METHODISTS HIT GO-SLOW PUN WB&$&&‘ -*% kh *<rs *|. f k * » MHMILA IHH^mM r • - "p* **■ *» - UP . J—*• #fr% llPuf 4§*|j£: ' fe» W "QUICKY” LUNCH — With all j cf *he business to be transacted i In a single day, girls attending j the annual convention of the | North Carolina Homemakers of j pgjjjt *" ■&?,£}£* «|gy 1 £Hp - ’'aoj pj -h |^ >j| ■■■ ■.{■•■■ SSH; .■'s&' * ' N§ ft; ■ jJ3 f 1 lifts* , * I -v 9 *! *■' ? *■- NEW HOMEMAKER O F FI CERS—New officers to lead the North Carolina State New Homemakers of America for the next year, elected at the annual convention at A&T College last Mixed Couple Nabbed, Admits ‘Friendship’ State News —IN— Brief JOB OPPORTUNITIES CLINIC WASHINGTON, N. C. The Gamma Kappa Sigrha Chapter of Delta S.gma Theta Sorority is presenting it’s annual Job Oppor tunities Clinic in the form of a television show over station WITN TV here Sunday, May 6. from 1:00- 1:30 p. m. The following high schools will be presented on the program: Booker T. Washington, Rooky Mount; Epps, Greenville; Darden, Wilson; P. S. Jones, Wash ington; E, J. Hayes, Williamston; and Dillard. Goldsboro. Mrs. Ruth B Stokes of Rocky Mount is serv ing as general chairman of the TV show. GRAB CATES FOUR TIMES RALEIGH Mis* Willa A. Mclver, who bolds a master of arts degree from Atlanta Uni versity, has successfully com pleted a year’s work above this degree at New Vork Uni versity and was recently a warded a professional certifi cate of advanced study in edu cation. Miss Mclver holds the (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 IT MATTERS HOW SMALL THE AD, JUST KEEP YOUR NAME BE FORE THE PUBLIC. CALL ... 4-5558 FOR YOUR CLASSIFIED! j America, held last week at AAT j j College, had lunch picnic style I | The boxes, containing a tasty I ! meal, were passed, out to the j ; more than 1600 youngsters in Saturday, are from left to right; (seated) Lula Mae Goolsby, Mocksville, vice president; Mar garet Patterson, Junior, presi dent; Pearline Myers, Wades boro, secretary and Gloria Boyd, j RALEIGH—Pervis Cogdeli, 35- year-old race bellhop at the An drew Johnson Hotel, and Mrs. Jean Hiskett, 30-year-old white woman, were convicted of morals charges in City Court here Thurs day. The bellhop, who listed his address as the 1500 block of Cross Street, was sentenced to two years on the roads for aiding and abetting in prosti tution. He received an addi tional 12-month term on a charge of possessing numbers books for gambling, The books were found by officers at his residence. Cogdeil also receiv ed another 60-day term for purchasing a ,33-calibcr pistol without a permit. The last term is to run concurrently with the total of three years given him. He i« now serving his term. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Jsß '’ ’fflf- Jjff Jre J|jy- Jgj jm 'jjft gjT jjj^^SPjl&fefe-t ffiff jro $£ Mb *® jEkj- -™K 2s? X&? • 'fake's** /$» 4$ : . ''j ’• ftjjy .gM ig* 3& &f& &P Jraf '' jg jTOB- *££ ' I record time. Shown enjoying ( the treat are: Ruth Vellines and Alfrieda Burnete, both of Bur- I lington and Myrtle Jeffries, Yanceyviile, I Leaksville, treasurer. Those | standing are: Thomasine Clem ents, Durham, reporter; Nellie I Hill, Columbia, parliamentarian i and Vivian McCoy, LilHngton, I historian. SAYS 2 COUSINS KILLED TEACHER BLACKSTONE Va. Samuel Thomas and Russell Thomas, cou sins, both 18, are reported to have signed statements admitting the killing of Mrs. Lucille Overby, a 62-year-old widow who taught both of them in school. Charged with “cold-blooded" murder, the youths reportedly said that they thought that the teacher had a large amount of money in her house. They planned to rob her and flee to New Jersey. N. C. State Faculty For Public Schools RALEIGH—The N. C State Col lege Faculty Sen. e last week un animously adopted a resolution commending “those leaders who are endeavoring to preserve the public schools" and urged "a con tinuation