.« r f_ TyintiX, u "»‘ sotrtk #** sv tfS-w- --i \ c & * -./ UWU" mi nes’ jolts amez meeting SSjjjf J /' ‘ Hr J-.J31 WmtWm§& : VfiSjfiS' _, arflgpglWßvSy JjDgKiNy 9bK ‘^- WON’T LET HIM RETIRE Bishop W. W. Slade of Charlotte, scheduled for retirement this year, who was recalled for another 0 four-year term during: 35th quadrennial session of the general con ference of the. AMEZ Church in Pittsburgh, Pa., last week. Move to change retirement law to permit action created a conference up roar. *’Politics * Upsets AMEZ Sessions State News —IN— Brief mSS LATHAM RALEIGH SPEAKE il ■‘•RALEIGH--' Woman’s Day will be observed at the First Congre gational Church Sunday, May 13, The program will begin with a breakfast served to the teen-age girls of .the church and members of the Ligon High School glee club at 6:30 o’clock a.in., follow ed by Sunday School. The speaker for the H o’clock worship hour will be Miss Louise M. Latham, Dean of Women at N. C. College, Durham. At 6 p.m, a musical pro gram will be presented to close the activities for the day. * * * SPAULDING IN S. C, COLUMBIA, S. C.—A, T. Spaulding, vice-president and comptroller of the North Car olina. Mutual Life Insurance Company, Durham, was the featured speaker Frld ayG 'CONTINUED ON i AGE 3) Mixed Pair t Will Appeal \ FALFtGH—Appeals to the Su preme Court have been taken by Purvis Cogdell. 35, and Mrs, Jean Hiskett, 30. white, of their con victions in City Court on morals charges. Bond for Cogdell, a hotel bell hop, was fixed Friday at S6OO and that, of Mrs. Hiskett. at S3OO. Cogdell was given two years for aiding and abetting In prostitution. 13 months on » charge of possessing gambl ing devices and 60 days on a (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) TWO-SEXEI) BABY CHANGED TO GIRL Washington —a sen,, or operations performed by Dr. Frank Jones, first Negro urologist on the staff of Georgetown University Hospital here, has changed a. baby born eight months ago with both male and female sex organs, into M (CONTINUED ON PAGE Z) . II ## ■H UH UP fy? I I lUP ■ ■ CiIX 9 I C!■ ■ 'jNfc $$ ffl' m y* W’% $ a ft ¥ % A '! W '* !r '% ¥ tCfcl' M- fcl '£#• K, * A ' reot •% ttopctess ir«*opl€£ By STAFF CORRESPONDENT , PITTSBURGH— The delegates to the 35th quadrennial session of the general conference of the AME Zion Church, which opened at Wesley Center Church. May 2. had hardly settled in their seats when a well-planned move to cir cumvent the law regarding re tirement of bishops was brought to the floor. The Rev. ,T. R. Funderburk. Southern Pines, N. C., read a i the convention to suspend the resolution in which he asked rules and vote to retain both (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) GATECITYPASTOR STRICKEN AT MEET] (Special to THE CAROLINIAN) i PITTSBURGH. Pa. —The 35th quadrennial session of the gen era) conference, AMI Zion Church which opened here last week is; not void of sickness. The Rev. M. : P. Sawyer, pastor. Trinity Church. ‘ Greensboro, was stricken as he j slept, about 3:00 a m. Monday. The prelate was rushed to (CONTINUEIToN PAGE 2) " V '$ v i pP^||f^ \ 4 '5 jHI Up jj§|| pp hm : pe a $ aii» %jffi *£& wg&t- ¥~& '■'• NOW HE CAN MOVE A- j lias the use of one arm. Mcm- ROUND—The trapeze bar. hers of the Idle-A-While So shown in top of the bed of W'il- | ciai Club chose the donation of tie Anderson, who has bern , the trapeze bar as its annual paralized for over seven years, j pro,itcl and presented it to Mr. will enable him to move him- j Anderson Tuesday morning at self around in bed. Anderson j the Wake County Home here, 10c &i!2x£.- a ~ a * C££*dq^J -j xoc VOLUME 15 RALEIGH, N. C, WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1156 NUMBER 33 WWBk flf ; lEr® BHi BF l * ffIPHU liPw Iff n mw»[ MM H M HP— fHWHfe $£&&«• -'• / jjifo-i i^’ ; ' •' Mi ••’ ''• v »<*' ■iSO’- jeafe to&fc ’fetf.N*;- tfmm W&& V’i'i *Tsw i|B3Bßj|j& fSBl# Sk* ’Slt’W >.»? . ?$v ’«&?!> ; ">/*,. • ' ■> y.-.-SS§ «Br\ t<B&r L&Vy: mv, ,rJv* «y$V % i l *'* *iW%i y.\s lip* Wm fWM WL jfftspSP 0P m Iplfl |ptt i|f|| §|- f|pll gj| §§ Marshall To Spark NAACP Rally Sunday Precinct 25 Names Race Committee RALEIGH—This city’s precinct Number 25. located at (he Wake County Buiiding, Davie at Mc- Dowell Streets, elected an all-Ne gro committee to represent it ai the Woke County Primary meet ■ i,g Saturday at the Wake County Courthouse. The election nf officers was was held last Saturday and marked the first time that the committee has been composed of only Negroes, Precinct 25 serves an equal number of Negro and white, voters, but is located in a predominantly white neighborhood. New officers named for the. 