HOUSING PROJECT BANKERS GET THREATS ■ ‘Wi flHnnia hhi w /islll “WOMAN OF THF FEAR" AWARD—Mrs. Ellen S. Alston. Ra- Iriph's “Woman of the Year’ - tor 1954. is pictured here awarding a plaque to Mrs, Vivian Tone* Brown, v.ho received the honor this year The presentation was made at the First Baptist Church Sun day morning. Mrs. Inna B. Thompson, president of the \ U'giilia Teachers Association was the featured speaker. Award Presentation Ends ‘Finer Womanhood Week* 2 DIE IN FREAK At'TO ACCIDENT ‘ CHAPEL HILL--Two next -door j •” neighbor?', jb Carrboro died In an j auto wreck near here Sunday: ' morning as their ear speared a j bri railing and plunged into a; creek. i The accident, which took place; at, the Neville's Creek bridge near j University Lake- two miles west of i (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) What’s Happening On Desegregation Front Montgomery Schoo I Case Up March 15th GREENSBORO The guit 8- painst the Montgomery County school authorities seeking to end school segregation there has been set for March 15 in federal court at Rockingham. A motion to establish a three judge tribunal to hear the case was filed last week in TJ. S. Mid dle district Court here. This is the second such request, the first one having been denied by Judge Johnson J. Hayes when the suit was originally filed. Request for a three-judge court has been made because in their amended suit, the plaintiffs—a group of Montgomery County par ents—argue that the school board HS DEATH WAS A PASSENGER David Hunt, 30, of Greensboro, an orderly at Moses Cone Hos pital there, whs killed instantly last week when his car, travelling without lights at an estimated 80 Utiles an hoar, rammed hearten into this tree at the South' Drive-In Theatre on the High Point Road about .13:30 a.m, (Greensboro Record Photo). fixe StiYittfartl TriMtiiv; C^i* 2ZO*2Z& Soutli First St,* Louisville 2, Ky* BALFJGH t he Otni'Ton Zeis . bspfer of the Zeta Phi Bets •Sorority, Inc concluded its obscr s nee of “Finer Womanhood .Veek” w>th a worship service at •i* Ft; i Baptist Church, to 'tj ■•lorping and featured a ,oror, Mrs. Irma B. Thompson "rent Newport News, Virginia, a; >ue.-t speaker, During Dir service, Soror Ellen Alston, Woman of Hip. Year 1954, presented a plaque to Soror Vivian T. Brown, Woman of ihr Year IOSS. Soror Brown was cited for her out standing work in the eorarmm- 1 (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) | Segregation Bad : For. All—Rahlii GREENSBORO Compul sory segregation is not only unfair but “bad for all of us,” Rabbi Frederick S. Ryoins of (be local Temple Emanuel, de | dared at A&T College during ! a brotherhood service on Sun ; day. One of the principal disad vantages of segregation, he pointed out is that it interferes with vital communication be tween groups in a comm unity. “Many of our present confu sions,” he declared, ‘‘are caus ed by fear*, that come only from misunderstandings. The Carolinian VOLUME FIFTEEN RALEIGH, N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1956 NUMBER « ‘ & V S Hlf «£%• I ■*&, " ''Y . MBf ‘ v, jXs [|p ' v l v V. V\-» ;<$ -• • ~ r ?\ pm Ip pi wm gw HR «§0 mk m 9 fs@ ® : mßm m&&- pm fit Ift Wm «ml Wr w 111 1s " if Ilf 1 11'ifS 1«111 SStli llp hß W£mJ®m wSL ttS? iiP Ms> wR sf| s®p? ssli #ll MB {Hf ig§ Jgsfe miy flip Fp, T - ,'." L' ‘'f. . ' * - ?' -■ ?k‘V ;«b ’£';.V' l -. .ml.' ***9mwßl* -r.