CAROLIN JD SHOW OPENS ,J. ..... ;" / - ! ■ > » v> * V ‘‘ , ‘“‘ k 10c J£ „ VOLUME FIFTEEN jC"V/ * #' *,-• 17*1 in /I $./f f* *”/ C*t% ■• * %**-*J* i l C>‘ ,y ■. •; CM- 111 / &•<; * 1.«4.a£.,/ VLIi/ti 1. .1 \€#£i/ ****** ******* * * * * *********** ** LOVE THIEF SLAIN Food Show Opens At Auditorium The 4th annual Food Show & Homemakers Exposition will get underway today (Thursday) at 11:00 A.M., when high school stu dents from the several high schools within 60 miles of Ra leigh wili be the guests of the CAROLINIAN and the firms that are co-sponsors of this gigantic demonstration, at the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium, It ia another one of the many public features which the CAROLINIAN offers it# wad er# and It# advertiser#, Th# show will feature the use of electric appliance#. This means that the wry latest method# of food prejmrfetion, aSosnc with the moat tbae-apy&Bg means of using appliances win be the feature# of the show. The home economic classes at the many high schools have been Invited, in, the hope that they will not only be inspired to do a more efficient job as students, but also to give the insight into real homemaking. These students play a large parkin the buying of food and appliances. The firms that are represented in the show are conscious of the Negro market and have taken this opportunity to demonstrate their (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Pin FARM AGENT CHARGED IN DEATH GREENVILLE Chief of Police S T Gibbs told The CAROLINI AN this week that Talmadge Mit chili was now officially charged with the murder of Molton R. Zachary and that there was a 24 hour vigil being kept over him at the local hospital, H e further ststed that the Pitt Couny grand jury returned a true bill and that he ■would, in all 'probability, be tried during the May term of Superior Court, tsrntr Superior Cotirt J»djr« Albion IWsan baa been •bUlned to represent Mitchell Whets he faces trial. The law yer told the interviewer that Mitchell does sot remember aaythteg that Supposed from the time he waws told by the Commissioners that be was being relieved of his duties a* assistant county agent until he regained cencionscess in the local herpltal. Persons who know Mitchell say that they believe that he blacked out completely after he had been (CONTINUED ON PAGE i) WHAT’S HAPPENING ON THE Desegregation Front Expect Education Report Next Week RALEIGH The long awaited report, of the State Advisory Committee on Education is ex pected between April 1 and 10, and a special session of the leg - islature to act on the school sag rMiiT DEATH - v BY STABBING RALEIGH Two persons met death by stabbing and a third was killed in an auto accident over the weekend. ' dames Readcn, 24, was slabbed fatally by Haywood Moore, 17, at Washington, on Sunday, during an argument over a woman. (CONTINUED ON PAGE *> ! RALEIGH, N. C ■ ,s wS B BpfP£§SreP* \ 3wr > »%*.' ' v - JPPMIi DR. WALTER R. LOVELL Bishop is Attacked, Editor Out By TREZZVANT W. ANDERSON The Editor of ‘‘The Star Os Zion,” official organ of the AME Lovelie—has been suspended from his post by the Board of Bishops of the AMEZ Church. Rumors, al so fill the air that, efforts may be made to oust senior AMEZ Bis hop William J. Walls from his post. Dr. Lovelie was suspended following a hearing in Wash ington, D. C. on March 21, af ter an article had appeared in “The Star Os Zion” which made grave and serious accu sations against unnamed bishops of the church. The editor declined to comment • CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Medics Seek Privileges At Hospital WILMINGTON—A suit for sta.fl privileges at the James Walker Memorial Hospital here was filed Friday by three local physicians. Plaintiffs are Drs, Hubert A. Sa lon, Daniel C.Roane and Samuel Gray. Named defendants were the city cl Wilmington, New Hanover , County, with Ralph Horton as l chairman of the county board; the ! board of managers of the hospital, | (CONTINUED ON PAGE 31 regation iscue is likely, Gov. Hodges declared last week. Meanwhile conferences between legislators and Thomas J. Fear ; sail, committee chairman, con tinue. “There seems to be general agreement on the course the state should follow,” Hodges said. A number of legislators, however, are reported not convinced of the necessity of a special session. Sari Antonio Ends All Segregation RAN ANTONIO, Tex.-It took loss than five minutes here Thurs day for city council men to end a century of racial segregation in municipally owned facilities. They unanimously passed an ordinance repealing a 1854 j ordinance requiring racial set | (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2> WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 195* :||4 mkkJ I '•' ;: W MRS. M. E. X.BAK , s- ’ ss&&&* •;. , REV. LOUIS BELL BOYCOTT CASE WAITS ON APPEAL MONTGOMERY, Ala.