ROBESON FACES CONTEMPT CITATION > LUCKY AUTO OWNER I The lucky car last week was j the one bearing the tag num ! her *XX-28«»i, If the owner of i that car took it to Dunn’s Esso ! Service, corner Cabarrus and j Blood worth Streets in Raleigh he received a free grease job.. This wilt happen every week. Watch for ycur tag number. If I it follows the asterisk, you will i get the grease job. The num-l her will be taken from any car bearing a N. C. license. The numbers this week are: IVW -125; R-5349; R-3872; *VT. j r. 14?.: CK-4295; and X-tM. jj||| jfflj 8 111 ||f| SE BEEan : *.V J/f l 8 mb ail Eg| lE| ■HH .'..• :Bat ,■ Em 9b 5k Eh nk > 1111 sB SfIHE ■■ ■iii m ■ w aim.. mjm m m if H mm •■■ m m ■ IIU Ills m If if! ” firm m, 11 » is i§ Jp Wmk HBI **& mSi H Wm& § 9Em SS2 k&s ijjUk ts3£ B EBSE B flag fIBB W BBS' »US •&£ \S> |5J§ aBS gsj£9Bft *IB B &■§& vßm. fa™ fiX Sw3§jig ,i', fef: gs?i fpS a||| %'i'fr ||h| ||p Sp *?• w|f vjjgjp iy" ;*•»/ "ja 'f'd? May Use St. Agnes Land For Recreation JKpp _ MAGNA CUM LAUD E GRAD Shown h«er.« ts Fay etteville’s Maxine B. Andrew# who standi at the Mad of the Class of ‘56 in sehAbrsht' at F;vetteville State Tewchers Col lege. having been graduated magna cum laude. Along with her high scholarship of campus activities, among them being secretary of the freshman Class and wdnner of the Esther Mc- Neill Jefferson Award for ex cellence in the freshman class. Likewise she holds membership in the Delta Sigma Theta So rority and in the Alpha Kappa Mu National Honor Scholarship Soeie‘r, and recently her name was listed In Who’s Who among .Students in American Colleges and Universities. State News —IN— ! Brief i _ __________ ! MITCHELLS SUCCESSOR NAMED GREENSBORO—H. M. McNeill ; has assumed his duties as Negro l District Farm Agent in Northeast- : trn North Carolina. The former j Edgecombe County farm agent | Rill supervise the work of Negro j county agents in that area, ac.- (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) 1 #J N .;. f|| ... - .:.. . • •• . . .... . : - ; ■. • •■ ' •.’.; ‘JET AGE’—99 FLUS!! Airman Bernard Witt adjusts a crash helmet on Miss Do!!i* Johnson of Pittsburgh, who got her 100th birthday wish —a jet plane ride!s Miss Johnson- a resident of the Pittsburgh Home for Aged and Iniimied Col ©rad Women, had been so “thrilled" by the jets flying ever the home that she requested et spin. The 54th Fighter Defense group decided to, oblige her. (Newspress Photo) iy/X IQC* €***& j COL fI ME IS Hospital Site Thought Fine For Park Area I RALEIGH Use of the St Agnes Hospital property on Oak wood Avenue as a possible site fori a. recreation area is being con- j sidered by city park officials it was learned this week. St. Agnes will be closed when the Wake County General Hos pital is completed. City Attorney Paul F. Smith said that the St. i Agnes property might be better suited for recreation than the Bari Gatling Estate, on Battery Drive, from which city officitls are said to want about 10 acres. Mr. Smith said further that J. C. B. Ehringhaus, Jr. attorney for the St Agnes Hospital board of directors, had informed him. that the hospital property could be. dis cosed of as u.c directors see fit. Since the property was originally! a grant from St. Augustine's Col-j lege, Mr. Smith felt that the board j might, feel obligated to turn it; back to the college for use as an infirmary. The City Council's law and fin- j a nee committee agreed to call thej St. Agnes property to the atten-; tion of the Parks and Recreation i | Commission for consideration. NC Lawyers Pick j Lee As President i j ROCKY MOUNT All of the Negro lawyers and law professors, j in the state, comprising the North | : Carolina Lawyers Association, i j elected new officers at their an- j nual meeting held here Saturday. | J. Kenneth Lee of Greens j horo was named president of the group. Other officers elerl- j *p<l were Thomas Wyche. ! (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) j ,j Tents To Hold Meeting !In Rocky Mount June 25 I By .f. B Harren ROCKY MOUNT Plans are \ • rapidly nearing completion here \ RALEIGH, N. C ! ■- ' » Hr--.,, Su* m h s M WSIMm . Wmm -' W jjfglp mt mm 8 W m M v S| m 1 m . % W f JBt' HEADS WHITE CHURCH Dr. A. L Reynolds, j?,, new paster of the Sixth United Presby terian church on Chicago's aouthside, accepts the well wishes of members of the congrega tion, after he had preached his first sermon, at the church. The congregation, previously numbering !59 whites, decided to call a Negro minister and welcome Negroes to the 59-year old church. (Nowspress Photo) | College Head j ; Retires After j 23Yrs.OnJob FAYETTEVILLE—Dr. J. Ward! | Sea brook, president of the Fay etteville State Teachers College since 1933. has submitted his res- I ignation to the board of trustees !to become effective on July 15, | and the Board has granted his j request. On or before July 35. however | the Board is scheduled to reas j semble. to consider the naming of i a successor to the man who has | guided the destinies of the in i (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2s for the south-wide convention of | the Grand United Order