-.Mi? --araß * •* ★ ★ ★ W '& k k W W ★ "★ W W k k ik k k k 'k k k k k k ¥ ¥i ¥. ■¥ *Die First, , Says Bus Boycott Leader Threatened Residents Are Named | RALLIC.iI i The CAROLIN i IAN has learned that two of the I three persons threatened by tele-1 j phone calls and letters Monday! | because of their stands in favor! jol a proposed 300-unit housing j j tco.NTtNT'ED ON PAGE 2) I ! : Catholics \ May Oust J. C. Scions NEW ORLEANS Four Roman Catholic state legislators, were threatened last week with ex-com munication for their efforts to seek new state laws requiring ra cial segregation in parochial and private schools. An editorial in the church’s of ficial publication Catholic Ac (GONITNI ED ON PAGE 2) officials are really state officers, makb’c an issue between state and federal authority. Resisl In i e g ration, Byrd Tells South WASHINGTON --“Massive re sist a nee” in the South to the U S Supreme Cc t's order for rac ial integration in the public schools was called for here Satur day by Senator Byrd (D.-Va.). Making it clear that lie Is not advocating or condoning violence in opposing enforcement of the order. Byrd said that he wants Southern states to stand together In declaring the courts' opinion unconstitutional. (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) HF INTER NATIONAL BOND—Taking «» residence at Talladega College, following her bitter reception al the I nhtw-.fv of Alabama, Miss Auiucrine Lucy finds scores ®f new friends and champions of her fish! among the varied racial groups at the school. In the dining halt of Talladega, she finds lablematee hailing u n china. <cechos lovakia, Alabama, No, Carolina, Tennessee and Massachusetts. Miss Lucy iujowii ' > -lay at ihr college, ai the invitation of president, Dr. Arthur Gray. iNewspms Photo). \ ~ ' : I . ■I ? ! v £■ . ' ' . ■ t»/| ; , V. 4 %* Av- f. * ■t- , i NIC RED IN (HASH —Mrs. K. Voung Shepard, teacher at the Washington School, Raleigh, who i.s recovering from injuries suffered when a Trail*ays bus on which she was a passenger and an auto cr .shed head-on near Slat ford, Va. last week. Five persons died and 17 bus passengers were injured. Mrs. Shepard resides at 424 S. Blood worth St,, Raleigh, Panelists Air Views On Supreme Court Edict By CHARLES R. JONES RALEIGH “The Supreme Court Decision" was the subject, of a “Town Meeting,” staged at the Needham B. Broughton High School Monday night, sponsored by the United Church here as its final session in the annual Insti tute of Religion series. The panel of speakers con sisted of four white men, all prominent in their respective fields. Two of the speakers favored the Supreme Court’s decision outlawing jim crow In education, while two thought the Court had overstepped its bounds in handing down such a decision. If You Are Not Sure INQUIRE \bout The WANT ADS (’ALL a TMiiwV TODAY! Well Die First, Says Bus Boycott Leader GREENSBORO Before we are slaves, we will go to our graves,” Dr. Solomon S. Seay, one i' 26 ministers recently indicted by an Alabama grand jury for in itiating the Montgomery bus boy cott, told an overflow audience Educators Accused Os Exploiting ! RALEIGH —The CAROLINIAN | received a letter from a Mrs. Pa~ : tricia Stedman of Robersonviile ! Tuesday in which she accused ! (CONTINUED ON PAGE 5) l George V Denny, Jr., ?, native of Washington, N. C„ was the moderator. The Rev. Charles M. Jones, pas (CONTINUED ON PAGE %) ^ 5 - > fe^v».^ : 7w ct 'y- ■ , r'> ?^'*i •'?s% -WtwSmwaJßaE mßwk > *s®-' ■ \.'J* *v ■ «fßßßiyap*ap!B» "4., v Jw> *•« <ffi?fv^®feiP-'l?'-' :< ’ ; '' i -‘v A' : <; - '•;., ■■ v ,^fIBSB«HSHr*l ß‘*!Sra'7iuSp j®*v2* sis: Wm. 55jfe-|£s - .®t-''V, -,, . $ S&C0:? •■ ...” T v •' / ' *' "• ■ ■!?•*>■••■V "•' Wtfinii'*j •%■ &zt%L£s&t Mb r *■*t.to£sw- ■i&’^&t »,\■ - ■■£?"< ■ S3s|«BsL jWK. •' -. $ ffiip| Jlgk '^|a^.