-An appeal "all the way to the U. S. Supreme Court if necessary" will be taker, (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) : •-* '"i /• V; W •* • ~Xy?k ■K \\. J||| •/ • v ~ *fs NH !3jjßjHH«& j " f^S %3| |j|||| - v^ ?< '*^W ; "' ■/■ - ■ ■*' ••> ®Sgpi|p; xL’ "% , •' ■■,-■■ f||BP * ,„?jßni^P^^'’' t -¥ } :.. • r -‘ ,•*. '” ''' ''' Ps*Nsms&? v « ■'• * ’■ •' ' ®^sfe'^kii^-^SM.r '*<*'/■.S'i •£ . ’ .'•/.•"; *•' *.£twSwfSlij&'vS&fcfc&i^^. Av^4£rij& .^'*■ ; ■ -3 ws<», i aaaw.N«w«ftKW.g«r;ojwsk? i ii Hi MilMM l llil l l 111 IIWIWWMH.HII'WPIiIM PRINCIPALS AT TEACHERS I CONFAB Shown around the j ‘i&th anniversary cake are the principals in the N. C. Teachers j aescion which was held b«r« on i Pastor To Fight For His Stand BY ALEXANDER BARNES FARMVILI.E -The Rev. T. Louis Beil, pastor of the local AME Zion Church, who caused a stir irv the higher circles of his denomination by releasing a story that was sub sequently printed in the Star of Zion, under date of February 23, rsot only took full responsibility for the writing of the story, but said here this week that he I# in (CONTINUED ON PAGE %\ State News ■—lN—* __ Brief GIRD STAR HONORED EDMONTON, CANADA —Roland Miles, former football great with the Saint Augustine’s College FaI (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Vote Called Key To Power \ . For Citizens By .1. B HARKEN "The only reason colored peo ple in the Black Belt of Eastern 1 North Carolina—where their pop > ulation outnumbers the whites— > do not have their rights respected is because they do not exercise their right of franchise: do not j Thursday through Saturday of j last week. From left to right i they are Dr. Sidney Williams, J president of Elisabeth City State, NUMBER 27 iPHI? jMßwffe Wm -■ ■Hb> ■ •• . . JBy*. * * ■ ■f S| mg #J|H H * FORESTALLED GIRL’S DEATH—Dr. Charles R. Fras ier, Jr., » native of Raleigh, now residing to East St, Louis, Il linois. has been credited by the anther of an IS-year-old East sCAfaHtto girl with forestalling the »trr« death for U day# by masdaftog Her heart after It had stopped beating. The young woman, Miss Geraldine Kmuse, 18, died March S, a week after she entered St, Mary's Hospi tal for a tonsillectomy. Mr*. ' John Krause, the mother ha# the greatest praise for Dr. Frar ! ier, who returned her daughter I to Bfe, although temporarily. The physician is the son of C, R. Frasier, 121 E. South Street, local real estate man. register and vote”, State NAACF ■ prexy Kelly Alexander told 300 i delegates to the NAACF-sponsor ■ ed Registration and Vote assent • fely here Saturday. I Meeting in the Raleigh Safety t Club assembly hell at Smithfield s and Branch Streets, the state- sitW'.wwwv.varcrcf: v mi iiiipi ■win—Wi HI Teachers College and president elect of the NCTA; Dr. Ira »e A, Reid, professor of sociology at ll»v»r#«ri C«U*g«t Msa. Ida Th« lick; car last week wa» the one bearing She tag num ber *X-J517. If the owner of that ear took H to Dunn s Esso Service, corner Cabarrus and Woodworth Streets in Raleigh ho received a free grease job. This will happen every week Watch for your tag number. If it follows the asterisk, you will get the grease job. The num ber tvlll be taken from any ear bearing a N. C. license. The numbers this week are: *CX-42»5; WW-125: R-5349; WP-342; R-3572; and X-m. Say Victim In Bed With Pal’s Wife | ! CHARLOTTE “I just killed a man and cut another,” said 35- year-old Whitfield Gaston local plumber, to Sylvester Black, 817 E. sth St., and Miss Helen Howy.e, 736 Brookhill Rd., shortly after 10:30 PM. last Saturday night. Those eight, words shocked the couple which had just driven up j to 736 Brcokhili Rd.. where Mr.; Gaston lived with his wife and three children. Topping it off. Mr Gaston ask- i ed Mr, Black to drive him to po- i lice headquarters. Mr. Black did ; so and Mr. Gaston surrendered j himself to Sgt, Ballard of the lo- : cal city police force. Back at 7 36, the body of j Horace T. Williams of 2331 ! Douglass Si. lay in a pool of blood on his face and stomach ; In the hallway with his legs in j Ihe bedroom of the Gaston j apartment in the northwest j comer. He had been stabbed In death white in bed with Gaston’s wife, police reported. Officers W R. Allen and M. H j Caskey, who answered the Alex- I 'ander Funeral Home ambulance 1 1 (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) wide audience heard Henry Lee Moon, public relations officer of the national NAACP staff, declare i that there is quite a bit of ap- i prehension upon the part of Wall, Street interests in promoting buis-; (CONTINUED ON PACK 2) - - r -— r ,. rn . j H. Duncan, president of the NOT A and C. L. Blake, chair man of the program committee, og Ohe-riatie. SjatrßiKftfefe ■?