of TENTS i Which meets here June 25-26 at the St. James Baptist Church on East Thomas Street, according to Mrs. Lucy Toney Bulluck, RWNG, who is one of the four vice presi dents of the Southern District No. 1. Mrs. Emily Gilpin Cham bers, Richmond, Va., is presi dent and Senior Superinten dent of the 89-year-old chari table arid benevolent organiza tion composed of women only j and boasts of having more than 50,000 members. The Southern District extends over Maryland, Virginia, Dec Cer, North Carolina and Georgia i (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) i What's Happening On Desegregation Front PRESBYTERIANS TABLE INTEGRATION PROBLEM MONTREAT—Delegates to the! 96th General Assembly of the! Presbyterian Church. U.S. <South-I err.». returned to their churches j last week with the problem of ran- j ial segregation postponed for an- ; other year. The delegates voted down a j proposal to put the issue, squarely • before the assembly for a final i vote, following a recommenda-; tion from the Committee on Chris- j t.ian Relationships. They also vot ed to hold the General Assembly! in Birmingham, Ala , next year as ! previously scheduled despite seg-1 relation ordinances there. However, the Rev. A. Mathes. pastor of the North Highland Presbyterian Church where the WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 195% I State Business Group Will Meet In Durham ! DURHAM Some 300 dele j gates are expected to attend the | 10th annual meeting of the North j Carolina Negro Business League !at North Carolina College, here I June 18 and 19. The business group is meeting .jointly with the Housewives’ League, woman’s consumer study organization. Several nationally known busi ness experts will speak and serve as consultants during the sessions. L. D, Milton, president of the Citizens Trust Co., Atlanta, Ga. is scheduled to address the open ing session in the Education JUDGE IN TILL CISE TELLS OF DEATH MAT GREENVILLE, Miss. (ANPi _j Circuit Judge Jordan, at the open- j ing of circuit court here last Mon day, said he received an anony mous letter last fail threatening him and his family if he “refused to indict,” J. W. Milam and Roy Bryant for the murder of 14-year old Emmett Till. •fudge Jordan said the letter, mailed from "near Green wood,” was probably written by a crank. He added that he .wasn’t disturbed. The judge reported the incident ; ,n bis charge to the grand jury, j He (old the jury: (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) I fT MATTERS NOT HOW SMALL THE AD, JUST KEEP YOUR NAME BE- | FORE THE PUBLIC, J CALL... j 4*5558 FOR YOUR CLASSIFIED! Building at 10:4S a.m. on June 19. ■ W. D. Ketchum, director of the i Office of Distribution, U. S De partment of Commerce, Washing ; ton. wtli speak at 11:30 on June 19. Serving as hosts for the meet ings are. the Durham Business and Professional Chain, the Housewives League of Durham! and Chapel Hill and NCC’s Com-! merce Department, In Small Business Dr. L. J. Harrison of NCC’s commerce department, chairman of the host committee, says the sessions will seek answers to such questions as these: “How Can Small Business Get Ahead?", “What Makes A Business Grow?’’ and “How Can A Small Business Attract, and Hold Customers?”, j The sessions are open to the gen j era! public. i The Housewives League plans s ] social session in Chapel Hill on | Sunday evening. June 17. However, (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) -- , - Ex-Bondsman Loses Appeal GREENSBORO Samuel S. Thomas, former bondsman, began a two-to-four-year term in Cen tral Prison at Raleigh on Monday alter losing his appeal to the State Supreme Court. Thomas was convicted in Guil- I ford Superior Court last Decem ' (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) (sessions will be held, said: "For several years. Negroes have at-1 tended our church on numerous j occasions. We eat together and j worship together and no one has I ever disturbed us.” * * * ! BUS JIM CROW RULED i OUT IN MONTGOMERY 1 MONTGOMERY, Ala.—A three i judge panel, splitting 2-1. ruled jin federal court, here last week that racial segregation on city buses here violates the Federal Constitution, The court, however, took no im mediate action to issue an injunc tion against enforcement of city and state segregation laws. An ticipating the city and state of (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2> ! ! ___ j Taking Care Os Deformed BoyToaMuch DURHAM - A 33-year-old mo ther who tried to drown her blind,; deformed and mentally-unbalanc- j ed six-year-old son has been sent' to the State Mental Hospital at! Goldsboro. Police say that Mrs. Annie Rose! Blakely attempted the killing but j failed when her husband returned j home to find the child floating.!, face down, in a bath tub full of i water. He Immediately applied! artlcifial respiration. The child was treated and re-! leased at Duke Hospital and a i Duke psychiatrist recommended! treatment for Mrs. Blakely as aI safeguard for herself and the! (CONTINUED ON PAGF h j Son Kills Mother in Freak Accident i FAYETTEVILLE Mrs. Fran- ■ cis Melvin, 33, of Route 5, was wounded fatally