BELL BOY ¥0 APPEAL SENTENCE HXJFHJ TO LEAD COMMENCEMENT PROCESSION William Mason. Farrell, Pa., newly elected pres ident of the A&T College stu dent body and Miss Josephine State News —IN— Briet ; ALLEGED KILLER HELD RED SPRINGS Ordered held for first degree murder by % coroner's jury here, last week was John Ed Brown, 26, of Wakulla, following the shot gun death of Willie McLean, 21, also of Wakulla, According to testimony, Brown admitt ed shooting McLean after the two had a fight last Saturday afternoon. Brown l® alleged to have admitted going to his home two miles away and ob taining a shotgun, and then returning to the home of Sam Pittman, Jr„ where he. shot McLean in the. right eye as the man sat in an automobile. DROWNS WHILE SWIMMING GOLDSBORO Askele Parks. 30, of Route 2, LaGrange, drow rd late Wednesday afternoon while swimming at Durham’s Lake near Dudley. Parks, & far mer at nearby LaGrange, was the son of Mrs. Jessie Parks of that, section. A veteran of many years in the Navy, he was thought to be ar> pxpert, swimmer, (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2> Slayer Gets 30 - Day Stay RALEIGH—A last minute. 30- day reprieve for Robert S. Conner, 30, of Winston-Salem, scheduled to die in the gas chamber last Friday, was granted by Gov, Hod ges on Thursday, Conner was twice convicted in Forsyth Superior Court in the fa tal shooting of Langston Roberta, a Winston-Salem grocer, on May 24 Unless there is further inter vention, he will be executed on Friday, July 13. Gov, Hodges, iu granting the re prieve. explained that he had not had time to read any of the “ra ther voluminous” file in the case. SFAG HELP CRIPPLE CHILDREN [ AND ADULTS Members of ! the Tots 'N Teens Club present- I *d a check for 5190 to Albin j Fikotk,, executive, director of • Curryc, Hickory, N. C-, the new “Miss A&T," have been appoint ed marshalls for the 62nd annual oommencement exercises to be held at the college. June 2-4. Shaw Grads S i Hear Judge A. W. Seat! RALEIGH Shaw University's ninety-first commencement ex ercises were held In Raleigh Me morial Auditorium Monday, May 28, and degrees were conferred j upon seventy-eight candidates in! the college of arts and sciences, j The address was made by the; Honorable Armond w. Scott. Mu - ■ nicipal Court Judge for the Dis trict of Columbia, Washington. D. C. Judge Scott told the grad , uating class, “Today you find yourselves going out into a, tough, cold anil cruel world, into which you are to cast .vour lot and play your part in the struggle for the sur vival of the fittest. Your suc cess or failure depends large ly upon the preparation you have made, within the wails of your Alma Mater—and your will to succeed in whatever you undertake for your life's work. j T would commend to you, as j your adopted motto, the four G's -GUTS. GLUE. GUMPTION I AND GREENBACKS. GUTS to Gun And Rope Figure In Two NC Suicides RALEIGH Two persons—a Chapel Hill man and a Rowland woman—committed suicide last week. Alexander Farrington. 51, of Chapel Hill, Rt. 1, shot himself to death near his home three miles west of Chapei Hill. A neigh bor found Farrington's body by the roadside shortly after he ap parently pointed a shotgun into his chest and tripped the trigger. According to Sheriff Odell Clay ton. the man left a. note saying that he was taking his own Ufa and that nobody killed him. The the N. C. So cl el y for Crip pled Children and Adults, last Wednesday night at the YWCA ob E. Davie Street. In photo, THE CAROLINIAN .vPCrt'' WA m gw, wt mmo- WmM ■:£>% |sj|Laafc mk )Sk lyl ~sjik 0% Ira Hi M® W SJi % jijji Hi %t' : - T- « j&L : M& Wd In| Hi I'- &&& m> toto/ft n w IM V' f : to. . U “to rL,S tofilS #§&. ysX M W to ; - tov; J; to - .sk M to:* BaLjft* .to. • -to: ', .to -to,torlL lpj[ lift fpC % m s ■ 8 |p p| m m SB P® pip Ew SS mwBS|I ■k k ★ 4r k k Need integration, Bennett Grads Told Bell Boy In Morals Case Will Appeal CHARLOTTE - Will Ely, one of two bellboys convicted here last week for soliciting for pro stitution. has given notice of ap peal for a new trial in Mecklen burr Criminal Superior Court, Sentenced to 16 months on the road by Judge Basil M. Boyd in City Recorder's Court, Ely appeal ed