|*lji|ig^^ •?wi< ' ; **sWtSßlmm llfar Bits BOYCOTT LEADER—Part at the audience which overflowed Bethel AME Church In Cireensher* on Sunday to hear Dr. | Solomon S. Seay, one of the ministers under indictment in the Montgomery, Ala., hue boycott, weak on the mm* involved *» «*» «"«* tfesre- “Before we are slave#, we wIU go to ear graves,’' he declared. (Greensboro Daily News l*noto>. here Sunday afternoon. • ; , Dr., Seay a former Greensboro! ' pastor, after stating that the basic j I issue is a detnana lor white pat- j rons to seat from the front and j Negroes from the rear, on a first- j ’■ come-first-served basis, said: “It:! would be tragic to lose the struggle i c in Montgomery because this is ai l struggle for black people around j ' the world. ! “We have identified ourselvesj 1 with the passive resistance move- |' (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) -•• Carolinian Food Show And Home Exposition Set For March 29-30 The managemeant of The CARO LINIAN announced this week that plans are well under way for the presentation of the 4th Annual Food Show and Homemakers Ex- EPISCOPALIANS HIT RACE BIAS GREENWICH, Conn.—"Desegre • gallon must be the goal ‘or all church institutions and agencies,” the National Council ot the Epis copal Church said here Thursday in laying down a set of guiding (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) ttfiWIWCC MICRODLMINS StFVICB N L«w*«s H. President Rt. 3, Box 2X2 / numex-ymHA a, & urm Mentally 111 Man Slain By Officer BY ALEXANDER BARNES SELMA—Even though the Rev D. P. Richardson, in his final words about Hugie Ford, former inmate : of the state in- stitution for the rn ent all y di - seased. tried to give the bereav ed family and friends the con sol ati o n that “though a man dies he will live again,” at St. John A, M. E Church, Thurs day, everyone is imm LORD still asking wby police officer Rogei Strickland had to kill the man? Mr. Ford was shot by the officer in the railroad station after he had beet, .summoned there to tro»!*» the -slain man go home. Evidence presented at the coroner’s hearing (CONTINtTED ON PAGE 2) JONES ESTATE SET AT mW GREENSBORO An estate valued at $40,429 was left by Dr. David D. Jones, former president of Bennett College, according to his will which was probated last week in Guilford Superior Court. Dr. Jones died on January 24. Mrs. Susie W. Jones, his widow, was named executrix of the estate which consisted largely of per sona! property. position which will be held in the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium, March 29-30. The 1956 show will have many draw more than V TOO persons There will be three sessions daily- The first, show is set for 10:00 A, M. This will feature special dem 4 - H Clubs Set All - Time Production Record In ’55 GREENSBORO • More than j three-million dollars worth of ] produce was grown by the state’s Negro 4-H Club members during 1955, according to a report re-* The lucky ear week, was the one bearing the tag nuta* her *CX-4296. If owner «S that ear took tt *o Chum* East® Service, comer Ca harms and Bloodworth Streets, here in fU- Itigb, he received a free groaau Job. This will happen every week. Watch for year tag nsimber. If it follow* the asterisk, yon will get the grease job. The num ber will be taken from any car hearing a N. C. license, Thr numbers this week arc: X-J51.7; WP-345!; WW-12S; K-m,; R-5349; and R»3*7*. State News -—IN— Brief WINS "HOMEMAKER" AWARD i ' '’'dp ~v % Wsm MISS BARBARA JEAN HUDSON SPRING HOPE—The Betty Crocker Homemaker of To (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) i onstrations for Horne Economics i classes and their teachers. Schools j within 40 miles have been invited I io be present The afternoon sh o w Is j scheduled for 2 P. ML This i (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) j leased by W C. Cooper, 4-H Club i specialist, at AAsT College, j The production topped all pr#» I (CONTINUED ON PAGE t)

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