of loese objectives so that the very best educational op portunities be. available to all the (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) THE CAROLINIAN . Urge Firing Os Biased Registrar Hint Trick By Enfield Registrar By J. B. HARKEN 1; -LD (SPECIAL)—A local elections board registrar has been charged with exercising undue re straint against colored would-be registrants and conducting his place of registration as if it was “a private place”, according to Attorney James R. Walker, Jr., campaign manager for two Hali fax County race office-seekers. Walker said a complaint and demand for the resignation of the registrar in charge of the precinct involved would be lodged with Halifax Coun ty Elections Board chairman James F. Currta of Roanoke (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 Vandal Slashes 2 Tires On Ligon Teacher’s New Auto RALEIGH—An unidentified stu dent at Ligon School is allegedly the chief suspect in the slashing of two white wall tires on the 195(5 Pontiac of Merriman C, Hill, biology instructor and assistant coach at the school. The vandalism took place last Friday night dur ing a student dance at Ligon. Police records show' that Hill’s ear was parked <m the let at Ligon, located on the Chavis Heights side of the school. HTiile he was checking the door at the dance to keep undesirables out, someone re protedly slashed the right front and right rear tires on the auto. JIM CROW SIGNS TO STAY ON. BUS ASHEVILLE—.!. Colvin White, president of the White Transpor tation Company, said last week that his company will continue to display the jim crow signs re quired by state law. “Until we get a copy of the Su preme Court’s latest ruling ban ning segregation in intrastate transportation, we won’t do any thing about it.” Methodists Oppose Integration Delay MINNEAPOLIS A contro versial plan to continue segrega tion in the Methodist Church for four more years was scheduled for a show down here Wednesday. Has Season Ticket But Can’t Use It WILSON—Dr G. K. Butterfield, a member of the Wilson City Board of Commissioners, and sev eral of his friends were denied admission to the grandstand of city - owned Fleming Memorial ON PAGE 2) The tires, valued at a total of SBO, were a total loss. Hill discov ered the damage when he left the school at approximately 10;p,m. Friday. It is rumored that Hill refused to admit several youths, whom he did not re,cognize. to the affair. One or more of these persons are believed, to have become infuri ated at the refusal and to have NAT ‘KING” COLE GETS MEMBERSHIP IN TIE NMCP DETROIT (ANP>—-Nat “King” Cole last week dispelled all argu ments about where his sympathies lie in the racial issue by buying a SSOO life membership in the NAACP. Cole, who said he la “dedi cated to the elimination of all forms of discrimination , n said he bought the member ship to pot down criticism from Negroes who thought he should not appear before seg regated audiences. In Alabama, Gov. James E. Fol som praised law officers and court officials for prosecuting sir men (CONTINUED ON PAGE l) ODBC-ENDS »T ROBERT G. SHEPARD One of the largest gatherings ever to assemble in this state to promote the cause of American democracy; will be called to order at 3:p.m. Sunday afternoon, May 13, at the Raleigh Memorial Audi torium. This occasion, which has been designated as a “Freedom Rally” by the N. C. State Conference of NAACP branches, will be high lighted by an address by Mr. Thurgpod Marshall, . chief of the legal staff of the NAACP. indi cations, presently at . hand, show that branches in all of this state’s ICO counties will have delegations on hand tq hear this, distinguish ed speaker and to participate in this great rally. Local arrangement* for this event are being bandied, by the executive ccmraUe? of the Raleigh branch of (he NAACP, under the, guidance of Mr. Car! titovane, commit** chair* < CONTINUED 