li. C. Guardsmen Deny Spending' Charge A JEHSEY w nßST'—Mrs. H«!*n La* Johnson, 68. who was named New Jersey** “Moth* *r of th« Year” is affectionately rewarded by her daughter. Mrs. June Harris, and grand* #oti, Keith, 6. Mrs, Johnson, cm Atlantic City widow, is the first Negro woman to win the award in the Carden State since St wat started in 1345, and will compete for the national title in New York on May 11. (Newspress Photo), State News —IN— Brief i ALL-TOURNEY TEAMS NAMED RALEIGH—The Raleigh Recre ational Department recently nam ed members of the All -Tourna ment Team in the Junior and A duit basketball divisions for 1953. The members of the Junior team are: Frank Howard, Oberlin; Bob ov Goss, 4th Ward; Durwood Tur ner, Oberlin; Bobby Arthur, Tut tle Center; and Walter Rawlings, i Oberlin. Members of the Adult j team are: Dickie Evans, Thomas’ Food; James Jones, Hall’s Grill; Frank Terrell, Browning’s Bar bers; Albert Huey, Hall's Grill and Adam Shaw, Browning's Bar bers. Winning cage teams in the three divisions were Hall’s Grill. Adult; Fourth Ward. Junior; and Fourth Ward. Midget. STABBED IN BRAWL RALEIGH Josephus Mc- Lamb, 22, was rushed to Saint Agnes Hospital Saturday after being stabbed seven times ir* the bark and bit over the bead with x bottle during a fraetts j it a juke, joint on Sawyers- Lane, according to county of ficers. McLamb, who lives at 1203 Gil! Street, Is reported as "resting comfortably” *t the hospital, Walter Alston, 35, is charged with the stabbng and (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2> What's Happening On Desegregation Front BIGOTED 8. C. SOLON GETS NAACP CHALLLENGE COLUMBIA, S, C.—State Rep resentative John Hart, outspoken segregationist, was challenged this week to visit Washington for a look at "democracy in action.” The challenge came in a letter from Clarence M. Mitchell, chief of the NAACP’s Washington Bu reau, who last week forced the city of Florence to back down after he was arrested for using the "white entrance" to the At- Jail Wilson Man For Check Theft WILSON —Arrested for stealing government, checks from Mrs. Mamie B. Holden, 63, whose son was killed in the Army overseas, Sam Stevens was committed to the county jail last week in de fault of SSOO bond. Stevens, who allegedly stole the checks from Mrs. Holden's mail box and then cashed them at lo cal stores, was bound over to the May term of Federal Court. Desegregation Issue Discussed At Y Panel RALEIGH —"Desegegation In North Carolina” was the topic of the panel discussion at the World Fellowship Goup meeting of the Sojourner Truth Branch of the YWCA on Monday night. Speakers on the panel were: the Rev. William Gillespie, pastor of the Davie Street Presbyterian Church, Mrs. Mildred McTyre of Shaw University, Mr Spraggins, of St. Augustine’s College, and Herman Taylor, attorney. The speakers were Introduced by Mrs. W. H. Delaney of St. Augustine's College. The Rev. Mr. Gillespie spoke of desegregation in the church. Integration in the ohw-" • ) -; made little progress, he said. In order to uo away wiwi segrega tion in the churrli, the Si- bodies should outlaw segregation and leading churchmen should speak out for Integration. Members should use every opportunity of fellowship he said. Mrs. McTyre said that we must differentiate between desegrega tion s.nd integration. We are not concerned with social etiuality, but NC Guardsmen Deny “High Life” Charge Rev. Byrd Succumbs At Raleigh RALEIGH—The Rev. Waiter , Jones Byrd, 62. of 1113 Mark St., died at Saint Agnes Hospital Tuesday at 10:00 p.nt. He had been in declining,• : was confined to I : the hospital last '|jl|'2j|rjpp rangements were , ing the arrival /j / l ' ! of relatives. g i | Rev. Byrad was,., i I well-known in the eastern sec- REV. BIRD, Jtion of KTort** Carollim »*. ) V> »P --will Baptist preacher and sub scription agent for the CARO LINIAN. He was active in both j positions at. the time of his death. The minister was a native of Wade but had lived in Raleigh for 17 years. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2> lantif. Coast Line Railway station there. Hart had suggested that Mitchell’s head snould have been "bashed.” Mitchell wrote: "Such statements are picked up by our enemies abroad and used to under mine our position of leadership in the free world.’’ * * * HODGES SAYS SCHOOL REPORT DUE OUT SOON RALEIGH A report of the State’s Advisory Committee on Education is expected within j “several weeks” Gov. Luther l Hodges said here this week. Hodges said that he expects the ! committee to make recommenda tions dealing with the school seg- I regation problem, which will ne cessitate a special session of the legislature next summer. * » » ALABAMA COUNCILS WOULD OUST FOLSOM BIRMINGHAM, Ala, Gov. James E, Folsom was under at tack this week by a White Citi zens Council group which wants him impeached for "failure to enforce state segregation laws.” with equality of opportunity. Mr. Spraggins spoke on "Action (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) The Quickest Way To Sell Anything Is With A CAROLINIAN WANT AO DIAL 4 5558 j “ j DURHAM A spokesman for j the sponsoring North Carolina j Guardsmen, Inc., this week label-! ed as ‘’misleading and irrespon- j sible” charges attributed to E. i Frederick Morrow, White House l administrative assistant, that the j organization is spending exces-! sive amounts of money for a cruise j to Bermuda. A. M. Rivera, Jr., a members of; the organization's planning com- j mittee, said here that “Morrow j apparently has been duped into \ irresponsible and false statements! by malicious detractors of the socially prominent club.” Riviera said that the North Carolina Chapter, whose mem bers boast some of the nation’s leading civil rights advocates arid holders of lifetime memberships in the NAAC'P, and not the Norfolk Chapter of the Guardsmen is sponsoring the cruise. Morrow in i correctly said that the Norfolk | Chapter of the Guardsmen is I sponsoring the cruise. Morrow in i correctly said that the Norfolk i Chapter « as sponsoring the cruise. Trip Costs S2OO Each Rivera, a veteran photo-report er, sw.’" - rtat th* g* ;>ta cost lor : .' I?JUio be less than that for a vacation within the United States by thousands iof the Guardsmen s economic status He said that the money spent would not approach that spent by thousands of Negroes who will take a European vaca fCONTINUED ON PAGE 2) They charge that he "conniv ed'* with those opposing the state constitution to have Miss Authur ine Lucy admitted to the Univer sity of Alabama. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) hs^bßkblih-'4l ijSBSkl I™*. t § '% • j§t jSMSsSm&tSi-MSwtL t- ■.-£& sm. jjfflSEHWkc sagsaHsb. f \ .S 8t v*% Jk ~ ' • mi • - . -• (13; v| TARHEELIA NAACP DELE GATES VISIT CONGRESSMEN —Members of the North Caro lina NAACP delegation attend ing the Delegate Assembly on Civil Rights in Washington, D. C., recently are shown as they completed their mission of “but - The Carolimian 10c ’c —| Amwmm I——-""** VOLUME FIFTEEN RALEIGH, N. C. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. MARCH 17, 1956 NUMBER 25 Lover Shoots Woman Three Times Attempts To Enter Women’s Dorm: ' - .... . TP :§ P B , , HL I n Aw £|| yii mS, is* L.. ,/Jr v?,- v mr mSL 'rife T i* % #4 l# fr - . : Jr . : % Wj HUB wJB ■ll HHI **JH H WKK *M 1 B ft fl Jm | 1 Ilf t; Li ,I I hr %. i l|| if Si I smk Ifll mi 11 !§ 1 SM i|||' uric--' avg; : f .i f t i Quit Me And i I’ll Kill You, Lover Warns i i (SPECIAL! | GASTONIA—In one of the city's i latest love affairs Robert (Rab bit) Williams nearly kept his nropii'rp to his former girl-friend, Miss Viola Harris, last Thrusday night, by pumping three slugs from a .32 caliber pistol in to her body. Mris Harris is in serious condition at Gaston County Hospital. According to police reports, Miss Harris told Williams sometime ago that she was breaking off with him. In the meantime, Williams repeatedly told her “If you quit me, I will kill you.” In the meanwhile Miss Har*•* (CONTINUED ON %■ H Court Gets Miss Lucy f s Case Again BIRMINGHAM. Ala.-Attorncys for Miss Autherine J. Lucy filed a motion Friday asking the Fed eral District Court to disregard the University of Alabama ex plosion order and instruct univer sity officials to readmit her. The motion called upon Federal ; Judge H. Hobart Grooms, who : originally ordered the admittance j of Miss Lucy to the university, to amend his order of Feb. 29. which instructed theunlversity to ter (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 ton-holing” congressmen and senators, Leaving the Hanee Of fice Building are, left to right: (front row) Mrs. Leila L. Gra ham, Burlington; State Presi dent Kelly M. Alexander, Char lotte: Mrs, Ruth E, Morgan, Wendell; J. B. Hnrren, Rocky jaSjlpf. | MAN DIED HERE—This Is the scene that a photographer found when he visited the Plaza j < Guest Dies In Fire : | At Gastonia Hotel i | GASTONIA— Fire struck the : Piaza Hotel on North York Street, I Sunday taking the life of one of its guests, William Wilson, 37- year-old construction worker. Sixteen other guests escaped apparent Injury. The fire, which claimed Wil- Mowat; 2nd row: the Rev. J. A. Mebane, Tarlmra; Mrs. Horrtn t«n, asd Mr. W. Si. Harrington, Statesville; The Rev. B. E, Har [ j dy of Wilmington: Mrs. Jaunita ! Setaer, Winston-Salem and Dec j Cee. Back row: the Rev. M. W. f Morgan, Goldsboro; J. R. .John- | Hotel in Gastonia Sunday, fol | lowing a fire which took the life | of William Wilson, 37-year-old son’s life, began in a room adja cent to his. A guest across the hall. Miss Helen Adams, discover ed the fire. She first tried to smother the fire with her top coat, and failing in her attempt, (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) son, Littleton; George