'ear are: Charles T- Crump, FO4 S. West Street, chairman; Mrs. Rodney Taylor. 315 S. West Street, vice-chairman; E. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) State Elk Convention To Be Held At Tarboro By J B. HARKEN TARBORO — This Edgecombe | county seat and the neighboring j all-colored town of Princeville, i just across the Tar River, will br ; host to the 36th Annual Conven | non of the Improved Benevoien ; Protective Order of Elks of th | World (IBPOEW) May 20-24 wit! sessions in the St. Paul and Un Mon Baptist Churches and the S Paul AME Zion Church, as \ve‘ rts the Riverview Elks Home o Edmondson Avenue. Theodore Giles, exalted rul | cr of the Riverview lodge and ! Mrs. Janie Petway, represent ing the Daughter-Elks, are ! making last minute prepara tions to insure the success of (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2> REV. GEORGE A. FISHER BUSINESS MEN SIGMA GUESTS RALElGH—Businessmen of the. Raleigh community will be guests of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) >/-Mx;4SS&S; ..:. y-ti-l-jjf l rUSy- REV. K. P„ BATTLE where he is a patient. From left to right arc Mcsdames Dorothy Brinson, Vivian Smith, Rosetta Rand, and Lillie Taylor, presi dent. Mr. Anderson is shown in his bed. (STAFF PHOTO BY CHAS. R. JONES.) Warned Bomb May Be Put Under House BY CHARLES R. TONES RALEIGH - -SPECIAL) “l’m going to place a time bomb under your house in one hour and blow you up—you black ..." With these words a would be assasin let the Rev. George A. Fisher know that another had joined the growing list of persons who apparently do not sanction the minister's ef forts In behalf of equal rights for Negroes. The militant president of the Raleigh Citizens Association and rector of Saint. Ambrose Episcopal Church here informed this report er r.ii his telephone rang at i:a,m. ia't Monday, awaking him frdm a most peaceful sleep. Upon answering the phone, the Rev. Fisher said that, he assured the unidentified caller that he had dialed the right number. This was the only chance the cleric had to add anything to the one - sided conversation. The party on (he other end of the line began hurling a verba) barrage, of profanity and threats, ending the ton (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) ODDSENDS By ROBERT G. SHEPARD Negroes In many areas of east ern North Carolina are facing stiff , opposition in their efforts to get j their names on the voting lists, j The illegal and unAmerican de | vices used by registrars in most i all of the predominantly rural | eastern counties of this state to j prevent Negroes from registering and voting should be of far more concern to the Congress of this country than the denial of free elections in East Germany. You can hear a whole lot of protect, in Congress over the latter is sue but not one word is. ever said against the destruction of democ racy here at home. Al! of this brings up another: question, what excuse do Negroes ; in Raleigh and Wake County! have for their failure to vote 1 and register. It would seem thatj the mere fact that their broth-; ers in other sections of this state j are having to fight, desperately for their voting rights would offer sufficient reason for every quali fied Negro in this county to rush to get his name on the books be (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) Hit Pupil, Winston Teacher Loses Job WINSTON-SALEM The city school board has fired Miss Susie Moore, a teacher at Atkins High (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) 3 Killed, 10 Hurt In 2 Auto Crashes RALEIGH -- Three persons were killed and 10 others injured in two separate weekend auto ac cidents. In an accident late Thursday near Mooresvllle, David Caldwell, 19, of Mt. Mourn#, and John Ed (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) j ; r£% •V&f DOUBLE TROUBLE—Nurass in Brooklyn's Unity hospital hold twins, bom April ! with glaucoma, cm eye malady which ‘could destroy Iheir vision. A specialist performed four swift operations to remove the obstructions. For the next three weeks the infants will have their ryes foandaged—cmd only after that will the doctor knew if his efforts have been successful. (Newspress Photo). Ex - UNC Law Student Scores On Firing Team FORT BENNING. Ga - Pfc. George R. Greene. 