at. her home near here early Saturday. Officers say that she. was shot when her son, Joe. 21. began fir ing a, .22 caliber pistol in the yard, i Mrs. Melvin stuck her head out of a, window and was hit in the neck : by a. stray bullet, police reported. The son was held without" I charge pending a coroner’s in j quest Methodists Urge End To Race Bias \ MALDEN. Mass. (ANP) A resolution calling for abolition of racial discrimination and segrega tion was adopted here last week by Methodists attending the an nual New England conference. The resolve affirmed the state ment of the church’s general board of social and economic relations which States; “We believe it to be the duty of every Methodist Christian to exert to the full his person al influence for the abolition of race discrimination in ref erence to employment, hous ing, public facilities, hospital and medical care, education, recreation, justice in the. | ODDSENDS By ROBERT G. SHEPARD local Negro legionnaires, smart ing under the set back given their bid for first-class membership by | the state legion convention in ! Charlotte last week, are talking j loudly about pulling out of the | American Legion and setting up j an organization of. their own. The Negro division of the N. C. Dept.. American Legion, designat ed as Division Six, has never been an Integral part of the legion be cause it was not allowed mem bership or representation on any official committee or commission | under the present set-up, no Ne | gro legions ire can hold any office J or have any voice in legion affairs I and operation. | A prominent local Negro | legionnaire said this week that be felt the time for a break had come. Citing the long and losing battle the Negro legion naires in this state have been waging for recognition since the legion was set up right af ter World War I, this vet eran said he was convinced it was useless to contend any longer and that the only sen sible thing for Negro veterans to do Is organize their own legion ’frhere they can be free ! (CONTINUED ON PAGE 31 ijttrtfi} jffiwlQr' '■ss§ '‘MBp g;’ : , '&s> • >' Kaffir |Bwj§ V ' sle? Wl s NUMBER 38 GROOVKY MAN, GROOVEV : —These young “CATS” are “out j of this world,’’ enjoying them- j selves at the Biggest ttork ’N | Roll Show of 1956 In the Char- | lotter Coliseum recently. More | ! Robeson Facing \ Contempt Charge j (Special to The CAROLINIAN) l WASHINGTON Following a! ! heated session during which there j | was considerable “shouting” on | i both sides, the House Committee lon un-American Activities voted j jon Tuesday t.o cite singer Paul J | Robeson for contempt of Con- 1 j gress. I Following a. wordy exchange he ! tween the singer and Chairman j Walter <D-Pa.) Waiter suddenly • banged his gavel and declared the hearing adjourned. In a business session held immediately afterward, the j committee voted unanimously j to recommend that Robeson be cited for contempt. The ree- ! ommendation goes to Congress which lias the power to vote the actual citation. Robeson had been called before the committee in an inquiry be-; gun last month, into possible use | of American passports by com munists or fellow travelers, He ’ | came to the ‘session with a pre-j pared statement, declaring ‘ hisi fCONTINUED ON PAGE 2) courts, and all other relevant aspects of our common life." The resolution also stressed that; "we as a church and nation must! (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 ! , .flftisgwA -•-as*- j ■ ■ ; '' HE SAVED HER BABY Tears of gratitude well in ft* eyes o{ Mrs. Edith Birk, 28-year-old Estonian refugee, as she hugs Henry Davis, a New York Central freight yard m Bronx Magistrate’s court Davis testified that he scoop*© Mra, Buie's three-month-old son from the path of an onoomfng train, after the tot had been placed there by his deranged! father, John. Btrk, (Newsptess* Photoj ' - th in 12,292 lovers of the wierd | beat jammed into the big dome ; to set, an atletrdanee record. And Promoter Hrr> Crockett say* I more of same is coming this way : early in July. Another record j crowd is In prosper.*.. iSTATE CLAIMS iWEBSTEB CASH | GREENSBORO Attorneys for the. State of North Carolina were this week preparing for a legal battle, to retain loi ASsT College $1,833 which the lei,?, N. C. Web ster contributed from his salary ;to the teachers and state em- I ployees’ retirement fund, j Webster, former college bursar, idled on October 25, 1955, Tried in j Guilford Superior Court on five ! counts of embezzlement (totaling (CONTINUED ON PAGE ?,) Unveil Bust Os Dr. Brown SEDALIA The first annual | celebration of Charlotte Hawkins {Brown Day here Sunday featured i the unveiling and presentation of j a portrait-bust of the president ! emeritus of Palmer Memorial In j stitute. j The program was conducted by | representatives of the N. C. Fed ■-ration of Negro Women’s Clubs, j Mrs. Rose Aggrey of Salisbury, j president. Mrs. Sadie Griffin of I Elizabeth City, was chairman of j the committee on arrangements j and gave the statement of the I (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2)

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