'Ok. PAKB 2) racial discrimination is unfair and un-Christian." adding, how ever. that immediate integration "is not at hand ” Approval of such a state ment would mean the autho rization of a four-year study of integration within the church with no action being taken on the segregation issue until the next quadrennial confer ence, Negro delegates are openly op posed to any further delays in abolishing the Central Jurisdic tion which includes the vast ma jority of Negro Methodist congre gations. The Councily of Bishops, however, is said to favor the: “go-slow” plan. Has No Place The policy statement, while not advocating sweeping action, : flatly anti-segregation. It says in (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) slashed the tires. Officer Norman Artis investigat ed the complaint. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 ' '**■■■*. •• -■•••* • ' ? . ■ "A ■ ■ ». .. .st , ■ ~ ' i ■# ■ '• * - ••• • •••■ •• • •••/', ..XvV : . : fs BISHOP BREAKS GROUND— Bishop W. .1. Wails, presiding bishop of the first Episcopal District of the A ME/. Church, What's Happening On Desegregation Front .DETROIT MAY GET CITIZENS’ COUT OIL DETROIT Pro-segregaionist Citizens’ Councils of Alabama are recruiting members and organiz ing chapters in the Detriot area, it was reported this week The Free, Press quoted Sam. r. ; ' ' -r ‘ itA.c-V »’. *&»*s§MS§pCU't ' THUKGOOD MARSHALL To Hear Talk 3y Marshall RALEIGH—Th-urgoou Marshall, chief legal counsel for the NA ACP, will deliver an address at iCONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Airman Surrenders In Slaying Os Wife WINSTON - SALEM - Willie Jackson Belton, 25, of this city, | reportedly absent without leave from Lock bourne Air Force Base at Columbus, Ohio, was charged j Saturday with the murder of his | is shewn above breaking ground for the new Greater Gethsemane AME Zion Church which will be erected in Charlotte soon. The ! Engelhardt, an Alabama state senator, who is executive secre tary of the. Citizens' Council of Alabama, as saying that Detroit ers had written him asking for organizational literature which he sent, ‘T won’t tell who they are. be-1 LUCKY AUTO OWNER The lucky car last week nuts the one bearing the tag num ber ' WW-125. If the owner of that car look it to Dunn’s Esso Service, corner Cabarrus and Blood-worth St reels to Raleigh he received a free grease job This will happen every week. Watch for your tag number. If it follows the asterisk, you will get the grease job. The num ber will be taken from any car bearing a N. C. license. The numbers tlsis week are; R-3873; *CX-4295; X-192; WT -342; R-5349; and XX-3864. Says Mate Stayed Out Ail Right GOLDSBORO Held withou! bond in Wayne County jail in the shotgun slaying of her hus band. A. J. Johnson, 24. early Sat urday. is Mrs. Gladys Johnson. 20. of Dudley. Chief Deputy Roy Percise and Coroner I. T. Seymour reported that. Mrs Johnson told them that her husband stayed out all night, returning just before day. She said hat she dressed and went to the kitchen, then returned to their bedroom and asked her hus band : 'Where is the family car?” Isn't that a lot of your damn business?” she quoted her hus band as replying. Mrs. Johnson said that she had picked up a 12 gauge shotgun. (CONTINUED ON PAGE l) ' wife in an argument over money. Police say that the young airman told them that he shot | his wife, Bessie. 39, a maid In ! (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) j Rev. Frank Murphy Alien, pes ter of the c! is on the right, j The froutiu king c«remon i fes for the. c i. which will ! cost SBI,OOO, were held las* week.- i cause they are scared of trouble,” Engelhardt was quoted as saying, * * WARING WARNS ABOUT “PRESSURE" ON SOUTH NEW YORK—Speaking at a symposium. “Education—the 8o- I (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21

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