25. son of Dr. and Mrs. W. L, Greene. 1111 S. Person Street, finished in the top bracket of fibers in the Third Army’s rifle match held at Fort Benning Monday through Friday of last week. Greene thus became the on ly Negro to place among the 50 finalists in the group of Methodists ’ Top Post To Chicagoan Ernest Wil kins, Sr, assistant secretary in Department of Labor, was named president of the nine-member Ju dicial Council, the “Supreme Court" of the Methodist Church. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 Wfoaf ’$ Happening On Desegregation Front SCHOOLMEN SEEKING INTEGRATION DODGE GREENSBORO School of ficials from 11 Piedmont counties met here Thursday to seek a means whereby they can comply with the U. S, Supreme Court's ruling on school segregation and. at the same time, continue the state’s “traditional” racial po licies. Consensus was that local school boards will have to use caution 400 men. ■■CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) !§> jSfax- “ * r Jl. k | a.f ! J JP / i mr f T i «ML;i : .r . f -- GEORGE R. GREENE and even secrecy in seeking to perpetuate segregation. Edward Yarbrough of Louisburg, a mem ber of the North Carolina Ad visory Commission on Education, advised school officials not to re require students to identify them selves by race on applications for admission and Thomas F. Ellis, executive secretary of the com mission, stated that school boards “would be wise not to give exten sive details” on why they had re LUCKY AUTO OWNER The lucky car last week was the one hearing the tag num ber *CX-4295. If the owner of that car took it to Dunn’s Esso Service, corner Cabarrus and Blood worth Streets in Raleigh he received a free grease job. This will happen every week. Watch for your tag number. If it follows the asterisk, you will get the grease job. The num ber will be taken from any car bearing a N. C. license. The numbers this week are: "XX-2864; WP-342; WW-125, R-3872; X-192; and S.-5349. Marshall To Spark NAACP Rally Sunday By I. B. HARKEN RALEIGH--- What Is heralded |nh one of the most important : N A ACP mass meeting to be stag i eri in Tarheelia is being looked • forward to with much anticipa j tion by state and local NAACP j officials and members throughout j the state as Sunday, May 13th j (Mother’s Day» approaches. The occasion is the state | wide NAACP Fighting Fund For Freedom <4-F) rally | which, this year, will feature I "Mr. Civil Rights" himself— ! the Hon. Thurgood Marshal!- | from ‘up South in Haiti wiore". j The time and place of th* ir.se: - | ms. which is. expected to draw : several 'thousand freedom seek ; dig people from throughout the j state. Will be the Memorial au | dltorium at 3 p.m. Sunday. Music ■ for the occasion will be by the \ noted St James Baptist Church Gospel Choir of Rocky Mount Wm T. Grimes, minister of mu sic at the church will be direct ing. Accompanists are Mesdames Roberta D. Bailey and Ruth E McLaurin. This choir has twice : previously rendered music for Fa ; leigh NAACP meetings and has j received much favorable comment, State NAACP president, Kel- (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2i FARMER SAVES A FROM DROWNING DURHAM Quick thinking l on the part of Ogela Clayton, 43, s farmer, is credited with saving the lives of four Durham county youths after their car plunged in to the deep water of Lake Michie. here Friday. Clayton used his fishing pole to effect the. rescues. But for h,i s timely appearance, it is certain (hat at least two of them would have drowned According tc> state highway patrolman John Hudgins, (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) WINS NEW~TRIAL IN MORALS CASE RALEIGH A two-year sen tence imposed upon Johnnie B Cox, 28, following his. conviction in Wake Superior Court in a morals case involving a 15-year old white girl, was set aside Thurs day by the State Supreme Court; (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2.) fused or accepted applications for transfers. NO U. S. FUNDS FOE JIM CROW WASHINGTON The govern ment will deny federal aid. funds for the construction of segregated facilities at airports. Announcement by the Civil Aeronautics Administration was made, here Friday after Rep. (CONTINUED ON PAGE %)

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