through defense attorney Charles Bell. Appeal bond was set i at, $5,000. Sentence Suspended James Ely, the second bellboy, j was given a 12-month road sen- i tence, suspended upon payment of SI,OOO and costs on the follow ing conditions: Ely is not to engage in the busi ness commonly known as bellhop ping in a hotel in the City of Charlotte for three years: And. that, he not violate any law of the iCONTINUED ON PAGE %) Plan School | Case Appeal RALEIGH The State Su | preme Court finally got around to i ruling in the Old Fort School case i last Wednesday and held that ; those who seek to break down seg ! legation in this Mate’s public j schools by law suits must sue i separately as parents. Group suits, j accorindg to the court, are worth j less, The ruling makr« it wec.ea- | (CONTINUED ON CAGE 2) note gave, no reason and members of Farrington’s family were un able to shed any light, on his mo tive. At Rowland. Mrs. Ida McNeill, 60 hanged herself in a smoke house. In a note, left, apparently, for her children, she, told of her intention of taking her life, gave burial instructions and instruc tions regarding disposition of cer tain rental money. She had been in ill health. _t • CONTINUED ON PAGE 3!) i from left to right are Pikatis, | Mrs. Margaret. Hicks, making I presentation, and Mrs, Gertrude ! Taylor. (STAFF PHOTO 3Y i CKAS, E. JONES!. k k : k if it kt ★ ★ ik -Ar ... y '! %■ p r ,* J? to,:|| •f[S4 to' -to . to t y&'% f LAST LONG WALK Mem- j bers of the graduating class at 1 Bennett College in top photo, j inarched through Bearden Gate ! for the last time on way to 83rd commencement exercises in i Greenboro, Monday, Shaw Uni- j versity grads at Raleigh are ! shown in same procedure in bottom photo. Exercises were held at Shaw Monday also. ODDS-ENDS By ROBERT G. SHEPARD The vote last Saturday in Ra leigh's two predominately Negro precincts shows that the anti-Ne gro congressional candidate, W. E. Debnam received several Negro votes. This is revealed by the fact that Debnam received far more votes in those precincts than there are white voters registered in them. Congressman Cocky car ried both precincts by overwhelm ing majorities but it is rather dis gusting to realise that there art Negroes in Raleigh who would vote for a man who directed his entire campaign against them and who is alleged to have, said he did net, want any Negro votes. In a study recently completed (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 IT MATTERS NOT HOW SMALL THE AD, JUST KEEP YOUR NAME BE FORE THE PUBLIC. CALL,.. 4-5558 FOR YOUR CLASSIFIED! Races Need Each Other, Bennett Grads Advised GREENSBORO Creative so cial change begins when people find ways of bringing unsegregat ed education to the Negro, when people become interested in and involved with the practical pro blems of equality, Dr. Harold Tay lor declared in his address at the 83rd commencement exercises at Bennett College on Monday. Dr Taylor, president of Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville. N. Y., referred to the creative and courageous element in a society as consisting of those people who do not accept everything as it is, but who question and probe to find new ways of improving what ever exists. “For example.’’ he said, “cour age and intelligence in social change would demand that the segregation, of the Negro not sim ply be allowed to exist as If it were unavoidable. Each genera tion in the segregated southern schools transmits the social cus toms. habits and prejudices of each successive generation. Hits Moderation “It is not enough to advocate moderation in the solution of problems. What is needed, is the 11 Seek To Enter UNC CHAPEL HILL—The. University of North Carolina has announced the receipt of applications from 11 Negroes for admittance to vari ous graduate schools for the fall term, beginning in September. Three of the applications have been accepted while eight others are awaiting the action of the. ad • missions committee (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) ★ + ★ ★ -*r ★ ★ will and the humanity to support the cause of the Negro and to find ways in which the Negro child can be given his place in (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO) BgaPF ' H SlPS®**** sEH§Mjpl S ’ fpfife * EARNS RIGHT TO VOTE Oliver J, Panfcey, 60-year-old Eilerbee filling station opera tor. reads from the N> C, ecra- ★ k- * k- -k ★ k k k k * White Man Held In Alleged Rape FUQUAY SPRINGS—James H. Smith. 