<§ 'the r, DELEGATE FROM SHELBY | Mrs. V, B. Dunlap, * teacher in \ »h* Shelby Public School S.vs- : tem, was one of the thousands I Dr. Williams Heads i h • . - > ■ ■ i ! Stated T eachers RALEIGH— Dr S. D. Williams , ! president of Elizabeth City State > i Teachers’ College, was elected I ; president of the North Carolina ! i Teachers Association as that or- \ ; ganization closed its annual state ' convention here on Saturday The association, which thi' year observed its Diamond ,Tu j hilee, chose Charlotte as the j site for its 3957 convention— j the first time in more than ten j j years that the annua) mcetins; has not been held in Raleigh. Other officers elected include: Vice president. C- .?• Barber of Ctarkton: treasurer. Dr. N- H Harris of Raleigh; and secre tary, Mrs. Geneva .! Bn we of Fayetteville. ! Elected to terms of three years ! on the executive committee wre: i Dr C. U. Deßerry of Elizabeth town; W. R. Collins of Smithticid I and A. H. Peeler of Greensboro i (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) ALLEGED RED NQ LONGER AT T. C. WINSTON-SALEM Miss Viola Brown, who refused to tell the House Un-American Activities Committee whether she is a Com munist. is no longer employed at Winston-Salem Teachers’ College, it was learned this week. Miss Brown, who* bad brew employed as a part-time d«- meslie worker, left her job without notice before the hear ings last week In Charlotte. Dr. ¥ L. Atkins, president of the college, declared (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2*^ Race Leaders H eard At Forum For Ligon Body The Vocational Guidance De partment of the Raleigh Chap ter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., sponsored the fifth In its series of forums on “Choos ing A Vocation”, Tuesday night. The session was held at the Cha vis Heights Community Center and was attended by approxim- JOBAKER ENDS LONG CAREER PARIS —When the lights blinked out around her name at the Olym pia Music Hall here Friday night, Josephine Baker, who helped bring the jazz age to Paris, ended her • long career. I “La Josephine", as she was call ed by three generations of admir- j (©tJtWTIKWS® m PAUIii *> 1 - - -r in Mini in iin in. iMisuliHlff of delegates who visited Raleigh last week for the annual meet ing of the North Carolina Tea chers Association. ODDS ENDS Bv ROBERT fi. SHEPARD • And he saith unto them, ”B* | not affrighted; you seek Jesus of j Nazareth, which was crucified, ! He is risen: He is not here”; Luke I 16:6 Tliis was the message of life, spoken to those sorrowful women who came to the tomb seeking the hody of their Savior who had been crucified before their eyes three days before. This message of triumphant victory was spoken by the angel of Truth in fulfillment of ail that. Christ had said before His crucifixion.. Translated, the message was say- 7 ing to all people, in all times: Christ has risen because it wa* impossible for the forces of evil to hold Him, He has broken the chains of vicious traditions and lustful oppressions. He has rolled away the stubborn stones of self ish materiality, suppressions and exploitation and has proclaimed freedom and equality for all mankind. The message of Easter is hol low and empty unless the power of Christ’s triumph is sufficient to cause us to arise above petty hatreds and prejudices and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves The message of Easter is mean ingless, unless, through regenera tion. we have broken the bonds of sin, sensuality and selfishness with which we have been bound and, with love, we can say with the angel, "Christ. Is risen". . * * v i Dr. Ira De A. Reid, associate (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) ■ j ately 80 students from the J. W. • Ligon Junior-Senior High School. i Speaking on their respective i businesses or professions were the following: Dr. York Gar - rett, Durham, president of the National Pharmaceutical As sociation; Dr. J. Thomas Ham lin and Dr. R. E„ Wimberley, Sr., all speaking on pharmacy; C. N. Coble, Raleigh, grocery store; A. JE. Brown and John O. Mitchell, insurance; and 11. O. Ftunderburg, Barham, bank ing. Each speaker gave full .require ments for success in his choeen field. Literature was distributed by the group representing insu rance. A question and answer period. I which followed the session, was engaged in by the students and * page si

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