Love, Morehouse College student, Charlotte; James Gregory, ©x | ford; Eugene Solomon, Little ton; The Rev. J. A. Ackers, Gastonia; Mrs. Hannah Nixon, New Bern and Dr. C- Mason Quick of Fayetteville. (J. B. Barren Photo). mammmmmmnmnmmm I n Mil—MMll i m ! construction worker, who was j a guest at the hotel. Sixteen ! other guest escaped injury in j ! the fire. (See story this page.) j [BDDS-ENDS ! By ROBERT G. SHEPARD ®——■_——Ji When the sympathy - seeking j Southern man prattles a bout the fine relationship exist-1 ing between the Negroes and the whites before the historic U. S. j i Supreme Court, decision outlaw- 1 mg school segregation, he aiso boasts about the many gains the Negro in the South has made within the framework of rigid, enforced segregation, and points with pride to the “equality" and “justice" accorded all Negroes. None of this is true of course and now and then this is punc tured by glaring facts and figures. Such a puncture was made re cently by Jonathan Daniels, a white editor. Writing in the February Issue (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Grad Schools Can’t Delay, Court Rules WASHINGTON—Any delay In admitting qquallfied Negroes to graduate schools of tax-support ed universities was ruled out on Monday by the U. S- Supreme Court. The unanimous decision spe cifically overturned a ruling of the Florida Supreme Court deny ing Virgil D. Hawkins admission to the law school of the IJniver- Landlord Took Too Much, High Point Tenant Says HIGH POINT—A white land lord and furniture dealer who en tered a tenant’s home and hauled away the contents was bound over to Superior Court last week. Judge J. A. Myatt in Municipal Court found probable cause in breaking and entering counts a gainst W. W. Horton and set ap pearance bond at SSOO. Disposition of a larceny and receiving charge against Hor ton was continued. In this in stance. he was charged by Mrs. Louise Coleman with tak ing clothing belonging to her. U had been left at the home of Horton’s tenants, Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Dunlap. Mrs. Dunlap testified that Hor« ! ten admitted to her that he had II ~~ rr ■, T!«» lucky car last week was the one bearing the tag num ber *WW-m If the owner at that ear look it to Dunn s Esso Service, corner Cabarrus an<( Bloodwor'h Streets in Raleigh he received a free grease job. this will happen every week. Watch for your tag number. It it follows the asterisk, you will get the grease job. The num ber will be taken from any ear bearing a N. C. license. The numbers this week are: K.-3872; **X~J 517; X-192: Wf». 342; CX-4395; and R-5349. ! * Lockhart i | Teacher To Stand Trial By CHARLES ft. JONES RALEIGH. -- A Quick telephone call on the part, of Miss Carrie i Harrison and the fast action of i RaieiSh police officers landed Melvin Watts, 32. of 828 Cotton Place in the city jail Sunday, charged with trespassing and public drunkeness. Miss Harrison, dean of wo men at Shaw University, was reportedly awakened at 2:3fl a.m. on the morning of Sun day, March 11, by several of the women students who live in Estcy Hall. The women claimed that a man was at tempting to gain entrance to the building. The dean im mediately called the “law,” 1 Upon arriving on the campus officers allegedly found Watte, a | sixth grade teacher at Lockhart ! School in Knight.daie, wandering ! around the campus in a drunken I condition. The teacher readily admitted going into two of the : men's dormitories, but denied en- I tcring Estey Hall. I Watts was booked and released ! under SIOO bond, pending a trial | scheduled for March 16- He was silent about the charge when contacted by a rejsortcr Tuesday. '‘l'll make a. statement later this week,” he said. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 3> Citizens To Meet With School Group RALEIGH The Rev. G A. Fisher, president of the Raleigh Citizens Association announced Tuesday that the group plans to attend the next meeting of the Raleigh School Board, April 3, to find out what action the board has taken toward complying with the United States Supreme Court's (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) sity of Florida The court’s brief, unsigned ©pin ion said: “Since this case involves tha admission of a Negro to a gradu ate professional school, there ia no reason for delay. He is entitled to prompt admission under the rules and regulations applicable (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) "took, everything I had—even the entered her home on Jan. 35 and (CONTINUED ON PAGE Z) Winston Man Files For School Board WINSTON - SALEM (ANP) Samuel Lee Hamlin, 41-year-old Carver high school teacher, filed last week as a Democrat?*: candi date for the Forsyth Board of Education. * Hamlin, a native of Winston- Salem, came out for a “sound, workable vocational educational program for the entire county—a (CONTINUED ON PAGE *>