33-year-old Cary white' man, charged with raping a 17- year-old girl whom he had em ployed as baby sitter, was bound over for trial in Wake Superior | Court following a preliminary hearing in Recorder's Court last week Judge W. I Rowland found pro bable cause in the case and set bond at SSOO. Miss Louise Judd of Rt. 1, Holly , Springs, testified that on April 17, Smith came to the home of her father, Clifton Judd, in search of' someone to baby sit for him and his wife. She said that her mother allow - ed her to go with Smith but that; instead of taking her to his home. Mitchell Murder Trial Continued GREENVILLE Trial of Tal madge MitchelL former agent. . charged with murdering his eu oerior. Molton R. Zachary, has been continued until June 25 term of Pitt County Superior Court I 'Judge Malcolm Paul granted , the continuance after Mitchell pleaded innocent to the first-de gree murder charge. The accused man was charged with shooting I Zachary a few hours after the, county board of commissioners, at Zachary’s request, had fired Mitchell lact March WHAT’S HAPPENING ON THE Desegregation Front SOUTH’S PRESBYTERIANS TO DEBATE RACE ISSUE MONTREAT - The problem of segregation within their ranks is! expected to be weighed here by; Southern leaders during the 96th | General Assembly of the Pres-; | byterian Church, IT. S., which j opened here Thursday. Both the 1954 and 1956 General; Assemblies adopted anti-segrega- j tion resolutions recommending; ! that the group open churches. | j schools and colleges to all races j i This year, the group has been ask- : • ed to vote on whether “the Pres- j | byterian Church U.S. shall have j segregation or integration of all ’! races." ‘ i More than 400 delegates, repre senting 800,000 members in 17 j t states, are expected to attend the j I sessions. This is the. Southern i stitntioit in » Rockingham courtroom to win his right to vote for the first time In his life. In miter Is bis lawyer, J. LUCKY AUTO OWNER The lucky car last week was the one bearms the tag num ber “CK-4295. If the owner of that car took it to Dunn’s Esso Service, corner Cabarrus and Bloodworth Streets in Raleigh i he received a free grease job. J This will happen every week I Watch for your tag number. If j It follows the asterisk, you wiii: get the grease job. The mim-j her will be taken from any car bearing a, N. C. license. The numbers this week are; \ WP-342; X-192; 'XX-2864: WW-125; B-3872. and R-3349 Smith took her about 15 miles from her home where he parked m the woods ?nd had intercourse with her without her consent. He then took her back home, she testified, (CONTINUED ON PAGE l' Girl, 15, Says 4 Raped Her At Gun Point SOUTHERN J?iNE S Pour paratroopers, who'allegedly raped ■ a, 15-year-old girl at pistol point i Monday night, are being held in ; army custody after their arrest 1 at Port Bragg. Army officials were called in ’ by local police after it had been I determined that the alleged crim- I es had taken place on the reserva- I tion, according to statements giv | en by the young girl. She said that j she knew the surname of only one : of the four. One. of them, she said, asked to | take her home from a local res* ! taurant. The other three were in (CONTINUED ON PAGE 1) branch of the denomination which ranges from Baltimore to El Paso, (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2t STATE ELKS URGE FULL INTEGRATION By .?. B. BARREN TARBORO The 36th annual convention of Elks, North Caro lina division, came to a. close here at the St. Paul Baptist' Church Thursday afternoon with a strong declaration for ar- all-out fight for “first-class citizenship for Americans of all races (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO) i H. Rennick at Wadesboro, whs* ! had appealed from a registrar’* i ruling denying him the right to j register. At right is Mrs. Ores.? j E’vrilng, registrar,

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