot make our laws apply to the citizens of New York unless they axe down here.” He said he had gone over the (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3) I Jazz-Pastor Can’t Talk In Mississippi OXFORD, Ohio Because he contributed a part of his $32,000 winnings on a national television quiz show to the NAACP, the Rev. Alvin Kershaw' white Oxford, Ohio minister, will not be able to fill a speaking engagement at the University of Mississippi. The jazz-loving Episcopal cler gyman received a telegram from University Chancellor J. D. Wil liams advising that he felt that it would be "unwise” for him to speak to the students. Charlotte Golf Case To XL & High Court CHARLOTTE The U S. Su preme Court has been asked to i review the segregation suit of a group of local Negroes against the i Bonnie. Brae golf course, (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2! * I Council Told Plan Creates Hardships RALElGH—Following the angry protests of more than 40 home owners in the area, the City Council on Tuesday disapprov ed the site previously selected for a public housing development , and tabled temporarily a proposed Minimum Housing Standard# ordinance. The site is located south of Lee; : Street, east of Walnut. Street. ; north of Hoke Street and west! -of the right-of-way line on High- ; i way 70 and 15A. i Plans had already hern ap -1 proved to erect a 300-unit, low-rent development to cost $3,000,000 on the 25-acre site in South Raleigh but. it seems ihal no one thought to con suit the present residents of the area to see just how they felt about it. Approving the i plan were the Raleigh Housing Authority, the Raleigh Plan- i The case was also ordered to be kept on !he docket, with the minister to be arrested if he ever again interfered in the affairs of the church. Costs amounted to $947. A verdict of not guilty was rendered against all other 21 de fendants. including followers of Rev. Elliott and Summerville. Church Padlocked Rev Summerville, from Wilson, was named pastor of the church in an election last May ordered by Judge J. Paul Frizzelle. The two factions, headed by Elliott, and the Rev. T. T, Platt, had been j in court before, charging each j other with padlocking the church.: door against the other. Each man J claimed that he was the rightful: pastor of the church. The latest charges were filed last October when Summerville | went to the church to hold re-1 vival services and allegedly ■ found Elliott behind the pulpit, conducting a service of his own j Summerville admitted leading hi: | group in singing to drown our: Elliott's sermon. i c :% ' .A|^^|pp. ,£| *ijr lls9H| V *> ;:• & ;M2iBM ';-«L jirfrmrtnMilia l SBS ''■■**- • -t.&«>••}• ft 5,.x ‘ : ‘ •vajGjflgffS P| .f, ‘ -*~ tk | Wmßrnm., fBI : * " : i 1 '-SS?i mtel |BS I • **, *l’Sfibj t -.. .. 4pMwSllpgsEiw»tetßMßwswßK wg**«Sißßmfeiß' '''%&» ■, i& S imIMiOIiIBWF \ i|| _ : • . jfcig J . Ji§§llsssHHHMMMH - <“?»?> ?»>OMggr -W* forth* that «* ***. £*£ * w, *f? r *» the oooaoMle jwobmm of tita *r«wra> woottefeo i?*t Tf* With ttuf ' ***»*«* ®<f *w»» A Broadway tm["WMrtif 100 WaHftr* to Bfo*£« «, giffmntic all- Negtit ntvtm duriag iß*o «sa of th* Exposition from Much U to A|Mrtl, I to M«w fwfe D*»cajH»ija* ! lp ' n I*l ? gh ; I'’ 1 '’ w: >» al « <w «»3» l>sas Ms*y, D«* Chumbur J#^*V^2 B S a ** ehs ***** of WAACSP; «o£ fMftiMiun Treat. «»me»m tfee United Negro Cbßt|» Food. fMempraw ffento) ning Commission and tha council's lav* and finance com mittee. Wait Over Two Hours The protestors, many of whom waited for more than two hours before being given the opportunity to be heard, were unanimous in their objections. Said one. "There are too many families ownint homes there to be put out, with no place to go. It’s doing us nn injustice." (CONTINUED ON PACB ,V ODDS -ENDS By KOBEKI G. SHEPARD Now that the Raleigh City Council has heeded the pleas of the distressed home owners in the South Park area and has proper ly refused to sanction the “grab ” the Housing Authority was about to make of their property, it is to be hoped that both the Council and the Authority can find a site for the 300-unit low-rent housing project that will be more suitable from every angle. There is a, site inside the city limits that would affect only a small number of prop erly owners if it were, chosen and would remove an eye sor« that is now a serious blight (n (hat community and (he entire city. The area in mind (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2> to rt; j TgffijfffrflflflßinfHpaff* 'rafi«sp£fl l ®Kf ‘ f; -I* iJW3gc S«BIJ3ECTML lag

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